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Manifiesto animalista

by Corine Pelluchon

La violencia contra los animales es un ataque directo a nuestra humanidad. Eso demuestra Corine Pelluchon en este breve ensayo, pragmático, controvertido y que supone una contribución radical a la ética y la filosofía política. <P><P>Luchar contra el maltrato animal es rebelarse contra una sociedad basada en la explotación, y por ello la causa animalista es una cuestión política mayor que nos concierne a todos, más allá de ideologías o conflictos de intereses. <P>Con un estilo vivo, persuasivo e inspirador, la autora propone un camino posible y factible para llevar el debate a la esfera política con tanta claridad y urgencia como sea posible.

Manifiesto animalista: Politizar la causa animal

by Corine Pelluchon

La violencia contra los animales es un ataque directo a nuestra humanidad. Eso demuestra Corine Pelluchon en este breve ensayo, pragmático, controvertido y que supone una contribución radical a la ética y la filosofía política. «Un libro intenso, pese a su brevedad, de acción, llamado a marcar época. [...] Una propuesta clara y concisa para avanzar de manera decisiva en nuestra relación con los animales».Jacinto Antón, El País Luchar contra el maltrato animal es rebelarse contra una sociedad basada en la explotación, y por ello la causa animalista es una cuestión política mayor que nos concierne a todos, más allá de ideologías o conflictos de intereses. Con un estilo vivo, persuasivo e inspirador, la autora propone un camino posible y factible para llevar el debate a la esfera política con tanta claridad y urgencia como sea posible. Reseñas:«No exento de polémica, Manifiesto animalista, no pretende aleccionar moralmente a nadie, ni siquiera pretende convertirnos en animalistas, sino poner al lector, ciudadano, al fin y al cabo, en la meta de salida de un proceso de auto conversión e introspección. [...] Un cambio a varios niveles y que venga desde diferentes ámbitos: una nueva era, la de los seres vivientes, que deje atrás el antropocentrismo y que ponga el acento en nuestra manera de habitar la tierra».Queralt Castillo Cerezuela, Público«Un texto corto, directo y con propuestas muy concretas. Un panfleto que rompe la brecha entre la teoría y la práctica y va encaminado hacia la acción. Y en su país han recogido el guante. [...] La mejor muestra de que la lucha por los derechos de los animales ha traspasado ya la linde del mero activismo».Paula Corroto, El País «El ensayo dela doctora en filosofía Pelluchon irrumpe en la sociedad del siglo XXI como una verdadera catarsis del espíritu».LA.Network «Un nuevo paradigma del movimiento animalista mundial. [...] Un libro intenso, pese a su brevedad, de acción, llamado a marcar época y que constituye a la vez un estado de la cuestión, una declaración de intenciones y una propuesta clara y concisa para avanzar de manera decisiva en nuestra relación con los animales».Jacinto Antón, El País «La voz del animalismo».Núria Navarro, El Periódico«Un nombre de referencia del antiespecismo que busca convencer, no vencer a cualquier precio. [...] Manifiesto animalista resuena más necesaria que nunca.»Igor López, ICON «Corine Pelluchon lo explica todo absolutamente bien en apenas un centenar de páginas: para ser una alternativa válida, politizar la causa animal es imprescindible.»Luce Lapin, Charlie Hebdo«El objetivo principal de la autora está completamente logrado en este Manifiesto animalista: le da al lector las claves que le permitirán ampliar el radio de acción del humanismo a los animales.»Philippe Douroux, Libération «Una perspectiva bella y ambiciosa.»Isabelle Gravillon, Femme Majuscule«Un libro de intervención política, tan comprometido como lúcido.»Robert Jules, La Tribune «Una de las muchas y grandes cualidades de este Manifiesto animalista es que, en todo momento, su proyecto está expuesto de manera perfectamente creíble y realizable. Precisamente por eso, la autora no se hace ninguna ilusión sobrela dificultad que supone introducir la cuestión animal en el debate político.»Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa, Non Fiction

Be the Pack Leader: Use Cesar's Way to Transform Your Dog . . . and Your Life

by Melissa Jo Peltier Cesar Millan

Bestselling author Cesar Millan takes his principles of dog psychology a step further, showing you how to develop the calm-assertive energy of a successful pack leader and use it to improve your dog's life - and your own. Filled with practical tips and techniques as well as success stories from his fans, clients, and his popular television showDog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, Cesar helps you understand and read your dog's energy as well as your own so that you can move beyond just correcting behavioural issues and take your connection with your dog to the next level. The principles of calm-assertive energy will help you become a better pack leader in every area of your life, improving your relationships with friends, family and co-workers. What emerges from BE THE PACK LEADER is a happier dog AND a happier, more centred owner!

