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Mrs. Harkness and the Panda

by Alicia Potter

In 1934, Ruth Harkness had never seen a panda bear. Not many people in the world had.But soon the young Mrs. Harkness would inherit an expedition from her explorer husband: the hunt for a panda. She knew that bringing back a panda would be hard. Impossible, even. But she intended to try.So she went to China, where she found a guide, built traps, gathered supplies, and had explorers' clothes made—unheard of for a woman in those days. Then she set out up the Yangtze River and into the wilderness. What she discovered would awe America: an adorable baby panda she named Su Lin, which means "a little bit of something very cute."With breathtaking illustrations from Caldecott Honor artist Melissa Sweet, this little-known true story shares the tale of an adventurous woman who was bold and brave—and the unforgettable journey that helped shape American attitudes toward wildlife.

Mrs. Kennedy and Me: An Intimate Memoir

by Clint Hill Lisa Mccubbin

The #1 New York Times bestselling memoir by Clint Hill that Kirkus Reviews called “clear and honest prose free from salaciousness and gossip,” Jackie Kennedy’s personal Secret Service agent details his very close relationship with the First Lady during the four years leading up to and following President John F. Kennedy’s tragic assassination.In those four years, Hill was by Mrs. Kennedy’s side for some of the happiest moments as well as the darkest. He was there for the birth of John, Jr. on November 25, 1960, as well as for the birth and sudden death of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy on August 8, 1963. Three and a half months later, the unthinkable happened.Forty-seven years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the one vivid image that never leaves Clint Hill’s mind is that of President Kennedy’s head lying on Mrs. Kennedy’s lap in the back seat of the limousine, his eyes fixed, blood splattered all over the back of the car, Mrs. Kennedy, and Hill as well. Sprawled on the trunk of the car as it sped away from Dealey Plaza, Hill clung to the sides of the car, his feet wedged in so his body was as high as possible. Clint Hill jumped on the car too late to save the president, but all he knew after that first shot was that if more shots were coming, the bullets had to hit him instead of the First Lady. Mrs. Kennedy’s strength, class, and dignity over those tragic four days in November 1963 held the country together.This is the story, told for the first time, of the man who perhaps held her together.

Las muchachas peronistas

by Jorge Halperín

Eva, Isabel y Cristina ¿Por qué desatan odios las mujeres en el poder? Un libro acerca de cómo gestionan el poder las mujeres, cómo enfrentan los vaivenes políticos y los odios a los que se ven sometidas por parte de la mayoría de una sociedad. En la Argentina, como un caso único en el mundo, tres mujeres llegaron a lo más alto del poder. Dos de ellas, Isabel Perón y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, alcanzaron la presidencia de la Nación, mientras que Evita, sin haber ejercido cargos institucionales, fue acaso la que mayor peso político ha tenido en toda nuestra historia. Más allá de las diferencias entre ellas, dos rasgos las unen: las tres pertenecen al mismo movimiento político, el peronismo, y a las tres les ha tocado ejercitar su autoridad en medio de tensiones políticas y una fuerte polarización de odios y respaldos en torno a sus figuras. ¿Cómo han ejercido el poder estas tres mujeres? ¿Dejaron sus marcas personales o se disolvieron absorbidas por un poder masculino? ¿Por qué fueron, y son, intensamente odiadas? ¿Se encontraron con una sociedad que no está preparada para dejarse gobernar por mujeres? A partir de estos interrogantes, Jorge Halperín indaga acerca de cómo gestionan las mujeres el poder y sobre los cambios que desata su presencia en nuestra cultura. El aporte de entrevistas y consultas a políticos, periodistas, historiadores e investigadores de distintos campos amplía la mirada sobre un fenómeno inédito en el mundo y permite comprender rasgos a veces ocultos de una sociedad como la argentina, en la cual la expresión "mujer pública" sigue sonando a mala palabra.

