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Wasted Time

by Edward Hertrich

A stark and honest memoir of thirty-five years spent in Canada’s prison system. Born and raised in Toronto’s Regent Park, Edward Hertrich left high school in grade eleven to start working. A year later, he started dealing drugs in earnest, beginning a criminal career that resulted in him being incarcerated for thirty-five of his next forty years. In Wasted Time, Hertrich describes his time behind bars. Once considered a serious threat to public safety, he spent much of his time at Millhaven Institution, a maximum-security prison that housed four hundred of Canada’s most dangerous inmates, including murderers, bank robbers, and gang members, as well as — for most of his stay there — a gang of sadistic guards.

Guía de supervivencia de Científico en España

by Cientifico En España

Un libro tan divertido como real sobre todos los problemas y situaciones con las que se encuentra un científico a lo largo de su carrera, escrito por el investigador y tuitero más crítico, autocrítico e irónico de la Red. ¿Eres de esos a los que les gusta hacerse preguntas? ¿Te has planteado dedicarte a la ciencia? ¿Quieres saber cómo sobrevive un científico en su día a día en España? Quizás este libro pueda darte algunas respuestas..., aunque posiblemente no sean las que esperas.

Tintabrava: El hombre que quería hacer cantar al mundo

by Raúl Castro Breccia

Raúl Castro dialoga en estas páginas con su álter ego Tintabrava, y de esa charla surge un relato hermoso y poético que repasa las alternativas de una vida luminosa. <P><P>La historia de Tintabrava es también la nuestra. <P><P>Es el Uruguay de los 60, el fútbol, los Beatles, el barrio y la murga. Es la militancia estudiantil y los veranos en Solymar. Es el territorio inolvidable de la niñez, los grandes amigos y los primeros amores. Es el trabajo en la fábrica, la cara pintada arriba de un tablado y el vagabundeo por el mundo con una guitarra a cuestas. Es la emoción que surge en cada paso del camino, donde victorias y fracasos se encuentran para enseñarnos la lección más importante, la que guardamos y transmitimos. <P><P>Desde la niñez de juegos en la calle hasta un presente que plantea desafíos a cada paso, el camino de Tintabrava es el de la lucha por ideales que evolucionan con el tiempo pero siguen siendo los mismos en esencia. Es también un repaso por los hechos fundamentales de nuestra historia como país, contado desde el punto de vista del prójimo y comprometido con la cultura popular. <P><P>Recorriendo estas páginas, los lectores nos sorprendemos al encontrarnos con personajes entrañables y situaciones memorables, en un territorio donde la imaginación y la realidad se funden para dar paso a la emoción. Esa misma emoción que transmite Tintabrava, "el hombre que quería hacer cantar al mundo", en sus versos.

Revelaciones al final de una guerra: Testimonio del jefe negociador del gobierno colombiano en la habana

by Humberto De La Calle

Narración de los hechos que vivió y cómo los vivió Humberto de La Calle, jefe negociador del gobierno durante el proceso de paz en La Habana. En medio de los diálogos de La Habana, Humberto de la Calle reunía sus notas de trabajo en rigurosos diarios, consciente de estar registrando en su misma fuente el curso de la historia. En los márgenes de estas notas, redactaba también sus impresiones y dudas, sus meditaciones, a veces miraba en perspectiva y reconstruía la evolución del proceso de paz o simplemente escribía sobre la cotidianidad de unos días difíciles, donde estaban en juego el cambio de todo un país y la vida de muchos. La materia prima de este libro son esos diarios. En él se cuenta de qué manera se desactivó una guerra que duró más de cincuenta años y que arroja la escalofriante cifra de ocho millones de víctimas. Humberto de la Calle narra desde adentro el Acuerdo de Paz de La Habana; presenta su concepción, las distintas estrategias del Gobierno y sus transformaciones, revela las crisis, informes de inteligencia y los eventos públicos y privados que dieron forma a la arquitectura final de lo acordado. Este libro es un referente imprescindible para comprender el proceso en el que terminamos esta guerra y sus efectos. Con la visión ética que lo identificó en la Constitución de 1991, pero sobre todo con la fuerza de un verdadero pacifista, De la Calle presenta los principios que encauzaron el Acuerdo de La Habana. Por medio de sorprendentes anécdotas compone un cuadro realista de los hechos que condujeron al final de una guerra.

