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Literary Journalism Goes Inside Prison: Just Sentences (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by David Swick Richard Lance Keeble

Literary Journalism Goes Inside Prison: Just Sentences opens up a new exploration of literary journalism – immersive, long-form journalism so beautifully written that it can stand as literature – in the first anthology to examine literary journalism and prison. In this book, a wide range of compelling subjects are considered. These include Nelson Mandela and other prisoners of apartheid; the made-in-prison podcast Ear Hustle; women’s experiences of life behind bars; Behrouz Boochani’s 2018 bestseller No Friend but the Mountains; George Orwell’s artful writing on incarceration; Pete Earley’s immersion into the largest prison in the United States, The Hot House; Arthur Koestler and the Spanish Civil War; Ted Conover’s year as a prison guard in Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing and (most originally) Bruce Springsteen’s execution narrative Nebraska. This volume will benefit anyone who writes, studies or teaches any form of narrative nonfiction. Eleven international scholars articulate what makes the work they are analysing so exceptional. At the same time, they offer insights on a diverse range of vital topics. These include journalism ethics, journalism and trauma, media history, cultural studies, criminology and social justice.

Localization in Translation (Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting)

by Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo

Localization is everywhere in our digital world, from apps to websites or games. Our interconnected digital world functions in part thanks to invisible localization processes that allow global users to engage with all sorts of digital content and products. This textbook presents a comprehensive overview of the main theoretical, practical, and methodological issues related to localization, the technological, textual, communicative, and cognitive process by which interactive digital texts are prepared to be used in contexts other than those of production.Localization in Translation provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the main practical and theoretical issues involved in localizing software, web, video games, and apps. It discusses the many technological, cultural, linguistic, quality, economic, accessibility, and user-reception issues related to the different localization types. It also provides an updated overview of localization in an ever-changing technological landscape marked by advances in neural machine translation and AI. Each chapter includes a basic summary, key questions, a final section with discussion and assignments, as well as additional readings. Online resources with additional questions and assignments are included on the Routledge Translation Studies portal.This is the essential textbook for advanced undergraduates and graduates in translation studies and translation professionals engaged in localization practice.

Locationmanagement für die Eventkonzeption (essentials)

by Kristina Sommer

​Dieses essential ist ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden für das Eventmanagement und hilft Ihnen bei der Auswahl der richtigen Location. Nicht nur bei Hochzeiten wird viel Zeit darauf verwendet, die passende Location zu finden. Der Raum ist bei jedem Event von zentraler Bedeutung, denn es grenzt diesen von seinem Umfeld ab und gibt die Gestaltung vor – sei es im Innenraum oder unter freiem Himmel. Erst mit der zielgerichteten Vorbereitung und dem richtigen Verständnis wird der Raum zum Teil der Eventinszenierung. Es ist daher erstaunlich, dass es in der deutschsprachigen Literatur zum Eventmanagement kaum umfassende Betrachtungen zur Location gibt. Das Buch schließt diese Lücke.

Loch Ness Uncovered: Media, Misinformation, and the Greatest Monster Hoax of All Time

by Rebecca Siegel

An extensively researched, myth-busting account of the world&’s most famous monster hoax—the Loch Ness Monster—and a cautionary tale on the dangers of misinformation.In 1934, a man was walking by a lake in the Scottish Highlands when he saw a long-necked creature swimming in the water. He grabbed his camera and snapped a photo. When the photo landed on the front page of the Daily Mail, it shattered the belief that paranormal creatures were pure fiction. But amid the monster-hunting craze, complex conspiracies soon emerged. The Loch Ness Monster became more than a mysterious sea creature—it became a phenomenon that caused people to question their assumptions and dig for the truth. Meticulously researched through primary sources and in-depth interviews with key figures, Loch Ness Uncovered is the fascinating true story of the conspiracy that sparked intrigue worldwide. Complete with archival images, an engaging narrative, and a guide to media literacy, here is a nonfiction book that will transport young readers to the thrilling world of monster mania.

