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Group Policy

by Jeremy Moskowitz

The Ultimate Book on Group Policy Freshly updated to include Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop, Second Edition is the book for learning everything you need to know about Group Policy, no matter which version of Windows you use. Microsoft Group Policy MVP Jeremy Moskowitz covers it all--major Group Policy categories, what Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 bring to the table, and smart ways to tackle tough desktop management problems. Topics include troubleshooting, security, scripting, using Windows PowerShell when necessary, and much more. Inside this book, you'll learn to: Master all Group Policy functions of Windows, including Windows XP through Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003 through Windows Server 2012 Enhance your Group Policy reach with the Group Policy Preferences, ADMX files, and additional add-ons Use every feature of the GPMC and become a top-notch administrator Troubleshoot Group Policy using tools, logs, Resource Kit utilities, Registry hacks, and third-party tools Manage printers, restrict hardware, and configure Internet Explorer Deploy software to your desktops, set up roaming profiles, and configure Offline Files for all your Windows clients--and manage it all with Group Policy settings Secure your desktops and servers with AppLocker, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and the Security Configuration Manager Download bonus chapters and: Script complex GPMC operations with PowerShell, including linking, backup, restore, permissions changes, and more Create a "change management" system with Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM v4) Understand Windows Intune service and its relationship to Group Policy Coverage Includes: Updated GPMC New Windows 8 GPMC Features ADMX/ADML Files Group Policy Preferences Item-Level Targeting The Central Store AppLocker Fine-Grained Password Policy Offline Files Updates Inheritance Blocking Prioritization Linking Loopback Policy Processing Security Policy Processing Enforcing WMI Filters Third-Party Tools Cross-Forest Trusts Filters Commenting Searching Advanced Logging and Troubleshooting Advanced Auditing Controls Group Policy and VDI Security Configuration Manager Windows Intune

Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop

by Jeremy Moskowitz

The Ultimate Book on Group Policy Freshly updated to include Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop, Second Edition is the book for learning everything you need to know about Group Policy, no matter which version of Windows you use. Microsoft Group Policy MVP Jeremy Moskowitz covers it all—major Group Policy categories, what Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 bring to the table, and smart ways to tackle tough desktop management problems. Topics include troubleshooting, security, scripting, using Windows PowerShell when necessary, and much more. Inside this book, you'll learn to: Master all Group Policy functions of Windows, including Windows XP through Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003 through Windows Server 2012 Enhance your Group Policy reach with the Group Policy Preferences, ADMX files, and additional add-ons Use every feature of the GPMC and become a top-notch administrator Troubleshoot Group Policy using tools, logs, Resource Kit utilities, Registry hacks, and third-party tools Manage printers, restrict hardware, and configure Internet Explorer Deploy software to your desktops, set up roaming profiles, and configure Offline Files for all your Windows clients—and manage it all with Group Policy settings Secure your desktops and servers with AppLocker, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and the Security Configuration Manager Download bonus chapters and: Script complex GPMC operations with PowerShell, including linking, backup, restore, permissions changes, and more Create a "change management" system with Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM v4) Understand Windows Intune service and its relationship to Group Policy Coverage Includes: Updated GPMC New Windows 8 GPMC Features ADMX/ADML Files Group Policy Preferences Item-Level Targeting The Central Store AppLocker Fine-Grained Password Policy Offline Files Updates Inheritance Blocking Prioritization Linking Loopback Policy Processing Security Policy Processing Enforcing WMI Filters Third-Party Tools Cross-Forest Trusts Filters Commenting Searching Advanced Logging and Troubleshooting Advanced Auditing Controls Group Policy and VDI Security Configuration Manager Windows Intune

Grundkurs Geschäftsprozess-Management: Methoden und Werkzeuge für die IT-Praxis: Eine Einführung für Studenten und Praktiker

