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Transformation at ING (A): Agile

by William R. Kerr Federica Gabrieli Emer Moloney

"In December 2017, Vincent van den Boogert, CEO of ING’s operations in the Netherlands (“ING NL”), was looking for a work space at the company’s local headquarters in Amsterdam. Notwithstanding his current executive role, he had not had a private office for over four years—a deliberate move in preparation for what would be the company’s “agile” transformation. This reorganization of work had been critical for ING NL responding to and exceeding rapidly changing customer expectations. <P> Van den Boogert still remembered that Monday, June 15, 2015 when agile launched in true “big bang” fashion. All of ING NL’s headquarters employees had gathered in the Amsterdam Arena and jumped up at thesame moment for a picture that would immortalize the important inflection point in the company’s history. It was a powerful and symbolic moment. To be included in the new ING NL, all employees had had to reapply for a position, with selections based upon employees having the right mindset for the new way of working at ING NL in addition to skills and competencies. Meanwhile the building was transformed into an office bearing no resemblance to the old bank—open spaces, glass walls, and colorful couches provided new scenery for their new way of working."


by Lázaro Droznes Anabela Alves Lopes Afonso Romão Pinto

Descrição do livro: Marlene Dietrich foi uma das grandes estrelas de cinema de Hollywood e um dos grandes mitos do cinema. Nascida na Alemanha, descoberta por Josef von Sternberg, emigrada nos Estados Unidos e depois nacionalizada norte-americana, transformou-se num ícone da sedução, da mulher fatal e do eterno feminino. Além disso, a sua intensa militância contra o nazismo e a sua participação como soldado na Segunda Guerra Mundial revelam um aspeto insuspeito da sua personalidade. Nesta obra, Marlene revela episódios e experiências íntimas da sua vida lendária, intercaladas com as famosas canções que ilustram a sua vida, tanto como o fazem as suas histórias de vida. Qual é o mistério que oculta e revela Marlene Dietrich?

Eu, Elvis: Condenado pelo sucesso.

by Lázaro Droznes Danilo Aguilar Miranda

A trajetória de Elvis Presley é a trágica história de uma celebridade, vítima do próprio sucesso e das circunstâncias. Os adolescentes sonham em ser estrelas do rock, e Elvis se pergunta: "Com o que podem sonhar as estrelas do rock?". Com 23 anos de idade, Elvis já tinha conseguido muito mais do que havia sonhado em suas mais loucas fantasias, mas pouco depois se converte em prisioneiro de sua própria imagem, sentindo que sua vida já não lhe pertencia. Preso em um labirinto que ele mesmo havia construído. Esta obra de ficção recria os momentos mais significativos da vida do ídolo através de histórias curiosas e de suas canções, para revelar a sequência de circunstâncias que levaram uma celebridade a pagar o preço da fama com sua própria vida.

Der Blaue Engel bin ich: Marlene Dietrichs Leben Passiert Revue

by Lázaro Droznes Orlando Grossegesse

Marlene Dietrich war einer der großen Hollywood-Stars und einer der großen Kino-Mythen. In Deutschland geboren, wurde sie durch Josef von Sterberg entdeckt; in die USA emigriert, wurde sie später dort eingebürgert. Sie wurde zur Ikone der Verführungskunst, der femme fatale, des ewig lockenden Weiblichen. Aber ihr Kampf gegen den Nazismus und ihre Teilnahme als Soldatin im Zweiten Weltkrieg zeigen eine andere, oft unterschlagene Facette ihrer Persönlichkeit. In diesem Werk verrät Marlene Begebnisse und intime Erfahrungen. Ihre Stimme wird durch berühmte Lieder wachgerufen, die ebenso wie ihre Erzählungen ein sagenumwobenes Leben Revue passieren lassen. Was ist das Mysterium, das Marlene Dietrich verbirgt und enthüllt?


by Lázaro Droznes Stefania Batista

A incrível história do filho de um herói de guerra alemão, que se converteu ao judaísmo e emigrou a Israel. Essa ficção dramática reflete a incrível história baseada em um caso verídico do filho de um oficial alemão da Wehrmacht condecorado por sua valentia na Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se converteu ao judaísmo, abandonou a Alemanha e foi a Israel para se converter em cidadão israelita. Sua participação na Guerra do Líbano e seu confronto com os palestinos o colocam na mesma encruzilhada a qual deve ter enfrentado seu pai 40 anos antes: Deve enfrentar o dilema de todo soldado: Todas as ordens são lícitas e todas deve ser obedecidas? Qual é o limite da obediência devida? A disciplina militar exime o combatente de seus deveres morais e éticos? Toda a responsabilidade pertence à máxima hierarquia de uma organização militar ou a responsabilidade é compartilhada pelos níveis intermediários? Esta história confirma o que os gregos já sabiam: ninguém pode evitar seu próprio destino. Não importa o que façamos, ele sempre nos encontra.

