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The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah

by Ama Biney

Inspired by Gandhi's non-violent campaign of civil disobedience to achieve political ends, Kwame Nkrumah led present-day Ghana to independence. This analysis of his political, social and economic thought centres on his own writings, and re-examines his life and thought by focusing on the political discourse and controversies surrounding him.

Pop Song Piracy: Disobedient Music Distribution since 1929

by Barry Kernfeld

The music industry’s ongoing battle against digital piracy is just the latest skirmish in a long conflict over who has the right to distribute music. Starting with music publishers’ efforts to stamp out bootleg compilations of lyric sheets in 1929, Barry Kernfeld’s Pop Song Piracy details nearly a century of disobedient music distribution from song sheets to MP3s. In the 1940s and ’50s, Kernfeld reveals, song sheets were succeeded by fake books, unofficial volumes of melodies and lyrics for popular songs that were a key tool for musicians. Music publishers attempted to wipe out fake books, but after their efforts proved unsuccessful they published their own. Pop Song Piracy shows that this pattern of disobedience, prohibition, and assimilation recurred in each conflict over unauthorized music distribution, from European pirate radio stations to bootlegged live shows. Beneath this pattern, Kernfeld argues, there exists a complex give and take between distribution methods that merely copy existing songs (such as counterfeit CDs) and ones that transform songs into new products (such as file sharing). Ultimately, he contends, it was the music industry’s persistent lagging behind in creating innovative products that led to the very piracy it sought to eliminate.

Pope John Paul II

by Editors of Reader's Digest

From his survival of Nazi-occupied Poland to his joining the priesthood and ascension to the papacy, this account of Pope John Paul II offers unique insight to the man who would be pope with personal stories from not only those who new him from the church, but classmates and friends as well. Discover the athletic, the political, and most recently, the beatified, Pope John Paul II. In this ebook you will discover: Personal stories written by friends and classmates, teachers, and fellow clergy An account of his death and details of his funeral as the world mourned, including Cardinal Ratzinger's emotional homily. Details on the miracle - chosen out of hundreds attributed to him - that sent on him on the road to sainthood A full update of his life that includes his May 2011 beatification and the rigorous process of sainthood. Discover an athletic Karol Wotjyla, who hiked, biked, skied, and kayaked in his long life His efforts for Poland's freedom involving Solidarity, the Vatican, the Polish government, the White House, and the Kremlin

Por los caminos de cien años de soledad

by Satoko Kawamura

Por los caminos de Cien años de soledad es un recorrido emocionante porlos sitios que sirvieron como base creativa para la novela más celebradade Gabriel García Márquez. Aderezado con anécdotas deliciosas de la vidadel nobel colombiano, con entrevistas a sus parientes y a sus amigoscercanos, con pasajes memorables de su infancia y de su adolescencia,este libro entreteje literatura y realidad para entregarnos un homenajea la vez ágil, sagaz y conmovedor.

¿Por qué ser feliz cuando puedes ser normal?