The Logic of Legal Argumentation: Multi-Modal Perspectives (Law, Language and Communication)

by Marko Novak

Multi-modal argumentation with its logical, emotional, visceral and kisceral arguments is an important addition to logical argumentation, especially when real-life situations are considered. It does not discard logic but adds other modes of argumentation to complement it, to emphasize the realistic environments of communication. In this sense, the multi-modal theory is important for the area of legal argumentation, where even in the reasoning of judicial decisions traces of a flesh-and-blood personality, who decided the case and wrote the reasons, can be found. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of this informal logic in legal argumentation and its practicality within the law. It argues that by building on the dialectical and rhetorical models of legal argument, the former being important for clear cases while the latter for unclear ones, the multi-modal theory of legal argumentation brings together logic and psychology in a holistic or integral perspective. The approach is not only descriptive, identifying the traces of alternate arguments in judicial decisions, but is also normative, presenting the criteria for evaluation that multi-modal arguments need to face to attain validity in the legal context. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Theory, Legal Linguistics, Philosophy of Law, and Communication Studies.

Lokale Politikberichterstattung: Inhalte, Leistungen, Formate und Attraktivitätsfaktoren aus der Perspektive des Publikums

by Inge Kreutz

Wie kann lokale Politikberichterstattung möglichst viele Menschen erreichen? Antworten gibt dieses Buch auf der Grundlage von Umfragen und Gruppendiskussionen bei Leser*innen und User*innen von drei crossmedial publizierenden Regionalzeitungen. Es liefert eine Typologisierung des Publikums und zeigt die jeweils spezifischen Ansprüche an lokale Politikberichterstattung auf. Zudem aktualisiert es den Forschungsstand zu Ost-West-Unterschieden und spezifiziert ihn für lokale Politikberichterstattung. Die Doppelrolle der Autorin als Medienwissenschaftlerin und praktische Journalistin begünstigt eine Verbindung der Ansprüche von Theorie und Praxis. Das Buch will eine Diskussion darüber anstoßen, wie Lokaljournalismus in der digitalen Transformation seine Relevanz und Bedeutung erhalten und wie die Versorgung der Gesellschaft auf lokaler und sublokaler Ebene mit demokratierelevanten Informationen gesichert werden kann.

Lost in a Gallup: Polling Failure in U.S. Presidential Elections

by W. Joseph Campbell

This update of a lively, first-of-its-kind study of polling misfires and fiascoes in U.S. presidential campaigns takes up pollsters’ failure over the decades to offer accurate assessments of the most important of American elections.Lost in a Gallup tells the story of polling flops and failures in presidential elections since 1936. Polls do go bad, as outcomes in 2020, 2016, 2012, 2004, and 2000 all remind us. This updated edition includes a new chapter and conclusion that address the 2020 polling surprise and considers whether polls will get it right in 2024. As author W. Joseph Campbell discusses, polling misfires in presidential elections are not all alike. Pollsters have anticipated tight elections when landslides have occurred. They have pointed to the wrong winner in closer elections. Misleading state polls have thrown off expected national outcomes. Polling failure also can lead to media error. Journalists covering presidential races invariably take their lead from polls. When polls go bad, media narratives can be off-target as well. Lost in a Gallup encourages readers to treat election polls with healthy skepticism, recognizing that they could be wrong.

Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues

by Kelli Miller

Indispensable Tips for Better Relationships After years of counseling couples and writing an advice column, Kelli Miller identified fifteen common relationship challenges and devised three innovative “hacks” for each. Designed to address problems immediately for long-term improvement, Kelli’s solutions are simple, effective, and usable anywhere and anytime. Best of all, her clients have field-tested these techniques with excellent results. Topics include: • strategies for effective communication, such as the “fast-food technique” of repeating what someone says to ensure it’s been understood • tips for dealing with sexual issues, from lack of interest to infidelity • what to do when kids affect the relationship • advice for coping with addiction, anger, and past trauma • ways to rekindle deep love and connection

Love in the Time of Self-Publishing: How Romance Writers Changed the Rules of Writing and Success

