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Lou Andreas Salomé: La Musa di Nietzsche, Rilke, e Freud

by Lázaro Droznes Silvia Niro

Lou Andreas Salomé è una donna che ha sempre attratto per il suo ascendente su tre grandi uomini: Nietzsche, Rilke e Freud. Lou fu amante di Rilke, amica intima di Nietzsche e allieva e confidente di Freud. Una supermusa che ispirò questi uomini relativamente sconosciuti al momento della relazione. Quest'opera drammatica presenta le relazioni tra questa straordinaria donna e questi tre uomini fuori dal comune per poter riflettere sulla natura della donna e i meccanismi che utilizza, molte volte senza volerlo o senza rendersene conto, per ispirare gli uomini con i quali entra in contatto.


by Lázaro Droznes Allan Ferreira

Esta ficção conta aqueles dias do ano de 1932 quando David Siqueiros, um pintor comprometido com o comunismo e com a arte enquanto instrumento da Revolução, concorda em pintar um mural ilustrado por mulheres nuas no porão da quinta Los Granados, propriedade do magnata da imprensa Natalio Botana, dono do "Crítica", a despeito de todos os seus princípios ideológicos. A mulher do pintor, Blanca Luz Brum, é a modelo utilizada para o mural. Ao fim do projeto, Blanca Luz abandona Siqueiros e se envolve com Natalio Botana. Expulso da Argentina, Siqueiros volta para o México. Um ano depois Luz abandona Botana. Cinquenta anos depois, a quinta é comprada para extrair o mural do porão abandonado e vendê-lo no mercado internacional. Em virtude de questões judiciais, a obra é mantida durante 15 anos em diversos contêineres no Porto de Buenos Aires. É, finalmente, expropriada pelo governo argentino para ser restaurada e exibida ao público nas celebrações do bicentenário da independência da Argentina. Esta ficção narra as situações que acompanharam esta extraordinária história que reflete a Argentina dos anos 30 e as paixões que a inspiravam.

General Franco's Last Battle: The long and unpredictable agony of General Franco

by José Luis Palma Isabelle Chaize

The youngest member of the medical team that treated General Francisco Franco during his long final agony tells the story of the turbulent days between the 15th of October and the 20th of November 1975. This is a non-fiction novel of great literary and historical value. As the author says in the book, 'with the passage of time I have convinced myself that Franco died because of his own doctors. I think we exhausted him too much, gave him too many orders - for a hard person, for a dictator, it must be unbearable.'

Desvío sobre un elefante: Un año bailando en el mayor espectáculo del mundo

by Barbara File Marangon Alejandra Gutierrez

Las memorias de una bailarina de ballet que abandona sus zapatillas de punta para montar un elefante en el circo Ringling Bros. y Barnum & Bailey en 1978.

Boudica, Reina Británica de los Icenos

by Roberto Carlos Pavon Carreon Laurel A. Rockefeller

¿Por qué está gritando el cuervo de Morrigan? ¡Sólo los británicos con corazón que aspiran a la verdadera libertad lo saben! En el año 43 de nuestra era, la conquista romana de Britania parece casi segura, hasta que un encuentro casual entre el rey Prasutagus de los icenos y una esclava fugitiva descendiente de la tribu de los eduos en Galia cambia el destino de las islas británicas para siempre. ¡Se levantará por la libertad con la historia real de Boudica: Reina de los icenos de Gran Bretaña y descubrirá una de las historias más inspiradoras de la historia! Una biografía no ficticia sobre mujeres legendarias de la historia mundial.