by Jeanette Winterson

Un libro de memorias destinado a convertirse en un clásico de la literatura contemporánea. ¿Por qué ser feliz cuando puedes ser normal?, preguntó la señora Winterson a su hija Jeanette cuando ella, recién cumplidos los dieciséis años, le confesó haberse enamorado de otra chica. Extraña pregunta, pero poco más podía esperarse de una mujer que había adoptado a una niña para hacer de ella una aliada en su misión religiosa, y en cambio se las tuvo que ver con un ser extraño que pedía a gritos su porción de felicidad. Armada con dos juegos de dentadura postiza y una pistola escondida bajo los trapos de cocina, la señora Winterson hizo lo que pudo para disciplinar a Jeanette: en casa los libros estaban prohibidos, las amistades eran mal vistas, los besos y abrazos eran gestos extravagantes, y cualquier falta se castigaba con noches enteras al raso, pero de nada sirvió. Esa chica pelirroja que parecía hija del mismo diablo se rebeló, buscando el placer en la piel de otras mujeres y encontrando en la biblioteca del barrio novelas y poemas que la ayudaran a crecer. Eso y mucho más es lo que ofrecen estas páginas excepcionales, donde alegría y rabia andan de la mano: un libro de memorias destinado a convertirse en un clásico de la literatura contemporánea. «Necesitaba palabras porque todas las familias infelices sellan unpacto de silencio. Quien rompa ese silencio jamás será perdonado. Él o ella tendrá que aprender a perdonarse a sí mismo.»Jeanette Winterson La autora ha dicho:«He escrito muchas obras de ficción, pero ¿Por qué ser feliz cuando puedes ser normal?... ¿qué es en realidad? ¿Unas memorias? Tal vez. ¿Una autobiografía? Quizá. Para mí es un experimento con las vivencias. Un relato de mi vida aunque deje de lado los veinticinco años del medio. La historia de cómo fui a caer con unos padres evangélicos pentecostales, que me adoptaron y se empeñaron en que fuera misionera y salvara almas en países tropicales, y de lo que sucedió cuando me enamoré de una chica, cuando los libros entraron en mi vida, cuando me marché a Oxford, cómo me convertí en escritora y cómo sobreviví a todas las cosas extrañas que han constituido mi vida. No son unas memorias tristes: es un libro sobre la esperanza, sobre los cambios, sobre la buena suerte y las oportunidades, y te reconfortará.» La crítica ha dicho sobre el libro...«¿Por qué ser feliz cuando puedes ser normal? se envuelve con el celofán del humor, que disfraza su vida dickensiana de digerible aventura literaria. Winterson ha escrito su autobiografía como la más subyugante de sus novelas.»Tereixa Constenla, El País «El libro más conmovedor de Winterson. Y además, de un humor vibrante. Deslumbrante en muchos sentidos, pero lo que más impresiona es la profunda simpatía que nos inspiran quienes lo protagonizan.»Zoe Williams, The Guardian Y sobre la autora...«Winterson [...] a través de la heterodoxia de sus textos, dinamita categorías, vocabularios y convenciones tristes. Una escritora maravillosa.»Marta Sanz, Babelia «Jeanette Winterson es una fuerza desatada de la naturaleza. Ella sola es el cambio climático entero.»Carmen Morán Breña, El País «Mientras la mayoría de autores y autoras se limitan a regurgitar la imaginación de sus antecesores, [...] esta inglesa rebelde se pone la literatura por montera y la reinventa.»M. Ángeles Cabré, Babelia «Una autora de extraordinaria sensibilidad cuya obra es devota de Virginia Woolf.»Jacinto Antón, El País «Una escritora outsider de referencia en Inglaterra.»Esther L. Calderón, Divinity «Lo que es seguro es que Jeanette Winterson siempre podrá seguir evolucionando; evocar nuevos paisajes, nuevos cuerpos, nuevas personalidades, es pa

Portraits of Old Russia: Imagined Lives of Ordinary People, 1300-1745

by Marshall T. Poe Donald Ostrowski

This book introduces readers to a little-known place and time in world history – early modern Russia, from its beginnings as Muscovy, in the fourteenth century, through the reign of Peter I (1689-1725) – by portraying the lives of representative individuals from the major levels of the society of that era. The portraits, written by professional historians, are imaginative reconstructions or composites of individual lives, rather than biographies. The portraits are arranged into socio-political categories, and include members of ruling families, government servitors, clerks, military personnel, church prelates, monks, provincial landowners, townspeople and artisans, Siberian explorers and traders, free peasants, serfs, slaves and holy fools. Using these portraits, the book brings old Russian society to life in an interesting way.