Min by på Sicilien

by Bodil Bergh Cristiano Parafioriti

I en serie noveller berättar Cristiano Parafioriti på ett levande sätt om sin uppväxt i en liten by på Sicilien. Ljuden från sparkade fotbollar och grälande kvinnor blandas med doften av mulåsnor och pinjeträd. Alla berättelserna genomsyras av genuin kärlek till familjen, vännerna, hembygden och även till hans katolska tro.

Los Generales Más Brillantes De La Historia.

by Miriam Rodríguez Rodrigo Michael Rank

Este libro realiza un recorrido por las vidas de diez de los generales que han marcado el curso de la historia, diez personajes sin los cuales la sociedad en la que vivimos actualmente quizá no sería así. De forma amena, este libro describe sus hazañas, sus relaciones con la época en la que vivieron y las opiniones que sus adversarios tenían sobre ellos. Los generales cuyas vidas se relatan en este libro tienen algo en común: luchaban por ideales en los que creían firmemente y, por encima de todo, luchaban por lograr una paz duradera en los territorios bajo su influencia.

Mi historia: Mi Historia

by Michelle Obama

Un íntimo, poderoso e inspirador libro de memorias de la exprimera dama de Estados Unidos. Protagonista de una vida plena y exitosa, Michelle Obama se ha convertido en una de las mujeres más icónicas y cautivadoras de nuestra era. <P><P>Como primera dama de los Estados Unidos de América, y primera afroamericana en desempeñar esa función, contribuyó a que la Casa Blanca alcanzara sus mayores cotas de apertura y pluralidad de la historia; se erigió en destacada defensora de las mujeres y las niñas en Estados Unidos y en el resto del mundo, introdujo cambios drásticos encaminados a promover una vida saludable y activa en las familias, y acompañó a su esposo cuando el país atravesaba algunos de los momentos más desgarradores de su historia. Por el camino nos enseñó pasos de baile, causó furor en Carpool Karaoke y consiguió criar a dos hijas con los pies en la tierra bajo el implacable escrutinio de los medios de comunicación. <P><P>En sus memorias, profundamente reflexivas y cautivadoras, Michelle Obama invita al lector a entrar en su mundo relatando las experiencias que han forjado su carácter, desde su infancia en la zona sur de Chicago, hasta los años que vivió en la residencia más famosa del mundo, pasando por su etapa como alta directiva, durante la que tuvo que compaginar la maternidad con la vida profesional. Haciendo gala de una honestidad a toda prueba y de un ingenio vivaz, describe sus logros y decepciones tanto en la esfera pública como en la privada, y narra sin ambages la historia de su vida, con sus propias palabras y en sus propios términos. <P><P> Cálido, lúcido y revelador, Mi historia es un relato excepcionalmente íntimo de una mujer de gran moralidad y valía, que una vez y otra ha superado todas las expectativas y cuya historia nos inspira a seguir su ejemplo.

La Monaca Ebrea

by Lázaro Droznes Gilda Lomonte

Sinossi Edith Stein fu una filosofa ebrea tedesca che si convertì al cattolicesimo e successivamente divenne monaca carmelitana. In occasione della rappresaglia per le proteste del clero olandese in merito al trattamento degli ebrei, fu deportata ad Auschwitz, uccisa, canonizzata dalla Chiesa Cattolica e infine dichiarata santa e compatrona d'Europa. Questo dramma di finzione, che si svolge ad Auschwitz, presenta la visita di un suo vecchio compagno dell'università, che la invita a collaborare alla creazione delle basi di una nuova dottrina religiosa funzionale al regime nazista.In seguito al suo rifiuto, viene inviata alla camera a gas e al forno crematorio. Edith Stein e la sua terribile parabola esistenziale riassumono le peculiarità essenziali della peggiore tragedia del XX secolo: il nazismo.

