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Ruby. Leksykon kieszonkowy

by Michael Fitzgerald

Podr?czny zestaw informacji niezb?dnych w pracy programisty Ruby to obiektowy j?zyk programowania, opracowany w 1995 roku w Japonii. Dzi?ki swojej prostej sk?adni, zwartej konstrukcji i sporym mo?liwo?ciom b?yskawicznie zyska? ogromne grono zwolenników. Pojawienie si? mechanizmu Ruby on Rails, niesamowicie usprawniajšcego tworzenie aplikacji i witryn internetowych zgodnych z nurtem Web 2.0, dodatkowo zwi?kszy?o popularno?? j?zyka Ruby. W oparciu o ten j?zyk powsta?o wiele znanych serwisów WWW, odwiedzanych ka?dego dnia przez tysišce go?ci. "Ruby. Leksykon kieszonkowy" to zestawienie niezb?dnych informacji o tym j?zyku, przydatne podczas codziennej pracy programisty. Znajdziesz w nim informacje o s?owach kluczowych, operatorach, zmiennych i sta?ych. Przeczytasz tak?e o formatowaniu tekstu, wyra?eniach regularnych, operacjach na plikach i programowaniu obiektowym. Dowiesz si? ponadto, jak korzysta? z interaktywnego Ruby i RDoc. Uruchamianie interpretera Ruby S?owa kluczowe Zmienne Instrukcje warunkowe Programowanie obiektowe Modu?y Operacje na plikach Obs?uga wyjštków Metody klas Array, Hash, Object, Kernel i String Wyszukiwanie i usuwanie b??dów Usprawnij i przyspiesz swojš prac?, korzystajšc z leksykonów kieszonkowych.

Ruby Pocket Reference

by Michael Fitzgerald

Although Ruby is an easy language to learn, in the heat of action you may find that you can't remember the correct syntax for a conditional or the name of a method. This handy pocket reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby's core components, from operators to reserved words to data structures to method syntax, highlighting those key features that you'll likely use every day when coding Ruby. Whether you've come to Ruby because of the Rails web development framework --Ruby's killer app -- or simply because it's a relatively clean, powerful and expressive language that's useful for a lot of applications, the Ruby Pocket Reference is organized to help you find what you need quickly. This book not only will get you up to speed on how Ruby works, it provides you with a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime. In this book, you find essential information on: Reserved words, operators, comments, numbers, variables, ranges, and symbols Predefined variables andglobal constants Conditional statements, method use, classes, and modules (mixins) Lists of methods from the Object, String, Array, and Hash classes and the Kernel module sprintf andtime formatting directories Interactive Ruby (irb) and the Ruby debugger Ruby documentation You also get information on the RubyGems package utility and Rake, a build tool similar to make.. If you're using Ruby daily and just want the facts-fast-Ruby Pocket Reference is your book.

Ruby Pocket Reference

by Michael Fitzgerald

Although Ruby is an easy language to learn, in the heat of action you may find that you can't remember the correct syntax for a conditional or the name of a method. This handy pocket reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby's core components, from operators to reserved words to data structures to method syntax, highlighting those key features that you'll likely use every day when coding Ruby.Whether you've come to Ruby because of the Rails web development framework --Ruby's killer app -- or simply because it's a relatively clean, powerful and expressive language that's useful for a lot of applications, the Ruby Pocket Reference is organized to help you find what you need quickly. This book not only will get you up to speed on how Ruby works, it provides you with a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime.In this book, you find essential information on:Reserved words, operators, comments, numbers, variables, ranges, and symbolsPredefined variables andglobal constantsConditional statements, method use, classes, and modules (mixins)Lists of methods from the Object, String, Array, and Hash classes and the Kernel modulesprintf andtime formatting directoriesInteractive Ruby (irb) and the Ruby debuggerRuby documentationYou also get information on the RubyGems package utility and Rake, a build tool similar to make.. If you're using Ruby daily and just want the facts-fast-Ruby Pocket Reference is your book.

