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Karla: A mulher que voltou para contar

by Favio Ayala Tatiana Ruiz

Baseado em acontecimentos reais: Karla, voltava a seu lar depois de uma viagem de trabalho em Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, México. No entanto, um incidente fez com que sua vida mudasse para sempre. Horas depois, sua família a esperava, enquanto em algum lugar desconhecido… Ela lutava por sua vida. Eriginal Books recomenda KARLA: A MULHER QUE VOLTOU PARA CONTAR retrata uma realidade social que poucos se atrevem a contar. Baseada em acontecimentos reais, Favio Ayala relata a luta de Karla para sobreviver a um verdadeiro calvário: uma jovem advogada é sequestrada junto a um grupo de pessoas e mantida em cativeiro em algum lugar afastado dos bosques mexicanos. Os criminosos colocarão à prova sua força física e mental; ela, motivada pelo amor à sua família lutará até o último instante para conseguir sua liberdade. Escrita com uma simplicidade cativante, mas com uma crueza desgarradora converte o leitor em espectador, fazendo-o ver e sentir cada emoção que experimenta a protagonista. Karla levava uma vida tranquila junto a sua família. O sequestro tira o melhor e também o pior dela. Durante o transcurso do livro se observa a mudança deste personagem, de ser feliz a sentir o terror, o ódio; aparece uma personalidade forte que a obriga a lutar, a defender-se, sem importar as consequências. Do grupo que a sequestra pouco se conhece, não se identificam, apenas falam. Quem são, a quem pertencem e por que os sequestraram? Não se sabe, só que é um grupo de pessoas armadas que desfrutam causando pânico e dor nas pessoas sequestradas e que se divertem caçando mulheres para logo violenta-las. Por outro lado temos Rubem, o esposo da protagonista, que vive uma angustia terrível ao não ter noticias dela. A polícia lhe da as costas e tira sarro dele, os meios de comunicação não prestam atenção e até ameaças recebe para que deixe de indagar. Uma novela baseada em acontecimentos reais que relata o dia a dia do povo mexicano, onde as pessoas desaparecem

Επιβιώνοντας από τη Σχιζοφρένεια: Science Fiction In A Flash

by Richard Carlson Jr. Zoi Karampekiou

Ο Ρίτσαρντ Κάρλσον Τζούνιορ διαγνώστηκε με παρανοϊκή σχιζοφρένεια όταν ήταν είκοσι ενός ετών. Η σύγχρονη ψυχιατρική απογοήτευσε τρομερά τον Ρίτσαρντ για παραπάνω από μία δεκαετία. Έπειτα από ένα περιστατικό με την αστυνομία, κατάλαβε πραγματικά ότι η διάγνωσή του ήταν αληθινή και άρχισε επιτέλους τη μακρά διαδικασία της ανάρρωσης. Πάνω από δέκα χρόνια μετά, η ζωή του έχει βελτιωθεί πολύ. Κατά τη θεραπεία του, ο Ρίτσαρντ ξεπέρασε επίσης την κατάθλιψη, την ψυχαναγκαστική διαταραχή και τον λήθαργο. Μην αφήσετε αυτό που συνέβη στον Ρίτσαρντ να συμβεί σε σας, σε κάποιο αγαπημένο σας πρόσωπο ή σ’ έναν ασθενή. Πάντα να είστε ειλικρινείς μεταξύ σας και με τον ψυχίατρό σας.

Kaiserin Wu Zetian

by Laurel A. Rockefeller Christina Löw

Die meistgehasste Frau der chinesischen Geschichte! Lassen Sie sich auf eine Zeitreise ein, mehr als tausend Jahre in die Vergangenheit, und treffen Sie die erste und einzige regierende Kaiserin Chinas. Geboren als Wu Zhao erhielt sie den Herrschertitel „Zetian“ erst Wochen vor ihrem Tod im Jahre 705 vor unserer Zeitrechnung. Sie war die unerwünschte Tochter des Finanzministers Wu Shihuo – zu intelligent, zu gebildet und zu politisch versiert, um eine gute Ehefrau abzugeben; zumindest laut den zeitgenössischen Analekten des Konfuzius. Kann es somit verwundern, dass sie bis zum heutigen Tag die meistgehasste und umstrittenste Frau der chinesischen Geschichte ist? Erkunden Sie das Leben von Kaiserin Wu und entdecken Sie, warum die Welt heute eine ganz andere ist: Weil sie zu tun wagte, was weder vor noch nach ihr einer anderen Chinesin auch nur im Traum einfiel.

