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Two Roads Home: Hitler, Stalin and the Miraculous Survival of My Family

by Daniel Finkelstein

An epic and uplifting World War II family history of resistance that spans Europe, telling of two happy families uprooted by war, their incredible suffering under Hitler and Stalin, and the near-miraculous survival stories of the author's mother and father.&“Moving and important.&”—Robert Harris, author of Act of OblivionIn Two Roads Home beloved British journalist Daniel Finkelstein tells the extraordinary story of the years before his mother met his father—years of war and trials they barely survived.Daniel Finkelstein's grandfather was a German Jewish intellectual leader who tolled an early warning of the impending Holocaust and became an archivist of Nazi crimes. He relocated his family to safety in Amsterdam, where they knew Anne Frank. But in those years safety was an illusion: Anne Frank famously went into hiding and Daniel's mother, Mirjam, also still a child, was sent to Bergen-Belsen with her mother and sisters.Finkelstein's father, Ludwik, grew up in a prosperous Jewish family in Poland where his father, Dolu was a patriotic hero of the Great War. But when Stalin took control, Dolu, was deported to Siberia and Ludwik and his mother were sentenced to forced labor in Kazakhstan, starved and housed in a stable in freezing conditions.Two Roads Home is a page-turning account of the narrow escapes, forged passports, ingenuity, bravery, and luck that allowed Mirjam and Ludwik to survive the war and find each other. Using their personal testimony, letters sent to Siberia, a diary written in Belsen, and years of historical research, Daniel Finkelstein tells what happened to two families, one the victim of the Nazis, the other of the Soviets. A tale of deliverance and triumph over evil, Two Roads Home will profoundly touch all who read it.

Txayenko: Autobiografía

by Elisa Loncón

El emocionante ejercicio de memoria de una protagonista indiscutible del Chile actual. Elisa Loncon ha querido en este libro narrar su trayectoria vital, una que comenzó en el Wallmapu, durante la reforma agraria y que despegó, luego de su paso por la escuela en Traiguén (no sin dificultades), con sus estudios universitarios, iniciando una ascendente carrera académica que tuvo como eje las indagaciones sobre su lengua materna como fenómeno vivo, pasando episodios memorables y recorriendo diversos países y sociedades descubriendo saberes y experiencias similares. De este modo, acompañamos a la autora en travesías por Canadá, México y Holanda, experiencias decisivas que llevaron a una académica experta en lingüística a ser protagonista de un proceso fundamental del Chile contemporáneo, convirtiéndose, en tanto presidenta de la Convención Constitucional, en portadora de un mensaje que trató de construir un nuevo pacto social entre los pueblos y el Estado sin dejar de mirar la naturaleza. "Mi historia es la de tantas mujeres que se levantaron en contra del doble sistema de dominación patriarcal y de raza. Fui una niña feliz que creció rodeada de cariño y en contacto con la naturaleza, pero también víctima de privaciones y discriminaciones estructurales. […] He tenido también el privilegio de aprender y estudiar el lenguaje como fenómeno humano, de conocer el mundo y entablar amistades profundas con hombres y mujeres de otras latitudes. He visto nacer y morir. A la hora del balance no concibo manera más intensa de vivir que a través de lo colectivo".

