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Global Perspectives on Korean Literature

by Wook-Dong Kim

This book explores Korean literature from a broadly global perspective from the mid-9th century to the present, with special emphasis on how it has been influenced by, as well as it has influenced, literatures of other nations. Beginning with the Korean version of the King Midas and his ass’s ears tale in the Silla dynasty, it moves on to discuss Ewa, what might be called the first missionary novel about Korea written by a Western missionary W. Arthur Noble. The book also considers the extent to which in writing fiction and essays Jack London gained grist for his writing from his experience in Korea as a Russo-Japanese War correspondent. In addition, the book explores how modern Korean poetry, fiction, and drama, despite differences in time and space, have actively engaged with Western counterparts. Based on World Literature, which has gained slow but prominent popularity all over the world, this book argues that Korean literature deserves to be part of the Commonwealth of Letters.

The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

by Maxim Behar

“An excellent guide.” —Paul Holmes, The Holmes ReportPR is everything and everywhere. Now more than ever, managing social media is a nuanced and dynamic field that requires the sophisticated touch of a trained professional. What was effective ten or even five years ago is no longer relevant. In The Global PR Revolution, public relations expert Maxim Behar shows readers how to master current approaches, create content that meets a client’s needs, and evolve with ever-changing trends. Complete with insights from over seventy PR leaders worldwide, this authoritative guide discusses such topics as: The New Rules of Social MediaHow to Speak the Language of PRModern PR Skills and ToolsHow to Measure ImpactThe Effect of Total Transparency on BusinessesInternational Perspectives on the MediaThe Future of the Industry Behar’s knowledge, experience, and down-to-earth writing will keep readers engrossed while refining their understanding of public relations. By the time they finish, they’ll be well on their way to becoming experts in the field.

Global Satellite Meteorological Observation (GSMO) Applications: Volume 2

by Stojče Dimov Ilčev

This book presents principal structures of space systems functionality of meteorological networks, media and applications for modern remote sensing, transmission systems, meteorological ground and users segments and transferring weather data from satellite to the ground infrastructures and users. The author presents techniques and different modes of satellite image interpretation, type of satellite imagery, spectral imaging properties, and enhancement of imaging technique, geo-location and calibration, atmospheric and surface phenomena. Several satellite meteorological applications are introduced including common satellite remote sensing applications, weather analysis, warnings and prediction, observation and measurements of meteorological variables, atmosphere and surface applications, ocean and coastal applications, land, agriculture and forestry applications, and maritime and aviation satellite weather applications. The author also covers ground segment and user segment in detail. The final chapter looks to the future, covering possible space integrations in meteorological and weather observation.This is a companion book of Global Satellite Meteorological Observation Theory (Springer), which provides the following topics:Evolution of meteorological observations and history satellite meteorologySpace segment with satellite orbits and meteorological payloadsAnalog and digital transmission, type of modulations and broadcasting systemsAtmospheric radiation, satellite meteorological parameters and instrumentsMeteorological antenna systems and propagation

Grace: A Leaders Guide to a Better Us

by John Baldoni

John Baldoni's new book on the power of GRACE is a must read for all of us and particularly for anyone seeking to serve in a leadership role. In a world where good manners and courtesy sometimes seem to have gone out of style, this book is a practical guide for bettering relationships in all types of human connections. John Baldoni&’s new book on the power of GRACE is a must read for all of us and particularly for anyone seeking to serve in a leadership role. In a world where good manners and courtesy sometimes seem to have gone out of style, this book is a practical guide for bettering relationships in all types of human connections. In a spiritual sense grace is unearned and as such, it is yours to use for the betterment of self and others. Grace as a gift is a catalyst for positive change to enable the greater good. Baldoni&’s GRACE mixes stories of everyday heroes with interviews of notable thought leaders. The results give practical insights into generosity, respect, and compassion coupled with the energy and actions it takes to deliver on these virtues. Creating an acronym, Baldoni helps us distinguish the attributes of grace in Generosity, Respect, Action, Compassion and Energy. We can apply these universal truths in ordinary as well as extraordinary situations. The many examples of grace in everyday life allow us to witness human dignity and humility and remind us what wonders we can accomplish when working together. This is an inspiring collection of personal stories that combines wisdom with positive outcomes.