by Andreas Gadatsch

Ohne methodische Grundlagen gibt es keine erfolgreiche Gestaltung und Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen unter Einsatz betrieblicher Standardsoftware, seien es ERP- oder Workflow-Management-Systeme. Das Buch schlägt die Brücke zwischen den betriebswirtschaftlich-organisatorischen Methoden und deren IT-gestützter Umsetzung. Ausgewählte Praxisbeispiele, Übungen u. v. m. vervollständigen das Werk. Das Buch von Prof. Gadatsch gilt mittlerweile als der "aktuelle Klassiker", DAS maßgebliche Standardwerk zur IT-gestützten Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen. Das Buch führt aus einer methodisch-organisatorischen Sicht in das Geschäftsprozessmanagement ein. Neben den rein organisatorischen Aspekten (Prozessanalyse, Prozessmodellierung, Simulation und Restrukturierung der Geschäftsprozesse) wird die technische Unterstützung mit Informationssystemen (ERP-Systeme, Workflow-Management-Systeme u.a.) thematisiert und anhand von Praxisbeispielen vermittelt. Das Werk wurde primär als Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Studenten konzipiert, wird aber auch gerne von Praktikern (Anwender, IT-Experten und Berater) zum „Wissensupdate“ eingesetzt. Einige Kapitel wurden in der 7. Auflage aus Platzgründen entfernt. Angesichts der stärkeren Verbreitung der BPMN-Methode wurde der Abschnitt stärker ausgebaut. Ein Vergleich ausgewählter Modellierungsmethoden erlaubt dem Leser eine Orientierung für den Fall, dass er eine für seinen Anwendungsfall passende Methode auswählen möchte.

Grundkurs Künstliche Intelligenz: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung

by Bernhard Nebel Wolfgang Ertel Wolfgang Bibel Rudolf Kruse

Alle Teilgebiete der KI werden mit dieser Einführung kompakt, leicht verständlich und anwendungsbezogen dargestellt. Hier schreibt jemand, der das Gebiet nicht nur bestens kennt, sondern auch in der Lehre engagiert und erfolgreich vertritt. Von der klassischen Logik über das Schließen mit Unsicherheit und maschinelles Lernen bis hin zu Anwendungen wie Expertensysteme oder lernfähige Roboter. Neben dem umfassenden Einblick in dieses faszinierende Teilgebiet der Informatik gewinnen Sie vertiefte Kenntnisse, z. B. hinsichtlich wichtiger Verfahren zur Repräsentation und Verarbeitung von Wissen. Der Anwendungsbezug steht im Fokus der Darstellung. Viele Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen sowie strukturierte Verweise auf Literatur und Ressourcen im Web ermöglichen ein effektives und kurzweiliges Selbststudium. Für die 3. Auflage ...

Grundkurs Mobile Kommunikationssysteme: UMTS, HSPA und LTE, GSM, GPRS, Wireless LAN und Bluetooth

by Martin Sauter

Dieses Buch bietet praxis- und detailgerechtes Wissen zu mobilen Kommunikationssystemen. Es führt klar und verständlich in die Technik und praktische Umsetzung von GSM, GPRS, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, Wireless LAN und Bluetooth ein. Anhand vieler Beispiele wird fundiertes Wissen vermittelt und aufgezeigt, welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen die unterschiedlichen Konzepte haben. Durch viele Vergleiche wird deutlich, welche Kombination der Systeme für die jeweiligen Anwendungen am besten geeignet ist. Für die fünfte Auflage des Buches wurden alle Kapitel auf den neuesten Stand gebracht und enthalten zusätzlich ausführliche Ergänzungen zu aktuellen Entwicklungen. Dies umfasst z.B. die Weiterentwicklung der leitungsvermittelten Sprachtelefonie in GSM und UMTS Netzen, 3G High Speed Packet Access (HSPA+) Erweiterungen, Voice over LTE (VoLTE), sowie neue Details zu Wi-Fi Funktionen wie WPS und 802.11ac.

Grundkurs Wirtschaftsinformatik: Eine kompakte und praxisorientierte Einführung

by Dietmar Abts Wilhelm Mülder

Mit unveränderter Dynamik etablieren sich neue IT- Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in unserer Gesellschaft. In Folge sind Unternehmen permanent gezwungen ihre bestehenden Informationssystem auf ihre Eignung, Aktualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit zu überprüfen. Daneben ermöglicht der technologische Fortschritt dabei auch immer wieder die Entwicklung völlig neuartiger IT-Systeme. Der „Grundkurs Wirtschaftsinformatik" beschreibt als Gesamtwerk der Wirtschaftsinformatik neben Hard- und Software-Lösungen auch deren praktische Anwendung und zeigt Wege in der Methodik und Organisation. Fallbeispiele, Übungsteile und Lösungen runden das Themenspektrum ab. Alle Kapitel wurden gründlich überarbeitet und didaktisch verbessert. Neu hinzu-gekommen sind Themen wie z.B. Software as a Service, Ruby on Rails, LTE, WiMAX, NoSQL-Datenbanken, Social Media, App-Stores und Green IT. Zwei neue Kapitel befassen sich ausführlich mit den aktuellen Trends „Mobile Business" und „Soziale Netzwerke". Durch zusätzliche Aufgabenund Wiederholungsfragen lässt sich das Buch noch besser als bisher zum Selbststudium und zu Klausurvorbereitung nutzen. Hinzu gekommen ist auch ein erweiterter Online-Service mit Klausuren und Musterlösungen.

