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2030 - Strategieentwicklung für Innovation Leaders: Mit Handlungsanweisungen unter Einbezug neuester Methoden der Datennutzung

by Philipp Futterknecht Tobias Hertfelder

Seit der Relativitätstheorie wissen wir, dass massereiche Objekte durch ihre Gravitation Dinge anziehen. Je größer die Masse desto größer ist auch die Anziehungskraft. Genauso verhält es sich auch in Strategieprojekten. Jeder Projektteilnehmer ist dabei ein massereicher Teilnehmer und hat Auswirkungen auf das Zusammenspiel. Was sich gravierend geändert hat ist der Einfluss der Daten auf diesen Prozess. Wer dies nicht berücksichtigt, wird in Zukunft enorme Einbußen hinnehmen müssen. Da sich durch diese Veränderung ein neues Gleichgewicht einstellt, ändern sich auch die Erfolgsaussichten der angewandten Methoden und Verhaltensweisen. Wie Sie diesen Wandel meistern können und was Sie dazu benötigen erfahren Sie in diesem Buch.

21 Recipes for Mining Twitter: Distilling Rich Information from Messy Data

by Matthew A. Russell

Millions of public Twitter streams harbor a wealth of data, and once you mine them, you can gain some valuable insights. This short and concise book offers a collection of recipes to help you extract nuggets of Twitter information using easy-to-learn Python tools. Each recipe offers a discussion of how and why the solution works, so you can quickly adapt it to fit your particular needs. The recipes include techniques to: Use OAuth to access Twitter data Create and analyze graphs of retweet relationships Use the streaming API to harvest tweets in realtime Harvest and analyze friends and followers Discover friendship cliques Summarize webpages from short URLs This book is a perfect companion to O'Reilly's Mining the Social Web.

21st Century C

by Ben Klemens

Throw out your old ideas of C, and relearn a programming language that's substantially outgrown its origins. With 21st Century C, you'll discover up-to-date techniques that are absent from every other C text available. C isn't just the foundation of modern programming languages, it is a modern language, ideal for writing efficient, state-of-the-art applications. Learn to dump old habits that made sense on mainframes, and pick up the tools you need to use this evolved and aggressively simple language. No matter what programming language you currently champion, you'll agree that C rocks. Set up a C programming environment with shell facilities, makefiles, text editors, debuggers, and memory checkers Use Autotools, C's de facto cross-platform package manager Learn which older C concepts should be downplayed or deprecated Explore problematic C concepts that are too useful to throw out Solve C's string-building problems with C-standard and POSIX-standard functions Use modern syntactic features for functions that take structured inputs Build high-level object-based libraries and programs Apply existing C libraries for doing advanced math, talking to Internet servers, and running databases

21st Century C: C Tips from the New School

by Ben Klemens

Throw out your old ideas about C and get to know a programming language that’s substantially outgrown its origins. With this revised edition of 21st Century C, you’ll discover up-to-date techniques missing from other C tutorials, whether you’re new to the language or just getting reacquainted.C isn’t just the foundation of modern programming languages; it is a modern language, ideal for writing efficient, state-of-the-art applications. Get past idioms that made sense on mainframes and learn the tools you need to work with this evolved and aggressively simple language. No matter what programming language you currently favor, you’ll quickly see that 21st century C rocks.Set up a C programming environment with shell facilities, makefiles, text editors, debuggers, and memory checkersUse Autotools, C’s de facto cross-platform package managerLearn about the problematic C concepts too useful to discardSolve C’s string-building problems with C-standard functionsUse modern syntactic features for functions that take structured inputsBuild high-level, object-based libraries and programsPerform advanced math, talk to internet servers, and run databases with existing C librariesThis edition also includes new material on concurrent threads, virtual tables, C99 numeric types, and other features.

21st Century Chinese Cyberwarfare

by William T. Hagestad II

21st Century Chinese Cyberwarfare draws from a combination of business, cultural, historical, linguistic and the author s personal experience to attempt to explain China to the uninitiated. The objective of the book is to raise awareness of the fact that the People's Republic of China is using a combination of their unique culture, language, and political will, known as Chinese Communism, to maintain their cultural heritage. This book is the first to gather the salient information regarding the use of cyber warfare doctrine by the People's Republic of China to promote its own hegemonistic, national self-interests and enforce its political, military and economic will on other nation states. The threat of Chinese Cyberwarfare can no longer be ignored. It is a clear and present danger to the experienced and innocent alike and will be economically, societally and culturally changing and damaging for the nations that are targeted.