A Backward Glance

by Beverley Cowcher

A beautiful and gentle story of a branch of the Mainland family, beginning with their early years in Australia. After establishing their roots in country Victoria, the family migrated to the farming community of Narrogin, in Western Australia, and finally lived in Dunsborough and Busselton, which were very different then from the towns we know today.A story of love, laughter, and sadness told with humour and self-deprecation as it journeys through a family's history. Full of unsung heroes and real people doing everything they can to make life wonderful for their families and children, while contributing as much as they could to the fabric of the communities they were living in.This is a story that will make you laugh and cry, and will leave you feeling better about the world.

Canoe Kids Volume 1: The Anishinnabe (Ojibwe) Peoples of Great Spirit Island

by The communities of Manitoulin Island Canoe Kids

Canoe Kids is a book that we hope you will keep. The information, stories and pictures are timeless and will never feel old. The stories are already thousands of years old and they are as relevant now (perhaps more so) than ever before. As your collection grows each new and old edition can be enjoyed, re-read and shared by new and old family members and acquaintances. Our team doesn't just travel and spend a few days in each location. We spend months on location and build real relationships. That means that the materials you read are not only the result of exhaustive work but also of the care and closeness of the friendships made within the community by the Canoe Kids staff. This, we believe, is much more than just reporting. This is our mission and lives too, and we are thrilled to have you join us on our journeys.

San Charbel

by Melina S. Bautista J.

En este novedoso libro, Melina nos presenta la vida de San Charbel, sus milagros, devociones, sacramentales, crónicas de sus celebraciones y de experiencias de sus seguidores, que inflaman el corazón de los creyentes. Todo lo que los devotos del santo libanés desearían saber para aumentar su conocimiento y devoción, lo encontrarán en este volumen. Tienes en tus manos una obra que, sin duda, será un instrumento que te ayudará a orar y enriquecer tu vida cristiana.

El diario de Ana Frank

by Anne Frank

Desde su encierro en el Anexo secreto, Ana Frank sueña con convertirse en escritora. Ella nunca lo supo, pero su famoso diario ha dado la vuelta al mundo, ha sido traducido a varios idiomas y se considera uno de los testimonios más genuinos del Holocausto. Por desgracia, Ana Frank murió muy joven y su diario quedó inconcluso, pero entre sus páginas todavía permanecen atrapados sus anhelos juveniles de amor, libertad y trascendencia.

Invasion of the Bastard Cannibals

by Nathan Weathington

What would cause a man to leave his sheltered and conservative home in the rural South to move to the hippie-infested left coast of Canada? A woman, obviously. In his second comic memoir, Nathan realizes that although he could make a homemade grenade as a ten-year-old, he is ill-equipped to handle a personal hygiene debate with cannibals, nude strippers on horseback, giant-scrotumed men in loincloths, or Ewoks who aggressively try to stick coffee up his rectum for no apparent reason. Follow Nathan’s offbeat and absurd musings as he struggles to make sense of the world outside of Bremen, Georgia.

High On Arrival

by Mackenzie Phillips

Not long before her fiftieth birthday,Mackenzie Phillips walked into Los Angeles International Airport. She was on her way to a reunion for One Day at a Time, the hugely popular 70s sitcom on which she once starred as the lovable rebel Julie Cooper. Within minutes of entering the security checkpoint, Mackenzie was in handcuffs, arrested for possession of cocaine and heroin. Born into rock and roll royalty, flying in Learjets to the Virgin Islands at five, making pot brownies with her father's friends at eleven, Mackenzie grew up in an all-access kingdom of hippie freedom and heroin cool. It was a kingdom over which her father, the legendary John Phillips of The Mamas & the Papas, presided, often in absentia, as a spellbinding, visionary phantom. When Mackenzie was a teenager, Hollywood and the world took notice of the charming, talented, precocious child actor after her star-making turn in American Graffiti. As a young woman she joinedthe nonstop party in the hedonistic pleasure dome her father created for himself and his fellow revelers, and a rapt TV audience watched as Julie Cooper wasted away before their eyes. By the time Mackenzie discovered how deep and dark her father's trip was going, it was too late. And as an adult, she has paid dearly for a lifetime of excess, working tirelessly to reconcile a wonderful, terrible past in which she succumbed to the power of addiction and the pull of her magnetic father. As her astounding, outrageous, and often tender life story unfolds, the actor-musician-mother shares her lifelong battle with personal demons and near-fatal addictions. She overcomes seemingly impossible obstacles again and again and journeys toward redemption and peace. By exposing the shadows and secrets of the past to the light of day, the star who turned up High on Arrival has finally come back down to earth -- to stay.

