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El show de Trump: El Perfil De Un Vendedor De Humo

by Mark Singer

Desde que Donald Trump se sumó a la carrera por la presidencia de Estados Unidos en una rueda de prensa a la que asistieron actores pagados y en la que calumnió a los migrantes mexicanos ha monopolizado los titulares de los periódicos y se ha convertido en el centro de una de las elecciones más extrañas y alarmantes de la historia norteamericana. No siempre fue así. En 1996 el veterano colaborador del New Yorker, Mark Singer, realizó un perfil del pintoresco personaje. En esa época, Trump era tan sólo un megalómano mentiroso de manhattan y un fracasado operador de casinos que intentaba recuperarse de los procedimientos legales de quiebra que le exigían hacer un inventario de su hogar: un rascacielos que lleva su nombre. Mientras conversaba con Trump en sus oficinas, sus pisos, sus coches e incluso en un avión privado, Singer se descubrió a sí mismo fascinado con este hombre que alcanzó el lujo máximo: una existencia sin el perturbador rumor de un alma. En este libro, el autor actualiza el célebre perfil y relata cómo su publicación significó una continua provocación para Donald Trump, quien pasó de ser un bufón estridente a una amenaza, un multimillonario que pretende volverse el guardián del orden mundial.

Audubon's Sparrow

by Juditha Dowd

The life of Lucy Bakewell Audubon, wife of the painter John James Audubon, comes to life through a series of poems, letters, and journal entries. The story begins when Lucy meets Audubon, the debonair French painter and dancing-master, and follows her until the publication of Audubon's iconic Birds of America. In their gentle simplicity, the poems portray Lucy as a devoted wife, a talented teacher, and a resilient woman who managed to survive the stresses of marriage to a brilliant but impractical husband.

Sir Martin Frobisher: Seaman, Soldier, Explorer

by Taliesin Trow

Sir Martin Frobisher was one of the great sea dogs of Elizabethan England. He was a pirate and a privateer - he looted countless ships and was incarcerated by the Portuguese as a young man - and he aided Sir Francis Drake in one of his most daring voyages to attack the Spanish in the West Indies. But Frobisher was also a warrior who was knighted for his services against the Spanish Armada, and he was an explorer. He was the first Englishman to attempt to find the fabled Northwest Passage to Cathay to China. He commanded three voyages into the uncharted northern wastes Canada and Greenland and devoted eighteen years of his life to this dream. Taliesin Trows new biographical study of this many-sided Elizabethan adventurer should revive interest in him and in this extraordinary period in English seafaring history. For Frobisher was a fascinating, enigmatic character whose reputation is often eclipsed by those of his remarkable contemporaries, Drake, Hawkins and Ralegh.

Murder of JoAnn Dewey in Vancouver, Washington, The (True Crime)

by Pat Jollota

Before midnight on March 19, 1950, several startled bystanders watched two men force a screaming young woman into a car and drive away from Saint Joseph's Hospital in Vancouver. One of them yelled out that she was his wife and was drunk. That was the last time anyone saw JoAnn Dewey alive. Her battered, naked body washed up on the banks of the Wind River seven days later. Suspicion quickly fell on two brothers, Turman and Utah Wilson, who fled town before police caught them in Sacramento. Their arrest and sensational trial captivated and divided the peaceful community. Author Pat Jollota uncovers the chilling details of this tragic story.