El último sueño

by Pedro Almodóvar

El libro más personal de Pedro Almodóvar: un autorretrato articulado en doce relatos que revelan su pasión secreta por la escritura «Un libro de hallazgos. Que Almodovar era un gran escritor ya lo sabía, sólo hacía falta descubrir desde cuando. De la infancia hasta anteayer, su escritura nos lleva de la mano por un bosque sorprendente. Nacer al revés, (al final), y vivir para atrás es sólo uno de sus talentos. Hay más, avanzar también como un tranvía (de deseo). Al leer estos relatos uno no sabe si ha sido invitado a su cabeza o a su alma. En cualquier caso, es un regalo. Y una dulce intromisión».Ray Loriga «Este libro es lo más parecido a una autobiografía fragmentada. [...] El lector acabará obteniendo la máxima información de mí como cineasta, como fabulador y el modo en que mi vida hace que una cosa y las otras se mezclen». Así define el autor este volumen, en una brillante introducción que sirve también de puesta en perspectiva: los doce relatos que lo componen abarcan varias épocas, desde finales de la década de los sesenta hasta la actualidad, y en ellos se reflejan algunas de sus obsesiones más íntimas, además de su evolución como artista. Los oscuros años escolares, la influencia de la ficción en la vida, los efectos inesperados del azar, la sofisticación del humor, los inconvenientes de la fama, la fascinación por los libros o la experimentación con los géneros narrativos son algunos de los temas que pueblan este libro imprescindible, que contiene múltiples capas de lectura. En librerías el 13 de abril de 2023 La crítica ha dicho...«Tesoro encontrado, objeto de coleccionista, álbum de cromos en el que brillan los destellos del imaginario de un genio».Sabina Urraca «La prosa de Almodóvar es tan hábil e ingeniosa como sus películas. [...] Es, por así decirlo, como un Warhol con chispa y, desde luego, con más vigor».The Times «Un maestro en el arte de contar historias desenfrenadas y atrevidas».Le Quotidien du cinéma«Un aviso para los amantes de los directores de cine que escriben. Esto no es ni Woody Allen ni mucho menos Werner Herzog, sino más bien un William Burroughs con mucho humor: ese es Pedro Almodóvar».Buchkritik - Deutschlandfunk Kultur«Con la humilde e ingeniosa atención de quien mira las pasiones humanas para conjugarlas en la inescrutable lógica de la vida, Almodóvar visita todo el espectro de colores de nuestra alma: el dolor, la tristeza, el cariño, la nostalgia, la euforia, la disforia, el impulso incontenible de comunicar, la frustración del silencio».Antonio Tabucchi

Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner

by Dean Karnazes

Revised, updated and with a new afterword. The Ultramarathon man is back with new additions to his bestselling memoirUltramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner helped introduce the world to ultramarathoning. Now, after three decades of running ultramarathons across the globe, Karnazes is still going strong. This updated and revised edition includes an afterword full of the lessons he&’s picked up along the way. He gives personal details on the essential pillars of health—fitness, diet and sleep. What does he eat, what supplements does he take, and what kind of mattress does he sleep on? Aging well takes work and the man who hasn&’t stopped is sharing the tips and learnings that have kept him going, mile after grueling mile.Ultramarathon Man is Karnazes' story: the mind-boggling adventures of his nonstop treks through the shoe-melting inferno of Death Valley, the lung-freezing ferocity of the South Pole, and the awe-inspiring beauty of the towering peaks and craggy canyons of the Sierra Nevada.With an insight and candor rarely seen in sports memoirs, he reveals how he navigates the solitary, manic, self-absorbed life of hard-core ultrarunning with a full-time job, a wife, and two children, and how running has made him who he is today: a man with an ironclad body, a teenager's energy, and a champion's wisdom.

Un altro sguardo al bipolarismo: Non c’è da vergognarsi nel preferire la felicità

by Benjamin Nemopode

L’incredibile percorso di un uomo con il disturbo bipolare Come è sprofondato nella più profonda disperazione, per poi uscirne trionfante. Ti è stato diagnosticato il bipolarismo? Conosci qualcuno che soffre di questa malattia e che lotta per ritrovare se stesso? Vorresti saperne di più di questo terribile disturbo psicologico? Sei alla ricerca della pace o sei interessato al buddhismo? Disturbo bipolare o verità del risveglio spirituale? Segui il viaggio di Arthuro Jobsquare, bipolare, da Parigi a Montreal, passando per Londra, fino allo stato di buddha. Un’avventura fantastica, uno scacco al bipolarismo. Un’incredibile determinazione nel voler superare la malattia che minacciava di controllarlo per sempre. Descrizione della malattia e dell’incredibile percorso di un bipolare di tipo I. Questo libro espone l’incredibile percorso di una persona bipolare fornendo una descrizione corretta e accurata della malattia. Se cerchi un libro sul disturbo bipolare o sul risveglio spirituale, non cercare oltre, l’hai trovato... Ordina SUBITO la tua copia e inizia il tuo percorso di risveglio. Estratti dalle recensioni di lettori Amazon ★★★★★ “L’autore condivide con noi il suo doloroso percorso di vita con il disturbo bipolare di tipo I. Una testimonianza toccante, compiuta e scritta splendidamente...” - Frédérique Madison (Francia) ★★★★★ “Ho letto questo libro in più tempi, cosa che non è mia abitudine fare. Ma ogni tanto ho dovuto fermarmi a riprendere fiato. Si sente chiaramente tutta la sofferenza di una persona che cerca di prendere le distanze dalla propria esperienza...” - Armand Poursin (Francia) ★★★★★ “Consiglio questo libro in quanto utile complemento alle proprie ricerche sulla malattia e anche come testimonianza di chi ne è affetto. Ora posso dire di averla compresa molto più chiaramente e di amare