Las normas de César Millán

by Melissa Jo Peltier César Millán

¿Estás desesperado porque te sientes incapaz de adiestrar a tu perro sin ayuda? ¿O a pesar de que has cuidado su educación se muestra agresivo, frustrado, tiene algún tipo de obsesión o ha desarrollado algún miedo o fobia? Si te gusta El encantador de perros, te has convertido en El líder de la manada, si has aprendido a integrar a tu perro como Uno más de la familia y has resuelto la incógnita de ¿Cómo criar al perro perfecto?, estás de enhorabuena porque ahora tienes la esencia del método de César Millán en un decálogo de normas que te ayudarán a descubrir que el adiestramiento no es sólo una cuestión de obediencia, sino que es más bien una cuestión de equilibrio, de respeto y de armonía con tu mascota. Acompañado de las enseñanzas de grandes profesionales del mundo del adiestramiento canino, César Millán, que lleva vendidos más de un millón de ejemplares de sus anteriores obras, nos ofreceen Las normas de César Millán un libro ameno y sencillo, lleno de consejos prácticos y cuadros de ejercicios paso a paso, en el que nos cuenta por un lado cómo llegó a ser el encantador de perros más famoso de América y por otro nos muestra cuáles son las bases necesarias para conseguir que nuestro perro no sólo nos obedezca sin más sino que nos acompañe con serenidad a lo largo nuestra vida diaria. Gracias a este libro aprenderás:- las bases del adiestramiento- las recompensas y los castigos- el respeto por el instinto- las normas de César para adiestrar a perros y educar a personas- el valor de los pequeños logros en la educación de tu perro- el respeto hacia tu mascota- la importancia del equilibrio

An Angler's Guide to Smart Baits: Tips and Tactics on Fishing Twenty-First Century Artificials

by Angelo Peluso Mark Sosin

Fishing is one of the oldest continually practiced pastimes in history. But like almost everything else in our modern era, it too has been greatly influenced by ever-changing technology and scientific advances. With busy lives, it's often impossible for anglers to keep up with constantly evolving equipment. In An Angler's Guide to Smart Baits: Tips and Tactics on Fishing Twenty-First Century Artificials, veteran fisherman Angelo Peluso helps to navigate these often unsure waters of modern baits and how to fish them. Peluso takes readers through all the essential elements. Among the topics he explains, in depth, are: the appeal and purpose of materials used in modern lure construction, including hi-tech, durable plastics, acrylics and other polymers, and new-age finishes that give impressions of life; the modern science of both hard and soft baits; the sensory appeal of modern baits; and how to maximize a bait?s appeal to yield the most strikes and increase an angler's catch ratios. Including advice and input from expert lure designers, scientists, and manufacturers, An Angler's Guide to Smart Baits is an essential read for every modern fisherman.

Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide

by Jacquelyn M. Pelzer Jennifer L. Hodgson

Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide offers a complete resource to fundamental information on key areas of veterinary education. Provides a practical guide to the key principles of veterinary medical education Takes a real-world approach, with concrete guidance for teaching veterinary skills and knowledge Covers all aspects of designing and implementing a veterinary curriculum Emphasizes key points and helpful tips Offers a veterinary-specific resource for any veterinary educator worldwide