Saint Mary From The West

by João Rosa de Castro

Even not having a “deceased author”, like in The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas, Saint Mary From The West develops, with much talent, the elements of the great novel by Machado de Assis, by placing them in a contemporary living that invites the reader to follow the reflections of a narrator character that addresses many themes, references and situations lived by him. Placed before what he calls a “loom of the soul”, he recalls lectures and lecturers of the Philosophical Café of TV Cultura, Nietzsche, Comte, Coldplay, Oswaldo Montenegro, almost always heading to Saint Mary, who shelters his anxieties. Actually, what the narrator character calls “scribbling” is intended to defy the reader to run the paths of his consciousness. Exactly for being defying, such paths are not easy, because they are not revealed in a transparent manner. The reader is faced with the “scribbling” of a cultured man, whose eloquence builds a mosaic of themes and thoughts that give shape to his soul in this loom. Little narratives, reflexions on love, homosexuality, Brazilian music, amongst other things, give the reader an impression of persuasion and, at the same time, stimulates him or her to go beyond to explore something latent in the middle of the diversity that he brings. The high power of persuasion of this narrator character gives the impression of a powerful man, master of himself. However, what his erudition allows us foreseeing along the reading is exactly a fragile man, who has in his eloquence a home, a protection, a resistance. This “exquisite” fragility has to do with the conditions of the contemporary “man of letters”, who, far from occupying a privileged place, sees himself regardless, not only financially, but also culturally. A humanistic look that shocks with the work market, with the prejudices, with the mass culture, and that, as a result of this shock, turns towards the within, from where he allows us forecasting, behind his elo

Roller Coaster Diaries

by João Rosa de Castro

Finally, the Diary Book, where we find the author’s everyday life, his particularities and reflections that colours the happenings of his daily life. What to say about this writing that many times seems to be unreal for the reader, but that in João Rosa de Castro’s experience appears to have much meaning? The reader is not up to decipher the enigmas nor understand them, but enjoy the words of the writer’s intimacy that lead us to seversal situations lived by him and that he wished to share. Like the writing in which he reveals to be the best hour, the best day, the best month and the best year of his life, or when he discusses the matter drugs based on the discussion held by Maria Rita Kehl in the “Philosophical Café”, or even the confession that he doesn’t know how to console when the matter is death, when he knew of the death of the dog of his Januário’s muse. At last, getting into this book means allowing to open oneself to the perceptions, reflections of its author and enjoy his words.

Prisoner of the Rock

by Héron-Mimouni

Monaco et le prisonnier du Rocher. Luigi Ciardelli En collaboration avec Corinne Héron-Mimouni, agent pénitentiaire. Placé sous les verrous en France pour braquage, Luigi Ciardelli est en route, extradé vers l'Italie, pour purger sa peine, lorsque le camion pénitentiaire dévie vers Monaco. La justice monégasque veut le récupérer. Considéré comme l'ennemi numéro 1, LUigi Ciardelli se retrouve emprisonné dans l'une des prisons la plus discrète du monde : celle de Monaco. On suit le confit qui, dès le début, l'oppose à l'administration monégasque qui refuse de l'envoyer dans une prison italienne. Le bras de fer est inégal, et Luigi Ciardelli n'aura dès lors qu'un seul but : s'évader. Dans son projet d'évasion, il entraîne un ancien marine américain. L'auteur devient alors le personnage d'un réel roman d'aventure. L'évasion est réussie. Le Rocher est ébranlé. Des explications s'imposent. S'est-il évadé sans aide extérieure ? Une rumeur de complot commence à planer sur la Principauté. Ce document vécu, d'un homme qui accepte de témoigner, est l'occasion de réfléchir au thème de la justice sous un aspect jamais abordé. La peine de prison, seule réponse à la délinquence, n'est plus vue à travers le délabrement des prisons françaises et laisse ainsi l'auteur s'exprimer sur la notion d'enfermement. Un sujet intemporel. Luigi Ciardelli a prêté sa plume à Corinne Héron-Mimouni, auteur notamment de Matonne aux éditions Ramsay.