El Gran Cuaderno de Podcasting: Cómo crear, difundir y monetizar tu podcast

by Francisco Izuzquiza

El Gran Cuaderno de Podcasting muestra todo lo necesario para aprender a crear un podcast, publicarlo y darlo a conocer para convertirse en un podcaster profesional. Francisco Izuzquiza, locutor y consultor de radio y podcasts, describe las claves y las herramientas imprescindibles para iniciarnos en el mundo de los podcasts y los consejos y aspectos técnicos para usuarios más avanzados o, incluso, expertos. Desde la elección del tema del podcast, su planificación, los métodos de grabación o el micrófono más recomendable según nuestras necesidades y presupuesto, a los programas de grabación, el alojamiento del podcast, la medición de escuchas, los rankings, la música, los derechos de autor y la monetización. El auge de los podcasts supone un reto apasionante para todo aquel que quiere acercase a esta actividad desde el mundo de la radio o desde cualquier otro sector. En este libro el autor comparte su experiencia y todo lo aprendido hasta conseguir dedicarse al podcasting de forma profesional.

The Great American Sports Page: A Library of America Special Publication

by John Schulian Charles P. Pierce

A first-of-its-kind celebration of the newspaper scribes who made sportswriting a glorious popular art, and immortalized America's greatest games and athletesSpanning nearly a century, The Great American Sports Page presents essential columns from more than three dozen masters of the press-box craft. These unforgettable dispatches from World Series, Super Bowls, and title bouts for the ages were written on deadline with passion, spontaneity, humor, and a gift for the memorable phrase. Read avidly day in and day out by a sports-mad public, these columnists became journalistic celebrities in their home cities, their coverage trusted and savored, their opinions hotly debated. Some even helped change the games they wrote about. Gathered here in a groundbreaking anthology, their writings capture some of sport's most enduring moments and many of its all-time greats: Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, and Michael Jordan among them. But the best American sportswriters also found ways to write powerfully about lesser-known athletes and to convey, often with heartbreaking honesty and insight, the less glamorous and more tragic facets of the games we love. In its survey of the finest American sportswriting from Ring Lardner to Thomas Boswell, from Red Smith and Jimmy Cannon to Bob Ryan and Michael Wilbon, The Great American Sports Page takes the measure of the human richness, complexity, and competitive spirit of sports and the athletes who continue to fascinate and inspire us.

The Greek Connection: The Life of Elias Demetracopoulos and the Untold Story of Watergate

by James H. Barron

"This is a magnificent work, a triumphant combination of exhaustive research and fine narrative writing."—Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of Leadership: In Turbulent Times He was one of the most fascinating figures in 20th-century political history. Yet today, Elias Demetracopoulos is strangely overlooked--even though his life reads like an epic adventure story . . . As a precocious twelve-year-old in occupied Athens, he engaged in heroic resistance efforts against the Nazis, for which he was imprisoned and tortured. After his life was miraculously spared, he became an investigative journalist, covering Greece's tumultuous politics and America's increasing influence in the region. A clever and scoop-hungry reporter, Elias soon gained access to powerful figures in both governments . . . and attracted many enemies. When the Greek military dictatorship took power in 1967, he narrowly escaped to Washington DC, where he would lead the fight to restore democracy in his homeland--while running afoul of the American government, too. Now, after a decade of research and original reporting, James H. Barron uncovers the story of a man whose tireless pursuit of uncomfortable truths would put him at odds with not only his own government, but that of the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan administrations, making him a target of CIA, FBI, and State Department surveillance and harassment--and Greek kidnapping and assassination plots American authorities may have purposefully overlooked. A stunning feat of biographic storytelling, sweeping from World War II to the Cold War, Watergate and beyond, The Greek Connection is about a lifetime of standing up for democracy and a free press against powerful special interests. It has much to teach us about our own era's abuses of power, dark money, journalist intimidation, and foreign interference in elections.

The Growth of the Scholarly Publishing Industry in the U.S.: A Business History of a Changing Marketplace, 1939–1946

by Albert N. Greco

This book analyzes the dynamic growth of the scholarly publishing industry in the United States during 1939-1946, a critical period in the business history of scholarly publications in STM and the humanities and the social sciences. It explains how the key publishing players positioned themselves to take advantage of the war economy and how they used different business and marketing strategies to create the market and demand for scholarly publications. Not only did the atomic threat necessitate a surge in scholarly research, but at the same time scholarly publishing managers prepared for the dramatic shift by anticipating the potential impact of the GI Bill on higher education, creating superb printed products, and by becoming the brand, the source of knowledge and information. The creation of strategic business units and value chains as well as the development of marketing targeting strategies resulted in brand loyalty to certain publishers and publications but also accelerated the growth of the US scholarly publishing industry. Business historians and marketing professors interested in the business strategies of scholarly publishers during World War II will find this book to be a valuable resource.