Guia para Começar a Fazer Dinheiro com O Bitcoin

by Adidas Wilson John Klebison Ferreira

O Bitcoin é uma criptomoeda e um sistema de pagamentos digital criado por um programador desconhecido, ou por um grupo de programadores, sob o nome de Satoshi Nakamoto. Foi lançado como software open-souce em 2009. É um sistema peer-to-peer (ponto-a-ponto), e as transações ocorrem diretamente entre usuários sem a necessidde de um intermediário. Essas transações são verificadas por nodos de rede e registradas em uma espécie de livro público conhecido como blockchain. Uma vez que sistema funciona sem a intervensão de uma entidade central ou administrador superior e único, o bitcoin é chamado de primeira moeda digital descentralizada. Além de poder ser criado como recompensa pela mineração, o bitcoin pode ser trocado por outras moedas, produtos e serviços em qualquer tipo de de mercado.

Guide to Cloud Computing

by Laurie Hirsch Richard Hill Siavash Moshiri Peter Lake

This book describes the landscape of cloud computing from first principles, leading the reader step-by-step through the process of building and configuring a cloud environment. The book not only considers the technologies for designing and creating cloud computing platforms, but also the business models and frameworks in real-world implementation of cloud platforms. Emphasis is placed on "learning by doing," and readers are encouraged to experiment with a range of different tools and approaches. Topics and features: includes review questions, hands-on exercises, study activities and discussion topics throughout the text; demonstrates the approaches used to build cloud computing infrastructures; reviews the social, economic, and political aspects of the on-going growth in cloud computing use; discusses legal and security concerns in cloud computing; examines techniques for the appraisal of financial investment into cloud computing; identifies areas for further research within this rapidly-moving field.

Guide to Computer Network Security

by Joseph Migga Kizza

This comprehensive guide exposes the security risks and vulnerabilities of computer networks and networked devices, offering advice on developing improved algorithms and best practices for enhancing system security. Fully revised and updated, this new edition embraces a broader view of computer networks that encompasses agile mobile systems and social networks. Features: provides supporting material for lecturers and students, including an instructor's manual, slides, solutions, and laboratory materials; includes both quick and more thought-provoking exercises at the end of each chapter; devotes an entire chapter to laboratory exercises; discusses flaws and vulnerabilities in computer network infrastructures and protocols; proposes practical and efficient solutions to security issues; explores the role of legislation, regulation, and law enforcement in maintaining computer and computer network security; examines the impact of developments in virtualization, cloud computing, and mobile systems.

Guide to Computer Network Security

by Joseph Migga Kizza

With the growth of cloud computing, social networks, and ever more advanced mobile devices, information security and assurance has become more important than ever before. This comprehensive and authoritative "Guide to Computer Network Security" exposes the various security risks and vulnerabilities of computer networks and networked devices, offering advice on developing improved algorithms and best practices for enhancing system security. Fully revised and updated, this much-anticipated new edition embraces a broader view of computer networks that encompasses new agile mobile systems and social networks. The book broadly surveys thought-provoking security issues, discussing and raising questions about the impact of new technologies and protocols. Topics and features: provides supporting material for lecturers and students at an associated website, including syllabus suggestions, an instructor s manual, slides, solutions, and laboratory materials; includes both quickly-workable questions and more thought-provoking advanced exercises at the end of each chapter; devotes an entire chapter to laboratory exercises, offering both weekly and semester-long assignments, and hard open research projects; surveys known security threats, and discusses flaws and vulnerabilities in computer network infrastructures and protocols; reviews existing best practices, proposes practical and efficient solutions to security issues, and encourages readers to investigate alternative possible approaches; explores the role of legislation, regulation, and law enforcement in maintaining computer and computer network security; examines the impact of developments in virtualization, cloud computing, and mobile systems, which have extended the boundaries of the traditional computer network. This unique text/reference is an essential instructional and research tool for undergraduates in computer science and engineering. It is also a valuable reference for practitioners involved in computer networks, data security, and information-intensive areas. "