Animal Habitats: The Best Home of All

by Nancy Pemberton

A simple introduction to the different kinds of homes of different kinds of animals.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines: A Year on the Farm

by Tom Pemberton

*A Sunday Times Bestseller*For five generations, the Pemberton family have farmed at Birks Farm in the picturesque town of Lytham on Lancashire's Fylde Coast, working at the heart of the area since the 1830s and supplying dairy produce to the local community ever since. In 2016, Tom Pemberton uploaded a one-minute video to YouTube about how to use the farm shop's new raw milk vending machine. He thought a handful of people would watch it. It turns out many more did. And so he began uploading regular videos, every Tuesday, Friday and the occasional Sunday to show what he gets up to on the farm. Things don't always go to plan, especially when you're the farmer's son, but every day's a learning day and Tom approaches work as he does life in general: stay positive and don't take yourself too seriously. Make Hay While the Sun Shines takes us behind the farm gate and follows a year on the farm: from calving to maintaining machinery, from mucking out to planning and building a brand-new cow shed. Tom gives us a unique insight into everyday life on a busy dairy farm with all its highs, lows and hard graft. Full of heart, amusing anecdotes and unforgettable characters like Tom's dad, Andy - aka the Ginger Warrior - this is Tom's story of determination, adventure and how to keep a smile on your face even when you're knee-deep in cow poo.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines: A Year on the Farm

by Tom Pemberton

*A Sunday Times Bestseller*For five generations, the Pemberton family have farmed at Birks Farm in the picturesque town of Lytham on Lancashire's Fylde Coast, working at the heart of the area since the 1830s and supplying dairy produce to the local community ever since. In 2016, Tom Pemberton uploaded a one-minute video to YouTube about how to use the farm shop's new raw milk vending machine. He thought a handful of people would watch it. It turns out many more did. And so he began uploading regular videos, every Tuesday, Friday and the occasional Sunday to show what he gets up to on the farm. Things don't always go to plan, especially when you're the farmer's son, but every day's a learning day and Tom approaches work as he does life in general: stay positive and don't take yourself too seriously. Make Hay While the Sun Shines takes us behind the farm gate and follows a year on the farm: from calving to maintaining machinery, from mucking out to planning and building a brand-new cow shed. Tom gives us a unique insight into everyday life on a busy dairy farm with all its highs, lows and hard graft. Full of heart, amusing anecdotes and unforgettable characters like Tom's dad, Andy - aka the Ginger Warrior - this is Tom's story of determination, adventure and how to keep a smile on your face even when you're knee-deep in cow poo.

The Pileated Woodpecker

by Seliesa Pembleton

Imagine spending the day hanging from a tree, pounding your lips into the hard, rough bark. That's the life of a pileated woodpecker, whose specialized toes, tail, beak, and tongue make it well suited for life on the side of a tree. Once near extinction, the pileated woodpecker has learned to live closer to humans and is increasing in number. With its loud cackling, large size, and bright coloring, the pileated woodpecker stands out among North American woodland creatures. REMARKABLE ANIMALS books spotlight a variety of unusual animals. Each book focuses on one animal, describing its appearance, habitat, life cycle, and relationship with humans. Through vivid color photographs and an absorbing text, young readers will discover the behavior and features that make some animals truly remarkable.

A Dog Called Jack

by Ivy Pembroke

Every street should have a dog like Jack. And every abandoned dog should find a new family like the residents of Christmas Street—a group of people who just might need Jack as much as he needs them . . .All day, he trots happily between the terraced houses, receiving treats and toys, offering a tail wag or lick in return. For Sam, a widower recently returned to London, Jack is Christmas Street’s unofficial welcoming committee. For Sam’s young son, Teddy, the small, scruffy mutt is much more than that—he’s a confidante and Teddy’s much-needed and so far only friend.But other neighbors also rely on Jack for company, including Bill, the street’s oldest, grumpiest resident. Bill remembers when everyone knew and looked out for each other. Now, people live side by side for years, scarcely interacting. Jack—with some help from Sam and Teddy—is starting to change all that. After a bumpy start, Jack helps forge a bond between Teddy and the girl next door, and he’s the unlikely connection between Bill and artist Max, who lives with his husband, Arthur. He’s also an approving witness to the secret relationship between two teenagers from very different backgrounds, and to Sam’s tentative flirtation with Teddy’s teacher. After all, Jack, with his willing and open heart, knows how much happier these humans could be if they, too, took the time to connect with one another.Warm, witty, and as irresistibly charming as its canine hero, A Dog Called Jack is the uplifting story of an ordinary street and the extraordinary dog bringing all its inhabitants together.