Mud, Sweat, and Tears: The Autobiography

by Bear Grylls

“Bear Grylls is a veritable superhero….The former UK Special Forces paratrooper has braved the world’s harshest environments.” —Hampton Sides, Outside Magazine“Bear Grylls is one tough, crazy dude.” —Washington PostTHE THRILLING #1-BESTSELLING MEMOIR BY THE ADVENTURE LEGEND AND STAR OF NBC'S RUNNING WILD WITH BEAR GRYLLSBear Grylls has always sought the ultimate in adventure. Growing up on a remote island off of Britain's windswept coast, he was taught by his father to sail and climb at an early age. Inevitably, it wasn't long before the young explorer was sneaking out to lead all-night climbing expeditions.As a teenager at Eton College, Bear found his identity and purpose through both mountaineering and martial arts. These passions led him into the foothills of the mighty Himalayas and to a karate grandmaster's remote training camp in Japan, an experience that soon helped him earn a second-degree black belt. Returning home, he embarked upon the notoriously grueling selection course for the British Special Forces to join the elite Special Air Service unit 21 SAS—a journey that would push him to the very limits of physical and mental endurance.Then, disaster. Bear broke his back in three places in a horrific free-fall parachuting accident in Africa. It was touch and go whether he would walk again, according to doctors. However, only eighteen months later, a twenty-three-year-old Bear became one of the youngest climbers to scale Mount Everest, the world's highest summit. But this was just the beginning of his many extraordinary adventures. . . .Known and admired by millions as the star of Man vs. Wild, Bear Grylls has survived where few would dare to go. Now, for the first time, Bear tells the story of his action-packed life. Gripping, moving, and wildly exhilarating, Mud, Sweat, and Tears is a must-read for adrenaline junkies and armchair explorers alike.

Mujeres de la Conquista

by Lucía Gálvez

La historiadora rescata personalidades memorables e historias fascinantes del período de la conquista. La conquista y el poblamiento de nuestro territorio constituyen una epopeya que no siempre ha sido narrada con justeza. Menos aún, el papel relevante que las mujeres han cumplido en ella. Durante esos siglos, españolas, indias y mestizas ejercieron funciones múltiples, soportaron grandes sacrificios y muchas veces fueron silenciadas o padecieron penosas humillaciones. Con el rigor histórico y la solvencia narrativa que la caracterizan, Lucía Gálvez rescata algunas de las personalidades memorables de ese período y nos revela sus historias singulares y fascinantes.

Mujeres de Rosas: Incluye las cartas originales de su amante, Eugenia Castro, y la biografía de su

by María Sáenz Quesada

La madre, la esposa, la hija, la amante, la hermana y la amiga delRestaurador son, en este libro, objeto de una mirada nada convencional,irónica y apasionante. Ricas o pobres, luchadoras, ganadoras o sometidas, los personajes de losque habla este libro son un claro ejemplo de una parte hasta hace pocotiempo olvidada de nuestro pasado: el peso de las mujeres en la historiasocial del poder. Del carácter implacable y varonil de EncarnaciónEzcurra a la abnegación y dulzura de Manuelita Rosas, pasando por elencanto arrollador y la independencia de Agustinita, la hermana menordel dictador, la constelación de prototipos femeninos que rodeó a Rosaspermite reconstruir la enorme influencia que llegaron a tener lasmujeres de sociedad en la sofisticada vida porteña del siglo XIX.María Sáenz Quesada, con su pluma privilegiada, logró unrelato original, riguroso y pionero que se lee con el atractivo de unanovela. Su publicación y su notable repercusión han sido claves en lacomprensión del rol que jugaron desde siempre las mujeres en nuestropaís. Esta nueva edición aporta, además, materiales inéditos quecompletan un cuadro exquisito sobre la vida íntima y privada de lasgrandes personalidades de la historia argentina.

Las mujeres y la patria

by Lucía Gálvez

Con textos sencillos y cautivantes, cimentados en una investigación histórica rigurosa, Lucía Gálvez nos demuestra que las mujeres siguen siendo grandes protagonistas silenciadas de nuestra historia. Una vez más, la historiadora Lucía Gálvez nos demuestra con estas narraciones que, conocidas o no, las mujeres siguen siendo grandes protagonistas silenciadas de nuestra historia. En algunos casos, sus vidas y sus actos permanecen en el olvido; en otros, su fama ha servido muchas veces para ocultar o tergiversar el verdadero sentido de sus acciones. Las mujeres y la patria rescata la importancia histórica de personajes como Micaela Bastidas, Mariquita Sánchez, Remedios Escalada, Encarnación Ezcurra, Delfina Bunge y Victoria Ocampo, entre otras, a través de una recorrida por sus afectos, sus amores, sus sacrificios y sus renunciamientos en el marco de la azarosa evolución de nuestro país.

