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Showing 11,526 through 11,550 of 53,804 results

Business Intelligence with MicroStrategy Cookbook

by Davide Moraschi

Written in a cookbook style, this book will teach you through the use of recipes with examples and illustrations. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions about everything necessary to execute a particular task.This book is intended for both BI and database developers who want to expand their knowledge of MicroStrategy. It is also useful for advanced data analysts who are evaluating different technologies. You do not need to be an SQL master to read this book, yet knowledge of some concepts like foreign keys and many-to-many relationships is assumed. Some knowledge of basic concepts such as dimensional modeling (fact tables, dimensions) will also help your comprehension of this book. No previous MicroStrategy knowledge is needed.

Business Leadership for IT Projects

by Gary Lloyd

The track record of IT projects is poor. Less than a third of IT projects deliver what they said they would, on schedule and on budget. The major cause of IT project failure is not, as you might expect, poor IT leadership or difficult technology but poor business leadership. One of the reasons for this is that, unlike their IT peers, business managers often get little training or education in project delivery, let alone the special case represented by an IT project. Business Leadership for IT Projects addresses the gap by providing tools and ideas that are applicable to all sizes of IT projects, from those in large multinational corporations, down to small growing businesses. It sets out the key project touchpoints where business leadership can have a major impact on project success. The book combines psychological research and project best practice to create a practical toolbox that can be dipped into, as needs arise, or followed as an overall approach to IT project leadership. The toolbox weaves together three key strands of thought. First, that the concept of value should be at the forefront of project design and delivery. Second, that business managers need to take active leadership of IT projects to secure value. Third, that project teams need tools to slow down their thinking and ensure that actions and decisions are well thought through.

Business Modelling in the Dynamic Digital Space: An Ecosystem Approach (SpringerBriefs in Digital Spaces)

by Francis Pereira Omar A El Sawy

This Springer Briefs volume guides the reader in a comprehensive form to design new digital business models. The book provides strategic roadmaps for enterprises in the digital world, and a comprehensive framework to assess new business models. It aligns both, research and a practical perspective through real case study examples. Even extreme scenarios are employed to ensure that innovative approaches are being considered adequately.

Business Models for the Data Economy

by Q. Ethan Mccallum Ken Gleason

You're sitting on a pile of interesting data. How do you transform that into money? It's easy to focus on the contents of the data itself, and to succumb to the (rather unimaginative) idea of simply collecting and reselling it in raw form. While that's certainly profitable right now, you'd do well to explore other opportunities if you expect to be in the data business long-term. In this paper, we'll share a framework we developed around monetizing data. We'll show you how to think beyond pure collection and storage, to move up the value chain and consider longer-term opportunities.

The Business of Android Apps Development: Making and Marketing Apps that Succeed on Google Play, Amazon Appstore and More

by Mark Rollins Roy Sandberg

The growing but still evolving success of the Android platform has ushered in a second mobile technology "gold rush" for app developers. Google Play and Amazon Appstore for Android apps has become the second go-to apps eco for today's app developers. While not yet as large in terms of number of apps as iTunes, Google Play and Amazon Appstore have so many apps that it has become increasingly difficult for new apps to stand out in the crowd. Achieving consumer awareness and sales longevity for your Android app requires a lot of organization and some strategic planning. Written for today's Android apps developer or apps development shop, this new and improved book from Apress, The Business of Android Apps Development, Second Edition, tells you today's story on how to make money on Android apps. This book shows you how to take your app from idea to design to development to distribution and marketing your app on Google Play or Amazon Appstore. This book takes you step-by-step through cost-effective marketing, public relations and sales techniques that have proven successful for professional Android app creators and indie shops-perfect for independent developers on shoestring budgets. It even shows you how to get interest from venture capitalists and how they view a successful app vs. the majority of so-so to unsuccessful apps in Android. No prior business knowledge is required. This is the book you wish you had read before you launched your first app!