by Christine M. Larson

Lessons in creative labor, solidarity, and inclusion under precarious economic conditionsAs writers, musicians, online content creators, and other independent workers fight for better labor terms, romance authors offer a powerful example—and a cautionary tale—about self-organization and mutual aid in the digital economy. In Love in the Time of Self-Publishing, Christine Larson traces the forty-year history of Romancelandia, a sprawling network of romance authors, readers, editors, and others, who formed a unique community based on openness and collective support. Empowered by solidarity, American romance writers—once disparaged literary outcasts—became digital publishing&’s most innovative and successful authors. Meanwhile, a new surge of social media activism called attention to Romancelandia&’s historic exclusion of romance authors of color and LGBTQ+ writers, forcing a long-overdue cultural reckoning.Drawing on the largest-known survey of any literary genre as well as interviews and archival research, Larson shows how romance writers became the only authors in America to make money from the rise of ebooks—increasing their median income by 73 percent while other authors&’ plunged by 40 percent. The success of romance writers, Larson argues, demonstrates the power of alternative forms of organizing influenced by gendered working patterns. It also shows how networks of relationships can amplify—or mute—certain voices.Romancelandia&’s experience, Larson says, offers crucial lessons about solidarity for creators and other isolated workers in an increasingly risky employment world. Romancelandia&’s rise and near-meltdown shows that gaining fair treatment from platforms depends on creator solidarity—but creator solidarity, in turn, depends on fair treatment of all members.

Low-Power Wide Area Network for Large Scale Internet of Things: Architectures, Communication Protocols and Recent Trends (Prospects in Networking and Communications – P-NetCom)

by Mariyam Ouaissa Mariya Ouaissa Inam Ullah Khan Zakaria Boulouard Junaid Rashid

This book presents a comprehensive exploration of LPWANs, delving into their fundamental concepts, underlying technologies, and the multifaceted challenges they tackle. This book recognizes that LPWANs don't operate in isolation; they are intimately intertwined with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) technologies, which play a pivotal role in optimizing LPWAN performance and capabilities. The book is a collection of original contributions regarding air interface, transmission technologies and novel network architectures, such as network slicing, cloud/fog/edge computing, ad hoc networks and software-defined network. Also, this book provides a guide for researchers of IoT applications to choose suitable LPWAN technologies and describe the design aspects, network architectures, security issues and challenges.Features: Explains machine learning algorithms onto low-power wide area network sensors for compressed communications. Illustrates wireless-based Internet of Things networks using low-power wide area networks technology for quality air. Presents cognitive Internet of Things networks using wireless communication, and low-power wide area network technologies for Ad Hoc networks. Discusses a comprehensive study of low-power wide area networks for flying Ad Hoc networks. Showcases the study of energy efficient techniques aided by low-power wide area network technologies for the Internet of Things networks. The text is aimed at senior undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer engineering, and information technology.

The Lure of Communication: Sociology through Rhetoric

by Andrea Lombardinilo

This book addresses the convergence of sociology, communication and rhetoric, with particular reference to the contemporary expressive and social patterns of mass communication. Using rhetoric as a meta-conceptual apparatus for the sociology of communication, this book offers an original and comprehensive critique of historical social theory alongside 20th century communication researchers. The author demonstrates the symbiotic relationship between the rhetorical structures of the media-sphere and the new narrative formats in which cultural representation merges into social and civil observation. This book will be of interest to academics and students studying sociology, communication and cultural studies.

The Management Thought of Louis R. Pondy: Reclaiming the Enthinkment Path (Systems Thinking)

by David M. Boje

Louis R. Pondy was a leading management and organizational studies scholar whose work on open systems helped launch and define the future of the field. This book offers an assessment of Pondy’s contribution, through critical reflection on what happened to the relationship between conflict theory and “beyond open systems.” Exploring the ways in which Louis R. Pondy theorizes conflict and systems, and how he challenged the status quo paradigms, this book offers a historical analysis on Pondy’s work and the relation to contemporary management theory. The author develops a Triple Loop framework, building on Pondy’s theories as well as the work of Gregory Batesom, to demonstrate a beyond-open-systems approach and existing single- or double-loop systems. Demonstrating the value and legacy of Louis R. Pondy, this book will have international appeal to researchers, academics and students across management disciplines and organizational studies, including systems thinking and conflict resolution.

Managing at a Distance: A Manager’s Guide to the Challenges of the Hybrid and Remote World

by Tom Coughlan David J. Fogarty Gary Bernstein Lynda Wilson

The world of hybrid and remote management is a territory that has yet to be completely explored—this book provides some simple navigational aids to help managers and leaders find their way.Research indicates that over 56% of college graduates currently work either remotely or in a hybrid arrangement, while prior to the pandemic, less than 5% of working hours were remote. How to manage remote and hybrid workers has rapidly become a significant challenge, and one that often requires new policies and organizational restructuring. The remote work handbooks available are tactical, which can be helpful for day-to-day decisions but not to tackle larger issues and initiatives. This book presents a fully formed, research-backed strategic framework: more than a vehicle to the future, it will help leaders to understand where they are now and what is happening around them to change the landscape, and to decide where they want to be.Speaking to senior executives and team leaders, as well as business students, this book will become the preferred tool for the development and evaluation of remote and hybrid management policy and strategy across industries.