Ipazia di Alessandria

by Laurel A. Rockefeller Traduzione a cura di Laura Lucardini

Mentre il mondo occidentale cadeva nell'oscurità, lei ebbe il coraggio di difendere la Luce. Nata nel 355 d.C, dopo il regno di Costantino, Ipazia di Alessandria visse il declino dell'Impero Romano, in un mondo in cui l'obbedienza alle autorità religiose era più importante della scienza e dove la ragione e la logica erano viste come una minaccia per il nuovo ordine mondiale. Era il mondo precedente al Medioevo, un mondo impegnato a decidere il rapporto tra scienza e religione, libertà e ortodossia, tolleranza e odio. Per più di 40 anni Ipazia visse al confine tra gli anni bui e la luce della filosofia classica, delle arti e delle scienze. Sebbene nessuno dei suoi libri sia sopravvissuto ai feroci roghi del fanatismo religioso, Ipazia rimane una delle scienziate più importanti di tutti i tempi. Questa è la sua affascinante storia. Include bibliografia, cronologia dettagliata e coordinate di latitudine e longitudine delle principali città dell'Impero romano per consentire al lettore di esplorare le meraviglie celesti con Ipazia.

The Italians

by John Hooper

A vivid and surprising portrait of the Italian people from an admired foreign correspondentHow can a nation that spawned the Renaissance have produced the Mafia? How could people concerned with bella figura (keeping up appearances) have elected Silvio Berlusconi as their leader--not once, but three times? Sublime and maddening, fascinating yet baffling, Italy is a country of seemingly unsolvable riddles.John Hooper's entertaining and perceptive new book is the ideal companion for anyone seeking to understand contemporary Italy and the unique character of the Italians. Digging deep into their history, culture, and religion, Hooper offers keys to understanding everything from their bewildering politics to their love of life and beauty. Looking at the facts that lie behind the stereotypes, he sheds new light on many aspects of Italian life: football and Freemasonry, sex, symbolism, and the reason why Italian has twelve words for a coat hanger, yet none for a hangover.Even readers who think they know Italy well will be surprised, challenged, and delighted by The Italians.

Ambigu@ - Guia de Experiências Infieis

by Alberto Aranda de la Gala Joana Sousa

Um guia de experiências reais (infiéis), que o autor conta sempre numa forma de diário, na primeira pessoa. Casos reales, humor, sexo, ambigüedad ... e muitas reflejas de autoajuda.

RV Chuckles and Chuckholes: The Confessions of Happy Campers

by Darlene Miller

Darlene Millers book, RV Chuckles and Chuckholes- The Confessions of Happy Campers, is full of amusing anecdotes, jokes, adventures and pot-hole experiences while traveling in a RV (recreational vehicle) throughout the USA and Canada. It includes stories about sleeping in a real bed when visiting relatives, how to get rid of your husband (for a little while), and special RVers such as the gentleman who had a complete heart transplant 19 years previously. She shares Rving tips and RVers secrets. She gives on the road advice and relates off- the- road experiences. Witty, poignant and insightful, this book gives you a delightful view of life on the roam.

Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman behind the Legend (Missouri Biography Series #1)

by John E. Miller

Although generations of readers of the Little House books are familiar with Laura Ingalls Wilder’s early life up through her first years of marriage to Almanzo Wilder, few know about her adult years. Going beyond previous studies, this book focuses upon Wilder’s years in Missouri from 1894 to 1957. Utilizing her unpublished autobiography, letters, newspaper stories, and other documentary evidence, John E. Miller fills the gaps in Wilder’s autobiographical novels and describes her sixty-three years of living in Mansfield, Missouri. Miller places Wilder’s life firmly within its historical context. Building upon his analysis of her activities and writings and mining documentary sources, including early drafts of Wilder’s novels, he shows not only the extent to which her writings emerged directly out of her own experiences as a girl and young woman, but also how they were shaped and embellished by artistic intent. In addition to describing Wilder's apprenticeship as a farm newspaper columnist and occasional magazine writer, Miller discusses Wilder's activities on her family's Rocky Ridge farm and as a vital citizen in Mansfield, Missouri. By showing how she honed her authorial skills for more than two decades before she turned to fiction writing, Miller convincingly demonstrates that Wilder's entire life was a process of becoming the woman we know as the beloved children's author.