The Multi-Talented Mr.Erskine

by Katherine Elise Chaddock

This first biography of John Erskine views him in the larger contexts of the mass culture and expanded commercialism that helped propel his fame. It also relates a life narrative that demonstrates perils of academic celebrity along a conceptual path from public intellectual to pop icon.

Mummy is a Killer

by Nikkia Roberson

'Why did you leave me? Why did you get messed up with all of those drugs? Why did you kill my brother and sister? Didn’t you love us enough?'Nikkia Roberson has been asking these questions for most of her life. But how else do you cope when your mentally ill mother has killed your little brother and sister by scalding them with boiling water?This is a harrowing true story of how one little girl endured the most tragic of childhoods. But it’s also the ultimate tale of forgiveness. Follow Nikkia on her heartbreaking journey, as she attempts to find answers and rekindle a relationship with her mother behind the gates of a secure psychiatric hospital.Deeply moving, Mummy is a Killer proves that love really is the strongest emotion of all.

Music and How it Works: The Complete Guide for Kids (How it Works)

by DK

Take a visual journey through the world of music and learn the science behind it, too.Budding music fans will love discovering musical geniuses of every era, from Mozart and classical music to Bowie and pop, as well as finding out how music is created and what links it all together.The book looks at music throughout history, beginning with the first known melody from the Fertile Crescent and covering modern music phenomena, from K Pop to hip-hop. Instruments and genres from across the world are featured, with "playlists" of key pieces encouraging kids to look up pieces to hear for themselves. STEAM spreads delve into the psychology and math behind music, from how it affects our mood to how it can improve our minds. Covering India's Ragas, Indonesia's Gamelan, Japan's city pop, and more, this book will help children discover a love of music.

Music Is My Life: Louis Armstrong, Autobiography, and American Jazz

by Daniel Stein

Music Is My Lifeis the first comprehensive analysis of Louis Armstrong's autobiographical writings (including his books, essays, and letters) and their relation to his musical and visual performances. Combining approaches from autobiography theory, literary criticism, intermedia studies, cultural history, and musicology, Daniel Stein reconstructs Armstrong's performances of his life story across various media and for different audiences, complicating the monolithic and hagiographic views of the musician. The book will appeal to academic readers with an interest in African American studies, jazz studies, musicology, and popular culture, as well as general readers interested in Armstrong's life and music, jazz, and twentieth-century entertainment. While not a biography, it provides a key to understanding Armstrong's oeuvre as well as his complicated place in American history and twentieth-century media culture.

A Music Journey Remembered: The Life and Times of Brad Evans, Musician

by Bradley W. Kuhns

Brad Evans has been an entertainer fo over 50 years. Brad and his group, the "Encores" made a unique sound that crossed racial, ethnic and cultural lines. Starting with Brad's humble beginnings growing up in a small coal mining town in Pitt Gas, Pennsylvania, to rolling with the famous "Rat Pack", as a musician, sideman, Brad lived in an adult Disneyland, a world where partying, booze, super fine ladies and big money was the norm in the raucous 50's, 60's and 70's.. He crossed paths with the mob and rubbed shoulders and became friends with some of America's biggest stars like, Elvis The Rat Pack, Nat King Cole, Frankie Laine, Phyllis Diller and many other celebrities of the day. He was popular, in demand, and was asked to perform with headliners. Brad was a shy and polite person who accepted the entertainment business in stride. Brad and his groups on-stage presence made him somewhat of a Vegas nightclub staple. A perennial bachelor and involved with numerous women during his music career, Brad had many colorful relationships. This book is an interesting tale of a musicians life of ambition, heartaches - - and a life with few regrets.

