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كليلة و دمنة

by مجهول

قال علي بن الشاه الفارسي: كان السبب الذي من أجله وضع بيدبا الفيلسوف لدبشليم ملك الهند كتاب "كليلة ودمنة" أن الإسكندر ذا القرنين الرومي لمَّا فرغ من أمر الملوك الذين كانوا بناحية المغرب سار يريد ملوك المشرق من الفرس وغيرهم. فلم يزل يحارب مَنْ نازعه ويواقع مَنْ واقعه ويسالم مَنْ وادعه من ملوك الفرس وهم الطبقة الأولى حتى ظهر عليهم وقهر مَنْ ناواه، وتغلَّب على مَنْ حاربه فتفرَّقوا طرائق وتمزَّقوا حزائق؛ فتوجه بالجنود نحو بلاد الصين فبدأ في طريقه بملك الهند ليدعوه إلى طاعته والدخول في ملته وولايته. وكان على الهند في ذلك الزَّمان ملك ذو سطوة وبأس وقوة ومراس يقال له فور؛ فلمَّا بلغه إقبال ذي القرنين نحوه تأهب لمحاربته واستعدَّ لمجاذبته وضمَّ إليه أطرافه وجدَّ في التألب عليه وجمع له العدَّة في أسرع مدَّة، من الفيلة المعدَّة للحروب والسباع المضراة بالوثوب، مع الخيول المسرجة، والسيوف القواطع، والحراب اللوامع. فلمَّا قرب ذو القرنين من فور الهندي وبلغه ما قد أعدَّ له من الخيل التي كأنها قطع الليل، مما لم يلقه بمثله أحد من الملوك الذين كانوا في الأقاليم، تخوَّف ذو القرنين من تقصير يقع به إن عجَّل المبارزة. وكان ذو القرنين رجلاً ذا حيل ومكايد مع حسن تدبير وتجربة؛ فرأى إعمال الحيلة والتمهُّل، واحتفر خندقًا على عسكره وأقام بمكانه لاستنباط الحيلة والتدبير لأمره وكيف ينبغي له أن يقدم على الإيقاع به، فاستدعى المنجمين وأمرهم بالاختيار ليوم موافق تكون له فيه سعادة لمحاربة ملك الهند والنصرة عليه؛ فاشتغلوا بذلك. وكان ذو القرنين لا يمرُّ بمدينة إلاَّ أخذ الصُنَّاع المشهورين من صُنَّاعها بالحذق من كل صنف؛ فنتجت له همته ودلته فطنته أن يتقدَّم إلى الصناع الذين معه أن يصنعوا خيلاً من نحاس مجوفة عليها تماثيل من الرجال على بكر تجري، إذا دفعت مرَّت سراعًا، وأمر إذا فرغوا منها أن تُحْشَى أجوافها بالنفط والكبريت وتلبس وتقدَّم أمام الصف في القلب، ووقف ما يلتقي الجمعان تضرب فيها النيران، فإن الفيلة إذا لفت خراطيمها على الفرسان وهي حامية ولَّت هاربة، وأوعز إلى الصناع بالتشمير والانكماش والفراغ منها؛ فجدُّوا في ذلك وعجَّلوا وقرب أيضًا وقت اختيار المنجمين؛ فأعاد ذو القرنين رسله إلى فور بما يدعوه إليه من طاعته والإذعان لدولته؛ فأجاب جواب مُصرٍّعلى مخالفته مقيم على محاربته. فلمَّا رأى ذو القرنين عزيمته سار إليه بأهبته وقدَّم فور الفيلة أمامه، ودفعت الرجال تلك الخيل وتماثيل الفرسان، فأقبلت الفيلة نحوها ولفت خراطيمها عليها، فلمَّا أحسَّت بالحرارة ألقت مَنْ كان عليها وداستهم تحت أرجلها ومضت مهزومة هاربة لا تلوي على شيء ولا تمرُّ بأحد إلاَّ وطئته. وتقطع فور وجمعه وتبعهم أصحاب الإسكندر وأثخنوا فيهم الجراح، وصاح الإسكندر: يا ملك الهند ابرز إلينا وأبق على عدتك وعيالك ولا تحملهم على الفناء. فإنه ليس من المروءة أن يرمي الملك بعدته في المهالك المتلفة والمواضع المجحفة، بل يقيهم بماله ويدفع عنهم بنفسه. فابرز إلي ودع الجند فأينا قهر صاحبه فهو الأسعد. فلمَّا سمع فور من ذي القرنين ذلك الكلام دعته نفسه إلى ملاقاته؛ طمعًا فيه، وظن ذلك فرصة، فبرز إليه الإسكندر فتجاولا على ظهري فرسيهما ساعات من النهار ليس يلقى أحدهما من صاحبه فرصة ولم يزالا يتعاركان. فلمَّا أعيا الإسكندر أمره ولم يجد فرصة ولا حيلة أوقع ذو القرنين في عسكره صيحة عظيمة ارتجت لها الأرض والعساكر؛ فالتفت فور عندما سمع الزعقة وظنَّها مكيدة في عسكره، فعاجله ذو القرنين بضربة أمالته عن سرجه أتبعها بأخرى فوقع إلى الأرض. فلمَّا رأت الهنود ما نزل بهم وما صار إليه ملكهم حملواعلى الإسكندر فقاتلوه قتالاً أحبوا معه الموت، فوعدهم من نفسه الإحسان ومنحه الله أكتافهم فاستولى على بلادهم وملَّك عليهم رجلاً من ثقاته وأقام بالهند حتى استوسق  له ما أرد من أمرهم واتفاق كلمتهم، ثم انصرف عن الهند وخلَّف ذلك الرجل عليهم ومضى متوجهًا نحو ما قصد له.  

