Special Collections

Resources for Returning Veterans

Description: Separating from military service and returning to civilian life can present unique challenges for veterans. This collection contains resources to help veterans and their families making this transition. #general

Showing 26 through 41 of 41 results
Title Author Date Added Action
The Job Developer's Handbook Cary Griffin and David Hammis and Tammara Geary 05/25/2017
Odysseus in America Jonathan Shay 05/25/2017
Back from War Lee Alley and Wade Stevenson 05/25/2017
Shadows of War Efrat Ben-Ze'Ev and Ruth Ginio and Jay Winter 05/25/2017
Memory, War and Trauma Nigel C. Hunt 05/25/2017
Work and Disability Randall M. Parker and Edna Mora Szymanski 10/25/2018
Down Range Bridget C. Cantrell and Chuck Dean 05/25/2017
Invisible Wounds of War Terri Tanielian and Lisa H. Jaycox and Grant N. Marshall and M. Audrey Burnam and Terry L. Schell 05/25/2017
The PTSD Breakthrough Frank Lawlis 05/25/2017
Flashback Penny Coleman 05/25/2017
Soul Repair Rita Nakashima Brock and Gabriella Lettini 05/25/2017
Invisible Wounds of War Marguerite Guzman Bouvard 05/25/2017
Down Range James D. Murphy and William M. Duke 05/25/2017
The Body Keeps the Score Bessel van der Kolk 05/25/2017
The Strategic Student Veteran David Cass 05/25/2017
Reach for More David M. Szumowski 03/04/2020

Showing 26 through 41 of 41 results