Who Was Galileo? (Who was?)

by Nancy Harrison John O'Brien Patricia Brennan Demuth

Like Michelangelo, Galileo is another Renaissance great known just by his first name--a name that is synonymous with scientific achievement. Born in Pisa, Italy, in the sixteenth century, Galileo contributed to the era's great rebirth of knowledge. He invented a telescope to observe the heavens. From there, not even the sky was the limit! He turned long-held notions about the universe topsy turvy with his support of a sun-centric solar system. Patricia Brennan Demuth offers a sympathetic portrait of a brilliant man who lived in a time when speaking scientific truth to those in power was still a dangerous proposition.

From an Idea to Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic (From an Idea to)

by Lowey Bundy Sichol

From an Idea to Disney is a behind-the-movie-screen look into the history, business, and brand of the world's largest entertainment empire. With humorous black & white illustrations throughout, learn about the company behind the world's favorite mouse, Mickey! “I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse.” —Walt Disney Today, the Walt Disney Company is the biggest entertainment company in the world with theme parks, TV shows, movie studios, merchandise, the most recognizable cartoon character in the world, Mickey Mouse. But a long time ago, brothers Walt and Roy Disney started out with just an idea. Find out more about Disney’s history, the business, and the brand in this illustrated nonfiction book!Find out what Walt first intended to name his famous mouse. (Hint: It wasn’t Mickey!)Discover behind-the-scenes magic of how Walt Disney World is run.Explore the ways the Disney expanded its brand from a little mouse into media, merchandise, and more!

From an Idea to Nike: How Marketing Made Nike a Global Success (From an Idea to)

by Lowey Bundy Sichol

From an Idea to Nike is a fully-illustrated look into how Nike stepped up its sneaker game to become the most popular athletic brand in the world. Humorous black & white illustrations throughout. Ever wonder how Nike became the athletics empire it is today? From an Idea to Nike digs into the marketing campaigns and strategy that turned this running-shoe company into the outfitter for many athletes as well as the iconic American brand. With infographics and engaging visuals throughout, this behind-the-scenes look into the historical and business side of Nike will be an invaluable resource for kids interested in what makes this business run.Find out where the name Nike came from and how the famous swoosh became the signature logo.Learn about the company's first marketing campaign with a star athlete. (Hint: It wasn’t Michael Jordan!) Explore the ways Nike expanded marketing from running to basketball, soccer, golf, and beyond!

Off the Rails: A Train Trip Through Life

by Beppe Severgnini

In this witty and entertaining collection of travel tales, an acclaimed journalist explores his obsession with trains--and what his rail journeys have taught him about culture and identity."I've gone around the world in installments. Every trip has been a revelation. I've watched regions, nations, and continents change moods and I've met more people on trains than in forty years of airplane flights. Every train trip has been a spectacle. Trains are stages, cafés, bazaars. The only talk show that will never go off the air..."Beppe Severgnini has spent his life traveling the world, and not just because he's a journalist; he's a passionate, unflagging train buff. Off the Rails recounts some of his favorite trips across Europe, Australia, Asia, and the United States, each journey bringing readers not only to a different place but to a different time, from his honeymoon on the Trans-Siberian Express (in a four-person compartment!), to a winding journey from Russia to Turkey during the last summer of communism, to a recent coast-to-coast trip with his son from Washington, D.C., to Washington State.Off the Rails is the perfect getaway for anyone with a touch of wanderlust, who dreams of escape or just likes to laugh. Filled with memorable characters and perceptive observations, it demonstrates--hilariously--what unites us.With the world in chaos and life in perpetual fast-forward, it's always the right time to hop on board with Beppe Severgnini and meet your charming, hapless, quarrelsome, romantic, shifty, quirky, endearing neighbors.

Sounds Like Titanic: A Memoir

by Jessica Chiccehitto Hindman

A young woman leaves Appalachia for life as a classical musician—or so she thinks. When aspiring violinist Jessica Chiccehitto Hindman lands a job with a professional ensemble in New York City, she imagines she has achieved her lifelong dream. But the ensemble proves to be a sham. When the group “performs,” the microphones are never on. Instead, the music blares from a CD. The mastermind behind this scheme is a peculiar and mysterious figure known as The Composer, who is gaslighting his audiences with music that sounds suspiciously like the Titanic movie soundtrack. On tour with his chaotic ensemble, Hindman spirals into crises of identity and disillusionment as she “plays” for audiences genuinely moved by the performance, unable to differentiate real from fake. Sounds Like Titanic is a surreal, often hilarious coming-of-age story. Hindman writes with precise, candid prose and sharp insight into ambition and gender, especially when it comes to the difficulties young women face in a world that views them as silly, shallow, and stupid. As the story swells to a crescendo, it gives voice to the anxieties and illusions of a generation of women, and reveals the failed promises of a nation that takes comfort in false realities.