Business Process Management: 14th International Conference, BPM 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 18-22, 2016. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9850)

by Oscar Pastor Marcello La Rosa Peter Loos

Business Process Management (BPM) is the art and science of how work should be performed in an organization in order to ensure consistent outputs and to take advantage of improvement opportunities, e. g. reducing costs, execution times or error rates. Importantly, BPM is not about improving the way individual activities are performed, but rather about managing entire chains of events, activities and decisions that ultimately produce added value for an organization and its customers. This textbook encompasses the entire BPM lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach. The presentation is illustrated using the BPMN industry standard defined by the Object Management Group and widely endorsed by practitioners and vendors worldwide In addition to explaining the relevant conceptual background, the book provides dozens of examples, more than 100 hands-on exercises - many with solutions - as well as numerous suggestions for further reading. The textbook is the result of many years of combined teaching experience of the authors, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as in the context of professional training. Students and professionals from both business management and computer science will benefit from the step-by-step style of the textbook and its focus on fundamental concepts and proven methods. Lecturers will appreciate the class-tested format and the additional teaching material available on the accompanying website fundamentals-of-bpm. org.

Business Process Reengineering: Automation Decision Points in Process Reengineering (Management for Professionals)

by Sanjay Mohapatra

Business process reengineering (BPR) focuses on redesigning the strategic and value-added processes which transcend the organizational boundaries. It is a cross-functional approach that requires support from almost all the departments of the organization. Business Process Reengineering: Automation Decision Points in Process Reengineering offers a new framework based process reengineering and links it to organization life cycle, process life cycle, and process management. This volume describes the fundamental concepts behind business process reengineering and examines them through case studies, and should appeal to researchers and academics interested in business process reengineering, operations strategy, and organizational restructuring and design.

C# 5.0 All-in-One For Dummies

by Bill Sempf Chuck Sphar Stephen R. Davis

800+ pages of top-notch coverage; perfect for learning the fundamentals of C#! C# is a complex programming language for building .NET-connected software for Microsoft Windows, cloud computing, the Web, and a wide range of devices. Today's developers use it to develop Azure and Windows Phone apps, and Android applications using Mono. Novice programmers can get up and running quickly on C# using this practical guide. Crammed with 800+ pages of information, this all-in-one book helps you quickly create a C# program while learning C# and object-oriented programming fundamentals, Windows and Windows phone programming, and more. Helps novice programmers learn C# programming and create their first C# program Explains how to create Windows applications with C# and Visual Studio Delves into Windows Phone programming, as well as object-oriented programming basics Covers debugging, errors, comparisons with C++ and Java, classes and arrays, variables, and more Includes access to a companion website with sample code and bonus materials Everything you need to make the move to C# programming is right here, in C# 5.0 All-in-One For Dummies.

C# 5.0. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Wydanie III

by Joseph Albahari Ben Albahari

Kompendium C# zawsze pod r?k?!C# to obiektowy j?zyk programowania przeznaczony do tworzenia rozwi?za? dla platformy .NET. Dzi?ki licznym zaletom zdoby? ogromn? popularno?? w?ród programistów i jest jednym z wiod?cych j?zyków programowania. W jego kolejnej wersji, 5.0, wprowadzono usprawnienia, dzi?ki którym ?ycie programistów sta?o si? ?atwiejsze. Ten podr?czny leksykon pozwoli Ci b?yskawicznie pozna? j?zyk C# oraz nowo?ci wprowadzone w wersji 5.W trakcie lektury poznasz podstawy j?zyka C#, jego sk?adni?, sposób deklarowania zmiennych i tworzenia funkcji. Nauczysz si? operowa? na typach liczbowych, tworzy? p?tle, instrukcje warunkowe oraz przestrzenie nazw. Ponadto wkroczysz w ?wiat programowania obiektowego, zaznajamiaj?c si? z dziedziczeniem, polimorfizmem i interfejsami. Kolejne strony to coraz bardziej zaawansowana wiedza na temat j?zyka LINQ, wi?za? dynamicznych (nowo?? w C# 5.0) i funkcji asynchronicznych. Ten leksykon to pozycja obowi?zkowa dla ka?dego programisty. Sprawdzi si? równie? w r?kach pocz?tkuj?cych programistów jako b?yskawiczny przewodnik po konstrukcjach j?zyka C#. Warto mie? t? ksi??k?!Poznaj:nowo?ci w C# 5.0mo?liwo?ci LINQzasady programowania obiektowegoB?d? na bie??co z nowymi mo?liwo?ciami C# 5.0!

