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Showing 101 through 125 of 32,010 results

Bird and Butterfly Mysteries: The Truth About Migration

by Bernard Acworth

As part of his challenge to the theory of evolution, the outspoken creationist presents alternative theories of bird flight and migration. In 1932, Bernard Acworth established the Evolution Protest Movement (now called the Creation Science Movement) for the purpose of criticizing evolutionary theory in scientific terms. A freelance journalist and amateur ornithologist, he took aim at the accepted science of ornithology with a keenly skeptical eye. Here, Acworth addresses topics including bird and butterfly migration, and the peculiarities of the cuckoo. In Bird and Butterfly Mysteries, Acworth presents a close examination of the science concerning the flight of winged animals. Through this analysis, he exposes errors that call into question many of the major conclusions reached by professional ornithologists. While the two Laws of Currents Acworth proposes in this volume have since appeared in other works on ornithology, he has never received due credit for their discovery.

Dear Peter Rabbit

by Alma Flor Ada

Children and their parents will be delighted with this witty collection of letters written by famous storybook characters eagerly anticipating Goldilocks's birthday party and the Three Little Pigs' housewarming (which keeps getting postponed as the wicked wolves wreak havoc on first a straw and then a stick house).

The Rooster Who Went to His Uncle’s Wedding

by Alma Flor Ada

Told to Alma Flo Ada by her Cuban grandmother, this humorous, cumulative tale has been popular for generations. Will delight young children with the sheer joy of its repetitive rhythms.

Bonita's Bugs (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Zack Adair Charles Lehman

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Bunches of Bugs. Bonita loves bugs. She has them on her cup, her boots, and her hat. She also has bugs in her garden. Find out where Bonita's garden bugs like to be!


by Beate Adam Boris Lehmann

Um Fließgewässer den Nutzungsansprüchen des Menschen anzupassen, sind unzählige Baumaßnahmen erforderlich. Um die Auswirkungen wasserbaulicher Aktivitäten auf die in Fließgewässern lebenden Tiere zu untersuchen, wurde die Ethohydraulik entwickelt. Sie beruht auf der Ethologie (Erforschung des Verhaltens von Tieren) und der Hydraulik (Lehre von den bewegten Flüssigkeiten). Die Autoren stellen die Grundlagen dieser Wissenschaftsdisziplin dar und liefern Regeln sowie Grenz- und Bemessungswerte für die wasserbauliche Praxis.

Carrots for Ranger

by Jennifer Adam

Lacey is excited to take on a such a large 4-H project: she decides to adopt a wild and unruly horse from the mountains of Wyoming. The wild mustang, whom she names Ranger, escapes his pen on his first day with Lacey and proves difficult to train.

Austral Ark

by Adam Stow Norman Maclean Gregory I. Holwell Adam Stow Norman Maclean

Australia and New Zealand are home to a remarkable and unique assemblage of flora and fauna. Sadly though, by virtue of their long isolation, and a naïve and vulnerable biota, both countries have suffered substantial losses to biodiversity since European contact. Bringing together the contributions of leading conservation biologists, Austral Ark presents the special features and historical context of Austral biota, and explains what is being conserved and why. The threatening processes occurring worldwide are discussed, along with the unique conservation problems faced at regional level. At the same time, the book highlights many examples of conservation success resulting from the innovative solutions that have been developed to safeguard native species and habitats in both New Zealand and Australia. Austral Ark fills an important gap regarding wildlife gains and declines, and how best to take conservation forward to keep this extraordinary area of the world thriving.

Fish and Wildlife Management: A Handbook for Mississippi Landowners

by Adam T. Rohnke and James L. Cummins

Featuring over five hundred illustrations and forty tables, this book is a collection of in-depth discussions by a tremendous range of experts on topics related to wildlife and fisheries management in Mississippi. Beginning with foundational chapters on natural resource history and conservation planning, the authors discuss the delicate balance between profit and land stewardship. A series of chapters about the various habitat types and the associated fish and wildlife populations that dominate them follow. Several chapters expand on the natural history and specific management techniques of popular species of wildlife, including white-tailed deer, eastern wild turkey, and other species. Experts discuss such special management topics as supplemental, wildlife-food planting, farm pond management, backyard habitat, nuisance animal control, and invasive plant species control. Leading professionals who work every day in Mississippi with landowners on wildlife and fisheries management created this indispensable book. The up-to-date and applicable management techniques discussed here can be employed by private landowners throughout the state. For those who do not own rural lands but have an interest in wildlife and natural resources, this book also has much to offer. Residents of urban communities interested in creating a wildlife-friendly yard will delight in the backyard habitat chapter specifically written for them. Whether responsible for one-fourth of an acre or two thousand, landowners will find this handbook to be an incalculable aid on their journey to good stewardship of their Mississippi lands.

