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Building a Life Worth Living: A Memoir

by Marsha M. Linehan

Marsha Linehan tells the story of her journey from suicidal teenager to world-renowned developer of the life-saving behavioral therapy DBT, using her own struggle to develop life skills for others.&“This book is a victory on both sides of the page.&”—Gloria Steinem&“Are you one of us?&” a patient once asked Marsha Linehan, the world-renowned psychologist who developed dialectical behavior therapy. &“Because if you were, it would give all of us so much hope.&” Over the years, DBT had saved the lives of countless people fighting depression and suicidal thoughts, but Linehan had never revealed that her pioneering work was inspired by her own desperate struggles as a young woman. Only when she received this question did she finally decide to tell her story.In this remarkable and inspiring memoir, Linehan describes how, when she was eighteen years old, she began an abrupt downward spiral from popular teenager to suicidal young woman. After several miserable years in a psychiatric institute, Linehan made a vow that if she could get out of emotional hell, she would try to find a way to help others get out of hell too, and to build a life worth living. She went on to put herself through night school and college, living at the YWCA and often scraping together spare change to buy food. She went on to get her PhD in psychology, specializing in behavior therapy. In the 1980s, she achieved a breakthrough when she developed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, a therapeutic approach that combines acceptance of the self and ways to change. Linehan included mindfulness as a key component in therapy treatment, along with original and specific life-skill techniques. She says, "You can't think yourself into new ways of acting; you can only act yourself into new ways of thinking."Throughout her extraordinary scientific career, Marsha Linehan remained a woman of deep spirituality. Her powerful and moving story is one of faith and perseverance. Linehan shows, in Building a Life Worth Living, how the principles of DBT really work—and how, using her life skills and techniques, people can build lives worth living.

You Too?

by Janet Gurtler

A timely and heartfelt collection of essays inspired by the #MeToo movement, edited by acclaimed author Janet Gurtler. Featuring Beth Revis, Mackenzi Lee, Ellen Hopkins, Saundra Mitchell, Jennifer Brown, Cheryl Rainfield and many more.When #MeToo went viral, Janet Gurtler was among the millions of people who began to reflect on her past experiences. Things she had reluctantly accepted—male classmates groping her at recess, harassment at work—came back to her in startling clarity. She needed teens to know what she had not: that no young person should be subject to sexual assault, or made to feel unsafe, less than or degraded.You Too? was born out of that need. By turns thoughtful and explosive, these personal stories encompass a wide range of experiences and serve as a reminder to readers that they, too, have a voice worthy of being heard—and that only by listening and working together can we create change.

By Chance Alone: A Remarkable True Story of Courage and Survival at Auschwitz

by Max Eisen

An award-winning, internationally bestselling Holocaust memoir in the tradition of Elie Wiesel’s Night and Primo Levi’s Survival in AuschwitzIn the spring of 1944, gendarmes forcibly removed Tibor “Max” Eisen and his family from their home, brought them to a brickyard and eventually loaded them onto crowded cattle cars bound for Auschwitz-Birkenau. At fifteen years of age, Eisen survived the selection process and was inducted into the camp as a slave laborer.More than seventy years after the Nazi camps were liberated by the Allies, By Chance Alone details Eisen’s story of survival: the backbreaking slave labor in Auschwitz I, the infamous death march in January 1945, the painful aftermath of liberation and Eisen’s journey of physical and psychological healing. Ultimately, the book offers a message of hope as the author finds his way to a new life.

The Magical Language of Others: A Memoir

by E. J. Koh

A tale of deep bonds to family, place, language—of hard-won selfhood told by a singular, incandescent voice. The Magical Language of Others is a powerful and aching love story in letters, from mother to daughter. After living in America for over a decade, Eun Ji Koh’s parents return to South Korea for work, leaving fifteen-year-old Eun Ji and her brother behind in California. Overnight, Eun Ji finds herself abandoned and adrift in a world made strange by her mother’s absence. Her mother writes letters, in Korean, over the years seeking forgiveness and love—letters Eun Ji cannot fully understand until she finds them years later hidden in a box. As Eun Ji translates the letters, she looks to history—her grandmother Jun’s years as a lovesick wife in Daejeon, the horrors her grandmother Kumiko witnessed during the Jeju Island Massacre—and to poetry, as well as her own lived experience to answer questions inside all of us. Where do the stories of our mothers and grandmothers end and ours begin? How do we find words—in Korean, Japanese, English, or any language—to articulate the profound ways that distance can shape love? Eun Ji Koh fearlessly grapples with forgiveness, reconciliation, legacy, and intergenerational trauma, arriving at insights that are essential reading for anyone who has ever had to balance love, longing, heartbreak, and joy. The Magical Language of Others weaves a profound tale of hard-won selfhood and our deep bonds to family, place, and language, introducing—in Eun Ji Koh—a singular, incandescent voice.

