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The Climate Change Playbook: 22 Systems Thinking Games for More Effective Communication about Climate Change

by Gillian Martin Mehers Dennis Meadows Linda Booth Sweeney

Advocates and teachers often find it difficult to communicate the complexities of climate change, because the people they are trying to reach hold so many mistaken assumptions. They assume, for example, that when climate change becomes an obvious threat to our everyday lives, there will still be time enough to make changes that will avoid disaster. Yet at that point it will be too late. Or they assume we can use our current paradigms and policy tools to find solutions. Yet the approaches that caused damage in the first place will cause even more damage in the future. Even the increasingly dire warnings from scientists haven't shaken such assumptions. Is there another way to reach people? The simple, interactive exercises in The Climate Change Playbook can help citizens better understand climate change, diagnose its causes, anticipate its future consequences, and effect constructive change. Adapted from The Systems Thinking Playbook, the twenty-two games are now specifically relevant to climate-change communications and crafted for use by experts, advocates, and educators. Illustrated guidelines walk leaders through setting each game up, facilitating it, and debriefing participants. Users will find games that are suitable for a variety of audiences--whether large and seated, as in a conference room, or smaller and mobile, as in a workshop, seminar, or meeting. Designed by leading thinkers in systems, communications, and sustainability, the games focus on learning by doing.

The Climate Corporation

by Mary Shelman Forest Reinhardt David E. Bell


The Climate Corporation

by David E. Bell Forest Reinhardt Mary Shelman

Climate Corporation is a San Francisco-based data analytics company focused on agricultural applications. It was acquired by Monsanto in 2013. In 2015, Climate's decision support platform was used on 75 million acres of farmland in the U.S.; however, most of those acres were "free" acres. To build a viable business, Climate had to convince farmers to subscribe to and pay for premium offerings. The case describes Climate's technology approach, product offerings, marketing plans, and the competitive environment for "digital agriculture".

Climate Risk and Resilience in China

by Rebecca Nadin Sarah Opitz-Stapleton Xu Yinlong

China has been subject to floods, droughts and heat waves for millennia; these hazards are not new. What is new is how rapidly climate risks are changing for different groups of people and sectors. This is due to the unprecedented rates of socio-economic development, migration, land-use change, pollution and urbanisation, all occurring alongside increasingly more intense and frequent weather hazards and shifting seasons. China’s leadership is facing a significant challenge – from conducting and integrating biophysical and social vulnerability and risk assessments and connecting the information from these to policy priorities and time frames, to developing and implementing policies and actions at a variety of scales. It is within this challenging context that China’s policy makers, businesses and citizens must manage climate risk and build resilience. This book provides a detailed study of how China has been working to understand and respond to climatic risk, such as droughts and desertification in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia to deadly typhoons in the mega-cities of the Pearl River Delta. Using research and data from a wide range of Chinese sources and the Adapting to Climate Change in China (ACCC) project, a research-to-policy project, this book provides a fascinating glimpse into how China is developing policies and approaches to manage the risks and opportunities presented by climate change. This book will be of interest to those studying global and Chinese climate change policy, regional food, water and climate risk, and to policy advisors.

Climate Sensitive Adaptation in Health: Imperatives for India in a Developing Economy Context

by Purnamita Dasgupta

This book focuses on the risks that climate change poses for the health sector. It discusses the current vulnerabilities to climate-sensitive diseases, the resultant mortality and morbidity in human populations, the projected risks in connection with increasing global warming, and the options for tackling the adverse impacts of climate change. Adapting to climate change so as to effectively address the risks for and adverse impacts on the health sector requires an in-depth understanding of current deficits in health sector preparedness for climate-sensitive illnesses, as well as future plans and programs for increasing adaptive capacity and building resilience. The book situates climate and health adaptation concerns in the broader context of developing countries, providing insights that can be useful for other countries as well, helping them further their health adaptation efforts. In India, poverty and inadequate access to basic water, health and sanitation services combine with climate-related events to adversely impact health outcomes. Three case studies on the occurrence of heat stress, flooding, and extreme cyclonic events in India are presented along with a critical assessment of the level of preparedness and capacity of healthcare facilities to respond to the threats posed by climate change. The book presents the key challenges faced in reducing the risks posed to the health sector by climatic factors, and highlights the most important opportunities for promoting resilience and adaptation to achieve sustainable development. Dr. Dasgupta's excellent book reviews the health risks of climate change, outlines an operational framework for health adaptation, and describes the socioeconomic context for adaptation in India. - Kristie L. Ebi Professor, Departments of Global Health, and Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington, USA This pioneering work contributes to an the understanding of the preparedness in India to manage health risks from such change on the basis of detailed data analysis, both from large national surveys and contextualized field based surveys. - Kanchan Chopra Former Director and Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi, India