C# 5.0. Programowanie. Tworzenie aplikacji Windows 8, internetowych oraz biurowych w .NET 4.5 Framework

by Ian Griffiths

Najlepszy podr?cznik po?wi?cony C#! W dzisiejszych czasach szczególn? popularno?ci? ciesz? si? j?zyki programowania pozwalaj?ce na pisanie kodu ?atwego do przenoszenia mi?dzy platformami. Nikt nie ma czasu na pisanie kilku wersji jednej aplikacji. C# to uniwersalny j?zyk, w którym bez trudu dokonasz tego dzie?a. Dzi?ki swej elastyczno?ci, wydajno?ci oraz mocnemu wsparciu spo?eczno?ci zdoby? on uznanie programistów. Taki wybór to strza? w dziesi?tk?!Ten rewelacyjny podr?cznik jest Twoim kluczem do poznania wszystkich niuansów j?zyka C# 5.0. Kolejne wydanie zosta?o zaktualizowane o wszystkie nowo?ci w C#. Znajdziesz tu kompletny opis j?zyka i platformy .NET. W trakcie lektury oprócz standardowych zagadnie? b?dziesz móg? sprawdzi?, jak tworzy? aplikacje dla systemu Windows 8 i interfejsu Metro. Ponadto b?yskawicznie opanujesz detale zwi?zane z programowaniem obiektowym, dynamicznym i statycznym okre?laniem typów oraz j?zykiem XAML. Ksi??ka ta jest uznanym kompendium wiedzy na temat j?zyka C#. Musisz j? mie?!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce:przygotujesz interfejs u?ytkownika zgodny z duchem Windows 8wykorzystasz wielow?tkowo?? w platformie .NETpoznasz podstawy programowania obiektowegoprzekonasz si?, jak LINQ mo?e u?atwi? Ci ?ycieopanujesz j?zyk C#Wykorzystaj potencja? j?zyka C#! Ian Griffiths jest autorem kursu WPF oraz instruktorem w firmie Pluralsight, specjalizuj?cej si? w prowadzeniu kursów Microsoft .NET. Pracuje tak?e jako niezale?ny konsultant. Jest wspó?autorem ksi??ek „Windows Forms in a Nutshell”, „Mastering Visual Studio .NET” oraz „Programming WPF”, wydanych przez wydawnictwo O’Reilly.

C++ Application Development with Code::Blocks

by Biplab Kumar Modak

This is a comprehensive tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to develop applications with Code::Blocks.This book is for C++ developers who wish to use Code::Blocks to create applications with a consistent look and feel across multiple platforms. This book assumes that you are familiar with the basics of the C++ programming language.

C++ for Engineers and Scientists

by Gary J. Bronson

Introduce the power and practicality of C++ programming to entry-level engineers with Bronson's C++ FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS, 4E. This proven, pragmatic text is designed specifically for today's first- and second-year engineering and science students with a wealth of new applications and examples taken from real situations involving electrical and structural engineering, fluid mechanics, mathematics, power generation, and heat transfer challenges. The book starts with a solid foundation in procedural programming before moving into a reorganized, clear presentation of object-oriented concepts. Dynamic case studies, career spotlights and engineering-driven applications showcase the relevance of concepts students are learning to their careers. Helpful tips demonstrate how to avoid common C++ programming errors, while updates ensure that students are learning the most recent C++ code standards.