Ruby Pocket Reference: Instant Help for Ruby Programmers

by Michael Fitzgerald

Updated for Ruby 2.2, this handy reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby’s core elements—from operators to blocks to documentation creation—and highlights the key features you may work with every day. Need to know the correct syntax for a conditional? Forgot the name of that String method? This book is organized to help you find the facts fast.Ruby Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition is ideal for experienced programmers who are new to Ruby. Whether you’ve come to Ruby because of Rails, or you want to take advantage of this clean, powerful, and expressive language for other applications, this reference will help you easily pinpoint the information you need.You’ll find detailed reference material for:Keywords, operators, comments, numbers, and symbolsVariables, pre-defined global variables, and regular expressionsConditional statements, method use, classes, and exception handlingMethods for the BasicObject, Object, Kernel, String, Array, and Hash classesTime formatting directivesNew syntax since Ruby 1.9

Ruby. Wprowadzenie

by Michael Fitzgerald

Poznaj praktyczne zastosowania j?zyka Ruby Podstawowe konstrukcje j?zyka i zasady programowania obiektowego Operacje na tekstach, liczbach i plikach Framework Ruby on Rails Ruby -- obiektowy j?zyk programowania, wzgl?dnie nowy, bo opracowany na poczštku lat 90. ubieg?ego wieku, zdobywa coraz wi?kszš popularno??. W zakresie tworzenia aplikacji internetowych staje si? powa?nš konkurencjš dla Perla, PHP i Javy. Jest niezwykle elastyczny, posiada prostš sk?adni? i spore mo?liwo?ci, a tworzony w nim kod jest bardzo zwarty. Za pomocš Ruby mo?na pisa? zarówno proste skrypty administracyjne, jak i rozbudowane aplikacje internetowe. W budowaniu tych ostatnich niezwykle pomocny jest framework Ruby on Rails, dzi?ki któremu proces tworzenia aplikacji przebiega b?yskawicznie. Ksiš?ka "Ruby. Wprowadzenie" to podr?cznik dla tych, którzy chcš pozna? mo?liwo?ci j?zyka bez konieczno?ci studiowania zawi?ych opisów teoretycznych. Przedstawia Ruby na praktycznych przyk?adach, pokazujšc jego zastosowania w typowych zadaniach, z jakimi spotyka si? na co dzie? programista aplikacji sieciowych. Czytajšc t? ksiš?k?, poznasz elementy j?zyka Ruby i nauczysz si? programowa? obiektowo. Dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób przetwarza? dane liczbowe, teksty i tablice, pliki i katalogi oraz dokumenty XML. Przeczytasz tak?e o ?rodowisku Ruby on Rails. Instalacja j?zyka Ruby w ró?nych systemach operacyjnych Instrukcje i operatory Przetwarzanie tekstów i operacje matematyczne Operacje na systemie plików Korzystanie z plików XML Programowanie obiektowe Wprowadzenie do Ruby on Raili Wejd? do ?wiata Ruby, a pokochasz jego mo?liwo?ci!

Wyra?enia regularne. Wprowadzenie

by Michael Fitzgerald

Wyra?enia regularne to wzorce, które pozwalaj? opisa? ?a?cuchy znaków. Brzmi to gro?nie, wygl?da jeszcze gorzej, ale ka?dy programista pr?dzej czy pó?niej si? z nimi spotka i… doceni ich pot?g?! Ci??ko sobie wyobrazi? wyszukiwanie, zast?powanie oraz sprawdzanie poprawno?ci danych bez wykorzystania potencja?u wyra?e? regularnych. Czas po?wi?cony na ich opanowanie zwróci si? b?yskawicznie i z nawi?zk?!Ta wspania?a ksi??ka wprowadzi Ci? w ?wiat wyra?e? regularnych szybko i bezbole?nie. Ju? za chwil? wykorzystasz podstawowe elementy wyra?e?, a ka?dy kolejny rozdzia? dostarczy Ci coraz bardziej zaawansowanych narz?dzi. W trakcie lektury nauczysz si? korzysta? z granic, klas znaków, grup i odniesie?. Ponadto dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci Perla w zakresie transformacji tekstów. Ksi??ka ta jest wyj?tkowym podr?cznikiem, który musi znale?? si? na pó?ce ka?dego programisty!Sprawd? ju? teraz:potencja?, jaki kryj? wyra?enia regularnemetody szybkiego wyszukiwania i zast?powania ci?gów znakówsposoby korzystania z wyra?e? w ró?nych j?zykach programowaniamo?liwo?ci wyra?e? regularnych w zakresie kontroli poprawno?ci wprowadzonych danych Zaoszcz?d? czas dzi?ki wyra?eniom regularnym!