by Ronnie O'Sullivan

'Reading this is like watching an O'Sullivan break: hypnotic, dazzling and impossible to tear yourself away from.' - STEPHEN FRY---In a career spanning over three decades, Ronnie O'Sullivan's journey to becoming the greatest snooker player of all time has been filled with extremes.A teenage snooker prodigy, Ronnie turned professional with the highest of expectations. This pressure, together with a challenging personal life, catapulted Ronnie into a life of excess and addiction. He was winning titles - his first within a year of turning professional - but losing himself and his game as he tried to block out the mental pain and misery. Whilst Ronnie appeared at the height of the game to spectators, these were the moments when he felt at his lowest.In the year 2000 Ronnie started rehab and began the journey to get his life back, addressing his demons and working on developing a stronger and more resilient mindset. More than twenty years on, Ronnie is still obsessed with delivering his peak performance and never happier than when in a snooker hall, but success has now taken on a new meaning for the record-equalling world champion.Framed around the many lessons Ronnie has learned from his extraordinary career, Unbreakable takes us beyond the success and record-breaking achievements to share the reality - and brutality - of making it to the very top, whatever your field. Ronnie is the first to say he doesn't have all the answers, but in sharing the experiences that have shaped him and mistakes that have made him, he hopes to help readers navigate their own personal challenges and obstacles, and in turn reach their maximum potential.This is Ronnie O'Sullivan as you've never seen him before, the definitive and unflinching story of a true British icon and a fascinating insight into the mindset of the world's greatest snooker player.


by Ronnie O'Sullivan

'Reading this is like watching an O'Sullivan break: hypnotic, dazzling and impossible to tear yourself away from.' - STEPHEN FRY'Besides quite a few laughs, many readers will find recognition, reassurance, remedy and revelation in O'Sullivan's candid story. I highly recommend it.' - THE TIMES---In a career spanning over three decades, Ronnie O'Sullivan's journey to becoming the greatest snooker player of all time has been filled with extremes.A teenage snooker prodigy, Ronnie turned professional with the highest of expectations. This pressure, together with a challenging personal life, catapulted Ronnie into a life of excess and addiction. He was winning titles - his first within a year of turning professional - but losing himself and his game as he tried to block out the mental pain and misery. Whilst Ronnie appeared at the height of the game to spectators, these were the moments when he felt at his lowest.In the year 2000 Ronnie started rehab and began the journey to get his life back, addressing his demons and working on developing a stronger and more resilient mindset. More than twenty years on, Ronnie is still obsessed with delivering his peak performance and never happier than when in a snooker hall, but success has now taken on a new meaning for the record-equalling world champion.Framed around the many lessons Ronnie has learned from his extraordinary career, Unbreakable takes us beyond the success and record-breaking achievements to share the reality - and brutality - of making it to the very top, whatever your field. Ronnie is the first to say he doesn't have all the answers, but in sharing the experiences that have shaped him and mistakes that have made him, he hopes to help readers navigate their own personal challenges and obstacles, and in turn reach their maximum potential.This is Ronnie O'Sullivan as you've never seen him before, the definitive and unflinching story of a true British icon and a fascinating insight into the mindset of the world's greatest snooker player.

Unbroken Bonds of Battle: A Modern Warriors Book of Heroism, Patriotism, and Friendship

by Johnny Joey Jones

Life only really starts when we start serving others. <p><p> For many people, military service isn’t simply a job. It’s a ticket out of a lonely society and into a family of enduring bonds. <p><p> In over a decade of working with veterans, Johnny Joey Jones has discovered the power of battle-forged friendships. Suffering a life-changing injury while deployed in Afghanistan, he faced a daunting recovery. But coming home would have been much harder without the support of his brothers and sisters in arms. <p><p> In Unbroken Bonds of Battle, Joey tells the stories of those very warriors, who for years have supported and inspired him on the battlefield and off. Through unfiltered and authentic conversations with American heroes in every branch of service, Joey tackles the big questions about life, loss, and, of course, hunting. <p><p> Powerful life lessons are woven throughout these personal oral histories. Also included is a scrapbook of beautiful candid photographs from the lives of these modern warriors. <p><p> A gorgeous patriotic keepsake, Unbroken Bonds of Battle reminds us of the costs paid by those who defend our freedom through unvarnished, inspiring tales of friendship. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Uncharted: How Scientists Navigate Their Own Health, Research, and Experiences of Bias