The Pianist from Syria: A Memoir

by Aeham Ahmad

An astonishing but true account of a pianist’s escape from war-torn Syria to Germany offers a deeply personal perspective on the most devastating refugee crisis of this century.Aeham Ahmad was born a second-generation refugee—the son of a blind violinist and carpenter who recognized Aeham's talent and taught him how to play piano and love music from an early age. When his grandparents and father were forced to flee Israel and seek refuge from the Israeli–Palestinian conflict ravaging their home, Aeham’s family built a life in Yarmouk, an unofficial camp to more than 160,000 Palestinian refugees in Damascus. They raised a new generation in Syria while waiting for the conflict to be resolved so they could return to their homeland. Instead, another fight overtook their asylum. Their only haven was in music and in each other. Forced to leave his family behind, Aeham sought out a safe place for them to call home and build a better life, taking solace in the indestructible bond between fathers and sons to keep moving forward. Heart-wrenching yet ultimately full of hope, and told in a raw and poignant voice, The Pianist from Syria is a gripping portrait of one man’s search for a peaceful life for his family and of a country being torn apart as the world watches in horror.

Ben Hecht: Fighting Words, Moving Pictures (Jewish Lives)

by Adina Hoffman

A vibrant portrait of one of the most accomplished and prolific American screenwriters, by an award-winning biographer and essayistHe was, according to Pauline Kael, “the greatest American screenwriter.” Jean-Luc Godard called him “a genius” who “invented 80 percent of what is used in Hollywood movies today.” Besides tossing off dozens of now-classic scripts—including Scarface,Twentieth Century, and Notorious—Ben Hecht was known in his day as ace reporter, celebrated playwright, taboo-busting novelist, and the most quick-witted of provocateurs. During World War II, he also emerged as an outspoken crusader for the imperiled Jews of Europe, and later he became a fierce propagandist for pre-1948 Palestine’s Jewish terrorist underground. Whatever the outrage he stirred, this self-declared “child of the century” came to embody much that defined America—especially Jewish America—in his time. Hecht's fame has dimmed with the decades, but Adina Hoffman’s vivid portrait brings this charismatic and contradictory figure back to life on the page. Hecht was a renaissance man of dazzling sorts, and Hoffman—critically acclaimed biographer, former film critic, and eloquent commentator on Middle Eastern culture and politics—is uniquely suited to capture him in all his modes.

Rising Son: A US Soldier's Secret and Heroic Role in World War II

by Sandra Vea

The remarkable story of a Japanese American who served in a top-secret team in World War II that coaxed Japanese Imperial soldiers from their bunkers on the front lines of the war in the Pacific.Masao Abe was a second-generation Japanese American who was swept up in the momentum of history during World War II. Born in southern California but educated as a teenager in Japan during the 1930s, he returned to the US and was drafted into the US Army. As he completed basic training, the attack on Pearl Harbor put his military career in limbo because the US government didn't know what to do with him or how to think about him--was he an enemy or a patriot? Masao was eventually recruited to join the secretive Military Intelligence Service: he was trained to accompany American soldiers as they fought their way across the islands in the Pacific. His assignment was to convince Japanese Imperial soldiers to lay down their arms, and to read captured documents looking for enemy strategies. He went to war with a bodyguard because his commanders knew he wore a target on his front and his back. This little-known slice of history reveals how the confluence of race, war, and loyalty played out when the nation called for the service of those it judged most harshly.

Dust Tracks on a Road: An Autobiography (Perennial Bestsellers Series)

by Zora Neale Hurston

A candid, funny, bold and poignant autobiography from one of literature's most cherished voices. Dust Tracks on a Road is the enthralling account of Zora Neale Hurston's rise from an impoverished childhood in the rural South to celebrated artist of the Harlem Renaissance. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

My Bondage and My Freedom: The Givens Collection (Tale Blazers: American Literature Series)

by Frederick Douglass

A deep meditation on the implications of slavery, race, and freedom, as well as a study of one man's perspective and how he intersects with the nation in which he lives, My Bondage and My Freedom is a powerful look at pre-Civil Wars America. Frederick Douglass—abolitionist, journalist, orator, and one of the most powerful voices to emerge from the American civil rights movement—transforms himself from slave to fugitive to reformer, leaving behind a legacy of social, intellectual, and political thought. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