Siberian Husky

by Dog Fancy Magazine

Dedicated to the Siberian Husky, the world's consummate sledding dog, beloved for his affectionate, people-loving personality as well as his endurance on the race, this Smart Owner's Guide, created by the editors at Dog Fancy magazine, offers the most up-to-date and accurate information every dog owner needs to become a well-informed caregiver for his dog. Illustrated with color photographs of adorable puppies and handsome adults, this easy-to-read primer is designed in a modern, lively manner that readers will find user-friendly and entertaining.Each Smart Owner's Guide offers a description of the breed's character and physical conformation, historical overview, and its attributes as a companion dog. The reader will find informative chapters on everything he or she needs to know about acquiring, raising, and training this remarkable purebred dog, including: finding a breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy; preparing for the puppy's homecoming, shopping for supplies, and puppy-proofing the home; house-training; veterinary and home health maintenance; feeding and nutrition; and grooming. Obedience training for basic cues (sit, stay, heel, come, etc.) and solving potential problem behaviors (barking, chewing, aggression, jumping up, etc.) are addressed in separate chapters, as are activities to enjoy with the dog, including showing, agility, therapy work, and more.Entertaining tidbits and smart advice fill up colorful sidebars in every chapter, which the editors call "It's a Fact," "Smart Tip," "Notable & Quotable," and "Did You Know?" Real-life heroes and rescue stories are retold in full-page features called "Pop Pups" and "True Tails." Recipes, training, and care tips are highlighted in the "Try This" feature pages.The Smart Owner's Guide series is the only series that offers readers an online component in which dog owners can join a breed-specific online club hosted by At Club Husky, owners of the breed can find forums, blogs, and profiles to connect with other breed owners, as well as charts and checklists that can be downloaded. More than just 20,000 pages of solid information, there's a host of fun to be had at the club in the form of downloadable breed-specific e-cards, screensavers, games, and quizzes.The Resources section of the book includes contact information for breed-related organizations and rescues, as well as practical guidance on traveling with dogs, identification, and locating qualified professionals to assist the dog owner, such as pet sitters, trainers, and boarding facilities. This information-packed Smart Owner's Guide is fully indexed.