Managing Conflict: A Practical Guide to Resolution in the Workplace

by David Liddle

Whether it's a disagreement between colleagues, a dispute with management or large-scale industrial action, conflict at work is a perennial problem for organizations, their people and profits.The second edition of Managing Conflict shows HR professionals how to tackle these problems by not only resolving current issues, but also preventing future instances of conflict. It includes the latest research and case studies showing how conflict management has been impacted by hybrid working models and digitalization. There are also updates to reflect how resolution is a driver of trust in organizations, enabling people to disagree more constructively in a safe environment.This book covers the causes and costs of conflict, the impact of the psychological contract and the legal framework for managing workplace disputes both in the UK and internationally. It shows how to design a conflict management strategy, develop a formal resolution process and engage stakeholders and training managers in resolution and mediation skills. Packed with best practice examples from organizations such as Tesco, Burberry and Nationwide Building Society as well as conflict resolution resources and toolkits, this book is essential reading for all HR professionals looking to resolve conflict in the workplace.

Managing Cultural Differences: Global Leadership Skills and Knowledge for the 21st Century

by Robert Moran Neil Abramson Anthony Chan Sabongui Marie-Marguerite

In today’s global business environment, it is vital that individuals and organizations have sophisticated global leadership skills. Communication and understanding of different cultures are paramount to business success. This new edition of the bestselling textbook Managing Cultural Differences guides students and practitioners to an understanding of how to do business internationally, providing practical advice on how competitive advantage can be gained through effective cross-cultural management. The digitization of the workplace, the integration of artificial intelligence into workplace cultures, cultural responses to crisis, and the value of diversity and inclusion are just a few examples of contemporary issues discussed in this text. This latest edition also begins with a completely new introductory chapter, which provides an overview and connects the themes between chapters for an integrated understanding of the topic. With a wealth of new examples, case studies, and online materials, this textbook is required course reading for undergraduates, postgraduates, and MBA students alike, as well as being a vital tool for anybody selling, purchasing, traveling, or working internationally.

Managing Digital Innovation in Publishing: Collaborations and Para-Organisations for Creative Change

by Frania Hall

Reflecting proactively on a growing industry 'dilemma', this book explores how publishing businesses can and do successfully experiment and innovate in digital publishing through collaboration.Many sectors of publishing are still structured around print production, with digital innovation in the consumer arena generally focused on different book formats, such e-books and audiobooks, rather than on brand-new types of products. Publishers need to innovate around different sorts of content and digital formats as consumers change their media habits. However, their pricing, business and risk models, and workflows are reflective of a legacy of print publishing; and as print commands so much revenue, publishers do not want to derail their main business as they experiment. Drawing on an analysis of collaboration and network theory and four in-depth qualitative case studies in different sectors, this research suggests that collaboration, particularly engaging with the wider creative sector, is key to the sustainable development of new types of products. It points to the characteristics of a successful digital collaboration and explains how to manage publishing innovation alongside the existing business, through para-organisations. Considering novel approaches to innovation, such as iterative software-style approaches and agile project management, as well as new business models, such as those employed in games development, the author shows how introducing new people – from software developers to competitors – can help instill a collaborative mindset within the organisation and facilitate constructive experimentation.Managing Digital Innovation in Publishing will be of interest to upper-level students and researchers of (digital) publishing and related creative industries.

Managing Family Business: Dynamics, Challenges, and Opportunities

by Rajiv Agarwal

This book explores the unique characteristics and complexities of family businesses in India. It examines the intersection of family dynamics, cultural norms, and business practices, to offer valuable insights on how family businesses evolve, develop, grow, and sustain over time. With a focus on leadership and positioning for the future, this book illustrates how the family enterprise can achieve sustained growth and continuity through generations. Covering a wide range of topics essential for understanding the Indian family business landscape, this volume: Studies succession planning and governance, managing family conflicts and harnessing innovation Analyses the various strengths and weaknesses of family businesses Shares insights on top-performing family businesses alongside the oldest businesses in India and across the world Emphasises and extensively discusses the role of women in the contemporary Indian business landscape Insightful and engaging, this book will be useful to students, researchers, and teachers in the fields of business management, commerce, and economics. It will also be an invaluable resource for present or potential family business owners, managers, professionals, and business consultants.