Le confessioni di un adolescente psicopatico

by José Antonio Jiménez-Barbero

Ángel Salazar non è un ragazzo come gli altri. Bugiardo, egocentrico, crudele e senza scrupoli, ha costruito un universo su misura nel quale si è eletto Essere Supremo e nel quale niente ha importanza, tranne sè stesso. Ma tutto sta per cambiare. "Questa è la mia storia. La mia verità. Nuda, sincera, senza alcuna ipocrisia o falsa modestia. Probabilmente vi permetterete di giudicarmi. Riesco quasi a vedere da qui l'espressione di orrore e schifo, il muso storto di repulsione e imbarazzo che mostra il vostro viso nel leggere queste righe... La maggior parte di voi non sarà capace di superare il primo capitolo, e il resto si farà di me l'idea di un perverso e diabolico, senza alcuna umanità. Ad onor del vero, devo dire che non me ne frega un cazzo della vostra opinione..." Per tutto il racconto, l'autore - ex poliziotto e professore all'Università di Murcia nella quale indaga sulla violenza infantile -, delinea con somma maestria le caratteristiche principali di una personalità psicopatica adolescente, basandosi sulle teorie di autori esperti in materia, come Hervey Cleckley, Robert Hare o Vicente Garrido.

Erie Canal Sings, The: A Musical History of New York's Grand Waterway

by Bill Hullfish

Life working along the banks of the Erie Canal is preserved in the songs of America's rich musical history. Thomas Allen's "Low Bridge, Everybody Down" has achieved iconic status in the American songbook, but its true story has never been told until now. Erie songs such as "The E-ri-e Is a-Risin'" would transform into "The C&O Is a-Risin'" as the song culture spread among a network of other canals, including the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Pennsylvania Main Line. As motors replaced mules and railroads emerged, the canal song tradition continued on Broadway stages and in folk music recordings. Author Bill Hullfish takes readers on a musical journey along New York's historic Erie Canal.

A Most Beautiful Thing: The True Story of America's First All-Black High School Rowing Team

by Arshay Cooper

Now a documentary narrated by Common, produced by Grant Hill, Dwyane Wade, and 9th Wonder, from filmmaker Mary Mazzio The moving true story of a group of young men growing up on Chicago's West side who form the first all-black high school rowing team in the nation, and in doing so not only transform a sport, but their lives.Growing up on Chicago’s Westside in the 90’s, Arshay Cooper knows the harder side of life. The street corners are full of gangs, the hallways of his apartment complex are haunted by drug addicts he calls “zombies” with strung out arms, clutching at him as he passes by. His mother is a recovering addict, and his three siblings all sleep in a one room apartment, a small infantry against the war zone on the street below.Arshay keeps to himself, preferring to write poetry about the girl he has a crush on, and spends his school days in the home-ec kitchen dreaming of becoming a chef. And then one day as he’s walking out of school he notices a boat in the school lunchroom, and a poster that reads “Join the Crew Team”.Having no idea what the sport of crew is, Arshay decides to take a chance. This decision to join is one that will forever change his life, and those of his fellow teammates. As Arshay and his teammates begin to come together to learn how to row--many never having been in water before--the sport takes them from the mean streets of Chicago, to the hallowed halls of the Ivy League. But Arshay and his teammates face adversity at every turn, from racism, gang violence, and a sport that has never seen anyone like them before.A Most Beautiful Thing is the inspiring true story about the most unlikely band of brothers that form a family, and forever change a sport and their lives for the better.

The Earl of Louisiana

by A. J. Liebling Jonathan Yardley T. Harry Williams

In the summer of 1959, A. J. Liebling, veteran writer for the New Yorker, came to Louisiana to cover a series of bizarre events that began with Governor Earl K. Long's commitment to a mental institution. Captivated by his subject, Liebling remained to write the fascinating yet tragic story of Uncle Earl's final year in politics. First published in 1961, The Earl of Louisiana recreates a stormy era in Louisiana politics and captures the style and personality of one of the most colorful and paradoxical figures in the state's history. This updated edition of the book includes a foreword by T. Harry Williams, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Huey Long: A Biography, and a new introduction by Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Jonathan Yardley that discusses Liebling's career and his most famous book from a twenty-first-century perspective.