Nemesis: Alcibiades and the Fall of Athens

by David Stuttard

Alcibiades was one of the most dazzling figures of the Golden Age of Athens. A ward of Pericles and a friend of Socrates, he was spectacularly rich, bewitchingly handsome and charismatic, a skilled general, and a ruthless politician. He was also a serial traitor, infamous for his dizzying changes of loyalty in the Peloponnesian War. Nemesis tells the story of this extraordinary life and the turbulent world that Alcibiades set out to conquer. David Stuttard recreates ancient Athens at the height of its glory as he follows Alcibiades from childhood to political power. Outraged by Alcibiades’ celebrity lifestyle, his enemies sought every chance to undermine him. Eventually, facing a capital charge of impiety, Alcibiades escaped to the enemy, Sparta. There he traded military intelligence for safety until, suspected of seducing a Spartan queen, he was forced to flee again—this time to Greece’s long-term foes, the Persians. Miraculously, though, he engineered a recall to Athens as Supreme Commander, but—suffering a reversal—he took flight to Thrace, where he lived as a warlord. At last in Anatolia, tracked by his enemies, he died naked and alone in a hail of arrows. As he follows Alcibiades’ journeys crisscrossing the Mediterranean from mainland Greece to Syracuse, Sardis, and Byzantium, Stuttard weaves together the threads of Alcibiades’ adventures against a backdrop of cultural splendor and international chaos. Navigating often contradictory evidence, Nemesis provides a coherent and spellbinding account of a life that has gripped historians, storytellers, and artists for more than two thousand years.

Building the Modern World: Albert Kahn in Detroit (Painted Turtle)

by Michael H. Hodges

Building the Modern World: Albert Kahn in Detroit by Michael H. Hodges tells the story of the German-Jewish immigrant who rose from poverty to become one of the most influential architects of the twentieth century. Kahn’s buildings not only define downtown Detroit, but his early car factories for Packard Motor and Ford revolutionized the course of industry and architecture alike. Employing archival sources unavailable to previous biographers, Building the Modern World follows Kahn from his apprenticeship at age thirteen with a prominent Detroit architecture firm to his death. With material gleaned from two significant Kahn archives—the University of Michigan’s Bentley Historical Library and the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution—Hodges paints the most complete picture yet of Kahn’s remarkable rise. Special emphasis is devoted to his influence on architectural modernists, his relationship with Henry Ford, his intervention to save the Diego Rivera murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts (unreported until now), and his work laying down the industrial backbone for the Soviet Union in 1929–31 as consulting architect for the first Five Year Plan. Kahn’s ascent from poverty, his outsized influence on both industry and architecture, and his proximity to epochal world events make his life story a tableau of America’s rise to power. Historic photographs as well as striking contemporary shots of Kahn buildings enliven and inform the text. Anyone interested in architecture, architectural history, or the history of Detroit will relish this stunning work.

Confessions of a Radical Chicano Doo-Wop Singer (American Crossroads #51)

by Rubén Funkahuatl Guevara

A pioneer of Chicano rock, Rubén Funkahuatl Guevara performed with Frank Zappa, Johnny Otis, Bo Diddley, Tina Turner, and Celia Cruz, though he is best known as the front man of the 1970s experimental rock band Ruben And The Jets. Here he recounts how his youthful experiences in the barrio La Veinte of Santa Monica in the 1940s prepared him for early success in music and how his triumphs and seductive brushes with stardom were met with tragedy and crushing disappointments. Brutally honest and open, Confessions of a Radical Chicano Doo-Wop Singer is an often hilarious and self-critical look inside the struggle of becoming an artist and a man. Recognizing racial identity as composite, contested, and complex, Guevara—an American artist of Mexican descent—embraces a Chicano identity of his own design, calling himself a Chicano “culture sculptor” who has worked to transform the aspirations, alienations, and indignities of the Mexican American people into an aesthetic experience that could point the way to liberation.