A House in Provence

by Ivy Pembroke

It's the offer of a lifetime - a whole summer in a farmhouse in the sun-drenched French countryside! But Libby might have bitten off more than she can chew . . .As Libby, her new husband Sam, his son Teddy, and their helpful dog Jack explore the rambling, enchanting house, meet the locals and learn some delicious French cooking, they are joined by friends from home who are as affected by the breathtaking countryside as they are.When Libby's friend Isla, who has been restlessly travelling for years, comes to stay, she meets and falls for American Brooke, who works at the local vineyard. Will Brooke be the one to finally get Isla to stay in one place?And then Libby has a surprise for Sam . . .One summer in Provence will change all their lives for ever.

A House in Provence

by Ivy Pembroke

It's the offer of a lifetime - a whole summer in a farmhouse in the sun-drenched French countryside! But Libby might have bitten off more than she can chew . . .As Libby, her new husband Sam, his son Teddy, and their helpful dog Jack explore the rambling, enchanting house, meet the locals and learn some delicious French cooking, they are joined by friends from home who are as affected by the breathtaking countryside as they are.When Libby's friend Isla, who has been restlessly travelling for years, comes to stay, she meets and falls for American Brooke, who works at the local vineyard. Will Brooke be the one to finally get Isla to stay in one place?And then Libby has a surprise for Sam . . .One summer in Provence will change all their lives for ever.

Snowflakes on Christmas Street (Christmas Street)

by Ivy Pembroke

'Heartwarmingly festive - if only all streets were like Christmas Street!' Ali McNamaraReaders love Snowflakes on Christmas Street:'For such a gentle plot, this book packs an emotional punch! There's romance, the odd drama and a whole lot of satisfaction. The characters are real. The ending is lovely and perfect''I sat and wept, liked good old-fashioned sobbing. I wanted to hug both Jack and Teddy into a big blanket and keep them safe forever. A charming, heartwarming, beautiful tale not just of Christmas but of compassion, kindness and love''Every time I tried to put it down to get on with life, I found it was calling me back for "just one more chapter" until I ran out of chapters! I just thoroughly adored this story''A feel-good and at times tear-jerking story leaving you with that magical Christmassy warmth at the end'***On a little street in a big city, everything is changingBill has lived on Christmas Street since he was a young man. He's seen families come and go, watched children grow up... Now he wants to be left alone. Everything eight-year-old Teddy loves is in America. But his widowed father, Sam, has brought them both back to England to be closer to their family. Sam's one wish is for Teddy to be happy again. As Teddy and Sam settle into their new life, and Sam has an unusual meet-cute with the delightful Libby, a very special four-legged neighbour is determined to make them feel at home. Jack, the Christmas street dog, is welcome in everyone's house - but will it be in his power to help a little boy and a lonely old man remember the true meaning of the season? As the snow sparkles on the ground, one small act of kindness will give a whole street a happy Christmas...

Snowflakes on Christmas Street: An uplifting feel good Christmas story (Christmas Street)

by Ivy Pembroke

'Heartwarmingly festive - if only all streets were like Christmas Street!' Ali McNamaraReaders love Snowflakes on Christmas Street:'For such a gentle plot, this book packs an emotional punch! There's romance, the odd drama and a whole lot of satisfaction. The characters are real. The ending is lovely and perfect''I sat and wept, liked good old-fashioned sobbing. I wanted to hug both Jack and Teddy into a big blanket and keep them safe forever. A charming, heartwarming, beautiful tale not just of Christmas but of compassion, kindness and love''Every time I tried to put it down to get on with life, I found it was calling me back for "just one more chapter" until I ran out of chapters! I just thoroughly adored this story''A feel-good and at times tear-jerking story leaving you with that magical Christmassy warmth at the end'***On a little street in a big city, everything is changingBill has lived on Christmas Street since he was a young man. He's seen families come and go, watched children grow up... Now he wants to be left alone. Everything eight-year-old Teddy loves is in America. But his widowed father, Sam, has brought them both back to England to be closer to their family. Sam's one wish is for Teddy to be happy again. As Teddy and Sam settle into their new life, and Sam has an unusual meet-cute with the delightful Libby, a very special four-legged neighbour is determined to make them feel at home. Jack, the Christmas street dog, is welcome in everyone's house - but will it be in his power to help a little boy and a lonely old man remember the true meaning of the season? As the snow sparkles on the ground, one small act of kindness will give a whole street a happy Christmas...