Recuerdos de mi inexistencia

by Rebecca Solnit

El libro más esperado de la gran pensadora feminista, autora de Los hombres me explican cosas: un memoir iluminador sobre su educación sentimental y social. UNO DE LOS 100 LIBROS QUE HAY QUE LEER SEGÚN TIME «Para Solnit, la esperanza no es una garantía para el mañana, sino un detonador para la acción de hoy.»John Berger En 1981, una jovencísima Rebecca Solnit se mudaba a su primer apartamento en un barrio marginal de San Francisco. En él pasaría los siguientes veinticinco años, librando feroces batallas para llevar a cabo la difícil tarea de construir su identidad y tomar la palabra en una sociedad que agrede y silencia a las mujeres.Recuerdos de mi inexistencia, su último libro y suprimer memoir, aclamado por la crítica y los lectores en Estados Unidos, marca un hito y «nos da la clave para comprender toda su obra» (The New York Times). Estas páginas narran la emocionante historia de iniciación de «una escritora única, cuya esperanzadora voz es, ahora más que nunca, esencial» (The Guardian): «la voz de la resistencia» (The New York Times Magazine). La crítica ha dicho...«Una ensayista elegante. Traspasa con alegría los límites de las disciplinas y del género, marcando el camino de la filosofía, la paleontología, la política, la religión y la crítica literaria.»The New York Times «Mucho más que un manifiesto feminista. [...] Leer a Solnit es rozar emociones e intuiciones que uno apenas identifica.»Katy Waldman, The New Yorker «Consigue atrapar al lector [...] porque hace de lo íntimo algo universal.»Carolina Isasi, Zenda «Solnit reivindica la apertura de mente, aventurarse más allá de lo conocido, el tropiezo con lo que no se había previsto.»Olga Merino, El Periódico «El que expone Solnit es un “nuevo feminismo”, radical y expresado con lexemas de simpatía, que no se desentiende de las luchas del siglo XX.»Manuel Rivas, El País Semanal «El genio de Solnit [...] consiste en hacernos mirar lo que ya hemos visto y verlo de otra manera.»Marta Peirano, «Una de las voces más poderosas del feminismo, remite irremediablemente a escritoras también polémicas como Susan Sontag o Joan Didion.»Déborah Camañes, Encuentros (Diari de Tarragona) «Un poderoso análisis de cómo los pequeños momentos se acumulan en una mente brillante para formular grandes ideas.»Lorraine Berry, Los Angeles Times «Las palabras de Solnit alientan el anhelo de un mundo mejor.»Toni Montesinos, La Razón

Strange Situation: A Mother's Journey into the Science of Attachment

by Bethany Saltman

A full-scale investigation of the controversial and often misunderstood science of attachment theory, inspired by the author&’s own experience as a parent and daughter. &“A profound and beautiful work . . . searingly honest, brazenly fresh, and startlingly rich.&”—Andrew Solomon, author of The Noonday DemonWhen professional researcher and writer Bethany Saltman gave birth to her daughter, Azalea, she loved her deeply but felt as if something was missing. Looking back at her lonely childhood, dangerous teenage years, and love-addicted early adulthood, Saltman thought maybe she was broken. Then she discovered the science of attachment, the field of psychology that explores the question of why—from an evolutionary point of view—love exists between parents and children. Saltman went on a ten-year journey visiting labs, archives, and training sessions, while learning the meaning of &“delight&” from Mary Ainsworth, one of psychology&’s most important but unsung researchers, who died in 1999. Saltman went deep into the history and findings from Ainsworth&’s famous laboratory procedure, the Strange Situation, which, like an X-ray, is still used today by scientists around the world to catch a glimpse of the internal workings of attachment. In this simple twenty-minute procedure, a baby and a caregiver enter an ordinary room with two chairs and some toys. During a series of comings and goings, a trained observer studies the minutiae of the pair&’s back-and-forth with each other. Through the science of attachment, what Saltman discovered was a radical departure from everything she thought she knew—about love and about her own family, her story, and herself. She was far from broken—she saw that love is too powerful to ever break.Strange Situation is a scientific, lyrical, life-affirming exploration of love. Not only will readers be taken on an emotional ride through one mother&’s reckoning with her own past and her family&’s future, but they will also be given the tools with which to better understand their own life histories and their relationships today.