Absolutely on Music: Conversations (Vintage International Series)

by Haruki Murakami Jay Rubin Seiji Ozawa

A deeply personal, intimate conversation about music and writing between the internationally acclaimed, best-selling author and his close friend, the former conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Haruki Murakami's passion for music runs deep. Before turning his hand to writing, he ran a jazz club in Tokyo, and from The Beatles' "Norwegian Wood" to Franz Liszt's "Years of Pilgrimage," the aesthetic and emotional power of music permeates every one of his much-loved books. Now, in Absolutely on Music, Murakami fulfills a personal dream, sitting down with his friend, acclaimed conductor Seiji Ozawa, to talk, over a period of two years, about their shared interest. Transcribed from lengthy conversations about the nature of music and writing, here they discuss everything from Brahms to Beethoven, from Leonard Bernstein to Glenn Gould, from record collecting to pop-up orchestras, and much more. Ultimately this book gives readers an unprecedented glimpse into the minds of the two maestros.It is essential reading for book and music lovers everywhere.From the Hardcover edition.

J. D. Salinger and the Nazis

by Eberhard Alsen

Before J.D. Salinger became famous for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye and infamous as a literary recluse, he was a soldier in World War II. While serving in the U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) in Europe, Salinger wrote more than twenty short stories and returned home with a German war bride. Eberhard Alsen, through meticulous archival research and careful analysis of the literary record, corrects mistaken assumptions about the young writer's war years and their repercussions. Though recent biographies and films claim that Salinger regularly participated in combat, Alsen cites military documents showing that his counterintelligence work was well behind the front lines. Alsen, a longtime Salinger scholar who witnessed the Nazi regime firsthand as a child in Germany, tracks Salinger's prewar experiences in the army, his work for the CIC during significant military campaigns, and his reactions to three military disasters that killed more than a thousand fellow soldiers in his Fourth Infantry Division. Alsen also identifies the Nazi death camp where Salinger saw mounds of recently burned bodies. Revealing details shed light on Salinger's outspoken disgust for American military leaders, the personality changes that others saw in him after the war, and his avoidance of topics related to the Holocaust.

Lemon Jail: On the Road with the Replacements

by Bill Sullivan

A tour diary of life on the road with one of Minnesota’s greatest bands—with nearly 100 never-before-seen photographs “Don’t bore us, get to the chorus” is Bill Sullivan’s motto, which will come as no surprise to anyone who opens Lemon Jail. A raucous tour diary of rock ’n’ roll in the 1980s, Sullivan’s book puts us in the van with the Replacements in the early years. Barreling down the highway to the next show through quiet nights and hightailing it out of scandalized college towns, Sullivan—the young and reckless roadie—is in the middle of the joy and chaos, trying to get the band on stage and the crowd off it and knowing when to jump in and cover Alice Cooper. Lemon Jail shows what it’s like to keep the band on the road and the wheels on the van—and when to just close your eyes and hit the gas. That first van, dubbed the Lemon Jail by Bill, takes the now legendary Replacements from a south Minneapolis basement to dive bars and iconic rock clubs to college parties and eventually an international stage. It’s not a straight shot or a smooth ride, and there’s never a dull moment, whether Bob Stinson is setting a record for the quickest ejection from CBGB in NYC or hiding White Castle sliders around a hotel room or whether Paul Westerberg is sneaking gear out of a hostile venue or saving Bill’s life at a brothel in New Jersey. With growing fame (and new vans) come tours with REM and X (what happens when the audience isn’t allowed to stand?), Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and the Violent Femmes (against their will), and Saturday Night Live, where the band’s televised antics earn the edict You’ll never play on NBC again. Fast forward: You’ll never play Washington, D.C., again. Or Moorhead.Hiding in fans’ backyards while the police search the streets and pelted with canned goods at a Kent State food drive, the Replacements hit rough patches along with sweet spots, and Lemon Jail reveals the grit and glory both onstage and off, all told in the irrepressible, full-throttle style that makes Bill Sullivan an irresistible guide on this once-in-a-lifetime road trip with a band on the make.