Post-it Note Diaries

by Arthur Jones

Personal stories from an all-star lineup-immortalized in beautiful, black Sharpie(r). When Arthur Jones cocreated a reading series centered around ubiquitous Post-Its(r), the series struck a chord. It grew in popularity and was ultimately featured on a This American Life live simulcast broadcast across the nation.Inspired by the series and spanning a wide and weird range of topics from an A-list roster of contributors, Post-It(r) Note Diaries captures everyday occurrences from a job interview gone hilariously awry and a nude run-in with a neighbor to hair-raising events like an overnight encounter at Nicholas Cage's house (it's not what you think!), and nearly drowning while trying to paddle across the East River in a homemade canoe. Post-It(r) Note Diaries is perfect for NPR addicts and fans of unique graphic favorites like Postsecret and Blankets.Diarists include: John Hodgman, David Rakoff, Hanna Tinti, Arthur Bradford, Chuck Klosterman, Andrew Solomon, Starlee Kine, Kristen Schaal, Mary Roach and Andrew Bird.

The Post Office Lady with the Dragon Tattoo: An Essay

by Laurie Notaro

"I had been dreading this day for more than a year." Everyone's favorite Idiot Girl, Laurie Notaro, is very close to wearing out her welcome in her hometown of Eugene, Oregon. Just a year ago, she was eighty-sixed from the local satellite post office for buying too many two-cent stamps ("The post office lady looked at me like I had just asked her if she wanted to buy my sex tape"). Now Notaro, needing to send an important care package to her nephew, returns to the scene of the non-crime--which is located inside a drugstore that is stocked with everything from Hello Kitty trinkets to fake poo to "the largest collection of aging candy on the West Coast." Will the post office lady who banned her the first time around kick her to the curb, or will Laurie use her Idiot Girl wiles to work her way back into the Mean Lady's good graces? In this hilarious short story, New York Times bestselling author Laurie Notaro's signature pluck and irresistible candor are on full display and will have you laughing out loud.

Potomac Fever

by William J. Middendorf II

After a highly successful career in investment banking with his own firm and a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, J. William Middendorf became restive and looked for new challenges. Having "learned how to make money," he writes in this memoir, he "wanted to learn how to make a difference." Thus he became actively involved in politics, first at the local level in Connecticut and then with the presidential campaign of Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964 and as treasurer of the Republican National Committee. There followed a series of challenging public service appointments: ambassador to the Netherlands, Under Secretary and later Secretary of the Navy, ambassador to the Organization of American States, and ambassador to the European Community.Middendorf is a first-rate storyteller and has many tales to share--from his World War II Navy service, to his first job wearing a string of pearls in a bank vault, to a failed effort to bring a U.S.-style constitution to post-Soviet Russia. He recounts tales of villains and heroes, of narrow legislative victories on vital programs, of efforts to forestall war in the Falklands and to counter growing Communist control of the island of Grenada, as well as how the Navy won narrow but vital victories on such important programs as the Aegis missile system and the Trident submarine. Writing with the authority of someone who held a number of key government positions, his lively and revealing memoir is filled with many behind-the-scenes stories of critical events of the Cold War.

Precious Objects: A Story of Diamonds, Family, and a Way of Life

by Alicia Oltuski

In the middle of New York City lies a neighborhood where all secrets are valuable, all assets are liquid, and all deals are sealed with a blessing rather than a contract. Welcome to the diamond district. Ninety percent of all diamonds that enter America pass through these few blocks, but the inner workings of this mysterious world are known only to the people who inhabit it. In Precious Objects, twenty-six-year-old journalist Alicia Oltuski, the daughter and granddaughter of diamond dealers, seamlessly blends family narrative with literary reportage to reveal the fascinating secrets of the diamond industry and its madcap characters: an Elvis-impersonating dealer, a duo of diamond-detective brothers, and her own eccentric father. With insight and drama, Oltuski limns her family's diamond-paved move from communist Siberia to a displaced persons camp in post-World War II Germany to New York's diamond district, exploring the connections among Jews and the industry, the gem and its lore, and the exotic citizens of this secluded world. Entertaining and illuminating, Precious Objects offers an insider's look at the history, business, and society behind one of the world's most coveted natural resources, providing an unforgettable backstage pass to an extraordinary and timeless show.

