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Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations

by Bin Wang Xiong You Xinyuan Wu

Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations describes a large number of highly effective and efficient structure-preserving algorithms for second-order oscillatory differential equations by using theoretical analysis and numerical validation. Structure-preserving algorithms for differential equations, especially for oscillatory differential equations, play an important role in the accurate simulation of oscillatory problems in applied sciences and engineering. The book discusses novel advances in the ARKN, ERKN, two-step ERKN, Falkner-type and energy-preserving methods, etc. for oscillatory differential equations. The work is intended for scientists, engineers, teachers and students who are interested in structure-preserving algorithms for differential equations. Xinyuan Wu is a professor at Nanjing University; Xiong You is an associate professor at Nanjing Agricultural University; Bin Wang is a joint Ph.D student of Nanjing University and University of Cambridge.


by Sonja Monika Quirmbach

Die Optimierung der Usability und User Experience einer Suchmaschine ist Basis für die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Websites. In dem Buch wird gezeigt, welche Methoden eingesetzt werden, um den Suchprozess zu optimieren, wo typische Probleme auftreten und wie sich diese auf die User Experience auswirken. Das Buch leistet Hilfestellung bei Live-Tests mit verschiedenen Versionen, bei der wirtschaftlichen Betrachtung und der Erstellung von Reports mit Web Analytics. Best-Practice-Beispiele helfen sowohl Einsteigern als auch Experten bei der Umsetzung.

Surface- and Groundwater Quality Changes in Periods of Water Scarcity

by Miloš Gregor

This thesis deals with the evaluation of surface and groundwater quality changes in the periods of water scarcity in river catchment areas. The work can be divided into six parts. Existing methods of drought assessment are discussed in the first part, followed by the brief description of the software package HydroOffice, designed by the author. The software is dedicated to analysis of hydrological data (separation of baseflow, parameters of hydrological drought estimation, recession curves analysis, time series analysis). The capabilities of the software are currently used by scientist from more than 30 countries around the world. The third section is devoted to a comprehensive regional assessment of hydrological drought on Slovak rivers, followed by evaluation of the occurrence, course and character of drought in precipitation, discharges, base flow, groundwater head and spring yields in the pilot area of the Nitra River basin. The fifth part is focused on the assessment of changes in surface and groundwater quality during the drought periods within the pilot area. Finally, the results are summarized and interpreted, and rounded off with an outlook to future research.

Sustained Simulation Performance 2012

by Erich Focht Hiroaki Kobayashi Michael M. Resch Wolfgang Bez Xin Wang

The book presents the state of the art in high performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general and specifically the future of high performance systems and heterogeneous architectures. The application contributions cover computational fluid dynamics, material science, medical applications and climate research. Innovative fields like coupled multi-physics or multi-scale simulations are presented. All papers were chosen from presentations given at the 14th Teraflop Workshop held in December 2011 at HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany and the Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance at Tohoku University in March 2012.

Systemanalyse kompakt

by Sophist Gmbh Chris Rupp

Systemanalyse kompakt zeigt Ihnen die Schwerpunkte der Anforderungsanalyse im Rahmen der Software- und Systemanalyse auf. Die Anforderungsanalyse bildet das Fundament eines jeden Systementwicklungsprojektes und entscheidet daher maßgeblich über Erfolg oder Misserfolg Ihres Projektes. Gerade in der Analysephase eröffnet sich Ihnen das Potenzial zur effizienten und zielorientierten Beeinflussung der Systementwicklung: Erstellen Sie eine vollständige und eindeutige Anforderungsdefinition, bei der Aufwand und Ergebnis in optimalem Verhältnis zueinander stehen. Dabei hilft Ihnen Systemanalyse kompakt. Das Buch bringt die Haupttätigkeiten der Systemanalyse auf den Punkt. Dabei vermittelt es mit den vom International Requirements Engineering Board festgelegten Begriffen, Definitionen und Zusammenhängen neben grundlegenden organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen zahlreiche pragmatische Ansätze, wie Sie das grundlegend notwendige Wissen - umfassend ermitteln, - verständlich dokumentieren, - effektiv verwalten - und angemessen prüfen. Lösungsvorschläge zu konkreten Problemen der Systementwicklung und praxiserprobte Tipps unterstützen Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Arbeit. So können Sie dafür sorgen, dass die Anforderungen an ein System von allen Projektbeteiligten verstanden und verwirklicht werden können.