21st Century Prometheus: Managing CBRN Safety and Security Affected by Cutting-Edge Technologies

by Maurizio Martellini Ralf Trapp

This book describes the evolving CBRN risk landscape and highlights advances in the “core” CBRN technologies, including when combined with (improvised) explosive devices (CBRNe threats). It analyses how associated technologies create new safety and security risks, challenging certain assumptions that underlie current control regimes. The book also shows how technologies can be enablers for more effective strategies to mitigate these risks.21st-century safety and security risks emanating from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials – whether resulting from natural events, accidents or malevolent use - are increasingly shaped by technologies that enable their development, production or use in ways that differ from the past. Artificial intelligence, the use of cyberspace, the revolution in the life sciences, new manufacturing methods, new platforms and equipment for agent delivery, hypersonic weapons systems, information tools utilised in hybrid warfare – these and other technologies are reshaping the global security environment and CBRN landscape. They are leading to a growing potential for highly targeted violence, and they can lead to greater instability and vulnerability worldwide. At the same time, technology offers solutions to manage CBRN risks. Examples are faster detection, more accurate characterisation of the nature and origin of CBRN agents, new forensic investigation methods, or new medical treatments for victims of CBRN incidents. New educational concepts help to foster a culture of responsibility in science and technology and strengthen governance. New training methods help develop practical skills to manage CBRN risks more effectively.The book concludes that there is a growing need for a holistic framework towards CBRN risk mitigation. Traditional arms control mechanisms such as global, regional or bilateral treaties and export controls are still needed, as they provide a necessary legal and institutional framework. But laws and technology denial alone will not suffice, and institutional mechanisms can at times be weak. Given the pace of technological progress and the diffusion of critical knowledge, tools and materials, policymakers must accept that CBRN risks cannot be eliminated altogether. Instead, society has to learn to manage these risks and develop resilience against them. This requires a “softer”, broadly based multi-stakeholder approach involving governments, industry, the research and development communities, educators, and civil society. Furthermore, educating policymakers that cutting-edge technologies may seriously affect global strategic stability could create incentives for developing a more creative and contemporary arms control strategy that fosters cooperation rather than incremental polarisation.

24/7 Politics: Cable Television and the Fragmenting of America from Watergate to Fox News (Politics and Society in Modern America #148)

by Kathryn Cramer Brownell

How cable television upended American political life in the pursuit of profits and influenceAs television began to overtake the political landscape in the 1960s, network broadcast companies, bolstered by powerful lobbying interests, dominated screens across the nation. Yet over the next three decades, the expansion of a different technology, cable, changed all of this. 24/7 Politics tells the story of how the cable industry worked with political leaders to create an entirely new approach to television, one that tethered politics to profits and divided and distracted Americans by feeding their appetite for entertainment—frequently at the expense of fostering responsible citizenship.In this timely and provocative book, Kathryn Cramer Brownell argues that cable television itself is not to blame for today’s rampant polarization and scandal politics—the intentional restructuring of television as a political institution is. She describes how cable innovations—from C-SPAN coverage of congressional debates in the 1980s to MTV’s foray into presidential politics in the 1990s—took on network broadcasting using market forces, giving rise to a more decentralized media world. Brownell shows how cable became an unstoppable medium for political communication that prioritized cult followings and loyalty to individual brands, fundamentally reshaped party politics, and, in the process, sowed the seeds of democratic upheaval.24/7 Politics reveals how cable TV created new possibilities for antiestablishment voices and opened a pathway to political prominence for seemingly unlikely figures like Donald Trump by playing to narrow audiences and cultivating division instead of common ground.

24 Deadly Sins Of Software Security: Programming Flaws And How To Fix Them

by Michael Howard David LeBlanc John Viega

Fully updated to cover the latest security issues, 24 Deadly Sins of Software Security reveals the most common design and coding errors and explains how to fix each one-or better yet, avoid them from the start. Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, who teach Microsoft employees and the world how to secure code, have partnered again with John Viega, who uncovered the original 19 deadly programming sins. They have completely revised the book to address the most recent vulnerabilities and have added five brand-new sins. This practical guide covers all platforms, languages, and types of applications. Eliminate these security flaws from your code:

25 Recipes for Getting Started with R: Excerpts from the R Cookbook

by Paul Teetor

R is a powerful tool for statistics and graphics, but getting started with this language can be frustrating. This short, concise book provides beginners with a selection of how-to recipes to solve simple problems with R. Each solution gives you just what you need to know to use R for basic statistics, graphics, and regression. You'll find recipes on reading data files, creating data frames, computing basic statistics, testing means and correlations, creating a scatter plot, performing simple linear regression, and many more. These solutions were selected from O'Reilly's R Cookbook, which contains more than 200 recipes for R that you'll find useful once you move beyond the basics.