All Creatures: Life Lessons Learned From Some of God's Lesser Creatures

by Elizabeth Simmons

If you have ever known the unconditional love of an animal, you will undoubtedly relate to the experiences recounted in All Creatures. Within these pages you will find a variety of stories that are sure to bring tears of sorrow or joy to your eyes. Sharing life with a pet of any kind can have such a profound effect on your worldview, both globally and personally. Because there is so much to learn during our brief stint on this earth, we are best served when we allow ourselves to be schooled by even the unlikeliest of professors. Is it possible to learn valuable lessons about faith, family, and friendship through daily interactions with animals? “What if our relationship with God was such that we experienced an ache inside, a true yearning to be with him? What if we couldn’t wait for the next time we would get to share a moment with him? I don’t know about you, but I want my desire for communion with my Father to become an unquenchable thirst. I want to long for it with breathlessly intense eagerness, just as the dogs pant for bowls of cool water after a long day in the heat of a summer sun. I want to be refreshed, not by what the world has to offer, but by what God alone can give.” —All Creatures Join Simmons as she shares the many jewels of wisdom she has gained during everyday encounters with her own pets over the years. Her unique way of seeing beyond the obvious to the heart of the matter will lead you to wonder if you could learn a thing or two from a beloved pet.

Pollen Partners

by Amy Tao

Do you know how new flowers are made? It’s a process called pollination, which is what happens when pollen is moved from one flower to another! The flowers rely on animals like bees and hummingbirds to do this for them, and in return, they offer the animals delicious nectar to eat. What is your favorite pollen-moving animal?

Milestones in Systematics

by David M. Williams Peter L. Forey

Presenting a historical analysis of the evolution of systematics during the last one hundred years, Milestones in Systematics reviews many of the major issues in systematic theory and practice that have driven the working methods of systematics during the 20th century and looks at the issues most likely to preoccupy systematists in the immediate fu

The Birder's Guide to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland: Revised and Expanded Edition

by Nature Vancouver

Birding is one of the fastest-growing hobbies in North America-one in five Canadians enjoy identifying, photographing or filming birds. With easy access to coastal mountains, marshes and mudflats of the Fraser delta, temperate rainforest, and rocky shores of the Pacific Ocean, the Vancouver area is a wonderful destination for birdwatchers. Of the 450 species found in Canada, over 400 can be seen in the Lower Mainland.Now expanded with all-new colour maps and more than 100 additional colour photographs, this guide explores thirty-three local birding areas that attract significant numbers of species throughout the year. Each area has a description, brand new walking map and information on the seasonal variations in species. Driving directions are also included.Information is also organized by species, and the final two sections of the book include graphs of the seasonal status of local birds as well as tips on where to find certain sought-after species at different times of the year.Compiled by local experts, The Birder's Guide to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland has long been considered the bible for Vancouver-area birdwatchers and essential reading for visiting and local bird enthusiasts alike-and it's now better than ever.

Bluebacks and Silver Brights: A Lifetime in the B.C. Fisheries from Bounty to Plunder

by Norman Safarik Allan Safarik

A captivating memoir set during the pinnacle of West Coast fishingMore than a history of the Vancouver fishing industry, Bluebacks and Silver Brights is a collection of great adventures set on the Pacific coast. With dozens of salty tales of hardworking and hard-living fisherman and fish industry workers, this is Norman Safarik’s story of West Coast fishing from the Gulf of Georgia to Prince Rupert, with a detour to New York’s old-time fish markets. With wisdom and insight, Safarik’s story is also an ecological warning, recalling the lost bounty of Canada’s natural resources of a century ago, and their possible extinction today at the hands of government mismanagement and overfishing.

La cancion del geco (Santillana Classroom Libraries)

by David Kraatz Mauricio Luengas

This vividly illustrated story describes a young geckos experience in a rain forest after he becomes separated from his mother. During his search for her he meets an amazing variety of animals and learns much about his forest environment. A brief description of rain forests and the endangered animals featured in the story is included at the end of the book.