Precious Objects

by Alicia Oltuski

In the middle of New York City lies a neighborhood where all secrets are valuable, all assets are liquid, and all deals are sealed with a blessing rather than a contract. Welcome to the diamond district. Ninety percent of all diamonds that enter America pass through these few blocks, but the inner workings of this mysterious world are known only to the people who inhabit it. In Precious Objects, twenty-six-year-old journalist Alicia Oltuski, the daughter and granddaughter of diamond dealers, seamlessly blends family narrative with literary reportage to reveal the fascinating secrets of the diamond industry and its madcap characters: an Elvis-impersonating dealer, a duo of diamond-detective brothers, and her own eccentric father. With insight and drama, Oltuski limns her family's diamond-paved move from communist Siberia to a displaced persons camp in post-World War II Germany to New York's diamond district, exploring the connections among Jews and the industry, the gem and its lore, and the exotic citizens of this secluded world. Entertaining and illuminating, Precious Objects offers an insider's look at the history, business, and society behind one of the world's most coveted natural resources, providing an unforgettable backstage pass to an extraordinary and timeless show.

Predators I Have Known

by Alan Dean Foster

An adrenaline-fueled travel memoir of life in the wild among the planet&’s most ferocious and fascinating predators.Over the last forty years, New York Times–bestselling author Alan Dean Foster has journeyed around the globe to encounter nature&’s most fearsome creatures. His travels have taken him into the heart of the Amazon rain forest on the trail of deadly tangarana ants, on an elephant ride across the sweeping green plains of central India in search of the elusive Bengal tiger, and into the waters of the Australian coast to come face-to-face with great white sharks. Packed with pulse-pounding adventure and spiked with rapier wit, Predators I Have Known is a thrilling look at life and death in the wild.

Preparing for the High Frontier

by Committee on Human Spaceflight Crew Operations

As the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) retires the Space Shuttle and shifts involvement in International Space Station (ISS) operations, changes in the role and requirements of NASA's Astronaut Corps will take place. At the request of NASA, the National Research Council (NRC) addressed three main questions about these changes: what should be the role and size of Johnson Space Center's (JSC) Flight Crew Operations Directorate (FCOD); what will be the requirements of astronaut training facilities; and is the Astronaut Corps' fleet of training aircraft a cost-effective means of preparing astronauts for NASA's spaceflight program? This report presents an assessment of several issues driven by these questions. This report does not address explicitly the future of human spaceflight.

Presencia de lo invisible

by Ignacio Solares

A través de dieciséis ensayos, Ignacio Solares revela capítulos desconocidos de la vida de grandes personajes de la historia. De Ignacio Solares, ganador del Premio Fernando Benítez. ¿Fue la Revolución Mexicana resultado de las lecturas espíritas de Madero? ¿Víctor Hugo tuvo conversaciones con el "otro" mundo? ¿Cuál fue la verdadera razón del ateísmo de Sartre? Presencia de lo invisible, en dieciséis ensayos, desvela episodios -muchos de ellos desconocidos- de las vidas de grandes personalidades. El giro hacia el ocultismo que dio el racionalismo irredento de Freud al final de su vida; las levitaciones de Santa Teresa, tan relacionadas con su enfermedad histérica; la creencia de Jung en los fenómenos paranormales; la hipocondría de Camus relacionada con su literatura; la relación del psicoanálisis y la religión; las dudas de Graham Greene, más que su fe misma, son algunos de los temas que el lector encontrará en este libro. Lo que ha dicho la crítica: "Ignacio Solares rescata en este ameno libro algunos de los casos más notables. A los 16 capítulos, que tienen títulos como Freud y la parasicología, Madero y los escritos espiritistas que desataron un revolución y Violencia y/o civilización, escritos con elegancia y precisión sólo les falta una cosa: más capítulos con más casos interesantes, pues el libro nos deja deseando mucho más". -Manuel Lino, El Economista.