Born Jewish: A Childhood in Occupied Europe

by Marcel Liebman

This fierce memoir is both elegiac and indicting. Marcel Liebman&’s account of his childhood in Brussels under the Nazi occupation explores the emergence of his class-consciousness against a background of resistance and collaboration. He documents the internal class war that has long been hidden from historyhow the Nazi persecution exploited class distinctions within the Jewish community, and how certain Jewish notables collaborated in a systematic program of denunciation and deportation against immigrant Jews who lacked the privileges of wealth and citizenship.An eminent anti-Zionist and Marxist, Liebman tells the story of his family&’s struggle to survive in the face of persecution, terror and constant evasion, an existence observed with acuity, humor and lyricism.

Inside Out: A Memoir

by Demi Moore

Famed American actress Demi Moore at last tells her own story in a surprisingly intimate and emotionally charged memoir. <P><P>For decades, Demi Moore has been synonymous with celebrity. From iconic film roles to high-profile relationships, Moore has never been far from the spotlight—or the headlines. <P><P>Even as Demi was becoming the highest paid actress in Hollywood, however, she was always outrunning her past, just one step ahead of the doubts and insecurities that defined her childhood. Throughout her rise to fame and during some of the most pivotal moments of her life, Demi battled addiction, body image issues, and childhood trauma that would follow her for years—all while juggling a skyrocketing career and at times negative public perception. <P><P>As her success grew, Demi found herself questioning if she belonged in Hollywood, if she was a good mother, a good actress—and, always, if she was simply good enough. <P><P>As much as her story is about adversity, it is also about tremendous resilience. In this deeply candid and reflective memoir, Demi pulls back the curtain and opens up about her career and personal life—laying bare her tumultuous relationship with her mother, her marriages, her struggles balancing stardom with raising a family, and her journey toward open heartedness. <P><P>Inside Out is a story of survival, success, and surrender—a wrenchingly honest portrayal of one woman’s at once ordinary and iconic life. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Live Beyond: A Radical Call to Surrender and Serve

by David Vanderpool

What would compel a successful surgeon to give up his practice in affluent Brentwood, Tennessee, to move to Haiti and serve the poorest of the poor?The catastrophic earthquake that devasted Haiti in 2010 was the motivation that Dr. David Vanderpool needed to completely change his life to follow the call of Jesus. For several years, he and his wife, Laurie, had been asking each other a daily question: What did you do yesterday that required faith? God&’s call to Dr. David Vanderpool&’s was so powerful that he organized medical and logistical relief to help the hundreds of thousands of desperate Haitians?suffering people with no water, food, or shelter, much less medical care. But it didn&’t stop there. The Vanderpools sold everything—surgical practice, home, belongings—to bring much-needed medical care to the people of Haiti. They established a nonprofit, LiveBeyond, to empower the impoverished. Today, its work continues with basic needs such as nutrition and water, in addition to health care, education, and agricultural assistance. The goal: achieve sustainable communities, beginning with the home base of Thomazeau, Haiti. The inspirational true stories of LiveBeyond&’s work in Haiti will lead you to ask yourself, What did I do yesterday that required faith? And maybe do something about it.