Thankful Animals, Thankful Me

by Steve Metzger

A bug is thankful for a leaf, A sea star for its coral reef. A hawk is thankful for the sky, A piglet for a muddy sty. In this colorful board book, animals are the perfect examples of gratitude for the simple things, from the open sea to a safe barn stall. With adorable, brightly colored drawings and rhyming couplets, Thankful Animals, Thankful Me will teach your child about a multitude of animals, all while showing them how to be thankful. A life full of gratitude has never been so easy—or cute!

iOpener: Survival: Animal Adaptations (iOpeners)

by Alice Cary

This book covers everything you need to know about how all kinds of animals adapt in various habitats. Diagrams, fun fact boxes, and photographs bring the subject to life, while a glossary, an index, and discussion questions aid in reading comprehension.Grade: 5Subject: Life ScienceGenre: Informational TextComprehension Skill/Strategy: Make InferencesDiagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA/EDL): 50Guided Reading Level: ULexile Level: 880LDK's iOpeners equip K-6 students with the skills and strategies they need to access and comprehend nonfiction so that they are not only learning to read but reading to learn. The combination of high-interest content and eye-popping photography of iOpeners brings science and social studies topics to life, raises student achievement in reading, and boosts standardized test scores.

Manifest animalista: La causa animal com a camí per a un nou humanisme

by Corine Pelluchon

La violència contra els animals és un atac directe a la nostra humanitat. Això demostra Corine Pelluchon en aquest breu, pragmàtic, i controvertit assaig que suposa una contribució radical a l'ètica i la filosofia política. Lluitar contra el maltractament animal és rebel·lar-se contra una societat basada en l'explotació, i per això la causa animalista és una qüestió política major que ens concerneix a tots, més enllà d'ideologies o conflictes d'interessos. Amb un estil viu, persuasiu i inspirador, l'autora proposa un camí possible i factible per portar aquest debat a l'esfera política amb tanta claredat i urgència com sigui possible. Ressenyes:«Corine Pelluchon ho explica tot absolutament bé en tot just un centenar de pàgines: per ser una alternativa vàlida, és imprescindible polititzar la causa animal.»Luce Lapin, Charlie Hebdo «L'objectiu principal de l'autora està completament assolit en aquest Manifest animalista: dóna al lector les claus que li permetran ampliar el radi d'acció de l'humanisme als animals.»Philippe Douroux, Libération «Una perspectiva bella i ambiciosa.»Isabelle Gravillon, Femme Majuscule «Un llibre d'intervenció política, tan compromès com lúcid.»Robert Jules, La Tribune «Una de les moltes i grans qualitats d'aquest Manifest animalista és que, en tot moment, el seu projecte està exposat de manera perfectament creïble i realitzable. Precisament per això, l'autora no es fa cap il·lusió sobre la dificultat que suposa introduir la qüestió animal en el debat polític.»Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa, Non Fiction

The Nightingale: ‘The nature book of the year’

by Sam Lee

'Wondering and wonderful. The nature book of the year.' JOHN LEWIS-STEMPEL'This lovely book is almost as thrilling as the bird's immortal song - balm for a troubled soul and a glimpse of paradise.' JOANNA LUMLEY______________________________Come to the forest, sit by the fireside and listen to intoxicating song, as Sam Lee tells the story of the nightingale.Every year, as darkness falls upon woodlands, the nightingale heralds the arrival of Spring. Throughout history, its sweet song has inspired musicians, writers and artists around the world, from Germany, France and Italy to Greece, Ukraine and Korea. Here, passionate conservationist, renowned musician and folk expert Sam Lee tells the story of the nightingale. This book reveals in beautiful detail the bird's song, habitat, characteristics and migration patterns, as well as the environmental issues that threaten its livelihood.From Greek mythology to John Keats, to Persian poetry and 'A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square', Lee delves into the various ways we have celebrated the nightingale through traditions, folklore, music, literature, from ancient history to the present day. The Nightingale is a unique and lyrical portrait of a famed yet elusive songbird.______________________________'Sam Lee has brought the poetic magic that has long enchanted so many of his musical fans into the written word. Allow yourself to glimpse the world Sam sees, to be part of his love affair with the nightingale, and you will no doubt be delighted.' LILY COLE'A wonderful book.' STEPHEN MOSS'A magical marriage of the lyrical and practical: a book that makes us want to seek out the nightingale and then reveals how we can.' TRISTAN GOOLEY