Systems and Software Variability Management

by Jan Bosch Rafael Capilla Kyo-Chul Kang

The success of product line engineering techniques in the last 15 years has popularized the use of software variability as a key modeling approach for describing the commonality and variability of systems at all stages of the software lifecycle. Software product lines enable a family of products to share a common core platform, while allowing for product specific functionality being built on top of the platform. Many companies have exploited the concept of software product lines to increase the resources that focus on highly differentiating functionality and thus improve their competitiveness with higher quality and reusable products and decreasing the time-to-market condition. Many books on product line engineering either introduce specific product line techniques or include brief summaries of industrial cases. From these sources, it is difficult to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various dimensions and aspects of software variability. Here the editors address this gap by providing a comprehensive reference on the notion of variability modeling in the context of software product line engineering, presenting an overview of the techniques proposed for variability modeling and giving a detailed perspective on software variability management. Their book is organized in four main parts, which guide the reader through the various aspects and dimensions of software variability. Part 1 which is mostly written by the editors themselves introduces the major topics related to software variability modeling, thus providing a multi-faceted view of both technological and management issues. Next, part 2 of the book comprises four separate chapters dedicated to research and commercial tools. Part 3 then continues with the most practical viewpoint of the book presenting three different industry cases on how variability is managed in real industry projects. Finally, part 4 concludes the book and encompasses six different chapters on emerging research topics in software variability like e.g. service-oriented or dynamic software product lines, or variability and aspect orientation. Each chapter briefly summarizes "What you will learn in this chapter", so both expert and novice readers can easily locate the topics dealt with. Overall, the book captures the current state of the art and best practices, and indicates important open research challenges as well as possible pitfalls. Thus it serves as a reference for researchers and practitioners in software variability management, allowing them to develop the next set of solutions, techniques and methods in this complicated and yet fascinating field of software engineering.

Techniques and Tools for Designing an Online Social Network Platform

by Panagiotis Karampelas

Following the introduction of Myspace, Linkedin and Facebook, social networks have become part of people's everyday life. New online social networks appear almost daily developed to attract the attention of Internet users. However, design and implementation standards and guidelines are often sacrificed for innovation resulting in unusable social networking platforms destined to be doomed. Within this context, the present book recommends a design and implementation methodology which will allow future social networking platform designers and developers to work in a scientifically systematic and sound manner to reach their goal. The journey begins with the identification of the pursued objective of the social network and the potential participants. The presentation of various methods and techniques to collect the requirements of the intended user group of the social networking platform follows. Best practices, guidelines and standards that will facilitate the conceptual and physical design of the platform are portrayed. An analysis of advantages and limitations for existing implementation platforms and potential implementation techniques is subsequently offered to facilitate the selection of the most appropriate tool for the implementation of the online social networking website. Various representative visualization techniques are examined in order to enhance the visual representation of the social network participants. Various usability evaluation techniques are then presented to aid in the assessment of usability and improvement of the actual user experience. Finally, future trends in the design and use of social networks are presented.

Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk

by Ofra Korat Adina Shamir

Presenting cutting-edge studies from various countries into the theoretical and practical issues surrounding the literacy acquisition of at-risk children, this volume focuses specifically on the utility of technology in supporting and advancing literacy among the relevant populations. These include a range of at-risk groups such as those with learning disabilities, low socioeconomic status, and minority ethnicity. Arguing that literacy is a key requirement for integration into any modern society, the book outlines new ways in which educators and researchers can overcome the difficulties faced by children in these at-risk groups. It also reflects the rapid development of technology in this field, which in turn necessitates the accumulation of fresh research evidence.