C++ Primer

by Stanley B. Lippman Josée Lajoie Barbara E. Moo

Fully updated and recast for the newly released C++11 standard, this authoritative and comprehensive introduction to C++ will help you to learn the language fast, and to use it in modern, highly effective ways. Highlighting today’s best practices, the authors show how to use both the core language and its standard library to write efficient, readable, and powerful code. C++ Primer, Fifth Edition, introduces the C++ standard library from the outset, drawing on its common functions and facilities to help you write useful programs without first having to master every language detail. The book’s many examples have been revised to use the new language features and demonstrate how to make the best use of them. This book is a proven tutorial for those new to C++, an authoritative discussion of core C++ concepts and techniques, and a valuable resource for experienced programmers, especially those eager to see C++11 enhancements illuminated. Start Fast and Achieve More Learn how to use the new C++11 language features and the standard library to build robust programs quickly, and get comfortable with high-level programming Learn through examples that illuminate today’s best coding styles and program design techniques Understand the “rationale behind the rules”: why C++11 works as it does Use the extensive crossreferences to help you connect related concepts and insights Benefit from up-to-date learning aids and exercises that emphasize key points, help you to avoid pitfalls, promote good practices, and reinforce what you’ve learned

C Programming for Arduino

by Julien Bayle

Written as a practical Packt book brimming with engaging examples, C Programming for Arduino will help those new to the amazing open source electronic platform so that they can start developing some great projects from the very start.This book is great for people who want to learn how to design & build their own electronic devices. From interaction design art school students to the do-it-yourself hobbyist, or even simply people who want to learn electronics, this book will help by adding a new way to design autonomous but connected devices.

C++ Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide To The Language, Apis And Library

by Mikael Olsson

The C++ Quick Syntax Reference is a condensed code and syntax reference to the C++ programming language. It presents the essential C++ syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any C++ programmer. In the C++ Quick Syntax Reference, you will find: A concise reference to the C++ language syntax. Short, simple, and focused code examples. A well laid out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing easy review. What you’ll learn How to create a C++ HelloWorld How to Compile and Run What are C++ Variables, Operators, Pointers and References What are Arrays, Strings, Conditionals, Loops and more How to do Functions How to work with Constructors, Inheritance, Overridings How to use Access Levels, Static, Enum, String and Union, and more What are Custom Conversions, Namespaces, Constants, and Preprocessor How to do Event Handling What are Type Conversions, Templates, Headers, and more Who this book is for This book is a quick, handy pocket syntax reference for experienced C++ programmers, and a concise, easily-digested introduction for other programmers new to C++.

C# Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide To The Language, Apis And Library

by Mikael Olsson

The C# Quick Syntax Reference is a condensed code and syntax reference to the C# programming language. It presents the essential C# syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any C# programmer. In the C# Quick Syntax Reference, you will find: · A concise reference to the C# language syntax. · Short, simple and focused code examples. · A well laid out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing easy review. What you’ll learn How to write your first C#-based HelloWorld as well as compile and run What are variables, operators, strings, arrays, conditionals, loops, methods What are and how to use the rich set of Classes in C# How to do inheritance, member redefinitions, access levels, statics, properties and more How to work with indexers, interfaces, abstracts, namespaces, and more How to use enums, exception handling, operator overloading, custom conversions, constants What are and how to use preprocessor, delegates, events, generics and struct Who this book is for This book is a handy, pocket quick syntax reference for experienced C# as well as perhaps other programmers even new to C#.

Calculus for Computer Graphics

by John Vince

Students studying computer animation and computer games have to be familiar with geometry, matrices, vectors, rotation transforms, quaternions, curves and surfaces, and as computer graphics software becomes increasingly sophisticated, calculus is also being used to resolve its associated problems. The author draws upon his experience in teaching mathematics to undergraduates to make calculus appear no more challenging than any other branch of mathematics. He introduces the subject by examining how functions depend upon their independent variables, and then derives the appropriate mathematical underpinning and definitions. This gives rise to a function's derivative and its antiderivative, or integral. Using the idea of limits, the reader is introduced to derivatives and integrals of many common functions. Other chapters address higher-order derivatives, partial derivatives, Jacobians, vector-based functions, single, double and triple integrals, with numerous worked examples, and over a hundred illustrations. Calculus for Computer Graphics complements the author's other books on mathematics for computer graphics, and assumes that the reader is familiar with everyday algebra, trigonometry, vectors and determinants. After studying this book, the reader should understand calculus and its application within the world of computer games and animation.