A New Way to Age: The Most Cutting-Edge Advances in Antiaging

by Suzanne Somers

At seventy-three years young, #1 New York Times bestselling author and health guru Suzanne Somers has established herself as a leading voice on antiaging. With A New Way to Age, she takes things a step further to present a revolutionary philosophy for a longer and better-quality life—in the form of easy-to understand lessons and doctor interviews that will make you feel like you&’ve just had the best checkup of your life. There is a new way to age. I&’m doing it and it&’s the best decision I&’ve ever made. I love this stage of my life: I have &‘juice,&’ joy, wisdom, and perspective; I have energy, vitality, clearheadedness, and strong bones. Most of us are far too comfortable with the present paradigm of aging, which normalizes pills, nursing homes, and &“the big three&”: heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer&’s disease. But you don&’t have to accept this fate. Now there&’s a new way to grow older—with vibrancy, freedom, confidence, and a rockin&’ libido. This health bible from Suzanne Somers will explain how to stop aging like your parents and embrace cutting-edge techniques such as: balancing nutritional and mineral deficiencies; detoxifying your gut for weight loss; pain management with non-THC cannabis instead of harmful opioids; and much more. Aging well is mainly about the choices you make on a daily basis. It can be a fantastic process if you approach it wisely. After a lifetime of research, Suzanne came to a simple conclusion: what you lose in the aging process must be replaced with natural alternatives. In order to thrive you have to rid your body of chemicals and toxins. Start aging the new way today by joining Suzanne and her trailblazing doctors as they all but unearth the fountain of youth.

Boudicca: La reine des Icènes de Bretagne

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Pourquoi le corbeau de Morrígan pleure-il ? Seuls les Bretons ayant à coeur la liberté le savent ! En 43 de notre ère, la conquête de la Bretagne par les Romains semble quasiment certaine - jusqu’à la rencontre fortuite du Roi des Icènes, Prasatagus, et d’une esclave en fuite appartenant à la lignée royale de la tribu gauloise des Éduens, change le destin des Iles Britanniques pour toujours. Levez-vous pour la liberté avec la véritable histoire de Boudicca : la reine des Icènes de Bretagne et découvrez un des destins les plus inspirants de l’Histoire ! Une biographie romancée des femmes légendaires de l’Histoire du monde.

Imperatrice Wu Zetian

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

La donna più odiata nella storia della Cina! Viaggia indietro nel tempo di più di mille anni e incontra la prima e unica imperatrice donna della Cina. Nata come Wu Zhao e nominata col titolo reale di "Zetian" poche settimane prima della sua morte nel 705 DC, era la figlia non voluta del Cancelliere Wu Shihuo -- troppo intelligente, troppo acculturata, e troppo concentrata politicamente per farne una buona moglie secondo le interpretazioni dell'epoca dei Dialoghi di Confucio. C'è da meravigliarsi che ancora oggi rimanga la donna più odiata di tutta la storia cinese e una delle sue più controverse? Esplora la vita dell'Imperatrice Wu e scopri perchè il mondo è un posto completamente diverso perché ha osato ciò che nessuna donna in Cina prima o da allora ha mai sognato.

I Am Not Your Slave: A Memoir

by Tupa Tjipombo Chris Lockhart

I am Not Your Slave is the shocking true story of a young African girl, Tupa, who was abducted from southwestern Africa and funneled through an extensive yet almost completely unknown human trafficking network spanning the entire African continent. As she is transported from the point of her abduction on a remote farm near the Namibian-Angolan border and channeled to her ultimate destination in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, her three-year odyssey exposes the brutal horrors of a modern day middle passage. During her ordeal, Tupa encounters members of Africa's notorious gangs, terrifying witchdoctors, mysterious middlemen from China, corrupt police and border officials, Arab smugglers and high-ranking United Nations officials. And of course, Tupa meets her fellow trafficking victims, young women and girls from around the world. Tupa's harrowing experience, including her daring escape and eventual return home, sheds light on the most shocking aspects of modern day slavery, as well as the essential determination to be free.

The Myth of the Modern Presidency

by David K. Nichols

Nichols concludes that it is the authors of the American Constitution, not the English or European philosophers, who provide the most satisfactory reconciliation of executive power and limited popular government. It is the authors of the Constitution who created the modern Presidency.