The Worlds of Tomie dePaola: The Art and Stories of the Legendary Artist and Author

by Barbara Elleman

Barbara Elleman&’s insightful biography on Tomie dePaola captures the essence of the beloved author-illustrator through engaging stories, childhood photos, countless illustrations, and thoughtful analysis of decades of celebrated books.Tomie dePaola is one of the best-known and most beloved creators of books for children. His art and his stories, which are filled with imagination, humor, grace, and curiosity, represent a love of life that is reflected in everything he does. Barbara Elleman&’s exploration of Tomie dePaola&’s career takes a fascinating look at the many worlds dePaola has brought to life through his work: from autobiographical memories to folktales, religious stories, nursery rhymes, and more—including, of course, the inventive world of his most famous character, Strega Nona. Originally published in 1999 and filled with evocative artwork, captivating photographs, and heartwarming anecdotes, this comprehensive book has been updated to cover two new decades of dePaola&’s creativity. Elleman&’s thoughtful narrative brings a fresh appreciation to the work of a unique author-illustrator, one who is a true legend of children&’s literature and a source of lasting joy for generations of readers, young and old.

Scratching the Surface: Adventures in Storytelling (Painted Turtle)

by Harvey Ovshinsky

Scratching the Surface: Adventures in Storytelling is a deeply personal and intimate memoir told through the lens of Harvey Ovshinsky’s lifetime of adventures as an urban enthusiast. He was only seventeen when he started The Fifth Estate, one of the country’s oldest underground newspapers. Five years later, he became one of the country’s youngest news directors in commercial radio at WABX-FM, Detroit’s notorious progressive rock station. Both jobs placed Ovshinsky directly in the bullseye of the nation’s tumultuous counterculture of the 1960s and 70s. When he became a documentary director, Ovshinsky’s dispatches from his hometown were awarded broadcasting’s highest honors, including a national Emmy, a Peabody, and the American Film Institute’s Robert M. Bennett Award for Excellence. But this memoir is more than a boastful trip down memory lane. It also doubles as a survival guide and an instruction manual that speaks not only to the nature of and need for storytelling but also and equally important, the pivotal role the twin powers of endurance and resilience play in the creative process. You don’t have to be a writer, an artist, or even especially creative to take the plunge, Ovshinsky reminds his readers. "You just have to feel strongly about something or have something you need to get off your chest. And then find the courage to scratch your own surface and share your good stuff with others." Above all, Ovshinsky is an educator, known for his passionate support of and commitment to mentoring the next generation of urban storytellers. When he wasn’t teaching screenwriting and documentary production in his popular workshops and support groups, he taught undergraduate and graduate students at Detroit’s College for Creative Studies, Wayne State University, Madonna University, and Washtenaw Community College. "The thing about Harvey," a colleague recalls in Scratching the Surface, "is that he treats his students like professionals and not like newbies at all. His approach is to, in a very supportive and non-threatening way, combine both introductory and advanced storytelling in one fell swoop."

Who Was Levi Strauss? (Who Was?)

by Ellen Labrecque Who HQ

How did an immigrant who sold sewing supplies in New York City reinvent himself in the American West by creating the most iconic pair of pants in the world? Find out in this addition to the Who HQ library!As a young working-class German immigrant, Levi Strauss left his family's dry goods business in New York City to journey out west for the California Gold Rush. Only Levi wasn't looking for gold -- he wanted to provide the miners with sturdy clothes to wear while they worked in the dusty river beds. His solution? Blue jeans -- pants made of strong denim fabric -- which have become one of the most beloved and fashionable clothing items in the world. Who Was Levi Strauss? follows the remarkable journey of this American businessman, and takes a look at how one man and a pair of pants changed fashion and the world forever.