A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists

by Fred Beisse

Current or future user-support professionals discover the critical people skills and exceptional technical knowledge to provide outstanding support with Beisse's A GUIDE TO COMPUTER USER SUPPORT FOR HELP DESK AND SUPPORT SPECIALISTS, 5E. This useful guide focuses on the informational resources and technical tools needed most to function effectively in a support position. Readers learn to handle troubleshooting and problem solving, successfully communicate with clients, determine a client's specific needs, train end-users and even handle budgeting and other management priorities. This edition prepares readers to work with the latest developments, from Web and e-mail-based support to Windows 7 and cloud computing. Leading HelpSTAR and Microsoft Office Project Professional 2010 software accompanying the text further reinforce user-support knowledge and skills.

Guide to Computing for Expressive Music Performance

by Eduardo R. Miranda Alexis Kirke

This book discusses all aspects of computing for expressive performance, from the history of CSEMPs to the very latest research, in addition to discussing the fundamental ideas, and key issues and directions for future research. Topics and features: includes review questions at the end of each chapter; presents a survey of systems for real-time interactive control of automatic expressive music performance, including simulated conducting systems; examines two systems in detail, YQX and IMAP, each providing an example of a very different approach; introduces techniques for synthesizing expressive non-piano performances; addresses the challenges found in polyphonic music expression, from a statistical modelling point of view; discusses the automated analysis of musical structure, and the evaluation of CSEMPs; describes the emerging field of embodied expressive musical performance, devoted to building robots that can expressively perform music with traditional instruments.

Guide to Dynamic Simulations of Rigid Bodies and Particle Systems

by Murilo G. Coutinho

This book introduces the techniques needed to produce realistic simulations and animations of particle and rigid-body systems. The text focuses on both the theoretical and practical aspects of developing and implementing physically based dynamic-simulation engines. Each chapter examines numerous algorithms, describing their design and analysis in an accessible manner, without sacrificing depth of coverage or mathematical rigor. Features: examines the problem of computing an hierarchical representation of the geometric description of each simulated object, as well as the simulated world; discusses the use of discrete and continuous collision detection to handle thin or fast-moving objects; describes the computational techniques needed for determining all impulsive and contact forces between bodies with multiple simultaneous collisions and contacts; presents techniques that can be used to dynamically simulate articulated rigid bodies; concludes each chapter with exercises.

A Guide to IT Contracting: Checklists, Tools, and Techniques

by Michael R. Overly Matthew A. Karlyn

Even leading organizations with sophisticated IT infrastructures and teams of lawyers can find themselves unprepared to deal with the range of issues that can arise in IT contracting. Written by two seasoned attorneys, A Guide to IT Contracting: Checklists, Tools, and Techniques distills the most critical business and legal lessons learned through

Guide to Modeling and Simulation of Systems of Systems: User's Reference

by Bernard Zeigler

This user's reference is a companion to the separate book also titled "Guide to Modelling and Simulation of Systems of Systems." The principal book explicates integrated development environments to support virtual building and testing of systems of systems, covering in some depth the MS4 Modelling EnvironmentTM. This user's reference provides a quick reference and exposition of the various concepts and functional features covered in that book. The topics in the user's reference are grouped in alignment with the workflow displayed on the MS4 Modeling EnvironmentTM launch page, under the headings Atomic Models, System Entity Structure, Pruning SES, and Miscellaneous. For each feature, the reference discusses why we use it, when we should use it, and how to use it. Further comments and links to related features are also included.

Guide to Modeling and Simulation of Systems of Systems

by Hessam S. Sarjoughian Bernard P. Zeigler

This guide demonstrates how virtual build and test can be supported by the Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) simulation modeling formalism, and the System Entity Structure (SES) simulation model ontology. The book examines a wide variety of Systems of Systems (SoS) problems, ranging from cloud computing systems to biological systems in agricultural food crops. Features: includes numerous exercises, examples and case studies throughout the text; presents a step-by-step introduction to DEVS concepts, encouraging hands-on practice to building sophisticated SoS models; illustrates virtual build and test for a variety of SoS applications using both commercial and open source DEVS simulation environments; introduces an approach based on activity concepts intrinsic to DEVS-based system design, that integrates both energy and information processing requirements; describes co-design modeling concepts and methods to capture separate and integrated software and hardware systems.