Clinical Co-Management: A Bridge to Clinical Integration and Pathway to Bundled Payments

by JD, CRA, Murer

A decade ago, UK HealthCare recognized the need to reposition itself as a regional referral center, focusing on advanced subspecialty care for the entire state of Kentucky. The goal was to become a "medical destination" for patients from that region who needed access to specialized care.To support that goal, UK HealthCare established a virtual netw

Cloud Computing Networking: Theory, Practice, and Development

by Lee Chao

Cloud computing is the most significant technology transformation since the introduction of the Internet in the early 1990s. This book covers the key networking and system administration concepts as well as the vital hands-on skills you need to master cloud technology. It is designed to help you quickly get started in deploying cloud services for a real-world business. It provides detailed step-by-step instructions for creating a fully functioning cloud-based IT infrastructure using Microsoft Azure. The book enhances your hands-on skills through numerous lab activities.

Cloud Watching: Un Repaso de los Mejores Programas de Almacenamiento en La Nube

by George Smolinski Moisés Moreno Costilla

En la última decada, la revolución tecnológica ha permitido de manera drástica mejorar la velocidad y eficacia con la que manejamos los negocios. Una notable mejoría se presenta en el almacenamiento en la nube, el cual nos permite almacenar fotos, videos, documentos y más ne la nuve. Ya no necesitamos guardar los archivos en nuestra computadora ni llenar gabinetes de archivos y papeles. Sólo necesitamos ponerlos en la nube y dar clic. Junto con la nueva tecnología, siempre hay preguntas sobre cuál programa es mejor, la mejor funcionalidad y el más seguro. Este libro aborda esas preguntas sobre los mejores programas de almacenamiento disponibles: 1. Google Drive 2. Evernote 3. Dropbox 4. Amazon Cloud Drive 5. Microsoft OneDrive En este libro encontrarás información relacionada a programas así como consejos de cómo maximizar el uso de Google Drive y también encontrarás detalles de programas como Evernote y Evernote Essentialsy cómo maximizar la plataforma. Al final de los repasos individuales, una comparación punto por punto de estos programas de almacenamiento en la nube y una recomendación final.

Cloud Watching

by George Smolinski Hugo Martins

Organizar e armazenar informações sempre foi uma precupação da humanidade desde os tempos antigos e continuará sendo, pois é inerente a natureza humana. Com o advento do Armazenamento Virtual, a forma como lidamos em manter tais informações seguras e organizadas mudou incrivelmente, tornando-se fundamental adaptar-se a esta nova era da tecnologia. E para entender e usar esta tecnologia é que, com grande satisfação, tive o prazer de colaborar na publicação, em português, do livro do Dr. George Smolinski. Sua simplicidade, e a sua efetividade, em elucidar as características e utilização dos principais serviços disponíveis atualmente, faz desta obra ter uma importância singular no meio de tantos outros materias disponíveis.

El Club de la Lucha Feminista: Manual de supervivencia en el trabajo para mujeres