Calculus for Computer Graphics

by John Vince

Students studying different branches of computer graphics have to be familiar with geometry, matrices, vectors, rotation transforms, quaternions, curves and surfaces and as computer graphics software becomes increasingly sophisticated, calculus is also being used to resolve its associated problems. <P><P> In this 2nd edition, the author extends the scope of the original book to include applications of calculus in the areas of arc-length parameterisation of curves, geometric continuity, tangent and normal vectors, and curvature. The author draws upon his experience in teaching mathematics to undergraduates to make calculus appear no more challenging than any other branch of mathematics. He introduces the subject by examining how functions depend upon their independent variables, and then derives the appropriate mathematical underpinning and definitions. This gives rise to a function’s derivative and its antiderivative, or integral. Using the idea of limits, the reader is introduced to derivatives and integrals of many common functions. Other chapters address higher-order derivatives, partial derivatives, Jacobians, vector-based functions, single, double and triple integrals, with numerous worked examples, and over a hundred and seventy colour illustrations. <P><P> This book complements the author’s other books on mathematics for computer graphics, and assumes that the reader is familiar with everyday algebra, trigonometry, vectors and determinants. After studying this book, the reader should understand calculus and its application within the world of computer graphics, games and animation.

Cambridge Marketing Handbook: Digital

by Terry Nicklin Neil Wilkins Robert Hardy Karl Meyer

In today's electronic age no organisation can afford to ignore digital marketing. Understanding what tools are available, how to use them and how to create and implement a co-ordinated digital campaign are essential elements for every marketer's toolbox. And Digital Marketing means more than just establishing a website. There is a complex array of channels and tools including search engine optimisation, mobile and viral marketing, blogs, social media, affiliate schemes, apps, online advertising and web analytics which together have the capability of helping a business achieve previously unseen growth. Cambridge Marketing Handbook: Digital Marketing introduces the key concepts and tools, sets out to how use them effectively and how to create and implement a digital campaign. It also includes a wealth of recommended resources to enable every marketer to keep up to date with the latest developments in this fast moving arena.

Camtasia Studio 8: Advanced Editing and Publishing Techniques

by Claire Broadley Mathew Dixon

A practical guide packed with examples that will show you how to implement the different features of Camtasia Studio 8 and create professional looking projects.If you are familiar with Camtasia Studio and you want to experiment with more advanced techniques, then this is the guide you have been looking for!

CAN System Engineering: From Theory to Practical Applications

by Wolfhard Lawrenz

This book addresses the various challenges and open questions relating to CAN communication networks. Opening with a short introduction into the fundamentals of CAN, the book then examines the problems and solutions for the physical layout of networks, including EMC issues and topology layout. Additionally, a discussion of quality issues with a particular focus on test techniques is presented. Each chapter features a collection of illuminating insights and detailed technical information supplied by a selection of internationally-regarded experts from industry and academia. Features: presents thorough coverage of architectures, implementations and application of CAN transceiver, data link layer and so-called higher layer software; explains CAN EMC characteristics and countermeasures, as well as how to design CAN networks; demonstrates how to practically apply and test CAN systems; includes examples of real networks from diverse applications in automotive engineering, avionics, and home heating technology.

Canon EOS 6D Digital Field Guide (Digital Field Guide #265)

by Michael Corsentino

The Canon EOS 6D is Canon's smallest and lightest full-frame DSLR camera to date and boasts an extensive feature set. This full-color, portable guide goes beyond the owner's manual to deliver clear, succinct descriptions of how these features and functions work and explains how they affect the resulting photos. With the expert advice and clear instructions, the Canon EOS 6D Digital Field Guide makes this sophisticated camera accessible to even first-time DSLR users Helps you to consistently achieve professional-level photography using the Canon EOS 6D Walks you through the essential controls, features, and functions using step-by-step instructions and providing full-color images of each menu screen Shows you how to get the exact shots you want, when you want them, and is packed with beautiful color photos Shoot in Live View, choose the best settings for movie-making, and learn how to share your images and video online via the built-in Wi-Fi Includes step-by-step techniques and professional tips on taking exceptional photos with your Canon EOS 6D Canon EOS 6D Digital Field Guide is packed with so much helpful advice for getting the most out of your Canon EOS 6D, you'll find yourself referencing it again and again