Guide to Modeling and Simulation of Systems of Systems

by Jean-Christophe Soulié Raphaël Duboz Hessam S. Sarjoughian Bernard Zeigler

This guide demonstrates how virtual build and test can be supported by the Discrete Event Systems Specification (DEVS) simulation modeling formalism, and the System Entity Structure (SES) simulation model ontology. The book examines a wide variety of Systems of Systems (SoS) problems, ranging from cloud computing systems to biological systems in agricultural food crops. Features: includes numerous exercises, examples and case studies throughout the text; presents a step-by-step introduction to DEVS concepts, encouraging hands-on practice to building sophisticated SoS models; illustrates virtual build and test for a variety of SoS applications using both commercial and open source DEVS simulation environments; introduces an approach based on activity concepts intrinsic to DEVS-based system design, that integrates both energy and information processing requirements; describes co-design modeling concepts and methods to capture separate and integrated software and hardware systems.

Guide to Network Security

by Michael E. Whitman Herbert J. Mattord David Mackey Andrew Green

The authors then explore network perimeter defense technologies and methods, including access controls, firewalls, VPNs, and intrusion detection systems, as well as applied cryptography in public key infrastructure, wireless security, and web commerce. The final section covers additional topics relevant for information security practitioners, such as assessing network security, professional careers in the field, and contingency planning. Perfect for both aspiring and active IT professionals.

Guide to Voice and Video over IP

by Lingfen Sun Emmanuel Jammeh Is-Haka Mkwawa Emmanuel Ifeachor

This book presents a review of the latest advances in speech and video compression, computer networking protocols, the assessment and monitoring of VoIP quality, and next generation network architectures for multimedia services. The book also concludes with three case studies, each presenting easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions together with challenging hands-on exercises. Features: provides illustrative worked examples and end-of-chapter problems; examines speech and video compression techniques, together with speech and video compression standards; describes the media transport protocols RTP and RTCP, as well as the VoIP signalling protocols SIP and SDP; discusses the concepts of VoIP quality of service and quality of experience; reviews next-generation networks based on the IP multimedia subsystem and mobile VoIP; presents case studies on building a VoIP system based on Asterisk, setting up a mobile VoIP system based on Open IMS and Android mobile, and analysing VoIP protocols and quality.

GWT in Action

by Robert Hanson Jason Essington Anna Tokke Adam Tacy

SummaryGWT in Action, Second Edition is a completely revised edition of the best-selling GWT book. It covers the new features introduced in GWT 2.4 and 2.5, as well as the best development practices that have emerged in the GWT community. It begins with a rapid-fire introduction to GWT and Ajax to get you up to speed with GWT concepts and tools. Then, you'll explore key concepts like managing events, interacting with the server, creating UI components, building your user interface declaratively using UiBinder ... and more.About the TechnologyGoogle Web Toolkit works on a simple idea. Write your web application in Java, and GWT crosscompiles it into JavaScript. It is open source, supported by Google, and version 2.5 now includes a library of high-quality interface components and productivity tools that make using GWT a snap. The JavaScript it produces is really good.About this BookGWT in Action, Second Edition is a revised edition of the best-selling GWT book. In it, you'll explore key concepts like managing events, interacting with the server, and creating UI components. As you move through its engaging examples, you'll absorb the latest thinking in application design and industry-grade best practices, such as implementing MVP, using dependency injection, and code optimization. Written for Java developers, the book requires no prior knowledge of GWT. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.What's InsideCovers GWT 2.4 and upEfficient use of large data setsOptimizing with client bundles, deferred binding, and code splittingUsing generators and dependency injectionAbout the AuthorsAdam Tacy and Robert Hanson coauthored the first edition of GWT in Action. Jason Essington is a Java developer and an active contributor to the GWT mailing list and the GWT IRC channel. Anna Tökke is a programmer and solutions architect working with GWT on a daily basis.Table of ContentsPART 1 BASICSGWTBuilding a GWT application: saying "Hello World!"Building a GWT application: enhancing Hello WorldPART 2 NEXT STEPSCreating your own widgetsUsing client bundlesInterface design with UiBinderCommunicating with GWT-RPCUsing RequestFactoryThe Editor frameworkData-presentation (cell) widgetsUsing JSNI—JavaScript Native InterfaceClassic Ajax and HTML formsInternationalization, localization, and accessibilityPART 3 ADVANCEDAdvanced event handling and event bussesBuilding MVP-based applicationsDependency injectionDeferred bindingGeneratorsMetrics and code splitting