by Jessica Bennett

Un ensayo incisivo y enormemente divertido para acabar de una vez por todas con el sexismo laboral y la discriminación de género en los lugares de trabajo. Era un club de lucha, solo que sin luchar y sin hombres. Cada mes, una docena de mujeres de entre veinte y treinta años nos reuníamos en el piso de una amiga para hablar -o más bien para quejarnos- de nuestros empleos. Éramos ambiciosas e inteligentes y luchábamos por «abrirnos paso» en Nueva York. Pensábamos que la batalla del sexismo se había ganado hacía mucho tiempo, sin embargo continuamente nos topábamos con minas terrestres de género, incluso con algunas cuya existencia desconocíamos por completo. Si volvemos la vista atrás, es evidente que en la actualidad se han logrado muchos avances en el ámbito de la igualdad de género. Aun así, por ejemplo, en el primer año después de concluir su formación universitaria, las mujeres todavía ganan de media el 93 % de lo que ganan suscolegas masculinos. Necesitamos un cambio político, una resistencia y una protesta en todos los frentes. Y necesitamos a otras mujeres -y a hombres- a nuestro lado. Así que, comencemos por unir fuerzas. Este libro es para las mujeres que, como nosotras, han constatado comportamientos sexistas y, no obstante, se han autoconvencido de que no suponen un problema real (o si lo es, han creído que era por su culpa). Es para esas mujeres, o esos hombres, que quieren hablar alto y claro cada vez que son testigos de una injusticia pero que temen sufrir represalias si lo hacen. Y para que tú -¡sí, tú!- te conviertas en alguien demasiado orgullosa, demasiado informada, demasiado rápida, demasiado preparada y demasiado fuerte para que ninguna persona o ningún sistema te ponga límites. Dentro de cada mujer hay una guerrera. En serio. Bienvenida al Club de la Lucha Feminista. Reseñas:«Fresco y divertido. Uno de esos libros que cualquier persona, no solo mujeres, debería leer.»Glamour «Con agudo ingenio, Bennett muestra cómo las mujeres pueden derrotar a sus enemigos y cómo los hombres pueden dejar de serlo. No pensaba que me reiría a carcajadas mientras aprendía tanto sobre una cuestión tan seria.»Adam Grant, professor de Wharton Business School y autor de Originales y Opción B «Bennett aspira a transformar los lugares de trabajo, y su manifiesto es el arma que las mujeres estaban esperando.»Booklist «El Club de la Lucha Feminista, al igual que Vayamos adelante y #Girlboss, es la Biblia sobre el entorno laboral que toda mujer necesita al iniciar su carrera.»The Observer «El libro será de gran ayuda para sus lectoras y también para las empresas donde trabajen.»The New York Times «Un libro enormemente interesante, divertido y práctico a la vez, repleto de sencillas herramientas que cualquier mujer debería tener a mano para combatir el sexismo en los lugares de trabajo. Jessica es una voz excepcional y proclamo con orgullo mi pertenencia, con carnet, al Club de la Lucha Feminista.»Sheryl Sandberg, COO de Facebook y autora de Vayamos adelante y Opción B «Bennett aspira a transformar los lugares de trabajo, y su manifiesto es el arma moderna que las mujeres estaban esperando.»Booklist

The Co-Creation Edge: Harnessing Big Data to Transform Sales and Procurement for Business Innovation

by Francis Gouillart Bernard Quancard

Rapid changes in business along with better informed customers threaten the traditional sales and procurement process. Thousands of sales and procurement people are threatened with extinction, yet all is not destined to be doom and gloom. A new way of partnering between these two roles can, in fact, create significant value for both organizations. Sales and procurement professionals have a bright future ahead of them if they can respond to six trends that the authors have identified in the business-to-business world. Each trend offers an opportunity to develop a new skill for sales and procurement professionals and adopt a new practice. Because these practices are not yet widely adopted as “best practices”, the authors coin them “next practices.” These trends include: working together to solve complex problems; organizing problem-solving networks across company boundaries; creating processes for live cross-company engagement; facilitating data driven, cross-company interactions fed by digital platforms; providing new personal experiences for individuals and lastly (and most importantly) creating new sources of value for firms. If these trends are adopted by organizations, the ability to co-create means providing significant value to both the sales management team at the supplier and the purchasing management team at the customer. With the alternative being that these job functions will be replaced by web-based or channel-based alternatives that will do most of what they do today at a fraction of the cost. Increasingly, there is no middle ground anymore. SAMs and senior buyers will either evolve into high value-added sales and procurement professionals, or disappear.

Coach and Couch 2nd edition: The Psychology of Making Better Leaders (INSEAD Business Press)

by Konstantin Korotov Elizabeth Florent-Treacy Caroline Rook Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries

Professor Manfred Kets de Vries and his colleagues have helped thousands of executives to increase their effectiveness in dealing with colleagues and clients, and to refocus their own professional and personal aspirations. This book is a volume of essays on leadership development topics written by academics, coaches, and change consultants. It explores how extraordinary leaders and thriving organizations are created by sharing research methodologies and insights, and by describing intervention and change techniques. Drawing upon substantial research, this book presents the essential leadership models and equips practitioners with tools for developing executive coaches and working with business leaders. This second edition includes new chapters on executive stress and coaching across the gender divide.