by Skylar Bayer Gabriela Serrato Marks

People with disabilities are underrepresented in STEM fields, and all too often, they face isolation and ableism in academia. Uncharted is a collection of powerful first-person stories by current and former scientists with disabilities or chronic conditions who have faced changes in their careers, including both successes and challenges, because of their health. It gives voice to common experiences that are frequently overlooked or left unspoken. These deeply personal accounts describe not only health challenges but also the joys, sorrows, humor, and wonder of science and scientists.With a breadth of perspectives on being disabled or chronically ill, these stories highlight the intersectionality of minoritized identities with the disability community. Uncharted features essays by contributors who are d/Deaf, blind, neurodivergent, wheelchair users, have experienced traumatic brain injuries, have blood sugar disorders, have rare medical diagnoses, or have received psychiatric diagnoses, among many others. In many cases, the scientific field is not fully accessible to them, and they frankly describe struggling as well as thriving alongside their conditions.This book serves as representation for scientists who have never felt comfortable disclosing their disability or who have never felt fully understood. The stories shared in this book seek to normalize medical conditions and disabilities in scientific culture, offering recommendations for how and why to improve access. Uncharted is vital and compelling reading for current and aspiring scientists who want to make their fields more inclusive and supportive for everyone.

Uncle of the Year: & Other Debatable Triumphs

by Andrew Rannells

From the star of The Book of Mormon and Girls, candid, hilarious essays on anxiety, ambition, and the uncertain path to adulthood that ask: How will we know when we get there? &“With the unsparing eye of David Sedaris and the social wisdom of Nora Ephron, Andrew Rannells tackles the most foundational questions of growing up.&”—Lena DunhamIn Uncle of the Year, Andrew Rannells wonders: If he, now in his forties, has everything he&’s supposed to need to be an adult—a career, property, a well-tailored suit—why does he still feel like an anxious twenty-year-old climbing his way toward solid ground? Is it because he hasn&’t won a Tony, or found a husband, or had a child? And what if he doesn&’t want those things? (A husband and a child, that is. He wants a Tony.) In deeply personal essays drawn from his life as well as his career on Broadway and in Hollywood, Rannells argues that we all pretend—for friends, partners, parents, and others—that we are constantly succeeding in the process known as &“adulting.&” But if this acting is leaving us unfulfilled, then we need new markers of time, new milestones, new expectations of what adulthood is and can be. Along the way, Rannells navigates dating, aging, mental health, bad jobs, and much more. In his essay &“Uncle of the Year,&” he explores the role that children play in his life, as a man who never thought having kids was necessary or even possible—until his siblings have kids and he falls in love with a man with two of his own. In &“Always Sit Next to Mark Ruffalo,&” he reveals the thrills and absurdities of the awards circuit, and the desire to be recognized for one&’s work. And in &“Horses, Not Zebras,&” he shares the piece of wisdom that helped him finally come to terms with his anxiety and perfectionism. Filled with honest insights and a sharp wit, Uncle of the Year challenges us to take a long look at who we&’re pretending to be, who we know we are, and who we want to become.

An Uncommon Woman: The Life of Lydia Hamilton Smith (Keystone Books)

by Mark Kelley

Lydia Hamilton Smith (1813–1884) was a prominent African American businesswoman in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and the longtime housekeeper, life companion, and collaborator of the state’s abolitionist congressman Thaddeus Stevens. In his biography of this remarkable woman, Mark Kelley reveals how Smith served the cause of abolition, managed Stevens’s household, acquired property, and crossed racialized social boundaries.Born a free woman near Gettysburg, Smith began working for Stevens in 1844. Her relationship with Stevens fascinated and infuriated many, and it made Smith a highly recognizable figure both locally and nationally. The two walked side by side in Lancaster and in Washington, DC, as they worked to secure the rights of African Americans, sheltered people on the Underground Railroad, managed two households, raised her sons and his nephews, and built a real-estate business. In the last years of Stevens’s life, as his declining health threatened to short-circuit his work, Smith risked her own well-being to keep him alive while he led the drive to end slavery, impeach Andrew Johnson, and push for the ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.An Uncommon Woman is a vital history that accords Lydia Hamilton Smith the recognition that she deserves. Every American should know Smith’s inspiring story.