Theory of Digital Automata

by Oleksandr Petrov Mykola Karpinskyy Bohdan Borowik Valery Lahno

This book serves a dual purpose: firstly to combine the treatment of circuits and digital electronics, and secondly, to establish a strong connection with the contemporary world of digital systems. The need for this approach arises from the observation that introducing digital electronics through a course in traditional circuit analysis is fast becoming obsolete. Our world has gone digital. Automata theory helps with the design of digital circuits such as parts of computers, telephone systems and control systems. A complete perspective is emphasized, because even the most elegant computer architecture will not function without adequate supporting circuits. The focus is on explaining the real-world implementation of complete digital systems. In doing so, the reader is prepared to immediately begin design and implementation work. This work serves as a bridge to take readers from the theoretical world to the everyday design world where solutions must be complete to be successful.

Thermodynamics of Information Processing in Small Systems

by Takahiro Sagawa

This thesis presents a general theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for information processing. Ever since Maxwell's demon was proposed in the nineteenth century, the relationship between thermodynamics and information has attracted much attention because it concerns the foundation of the second law of thermodynamics. From the modern point of view, Maxwell's demon is formulated as an information processing device that performs measurement and feedback at the level of thermal fluctuations. By unifying information theory, measurement theory, and the recently developed theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, the author has constructed a theory of "information thermodynamics," in which information contents and thermodynamic variables are treated on an equal footing. In particular, the maximum work that can be extracted by the demon and the minimum work that is needed for measurement and information erasure by the demon has been determined. Additionally, generalizations of nonequilibrium relations such as a Jarzynski equality for classical stochastic systems in the presence of feedback control have been derived. One of the generalized equalities has recently been verified experimentally by using sub-micron colloidal particles. The results obtained serve as fundamental principles for information processing in small thermodynamic systems, and are applicable to nanomachines and nanodevices.

Time-Domain Finite Element Methods for Maxwell's Equations in Metamaterials

by Jichun Li Yunqing Huang

The purpose of this book is to provide an up-to-date introduction to the time-domain finite element methods for Maxwell's equations involving metamaterials. Since the first successful construction of a metamaterial with both negative permittivity and permeability in 2000, the study of metamaterials has attracted significant attention from researchers across many disciplines. Thanks to enormous efforts on the part of engineers and physicists, metamaterials present great potential applications in antenna and radar design, sub-wavelength imaging, and invisibility cloak design. Hence the efficient simulation of electromagnetic phenomena in metamaterials has become a very important issue and is the subject of this book, in which various metamaterial modeling equations are introduced and justified mathematically. The development and practical implementation of edge finite element methods for metamaterial Maxwell's equations are the main focus of the book. The book finishes with some interesting simulations such as backward wave propagation and time-domain cloaking with metamaterials.

TOF Range-Imaging Cameras

by David Stoppa Fabio Remondino

Today the cost of solid-state two-dimensional imagers has dramatically dropped, introducing low cost systems on the market suitable for a variety of applications, including both industrial and consumer products. However, these systems can capture only a two-dimensional projection (2D), or intensity map, of the scene under observation, losing a variable of paramount importance, i.e., the arrival time of the impinging photons. Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Range-Imaging (TOF) is an emerging sensor technology able to deliver, at the same time, depth and intensity maps of the scene under observation. Featuring different sensor resolutions, RIM cameras serve a wide community with a lot of applications like monitoring, architecture, life sciences, robotics, etc. This book will bring together experts from the sensor and metrology side in order to collect the state-of-art researchers in these fields working with RIM cameras. All the aspects in the acquisition and processing chain will be addressed, from recent updates concerning the photo-detectors, to the analysis of the calibration techniques, giving also a perspective onto new applications domains.