Denazificando Leni

by Luigia Pantalea Rovito Lázaro Droznes

Questa finzione drammatica ricostruisce il processo a Leni Riefenstahl condotto dalla Commissione di Denazificazione degli Alleati per determinare il suo grado di responsabilità nei crimini nazisti, come parte della campagna di denazificazione effettuata nella Germania post-bellica. Diverse scene dei suoi documentari vengono usate come prova a suo carico, sostenendo che furono realizzati come strumenti della propaganda di regime. Leni difende la propria indipendenza e autonomia in quanto artista. Durante lo svolgimento del processo, appare il tema della relazione tra gli artisti e il potere, la necessità di sviluppare una carriera artistica indipendente dal potere politico e la possibilità di creare arte per l'arte. Un'arte il cui fine sia l'arte stessa.

Divina Diva: Vita E Arie Di Maria Callas

by Lázaro Droznes Anna Zollino

Maria Callas probabilmente è stata il soprano più importante del "bel canto". La sua vita, piena di vette e abissi, è paragonabile solo alla vita delle eroine tragiche che era solita portare in scena.La sua carriera ha nettamente superato i limiti del teatro lirico, diventando una diva capace di attirare l'interesse della massa e di trasformarsi in una stella del "jet set" internazionale.L'opera, narrata in prima persona dalla Diva, racconta i principali momenti della sua vita turbolenta, alternando con le sue famose arie che illustrano e anticipano il suo tragico destino.Traduzione Anna Zollino

Freud Apaixonado: As mulheres de Sigmund Freud

by Doriane Gaia Lázaro Droznes

Ficção dramática baseada no relacionamento clandestino de Sigmund Freud com sua cunhada Minna Bernays, que para piorar, vivia em sua própria casa com toda a sua família. Esta relação tem sido comprovada de forma confiável nos últimos anos e tornou-se em um dos segredos mais bem guardados da vida de Freud. Marta e sua irmã Minna Bernays viveram em Viena, por 40 anos, com os 5 filhos do casamento e compartilharam o amor de um dos cientistas que mais contribuíram para a mudança dos costumes e hábitos sexuais do século XX.

Nora Em Auschwitz

by Lázaro Droznes Anabela Alves Lopes Afonso Romão Pinto

Este drama ficcional relata o processo de ensaios da CASA DE BONECAS de Ibsen, para ser representada em junho de 1944, quando uma delegação da Cruz Vermelha Internacional visitou o campo de concentração de Tezerin, a fim de verificar em que condições viviam os judeus. A atriz que antes fazia o papel de Nora foi transferida para Este e a obra reflete as dificuldades que a sua substituta, recém-chegada a Tezerin, enfrenta. Durante a visita da Cruz Vermelha, o campo transformou-se num grande palco de teatro no qual milhares de pessoas representaram diversas cenas para impressionar favoravelmente os delegados.

Jung In Love

by Lázaro Droznes Sara Maria Hasbun

Carl Gustav Jung was a legendary womanizer. This dramatic fiction explores and illustrates the relationships C.G. Jung had with the four women most important to him: Emma Rauschenbach, his wife; Sabina Spielrein, his first patient and lover; Toni Wolff, patient, assistant, friend, and lover for 40 years; and finally, in his older years, with his student, Marie-Louise von Franz. Jung has made significant contributions to psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology, and the comparative study of religion, and always needed the company of women to serve as his muses.

Leonardo Innamorato

by Lázaro Droznes Federica Costa

Leonardo da Vinci riceve nella sua bottega di Firenze Monna Lisa Gherardini al fine di realizzare un ritratto ordinato dal marito. Da Vinci trattiene il dipinto in suo potere; non arriverà mai a consegnarlo al cliente per portarlo con sé in ogni suo trasferimento fino alla fine dei suoi giorni. Fu un lungo idillio con la donna ideale, prolungatosi per il resto della sua vita, nel corso di vent'anni di costanti ritocchi. La presente finzione drammatica ricrea il rapporto di Leonardo con la Gioconda, con il suo assistente Salaì e con la natura, nella sua ricerca della verità e della bellezza. La pittura continua ad appassionare dopo svariati secoli l'intera umanità, ponendo le stesse domande che si sarà posto Da Vinci: perché sorride La Gioconda? Quale mistero cela questa donna? Quale mistero celano le donne? Come avrebbe detto il gran Leonardo: "la bellezza è verità e la verità è bellezza". Quest'opera tenta di penetrare in questi misteri che impregnano l'intera opera di Da Vinci.