25 Years of Ed Tech (Issues in Distance Education)

by Martin Weller

In this lively and approachable volume based on his popular blog series, Martin Weller demonstrates a rich history of innovation and effective implementation of ed tech across higher education. From Bulletin Board Systems to blockchain, Weller follows the trajectory of education by focusing each chapter on a technology, theory, or concept that has influenced each year since 1994. Calling for both caution and enthusiasm, Weller advocates for a critical and research-based approach to new technologies, particularly in light of disinformation, the impact of social media on politics, and data surveillance trends. A concise and necessary retrospective, this book will be valuable to educators, ed tech practitioners, and higher education administrators, as well as students.

250+ Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success

by Alexander Kesler

MASTER B2B MARKETING WITH AN EXTENSIVE HOW-TO GUIDE PACKED WITH OVER 250 VALUABLE STRATEGIES250+ Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success is a step-by-step guide to becoming a leading B2B marketing professional. Written by Alexander Kesler, a seasoned marketing practitioner and thought leader, this book serves as a resource for every level of B2B professional, from those taking their first steps into the B2B marketing world to the most experienced pundits.250+ Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success synthesizes best practices that can take years to learn into an easy-to-understand (and easy-to-implement) guide. The information in this book is proven, ready-to-use, and contains steps that most marketers can apply right away—on everything from crafting content to measuring its effectiveness at the campaign&’s end. Above all, this book presents engaging strategies and practices suitable for any business. Short and to the point, marketers can apply the advice presented here at any point in their career, from college to the boardroom. If you are a digital marketing or business leader who grapples with the problems and challenges of today&’s multi-faceted and ever-evolving industry, 250+ Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success will help you implement proven strategies into your own B2B marketing initiatives with accomplished ease.

27th International Meshing Roundtable (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #127)

by Xevi Roca Adrien Loseille

The International Meshing Roundtable (IMR) brings together researchers, developers, and application experts in a variety of disciplines, from all over the world, to present and discuss ideas on mesh generation and related topics. The technical papers in this volume present theoretical and novel ideas and algorithms with practical potential, as well as technical applications in science and engineering, geometric modelling, computer graphics, and visualization.

2D Game Development with Unity

by Franz Lanzinger

This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 2D games with Unity. Thousands of commercial games have been built with Unity. The reader will learn the complete process of 2D game development, step by step. The theory behind each step is fully explained. This book contains numerous color illustrations and access to all source code and companion videos. Key Features: Fully detailed game projects from scratch. Beginners can do the steps and create games right away. No coding experience is necessary. Numerous examples take a raw beginner toward professional coding proficiency in C# and Unity. Includes a thorough introduction to Unity 2020, including 2D game development, prefabs, cameras, animation, character controllers, lighting, and sound. Includes a step-by-step introduction to Unity 2019.3. Extensive coverage of GIMP, Audacity, and MuseScore for the creation of 2D graphics, sound effects, and music. All required software is free to use for any purpose including commercial applications and games. Franz Lanzinger is the owner and chief game developer of Lanzinger Studio, an independent game development and music studio in Sunnyvale, California. He started his career in game programming in 1982 at Atari Games, Inc., where he designed and programmed the classic arcade game Crystal Castles. In 1989, he joined Tengen, where he was a programmer and designer for Ms. Pac-Man and Toobin' on the NES. He co-founded Bitmasters, where he designed and coded games including Rampart and Championship Pool for the NES and SNES, and NCAA Final Four Basketball for the SNES and Sega Genesis. In 1996, he founded Actual Entertainment, publisher and developer of the Gubble video game series. He has a B.Sc. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and attended graduate school in mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a former world record holder on Centipede and Burgertime. He is a professional author, game developer, accompanist, and piano teacher. He is currently working on remaking the original Gubble game in Unity and Blender.