XML Hacks

by Michael Fitzgerald

Developers and system administrators alike are uncovering the true power of XML, the Extensible Markup Language that enables data to be sent over the Internet from one computer platform to another or one application to another and retain its original format. Flexible enough to be customized for applications as diverse as web sites, electronic data interchange, voice mail systems, wireless devices, web services, and more, XML is quickly becoming ubiquitous. XML Hacks is a roll-up-your-sleeves guide that distills years of ingenious XML hacking into a complete set of practical tips, tricks, and tools for web developers, system administrators, and programmers who want to go far beyond basic tutorials to leverage the untapped power of XML. With plenty of useful real-world projects that illustrate how to define, read, create, and manipulate XML documents, XML Hacks shows readers how to put XML's power to work on the Internet and within productivity applications. Each Hack in this book can be read easily in a few minutes, saving programmers and administrators countless hours of searching for the right answer. And this is an O'Reilly Hacks book, so it's not just practical, imminently useful, and time-saving. It's also fun. From Anatomy of an XML Document to Exploring SOAP Messages XML Hacks shows you how to save time and accomplish more with fewer resources. If you want much more than the average XML user--to explore and experiment, do things you didn't know you could do with XML, discover clever shortcuts, and show off just a little--this invaluable book is a must-have.

Learning Ruby

by Michael James Fitzgerald

You don't have to know everything about a car to drive one, and you don't need to know everything about Ruby to start programming with it. Written for both experienced and new programmers alike, Learning Ruby is a just-get-in-and-drive book -- a hands-on tutorial that offers lots of Ruby programs and lets you know how and why they work, just enough to get you rolling down the road. Interest in Ruby stems from the popularity of Rails, the web development framework that's attracting new devotees and refugees from Java and PHP. But there are plenty of other uses for this versatile language. The best way to learn is to just try the code! You'll find examples on nearly every page of this book that you can imitate and hack. Briefly, this book: * Outlines many of the most important features of Ruby * Demonstrates how to use conditionals, and how to manipulate strings in Ruby. Includes a section on regular expressions * Describes how to use operators, basic math, functions from the Math module, rational numbers, etc. * Talks you through Ruby arrays, and demonstrates hashes in detail * Explains how to process files with Ruby * Discusses Ruby classes and modules (mixins) in detail, including a brief introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) * Introduces processing XML, the Tk toolkit, RubyGems, reflection, RDoc, embedded Ruby, metaprogramming, exception handling, and other topics * Acquaints you with some of the essentials of Rails, and includes a short Rails tutorial. Each chapter concludes with a set of review questions, and appendices provide you with a glossary of terms related to Ruby programming, plus reference material from the book in one convenient location. If you want to take Ruby out for a drive, Learning Ruby holds the keys.

The Art of iPhone Photography

by Nicki Fitz-Gerald Bob Weil

The Art of iPhone Photography explores how 45 of today's best iPhonegraphers from around the world conceived, composed, and created some of their finest and best-known pieces-all in their own words. Through an understanding of the artists' visions, creative decisions, and techniques, beginning through advanced iPhoneographers will immediately be able to apply what they learn and take their own photographic art to the next level.Key features of the book include: A wide variety of styles and subjects: Landscapes, street photography, abstracts, architecture, portraits, collages, concept pieces, etc. Detailed tutorials: Example artworks from authors and contributing photographers accompanied by descriptions of how each piece was created from both a creative and technical standpoint Explanations for practical use of nearly 100 apps, including BlurFX, Camera+, Iris Photo Suite (now Laminar), Juxtaposer, Photogene2, Pixlr-o-matic, ScratchCam FX, Snapseed, Superimpose, and TouchRetouch iPhoneography gallery: A stunning showcase of works by notable iPhoneographersAlways on, always at hand, and inconspicuously deployed, today's smartphones empower us to record the world in ever newer and more personal ways. By leveraging the photo-editing applications found on the iPhone, professional and amateur photographers alike are able to create not only editorial imagery, but also creative art. "Nicki Fitz-Gerald and Bob Weil, at, have built a community dedicated to the burgeoning collaboration between art and technology that is iPhoneography. Their site, and now this book, offer extensive, in-depth tutorials both for budding iPhoneographers looking to advance their craft, and professionals attempting to harness a new toolkit in service of their vision. What they bring to the table is their belief that 'revealing the man behind the curtain' does not diminish the teacher. Technique does not the artist make, but it does enable the newcomer to find his or her own voice. With thousands of apps available and more flooding the market daily, every new iPhoneographer wonders, What apps should I use? The answer to that question is so complex, with so many variables, that an illustrated tutorial such as this becomes an invaluable tool. There is really nothing like it. It does not offer the advice of a single artist or showcase images from a small artistic segment. Indeed, it offers up stories, knowledge, tips, and secrets from many of the key players in the formation of this movement, showcasing more than 40 artists and tutorials and 80 pages of iPhonic art." - Daria Polichetti, Co-Founder of Los Angeles Mobile Arts Festival