Tools for High Performance Computing 2012

by Michael M. Resch Alexey Cheptsov Steffen Brinkmann José Gracia Wolfgang E. Nagel

The latest advances in the High Performance Computing hardware have significantly raised the level of available compute performance. At the same time, the growing hardware capabilities of modern supercomputing architectures have caused an increasing complexity of the parallel application development. Despite numerous efforts to improve and simplify parallel programming, there is still a lot of manual debugging and tuning work required. This process is supported by special software tools, facilitating debugging, performance analysis, and optimization and thus making a major contribution to the development of robust and efficient parallel software. This book introduces a selection of the tools, which were presented and discussed at the 6th International Parallel Tools Workshop, held in Stuttgart, Germany, 25-26 September 2012.

Topics in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision

by Joao Manuel Tavares Renato M. Natal Jorge

The sixteen chapters included in this book were written by invited experts of international recognition and address important issues in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision, including: Object Recognition, Object Detection, Object Tracking, Pose Estimation, Facial Expression Recognition, Image Retrieval, Data Mining, Automatic Video Understanding and Management, Edges Detection, Image Segmentation, Modelling and Simulation, Medical thermography, Database Systems, Synthetic Aperture Radar and Satellite Imagery. Different applications are addressed and described throughout the book, comprising: Object Recognition and Tracking, Facial Expression Recognition, Image Database, Plant Disease Classification, Video Understanding and Management, Image Processing, Image Segmentation, Bio-structure Modelling and Simulation, Medical Imaging, Image Classification, Medical Diagnosis, Urban Areas Classification, Land Map Generation. The book brings together the current state-of-the-art in the various multi-disciplinary solutions for Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision, including research, techniques, applications and new trends contributing to the development of the related areas.

Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces

by Brendan Z. Allison Robert Leeb Anton Nijholt Stephen Dunne José Del R. Millán

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are devices that enable people to communicate via thought alone. Brain signals can be directly translated into messages or commands. Until recently, these devices were used primarily to help people who could not move. However, BCIs are now becoming practical tools for a wide variety of people, in many different situations. What will BCIs in the future be like? Who will use them, and why? This book, written by many of the top BCI researchers and developers, reviews the latest progress in the different components of BCIs. Chapters also discuss practical issues in an emerging BCI enabled community. The book is intended both for professionals and for interested laypeople who are not experts in BCI research.

Trace-Based Post-Silicon Validation for VLSI Circuits

by Xiao Liu Qiang Xu

This book first provides a comprehensive coverage of state-of-the-art validation solutions based on real-time signal tracing to guarantee the correctness of VLSI circuits. The authors discuss several key challenges in post-silicon validation and provide automated solutions that are systematic and cost-effective. A series of automatic tracing solutions and innovative design for debug (DfD) techniques are described, including techniques for trace signal selection for enhancing visibility of functional errors, a multiplexed signal tracing strategy for improving functional error detection, a tracing solution for debugging electrical errors, an interconnection fabric for increasing data bandwidth and supporting multi-core debug, an interconnection fabric design and optimization technique to increase transfer flexibility and a DfD design and associated tracing solution for improving debug efficiency and expanding tracing window. The solutions presented in this book improve the validation quality of VLSI circuits, and ultimately enable the design and fabrication of reliable electronic devices.