Música celestial: Del mal llamado caso Millet o caso Palau

by Manuel Trallero

La verdadera historia del Caso Palau, o cómo Félix Millet compró a la clase política catalana. El periodismo no debe limitarse a narrar lo que ocurre, debe tratar de explicar el porqué, en eso consiste la verdadera información. Para lograrlo, Música celestial va más allá de la anécdota de lo sucedido. No existe un "caso Palau" ni un "caso Millet". Convertirlo en uno más de los muchos casos de corrupción que salpican el país es reducir lo ocurrido a un simple delito y centrar la atención en unos delincuentes. Pero eso hurtaría a la opinión pública una explicación completa y una interpretación de lo acaecido. Cuando la policía entró en el Palau, los fundamentos de la sociedad catalana y el pacto vigente desde la Transición sufrieron un resquebrajamiento total del cual, a pesar del clamoroso silencio impuesto, todavía hoy no se han repuesto. La clase política, las administraciones, los medios de comunicación, la justicia, la llamada sociedad civil y el propio Orfeó Català todavía deben rendir cuentas. Esta es la razón de este libro: explicar lo que pasó y exigirlas.

Música celestial (edició en catalá): Del mal anomenat cas Millet o cas Palau

by Manuel Trallero

La veritable història del Caso Palau, o de com Félix Millet va comprar la classe política catalana. El periodisme no es pot limitar a narrar el que succeeix, ha d'intentar explicar el perquè, en això consisteix la veritable informació. Per aconseguir-ho, Música celestial va més enllà de l'anècdota. No hi ha un «cas Palau» ni un «cas Millet». Convertir-lo en un més dels molts casos de corrupció que esquitxen el país és reduir el que va passar a un simple delicte i centrar l'atenció en uns delinqüents. Però això escatimaria a l'opinió pública una explicació completa i una interpretació del que es va esdevenir. Quan la policia va entrar al Palau, els fonaments de la societat catalana i el pacte vigent des de la Transició es van esmicolar de tal manera, que, tot i el clamorós silenci imposat, encara avui no se n'han refet. La classe política, les administracions, els mitjans de comunicació, la justícia, l'anomenada societat civili el mateix Orfeó Català encara han de passar comptes. Aquesta és la raó d'aquest llibre: explicar el que va passar i exigir els comptes.

My Adventures With Your Money

by George Graham Rice

An Autobigraphical look at the great American Swindler, George Graham Rice.

My Almost Certainly Real Imaginary Jesus

by Kelly Barth

Kelly Barth, like many American kids, went to Sunday school, sang songs about Zaccheas, and was tucked in with bedtime prayers. A typical Christian kid, that is, until she developed a searingly deep crush on another little girl playing afterhours in church, and more importantly, until Jesus--a tiny, imaginary Jesus, one that stays "safely tucked behind the baseboard or the petals of a peony"--became her invisible friend and constant companion. Heartbreakingly honest and hilarious, My Almost Certainly Real Imaginary Jesus shows just how easy it can be to fall headlong into fundamentalism, venturing into the very heart of enemy territory and the church's false promises of altar calls and sexual cures. In the spirit of Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies, this debut memoir is plainspoken, speaking with candor and insight. Barth particularly addresses the disconnect between the radical and very human Jesus of history and the church's supernatural savior. She asks the question to all in the closet--both closet Christians and closet homosexuals: Which is more difficult, admitting to being Christian or admitting to being gay? An answer is found in her own hard-won journey, a hopeful answer that is an "attempt to leave a record of the early signs of the turning and softening of a collective heart. " Giving voice to many who have searched for sanctuary in a church that has largely rejected them, this story pauses at the threshold of one of a growing number of churches which, in opening the door to her and other homosexuals, welcome Jesus back inside as well.