Coaching Basics, 2nd Edition (Atd Training Basics Ser.)

by Lisa Haneberg

The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

by 978-0-9784407-4-9

A fresh innovative take on the traditional how-to manual, the book combines insider information with research based in neuroscience and behavioural economics, together with interactive training tools to turn practical advice into practiced habits. Witty and conversational.

Coaching In A Week: Be A Great Coach In Seven Simple Steps

by Matt Somers

Coaching just got easierIn recent years the idea of coaching and the role of coach have made the journey from the sports field, via Human Resources, to become part of everyday managerial life. The terms 'coach' and 'coaching' have become common, even trendy, but both are widely misunderstood. If you ask anyone to define the word 'coach', you will get a wide variety of responses.By using coaching, we can tap into the huge reserves of talent and potential that lie dormant in most people. As managers, we can develop people without having to rely on passing on our own skills and knowledge, which may already be out of date. Using our skills in coaching, we can help our people access their ability without needing more than a basic grasp of the technicalities of their role.This book aims to give you enough knowledge and appreciation of coaching that you can begin to develop your own approach. Each of the seven chapters in Coaching In A Week covers a different aspect of coaching:- Sunday: What is coaching?- Monday: The manager as coach- Tuesday: The key principles of coaching- Wednesday: The coaching ARROW, part 1- Thursday: The coaching ARROW, part 2- Friday: Coaching in context- Saturday: Coaching in organizations

Coaching Skills: The Definitive Guide to being a Coach

by Jenny Rogers

This book will support you whether you are an experienced coach working with senior executives, or a beginner taking your first steps on the journey to becoming a master practitioner.

Coaching Skills for Leaders in the Workplace, Revised Edition: How to unlock potential and maximise performance

by Jackie Arnold

This book will give you the knowledge and skills to understand the differences between coaching, supervision & mentoring. It will demonstrate how effective coaching programmes can enhance behaviours and retain key staff. How it can reduce recruitment costs, promote well-being and give a robust return on investment. It offers leaders and managers proven behaviours, coaching and supervision models and techniques that can be adapted for any environment. It supports the requirements for the ILM and CMI Coaching and Mentoring in Management Qualifications at levels 5 and 7. The book includes:Comparison of effective leadership styles and application, establishing the right conditions and climate for coaching, overcoming the barriers to coaching and /or supervision, enhancing communication and workplace understanding and presenting a clear business case for coaching & supervision.

Coaching Supervision: A Practical Guide for Supervisees

by David Clutterbuck Carol Whitaker Michelle Lucas

Just like the coaching relationship, supervision is most successful when it is a collaborative endeavour, with both parties clear on their roles and the process. Coaching Supervision is an intensely practical book providing guidance on when, why and how to seek supervision, and on how coaches can make the most of the supervision they receive. Written by experienced supervisors who have a deep understanding of the field, and drawing on research into good practice internationally, this book: Explains what supervision is and how it differs from other ‘helping conversations’ Provides a step by step approach to choosing a supervisor Advises on how to structure the coach/mentor development journey Explores a breadth of activities that enhance reflective practice Shows how supervision is an integral element of professional coaching and mentoring This practical guide will be vital reading for all established and trainee coaches and mentors participating in the supervision process, either as supervisors or supervisees.

Coaching Up! Inspiring Peak Performance When It Matters Most: Inspiring Peak Performance When It Matters Most

by Jordan Fliegel

Connect, engage, motivate, and inspire using top coaching techniques Coaching Up! is about inspiring those who matter to you to achieve peak performance. Whether you are a coach, a business leader, a civic activist, a teacher, a counselor, or a parent, this book will offer you a powerful, highly effective way to connect to the people you care about and move them forward toward their best selves. In sports, coaches have developed ways of connecting with their players quickly in the "heat of the battle," inspiring them to perform to their fullest potential and "leave it all on the field." Interestingly, although these techniques have not been codified, great coaches have independently developed remarkably similar models. This book aligns these techniques and distills their essence into a fundamental skill set that anyone can use to connect with, support, and inspire his or her colleagues, teammates, friends, and family members. At its foundation, great coaching is based on a solid set of techniques that can be applied to all areas of life. Essentially, those skills boil down to forging authentic connections, providing genuine support, and offering concise direction. While our everyday pressures may be less intense than those of a championship, the long-term game is even more important. Why not borrow from the best to develop the skills and abilities to win every day? Inspire and motivate people to higher performance Improve communication in high-stakes situations Be more effective both professionally and socially Getting inside the way great coaching works gives you an unparalleled glimpse at the core of inspiration. A great coach can make the difference between a mediocre player and a world champion. What would that difference look like if you could inspire every colleague in your business? Everyone who matters to you in your personal life? You can be the source of empowerment and motivation that helps the people around you reach higher, go further, and achieve more. Coaching Up! gives you the game plan—and shows you how to run the plays.