Mary's Monster: Love, Madness, and How Mary Shelley

by Lita Judge

<p>Pairing free verse with over three hundred pages of black-and-white watercolor illustrations, Mary’s Monster is a unique and stunning biography of Mary Shelley, the pregnant teenage runaway who became one of the greatest authors of all time. <p>Legend is correct that Mary Shelley began penning Frankenstein in answer to a dare to write a ghost story. What most people don't know, however, is that the seeds of her novel had been planted long before that night. By age nineteen, she had been disowned by her family, was living in scandal with a married man, and had lost her baby daughter just days after her birth. Mary poured her grief, pain, and passion into the powerful book still revered two hundred years later, and in Mary's Monster, author/illustrator Lita Judge has poured her own passion into a gorgeous book that pays tribute to the life of this incredible author.</p>

Eisenhower: At War 1943-1945

by David Eisenhower

The first volume of a multi-volume study of President Eisenhower, this book focuses on Eisenhower's conduct of the war and provides an extensively documented analysis of the political ramifications of the course of the war and Eisenhower's decisions

Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man

by Timothy Sandefur

Frederick Douglass rose to become one of the nation's foremost intellectuals―a statesman, author, lecturer, and scholar who helped lead the fight against slavery and racial oppression. Unlike other leading abolitionists, however, Douglass embraced the U.S. Constitution, insisting that it was an essentially anti-slavery document and that its guarantees for individual rights belonged to all Americans, of whatever race.

Kafka's Last Trial: The Case Of A Literary Legacy

by Benjamin Balint

The story of the international struggle to preserve Kafka’s literary legacy. Kafka’s Last Trial begins with Kafka’s last instruction to his closest friend, Max Brod: to destroy all his remaining papers upon his death. But when the moment arrived in 1924, Brod could not bring himself to burn the unpublished works of the man he considered a literary genius—even a saint. Instead, Brod devoted his life to championing Kafka’s writing, rescuing his legacy from obscurity and physical destruction. The story of Kafka’s posthumous life is itself Kafkaesque. By the time of Brod’s own death in Tel Aviv in 1968, Kafka’s major works had been published, transforming the once little-known writer into a pillar of literary modernism. Yet Brod left a wealth of still-unpublished papers to his secretary, who sold some, held on to the rest, and then passed the bulk of them on to her daughters, who in turn refused to release them. An international legal battle erupted to determine which country could claim ownership of Kafka’s work: Israel, where Kafka dreamed of living but never entered, or Germany, where Kafka’s three sisters perished in the Holocaust? Benjamin Balint offers a gripping account of the controversial trial in Israeli courts—brimming with dilemmas legal, ethical, and political—that determined the fate of Kafka’s manuscripts. Deeply informed, with sharply drawn portraits and a remarkable ability to evoke a time and place, Kafka’s Last Trial is at once a brilliant biographical portrait of a literary genius, and the story of two countries whose national obsessions with overcoming the traumas of the past came to a head in a hotly contested trial for the right to claim the literary legacy of one of our modern masters.

Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Blue: Level L)

by J. Pinkney Jean Marzollo

This book is a beautifully-rendered study of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life, told in simple, straightforward language for even the youngest of readers to understand. Pinkney's scratchboard and oil pastel illustrations convey both the strength and gentleness of King's character. Both text and art carry his central message of peace and brotherhood among all people.

Torn by War: The Civil War Journal of Mary Adelia Byers

by Mary Adelia Byers

The Civil War divided the nation, communities, and families. The town of Batesville, Arkansas, found itself occupied three times by the Union army. This compelling book gives a unique perspective on the war’s western edge through the diary of Mary Adelia Byers (1847-1918), who began recording her thoughts and observations during the Union occupation of Batesville in 1862. Only fifteen when she starts her diary, Mary is beyond her years in maturity, as revealed by her acute observations of the world around her. At the same time, she appears very much a child of her era. Having lost her father at a young age, she and her family depend on the financial support of her Uncle William, a slave owner and Confederate sympathizer. Through Mary’s eyes, we are given surprising insights into local society during a national crisis. On the one hand, we see her flirting with Confederate soldiers m the Batesville town square and, on the other, facing the grim reality of war by “setting up” through the night with dying soldiers. Her journal ends in March 1865, shortly before the war comes to a close. Enhanced by extensive photographs, maps, and informative annotation by Samuel R. Phillips, Torn by War is a valuable contribution to the growing body of literature on civilian life during the Civil War. Samuel R. Phillips was raised near Batesville and is a descendant of Mary Adelia Byers. A graduate of Brooks School and the California Institute of Technology, he is a mechanical engineer and manufacturing consultant. George E. Lankford is Emeritus Professor of Folklore at Lyon College, Batesville. He is the editor of Bearing Witness: Memories of Arkansas Slavery and author of many articles on Independence history.