Mouse House

by Adrienne Adams Rumer Godden

"Once upon a time there was a little mouse house. It was like a doll's house, but not for dolls, for mice." Not proper mice, but a flannel He-Mouse and She-Mouse with beady eyes and bristle whiskers who stand quite still, propped on their hind legs in the sitting room. Mary knows real mice run and scamper, and disappointed with her new gift, she puts the mouse house away in her room. Meanwhile, down in the basement, a real mouse named Bonnie has been jostled out of her woefully inadequate flowerpot home by her older brothers and sisters. Overlooked by her harried parents and desperate for shelter, Bonnie ventures upstairs and finds the mouse house. And before too long what was a miniature make-believe house becomes a marvelously messy home for proper mice who know how to play, much to everyone's delight.

Por qué los mosquitos nos zumban en los oídos

by Alison Adams Bill Greenhead Paul Leveno

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Androcles and the Lion

by Alison Adams Bill Greenhead Sera Y. Reycraft

Classic Tales: Androcles and the Lion

Brer Rabbit Hears a Noise

by Alison Adams Bill Greenhead Sera Y. Reycraft

Classic Tales: Brer Rabbit Hears a Noise

How the Turtle Cracked Its Shell

by Alison Adams Bill Greenhead Sera Y. Reycraft

Did you ever wonder why a turtle's shell isn't one smooth piece? Read this pourquoi tale to find out!

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

by Alison Adams Bill Greenhead Sera Y. Reycraft

Classic Tales: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

by Alison Adams Bill Greenhead Sera Y. Reycraft

Classic Tales: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

The Three Little Pigs

by Alison Adams Mark Meyers Sera Y. Reycraft

Classic Tales: The Three Little Pigs

Neither Man Nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals

by Carol J. Adams

This book explores the common link between cultural attitudes to women and animals in modern Western culture that have enabled the systematic exploitation of both. A vivid work that takes in environmental ethics, theological perspectives and feminist theory, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition.

The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory

by Carol J. Adams

The Sexual Politics of Meat is Carol Adams' inspiring and controversial exploration of the interplay between contemporary society's ingrained cultural misogyny and its obsession with meat and masculinity. Published in the year of the book's 25th anniversary, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition includes a substantial new afterword, including more than 20 new images and discussions of recent events.

Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations

by Carol J. Adams Josephine Donovan

Animals and Women is a collection of pioneering essays that explores the theoretical connections between feminism and animal defense. Offering a feminist perspective on the status of animals, this unique volume argues persuasively that both the social construction and oppressions of women are inextricably connected to the ways in which we comprehend and abuse other species. Furthermore, it demonstrates that such a focus does not distract from the struggle for women's rights, but rather contributes to it. This wide-ranging multidisciplinary anthology presents original material from scholars in a variety of fields, as well as a rare, early article by Virginia Woolf. Exploring the leading edge of the species/gender boundary, it addresses such issues as the relationship between abortion rights and animal rights, the connection between woman-battering and animal abuse, and the speciesist basis for much sexist language. Also considered are the ways in which animals have been regarded by science, literature, and the environmentalist movement. A striking meditation on women and wolves is presented, as is an examination of sexual harassment and the taxonomy of hunters and hunting. Finally, this compelling collection suggests that the subordination and degradation of women is a prototype for other forms of abuse, and that to deny this connection is to participate in the continued mistreatment of animals and women.

Sister Species: Women, Animals and Social Justice

by Carol J. Adams Lisa A. Kemmerer

Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice addresses interconnections between speciesism, sexism, racism, and homophobia, clarifying why social justice activists in the twenty-first century must challenge intersecting forms of oppression. This anthology presents bold and gripping--sometimes horrifying--personal narratives from fourteen activists who have personally explored links of oppression between humans and animals, including such exploitative enterprises as cockfighting, factory farming, vivisection, and the bushmeat trade. Sister Species asks readers to rethink how they view "others," how they affect animals with their daily choices, and how they might bring change for all who are abused. These essays remind readers that women have always been important to social justice and animal advocacy, and they urge each of us to recognize the links that continue to bind all oppressed individuals. The astonishing honesty of these contributors demonstrates with painful clarity why every woman should be an animal activist and why every animal activist should be a feminist. Contributors are Carol J. Adams, Tara Sophia Bahna-James, Karen Davis, Elizabeth Jane Farians, Hope Ferdowsian, Linda Fisher, Twyla François, Christine Garcia, A. Breeze Harper, Sangamithra Iyer, Pattrice Jones, Lisa Kemmerer, Allison Lance, Ingrid Newkirk, Lauren Ornelas, and Miyun Park.