Worth: An Inspiring True Story of Abandonment, Exile, Inner Strength and Belonging

by Bharti Dhir

The memoir of an African-Asian woman adopted into a Punjabi, Sikh family, and her story of overcoming racism, sexism, health problems and escaping Uganda after the expelling of Asians from the country in 1972.A powerful memoir of overcoming adversity that will inspire you to find strength from within and shape your own destiny.Bharti Dhir faced many challenges in her childhood that could have broken her. As a baby, she was abandoned at a roadside in the Ugandan heat, and miraculously found by a passerby. By divine guidance, Bharti's adoptive mother was led to her hospital cot and welcomed Bharti into their Punjabi-Sikh family. Despite experiencing sexism and racism as an Asian-African girl, and developing an incurable skin condition, Bharti found hope through the fear and prejudice.Then, in 1972 when Idi Amin expelled Asians from Uganda, Bharti's family were forced to flee to the UK. She remembers the horrific moment when her adoptive mother was ordered, at gunpoint, to abandon Bharti because of the color of her skin. With incredible courage, she refused, risking their lives to protect Bharti as her own. Throughout her struggles, Bharti retained faith in a divine power within all of us that gives us strength, protects us and loves us unconditionally. Years later, now a social worker specializing in child protection, Bharti lives in the UK with an adopted daughter of her own and has found her true purpose and sense of self-worth.

Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe: Four Weeks that Shaped a Pandemic

by Dr. Bonnie Henry Lynn Henry

From the BC doctor who has become a household name for leading the response to the pandemic, a personal account of the first weeks of COVID, for readers of Sam Nutt's Damned Nations and James Maskayk's Life on the Ground Floor.Dr. Bonnie Henry has been called "one of the most effective public health figures in the world" by The New York Times. She has been called "a calming voice in a sea of coronavirus madness," and "our hero" in national newspapers. But in the waning days of 2019, when the first rumours of a strange respiratory ailment in Wuhan, China began to trickle into her office in British Colombia, these accolades lay in a barely imaginable future.Only weeks later, the whole world would look back on the previous year with the kind of nostalgia usually reserved for the distant past. With a staggering suddenness, our livelihoods, our closest relationships, our habits and our homes had all been transformed.In a moment when half-truths threatened to drown out the truth, when recklessness all too often exposed those around us to very real danger, and when it was difficult to tell paranoia from healthy respect for an invisible threat, Dr. Henry's transparency, humility, and humanity became a beacon for millions of Canadians. And her trademark enjoinder to be kind, be calm, and be safe became words for us all to live by.Coincidentally, Dr. Henry's sister, Lynn, arrived in BC for a long-planned visit on March 12, just as the virus revealed itself as a pandemic. For the four ensuing weeks, Lynn had rare insight into the whirlwind of Bonnie's daily life, with its moments of agony and gravity as well as its occasional episodes of levity and grace. Both a global story and a family story, Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe combines Lynn's observations and knowledge of Bonnie's personal and professional background with Bonnie's recollections of how and why decisions were made, to tell in a vivid way the dramatic tale of the four weeks that changed all our lives.Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe is about communication, leadership, and public trust; about the balance between politics and policy; and, at heart, about what and who we value, as individuals and a society.The authors' advance from the publisher will be donated to charities with a focus on alleviating communities hit particularly hard by the pandemic: True North Aid with its Covid-19 response in Northern Indigenous communities, and First Book Canada, with its focus on reading and literacy for underserved, marginalized youth.