Desnazificando Leni

by Lázaro Droznes Daniela Cäsar

Esta ficção dramática recria o julgamento de Leni Riefenstahl, levado adiante pelo Comitê de Desnazificação dos Aliados com o objetivo de determinar seu grau de responsabilidade nos crimes nazistas, e como parte de uma campanha de desnazificação realizada na Alemanha pós-guerra. Diversas cenas dos seus documentários são usadas como evidência contra ela, alegando-se que foram utilizadas como ferramentas de propaganda do regime. Leni defende sua independência e autonomia como artista. No decorrer do julgamento, surge como tema a relação entre os artistas e o poder, a necessidade de desenvolver uma carreira artística que não dependa do poder político e a possibilidade de criar arte por meio da própria arte. Uma arte que justifique a si mesma.

Seven Words of Jesus and Mary

by Fulton J. Sheen

Fulton J. Sheen turned his voice and pen to many subjects during the course of a long and remarkable apostolate. But nothing was closer to the heart of his message than bringing the words of Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother to bear on the problems of modern life and the modern world. In this book, Archbishop Sheen explores the connection between the seven words spoken by Mary in the Gospels, and the seven last words of Jesus on the Cross. Fulton Sheen was unparalleled in his ability to combine theology, devotion, and the profoundest reflections on the central events of the Christian narrative. Displayed here in full are the literary and rhetorical skills of one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. Sheen's meditations will slake the spiritual thirst of all who desire a fuller understanding of the Gospels and seek to draw closer to Christ and Mary.

Characters of the Passion

by Fulton J. Sheen James Tissot

To give us a better understanding of the Catholic Faith, in Characters of the Passion Fulton J. Sheen returns us to Calvary. There he dramatically brings to life in brief but penetrating characterizations many who played important roles in the "Eternal Drama of the Cross." Peter, Judas, Pilate, Herod, Barabbas, and others make an appearance, and through them the author shows us new aspects of the glory of the Faith. Fulton Sheen was unparalleled in his ability to combine theology, devotion, and the profoundest meditations on the central events of the Christian narrative. His writing is a message of inspiration to all: to those wavering in their beliefs he brings comfort and strength; to others he affirms the knowledge that true faith is the most powerful weapon in the world today, ever-ready to meet the challenges of modern life.

Laugh, You Buggers, Laugh: Selected poems (1967-1979) and the life and times that inspired them

by Nigel Gray

Laugh, You Buggers, Laugh is no ordinary collection of poems. Nigel Gray led an extraordinary life in extraordinary times. He was a political activist and performance poet in the UK during the days of rage and hope, flower power and free love, radical social change and political upheaval that typified the 1960s and 70s. He travelled on political forays to Southeast Asia, Africa, Ireland, and mainland Europe. This is a selection of poems from that time set in a context that explains the situations and experiences that inspired them. Nigel Gray, an Irish-born West Australian, is the multi-award-winning author of a hundred published books for adults and children.

Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life In Science (Great Discoveries #0)

by Lawrence M. Krauss

"A worthy addition to the Feynman shelf and a welcome follow-up to the standard-bearer, James Gleick's Genius." --Kirkus Reviews Perhaps the greatest physicist of the second half of the twentieth century, Richard Feynman changed the way we think about quantum mechanics, the most perplexing of all physical theories. Here Lawrence M. Krauss, himself a theoretical physicist and a best-selling author, offers a unique scientific biography: a rollicking narrative coupled with clear and novel expositions of science at the limits. From the death of Feynman's childhood sweetheart during the Manhattan Project to his reluctant rise as a scientific icon, we see Feynman's life through his science, providing a new understanding of the legacy of a man who has fascinated millions.