Hacking For Dummies

by Kevin Beaver

Updated for Windows 8 and the latest version of LinuxThe best way to stay safe online is to stop hackers before they attack - first, by understanding their thinking and second, by ethically hacking your own site to measure the effectiveness of your security. This practical, top-selling guide will help you do both. Fully updated for Windows 8 and the latest version of Linux, Hacking For Dummies, 4th Edition explores the malicious hacker's mindset and helps you develop an ethical hacking plan (also known as penetration testing) using the newest tools and techniques. More timely than ever, this must-have book covers the very latest threats, including web app hacks, database hacks, VoIP hacks, and hacking of mobile devices.Guides you through the techniques and tools you need to stop hackers before they hack youCompletely updated to examine the latest hacks to Windows 8 and the newest version of LinuxExplores the malicious hackers's mindset so that you can counteract or avoid attacks completelySuggests ways to report vulnerabilities to upper management, manage security changes, and put anti-hacking policies and procedures in placeIf you're responsible for security or penetration testing in your organization, or want to beef up your current system through ethical hacking, make sure you get Hacking For Dummies, 4th Edition.

Hacking for Dummies (4th Edition)

by Kevin Beaver

Updated for Windows 8 and the latest version of Linux The best way to stay safe online is to stop hackers before they attack - first, by understanding their thinking and second, by ethically hacking your own site to measure the effectiveness of your security. This practical, top-selling guide will help you do both. Fully updated for Windows 8 and the latest version of Linux, Hacking For Dummies, 4th Edition explores the malicious hacker's mindset and helps you develop an ethical hacking plan (also known as penetration testing) using the newest tools and techniques. More timely than ever, this must-have book covers the very latest threats, including web app hacks, database hacks, VoIP hacks, and hacking of mobile devices. Guides you through the techniques and tools you need to stop hackers before they hack you Completely updated to examine the latest hacks to Windows 8 and the newest version of Linux Explores the malicious hackers's mindset so that you can counteract or avoid attacks completely Suggests ways to report vulnerabilities to upper management, manage security changes, and put anti-hacking policies and procedures in place If you're responsible for security or penetration testing in your organization, or want to beef up your current system through ethical hacking, make sure you get Hacking For Dummies, 4th Edition.

Hacking with Kali: Practical Penetration Testing Techniques

by James Broad Andrew Bindner

Hacking with Kali introduces you the most current distribution of the de facto standard tool for Linux pen testing. Starting with use of the Kali live CD and progressing through installation on hard drives, thumb drives and SD cards, author James Broad walks you through creating a custom version of the Kali live distribution. You'll learn how to configure networking components, storage devices and system services such as DHCP and web services. Once you're familiar with the basic components of the software, you'll learn how to use Kali through the phases of the penetration testing lifecycle; one major tool from each phase is explained. The book culminates with a chapter on reporting that will provide examples of documents used prior to, during and after the pen test. This guide will benefit information security professionals of all levels, hackers, systems administrators, network administrators, and beginning and intermediate professional pen testers, as well as students majoring in information security. Provides detailed explanations of the complete penetration testing lifecycle Complete linkage of the Kali information, resources and distribution downloads Hands-on exercises reinforce topics

Hadoop Beginner's Guide

by Garry Turkington

As a Packt Beginner's Guide, the book is packed with clear step-by-step instructions for performing the most useful tasks, getting you up and running quickly, and learning by doing. This book assumes no existing experience with Hadoop or cloud services. It assumes you have familiarity with a programming language such as Java or Ruby but gives you the needed background on the other topics.

Hadoop Cluster Deployment

by Danil Zburivsky

This book is a step-by-step tutorial filled with practical examples which will show you how to build and manage a Hadoop cluster along with its intricacies.This book is ideal for database administrators, data engineers, and system administrators, and it will act as an invaluable reference if you are planning to use the Hadoop platform in your organization. It is expected that you have basic Linux skills since all the examples in this book use this operating system. It is also useful if you have access to test hardware or virtual machines to be able to follow the examples in the book.

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