Who Is Pele? (Who Was?)

by Andrew Thomson Who Hq James Buckley

The story of a poor boy from Brazil who became the greatest soccer player of all time and one of the most important athletes of the twentieth century!His parents may have named him Edson Arantes do Nascimento, but to the rest of the world, he is known as Pelé. The now-retired professional soccer forward stunned Brazil when he began playing for the Santos soccer club at age fifteen. He then went on to captivate the world when he joined his country's national soccer team and helped them win three World Cup championships. Although he's hailed as a national hero for his accomplishments in soccer, Pelé has been an influential person both on and off the pitch. His work with organizations like UNICEF has helped improve conditions for children around the world. Young readers can learn more about the man who connected soccer with the phrase "The Beautiful Game."

Without Precedent: Chief Justice John Marshall and His Times

by Joel Richard Paul

The remarkable story of John Marshall who, as chief justice, statesman, and diplomat, played a pivotal role in the founding of the United States.No member of America's Founding Generation had a greater impact on the Constitution and the Supreme Court than John Marshall, and no one did more to preserve the delicate unity of the fledgling United States. From the nation's founding in 1776 and for the next forty years, Marshall was at the center of every political battle. As Chief Justice of the United States - the longest-serving in history - he established the independence of the judiciary and the supremacy of the federal Constitution and courts. As the leading Federalist in Virginia, he rivaled his cousin Thomas Jefferson in influence. As a diplomat and secretary of state, he defended American sovereignty against France and Britain, counseled President John Adams, and supervised the construction of the city of Washington. D.C.This is the astonishing true story of how a rough-cut frontiersman - born in Virginia in 1755 and with little formal education - invented himself as one of the nation's preeminent lawyers and politicians who then reinvented the Constitution to forge a stronger nation. Without Precedent is the engrossing account of the life and times of this exceptional man, who with cunning, imagination, and grace shaped America's future as he held together the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and the country itself.

One Perfect Life: The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus

by John Macarthur

Read the best news the world has ever been given about the most significant life in all history--Jesus Christ. In One Perfect Life, Dr. John MacArthur shares with us the complete story of the Eternal Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Using Matthew as the base text, Dr. MacArthur blends the gospels and other biblical material about Jesus into one continuous story that will help you better understand Scripture and grow stronger in your faith. No other harmony of the Gospels includes such extensive study notes to help you unpack the meaning of each verse. Features include:Verse-by-verse explanations from one of the most important pastor-teachers of our timeEvery verse connected to Christ from Genesis to RevelationA harmony of the Gospels that demonstrates the inerrancy of ScriptureNew King James translation

Tiempo de magos: La gran década de la filosofía: 1919-1929

by Wolfram Eilenberger

La historia de cómo cuatro genios revolucionaron la filosofía y cambiaron nuestra forma de entender el mundo. «Un libro que no tendrá parangón en mucho tiempo. Engancha como un thriller y ayuda más a la comprensión de nuestro presente que ningún estudio sociológico.» <P><P>Micha Brumlik, Die Tageszeitung Estamos en 1919. La guerra acaba de terminar. «El doctor Benjamin huye de su padre, el subteniente Wittgenstein comete un suicidio económico, el profesor auxiliar Heidegger abandona la fe y monsieur Cassirer trabaja en el tranvía para inspirarse.» Comienza una década de creatividad excepcional que cambiará para siempre el rumbo de las ideas en Europa. <P><P>Los años veinte del siglo XX en Alemania dieron forma a nuestro pensamiento contemporáneo, y son el verdadero origen de nuestra moderna relación con el mundo. Entenderlos significa, de alguna manera, entendernos. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Walter Benjamin, Ernst Cassirer y Martin Heidegger, cuatro gigantes de todos los tiempos, lideraron esta revolución y elevaron el alemán a lengua del espíritu. <P><P>Fue en una Alemania dividida entre las ganas de vivir y el abismo de la crisis económica, entre la lujuria de las noches berlinesas, las conspiraciones de la República de Weimar y la amenaza del nacionalsocialismo, donde encontraron su voz y su estilo. En Tiempo de magos, la vida cotidiana y los dilemas metafísicos son parte de la misma historia. <P><P>Con un espléndido estilo narrativo, Eilenberger traza conexiones entre los modos de vida y las teorías de estos cuatro filósofos seductores y brillantes, guiados por la necesidad de responder a las preguntas clave de la historia del pensamiento. Sus respuestas iluminan también los peligrosos tiempos que vivimos hoy.

Che Guevara: Vida, Muerte Y Resurreccion De Un Mito (Historia Incógnita)

by Reginaldo De Ustariz

Una investigación inédita sobre la vida y la muerte del Che, contada por un testigo de excepción y protagonista de la guerra. El primer libro que narra la gestación de uno de los mayores mitos del siglo XX.

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