A Wedding on Christmas Street

by Ivy Pembroke

'Heartwarmingly festive - if only all streets were like Christmas Street!' Ali McNamaraSam is about to propose to his girlfriend Libby, and his neighbours in Christmas Street all think they know the right way to do it. With their help - and sometimes hinderance - Sam gains a fiancée and the wedding planning begins. Meanwhile, Sam's nine-year-old son Teddy and his friend Pari - with their constant companion Jack the street dog - are fascinated by the arrival of a mysterious new neighbour on the street who has rented the empty, run-down house. Their attempts to spy on her are thwarted by her staying indoors with the curtains drawn most of the time. But soon Christmas Street begins to work its magic and Millie is reluctantly drawn into street activities.As Millie starts to relax into thinking she can have a different life, maybe even with Jasper, the local carpenter, someone turns up from her past to threaten that. But with all of the street looking out for her, Millie's Christmas will be filled with hope and promise.

A Wedding on Christmas Street

by Ivy Pembroke

'Heartwarmingly festive - if only all streets were like Christmas Street!' Ali McNamaraSam is about to propose to his girlfriend Libby, and his neighbours in Christmas Street all think they know the right way to do it. With their help - and sometimes hinderance - Sam gains a fiancée and the wedding planning begins. Meanwhile, Sam's nine-year-old son Teddy and his friend Pari - with their constant companion Jack the street dog - are fascinated by the arrival of a mysterious new neighbour on the street who has rented the empty, run-down house. Their attempts to spy on her are thwarted by her staying indoors with the curtains drawn most of the time. But soon Christmas Street begins to work its magic and Millie is reluctantly drawn into street activities.As Millie starts to relax into thinking she can have a different life, maybe even with Jasper, the local carpenter, someone turns up from her past to threaten that. But with all of the street looking out for her, Millie's Christmas will be filled with hope and promise.

Transgenic Plants

by Leandro Peña

A collection of readily reproducible techniques for the genetic transformation and regeneration of plants. The authors cover the most commonly used transformation systems for the regeneration of whole transgenic plants. Among the techniques discussed for the detection of transgenes are quantitative real-time PCR, RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, FISH, and TAIL-PCR. Risk assessment methods offer the opportunity to study Agrobacterium persistence in plant tissues and to investigate the possibility of transgene dispersal. The protocols follow the successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, each one offering step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principle behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

When Animals Dream: The Hidden World of Animal Consciousness

by David M. Peña-Guzmán

A spellbinding look at the philosophical and moral implications of animal dreamingAre humans the only dreamers on Earth? What goes on in the minds of animals when they sleep? When Animals Dream brings together behavioral and neuroscientific research on animal sleep with philosophical theories of dreaming. It shows that dreams provide an invaluable window into the cognitive and emotional lives of nonhuman animals, giving us access to a seemingly inaccessible realm of animal experience.David Peña-Guzmán uncovers evidence of animal dreaming throughout the scientific literature, suggesting that many animals run “reality simulations” while asleep, with a dream-ego moving through a dynamic and coherent dreamscape. He builds a convincing case for animals as conscious beings and examines the thorny scientific, philosophical, and ethical questions it raises. Once we accept that animals dream, we incur a host of moral obligations and have no choice but to rethink our views about who animals are and the interior lives they lead.A mesmerizing journey into the otherworldly domain of nonhuman consciousness, When Animals Dream carries profound implications for contemporary debates about animal cognition, animal ethics, and animal rights, challenging us to regard animals as beings who matter, and for whom things matter.