Forgotten Life: Life In The West, Forgotten Life, Remembrance Day, And Somewhere East Of Life (The Squire Quartet #2)

by Brian W. Aldiss

Winner of two Hugo Awards, one Nebula Award, and named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America, Brian W. Aldiss has, for over fifty years, continued to challenge readers' minds with literate, thought-provoking, and inventive science fiction.Analyst Clement Winters is trying to write a biography of his recently deceased older brother, Joseph. Through the writings Joseph left behind--letters, diaries, notes, and confessions--Clement realizes how little he actually knows his brother and how vastly his perception of him differs from reality. As Clement tries to make sense of the life of his deceased sibling, he uncovers "little dark corners" of his family history and even his own life. This ebook includes an introduction by the author.

Shaking the Gates of Hell: A Search for Family and Truth in the Wake of the Civil Rights Revolution

by John Archibald

On growing up in the American South of the 1960s--an all-American white boy--son of a long line of Methodist preachers, in the midst of the civil rights revolution, and discovering the culpability of silence within the church. By the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and columnist for The Birmingham News." <P><P>My dad was a Methodist preacher and his dad was a Methodist preacher," writes John Archibald. "It goes all the way back on both sides of my family. When I am at my best, I think it comes from that sermon place." <P><P>Everything Archibald knows and believes about life is "refracted through the stained glass of the Southern church. It had everything to do with people. And fairness. And compassion." <P><P>In Shaking the Gates of Hell, Archibald asks: Can a good person remain silent in the face of discrimination and horror, and still be a good person? <P><P>Archibald had seen his father, the Rev. Robert L. Archibald, Jr., the son and grandson of Methodist preachers, as a moral authority, a moderate and a moderating force during the racial turbulence of the '60s, a loving and dependable parent, a forgiving and attentive minister, a man many Alabamians came to see as a saint. But was that enough? Even though Archibald grew up in Alabama in the heart of the civil rights movement, he could recall few words about racial rights or wrongs from his father's pulpit at a time the South seethed, and this began to haunt him. In this moving and powerful book, Archibald writes of his complex search, and of the conspiracy of silence his father faced in the South, in the Methodist Church and in the greater Christian church. Those who spoke too loudly were punished, or banished, or worse. Archibald's father was warned to guard his words on issues of race to protect his family, and he did. He spoke to his flock in the safety of parable, and trusted in the goodness of others, even when they earned none of it, rising through the ranks of the Methodist Church, and teaching his family lessons in kindness and humanity, and devotion to nature and the Earth. <P><P>Archibald writes of this difficult, at times uncomfortable, reckoning with his past in this unadorned, affecting book of growth and evolution.

Illegal MiniBiographies. Writers

by Heberto Gamero Contín

Sixty unique and revealing stories about some of the most famous writers in history. What was going on in the head of Juan Rulfo when, as a travel agent, he drove along the endless roads of Mexico? What did Hemingway say to the Italian that he was carrying on his back before giving him to the Allies and thereby saving his life? What was the reaction of an admirer to the refusal of the Swedish Academy to award the Nobel Prize to Jorge Luis Borges? Who brought red roses to the tomb of Oscar Wilde? How were the last moments of Horacio Quiroga or Stefan Zweig? Nabokov, had he ever dreamed of returning to Russia? Sixty unique and revealing stories about some of the most famous writers in history.

El món groc (edició il·lustrada): Si creus en els somnis, es faran realitat

by Albert Espinosa

EDICIÓ IL·LUSTRADA PER PEP BOATELLA Si creus en els somnis, es faran realitat. Creure i crear són a poques lletres de distància. El món groc és un món fantàstic que vull compartir amb tu en aquesta edició il·lustrada per celebrar la traducció a 30 idiomes i els més de 2.500.000 d'exemplars venuts. En El món groc hi trobaràs els descobriments que vaig fer durant els deu anys que vaig estar malalt de càncer. És curiós, però la força, la vitalitat i les troballes que fas quan estàs malalt serveixen també per quan estàs bé. Amb aquest llibre vull que coneguis aquest món especial i diferent, però vull que descobreixis els «grocs»: el nou esglaó de l'amistat, aquelles persones que no són ni amants ni amics, aquella gent que s'encreuen a la teva vida i que, amb una sola conversa, poden arribar a canviar-te-la. No t'avanço res més, hauràs de llegir el llibre per poder començar a trobar els teus «grocs». Potser un d'ells sigui jo... Vols saber qui són els teus «grocs»? Albert Espinosa