Guía para sobrevivir al presente: Atrapados en la era digital

by Santiago Bilinkis

Santiago Bilinkis aborda en su nuevo libro un tema central del presente: cómo esa supercomputadora de bolsillo que es el teléfono celular está afectando nuestras vidas. El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías sobre el cerebro, la educación, el trabajo y el uso del tiempo libre, bajo la mirada del autor de Pasaje al futuro. ¿Qué impacto tienen los aparatos digitales sobre nuestras vidas?¿Qué efectos produce su uso permanente en nuestros cerebros y los de nuestros chicos?¿Por qué pasamos tanto tiempo atrapados en las redes? Basta alzar la vista para corroborarlo: hoy vivimos mirando el celular. Y no es casual: científicos y empresas trabajan intensamente para aprovechar los últimos avances en neurociencia y psicología y profundizar la dependencia con sus sitios y aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de incrementar sus ganancias, las principales compañías de tecnología se encuentran en una guerra por conquistar nuestro tiempo. Y la están ganando: sin siquiera darnos cuenta, desbloqueamos el celular 120 veces al día. Esta es la primera vez que una herramienta, apenas comenzamos a usarla, empieza a usarnos a nosotros. ¿Cuál es el resultado de esta manipulación? Niños enchufados a las pantallas a edades cada vez más tempranas; redes sociales y aplicaciones de citas que vapulean la autoestima de adolescentes y adultos; numerosas personas que, enganchadas en un consumo maratónico de series, reducen al mínimo su descanso. La tentadora promesa de novedades permanentes esconde una trampa detrás de cada app, a menudo a costa de nuestros intereses prioritarios y hasta de nuestra salud. Develando los mecanismos que han convertido al celular en un objeto irresistible, Santiago Bilinkis propone en esta Guía para sobrevivir al presente una manera apasionante de desbloquear nuestra ingenuidad frente a los dispositivos. Y nos ofrece ideas para utilizar los aparatos digitales para conectarnos y vivir experiencias compartidas en vez de encerrarnos en nuestra propia pantalla. En definitiva, nos invita a recuperar el control sobre la vida personal, familiar y laboral, y así disfrutar de los beneficios y las oportunidades que brinda la tecnología sin quedar atrapados en ella.

Guide to Literary Agents 2020: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published (Market #2020)

by Robert Lee Brewer

The Best Resource Available for Finding a Literary Agent! No matter what you're writing--fiction or nonfiction, books for adults or children--you need a literary agent to get the best book deal possible from a traditional publisher. Guide to Literary Agents 2020 is your go-to resource for finding that literary agent and earning a contract from a reputable publisher. Along with listing information for more than 1,000 agents who represent writers and their books, the 29th edition of GLA includes: • The key elements of a successful nonfiction book proposal. • Informative articles on crafting the perfect synopsis and detailing what agents are looking for in the ideal client--written by actual literary agents. • Plus, a 30-Day Platform Challenge to help writers build their writing platforms +Includes 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing

The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the Network Society

by Michiel De Lange Martijn De Waal

This open access book presents a selection of the best contributions to the Digital Cities 9 Workshop held in Limerick in 2015, combining a number of the latest academic insights into new collaborative modes of city making that are firmly rooted in empirical findings about the actual practices of citizens, designers and policy makers. It explores the affordances of new media technologies for empowering citizens in the process of city making, relating examples of bottom-up or participatory practices to reflections about the changing roles of professional practitioners in the processes, as well as issues of governance and institutional policymaking.

The Handbook of Communication and Security (ICA Handbook Series)

by Bryan C. Taylor Hamilton Bean

The Handbook of Communication and Security provides a comprehensive collection and synthesis of communication scholarship that engages security at multiple levels, including theoretical vs. practical, international vs. domestic, and public vs. private. The handbook includes chapters that leverage communication-based concepts and theories to illuminate and influence contemporary security conditions. Collectively, these chapters foreground and analyze the role of communication in shaping the economic, technological, and cultural contexts of security in the 21st century. This book is ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars in the numerous subfields of communication and security studies.