Ocean's World: An Island Tale of Discovery and Adventure (Ocean’s World)

by Carlos PenaVega Alexa PenaVega

Join Ocean and Kingston as they explore the ocean, discover wildlife, and learn fascinating marine facts in Ocean's World, an action and adventure story for kids!Ocean and his little brother, Kingston, explore the beautiful island of Maui in search of a sunrise shell for their mom&’s birthday gift. But with a rumbling volcano and so much to unearth, will the boys ever find the special shell?Celebrity couple Carlos and Alexa PenaVega, known for their starring roles in Big Time Rush and Spy Kids, respectively, debut their first picture book, inspired by their firstborn son, Ocean, and their home in Hawaii.As Ocean and Kingston's adventure unfolds, you'll encounter so many fun and educational surprises along the way! During their journey you'll learnhow high a dolphin can jump;how long it takes for a sea-turtle egg to hatch;different types of shells including the cone, cowrie, puka, and Triton&’s trumpet; andtypes of animals in the ocean. Whether they're surfing the waves, scouring the beach, or snorkeling in the tide pools, Ocean and Kingston are determined to learn everything the island can teach them.With lively illustrations and sea-sational facts, Ocean's Worldis ideal for kids 4 to 8, especially fans of Octonauts or Magic School Bus;is a perfect gift for baby showers, Christmas, or birthdays, as well as a just-because gift for curious kids; andfits on a child's lap or in a gift basket.Kids will so love exploring the island and ocean--and all the wonders they have to offer--that they won't want their island adventure to end!

Ocean's World Educator's Guide: An Island Tale of Discovery and Adventure (Ocean’s World)

by Carlos PenaVega Alexa PenaVega

Ocean's World Educator's Guide is a companion to Ocean's World: An Island Tale of Discovery and Adventure by Carlos PenaVega and Alexa PenaVega. This guide can be utilized in the classroom, in a home school setting, or by parents seeking additional resources. Ideal for ages 4-8.

Marlon Bundo: A Day in the Life of the Vice President

by Charlotte Pence

This book depicts a day in the life of the Vice President as seen through the eyes of the pet bunny.

KleptoCats: It's Their World Now!

by Daphne Pendergrass

The KleptoCats have taken over ... and they're here to stay. This guide has all you need to know about the cutest, most devious cats. It might just help you survive.This book is the ultimate guide to peaceful coexistence with KleptoCats. Featuring profiles on 50 of these feline masterminds and hysterical advice, this guide will help you navigate life with pesky portal-jumping thieves. From a mischievous yarn-stealing cat to one that may actually be an alien in disguise, these kooky kitties cannot be trusted. Stay safe and remember ... it's their world now.

Maybe a Whale

by Kirsten Pendreigh

After Grandpa dies, a girl and her mother take the trip he had planned for her, kayaking along the Pacific west coast to look for the whales that he loved. The trip will do them good, Mom says, but the girl isn’t sure. How can that be true when Grandpa isn’t there? And how will they find a whale in all that water, anyway? There is so much to see as they paddle through white-tipped waves and calm coves: glowing moon jellies, fluttering anemones and slippery seals. All the while, the girl watches for whales. Could one be swimming beneath their kayak or along the shore of their camp? Are the whales even there? Finally, in the dark of night, they hear them — pushhhhhhhh, pushhhhhhh — humpbacks breathing in the bay. In this lyrical story, luminously illustrated by Crystal Smith, mom and daughter find the space to grieve Grandpa and reconnect with each other in the wild beauty of nature. And they come to realize that — perhaps like whales — those we’ve loved are always with us, even if we don’t see them anymore. Key Text Features illustrations Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

The Adventures of Lucky and Bud: The Pursuit

by Francis C. Pengitore

This sequel to The Adventures of Lucky and Bud: The Rescue finds the boys at the center of a mystery when their chipmunk cousins&’ winter food cache is robbed, and the mischievous pair, who have a reputation for raiding bird feeders, eating flower bulbs, and stealing corn cobs and tomatoes from Mr. Pickles&’ vegetable garden, become suspects. To clear their names, find the real thief and, hopefully, recover the stolen food, they lead a search with help from their friends and other animals in their neighborhood to hunt for clues in what turns out to be a thrilling and, at times, risky, pursuit.Along the way, the amateur detectives learn about the importance of friendship and loyalty, as well as the problems that can arise from prejudging others without knowing all the facts or shunning those who look different or come from unfamiliar places.

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