2D to VR with Unity5 and Google Cardboard

by Roberto Dillon

The book provides an up-to-date introduction to the latest version of Unity and its workflow by guiding readers through various prototypes. These range from 2D to 3D game concepts for PC and mobile, will allow readers to get acquainted with several important concepts and allow them to become competent Unity developers able to learn at their own pace. The book starts by introducing Unity and proceeds in building a basic understanding of its main components by developing a first, simple 2D game before proceeding in developing a full casual game to development of a simple but immersive 3D game concept to be tested first on PC before exploring how to port it for mobile VR.using Google Cardboard.

2nd EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing: BDCC 2019 (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Anandakumar Haldorai Arulmurugan Ramu Sudha Mohanram Mu-Yen Chen

This proceeding features papers discussing big data innovation for sustainable cognitive computing. The papers feature details on cognitive computing and its self-learning systems that use data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing (NLP) to mirror the way the human brain works. This international conference focuses on cognitive computing technologies, from knowledge representation techniques and natural language processing algorithms to dynamic learning approaches. Topics covered include Data Science for Cognitive Analysis, Real-Time Ubiquitous Data Science, Platform for Privacy Preserving Data Science, and Internet-Based Cognitive Platform. The 2nd EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (BDCC 2019) took place in Coimbatore, India on December 12-13, 2019.Contains proceedings from 2nd EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (BDCC 2019), Coimbatore, India, December 12-13, 2019;Features topics ranging from Data Science for Cognitive Analysis to Internet-Based Cognitive Platforms;Includes contributions from researchers, academics, and professionals from around the world.

2nd EAI International Conference on Robotic Sensor Networks: ROSENET 2018 (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Huimin Lu Li Yujie

This book provides scientific research into Cognitive Internet of Things for Smart Society, with papers presented at the 2nd EAI International Conference on Robotic Sensor Networks. The conference explores the integration of networks and robotic technologies, which has become a topic of increasing interest for both researchers and developers from academic fields and industries worldwide. The authors posit that big networks will be the main approach to the next generation of robotic research, with the explosive number of networks models and increasing computational power of computers significantly extending the number of potential applications for robotic technologies while also bringing new challenges to the network's community. The 2nd EAI International Conference on Robotic Sensor Networks was held 25-26 August 2018 at the Kitakyushu International Conference Center (MICE), Kitakyushu, Japan.

2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Technology (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Francisco Torres-Guerrero Leticia Neira-Tovar Jorge Bacca-Acosta

This book presents the proceedings of 2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Technology (MTYMEX), which took place April 27th, 2021, online and in Monterrey, Mexico. MTYMEX is an international conference aimed at demonstrating the potential of new applications for the Internet in the future. The authors offer perspectives on research on smart technologies in society, including the results of research projects on virtual reality, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and smart cities. The book offers examples of applications with smart technologies in different knowledge areas. The conference brings together the academic, research and private sectors working on applications and smart devices for e-health and smart cities.

, 2nd Edition: Introduction, Methods, and Information Systems (International Handbooks on Information Systems)

by Jan Vom Brocke Michael Rosemann

Business Process Management (BPM) has become one of the most widely used approaches for the design of modern organizational and information systems. The conscious treatment of business processes as significant corporate assets has facilitated substantial improvements in organizational performance but is also used to ensure the conformance of corporate activities. This Handbook presents in two volumes the contemporary body of knowledge as articulated by the world' s leading BPM thought leaders. This first volume focuses on arriving at a sound definition of BPM approaches and examines BPM methods and process-aware information systems. As such, it provides guidance for the integration of BPM into corporate methodologies and information systems. Each chapter has been contributed by leading international experts. Selected case studies complement their views and lead to a summary of BPM expertise that is unique in its coverage of the most critical success factors of BPM.<P><P> The second edition of this handbook has been significantly revised and extended. Each chapter has been updated to reflect the most current developments. This includes in particular new technologies such as in-memory data and process management, social media and networks. A further focus of this revised and extended edition is on the actual deployment of the proposed theoretical concepts. This volume includes a number of entire new chapters from some of the world's leading experts in the domain of BPM.