My Animals and Other Family

by Clare Balding

My Animals and Other Family by Clare Balding is a funny, brave, tender story of self-discovery'I had spent most of my childhood thinking I was a dog, and suspect I had aged in dog years. 'Clare Balding grew up in a rather unusual household. Her father a champion trainer, she shared her life with more than 100 thoroughbred racehorses, mares, foals and ponies, as well as an ever-present pack of boxers and lurchers. As a toddler she would happily ride the legendary Mill Reef and take breakfast with the Queen. She and her younger brother came very low down the pecking order. Left to their own devices, they had to learn life's toughest lessons through the animals, and through their adventures in the stables and the idyllic Hampshire Downs. From the protective Candy to the pot-bellied Valkyrie and the frisky Hattie, each horse and each dog had their own character and their own special part to play. The running family joke was that "women ain't people". Clare had to prove them wrong, to make her voice heard - but first she had to make sure she had something to say. 'Moving, funny and larger than life' Michael Morpurgo'Magical, enchanting, riotously eccentric' Daily Mail'Funny and unexpectedly wise. Balding has lots of good stories to tell. It is impossible not to admire her honesty Mail on Sunday'The reading equivalent of snuggling by the fire with a labrador' The GuardianClare Balding is an award-winning broadcaster and writer. She has been a lead presenter for the Olympics, Paralympics, Winter Olympics and Commonwealth Games. For more than twelve years, she has hiked across the countryside for the BBC Radio 4 series Ramblings. Clare has presented Countryfile, Britain's Hidden Heritage, Britain By Bike, Crufts, and Famous & Fearless, and has appeared on QI, Have I Got News for You and Sport Relief. She has been voted RTS Sports Presenter of the Year and Racing Broadcaster of the Year. She lives in West London with her partner Alice, their wayward Tibetan Terrier Archie and a cat who couldn't give a damn called Itty. My Animals and Other Family is Clare's first book.

My Autobiography

by Charlie Chaplin David Robinson

"The best autobiography ever written by an actor. An astonishing work." --Chicago TribuneChaplin's heartfelt and hilarious autobiography tells the story of his childhood, the challenge of identifying and perfecting his talent, his subsequent film career and worldwide celebrity. In this, one of the very first celebrity memoirs, Chaplin displays all the charms, peculiarities and deeply-held beliefs that made him such an endearing and lasting character.Re-issued as part of Melville House's Neversink Library, My Autobiography offers dedicated Chaplin fans and casual admirers alike an astonishing glimpse into the the heart and the mind of Hollywood's original genius maverick.Take this unforgettable journey with the man George Bernard Shaw called "the only genius to come out of the movie industry" as he moves from his impoverished South London childhood to the heights of Hollywood wealth and fame; from the McCarthy-era investigations to his founding of United Artists to his "reverse migration" back to Europe, My Autobiography is a reading experience not to be missed.

My Autobiography

by Charlie Chaplin

"The best autobiography ever written by an actor. An astonishing work." --Chicago Tribune Chaplin's heartfelt and hilarious autobiography tells the story of his childhood, the challenge of identifying and perfecting his talent, his subsequent film career and worldwide celebrity. In this, one of the very first celebrity memoirs, Chaplin displays all the charms, peculiarities and deeply-held beliefs that made him such an endearing and lasting character. Re-issued as part of Melville House's Neversink Library, My Autobiography offers dedicated Chaplin fans and casual admirers alike an astonishing glimpse into the the heart and the mind of Hollywood's original genius maverick. Take this unforgettable journey with the man George Bernard Shaw called "the only genius to come out of the movie industry" as he moves from his impoverished South London childhood to the heights of Hollywood wealth and fame; from the McCarthy-era investigations to his founding of United Artists to his "reverse migration" back to Europe, My Autobiography is a reading experience not to be missed.

My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story (with Recipes)

by Luisa Weiss

The Wednesday Chef cooks her heart out, finds her way home, and shares her recipes with usIt takes courage to turn your life upside down, especially when everyone is telling you how lucky you are. But sometimes what seems right can feel deeply wrong. My Berlin Kitchen tells the story of how one thoroughly confused, kitchen-mad perfectionist broke off her engagement to a handsome New Yorker, quit her dream job, and found her way to a new life, a new man, and a new home in Berlin--one recipe at a time.Luisa Weiss grew up with a divided heart, shuttling back and forth between her father in Boston and her Italian mother in Berlin. She was always yearning for home--until she found a new home in the kitchen. Luisa started clipping recipes in college and was a cookbook editor in New York when she decided to bake, roast, and stew her way through her by then unwieldy collection over the course of one tumultuous year. The blog she wrote to document her adventures in (and out) of the kitchen, The Wednesday Chef, soon became a sensation. But she never stopped hankering for Berlin. Luisa will seduce you with her stories of foraging for plums in abandoned orchards, battling with white asparagus at the tail end of the season, orchestrating a three-family Thanksgiving in Berlin, and mending her broken heart with batches (and batches) of impossible German Christmas cookies. Fans of her award-winning blog will know the happy ending, but anyone who enjoyed Julie and Julia will laugh and cheer and cook alongside Luisa as she takes us into her heart and tells us how she gave up everything only to find love waiting where she least expected it.