Aristotle's Way: How Ancient Wisdom Can Change Your Life

by Edith Hall

From renowned classicist Edith Hall, ARISTOTLE'S WAY is an examination of one of history's greatest philosophers, showing us how to lead happy, fulfilled, and meaningful livesAristotle was the first philosopher to inquire into subjective happiness, and he understood its essence better and more clearly than anyone since. According to Aristotle, happiness is not about well-being, but instead a lasting state of contentment, which should be the ultimate goal of human life. We become happy through finding a purpose, realizing our potential, and modifying our behavior to become the best version of ourselves. With these objectives in mind, Aristotle developed a humane program for becoming a happy person, which has stood the test of time, comprising much of what today we associate with the good life: meaning, creativity, and positivity. Most importantly, Aristotle understood happiness as available to the vast majority us, but only, crucially, if we decide to apply ourselves to its creation--and he led by example. As Hall writes, "If you believe that the goal of human life is to maximize happiness, then you are a budding Aristotelian."In expert yet vibrant modern language, Hall lays out the crux of Aristotle's thinking, mixing affecting autobiographical anecdotes with a deep wealth of classical learning. For Hall, whose own life has been greatly improved by her understanding of Aristotle, this is an intensely personal subject. She distills his ancient wisdom into ten practical and universal lessons to help us confront life's difficult and crucial moments, summarizing a lifetime of the most rarefied and brilliant scholarship.

The View From the Bridge: Memories of Star Trek and a Life in Hollywood

by Nicholas Meyer

The critically acclaimed director and writer shares his account of the making of the three classic Star Trek filmsThe View from the Bridge is Nicholas Meyer's enormously entertaining account of his involvement with the Star Trek films: STII: The Wrath of Khan, STIV: The Voyage Home, and STVI: The Undiscovered Country, as well as his illustrious career in the movie business. The man best known for bringing together Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud in The Seven Per-Cent Solution had ironically never been interested in Star Trek until he was brought on board to save the film series. Meyer shares how he created the script for The Wrath of Khan, the most revered Star Trek film of all, in twelve days-only to have William Shatner proclaim he hated it. He reveals the death threats he received when word got out that Spock would be killed, and finally answers the long-pondered question of whether Khan's chiseled chest is truly that of Ricardo Montalban. Meyer's reminiscences on everyone from Gene Roddenberry to Laurence Olivier will appeal not only to the countless legions of Trekkies, but to anyone fascinated by the inner workings of Hollywood.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph (Wordsworth Classics Of World Literature Ser.)

by T. E. Lawrence

In his classic book, T.E. Lawrence--forever known as Lawrence of Arabia--recounts his role in the origin of the modern Arab world. At first a shy Oxford scholar and archaeologist with a facility for languages, he joined and went on to lead the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Turks while the rest of the world was enmeshed in World War I. With its richly detailed evocation of the land and the people Lawrence passionately believed in, its incisive portraits of key players, from Faisal ibn Hussein, the future Hashemite king of Syria and Iraq, to General Sir Edmund Allenby and other members of the British imperial forces, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom is an indispensible primary historical source. It helps us to understand today's Middle East, while giving us thrilling accounts of military exploits (including the liberation of Aqaba and Damascus), clandestine activities, and human foibles.

That Churchill Woman: A Novel

by Stephanie Barron

The Paris Wife meets PBS’s Victoria in this enthralling novel of the life and loves of one of history’s most remarkable women: Winston Churchill’s scandalous American mother, Jennie Jerome. Wealthy, privileged, and fiercely independent New Yorker Jennie Jerome took Victorian England by storm when she landed on its shores. As Lady Randolph Churchill, she gave birth to a man who defined the twentieth century: her son Winston. But Jennie—reared in the luxury of Gilded Age Newport and the Paris of the Second Empire—lived an outrageously modern life all her own, filled with controversy, passion, tragedy, and triumph. When the nineteen-year-old beauty agrees to marry the son of a duke she has known only three days, she’s instantly swept up in a whirlwind of British politics and the breathless social climbing of the Marlborough House Set, the reckless men who surround Bertie, Prince of Wales. Raised to think for herself and careless of English society rules, the new Lady Randolph Churchill quickly becomes a London sensation: adored by some, despised by others. Artistically gifted and politically shrewd, she shapes her husband’s rise in Parliament and her young son’s difficult passage through boyhood. But as the family’s influence soars, scandals explode and tragedy befalls the Churchills. Jennie is inescapably drawn to the brilliant and seductive Count Charles Kinsky—diplomat, skilled horse-racer, deeply passionate lover. Their affair only intensifies as Randolph Churchill’s sanity frays, and Jennie—a woman whose every move on the public stage is judged—must walk a tightrope between duty and desire. Forced to decide where her heart truly belongs, Jennie risks everything—even her son—and disrupts lives, including her own, on both sides of the Atlantic. Breathing new life into Jennie’s legacy and the glittering world over which she reigned, That Churchill Woman paints a portrait of the difficult—and sometimes impossible—balance among love, freedom, and obligation, while capturing the spirit of an unforgettable woman, one who altered the course of history.Advance praise for That Churchill Woman “The perfect confection of a novel . . . We’re introduced to Jennie in all of her passion and keen intelligence and beauty. While she is surrounded by a cast of late-Victorian celebrities, including Bertie, Prince of Wales, it’s always Jennie who shines and takes the center stage she was born to.”—Melanie Benjamin, New York Times bestselling author of The Aviator’s Wife and The Swans of Fifth Avenue