The Life of a Racehorse

by John Mills

The Life of a Racehorse is a fictional biography detailing the life of a British racehorse from the horse's point of view. This book was republished by Cosimo in 2015 in honor of American race horsing, which got a shot in the arms when American Pharaoh became the first horse to win the "Grand Slam" of American horse racing (the Triple Crown, for the first time since 1978, and the Breeders' Cup Classic.) In this book, the horse, Sheet Anchor, narrates his life, from his time as a colt, through his training and racing days, to his sale as a stud from Tattersall's and his retirement. The story is revealed through Sheet Anchor's experiences and the dialogue of the humans he interacts with, including trainers, grooms, jockeys, and his master, Sir Digby. The Life of a Racehorse was highlighted in a 2015 New York Times article bringing attention to the use of the riding crop; it was cited as one of the only references to how horses might feel about its use. As such, horse lovers and race enthusiasts alike can look to this book for better insight into how horse racing has developed over the ages.

German Spitz

by Isabelle Francais Juliette Cunliffe

A rare breed in America, the German Spitz is one of Europe's most beloved companion breeds whose popularity in the States has been eclipsed by three spinoffs-the Pomeranian, Keeshond, and American Eskimo Dog. Like those three smiling descendants, the German Spitz is a happy-go-lucky, lighthearted companion, ranging in size from Toy (7 inches) to Giant (18 inches), and occurring in all colors and patterns. Owners prize the breed for its fun personality, keen intelligence, and hardy constitution. The opening chapter of this Comprehensive Owner's Guide is dedicated to the history of this breed, tracing its origins from the Peat Dogs of the Stone Age to its rise to favor in Victorian England to its spread throughout Europe and modern-day England. The chapter on the breed's characteristics paints a portrait of this affable, attractive dog, ideal for a family with children, that requires very little of its owners other than grooming, exercise, and lots of love. This full-color edition, written by British dog expert Juliette Cunliffe, is the only book currently available on this terrific companion breed.New owners will welcome the well-prepared chapter on finding a reputable breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy. Chapters on puppy-proofing the home and yard, purchasing the right supplies for the puppy as well as house-training, feeding, and grooming are illustrated with photographs of handsome adults and puppies. In all, there are over 135 full-color photographs in this useful and reliable volume. The author's advice on obedience training will help the reader better mold and train into the most well-mannered dog in the neighborhood. The extensive and lavishly illustrated chapter on healthcare provides up-to-date detailed information on selecting a qualified veterinarian, vaccinations, preventing and dealing with parasites, infectious diseases, and more. Sidebars throughout the text offer helpful hints, covering topics as diverse as historical dogs, breeders, or kennels, toxic plants, first aid, crate training, carsickness, fussy eaters, and parasite control. Fully indexed.


by Evelyn Elizabeth Lanyon

The experts at Kennel Club Books present the world's largest series of breed-specific canine care books. Each critically acclaimed Comprehensive Owner's Guide covers everything from breed standards to behavior, from training to health and nutrition. With nearly 200 titles in print, this series is sure to please the fancier of even the rarest breed!

