How to Describe Images in Kids Books

Signing in to Poet

  • Register for Poet, and if you've already registered, sign in
  • Sign up as a Bookshare volunteer (you will be describing images in Bookshare books, so you need to sign Bookshare's volunteer agreement
  • Note: You will not be able to edit descriptions until you have been approved!

Getting Started

Before jumping in, please practice describing some sample images to orient you. It is important to know when to describe images. Go here to practice and see examples of correct image description using Poet

Once you’ve done some practicing, it’s time to start on your first book!

Find a Book

Go to our Doodle Poll to find a book that needs to be described. The books have been split up into chapters and sections so no one has to finish an entire book by themselves. You'll need to scroll through the book to find the chapter or section you're working on.

Type your name next to the book ID number and chapter or section you want to work on.

Begin Describing

Go to the Poet website and after "Describe Images for Uploaded Book," click "edit"

Enter your provided 13-number Book ID in the box and click ‘Edit’

where to put the

Your book will load with the images in the left column and the entire book in the center

First, decide whether or not the image needs a description:

  • Does it provide relevant content? If it does, describe it!
  • Has the image already been described by the text? If it hasn't, describe it!
  • Does it provide new content? If it does, describe it!
  • Does it provide context? If it does, describe it!
  • If you've answered "No" to any of these, don't describe the image

Choose "yes" or "no" and then note the type of image. Is it a photograph? Artwork? A map or graph?

A red circle highlights where to select whether or not the image needs a description

Write in complete sentences and use correct grammar; do not double space between sentences

Use age-appropriate vocabulary

Include square brackets around the text and preface your description with a descriptive word for the type of image (map, painting, drawing, etc)

sample description written in square brackets

Read the text around the picture for context

  • What is the picture showing that isn’t written in the text?
  • Does the caption give enough information?

Image of a clownfish with a descriptive caption

Describe the image objectively

  • One sees physical appearances and actions
  • one does not see motivations or intentions

Check the source

  • Delete any weird characters (such as  )
  • Make sure to keep the <p> and >/p>!

example of bad code in Poet
Make sure to save when you’re done!

Finishing your Image Descriptions

Once you have finished reviewing your image descriptions (and have checked the source box on all descriptions) you will need to notify Bookshare that you have finished.

Go back to the Doodle Poll and add the word “DONE” before your name. You can do this by clicking on the pencil icon next to your name in the poll. 

If you want to start on another section, write your name next to it and start again!

Please contact with any questions.