The Gods of Mars


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238 Pages
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Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Laura Hall
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This book is in the public domain and is freely available to all.


4 out of 5

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This is the second book in the Mars series. John Carter is finally transported back to Mars. Unfortunately for him, he finds himself close to an ancient religious site namely the mountains of Otz. The rest of the first chapter is filled with an account of the battle between him and the plant men. There is also a party of green warriors who he tries to help. Only Tars Tarkas survives. They then have their first encounter with the Holy Therns in some caves. The rest of the chapters are then filled with their trek through the caves. As they are escaping from the temples of the Therns, they are captured by the black pirates. Naturally, John Carter escapes and in the process meets his son. Also, the first born and their goddess Issus are exposed for what they really are. The book glorifies war as does the whole of this series. John Carter is too much the hero but the enjoyment in the book comes in the detail of the plot plus the fortunate coincidences that the different characters experience placing them in the same place at the same time. A few women fall in love with John Carter which detracts from the plot and is a distraction. Written by Pranav Lal