Intensive Care: The Story of a Nurse

by Echo Heron

Illuminates the day-to-day routine and texture of a nurse's life through an account of the author's career that spans from training to practice to burnout.

Paul and His Letters

by John Polhill

<p>Except for Christ himself, no figure has been more influential in the history of Christianity than the apostle Paul. And yet his remarkable life remains shrouded in mystery. In this probing new book, John B. Polhill scrapes away the myths about this great man and uncovers the truth of his life and thought. <p>Using Acts, the Pauline epistles, and reliable traditions from non-canonical sources, Polhill weaves together the remarkable story of Paul's transformation from persecutor to persecuted, producing a dynamic account of his entire ministry. By placing each of Paul's letters in its proper historical context, Polhill brings new light to these foundation stones of the Christian faith. He follows Paul from his early years in Tarsus and Jerusalem to his imprisonment and eventual martyrdom, painting a detailed, comprehensive portrait of Paul that will serve as an indispensable resource for students, teachers, and pastors alike. </p>

Ordinary Hazards: A Memoir

by Nikki Grimes

Nikki Grimes discovered the power of writing at the tender age of six, when, alone in her room, she poured her fears, anger, and tears onto a piece of paper--and felt sweet relief. Words and faith were her most enduring companions as life flung her headlong from one harrowing experience to the next through her childhood and teenage years. Words, spilled into notebook after notebook, kept her moving forward. Words turned what might have been into what could be. In the course of this remarkable memoir in verse, Nikki Grimes shows how grace, wisdom, and the power of words can help a brave soul conquer the hazards--ordinary and extraordinary--of life. NIKKI GRIMES received the 2017 Children's Literature Legacy Award for substantial and lasting contributions to literature for children. Her books include the Coretta Scott King Author Honor Award-winning Words with Wings; the Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book One Last Word; the groundbreaking best seller Bronx Masquerade; and Garvey's Choice. She lives in Corona, California.

The Grim Reaper: The Life and Career of a Reluctant Warrior

by Stu Grimson

A powerful memoir from an NHL heavyweight champion who moved from the dressing room to the courtroom.NHL tough guys all tell the same story. They all grew up dreaming of skating in the big league as stars. Then one day, a coach tells them the only way to make it is to drop the gloves. And every guy says the same thing: I'll do whatever it takes to play in the NHL.Not Stu Grimson, though. When he was offered a contract to patrol the ice for the Calgary Flames, he said no thanks, and went to university instead. And that's the way Grimson has approached his career and his life: on his own terms. He stared down the toughest players on the planet for seventeen years, while working on his first university degree. He retired on his own terms, and went on to practice law, including a stint as in-house counsel for the NHLPA.This has put him in a unique position when it comes to commenting on the game. He's seen it from the trenches, and he's seen it from the courtroom. This puts him in the eye of the storm surrounding fighting and concussions. And he handles that the way he does everything: on his own terms. When Don Cherry called him out on televison, it was the seemingly indominable Cherry who backed down. Hockey fans will be fascinated by his data-driven defence of fighting.But in the end, this is not a book about fighting and locker-room stories. It's the story of a young man who ultimately took on the toughest role in pro sports and came out the other side. Where many others have not.