Managing Family Business: Dynamics, Challenges, and Opportunities

by Rajiv Agarwal

This book explores the unique characteristics and complexities of family businesses in India. It examines the intersection of family dynamics, cultural norms, and business practices to offer valuable insights on how family businesses evolve, develop, grow, and sustain over time. With a focus on leadership and positioning for the future, this book illustrates how the family enterprise can achieve sustained growth and continuity through generations.Covering a wide range of topics essential for understanding the Indian family business landscape, this volume: Studies succession planning and governance, managing family conflicts and harnessing innovation Analyses the various strengths and weaknesses of family businesses Shares insights on top-performing family businesses alongside the oldest businesses in India and across the world Emphasises and extensively discusses the role of women in the contemporary Indian business landscape Insightful and engaging, this book will be useful to students, researchers, and teachers in the fields of business management, commerce, and economics. It will also be an invaluable resource for present or potential family business owners, managers, professionals, and business consultants.

Managing Toxic Leaders and Dysfunctional Organizational Dynamics: The Psychosocial Nature of the Workplace

by Seth Allcorn

Understanding experience at work, especially in organizations that have toxic leaders and dysfunctional organizational dynamics, is a multidimensional undertaking that must include in-depth perspectives informed by psychosocial theory. This may be best accomplished by relying on complementary theories to account for what is found and experienced in our organizations and in particular a better understanding of why this is happening. "Why did she do that?" "Why did he say that?" "Why did a group react the way they did?" “Why,” is critical in terms of understanding organizational dynamics.Our lives at work in large complex and multidimensional organizations are saturated with experience, some of which is fulfilling, and some are of a darker nature that arises from the presence of toxic leaders and dysfunctional organizational dynamics. Understanding these toxicities and dysfunctions and their effect on organization members is approached by first raising their awareness at the beginning of the book before providing psychosocially informed insights that form a basis for understanding and organizational change in the following sections.This book explores these work-life dynamics by grounding them in concrete examples and then using complementary psychoanalytically informed perspectives to illuminate their underlying, often unconscious nature filling an important gap in management and organizational literature.

Mapping Lies in the Global Media Sphere (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)

by Tirşe Erbaysal-Filibeli Melis Öneren-Özbek

This volume addresses the concept of “(in)nocent lies” in the media – beyond the concept of misleading information online, this extends to a deliberate effort to spread misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories – and proposes a critical approach to tackle the issue in related interdisciplinary fields. The book takes a multidisciplinary and international approach, addressing the digital divide and global inequality, as well as algorithmic bias, how misinformation harms vulnerable groups, social lynching and the effect of misinformation on certain social, political and cultural agendas, among other topics. Arranged thematically, the chapters paint a nuanced and original picture of this issue. This book will be of interest to students and academics in the areas of digital media, media and politics, journalism, development studies, gender and race.

Marketing Communications: Integrating Online and Offline, Customer Engagement and Digital Technologies

by PR Smith Ze Zook

This newly updated, carefully structured accessible textbook provides students and practitioners with the skills they need to deliver successful marketing communications in today's fast-changing hypercompetitive markets. The eighth edition of Marketing Communications continues to be a core resource covering all aspects of marketing communications from the planning stages and implementation to measuring data and campaign performance. Explore how to navigate buyer behaviour, social selling, Ad campaigns, PR campaigns, big data, marketing automation, AI, Virtual Reality and more with this comprehensive textbook. Learn through current, real-world examples from global companies such as Tesla and TikTok and explore what it takes to build a truly integrated, successful marketing communications plan. Incorporating branding, customer journeys, customer insights and more, Marketing Communications also provides in-depth content on the legal requirements you need to develop your strategy including GDPR and AI rules and regulations. This edition is packed with intriguing examples from Ed Sheeran to Ariana Grande, from FIFA to KFC, from Guinness to Google and Airbnb to Amazon. This edition looks in depth at ongoing impact of AI in all aspects of marketing communications ensuring that you have the tools necessary to reach today's time-poor customers while utilizing the latest technologies. Marketing Communications will give readers the confidence to work in an environment of constant technological transformation to create fully integrated strategies and successful campaigns.