Flat-Coated Retriever

by Alice Roche Carol Ann Johnson John Wakefield

Friendly, optimistic, and good-natured, the Flat-Coated Retriever may be one of the dog world's best kept secrets. Elegant as a show dog, easygoing as a family companion, and enthusiastic as a hunting dog, the Flat-Coated Retriever is named for his distinctive sleek, flat coat, colored in solid black or solid liver. As this Comprehensive Owner's Guide conveys, this natural beauty can thrive in a family willing to give him plenty of attention, proper training and socialization, and sufficient opportunity to run and play. The history chapter presents a concise overview of how this retrieving dog (originally called the Wavy-Coated Retriever) came into being and how it quickly rose to become one of England's most popular sporting dogs. Author John Wakefield provides much information on the breed's physical attributes, personality, and special abilities in the chapter on characteristics, effectively painting a portrait of this versatile, easily trained, happy companion dog. New owners will welcome the well-prepared chapter on finding a reputable breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy. Chapters on puppy-proofing the home and yard, purchasing the right supplies for the puppy as well as house-training, feeding, and grooming are illustrated with photographs of handsome adults and puppies. In all, there are over 135 full-color photographs in this useful and reliable volume. The author's advice on obedience training will help the reader better mold and train into the most well-mannered dog in the neighborhood. The extensive and lavishly illustrated chapter on healthcare provides up-to-date detailed information on selecting a qualified veterinarian, vaccinations, preventing and dealing with parasites, infectious diseases, and more. Sidebars throughout the text offer helpful hints, covering topics as diverse as historical dogs, breeders, or kennels, toxic plants, first aid, crate training, carsickness, fussy eaters, and parasite control. Fully indexed.

Gordon Setter

by Nona Kilgore Bauer

The regal and stylish Gordon Setter began as Scotland's original "black and fallow setter," a handsome sporting dog whose dignified and intelligent bearing continues to attract hunters, show fanciers, and pet owners alike. Among the largest of the gundog breeds, the Gordon Setter, colored in its classic black and tan pattern, possesses a bold, outgoing personality and a kind disposition, offering the right owner brains and beauty and a bit of brawn too. This Comprehensive Owner's Guide, written by sporting-dog authority, author, and breeder Nona Kilgore Bauer, offers a complete history of the breed from the corridors of Gordon Castle in eighteenth-century Scotland to the homes, fields, and show rings of the United States. The author's chapter on the breed's characteristics encapsulates the Gordon's personality and offers information about potential health concerns that all potential owners should be aware of.New owners will welcome the well-prepared chapter on finding a reputable breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy. Chapters on puppy-proofing the home and yard, purchasing the right supplies for the puppy as well as house-training, feeding, and grooming are illustrated with photographs of handsome adults and puppies. In all, there are over 135 full-color photographs in this useful and reliable volume. The author's advice on obedience training will help the reader better mold and train into the most well-mannered dog in the neighborhood. The extensive and lavishly illustrated chapter on healthcare provides up-to-date detailed information on selecting a qualified veterinarian, vaccinations, preventing and dealing with parasites, infectious diseases, and more. Sidebars throughout the text offer helpful hints, covering topics as diverse as historical dogs, breeders, or kennels, toxic plants, first aid, crate training, carsickness, fussy eaters, and parasite control. Fully indexed.

Parson Russell Terrier

by Christina Pettersall

The experts at Kennel Club Books present the world's largest series of breed-specific canine care books. Each critically acclaimed Comprehensive Owner's Guide covers everything from breed standards to behavior, from training to health and nutrition. With nearly 200 titles in print, this series is sure to please the fancier of even the rarest of breeds!

Welsh Terrier

by Bardi Mclennan

The handsome black and tan terrier of Wales, the Welsh Terrier is a smart and sensible member of the terrier family who offers owners charm and personality in abundance. Like their loyal, fearless hunting dogs, Welsh Terrier owners are strongly devoted to their happy, responsive dogs. For an experienced dog person, the Welsh is biddable and obedient, though, for the novice, the breed may be too bright (or stubborn) to handle. This is a practical companion dog looking for a like-minded owner to appreciate all his vistures. Welsh owners think as highly of their dogs as the dogs think of themselves! Blessed with a strong constitution and hardy health, the Welsh promises many quality years for the right dedicated owners. Written by long-time Welsh Terrier breeder and popular author Bardi Mc Lennan, this new Special Limited Edition offers an insightful look at the breed's history and origins, the Welsh's characteristics and breed standard as well as comprehensive coverage of puppy selection, care and training. All aspects of care are included in this new colorful volume, including house-training, grooming, feeding, home safety and healthcare. The book also presents a special chapter on recognizing and solving behavioral problems and introduces Welsh Terrier lovers to the exciting world of competitive pure-bred dog sports.