Camel Crazy: A Quest for Miracles in the Mysterious World of Camels

by Christina Adams

In this page-turning odyssey, a mother on a mission travels the globe — from Bedouin camps in the Middle East to Amish farms in Pennsylvania to camel-herder villages in India — to obtain camel milk, which dramatically helps her son’s autism symptoms. Chronicling bureaucratic roadblocks, adventure-filled detours, and Christina Adams’s love-fueled determination, Camel Crazy explores why camels are cherished as family members and hailed as healers. Adams’s work uncovers studies of camel milk for possible treatment of autism, allergies, diabetes, and immune dysfunction, as well as ancient traditions of healing. But the most fascinating aspect of Adams’s discoveries is the gentle-eyed, mischievous camels themselves. Huge and often unpredictable, they are amazingly intelligent and adaptable. This moving and rollicking ode to “camel people” and the creatures they adore reveals the ways camels touch lives around the world. Includes users’ and buyers’ guides to camel’s milk

Urban Wildlife Management

by Clark E. Adams

Winner of the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the authored book category Urban development is one of the leading worldwide threats to conserving biodiversity. In the near future, wildlife management in urban landscapes will be a prominent issue for wildlife professionals. This new edition of Urban Wildlife Management continues the work of its predecessors by providing a comprehensive examination of the issues that increase the need for urban wildlife management, exploring the changing dynamics of the field while giving historical perspectives and looking at current trends and future directions. The book examines a range of topics on human interactions with wildlife in urbanized environments. It focuses not only on ecological matters but also on political, economic, and societal issues that must be addressed for successful management planning. This edition features an entirely new section on urban wildlife species, including chapters on urban communities, herpetofauna, birds, ungulates, mammals, carnivores, and feral and introduced species. The third edition features Five new chapters 12 updated chapters Four new case studies Seven new appendices and species profiles 90 new figures A comprehensive analysis of terrestrial vertebrate locations by state and urban observations Each chapter opens with a set of key concepts which are then examined in the following discussions. Suggested learning experiences to enhance knowledge conclude each chapter. The species profiles cover not only data about the animal concerned but also detail significant current management issues related to the species. An updated and expanded teaching tool, Urban Wildlife Management, Third Edition identifies the challenges and opportunities facing wildlife in urban communities as well as factors that promote or threaten their presence. It gives both students and professionals a solid grounding in the required fundamental ecological principles for understanding the effects of human-made environments on wildlife.

Urban Deer Havens

by Clark E. Adams Cassandra LaFleur Villarreal

Urban Deer Havens consists of a thorough examination of selected cervid (deer) species that are known to inhabit urban communities in the United States. The deer species that are included in this presentation consisted of white-tailed (Odocoileus virginianus), Key deer (O. v. clavium), moose (Alces alces), elk (Cervus elaphus), mule (Odocoileus hemionus), and black-tailed deer (O. h. columbianus). This book is the first attempt to examine the similarities and differences in those factors that allow the selected cervids to exist and thrive in urban habitats. This information has never been collected, collated, reviewed, and published under one cover document. Yet, all five are known to inhabit urban communities within their geographic range. The lack of information concerning several important examples of urban cervids in conjunction with a proliferation of information on white-tailed deer only is an incomplete and biased presentation. This book is the first comprehensive source of information on urban deer management, which includes a broad assemblage of urban cervids. The overall objective of this book is to provide a more holistic examination of urban cervids. For example, it examines the similarities and differences of the environmental impacts, management strategies, and human dimensions considerations concerning urban cervids in general, and using specific examples. Urban Deer Havens features four chapters that include: Urban deer census techniques and population dynamics Comprehensive tables that review urban community deer management plans National and state-wide estimates the five selected cervids Laws and regulations concerning urban deer Lethal and nonlethal management options for managing deer Steps for managing urban deer populations Examples of urban deer management efforts

Love Is

by Diane Adams Claire Keane

Perfect for any fond gift or tender moment, this story of a girl and a duckling who share a touching year together will melt hearts old and young. In this tenderly funny book, girl and duckling grow in their understanding of what it is to care for each other, discovering that love is as much about letting go as it is about holding tight. Children and parents together will adore this fond exploration of growing up while learning about the joys of love offered and love returned.

Last Chance to See

by Douglas Adams Mark Carwardine

"Very funny and moving...The glimpses of rare fauna seem to have enlarged [Adams'] thinking, enlivened his world; and so might the animals do for us all, if we were to help them live."THE WASHINGTON POST BOOK WORLDJoin bestselling author Douglas Adams and zooligist Mark Carwardine as they take off around the world in search of exotic, endangered creatures. Hilarious and poignant--as only Douglas Adams can be--LAST CHANCE TO SEE is an entertaining and arresting odyssey through the Earth's magnificent wildlife galaxy.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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Showing 101 through 125 of 32,010 results