Spanish John

by John McDonell

The republication of the memoirs of Colonel John McDonell of Scottas (1728-1810) will be welcomed by Highlanders the world over. Neither romantic novel nor learned history can conjure up for us so vividly as this unashamedly prejudiced eyewitness account of the atmosphere of the aftermath of "the '45," the fierce loyalties and bitter hatreds, the high principles and barefaced villainy. We meet the ineffectual Stuart King, the saintly Duke of York, the unspeakable Captain Fergusson and many a minor character, each playing his part in the long drawn out British War of Succession and the death throes of Celtic society. The monograph traces John McDonell's story from his adventurous journey from Scotland to Rome at the age of 12 to his emigration to North America thirty-three years later.

Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism: A Brief Biography With Documents (Bedford Series in History and Culture )

by Bruce J. Schulman

Whether admired or reviled, Lyndon B. Johnson and his tumultuous administration embodied the principles and contradictions of his era. Taking advantage of newly released evidence, this second edition incorporates a selection of fresh documents, including transcripts of Johnson's phone conversations and conservative reactions to his leadership, to examine the issues and controversies that grew out of Johnson's presidency and have renewed importance today. The voices of Johnson, his aides, his opponents, and his interpreters address the topics of affirmative action, the United States' role in world affairs, civil rights, Vietnam, the Great Society, and the fate of liberal reform. Additional photographs of Johnson in action complement Bruce J. Schulman's rich biographical narrative, and a chronology, an updated bibliographical essay, and new questions for consideration provide pedagogical support.

The Hispanic World and American Intellectual Life, 1820–1880 (Studies of the Americas)

by Iván Jaksić

This book examines why several American literary and intellectual icons became pioneering scholars of the Hispanic world after Independence and the War 1812. At this crucial time for the young republic, these gifted Americans found inspiration in an unlikely place: the collapsing Spanish empire and used it to shape their own country's identity.

The Dresden Manuscripts: Unearthing an 18th Century Musical Genius

by David Wilson

A lifelong study of the music of Johann Hasse by conductor David Wilson has culminated in his superb new book, The Dresden Manuscripts: Unearthing an 18th Century Musical Genius. Hasse's music achieved great popularity during his lifetime, only to be overshadowed later in history by other composers, especially Mozart. Dr. Wilson's important and illuminating focus on the Dresden manuscripts will certainly be a springboard for conductors and musicologists to further examine the entirety of Hasse's oeuvre to rediscover other gems, particularly among the masses and operas, many of which will be found worthy of reentering the repertoire. David Wilson has produced a revelatory work of refined scholarship that will deepen our knowledge of this important yet oft-neglected Baroque composer.

Yasmeena's Choice: A True Story of War, Rape, Courage and Survival

by Jean Sasson

This is the true story of Yasmeena, a bright and beautiful young Lebanese woman who was imprisoned in Kuwait during the first Gulf War. Yasmeena's shocking journey is a tale of the madness of war, of the sexual brutality unleashed by chaos, and of one woman's courage to stand in danger's way to aid her fellow sufferers. This is an explicit, graphic, and honest book. It is for mature audiences only.Jean Sasson has spent her career sharing the personal stories of courageous Middle Eastern women. PRINCESS: Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia was an international bestseller. It has become a classic, taught in colleges and high schools and devoured by anyone who aspires to understand the Middle East.Yasmeena was quite literally an innocent abroad. She was a college educated, English-speaking flight attendant graced with an unusual amount of confidence. She was also a virgin, a conservative Muslim daughter and sister.When Yasmeena's flight out of Kuwait was delayed, it was because Saddam Hussein had just invaded Kuwait. Iraqi soldiers threw her into a woman's prison where the guards committed ghastly sexual attacks and tortured the women.After Yasmeena was brutalized by the captain of the prison, she thought she was the most unfortunate woman on earth. But that was before she befriended Lana, whose rapist took glee in inflicting hurt. Yasmeena used her position as the captain's favorite to protect her friend, though she also was forced into a wrenching decision.As Americans and other allies march into Kuwait, the Iraqis flee and Yasmeena escapes. Eventually she finds a safe harbor where Sasson interviews her and records every horrific experience.Sasson has wanted to write this story for many years. But she knew that the sexual explicitness and violence would make it difficult to publish. A year ago, Yasmeena's story and the choices she was forced to make invaded Sasson's dreams. She realized that now was the right time to share the story. And so here it is, Sasson's testament to an articulate, angry, brave young woman who not only survived but who was eager to share her story with the world.