Airedale Terrier

by Bardi Mclennan

This Comprehensive Owner's Guide to the Airedale Terrier serves as a complete introduction to the breed known to his admirers as "the king of terriers." The largest of the British terriers, the Airedale, hailing from that industrial town in northeastern England, has been favored as a working terrier, show dog, military messenger dog, and farm dog since the nineteenth century. The book begins with an entertaining chapter on the breed's history in England followed by chapters on characteristics and the breed standard encapsulating all of the virtues of this imposing terrier breed, offering sound advice about which owners are best suited to the breed.New owners will welcome the well-prepared chapter on finding a breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy. Chapters on puppy-proofing the home and yard, purchasing the right supplies for the puppy as well as house-training, feeding, and grooming are illustrated with handsome adults and puppies bursting with energy and personality! In all, there are over 135 photographs in this compact, useful, and reliable volume. The author's advice on obedience training the super smart Airedale will help readers better mold and train their dogs into the most socialized, well-mannered dog in the neighborhood. The extensive chapter on healthcare written by Dr. Lowell Ackerman provides up-to-date detailed information on selecting a qualified veterinarian, vaccinations, parasites, infectious diseases, and more. Sidebars throughout the text offer helpful hints, covering topics as diverse as historical kennels, toxic plants, first aid, crate training, carsickness, fussy eaters, and parasite control. Fully indexed.


by Dog Fancy Magazine

Celebrating the angelic, pure white toy dog prized for his sweet personality, the Maltese, this Smart Owner's Guide, created by the editors at Dog Fancy magazine, offers the most up-to-date and accurate information every dog owner needs to become a well-informed caregiver for his dog. Illustrated with color photographs of adorable puppies and handsome adults, this easy-to-read primer is designed in a modern, lively manner that readers will find user-friendly and entertaining.Each Smart Owner's Guide offers a description of the breed's character and physical conformation, historical overview, and its attributes as a companion dog. The reader will find informative chapters on everything he or she needs to know about acquiring, raising, and training this remarkable purebred dog, including: finding a breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy; preparing for the puppy's homecoming, shopping for supplies, and puppy-proofing the home; house-training; veterinary and home health maintenance; feeding and nutrition; and grooming. Obedience training for basic cues (sit, stay, heel, come, etc.) and solving potential problem behaviors (barking, chewing, aggression, jumping up, etc.) are addressed in separate chapters, as are activities to enjoy with the dog, including showing, agility, therapy work, and more.Entertaining tidbits and smart advice fill up colorful sidebars in every chapter, which the editors call "It's a Fact," "Smart Tip," "Notable & Quotable," and "Did You Know?" Real-life heroes and rescue stories are retold in full-page features called "Pop Pups" and "True Tails." Recipes, training, and care tips are highlighted in the "Try This" feature pages.The Smart Owner's Guide series is the only series that offers readers an online component in which dog owners can join a breed-specific online club hosted by At Club Maltese, owners of the breed can find forums, blogs, and profiles to connect with other breed owners, as well as charts and checklists that can be downloaded. More than just 20,000 pages of solid information, there's a host of fun to be had at the club in the form of downloadable breed-specific e-cards, screensavers, games, and quizzes.The Resources section of the book includes contact information for breed-related organizations and rescues, as well as practical guidance on traveling with dogs, identification, and locating qualified professionals to assist the dog owner, such as pet sitters, trainers, and boarding facilities. This information-packed Smart Owner's Guide is fully indexed.