Unconditional: How a Mother's Love Rescued Her Rebellious Son

by Suzanne J. Roragen

In Unconditional, Suzanne Roragen shares her journey of parenting her rebellious teenage son—and how she fought to save him from self-destruction.How far should you go to stop your child from experiencing an epic failure? How do you find the resources and tools you need to get them back on track? As her husband&’s military career moved her family across the country and the world, Suzanne Roragen happily embraced her relationship with her child, infusing as much carefree fun and learning as possible into every experience. As her son&’s staunchest advocate and biggest cheerleader, she also provided a steadfast source of stability from one home to the next.But as Nick transitioned from his teen years to a young adult, the seemingly unbreakable bond they shared was tested to the breaking point. He slipped further into destructive behaviors, and further away from her. Suzanne was left reeling, struggling to maintain her good influence on her son—and on her sanity. Would Nick&’s rebellion destroy him? Or would it destroy her first?Ultimately, Suzanne acknowledged that as an imperfect parent raising an equally imperfect human, conflict with her child, and the subsequent heartbreak, were inevitable. But as she&’d learn, the journey teaches us not only about ourselves and our shortcomings but also about the Heavenly Father who loves His children unconditionally. Regardless of your current season of parenting—whether you&’ve had your share of turmoil and parenting failures or your child is approaching the teen years—Unconditional will give you hope and remind you that grace, forgiveness, and love can allow you to emerge stronger than ever on the other side of the struggle.

Undaunted: How Women Changed American Journalism

by Brooke Kroeger

An essential history of women in American journalism, showcasing exceptional careers from 1840 to the present <p><p> Undaunted is a representative history of the American women who surmounted every impediment put in their way to do journalism’s most valued work. From Margaret Fuller’s improbable success to the highly paid reporters of the mid-nineteenth century to the breakthrough investigative triumphs of Nellie Bly, Ida Tarbell, and Ida B. Wells, Brooke Kroeger examines the lives of the best-remembered and long-forgotten woman journalists. She explores the careers of standout woman reporters who covered the major news stories and every conflict at home and abroad since before the Civil War, and she celebrates those exceptional careers up to the present, including those of Martha Gellhorn, Rachel Carson, Janet Malcolm, Joan Didion, Cokie Roberts, and Charlayne Hunter-Gault. <p><p> As Kroeger chronicles the lives of journalists and newsroom leaders in every medium, a larger story develops: the nearly two-centuries-old struggle for women’s rights. Here as well is the collective fight for equity from the gentle stirrings of the late 1800s through the legal battles of the 1970s to the #MeToo movement and today’s racial and gender disparities. <p><p> Undaunted unveils the huge and singular impact women have had on a vital profession still dominated by men.

Undercooked: How I Let Food Become My Life Navigator and How Maybe That's a Dumb Way to Live

by Dan Ahdoot

A collection of hilarious essays about how food became one man&’s obsession and coping mechanism, and how it came to rule—and sometimes ruin—his relationships, from the Cobra Kai actor, stand-up comic, and host of Food Network&’s Raid the Fridge&“When most people say they have an unhealthy relationship with food, they mean they eat too much of it or too little. When I say I have an unhealthy relationship with food, I mean it&’s what gives my life meaning. That&’s a really dumb way to live your life, as the stories in this book will attest to.&”Despite an impressive résumé as an actor and writer, Dan Ahdoot realized that food has been the through line in the most important moments of his life. Growing up as a middle child, Ahdoot struggled to find his place in the family until he and his father discovered their shared love for la gourmandise. But when the tragic death of his brother pushed his parents to strengthen their Jewish faith and adopt a strictly kosher diet, Ahdoot and his father lost that savored connection.To fill the absence left by his brother and father, Ahdoot began to obsess over food and make it central in all his relationships. This, he admits, is probably crazy, but it makes for good stories. From breaking up with girlfriends over dietary restrictions, to hunting just off the Long Island Expressway, to savoring his grandmother&’s magical food that was his only tactile connection to his family&’s home country of Iran, to jetting off to Italy to dine at the one of the world&’s best restaurants, only to send the risotto back, Ahdoot&’s droll observations on his unconventional adventures bring an absurdly funny yet heartfelt look at what happens when you let your stomach be your guide.

Undercurrent: A Cornish Memoir of Poverty, Nature and Resilience

by Natasha Carthew

'At times roaring and visceral, in turn gentle and embracing, always driven by hope and determination' RAYNOR WINN 'Haunting and powerful' KATE MOSSE To grow up in rural poverty is to fight for life before you can walk.Natasha Carthew was born into a world that sat alongside picture-postcard Cornwall, one where second homes took the sea view of council properties, summer months shifted the course of people's lives, and wealth converged with poverty on sandy beaches.In the rockpools and hedgerows of the natural world, Natasha found solace in the beauty of the landscape, and in the mobile library she found her means of escape. In Undercurrent she returns to the cliff paths of her childhood, determined to make sense of an upbringing shaped by political neglect and a life defined by the beauty of nature.This is a journey through place, and a vivid story of hope, beauty and fierce resilience.'Marvellous, moving and mesmerising' ANITA SETHI 'A story of queer resistance, of community and of finding your own voice' DAMIAN BARR