Beating the Street: The Best-selling Author Of One Up On Wall Street Shows You How To Pick Winning Stocks And Mutual Funds

by John Rothchild Peter Lynch

Develop a Winning Investment Strategy -- with Expert Advice from "The Nation's #1 Money Manager" Peter Lynch's "invest in what you know" strategy has made him a household name with investors both big and small. An important key to investing, Lynch says, is to remember that stocks are not lottery tickets. There's a company behind every stock and a reason companies -- and their stocks -- perform the way they do. In this book, newly revised and updated for the paperback edition, Peter Lynch shows you how you can become an expert in a company and how you can build a profitable investment portfolio, based on your own experience and insights and on straightforward do-it-yourself research. There's no reason the individual investor can't match wits with the experts, and this book will show you how. In Beating the Street, Lynch for the first time: * Explains how to devise a mutual fund strategy * Shows how he goes about picking stocks, step-by-step * Describes how the individual investor can improve his or her investment performance to rival that of the experts of the investment clubs.

Yo-Yo Ma and Silkroad

by Rohit Deshpande Paul A. Gompers Scott Duke Kominers

"Yo-Yo Ma, world-famous cellist and musical icon, stood inside the Visitor Center of the Tanglewood Music Center, a performance and music education complex in Lenox, Massachusetts. Through a window, he gazed out at the Koussevitzky Music Shed, a gorgeous open-air concert hall in which Ma had performed many, many times. It was midday—no music was playing—but the familiar setting, with its internal echoes of concerts past, helped Ma organize his thoughts."

David: A Man of Passion and Destiny (Great Lives from God's Word #1)

by Charles R. Swindoll

David, unlike any Bible character before him, had the charisma to inspire a great nation. Yet in other ways he was a most ordinary man-often gripped by destructive passion, rocked by personal tragedy, and motivated by political gain. Yet, he is the one character the Bible describes as a "man after God's own heart." In this first volume of the "Great Lives" series Charles Swindoll shows how David proved his love for God many times over in an extraordinary life that left an enduring legacy of faith.

Henry Austin: In Every Variety of Architectural Style (Garnet Books)

by James F. O'Gorman

Henry Austin's (1804-1891) works receive consideration in books on nineteenth-century architecture, yet no book has focused scholarly attention on his primary achievements in New Haven, Connecticut, in Portland, Maine, and elsewhere. Austin was most active during the antebellum era, designing exotic buildings that have captured the imaginations of many for decades. James F. O'Gorman deftly documents Austin's work during the 1840s and '50s, the time when Austin was most productive and creative, and for which a wealth of material exists. The book is organized according to various building types: domestic, ecclesiastic, public, and commercial. O'Gorman helps to clarify what buildings should be attributed to the architect and comments on the various styles that went into his eclectic designs. Henry Austin is lavishly illustrated with 132 illustrations, including 32 in full color. Three extensive appendices provide valuable information on Austin's books, drawings, and his office.

Crowbar Governor: The Life and Times of Morgan Gardner Bulkeley (The Driftless Connecticut Series)

by Kevin Murphy

While president of Aetna Life from 1879 to 1922, Morgan Bulkeley served four terms as mayor of Hartford, two terms as Connecticut's governor, and one term as a United States senator. His friends and business and political acquaintances were a who's who of the Gilded Age: Samuel Clemens, J. P. Morgan, Samuel and Elizabeth Colt, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Leland Stanford, Charles Crocker, Albert Spalding, General Sherman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Katherine Hepburn, as well as every president from Ulysses Grant to Warren Harding. In 1874 Bulkeley formed the Hartford Dark Blues who soon joined the unruly National Association, antecedent of the National League. He served as the league's first president for a year, and was later elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. It was during Bulkeley's controversial "holdover" term as governor that he earned the nickname "Crowbar Governor." He used a crowbar to remove a lock that had been placed on his office door after refusing to vacate the governor's chambers on a technicality. Written in classic storyteller fashion, and augmented by copious research, Crowbar Governor offers readers a privileged glimpse into life and politics in Connecticut during the Gilded Age.