Priceless Inspirations

by Antonia Carter

On her hit television show 'Tiny and Toya', Antonia 'Toya' Carter seems to be living the good life: she has a beautiful home, good friends, and is pursuing her dreams in fashion design. But hers has been a life of peaks and valleys. Abandoned by her parents as a child, she was passed from family member to family member as her mother sank deeper into her drug addiction. Feeling unloved and unwelcomed, Toya fell into the arms of a 15-year-old rising musical star—Dwayne Michael Carter, known these days as the rapper 'Lil Wayne'-- and ended up pregnant at the tender age of 14. <P><P> In Priceless Inspiration, Toya takes the reader through the pain of being a teenage mother struggling to raise a child while still a child herself—without the benefit of the guidance of her own mother. Using the words she recorded in the journals she kept as a teen—and the wisdom she has gained in the years since—Toya bares her own struggles, using them to offer young women real and heartfelt understanding and advice about sex, relationships, motherhood and growing up.

Prime Ministers

by Jonathan Bastable

"Amazing & Extraordinary Facts: British Prime Ministers" delves into the premiership's 300 year history and unearths a host of fascinating, intriguing and little-known facts about some of the best-known characters in British history, lifting the lid on the top job. Find out about the Prime Minister who only lasted 100 days, another who served for 21 years, or how Downing Street came to be the Premier's residence. Brief, accessible and entertaining pieces on a wide variety of subjects makes it the perfect book to dip in to. "The Amazing and Extraordinary Facts series" presents interesting, surprising and little-known facts and stories about a wide range of topics which are guaranteed to inform, absorb and entertain in equal measure.

Prime Time (with Bonus Content): Love, health, sex, fitness, friendship, spirit; Making the most of all of your life

by Jane Fonda

BONUS: This eBook includes the full text of the book plus 50 photographs not found in the print version.In this inspiring and candid book, Jane Fonda, #1 bestselling author, actress, and workout pioneer, gives us a blueprint for living well and for making the most of life, especially the second half of it. Covering sex, love, food, fitness, self-understanding, spiritual and social growth, and your brain. In Prime Time, she offers a vision for successful living and maturing, A to Z.Highlighting new research and stories from her own life and from the lives of others, Jane Fonda explores how the critical years from 45 and 50, and especially from 60 and beyond, can be times when we truly become the energetic, loving, fulfilled people we were meant to be. Covering the 11 key ingredients for vital living, Fonda invites you to consider with her how to live a more insightful, healthy, and fully integrated life, a life lived more profoundly in touch with ourselves, our bodies, minds, and spirits, and with our talents, friends, and communities. In her research, Fonda discovered two metaphors, the arch and the staircase, that became for her two visions of life. She shows how to see your life the "staircase" way, as one of continual ascent. She explains how she came to understand the earlier decades of her life by performing a life review, and she shows how you can do a life review too. She reveals how her own life review enabled her to let go of old patterns, to see what means the most to her, and then to cultivate new goals and dreams, to make the most of the mature years. For there has been a "longevity revolution," and the average human life expectancy has jumped by years. Fonda asks, what we are meant to do with this precious gift of time? And she writes about how we can navigate the "fertile voids" that life periodically presents to us. She makes suggestions about exercise (including three key movements for optimal health), diet (how to eat by color), meditation, and how learning new things and creating fresh pathways in your brain can add quality to your life. Fonda writes of positivity, and why many people are happier in the second half of their lives than they have ever been before.In her #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, My Life So Far, Jane Fonda focused on the first half of her extraordinary life--what she called Acts I and II--with an eye toward preparing for a vibrant Act III. Now we have a thoughtfully articulated memoir and guide for how to make all of your life, and especially Act III, Prime Time.