The Handbook of Communication Training: A Best Practices Framework for Assessing and Developing Competence

by J D Wallace Dennis Becker

Communication remains a significant topic for job acquisition, development, and advancement. As such, there are no shortage of classes, seminars and books written on the subject. However, there are few designed for the corporate consultant that are not aligned with some proprietary system, traditional academic classrooms, or author’s speculation. These tend to be either inaccessible, questionable in their content, or specifically aligned with the producers’ interests. So where can the Communication trainers and consultants go to focus on fundamental touchstone research and practices? The Handbook of Communication Training is a powerful template, and first of its kind, for communication practitioners and academicians who wish to strengthen their professional capabilities. It also acts as a guide and standard for consumers and clients of these services. The chapters within are an outgrowth of the National Communication Association’s Training & Development Division’s desire to provide guidance, structure, and support for members and non-members alike. It is specifically targeted at those pursuing best practices regarding communication consulting, coaching, teaching and training. The 7 Best Practices presented in this book represent capabilities that are foundational to the effective transfer of communication promotion and skill enhancement. As such, these practices, and supporting chapters, should appeal to novice and experts alike.

Handbook of Signal Processing Systems

by Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya Ed F. Deprettere Rainer Leupers Jarmo Takala

In this new edition of the Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, many of the chapters from the previous editions have been updated, and several new chapters have been added. The new contributions include chapters on signal processing methods for light field displays, throughput analysis of dataflow graphs, modeling for reconfigurable signal processing systems, fast Fourier transform architectures, deep neural networks, programmable architectures for histogram of oriented gradients processing, high dynamic range video coding, system-on-chip architectures for data analytics, analysis of finite word-length effects in fixed-point systems, and models of architecture. There are more than 700 tables and illustrations; in this edition over 300 are in color. This new edition of the handbook is organized in three parts. Part I motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-the art methods for design and implementation of signal processing systems; Part II discusses architectures for implementing these applications; and Part III focuses on compilers, as well as models of computation and their associated design tools and methodologies.

Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation: Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften Ser.)

by Constanze Rossmann Matthias R. Hastall

Das Handbuch gibt einen Überblick zum aktuellen Forschungsstand der Gesundheitskommunikation. Im Fokus stehen kommunikationswissenschaftliche Zugänge und Erkenntnisse sowie die Vorteile und Herausforderungen einer stärkeren Evidenzbasierung von Kommunikationsempfehlungen. Die Sektionen des Handbuchs reflektieren einerseits die zentralen Elemente des Kommunikationsprozesses und andererseits die wichtigsten Anwendungskontexte. Das Handbuch richtet sich an Studierende, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen genauso wie an Expertinnen und Experten aus der Praxis.

Handbuch Politikberatung

by Svenja Falk Manuela Glaab Andrea Römmele Henrik Schober Martin Thunert

Politik braucht Beratung und der Bedarf wächst. In diesem Handbuch werden daher relevante Felder der Politikberatung systematisch dargestellt, neue Entwicklungen analysiert und aktuelle Trends aufgezeigt. Neben den Grundlagen, Strukturen und Akteuren sowie den Feldern von Politikberatung finden erstmals deren Methoden und Instrumente differenziert Berücksichtigung.

Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung

by Katharina Lobinger

Das Handbuch liefert einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Theorien, Forschungsfelder, Methoden und aktuelle Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung. Ziel ist es, einen State of the Art-Überblick über das dynamische Forschungsfeld zu geben, dabei traditionelle wie innovative Themenbereiche abzubilden, methodische Anleitungen zu geben und für kritische Aspekte der visuellen Forschung zu sensibilisieren.

Happiness--Found in Translation: A Glossary of Joy from Around the World

by Tim Lomas

A beautifully illustrated dictionary of words from around the world that describe experiences of happiness for which there are no equivalents in the English language.Have you ever had a feeling that you couldn't quite describe because there was no word in English that captured it? Our ability to fully experience moments of joy in our lives can be limited by the words at our disposal. In this magical book, psychologist Tim Lomas surveys words from around the world to help readers put their finger on feelings of happiness that before might have lingered for only a moment in their mind's eye before disappearing. The ideal gift for language lovers, or for anyone looking for a megadose of pure joy, Happiness--Found in Translation features such "untranslatable" words as:Bazodee: A Creole (Trinidad and Tobago) word to describe a dizzy and dazed happiness, a bewildered, discombobulated joy.Charmolypi: A Greek word for the sad, joy-making sorrow when happiness and sadness intermingle.Wú wéi: A Chinese term for natural, spontaneous, and effortless action, skilfully flowing with the currents of life.Happiness--Found in Translation gives readers access to the great happiness that the world's languages have to offer.