May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases—And What We Can Do about It

by Alex Edmans

How our biases cause us to fall for misinformation—and how to combat it. Our lives are minefields of misinformation. It ripples through our social media feeds, our daily headlines, and the pronouncements of politicians, executives, and authors. Stories, statistics, and studies are everywhere, allowing people to find evidence to support whatever position they want. Many of these sources are flawed, yet by playing on our emotions and preying on our biases, they can gain widespread acceptance, warp our views, and distort our decisions. In this eye-opening book, renowned economist Alex Edmans teaches us how to separate fact from fiction. Using colorful examples—from a wellness guru’s tragic but fabricated backstory to the blunders that led to the Deepwater Horizon disaster to the diet that ensnared millions yet hastened its founder’s death—Edmans highlights the biases that cause us to mistake statements for facts, facts for data, data for evidence, and evidence for proof. Armed with the knowledge of what to guard against, he then provides a practical guide to combat this tide of misinformation. Going beyond simply checking the facts and explaining individual statistics, Edmans explores the relationships between statistics—the science of cause and effect—ultimately training us to think smarter, sharper, and more critically. May Contain Lies is an essential read for anyone who wants to make better sense of the world and better decisions.

The Media and Communications in Australia

by Bridget Griffen-Foley Sue Turnbull

At a time when the traditional media have been reshaped by digital technologies and audiences have fragmented, people are using mediated forms of communication to manage all aspects of their daily lives as well as for news and entertainment. The Media and Communications in Australia offers a systematic introduction to this dynamic field. Fully updated and expanded, this fifth edition outlines the key media industries – from print, sound and television to film, gaming and public relations – and explains how communications technologies have changed the ways in which they now operate. It offers an overview of the key approaches to the field, including a consideration of Indigenous communication, and features a ‘hot topics’ section with contributions on issues including diversity, misinformation, algorithms, COVID-19, web series and national security. With chapters from Australia’s leading researchers and teachers in the field, The Media and Communications in Australia remains the most comprehensive and reliable introduction to media and communications from an Australian perspective. It is an ideal student text and a key resource for teachers, lecturers, media practitioners and anyone interested in understanding these influential industries.

Media and Entertainment Industry Management: How to Integrate Business and Management with Creativity and Imagination

by Sunghan Ryu

The media and entertainment industry (MEI) differs significantly from traditional industries in many respects. Accordingly, the management of strategy, marketing and other business practices in the MEI necessitates a unique approach. Sunghan Ryu offers students focused and relevant insights into critical topics, illustrated by vivid examples from the MEI. Unlike typical introductory textbooks on business and management, this book does not overemphasize complicated layers of theory. Instead, it presents essential concepts and frameworks in a digestible manner and supplements them with opportunities to apply this knowledge to real-world cases. The textbook demonstrates how knowledge can be constructively implemented in business and management scenarios. It is structured into 12 chapters, divided into five core modules: (1) Overview of the MEI, (2) The Fundamentals of Management, (3) Marketing Management, (4) Digital Business and Management, and (5) New Business Models and Entrepreneurship. Students will gain the ability to explain key concepts and frameworks across core business and management domains and develop analytical skills through diverse real-world cases in the MEI. Based on this knowledge, they will be equipped to identify management-related issues in the MEI and arrive at practical and effective solutions.This book is an essential guide for students who wish to understand business and management in the dynamic world of the MEI.

Media and Politics in Post-Authoritarian Mexico: The Continuing Struggle for Democracy

by Martin Echeverria Ruben Arnoldo Gonzalez

This volume presents an analytical and empirical overview of the array of issues that the Mexican media faces in the post-authoritarian age, which jointly explains how a partially accomplished democracy, its authoritarian inertias, and its unintended consequences hinder the democratic performance of the media. This is analyzed from three points of view: the stalemate Mexican media system and ineffective regulations, the conditions of risk and insecurity of the journalists on the field, and the limits of freedom of expression, political substance, and inclusiveness of media content. A binational effort, with research from US and Mexican authors, a wide analytic perspective is provided on the macro, meso, and micro levels, allowing for a deep conceptual richness and a comprehensive understanding of the Mexican case. With leading researchers in the field, the volume revolves around the problems of the media in post-authoritarian democracies. By answering the questions of how and why the Mexican media has not fully democratized, the works encompassed here can resonate with and are relevant to other post-authoritarian countries and academic disciplines.

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