The Saint on the Radio

by Ian Dickerson

Simon Templar, better known as "the Saint," is perhaps the first truly multimedia hero: By the 1960s his adventures had appeared in books, films, comic-strips and on television. But radio has been the most durable medium for the Saint; from the first series during World War II to the most recent in 2002, fifteen actors have played the modern-day Robin Hood. Of course when you mention The Saint on the radio most people think of Vincent Price, and quite understandably for he was the longest-running and most high-profile incumbent of the halo. But who were the other fourteen - and how did they get their haloes? The Saint on the Radio goes behind-the-scenes of the Saint, providing intriguing detail about the series' creation, its writers, episode synopses, and all the cast over the years. It provides an invaluable guide to the radio adventures of one of the 20th Century's most enduring and endearing heroes.


by Otto Julius Bierbaum

Originell und zeitlos erzählt Bierbaum Anekdoten und Erlebnisse aus seiner Zeit als Student. Eine kunterbunte Sammlung unterhaltender Literatur. Inhalt: Neuer Widmungsbrief an Richard Dehmel. Letzte Musterung Josephine Die erste Mensur Waschermadlhistorie Die Mondmarie Der Negerkomiker Selbstzucht To-lu-to-lo oder Wie Emil Türke wurde Leberecht der Gestrenge Zwei Äpfel Die falsche Kindbetterin

IO, ELVIS: Condannato dal successo.

by Lázaro Droznes Barbara Bertolini

Elvis Presley fu un personaggio incredibile, che rimane tuttora un punto di riferimento nel panorama musicale mondiale. La sua vita è costellata di successi, ma il ritmo frenetico e l'intensità con cui la vivette l'artista lo portarono alla sua prematura fine. In questa biografia Elvis ci racconta la sua storia, senza tralasciare nulla. Lo fa parlandoci in modo schietto e usando come intermezzo le sue canzoni. Un essere umano straordinario travolto dall'enorme successo e dalla fama, la cui storia ci insegna che una leggenda non muore mai.

After Long Silence: A Memoir

by Helen Fremont

"To this day, I don't even know what my mother's real name is."Helen Fremont was raised as a Roman Catholic. It wasn't until she was an adult, practicing law in Boston, that she discovered her parents were Jewish--Holocaust survivors living invented lives. Not even their names were their own. In this powerful memoir, Helen Fremont delves into the secrets that held her family in a bond of silence for more than four decades, recounting with heartbreaking clarity a remarkable tale of survival, as vivid as fiction but with the resonance of truth.Driven to uncover their roots, Fremont and her sister pieced together an astonishing story: of Siberian Gulags and Italian royalty, of concentration camps and buried lives. After Long Silence is about the devastating price of hiding the truth; about families; about the steps we take, foolish or wise, to protect ourselves and our loved ones. No one who reads this book can be unmoved, or fail to understand the seductive, damaging power of secrets.What Fremont and her sister discover is an astonishing story: one of Siberian gulags and Italian royalty, of concentration camps and buried lives. AFTER LONG SILENCE is about the devastating price of hiding the truth; about families; about the steps we take, foolish or wise, to protect ourselves and our loved ones. No one who reads this book can be unmoved, or fail to understand the seductive, damaging power of secrets. -->From the Trade Paperback edition.

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