Hassrede und Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung: Der Schutzbereich der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in Fällen demokratiefeindlicher Äußerungen nach der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, dem Grundgesetz und der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #278)

by Anna Katharina Struth

Dieses Buch analysiert den grundrechtlichen Schutzbereich der Garantien der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in den Grundrechtskatalogen der EMRK, des Grundgesetzes und der Grundrechtecharta der EU. Das Werk untersucht, inwieweit Hassreden und vergleichbare demokratiefeindliche Äußerungen vom Schutzbereich der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit umfasst sind. Die Autorin setzt sich mit der zu diesen Äußerungen ergangenen Rechtsprechung der zuständigen Gerichte auseinander. Sie kommt über ausführliche Auslegungserwägungen zu den relevanten Bestimmungen zum Ergebnis, dass die Äußerungen, auch wenn sie einen Grundrechtsmissbrauch darstellen, im Schutzbereich der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit liegen und ihr Verbot einen rechtfertigungsbedürftigen Eingriff in das Grundrecht darstellt. Diese Schlussfolgerung wird mit der Feststellung verbunden, dass die Anforderungen an die Rechtfertigung eines solchen Eingriffs wegen der in diesen Fällen typischerweise vorliegenden Interessenlage regelmäßig erfüllt werden können.

Headlines and Hedgerows: A Memoir

by John Craven

Take a trip down memory lane with the memoir from national TV treasure John Craven, as he recounts both the highs and lows of one of the longest entertaining careers in history, and the people and animals that have helped to shape it. _______'A cracking read' Chris Evans, Virgin Radio Breakfast Show_______He began by reading the front page of the evening newspaper in the kitchen to his mother and aunt. Since then he's spoken into microphones to the nation on the BBC almost every week for more than half a century and is one of the most-beloved broadcasters of our time. Presenter of treasured programmes Newsround, Countryfile and Swap Shop, John brought us the headlines and breaking news of our childhood and later helped us discover the magic and wonder of the British countryside. Now, in his first ever autobiography, he recounts a life in news starting with the Grimthorpe Street Gazette, the handwritten newspaper he produced in his early teens - just one copy at a time, so small beginnings. Later, broadcasting on television to millions of children, his casual style of news-reading even found his jumpers making news. He writes about his childhood, his career and the people, events - and animals - that have shaped his life. This is John Craven. And this is the story behind the man so many of us grew up watching on our television screens._______'Magical memoirs. A BBC legend. A broadcasting icon. The best bits from cub reporter to Countryfile . . . his early career sounds like a riot' Daily Mail

Health and Wellness Measurement Approaches for Mobile Healthcare (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Gita Khalili Moghaddam Christopher R. Lowe

This book reviews existing sensor technologies that are now being coupled with computational intelligence for the remote monitoring of physical activity and ex vivo biosignatures. In today’s frenetic world, consumers are becoming ever more demanding: they want to control every aspect of their lives and look for options specifically tailored to their individual needs. In many cases, suppliers are catering to these new demands; as a result, clothing, food, social media, fitness and banking services are all being democratised to the individual. Healthcare provision has finally caught up to this trend and is currently being rebooted to offer personalised solutions, while simultaneously creating a more effective, scalable and cost-effective system for all. The desire for personalisation, home monitoring and treatment, and provision of care in remote locations or in emerging and impoverished nations that lack a fixed infrastructure, is leading to the realisation that mobile technology might be the best candidate for achieving these goals. A combination of several technological, healthcare and financial factors are driving this trend to create a new healthcare model that stresses preventative ‘health-care’ rather than ‘sick-care’, and a shift from volume to value. Mobile healthcare (mhealth), which could also be termed the “internet of people”, refers to the integration of sensors and smartphones to gather and interpret clinical data from patients in real-time. Most importantly, with an ageing population suffering multiple morbidities, mhealth could provide healthcare solutions to enhance chronically ill patients’ quality of life.

Healthcare Interpreting Explained (Translation Practices Explained)

by Claudia V. Angelelli

Healthcare Interpreting Explained is the first comprehensive user-friendly book on the practice of medical/healthcare interpreting. Written by a leading world authority and drawing on research carried out in Europe, the United States, Australia and Asia, this process-focussed text goes beyond terms and concepts to cover medical discourse, ethics and protocol, professionalization, cognitive factors, problem-solving strategies, assessment and more. Including summaries, tasks, further reading and a range of real-world examples, as well as audio files on the Translation Studies Portal, this is the essential text for all students and practicing interpreters in the areas of medical and healthcare interpreting.