Los increíbles

by Óscar Caro (FIDEC) Diego Rubio

La historia de dos superhéroes de la vida real La vida de Óscar Caro cambió por completo cuando Luis David, su hijo menor, sufrió dos eventos cardiorrespiratorios que le ocasionaron una parálisis cerebral a los seis meses de nacido. Al conocer la historia del Team Hoyt -un equipo en el que un padre corre maratones empujando la silla de ruedas de su hijo-, Luis David le propuso a su papá que persiguieran ese sueño y, así, Óscar decidió convertirse en atleta profesional a los cuarenta años para correr, nadar y pedalear cientos de kilómetros con su hijo al hombro. El Team Caro Wagner, como se hace llamar este equipo de superhéroes de la vida real, ha corrido maratones y triatlones en Colombia y en el exterior, y aunque el esfuerzo de terminar una competencia de estas es monumental, no es nada comparado con el que debe hacer una familia con un miembro en condición de discapacidad. Los Increíbles es el inspirador testimonio de un padre que hace hasta lo imposible por su hijo, y es también una historia que nos demuestra que es posible salir adelante, a pesar de las complicaciones que la vida nos presenta. Al comprar este libro, estás ayudando a los niños de la Fundación FIDEC, Luis David Caro Wagner.

Orlando Ayala: El colombiano que le hablaba al oído a Bill Gates

by Julio César Guzmán

La asombrosa historia del colombiano que llegó a trabajar hombro a hombro con Bill Gates. Orlando Ayala fue durante más de dos décadas pieza fundamental de Microsoft, tuvo cerca de 40.000 personas a su cargo en decenas de países y respondía por un presupuesto equivalente a la mitad del que controla el Gobierno de Colombia. Con un compromiso ético y humanitario, trabajó hombro a hombro con Bill Gates, a quien además aconsejó durante crisis y momentos coyunturales atravesados por el gigante tecnológico. Julio César Guzmán, autor de este libro, le siguió la pista a Ayala durante más de veinte años, y después de decenas de conversaciones personales, telefónicas, por Skype y de WhatsApp, logró reconstruir la vida de un hombre que brilló en lo más alto del mundo corporativo y que ahora nos deja miles de lecciones. Estas páginas constatan la magnitud de un colombiano difícil de igualar. "Muchas veces tuvimos que tomar decisiones estratégicas y enfrentamos retos con el Departamento de Justicia, y Orlando siempre fue una voz que decía: '¡Vamos a hacerlo, hagamos lo correcto para nuestros clientes!'. Con frecuencia, asumió tareas especiales que llevaron a la compañía a aprender nuevas destrezas. Él ha hecho contribuciones en muchas áreas [...]. He emprendido muchos viajes con Orlando; en algunos terminábamos exhaustos, con una agenda pesada. Nos divertimos recorriendo América Latina". Bill Gates, fundador de Microsoft (Tomado del libro)

Faith of the Founders: Religion and the New Nation, 1776-1826

by Edwin S. Gaustad

In the lauded Faith of the Founders , revered historian Edwin Gaustad provides a careful consideration of the developing relationship between religion and the state after the American Revolution. With concise focus on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Adams, Gaustad identifies seven varyingâsometimes contraryâperspectives on religion that guided the nation's founders. Faith of the Founders masterfully shows how these figures possessed an intuitive understanding of religion that helped nourish a young country. Repackaged for a new generation of readers and with a new foreword by Randall Balmer, this brief but insightful book offers a look into the founding fathers' geniusâand points to a way forward through the ideological boundaries that threaten to upend the daily doings of American government today.

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