Transportation and Information

by D. Glenn Geers Piyushimita Vonu Thakuriah

Transformations in wireless connectivity and location-aware technologies hold the promise of bringing a sea-change in the way transportation information is generated and used in the future. Sensors in the transportation system, when integrated with those in other sectors (for example, energy, utility and health) have the potential to foster novel new ways of improving livability and sustainability. The end-result of these developments has been somewhat contradictory. Although automation in the transportation environment has become increasingly widespread, the level of involvement and active participation by people, in terms of co-creation and contribution of information, has also increased. As a result, the following two major trends have been observed: (1) increases in Machine-to- Machine (M2M) communications; and (2) increases in the variety and volume of User-Generated Content. In this transportation paradigm, the pervasive use of Information and Communication Technologies will serve as the foundation for mobility intelligence towards an "ubiquitous information-centered mobility environment". However, many technical and operational questions, as well as social, management and legal challenges present themselves in the transformation to this vision. The book presents a non-technical review of research and initiatives and a discussion of such opportunities and challenges.


by Rafael G. Sotelo Bovino Alberto Gil Solla

Television is a mature mass media with close to eight decades of regular broadcasts since its beginnings in Germany, the UK and the USA. Today, despite the spectacular growth of the Internet and social networks, television is still the leading medium for entertainment and information across the world, exerting an unparalleled influence on public opinion. Until recently television had undergone a rather slow evolution regarding the interaction with its users, yet this is beginning to change. The ongoing trend of digitalization has accelerated the process, and the computational capacity of televisions and set-top boxes has increased the possibilities of communication and implementation of services. This book provides the first descriptive and structured presentation of the TV-Anytime norm, which will standardize information formats and communication protocols to create a framework for the development of novel and intelligent services in the audiovisual market. The standard, the dissemination of which has been entrusted to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, ensures manufacturers and service providers that their products will be presented to the widest possible market, without fear of being constrained by the wars of interest typical for emerging technologies. The individual chapters provide detailed descriptions of the new standard's most important capabilities and contributions, including metadata management, customization and personalization processes, uni- and bidirectional data transfer, and remote receiver programming. Overall, the authors deliver a solid introduction to the standard. To ensure a better understanding of concepts and tools, they present a wide range of simple examples illustrating many different usage scenarios that can be found when describing users, equipment and content. This presentation style mainly targets professionals in the television and broadcasting industry who are interested in acquainting themselves with the standard and the possibilities it offers.

Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications

by Doo-Soon Park Sang-Soo Yeo Weijia Jia Youn-Hee Han

Recent advances in electronic and computer technologies have paved the way for the proliferation of ubiquitous computing and innovative applications that incorporate these technologies. This proceedings book describes these new and innovative technologies, and covers topics like Ubiquitous Communication and Networks, Security Systems, Smart Devices and Applications, Cloud and Grid Systems, Service-oriented and Web Service Computing, Embedded Hardware and Image Processing and Multimedia.

Übungsbuch Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

by Tilo Wendler Ulrike Tippe

Dieses Übungsbuch bietet eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Übungsaufgaben zur Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Beginnend von den Grundlagen der Mathematik bis hin zu komplexeren Anwendungen werden zahlreiche Aspekte adressiert. Die Lösungen zu jeder Aufgabe sind im Buch enthalten. Zusätzlich werden PDF-, Maple- und Microsoft Excel-Dateien bereitgestellt. Für die intensive Diskussion von Fragen und Anregungen steht unter "" ein Diskussionforum zur Verfügung.

Ultrasonic Fluid Quantity Measurement in Dynamic Vehicular Applications

by Muhammad Alamgir Edin Terzic Romesh Nagarajah Jenny Terzic

Accurate fluid level measurement in dynamic environments can be assessed using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) approach. SVM is a supervised learning model that analyzes and recognizes patterns. It is a signal classification technique which has far greater accuracy than conventional signal averaging methods. Ultrasonic Fluid Quantity Measurement in Dynamic Vehicular Applications: A Support Vector Machine Approach describes the research and development of a fluid level measurement system for dynamic environments. The measurement system is based on a single ultrasonic sensor. A Support Vector Machines (SVM) based signal characterization and processing system has been developed to compensate for the effects of slosh and temperature variation in fluid level measurement systems used in dynamic environments including automotive applications. It has been demonstrated that a simple ν-SVM model with Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel with the inclusion of a Moving Median filter could be used to achieve the high levels of accuracy required for fluid level measurement in dynamic environments. Aimed toward graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and engineers studying applications of artificial intelligence, readers will learn about a measurement system that is based on a single ultrasonic sensor which can achieve the high levels of accuracy required for fluid level measurement in dynamic environments.