Canon EOS Rebel SL1/100D For Dummies

by Doug Sahlin

Get up to speed on your Canon SL1/100D and enter the world of dSLR photography!Canon's EOS Rebel SL1/100D is for photographers who prefer a smaller, lightweight camera that still offers heavyweight features. This full-color guide explains how to get better photos from an SL1. Written by professional photographer Doug Sahlin, this book explains the camera?s controls and shooting modes. It also shows how to take creative control by moving out of auto mode. You'll also learn how to manage and edit your images, shoot video, use autofocus, and get troubleshooting advice. Features a full-color format that shows you the camera controls and menus, explaining what each is for and how to use them allDemonstrates how to use the new autofocus feature, manage playback options, and shoot videoHelps you graduate to manual mode and learn to control exposure, lighting, focus, and colorCovers downloading, organizing, editing, and sharing photosCanon EOS Rebel SL1/100D For Dummies gives you the knowledge and confidence to make the move to dSLR photography using the Canon EOS Rebel SL1/100D, which is perfect for photographers who've been waiting for a smaller dSLR with big features.

Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D Digital Field Guide

by Sillars

Master every detail of this exciting new touchscreen dSLRCanon's new introductory-level dSLR camera boasts some revolutionary features that will be new even to Canon veterans. This convenient guide effectively explains every button, menu, mode, and function of the Rebel T4i/650D, and it fits in your camera bag so you can easily refresh your memory during a shoot. With step-by-step descriptions of every action and feature plus color images of every control, this little book will have you taking charge of your camera in no time. Learn to use the touchscreen menus, new silent autofocus feature, and extended ISO range. You'll also get suggestions for improving your shots in specific situations. There's even a free gray and color checker card to help you achieve perfect color and white balance every time.The Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D offers a touchscreen, silent autofocus mode for better quality video shooting, and a broader ISO range for improved photo quality in low-light conditionsThis handy guide clearly explains every feature, mode, dial, function, and menu, illustrating the instructions with plenty of full-color imagesExplains how and when to use various features and provides great advice on a number of common shooting situationsConvenient 6x9-inch trim size makes it easy to take the book along for reference, and the bonus gray and color checker card inside helps assure you of accurate color Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D Digital Field Guide is the perfect partner to help you get the most from your exciting new Canon dSLR.

Canon EOS Rebel T5i/700D For Dummies

by Julie Adair King Robert Correll

A comprehensive guide to the Canon EOS Rebel T5i/700D camera written by bestselling For Dummies author Julie Adair KingExpert author and photography instructor Julie Adair King is exactly who you want to explain Canon's hot new Rebel T5i/700D camera for you. Her friendly, step-by-step style - honed to a fine point from helping over 300,000 readers use their cameras - will have you snapping great shots on the new Rebel in no time. Find all the info you need, backed by clear images of camera controls and menus, so you know exactly what she's explaining, when she's explaining it. More than 300 fabulous full-color photos help you see what you and your DSLR Rebel T5i/700D can achieve.Canon's EOS Rebel T5i/700D is an entry-level DSLR camera from Canon and features an 18 megapixel sensor, full 1080 video capability, 5fps shooting, and a 3-inch viewscreenCovers how to shoot in Auto mode, manage playback, organize your images, and get better results from exposure, lighting, focus and colorGives you professional editing tricks and offers plenty of beautiful full-color images so you can see what you can achievePopular bestselling author Julie Adair King author has written more than 15 For Dummies books on Nikon and Canon cameras, and she helps you really get a feel for the cameraCanon EOS Rebel T5i/700D For Dummies...there's so much here to get you on your way to taking great photos!

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