Welcome to Bookshare’s support question of the month. In this inaugural post, our knowledgeable and responsive Support Team will address a commonly asked question from members just like you!
Every month, the team will choose a new support topic to help you get more out of Bookshare, so make sure you subscribe to our blog for these great tips.
Here’s our first month’s support question:
“What’s the quickest and easiest way to access and read a Bookshare book for Individual Members?”
Drum roll please… The answer is through the Bookshare Web Reader. This reader works on both Mac and Windows. Individual Members can use it to open and read books directly within their Internet browser. You simply select “Read Now.”
Here are step-by-step directions that our Support Team recommends:
1. Open Google Chrome and log into Bookshare
2. Search for a book
3. Select “Read Now”
4. Follow prompts to install the Chrome Extension (you only need to do this your first time).
5. Your book will open, and you can begin reading by clicking the Start TTS button.
For more information, please read our support solution or watch this tutorial video.
Do you have questions you want answered? Visit our support portal; it’s full of great information on commonly asked questions. You can also submit questions to our support team directly.
And if you have a question you would like to share with the wider community, post a comment below or on Facebook, and we’ll address it in a future post.
Stay connected with Bookshare on all your favorite social media channels for product and support updates, cool stories, events and popular titles.
P.S. The Bookshare Web Reader could be an important tool for you in our Summer Sleuths Reading Contest. (link)