Unsupervised Classification

by Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay Sriparna Saha

Clustering is an important unsupervised classification technique where data points are grouped such that points that are similar in some sense belong to the same cluster. Cluster analysis is a complex problem as a variety of similarity and dissimilarity measures exist in the literature. This is the first book focused on clustering with a particular emphasis on symmetry-based measures of similarity and metaheuristic approaches. The aim is to find a suitable grouping of the input data set so that some criteria are optimized, and using this the authors frame the clustering problem as an optimization one where the objectives to be optimized may represent different characteristics such as compactness, symmetrical compactness, separation between clusters, or connectivity within a cluster. They explain the techniques in detail and outline many detailed applications in data mining, remote sensing and brain imaging, gene expression data analysis, and face detection. The book will be useful to graduate students and researchers in computer science, electrical engineering, system science, and information technology, both as a text and as a reference book. It will also be useful to researchers and practitioners in industry working on pattern recognition, data mining, soft computing, metaheuristics, bioinformatics, remote sensing, and brain imaging.

Unsupervised Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis with Machine Learning Methods

by Chris Aldrich Lidia Auret

This unique text/reference describes in detail the latest advances in unsupervised process monitoring and fault diagnosis with machine learning methods. Abundant case studies throughout the text demonstrate the efficacy of each method in real-world settings. The broad coverage examines such cutting-edge topics as the use of information theory to enhance unsupervised learning in tree-based methods, the extension of kernel methods to multiple kernel learning for feature extraction from data, and the incremental training of multilayer perceptrons to construct deep architectures for enhanced data projections. Topics and features: discusses machine learning frameworks based on artificial neural networks, statistical learning theory and kernel-based methods, and tree-based methods; examines the application of machine learning to steady state and dynamic operations, with a focus on unsupervised learning; describes the use of spectral methods in process fault diagnosis.

Usability Engineering kompakt

by Markus D. Flückiger Michael Richter

Usability Engineering spielt überall dort eine Rolle, wo Benutzer mit technischen Systemen zu tun haben. Welche Faktoren bestimmen, ob wir mit einem Produkt sehr einfach, nur schwer oder gar nicht zum Ziel kommen? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich, diese Faktoren in der Entwicklung systematisch in den Griff zu bekommen? Dieses Buch vermittelt einen leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Praxis und bietet Ihnen das Wichtigste übersichtlich zum Nachschlagen: Die wichtigsten MethodenUmsetzung im EntwicklungsprozessUsability und Requirements EngineeringStrategie im UnternehmenPlanung, Durchführung und KontrolleChecklisten, Praxisbeispiele, DenkanstößeFallstudien aus durchgeführten Projekten Die dritte Auflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet und um die Themen Agile Software-Entwicklung und Mobile User Experience erweitert.

Using Event-B for Critical Device Software Systems

by Neeraj Kumar Singh

Defining a new development life-cycle methodology, together with a set of associated techniques and tools to develop highly critical systems using formal techniques, this book adopts a rigorous safety assessment approach explored via several layers (from requirements analysis to automatic source code generation). This is assessed and evaluated via a standard case study: the cardiac pacemaker. Additionally a formalisation of an Electrocardiogram (ECG) is used to identify anomalies in order to improve existing medical protocols. This allows the key issue - that formal methods are not currently integrated into established critical systems development processes - to be discussed in a highly effective and informative way. Using Event-B for Critical Device Software Systems serves as a valuable resource for researchers and students of formal methods. The assessment of critical systems development is applicable to all industries, but engineers and physicians from the health domain will find the cardiac pacemaker case study of particular value.

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