My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story, with Recipes

by Luisa Weiss

The Wednesday Chef cooks her heart out, finds her way home, and shares her recipes with us It takes courage to turn your life upside down, especially when everyone is telling you how lucky you are. But sometimes what seems right can feel deeply wrong. My Berlin Kitchen tells the story of how one thoroughly confused, kitchen-mad perfectionist broke off her engagement to a handsome New Yorker, quit her dream job, and found her way to a new life, a new man, and a new home in Berlin—one recipe at a time. Luisa Weiss grew up with a divided heart, shuttling back and forth between her father in Boston and her Italian mother in Berlin. She was always yearning for home—until she found a new home in the kitchen. Luisa started clipping recipes in college and was a cookbook editor in New York when she decided to bake, roast, and stew her way through her by then unwieldy collection over the course of one tumultuous year. The blog she wrote to document her adventures in (and out) of the kitchen, The Wednesday Chef, soon became a sensation. But she never stopped hankering for Berlin. Luisa will seduce you with her stories of foraging for plums in abandoned orchards, battling with white asparagus at the tail end of the season, orchestrating a three-family Thanksgiving in Berlin, and mending her broken heart with batches (and batches) of impossible German Christmas cookies. Fans of her award-winning blog will know the happy ending, but anyone who enjoyed Julie and Julia will laugh and cheer and cook alongside Luisa as she takes us into her heart and tells us how she gave up everything only to find love waiting where she least expected it. .

My Bondage, My Freedom

by Frederick Douglass

In Frederick Douglass' autobiography My Bondage and My Freedom we can see the power of literacy and belief. Douglass transforms himself from slave to an abolitionist, journalist, orator, and one of the most powerful voices to emerge from the American civil rights movement with little more than force of will. His breadth of accomplishments gave hope to generations of people who came after him in their fight for civil rights.

My Champion's Eyes: Blind But Not Defeated

by Verdina Gillette-Simms

A memoir.

My Charmed Life

by Beth Bernstein

When Beth Bernstein’s mother unexpectedly passed away, Beth’s life was forever changed, as she knew that she’d lost not only her best friend, but also a big part of herself. In this heartwarming and moving memoir, Beth learns how to link together the platinum memories of the jewelry handed down to her by the woman who taught her how to love, overcome obstacles, and (most important) accessorize. As a young girl, Beth learned that not all engagements came with a ring. The unconventional engagement watch Beth’s father gave her mother, her mom’s postdivorce transformation from wearing Jackie O pearls to donning love beads--each piece of jewelry represents an intimate memory, a reminder to rise above life’s challenges and enjoy its triumphs. And there are also Beth’s own experiences with rocky romances, of the too many engagement rings she fell in love with and the too few men who could commit. She tells the story of these relationships with sparkles of hilarity and glimmers of hope, conjuring up lost keepsakes and fiery moments--until she realizes that the brightest gems are the ones you give yourself, and finds freedom she never thought possible. .

My Dear Governess: The Letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann

by Irene Goldman Price

An exciting archive came to auction in 2009: the papers and personal effects of Anna Catherine Bahlmann (1849–1916), a governess and companion to several prominent American families. Among the collection were one hundred thirty-five letters from her most famous pupil, Edith Newbold Jones, later the great American novelist Edith Wharton. Remarkably, until now, just three letters from Wharton’s childhood and early adulthood were thought to survive. Bahlmann, who would become Wharton’s literary secretary and confidante, emerges in the letters as a seminal influence, closely guiding her precocious young student’s readings, translations, and personal writing. Taken together, these letters, written over the course of forty-two years, provide a deeply affecting portrait of mutual loyalty and influence between two women from different social classes. This correspondence reveals Wharton’s maturing sensibility and vocation, and includes details of her life that will challenge long-held assumptions about her formative years. Wharton scholar Irene Goldman-Price provides a rich introduction toMy Dear Governessthat restores Bahlmann to her central place in Wharton’s life.

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