Behind Enemy Lines: The True Story of a French Jewish Spy in Nazi Germany

by Wendy Holden Marthe Cohn

Marthe Cohn was in her late teens when Hitler was rising to power. Living across the German border in Alsace-Lorraine, her family began taking in Jews who were fleeing the Nazis, as well as the Jewish children being sent away by terrified parents. Soon her own homeland was under Nazi rule, and she and her parents, brothers, and sisters were forced to live the restricted lives of all Jews. As the Nazi occupation of France escalated along with the war, Marthe's sister was arrested and eventually sent to Auschwitz, and the rest of her family was forced to flee to the south of France. Always a fighter, Marthe joined the French Army.Behind Enemy Lines is Marthe Cohn's memoir of a time and place that has mesmerized the world for more than half a century. But at its heart it is the tale of an ordinary human being who, under extraordinary circumstances, became the hero her country needed her to be.Recently, at the age of eighty, Marthe Cohn was awarded France's highest military honor, the Medaille Militaire, a relatively rare medal awarded for outstanding military service and given, in the past, to the likes of Winston Churchill. With this award came official acknowledgment of the heroic exploits of a beautiful young Jewish woman who faced death every day as she sought to help defeat the Nazi empire.When the spotlight was turned on Marthe Cohn, not even her children or grandchildren knew to what extent this modest woman had been involved with the Allies in fighting the evils of the greatest war of the twentieth century. She had fought valiantly to retrieve needed inside information about Nazi troop movements by slipping behind enemy lines, utilizing her perfect German accent and blond hair to pose as a young German nurse who was desperately trying to obtain word about a fictional fiancé. In traveling about the countryside and approaching troops sympathetic to her plight, she learned where they were going next and was able to alert Allied commanders.From the Hardcover edition.

The Incredible Life of Balto

by Meghan Mccarthy

Most people know the story of Balto, the world famous dog who led his dogsled team through a blizzard to deliver a lifesaving serum to the stricken people of Nome, Alaska, in 1925. Balto shot to instant stardom--a company named dog food after him, a famous sculptor erected a statue of him that stands in Central Park to this day, and the dog even starred in his own Hollywood movie. But what happened to Balto after the hoopla died down? <P><P>With a lively, informative text and humorous, vibrant illustrations, Meghan McCarthy captures the extraordinary life of Balto beyond his days as a celebrity. <P><P>From the Hardcover edition.

Bolívar: Libertador de América

by Marie Arana

Un relato biográfico vibrante que captura la épica historia de Simón Bolívar, El Libertador. Simón Bolívar se ganó el sobrenombre de El Libertador tras poner fin al dominio español sobre seis países. Su vida fue heroica, trágica y legendaria: viajó del Amazonas a los Andes, libró eternas batallas, forjó alianzas entre razas rivales... Partiendo de un gran abanico de fuentes, Marie Arana captura un vívido retrato de la Suramérica de inicios del siglo XIX, la que forjó a Bolívar y lo convirtió en un valeroso general, un estratega brillante, un escritor portentoso y un político sin parangón; en definitiva, uno de los personajes más admirados de Latinoamérica. Bolívar es una biografía trepidante en la que el lector hallará la imagen de una vida trágica capturada en todo su esplendor y un conmovedor manifiesto de la verdadera esencia del pueblo latinoamericano. Reseñas:«Al fin Bolívar tiene la gran biografía que merece. Ha sido el mayor líder de la historia de Latinoamérica y su vida está repleta de lecciones sobre la pasión y el liderazgo. Este libro se lee con la facilidad de una magnífica novela, pero como obra histórica, su nivel de documentación la pone a la altura de una obra maestra.»Walter Isaacson «Bolívar tiene un enfoque magistral, es una obra construida con un sentido histórico y un estilo casi cinematográficos. Un logro impresionante, destinado a ganar premios literarios destacados.»Joseph J. Ellis, Washington Post Book World «Maravilloso. En este relato de Arana, tan ameno como intenso, Bolívar cobra vida, una vida épica. Contribuye a definir la biografía de Bolívar con una fuerza y un estilo fuera de lo común.»Hector Tobar, The Los Angeles Times «Arana aporta un lúcido testigo de los ideales, las alianzas y de la debilidad humana que condicionaron a Bolívar en sus decisiones y que, por consiguiente, cambiaron el cursode la historia en las Américas.»The New Yorker «Con gran intuición, Arana captura con destreza la audacia y la brillantez de Simón Bolívar, un líder venerado y menospreciado a su vez.»Kirkus Reviews «Arana es una investigadora incansable, una historiadora intuitiva y una escritora brillante, lo cual queda reflejado a la perfección en esta definitiva y sobrecogedora biografía del gran Simón Bolívar, el libertador de América del sur.»Booklist (Top 10 Biografías del año) «La prosa de Arana puede llegar a ser preciosa. Una novelista convertida en historiadora, su relato de la historia de Bolívar es maravillosa. Dos siglos después de su muerte, Bolívar sigue desatando pasiones como no logran hacerlo otros personajes más célebres. En la biografía de Arana descubrimos el porqué.»Giles Tremlett, The Guardian «Se lee como una novela, repleta de retratos, escenarios y escenas memorables y construida con mucho brío y con detalles realmente vívidos.»Enrique Krauze, The New York Times Review of Books «Una biografía extraordinariamente equilibrada y empática. [Arana] tiene un gran instinto cuando se trata de hacer que los detalles cobren vida.»Nicholas Shakespeare, The Telegraph