Prime Time (with Bonus Content)

by Jane Fonda

BONUS: This eBook includes the full text of the book plus 50 photographs not found in the print version.In this inspiring and candid book, Jane Fonda, #1 bestselling author, actress, and workout pioneer, gives us a blueprint for living well and for making the most of life, especially the second half of it. Covering sex, love, food, fitness, self-understanding, spiritual and social growth, and your brain. In Prime Time, she offers a vision for successful living and maturing, A to Z.Highlighting new research and stories from her own life and from the lives of others, Jane Fonda explores how the critical years from 45 and 50, and especially from 60 and beyond, can be times when we truly become the energetic, loving, fulfilled people we were meant to be. Covering the 11 key ingredients for vital living, Fonda invites you to consider with her how to live a more insightful, healthy, and fully integrated life, a life lived more profoundly in touch with ourselves, our bodies, minds, and spirits, and with our talents, friends, and communities. In her research, Fonda discovered two metaphors, the arch and the staircase, that became for her two visions of life. She shows how to see your life the "staircase" way, as one of continual ascent. She explains how she came to understand the earlier decades of her life by performing a life review, and she shows how you can do a life review too. She reveals how her own life review enabled her to let go of old patterns, to see what means the most to her, and then to cultivate new goals and dreams, to make the most of the mature years. For there has been a "longevity revolution," and the average human life expectancy has jumped by years. Fonda asks, what we are meant to do with this precious gift of time? And she writes about how we can navigate the "fertile voids" that life periodically presents to us. She makes suggestions about exercise (including three key movements for optimal health), diet (how to eat by color), meditation, and how learning new things and creating fresh pathways in your brain can add quality to your life. Fonda writes of positivity, and why many people are happier in the second half of their lives than they have ever been before.In her #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, My Life So Far, Jane Fonda focused on the first half of her extraordinary life--what she called Acts I and II--with an eye toward preparing for a vibrant Act III. Now we have a thoughtfully articulated memoir and guide for how to make all of your life, and especially Act III, Prime Time.

Prince Philip: The Turbulent Early Life of the Man Who Married Queen Elizabeth II

by Philip Eade

"Rich in drama and tragedy" (The Guardian), here is a mesmerizing account of the extraordinary formative years of the man married to the most famous woman in the worldBefore he met the young girl who became Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip had a tumultuous upbringing in Greece, France, Nazi Germany, and Britain. His mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, was born deaf; she was committed to a psychiatric clinic when Philip was eight. His father, Prince Andrew of Greece, already traumatized by his exile from his home country, promptly shut up the family home and went off to live with his mistress, effectively leaving his young son an orphan.Remarkably, Philip emerged from his difficult childhood a character of singular vitality and dash—self-confident, opinionated, and devastatingly handsome. Girls fell at his feet, and the princess who would become his wife was smitten from the age of thirteen. Yet alongside his considerable charm and intelligence, the young prince was also prone to volcanic outbursts, which would have profound consequences for his family and the future of the monarchy.In this authoritative and wonderfully compelling book, acclaimed biographer Philip Eade brings to vivid life the storm-tossed early years of one of the most fascinating and mysterious members of the royal family.

Prince Siddhartha

by Jonathan Landaw Janet Brooke

This is the story of Prince Siddhartha and how he became Buddha, the Awakened One. Lyrical verse and beautiful full-color illustrations depict each major life event in Siddhartha's development. His message of nonviolence, loving-kindness, and unselfishness is vitally necessary for today's--and tomorrow's--children. A story made for the telling--open this tale to a child and shore up the possibility of a bright and loving future!

Princess Sultana's Circle (Princess Trilogy #3)

by Jean Sasson

The powerful true story of Sultana continues with PRINCESS SULTANA'S CIRCLE, the third book in Jean Sasson's internationally best selling Princess Trilogy. The forced marriage of Sultana’s niece to a cruel and depraved older man, and Sultana’s discovery of the harem of sex slaves kept by a royal cousin, make her more determined than ever to fight the oppression of women in Saudi Arabia. PRINCESS SULTANA'S CIRCLE paints a horrifying reality for women of the desert Kingdom. It is a haunting look at the danger of Saudi male dominance and the desperate lives of the women they rule.A New York Times bestseller, PRINCESS was named one of the 500 Great Books by Women since 1300. It was also an Alternate Selection of the Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club and a Reader's Digest Selection.