2nd International Congress of Electrical and Computer Engineering (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Muhammet Nuri Seyman

This proceedings presents the papers included in the 2nd International Congress of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECENG), which took place in Bandirma, Turkey, 22-25 November 2023. The conference aims to bring together researchers, developers, and students in computing, technology trends, artificial intelligence, and security who are interested in studying the application of formal methods to the construction and analysis of models describing technological processes at both micro and macro levels. ICECENG’23 also aims to provide a platform for discussing the issues, challenges, opportunities, and findings of computer engineering research. The conference seeks to provide some answers and explore the processes, actions, challenges, and outcomes of learning and teaching.

The 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud

by Lorna Uden I-Hsien Ting Hsin-Chang Yang Yu-Hui Tao

Proceedings from the 2013 LTEC conference in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The papers examine diverse aspects of Learning Technology for Education in Cloud environments, including social, technical and infrastructure implications. Also addressed is the question of how cloud computing can be used to design applications to support real time on demand learning using technologies. The workshop proceedings provide opportunities for delegates to discuss the latest research in TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) and its impacts for learners and institutions, using cloud technologies.

The 2x2 Matrix: Contingency, Confusion and the Metrics of Binary Classification

by A. J. Larner

This book describes, extends, and illustrates the metrics of binary classification through worked examples.Worked examples based on pragmatic test accuracy study data are used in chapters to illustrate relevance to day-to-day clinical practice. Readers will gain an understanding of sensitivity and specificity and predictive values along with many other parameters.The contents are highly structured, and the use of worked examples facilitates understanding and interpretation.This book is a resource for clinicians in any discipline who are involved in the performance or assessment of test accuracy studies and professionals in the disciplines of machine learning or informatics wishing to gain insight into clinical applications of 2x2 tables.

The 2x2 Matrix: Contingency, Confusion and the Metrics of Binary Classification

by A.J. Larner

This book presents and discusses the numerous measures of test performance that can be derived from 2x2 tables. Worked examples based on pragmatic test accuracy study data are used in chapters to illustrate relevance to day-to-day clinical practice. Readers will gain a good understanding of sensitivity and specificity and predictive values along with many other parameters.The contents are highly structured and the use of worked examples facilitates understanding and interpretation. This book is a resource for clinicians in any discipline who are involved in the performance or assessment of test accuracy studies, and professionals in the disciplines of machine learning or informatics wishing to gain insight into clinical applications of 2x2 tables.

3-D Computer Graphics

by Samuel R. Buss

This introduction to 3D computer graphics emphasizes fundamentals and the mathematics underlying computer graphics, while also covering programming techniques using OpenGL, a platform-independent graphics programming environment. The minimal prerequisites make it suitable for self-study or for use as an advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate text as the author leads step-by-step from the basics of transformations to advanced topics such as animations and kinematics. Accompanying software, including source code for a ray tracing software package, is available freely from the book's web site.

3-D Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms and Applications

by Yu-Jin Zhang

This textbook offers advanced content on computer vision (basic content can be found in its prerequisite textbook, “2D Computer Vision: Principles, Algorithms and Applications”), including the basic principles, typical methods and practical techniques. It is intended for graduate courses on related topics, e.g. Computer Vision, 3-D Computer Vision, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, etc. The book is mainly based on my lecture notes for several undergraduate and graduate classes I have offered over the past several years, while a number of topics stem from my research publications co-authored with my students. This book takes into account the needs of learners with various professional backgrounds, as well as those of self-learners. Furthermore, it can be used as a reference guide for practitioners and professionals in related fields. To aid in comprehension, the book includes a wealth of self-test questions (with hints and answers). On the one hand, these questions help teachers to carry out online teaching and interact with students during lectures; on the other, self-learners can use them to assess whether they have grasped the key content.

The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Principles and Applications, Second Edition

by Earl F. Burkholder

Traditional methods for handling spatial data are encumbered by the assumption of separate origins for horizontal and vertical measurements, but modern measurement systems operate in a 3-D spatial environment. The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Principles and Applications, Second Edition maintains a new model for handling digital spatial data, the global spatial data model or GSDM. The GSDM preserves the integrity of three-dimensional spatial data while also providing additional benefits such as simpler equations, worldwide standardization, and the ability to track spatial data accuracy with greater specificity and convenience. This second edition expands to new topics that satisfy a growing need in the GIS, professional surveyor, machine control, and Big Data communities while continuing to embrace the earth center fixed coordinate system as the fundamental point of origin of one, two, and three-dimensional data sets. Ideal for both beginner and advanced levels, this book also provides guidance and insight on how to link to the data collected and stored in legacy systems.

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