Confesiones de una editora poco mentirosa

by Esther Tusquets

Libro de memorias de Esther Tusquets, que complementa sus anteriores éxitos de ventas y de crítica. Sincero y audaz, donde la autora habla sin tapujos de su vida en el mundo de la edición. Esther Tusquets, la gran escritora y editora que transformó Lumen, en su origen una editorial franquista y católica, en un sello literario de referencia, escribió este libro alentada por su hija, Milena Busquets, también autora y directora del sello tiempo después: «Esto es lo que quiero que escribas. No unas memorias solemnes, sino estas pequeñas anécdotas que constituyen la vida cotidiana de una editorial y que cuando las cuentas tú resultan divertidas». Así nació este libro iluminador y emocionante, indispensable para los amantes de la literatura y de la edición, que, como no podía ser de otro modo con una mujer que «vive como editora todas las horas del día y sueña con libros la mayor parte de las noches», recoge anécdotas y retratos inolvidables de grandes escritores y agentes como Mario Vargas Llosa, Carmen Martín Gaite, Camilo José Cela, Miguel Delibes, Umberto Eco y Carmen Balcells, y los avatares de una gran aventura editorial, en la que no faltaron difi cultades y situaciones amargas, pero también ese «momento sublime para el editor: aquel en que abre el original de un perfecto desconocido y se encuentra ante una obra importante». La crítica ha dicho:«No son unas memorias solemnes, sino el ejercicio de inteligencia de una mujer que comprendió lo literario desde otro punto de vista.»Karina Sainz Borgo, VozPópuli «Una escritora proustiana que utiliza la memoria como arma de conocimiento. Un espléndido ajuste de cuentas con las costumbres de la España del último medio siglo.»Ana María Moix «Con una sinceridad fuera de lo corriente, llevó el género de la autobiografía hacia caminos desconocidos en España.»Josep Maria Castellet «Uno de los grandes testigos de la vida de la burguesía catalana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y una de las escritoras más dotadas para la evocación en la literatura española.»El Mundo «Una mujer enormemente sensible, luchadora, crítica, gran escritora y magnífica editora. [...] Una persona que ha contribuido como muy poca gente a lo que somos nosotros mismos, este país nuestro, desde el punto de vista cultural.»Ferran Mascarell «Aparcada la vertiente de editora, renació la de escritora, pero esta vez con esa famosa sensación de ir dejando lastre que impregnaba su literatura pero que acentuaría centrándose directamente en recuerdos y en memorias.»El País «Estas Confesiones de una editora poco mentirosa de Esther Tusquets muestran una vida interesantísima y con contradicciones sobre la que ha hablado y escrito mucho, muchísimo.»The Huffington Post

A mí no me iba a pasar: Una autobiografía con perspectiva de género

by Laura Freixas

Uno de los referentes del feminismo español reflexiona, desde una perspectiva de género, sobre su propia vida. Desde que empezó a publicar sus escritos en 1988, Laura Freixas se ha convertido en una de las voces más relevantes del feminismo español. En esta autobiografía, la autora nos abre las puertas, de manera íntima y desgarradora, a una de las etapas centrales de su vida: el matrimonio y la maternidad. Y no lo hace desde la suficiencia que puede dar el paso del tiempo, sino todo lo contrario: ahonda en su memoria de manera crítica y reflexiona sobre el rol femenino convencional que nunca quiso llevar. A mí no me iba a pasar es una reflexión sobre la vida privada y el feminismo, una muestra transparente y sincera de las contradicciones humanas.

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