Undercurrent: A Cornish Memoir of Poverty, Nature and Resilience

by Natasha Carthew

There's a Cornish saying that nothing is left behind in an autumnal tide, the powerful tug between the sun and the equator makes the water surface stronger, and it pulls and builds until we are left with what is known as great tides - but as I stand here on my childhood beach someplace in my 40s, all I can see is the stretch of grey rocks and sand where the ebb has come and gone.Natasha Carthew grew up in rural poverty in Cornwall, battling limited opportunities, precarious resources, escalating property prices, isolation and a community marked by the ravages of inequality. Her world existed alongside the postcard picture Cornwall, where wealth and privilege converged on sandy beaches and expensive second homes.In the rockpools and hedgerows of the natural world, Natasha found solace in the beauty of the landscape, and in the mobile library she found her means of escape. In her first non-fiction audiobook she returns to the cliff-paths of her childhood, determined to make sense of an upbringing shaped by political neglect and a life defined by the beauty of nature.Undercurrent is part-memoir, part-investigation, part love-letter to Cornwall. It is a vivid, powerful exploration of rural poverty, and the often devastating impact of living without the means or support to build a future. This is a journey through place, and a story of hope, beauty, and fierce resilience.(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The Underworld: Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean

by Susan Casey

A NEW YORK TIMES BOOK TO READ THIS SUMMER • From bestselling author Susan Casey, an awe-inspiring portrait of the mysterious world beneath the waves, and the men and women who seek to uncover its secrets <p><p> For all of human history, the deep ocean has been a source of wonder and terror, an unknown realm that evoked a singular, compelling question: What’s down there? Unable to answer this for centuries, people believed the deep was a sinister realm of fiendish creatures and deadly peril. But now, cutting-edge technologies allow scientists and explorers to dive miles beneath the surface, and we are beginning to understand this strange and exotic underworld: A place of soaring mountains, smoldering volcanoes, and valleys 7,000 feet deeper than Everest is high, where tectonic plates collide and separate, and extraordinary life forms operate under different rules. Far from a dark void, the deep is a vibrant realm that’s home to pink gelatinous predators and shimmering creatures a hundred feet long and ancient animals with glass skeletons and sharks that live for half a millennium—among countless other marvels. <p><p> Susan Casey is our premiere chronicler of the aquatic world. For The Underworld she traversed the globe, joining scientists and explorers on dives to the deepest places on the planet, interviewing the marine geologists, marine biologists, and oceanographers who are searching for knowledge in this vast unseen realm. She takes us on a fascinating journey through the history of deep-sea exploration, from the myths and legends of the ancient world to storied shipwrecks we can now reach on the bottom, to the first intrepid bathysphere pilots, to the scientists who are just beginning to understand the mind-blowing complexity and ecological importance of the quadrillions of creatures who live in realms long thought to be devoid of life. <p><p> Throughout this journey, she learned how vital the deep is to the future of the planet, and how urgent it is that we understand it in a time of increasing threats from climate change, industrial fishing, pollution, and the mining companies that are also exploring its depths. The Underworld is Susan Casey’s most beautiful and thrilling book yet, a gorgeous evocation of the natural world and a powerful call to arms. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>


by Casey Charles

Undetectable is a story of love, loss, and viral loads, a memoir of long-term survival with HIV. From New York graduate student in 1989, who contracts the virus from the love of his life to Montana writer in 2018 visiting the slums of Nairobi, the author finds his own drama intertwined with the astonishing stories of his HIV+ peers, narratives that intersect the path of his travails and act as foils to the foibles of a gay man who comes out, falls in love, and faces a death sentence at the beginning of his career. In his fight for drugs, friends, and support, Charles learns the power of linking self to other as he confronts stigma, heartbreak, and fear with a visceral resilience. By discovering the power of community, Undetectable explores a generation of long-term HIV survivors who have lived to tell the story of an AIDS pandemic now in its fifth decade without cure or vaccine.