Finding Pete: Rediscovering the Brother I Lost in Vietnam

by Jill Hunting

Two days after Jill Hunting turned fifteen, she lost her only brother, a volunteer with International Voluntary Services and one of the first civilian casualties of the Vietnam War. News broadcasts and headlines announced to the world that Pete had been led into an ambush by friends. When Jill's mother told her that Pete's letters home had all been destroyed in a basement flood, the connection between Jill and her brother was lost forever--or so she thought. Decades later, 175 letters surfaced. Through them, and the sweethearts and many friends who had never forgotten Pete, Jill came to know him again.Finding Pete is one of the great, untold true stories of an escalating war and a young man caught in its sights. This personalized account of a critical moment in U.S. history is the moving story of an altruistic youth who personifies what America lost in Vietnam. It is also a portrait of a family's struggle with loss, a mother's damaging grief, and, most of all, a sister's quest to solve a mystery and recover the connection with her brother. Includes a reader's guide.

Yip Harburg: Legendary Lyricist and Human Rights Activist (Music/Interview)

by Harriet Hyman Alonso

Known as "Broadway's social conscience," E. Y. Harburg (1896-1981) wrote the lyrics to the standards, "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?," "April in Paris," and "It's Only a Paper Moon," as well as all of the songs in The Wizard of Oz, including "Over the Rainbow." Harburg always included a strong social and political component to his work, fighting racism, poverty, and war. Interweaving close to fifty interviews (most of them previously unpublished), over forty lyrics, and a number of Harburg's poems, Harriet Hyman Alonso enables Harburg to talk about his life and work. He tells of his early childhood on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, his public school education, how the Great Depression opened the way to writing lyrics, and his work on Broadway and Hollywood, including his blacklisting during the McCarthy era. Finally, but most importantly, Harburg shares his commitment to human rights and the ways it affected his writing and his career path. Includes an appendix with Harburg's key musicals, songs, and films.

Gervase Wheeler: A British Architect in America, 1847–1860 (The Driftless Connecticut Series)

by Renee Tribert James F. O'Gorman

Gervase Wheeler was an English-born architect who designed such important American works as the Henry Boody House in Brunswick, Maine; the Patrick Barry House in Rochester, New York; and the chapels at Bowdoin and Williams colleges. But he was perhaps best known as the author of two influential architecture books, Rural Homes (1851) and Homes for the People (1855). Yet Wheeler has remained a little known, enigmatic figure. Renee Tribert and James F. O'Gorman's study sheds new light on the course of Wheeler's career in the states, and brings crucial issues to the fore--the international movement of ideas, the development of the American architectural profession, the influence of architectural publications on popular taste, and social history as expressed in the changing nature of the American house. Wheeler's career is traced chronologically and geographically and the book is lavishly illustrated with over fifty images, including building plans and historical photographs.

Making the News, Taking the News: From NBC to the Ford White House

by Ron Nessen

For fifteen years, Ron Nessen enjoyed an extraordinary career covering the major national events of the 1960s and '70s for NBC News, and later serving as White House press secretary to President Gerald R. Ford. Making the News, Taking the News remembers the events and personalities that dominated national politics during Nessen's career, bringing a hard-won perspective to those tumultuous times. Through an interweaving of countless incidents and personal anecdotes, Nessen builds a story that captures the true grit of closed-door politics. Off-the-record briefings and strategy sessions, as well as descriptions of experiences with Vietnam troops in the field, provide a vivid illustration of the life of an on-the-road reporter. At the heart of the book is Nessen's White House years, as the veteran reporter gives a valuable eyewitness account of events both behind the scenes and in front of the cameras that shaped and altered America during two critical decades.

Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards (Landmarks)

by Elisa Jordan

For decades, the mild climate of the Crescenta Valley served as a haven for those seeking mental health rest and relief from lung ailments. In 1923, registered nurse Agnes Richards decided it was the perfect place to open a sanitarium, one that would set itself apart from the rest. Rockhaven Sanitarium catered to female residents only and, with few exceptions, exclusively employed women. It was a progressive treatment center that prided itself on treating residents with dignity and respect. The center's high ideals and proximity to early Hollywood attracted residents like Billie Burke; Marilyn Monroe's mother, Gladys; and Clark Gable's first wife, Josephine Dillon. Join author Elisa Jordan as she explores Rockhaven's illustrious past.

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