The Printmaker's Daughter: A Novel

by Katherine Govier

A lost voice of old Japan reclaims her rightful place inhistory in this breathtaking work of imagination and scholarship from award-winning and internationally acclaimedauthor Katherine Govier. In the evocative taleof 19th century Tokyo, The Printmaker’sDaughter delivers an enthrallingtale of one of the world’s great unknown artists: Oei,the mysterious daughter of master printmaker Hokusai, painter of the Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. In a novel that willresonate with readers of Tracy Chevalier’s Girlwith a Pearl Earring, Lisa See’s SnowFlower and the Secret Fan, and David Mitchell’s The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet,the sights and sensations of an exotic, bygone era form the richly captivatingbackdrop for an intimate, finely wrought story of daughterhood and duty, artand authorship, the immortality of creation and the anonymity of history.

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist

by Alexander Berkman Barry Pateman Jessica Moran

"A book of rare power and beauty, majestic in its structure, filled with the truth of imagination and the truth of actuality, emphatic in its declarations and noble in its reach."-Bayard Boyesen, Mother Earth. "No other book discusses so frankly the criminal ways of the closed prison society."- Kenneth RexrothIn 1892, Alexander Berkman tried to assassinate Henry Clay Frick for the latter's role in violently suppressing the Homestead Steel Strike. Berkman's attempt was unsuccessful. Berkman spent the next fourteen years in Pennsylvania's Western Penitentiary. Upon release, he wrote what was to become a classic of prison literature, and a profound testament to human courage in the face of oppression.This new edition of his account of those years is introduced and fully annotated by Barry Pateman and Jessica Moran, both former associate editors of the Emma Goldman Papers at the University of California Berkeley. Their efforts make this the definitive version of Berkman's tale of his transformation within prison, his growing sympathy for those he'd considered social parasites, and the intimate relationships he developed with them. Also includes never-before-published facsimile reprints and transcriptions of the diary Berkman kept while he wrote this book, conveying the difficulties he had reliving his experiences.Alexander Berkman (1870-1936) was a leading writer and militant in the anarchist movement and author of the classic primer What is Anarchism?Barry Pateman was associate editor of Emma Goldman: A Documentary History, and editor of Chomsky on Anarchism. He is a historian and member of the Kate Sharpley Library collective.Jessica Moran, was an assistant editor of Emma Goldman: A Documentary History. She is a member of the Kate Sharpley Library collective and is an archivist currently living and working in New Zealand.

Prisoner of War: Six Years in Hanoi

by John M. McGrath

John M. McGrath, a young Navy pilot who was captured in 1967 after being shot down over Vietnam, vividly presents a straightforward and compelling tale of survival, of years of suffering, and of the human will to endure. <p><p>During the era of the unpopular Vietnam War few issues united the American people as did the emotion-laden problem of POWs and MIAs. When the peace treaties were finally signed and the POWs returned to American soil, the nation was collectively relieved by their safe return. <p><p>A self-taught artist, the starkness of McGrath's drawings underscores his remarkable and moving chronicle of the lives of these prisoners, who were constantly in peril, attempting to survive a brutal captivity almost unimaginable in civilized times.

The Private World of Georgette Heyer

by Jane Hodge

"The Georgette Heyer bible...This is a must-have book for any Georgette Heyer lover." -Historically Obsessed An internationally bestselling phenomenon and queen of the Regency romance, Georgette Heyer is one of the most beloved historical novelists of our time. She wrote more than fifty novels, yet her private life was inaccessible to any but her nearest friends and relatives. Lavishly illustrated and with access to private papers, correspondence and family archives, this classic biography opens a window into Georgette Heyer's world and that of her most memorable characters, revealing a formidable, energetic woman with an impeccable sense of style and, beyond everything, a love for all things Regency. "One of the most beautiful books I know. Time and time again, on reading this book, I found myself breaking off to lift another dog-eared Heyer from the shelf and lose myself in the increased pleasure of a re-reading." -Washington Post Book World

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