Undisputed: A Champion's Life

by Donovan Bailey

A memoir of Olympic glory, the value of mentorship and the courage to champion your own excellence, from the long-reigning world's fastest man, Canadian sprinting legend Donovan Bailey.From the lush fields of his boyhood in Jamaica, to the basketball courts of Oakville, where he came of age in one of Canada&’s most thriving cultural mosaics, to his sprint toward double Olympic gold for Canada in Atlanta in 1996, Donovan Bailey got a long way on natural talent. But he also learned that in the bureaucratic world of Canadian sports, an athlete who didn't come up in the system needed to take charge of his fate if he was going to become the world&’s best. As he ascended from outsider to dominant athlete, others didn&’t always understand the rigour at work behind Bailey&’s confident demeanour. He&’d learned from watching Muhammad Ali that a champion needed to act like a champion. But media grew fixated on the sprinter&’s immodesty, the likes of which they never saw from Canadian athletes, especially track athletes in the wake of the Ben Johnson doping scandal at Seoul in 1988. Bailey was having none of it, and when he called out Canada's subtle racism and contradicted the prevailing idea most Canadians had of their country, he left in his wake a media uproar and cracked wide open the nation&’s moral complacency. In addition to his unforgettable 100-metre and 4x100 relay gold-medal sprints in Atlanta, Bailey's track career was a litany of records and rare accomplishments, including his audacious 1997 race in Toronto's SkyDome against American 200-metre Olympic champion Michael Johnson to determine who was really the world&’s fastest man. There was no disputing the result. Bailey had been coached in success before he was seriously coached in athletics. Following the lead of his father, a machinist-turned-real estate investor, Bailey became a millionaire by the age of 21, an experience he continues to draw on as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. Frank about his dominance on the track and unapologetic for expecting as much of those around him as he expects of himself, Undisputed is an athlete's story that refuses to settle for second best.

Unearthed: A Lost Actress, a Forbidden Book, and a Search for Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust

by Meryl Frank

A thrilling mystery woven into a beautifully constructed family memoir: Meryl Frank&’s journey to seek the truth about a beloved and revolutionary cousin, a celebrated actress in Vilna before World War II, and to answer the question of how the next generation should honor the memory of the Holocaust. As a child, Meryl Frank was the chosen inheritor of family remembrance. Her aunt Mollie, a formidable and cultured woman, insisted that Meryl never forget who they were, where they came from, and the hate that nearly destroyed them. Over long afternoons, Mollie told her about the city, the theater, and, above all else, Meryl&’s cousin, the radiant Franya Winter. Franya was the leading light of Vilna&’s Yiddish theater, a remarkable and precocious woman who cast off the restrictions of her Hasidic family and community to play roles as prostitutes and bellhops, lovers and nuns. Yet there was one thing her aunt Mollie would never tell Meryl: how Franya died. Before Mollie passed away, she gave Meryl a Yiddish book containing the terrible answer, but forbade her to read it. And for years, Meryl obeyed. Unearthed is the story of Meryl&’s search for Franya and a timely history of hatred and resistance. Through archives across four continents, by way of chance encounters and miraculous discoveries, and eventually, guided by the shocking truth recorded in the pages of the forbidden book, Meryl conjures the rogue spirit of her cousin—her beauty and her tragedy. Meryl&’s search reveals a lost world destroyed by hatred, illuminating the cultural haven of Vilna and its resistance during World War II. As she seeks to find her lost family legacy, Meryl looks for answers to the questions that have defined her life: what is our duty to the past? How do we honor such memories while keeping them from consuming us? And what do we teach our children about tragedy?

Unearthing: A Story of Tangled Love and Family Secrets

by Kyo Maclear

An unforgettable memoir about a family secret revealed by a DNA test, the lessons learned in its aftermath, and the indelible power of love—for readers of Dani Shapiro&’s Inheritance and Katherine May&’s Wintering. &“Magnificent...I will never forget it.&” —Dani Shapiro, author of Inheritance &“A mind-altering and supremely generous exploration of kinship, selfhood, memory, and the roots we share across time, space and species.&” —Naomi Klein, author of This Changes EverythingThree months after Kyo Maclear&’s father dies in December 2018, she gets the results of a DNA test showing that she and the father who raised her are not biologically related. Suddenly Maclear becomes a detective in her own life, unravelling a family mystery piece by piece, and assembling the story of her biological father. Along the way, larger questions arise: what exactly is kinship? And what does it mean to be a family? Unearthing is a captivating and propulsive story of inheritance that goes beyond heredity. Infused with moments of suspense, it is also a thoughtful reflection on race, lineage, and our cultural fixation on recreational genetics. Readers of Michelle Zauner&’s bestseller Crying in H Mart will recognize Maclear&’s unflinching insights on grief and loyalty, and keen perceptions into the relationship between mothers and daughters. What gets planted, and what gets buried? What role does storytelling play in unearthing the past and making sense of a life? Can the humble act of tending a garden provide common ground for an inquisitive daughter and her complicated mother? As it seeks to answer these questions, Unearthing bursts with the very love it seeks to understand.