Sense of Wonder: My Life in Comic Fandom--The Whole Story

by Bill Schelly

A fascinating story of growing up as a gay fan of comic books in the 1960s, building a fifty-year career as an award-winning writer, and interacting with acclaimed comic book legendsAward-winning writer Bill Schelly relates how comics and fandom saved his life in this engrossing story that begins in the burgeoning comic fandom movement of the 1960s and follows the twists and turns of a career that spanned fifty years. Schelly recounts his struggle to come out at a time when homosexuality was considered a mental illness, how the egalitarian nature of fandom offered a safe haven for those who were different, and how his need for creative expression eventually overcame all obstacles. He describes living through the AIDS epidemic, finding the love of his life, and his unorthodox route to becoming a father. He also details his personal encounters with major talents of 1960s comics, such as Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man), Jim Shooter (writer for DC and later editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics), and Julius Schwartz (legendary architect of the Silver Age of comics).

John Dee and the Empire of Angels: Enochian Magick and the Occult Roots of the Modern World

by Jason Louv

A comprehensive look at the life and continuing influence of 16th-century scientific genius and occultist Dr. John Dee • Presents an overview of Dee’s scientific achievements, intelligence and spy work, imperial strategizing, and his work developing methods to communicate with angels • Pieces together Dee’s fragmentary Spirit Diaries and examines Enochian in precise detail and the angels’ plan to establish a New World Order • Explores Dee’s influence on Sir Francis Bacon, modern science, Rosicrucianism, and 20th-century occultists such as Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey Dr. John Dee (1527-1608), Queen Elizabeth I’s court advisor and astrologer, was the foremost scientific genius of the 16th century. Laying the foundation for modern science, he actively promoted mathematics and astronomy as well as made advances in navigation and optics that helped elevate England to the foremost imperial power in the world. Centuries ahead of his time, his theoretical work included the concept of light speed and prototypes for telescopes and solar panels. Dee, the original “007” (his crown-given moniker), even invented the idea of a “British Empire,” envisioning fledgling America as the new Atlantis, himself as Merlin, and Elizabeth as Arthur. But, as Jason Louv explains, Dee was suppressed from mainstream history because he spent the second half of his career developing a method for contacting angels. After a brilliant ascent from star student at Cambridge to scientific advisor to the Queen, Dee, with the help of a disreputable, criminal psychic named Edward Kelley, devoted ten years to communing with the angels and archangels of God. These spirit communications gave him the keys to Enochian, the language that mankind spoke before the fall from Eden. Piecing together Dee’s fragmentary Spirit Diaries and scrying sessions, the author examines Enochian in precise detail and explains how the angels used Dee and Kelley as agents to establish a New World Order that they hoped would unify all monotheistic religions and eventually dominate the entire globe. Presenting a comprehensive overview of Dee’s life and work, Louv examines his scientific achievements, intelligence and spy work, imperial strategizing, and Enochian magick, establishing a psychohistory of John Dee as a singular force and fundamental driver of Western history. Exploring Dee’s influence on Sir Francis Bacon, the development of modern science, 17th-century Rosicrucianism, the 19th-century occult revival, and 20th-century occultists such as Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey, Louv shows how John Dee continues to impact science and the occult to this day.

America In The Time Of Abraham Lincoln: 1815 to 1869

by Sally Senzell Isaacs

Uses the life of Abraham Lincoln as a reference to examine the history of the United States from 1815 to 1869.