Heroines and Local Girls: The Transnational Emergence of Women's Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century (Haney Foundation Series)

by Pamela L. Cheek

Over the course of the long eighteenth century, a network of some fifty women writers, working in French, English, Dutch, and German, staked out a lasting position in the European literary field. These writers were multilingual and lived for many years outside of their countries of origin, translated and borrowed from each others' works, attended literary circles and salons, and fashioned a transnational women's literature characterized by highly recognizable codes. Drawing on a literary geography of national types, women writers across Western Europe read, translated, wrote, and rewrote stories about exceptional young women, literary heroines who transcend the gendered destiny of their distinctive cultural and national contexts. These transcultural heroines struggle against the cultural constraints determining the sexualized fates of local girls.In Heroines and Local Girls, Pamela L. Cheek explores the rise of women's writing as a distinct, transnational category in Britain and Europe between 1650 and 1810. Starting with an account of a remarkable tea party that brought together Frances Burney, Sophie von La Roche, and Marie Elisabeth de La Fite in conversation about Stéphanie de Genlis, she excavates a complex community of European and British women authors. In chapters that incorporate history, network theory, and feminist literary history, she examines the century-and-a-half literary lineage connecting Madame de Maintenon to Mary Wollstonecraft, including Charlotte Lennox and Françoise de Graffigny and their radical responses to sexual violence. Neither simply a reaction to, nor collusion with, patriarchal and national literary forms but, rather, both, women's writing offered an invitation to group membership through a literary project of self-transformation. In so doing, argues Cheek, women's writing was the first modern literary category to capitalize transnationally on the virtue of identity, anticipating the global literary marketplace's segmentation of affinity-based reading publics, and continuing to define women's writing to this day.

History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals

by Diane Hart

By using this program, the students will discover how the skills of social sciences are used to explore the history of the United States. The print and online components of this program provide the tools needed for a complete learning cycle. Each unit begins with an online Unit Opener to prepare for inquiry--asking questions and proposing supported answers and solutions. Each lesson with a Lesson Guide preview activity that engages inquiry and sets a foundation for the lesson's content. In the Lesson Guide, student will participate in an interactive activity that connects to both the C3 Framework and English Language Arts and literacy. In these activities, they will use the tools of social studies inquiry: asking questions, using sources and other evidence to develop claims, and communicating conclusions. The lesson concludes as the readers demonstrate their knowledge of the lesson's core ideas and the inquiry process through a variety of paper and online Assessments.

Hivemind: The New Science of Tribalism in Our Divided World

by Sarah Rose Cavanagh

Cavanagh brings you along on her journey through an exquisite collection of scholarly knowledge and empirical insight to ground both your mind and your gut. From zombies to bees, moral panics to conspiracy theories, Hivemind mixes the dark with the light to help readers find a path through a very destabilizing present' - Danah Boyd, author of It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens'This fascinating book guides us through the nuanced landscape of why we think and behave the way we do-online and off-and offers a much-needed vision for how we can find our way back from the edge'- Scott Barry Kaufman, Psychologist at Columbia University and co-author of Wired to Create'Hivemind provides a fascinating tour of research that reveals our social nature, for good and for bad. Cavanagh is a natural teacher whose enthusiasm for psychology shines through on every page. Whether you're looking to have healthier technology habits, develop better relationships with others, or address societal challenges, this book will give you food for thought and wisdom to take action' - Kelly McGonigal, author of The Joy of Movement and The Willpower Instinct+++Hivemind: A collective consciousness in which we share consensus thoughts, emotions, and opinions; a phenomenon whereby a group of people function as if with a single mind.Our views of the world are shaped by the stories told by our self-selected communities. Whether seeking out groups that share our tastes, our faith, our heritage, or other interests, since the dawn of time we have taken comfort in defining ourselves through our social groups. But what happens when we only socialize with our chosen group, to the point that we lose the ability to connect to people who don't share our passions? What happens when our tribes merely confirm our world view, rather than expand it? Leading a narrative journey from the site of the Charlottesville riots to the boardrooms of Facebook, considering such diverse topics as zombies, neuroscience, and honeybees, psychologist and emotion regulation specialist Sarah Rose Cavanagh leaves no stone unturned in her quest to understand how social technology is reshaping the way we socialize. It's not possible to turn back the clocks, and Cavanagh argues that there's no need to; instead, she presents a fully examined and thoughtful call to cut through our online tribalism, dial back our moral panic about screens and mental health, and shore up our sense of community. With compelling storytelling and shocking research, Hivemind is a must-read for anyone hoping to make sense of the dissonance around us.

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