Unearthing: A Story of Tangled Love and Family Secrets

by Kyo Maclear

WINNER OF THE 2023 GOVERNOR GENERAL'S LITERARY AWARD FOR NONFICTIONFor readers of Crying in H Mart and Wintering, an unforgettable memoir about a family secret revealed by a DNA test, the lessons learned in its aftermath, and the indelible power of love.Three months after Kyo Maclear&’s father dies in December 2018, she gets the results of a DNA test showing that she and the father who raised her are not biologically related. Suddenly Maclear becomes a detective in her own life, unravelling a family mystery piece by piece, and assembling the story of her biological father. Along the way, larger questions arise: what exactly is kinship? And what does it mean to be a family? Thoughtful in its reflections on race and lineage, unflinching in its insights on grief and loyalty, Unearthing is a captivating and propulsive story of inheritance that goes beyond heredity. What gets planted, and what gets buried? What role does storytelling play in unearthing the past and making sense of a life? Can the humble act of tending a garden provide common ground for an inquisitive daughter and her complicated mother? As it seeks to answer these questions, Unearthing bursts with the very love it seeks to understand.

Uneducated: A Memoir of Flunking Out, Falling Apart, and Finding My Worth

by Christopher Zara

In this &“hilarious and heartbreaking...must-read memoir&” (Publishers Weekly), Christopher Zara breaks down his winding journey from dropout to journalist and the impact that his background had in the world of privilege. Boldly honest, wryly funny, and utterly open-hearted, Uneducated is one diploma-less journalist&’s map of our growing educational divide and, ultimately, a challenge: in our credential-obsessed world, what is the true value of a college degree? For Christopher Zara, this is the professional minefield he has had to navigate since the day he was kicked out of his New Jersey high school for behavioral problems and never allowed back. From a school for &“troubled kids,&” to wrestling with his identity in the burgeoning punk scene of the 1980s; from a stint as an ice cream scooper as he got clean in Florida, to an unpaid internship in New York in his thirties, Zara spent years contending with skeptical hiring managers and his own impostor syndrome before breaking into the world of journalism—only to be met by an industry preoccupied with pedigree. As he navigated the world of the elite and saw the realities of the education gap firsthand, Zara realized he needed to confront the label he had been quietly holding in: what it looked like to be part of the &“working class&”—whatever that meant.Book Riot's Eight New Nonfiction Books to Read in May Book Browse's Best Books of May 2023

Unexpected: A Postpartum Memoir

by Emily Adler Mosqueda Emily Adler Mosqued

Repeat mothers are assumed to know what to expect during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. Unexpected: A Postpartum Memoir is the moving, raw account of a second-time mother who finds herself struggling for the first time with postpartum depression, anxiety and motherhood itself. Only as a mother of two does Emily find herself unable to ignore the impossible tempo of motherhood. At eight-months postpartum, Emily finds motherhood to be punctuated with unexpected sensations of irritability and feelings of rage all lathered in immobilizing guilt and shame. Readers witness the author' s personal evolution through her internal review and deconstruction of self and her examination of maternal expectations. It is through this journey of examining and feeling that truly opens up the unexpected possibilities of understanding and what it means to be content in motherhood.

Unexpected: Finding Resilience through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith

by Dr. Jill Carnahan

In Unexpected, Dr. Jill Carnahan shares her story of facing life-altering illness, fighting for her health, and overcoming sickness using both science and faith so that others can learn to live their own transformative stories. There are times in each of our lives when change and uncertainty threaten to disrupt everything we thought was true. It may occur after a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or another unexpected circumstance that threatens our health, safety or security. Written as our world is changing at an exponential rate, Dr. Jill Carnahan&’s riveting and compassionate exploration of healing through Functional Medicine introduces a new paradigm for readers where darkness and fear are replaced with hope, resilience, profound healing, unconditional love, and unexpected miracles. Each chapter reveals practical advice that can be readily used for conditions like mold toxicity, cancer, autoimmune conditions, Lyme disease, and more. Dr. Jill&’s raw and honest account of her own challenges facing life-threatening illness, living with autoimmunity and mold toxicity, trying to save a failed marriage, and the harsh realities of working in a medical system that has no tolerance for stepping outside the lines, reveals a new path of empowerment for taking control of our own health and wellbeing. For the skeptic or the faithful, Unexpected is a valuable guide for living an extraordinary life of love and resilience.

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