The Tincture of Time (Medical) Uncertainty: A Memoir of (Medical) Uncertainty

by Elizabeth L. Silver

Set against the unexplained stroke of the author’s newborn daughter, this stunning, unflinchingly honest memoir is a thought-provoking reflection on uncertainty in medicine and in life.Growing up as the daughter of a dedicated surgeon, Elizabeth L. Silver felt an unquestioned faith in medicine. When her six-week-old daughter, Abby, was rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with sudden seizures, and scans revealed a serious brain bleed, her relationship to medicine began to change. The Tincture of Time is Silver’s gorgeous and haunting chronicle of Abby’s first year. It’s a year of unending tests, doctors’ opinions, sleepless nights, promising signs and steps backward, and above all, uncertainty: The mysterious circumstances of Abby’s hospitalization attract dozens of specialists, none of whom can offer a conclusive answer about what went wrong or what the future holds. As Silver explores what it means to cope with uncertainty as a patient and parent and seeks peace in the reality that Abby’s injury may never be fully understood, she looks beyond her own story for comfort, probing literature and religion, examining the practice of medicine throughout history, and reporting the experiences of doctors, patients, and fellow caretakers. The result is a brilliant blend of personal narrative and cultural analysis, at once a poignant snapshot of a parent’s struggle and a wise meditation on the reality of uncertainty, in and out of medicine, and the hard-won truth that time is often its only cure. Heart-wrenching, unflinchingly honest, and beautifully written, The Tincture of Time is a powerful story of parenthood, an astute examination of the boundaries of medicine, and an inspiring reminder of life’s precariousness.

Bitterroot: The Life and Death of Meriwether Lewis

by Patricia Tyson Stroud

In America's early national period, Meriwether Lewis was a towering figure. Selected by Thomas Jefferson to lead the expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, he was later rewarded by Jefferson with the governorship of the entire Louisiana Territory. Yet within three years, plagued by controversy over administrative expenses, Lewis found his reputation and career in tatters. En route to Washington to clear his name, he died mysteriously in a crude cabin on the Natchez Trace in Tennessee. Was he a suicide, felled by his own alcoholism and mental instability? Most historians have agreed. Patricia Tyson Stroud reads the evidence to posit another, even darker, ending for Lewis.Stroud uses Lewis's find, the bitterroot flower, with its nauseously pungent root, as a symbol for his reputation as a purported suicide. It was this reputation that Thomas Jefferson promulgated in the memoir he wrote prefacing the short account of Lewis's historic expedition published five years after his death. Without investigation of any kind, Jefferson, Lewis's mentor from boyhood, reiterated undocumented assertions of Lewis's serious depression and alcoholism.That Lewis was the courageous leader of the first expedition to explore the continent from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean has been overshadowed by presuppositions about the nature of his death. Stroud peels away the layers of misinformation and gossip that have obscured Lewis's rightful reputation. Through a retelling of his life, from his resourceful youth to the brilliance of his leadership and accomplishments as a man, Bitterroot shows that Jefferson's mystifying assertion about the death of his protégé is the long-held bitter root of the Meriwether Lewis story.

Sister and Brother: A Family Story

by Agneta Pleijel Harald Hille

In this historical narrative, Swedish novelist Agneta Pleijel follows the lives of two ancestors, a sister and brother, each of whom played a role in the cultural life of Stockholm in the 19th century. Using old letters, records, and stories passed down through her family, Pleijel imagines the lives of her great-grandfather, Albert Berg (1832–1916), and his younger sister, Helena Berg Petre (1834–1880), who were born into a prominent musical family. Albert was born deaf, dashing his father’s hopes of a musical career for him. He was sent to Stockholm’s Manilla School for the Deaf, where he learned sign language. He later studied art and became a painter of seascapes. His interest in improving the lives of deaf people led him to become an advocate for the Deaf community and to cofound the Stockholm Deaf Association. Helena showed early musical talent and, trained by her father, was a gifted singer. She lived in Paris for a time and enjoyed popular success. She fell in love with a musician but was plunged into despair when he died from cholera. Her father persuaded her to give up singing and marry a cold industrialist, who was one of the wealthiest men in Sweden, in order to provide financial support for the family. Helena struggled in the loveless marriage and battled depression throughout her life. Despite their disparate lives, Albert and Helena faced similar struggles with communication, autonomy, and self-determination. Albert’s story traces the development of his own sense of identity as well as the development of Swedish Deaf culture, while Helena’s life reflects the silencing and oppression endured by women. In Sister and Brother, Pleijel’s literary treatment of their lives sheds light on the cultural and social norms that shaped the experiences of deaf people and women in the 19th century.

Marco Polo (Fact Finders Biographies)

by Kathleen McFarren

Provides an introduction to the life of the thirteenth-century Venetian explorer Marco Polo who traveled along the Silk Road to the court of Kublai Khan in China.

Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention

by Manning Marable

Selected by The New York Times Book Review as a Notable Book of the Year Years in the making-the definitive biography of the legendary black activist. Of the great figure in twentieth-century American history perhaps none is more complex and controversial than Malcolm X. Constantly rewriting his own story, he became a criminal, a minister, a leader, and an icon, all before being felled by assassins' bullets at age thirty-nine. Through his tireless work and countless speeches he empowered hundreds of thousands of black Americans to create better lives and stronger communities while establishing the template for the self-actualized, independent African American man. In death he became a broad symbol of both resistance and reconciliation for millions around the world. Manning Marable's new biography of Malcolm is a stunning achievement. Filled with new information and shocking revelations that go beyond the Autobiography, Malcolm X unfolds a sweeping story of race and class in America, from the rise of Marcus Garvey and the Ku Klux Klan to the struggles of the civil rights movement in the fifties and sixties. Reaching into Malcolm's troubled youth, it traces a path from his parents' activism through his own engagement with the Nation of Islam, charting his astronomical rise in the world of Black Nationalism and culminating in the never-before-told true story of his assassination. Malcolm X will stand as the definitive work on one of the most singular forces for social change, capturing with revelatory clarity a man who constantly strove, in the great American tradition, to remake himself anew.

Churchill Style: The Art of Being Winston Churchill

by Michael Korda Barry Singer

A look at the towering twentieth-century leader and his lifestyle that goes beyond the political and into the personal. Countless books have examined the public accomplishments of the man who led Britain in a desperate fight against the Nazis with a ferocity and focus that earned him the nickname “the British Bulldog.” Churchill Style takes a different kind of look at this historic icon—delving into the way he lived and the things he loved, from books to automobiles, as well as how he dressed, dined, and drank in his daily life. With numerous photographs, this unique volume explores Churchill’s interests, hobbies, and vices—from his maddening oversight of the renovation of his country house, Chartwell, and the unusual styles of clothing he preferred, to the seemingly endless flow of cognac and champagne he demanded and his ability to enjoy any cigar, from the cheapest stogies to the most pristine Cubans. Churchill always knew how to live well, truly combining substance with style, and now you can get to know the man behind the legend—from the top of his Homburg hat to the bottom of his velvet slippers. “All readers will appreciate Singer’s highly intelligent observations about how Churchill’s style contributed to, and was ultimately an integral part of his brilliant career.” —Gentleman’s Gazette

Stanley Kubrick: New York Jewish Intellectual

by Dr Nathan Abrams

Stanley Kubrick is generally acknowledged as one of the world’s great directors. Yet few critics or scholars have considered how he emerged from a unique and vibrant cultural milieu: the New York Jewish intelligentsia. Stanley Kubrick reexamines the director’s work in context of his ethnic and cultural origins. Focusing on several of Kubrick’s key themes—including masculinity, ethical responsibility, and the nature of evil—it demonstrates how his films were in conversation with contemporary New York Jewish intellectuals who grappled with the same concerns. At the same time, it explores Kubrick’s fraught relationship with his Jewish identity and his reluctance to be pegged as an ethnic director, manifest in his removal of Jewish references and characters from stories he adapted. As he digs deep into rare Kubrick archives to reveal insights about the director’s life and times, film scholar Nathan Abrams also provides a nuanced account of Kubrick’s cinematic artistry. Each chapter offers a detailed analysis of one of Kubrick’s major films, including Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001, A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and Eyes Wide Shut. Stanley Kubrick thus presents an illuminating look at one of the twentieth century’s most renowned and yet misunderstood directors.

Gorsuch: The Judge Who Speaks for Himself

by John Greenya

Learn all about Neil Gorsuch, the youngest judge to be nominated to the Supreme Court in twenty-five years, with this comprehensive and fascinating biography.When forty-nine-year-old Neil Gorsuch was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Donald Trump, he was told by a senator, “We need to know what’s in your heart.” Now, acclaimed author John Greenya seeks to answer that question with this captivating book. Born in Colorado, Gorsuch remains somewhat of a mystery to Democrats and Republicans alike. Based on intense research and interviews with people who have known Gorsuch in all periods of his life, both his opponents and his friends—from his early work as a lawyer and his year as a Justice Department official, to his ten-and-a-half years on the Federal bench, this is the best way to learn more about the conservative replacement to Justice Antonin Scalia.

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