Scottish Terrier

by Muriel P. Lee

The experts at Kennel Club Books present the world's largest series of breed-specific canine care books. Each critically acclaimed Comprehensive Owner's Guide covers everything from breed standards to behavior, from training to health and nutrition. With nearly 200 titles in print, this series is sure to please the fancier of even the rarest breed.


by Nikki Moustaki Isabelle Francais

An ancient breed from the Middle East region, the Kuvasz is hailed as one of Hungary's fearless and courageous flock-guardian dogs. His large, muscular frame is enrobed in a solid white, full, luxuriant coat. This powerful sheepdog cannot be excelled as a guard; he's a self-motivated, thinking dog who lives to protect his family. His innate desire to guard his herd extends to his family, and he's particularly fond and protective of children. Author Nikki Moustaki has compiled a comprehensive and useful guide in this Special Limited Edition dedicated to the Kuvasz, covering the breed's origins, characteristics, the breed standard, showing and more. Guest authors and top breeders, Connie Townsend and Bea Page have provided an extensive look at the breed's history in the United States, highlighting the important dogs and breeders responsible for the breed's progress here. This full-color volume also discusses topics such as selection of a puppy, rearing the puppy, house-training and obedience lessons. Keeping in mind the Kuvasz's unique temperament and high sensitivity to praise and blame, the author instructs owners about the advantages of positive reinforcement in training the breed. As strong-willed and independent as the Kuvasz is, he is still a quick learner given the proper training. General maintenance, including feeding, grooming and exercise, is carefully considered, as is the preventive healthcare of the breed, capably handled by Dr. Lowell Ackerman, covering parasite control, vaccinations, infectious diseases, spay/neuter and much more.

Bedlington Terrier

by Muriel P. Lee Isabelle Francais David Dalton

Masquerading in lamb's clothing, the Bedlington Terrier is a hard-as-nails, plucky terrier's terrier, whose charming appearance has attracted and surprised many dog lovers. Hailing from the Border Counties of England, the Bedlington Terrier makes a first-class active companion for the right home and family. Although the breed's popularity has never matched that of many other terriers, the Bedlington possesses many astounding virtues that recommend him to dog lovers. When given proper training and rearing, the breed can excel at any dog sport, from conformation exhibition and obedience to agility, flyball and earthdog trials. For a family seeking a watchdog, children's companion and weekend sports dog, the Bedlington Terrier has a lion's share of talent, courage and devotion to offer. This Special Limited Edition, written by terrier authority Muriel P. Lee, provides an insightful chapter on the breed's ancestry in England and its development in the United States, illustrated by early breed representatives and famous dogs from decades ago. The author also discusses the breed standard, breed characteristics and owner requirements. Chapters on selecting a breeder and puppy, rearing and training the puppy, grooming, feeding and healthcare provide the owner with a complete, comprehensive guide to this rewarding and challenging terrier.

Afghan Hound

by Bryony Harcourt-Brown

This Comprehensive Owner's Guide to the Afghan Hound serves as a complete introduction to the world's most elegant sighthound breed. A native of Afghanistan, the exotic Afghan Hound with its abundant, long coat, near-human expression, and superb hunting ability has been a favorite breed in the Western world since the breed was first imported to England in the 1920s and a decade later in the United States. Written by British Afghan enthusiast Bryony Harcourt-Brown, the book begins with a solid chapter on the breed's history, tracing its origins in the Middle East, its development in America and the United Kingdom, illustrated with historical dogs and important show winners. The chapters on characteristics and the breed standard encapsulate all of the virtues of this impressive hound breed, offering sound advice about which owners are best suited to the breed.New owners will welcome the well-prepared chapter on finding a breeder and selecting a healthy, sound puppy. Chapters on puppy-proofing the home and yard, purchasing the right supplies for the puppy as well as house-training, feeding, and grooming are illustrated with handsome Afghan adults and puppies bursting with personality! In all, there are over 135 photographs in this compact, useful, and entertaining volume. The author's advice on obedience training the Afghan Hound, a breed that has a strong mindset and doesn't relish pleasing his owners, will help readers better mold and train their dogs into the most socialized, well-mannered Afghans in the neighborhood. The extensive chapter on healthcare written by Dr. Lowell Ackerman provides up-to-date detailed information on selecting a qualified veterinarian, vaccinations, parasites, infectious diseases, and more. Sidebars throughout the text offer helpful hints, covering topics as diverse as historical kennels, toxic plants, first aid, crate training, carsickness, fussy eaters, and parasite control. Fully indexed.

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