What's New for Development Partners - June 2015

99% of Bookshare Titles Categorized, including new Categories!

We have some exciting news that we hope will thrill your end-users…  Starting this week, we are automating the categorization of all books in our collection, based on a mapping of BISAC codes to our Bookshare  categories.  With this change, most of the titles in our collection will now be fully categorized in Bookshare.   

As a result of this categorization, we hope that our members will be able to discover more books of interest using the Search by Category feature that most of you offer.

What does this mean for you?

Starting the week of June 24, the categories displayed in the left column are now included in the Category List API call.  Additionally, expect to see a large increase in the number of titles that are returned when you browse for titles using the Category Search API call since so many more titles are now categorized.

If your customers access the Bookshare website with your product, please remind them to check out the “Browse” or the “Advanced Search” links on the www.bookshare.org header area, which will allow them to see all of the new categories and books therein.

Thank you for your continued support in expanding the quality of the reading tool ecosystem for Bookshare members!

Please feel free to contact partner-support@bookshare.org if you have any questions or thoughts about this update.  Emails to this address will go into Salesforce and then can be best answered by someone in our Technical Support team, or by the Partner Program team.