Coastal Geography in Northeast Brazil: Analyzing Maritimity in the Tropics (SpringerBriefs in Latin American Studies)

by Eustogio Wanderley Correia Dantas

This book studies the transformation of modern maritimity practices in coastal areas (such as swimming, navigation and tourism) and their implications to the development of Brazilian coastal cities, with an emphasis on the Northeast part of the country. It is a reflection on coastal geography in the tropics and the contemporary valorization of coastal cities from a socioeconomic, technological and symbolical point of view. The book highlights local fluxes on a regional and local scale, showing the incorporation of beach zones to spaces which were previously associated with so called traditional coastal practices (fishing activities and as harboring points). This book is dedicated to geography researchers and students.

Coca-Cola in Vietnam

by Ananth Raman Joel Goh


Cocktail Investing: Distilling Everyday Noise into Clear Investment Signals for Better Returns

by Christopher J. Versace Lenore Elle Hawkins

Cocktail Investing takes a look at investing in a different, catalyst-driven light to form a more cohesive, globally relevant investing lens. With a focus on the intersection of economics, demographics, psychographics, technology, policy, and more, this book helps readers build a more profitable portfolio based on what they see everyday rather than following the herd on Wall Street. Industry experts expose the actionable, observable, and recognizable trends that surround us daily, and show readers how to recognize these trends for themselves and translate them into wiser investing decisions without getting sidetracked by media clutter and bad advice. Given today's ever-increasing deluge of information, the average investor faces the challenge of sorting through the babble to decipher what it means, and learn how, where, and why they should be investing given the current economic environment and the uncertain future. This book provides an 'off' switch, helping readers apply an automatic mental filter to the incoming cacophony, to filter out only what they can use for smarter money moves. The economic climate has changed drastically, and traditional practices are no longer getting results. Modern investing requires a whole new approach, and Cocktail Investing is the clear, insightful guide for putting it into action.

Code and the City (Regions and Cities)

by Rob Kitchin Sung-Yueh Perng

Software has become essential to the functioning of cities. It is deeply embedded into the systems and infrastructure of the built environment and is entrenched in the management and governance of urban societies. Software-enabled technologies and services enhance the ways in which we understand and plan cities. It even has an effect on how we manage urban services and utilities. Code and the City explores the extent and depth of the ways in which software mediates how people work, consume, communication, travel and play. The reach of these systems is set to become even more pervasive through efforts to create smart cities: cities that employ ICTs to underpin and drive their economy and governance. Yet, despite the roll-out of software-enabled systems across all aspects of city life, the relationship between code and the city has barely been explored from a critical social science perspective. This collection of essays seeks to fill that gap, and offers an interdisciplinary examination of the relationship between software and contemporary urbanism. This book will be of interest to those researching or studying smart cities and urban infrastructure.

Code of Practice for Programme Management: In the Built Environment


The CIOB Code of Practice Programme Management for Construction & Development is intended to complement the popular CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development, providing practical coverage of general processes and procedures to be followed when managing a construction programme or portfolio of projects. It sets out the necessary requirements for effective and efficient programme management, but is not intended to be a manual of operating procedures for the manager of such programmes.

by Lauren Barley John J-H Kim Allison M. Ciechanover

The case explores Hadi Partovi's mission to provide every K-12 student in the United States the opportunity to learn computer science. Students can assess how Partovi transformed his passion into an organization that reached millions around the globe through the launch of not-for-profit,, and its well-known awareness building event entitled "The Hour of Code." The case provides students the opportunity to consider the organization's multi-faceted approach, its team, and partnerships strategy. A particular focus is on the path taken by this relatively young social enterprise to address issues of scalability and sustainability.

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