Mastering Apple Aperture

by Thomas Fitzgerald

Written in a conversational style, the author will share his knowledge on advanced Aperture topics with detailed discussions of advanced topics, the theory behind some of those topics and lots of hints and tips for ways to improve your workflow.Photographer's who have a basic understanding of Aperture

CISO COMPASS: Navigating Cybersecurity Leadership Challenges with Insights from Pioneers

by Todd Fitzgerald

Todd Fitzgerald, co-author of the ground-breaking (ISC)2 CISO Leadership: Essential Principles for Success, Information Security Governance Simplified: From the Boardroom to the Keyboard, co-author for the E-C Council CISO Body of Knowledge, and contributor to many others including Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, COBIT 5 for Information Security, and ISACA CSX Cybersecurity Fundamental Certification, is back with this new book incorporating practical experience in leading, building, and sustaining an information security/cybersecurity program. CISO COMPASS includes personal, pragmatic perspectives and lessons learned of over 75 award-winning CISOs, security leaders, professional association leaders, and cybersecurity standard setters who have fought the tough battle. Todd has also, for the first time, adapted the McKinsey 7S framework (strategy, structure, systems, shared values, staff, skills and style) for organizational effectiveness to the practice of leading cybersecurity to structure the content to ensure comprehensive coverage by the CISO and security leaders to key issues impacting the delivery of the cybersecurity strategy and demonstrate to the Board of Directors due diligence. The insights will assist the security leader to create programs appreciated and supported by the organization, capable of industry/ peer award-winning recognition, enhance cybersecurity maturity, gain confidence by senior management, and avoid pitfalls. The book is a comprehensive, soup-to-nuts book enabling security leaders to effectively protect information assets and build award-winning programs by covering topics such as developing cybersecurity strategy, emerging trends and technologies, cybersecurity organization structure and reporting models, leveraging current incidents, security control frameworks, risk management, laws and regulations, data protection and privacy, meaningful policies and procedures, multi-generational workforce team dynamics, soft skills, and communicating with the Board of Directors and executive management. The book is valuable to current and future security leaders as a valuable resource and an integral part of any college program for information/ cybersecurity.

Information Security Governance Simplified: From the Boardroom to the Keyboard

by Todd Fitzgerald

Security practitioners must be able to build a cost-effective security program while at the same time meet the requirements of government regulations. This book lays out these regulations in simple terms and explains how to use the control frameworks to build an effective information security program and governance structure. It discusses how organizations can best ensure that the information is protected and examines all positions from the board of directors to the end user, delineating the role each plays in protecting the security of the organization.

Data Privacy Management and Autonomous Spontaneous Security: 8th International Workshop, DPM 2013, and 6th International Workshop, SETOP 2013, Egham, UK, September 12-13, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8247)

by William M. Fitzgerald Nora Cuppens-Boulahia Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro Georgios Lioudakis Simon Foley

This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 8th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, DPM 2013, and the 6th International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security, SETOP 2013, held in Egham, UK, in September 2013 and co-located with the 18th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2013). The volume contains 13 full papers selected out of 46 submissions and 1 keynote lecturer from the DPM workshop and 6 full papers together with 5 short papers selected among numerous submissions to the SETOP workshop. The papers cover topics related to the management of privacy-sensitive information and automated configuration of security, focusing in particular on system-level privacy policies, administration of sensitive identifiers, data integration and privacy, engineering authentication and authorization, mobile security and vulnerabilities.

vSphere Virtual Machine Management

by Rebecca Fitzhugh

This book follows a step-by-step tutorial approach with some real-world scenarios that vSphere businesses will be required to overcome every day. This book also discusses creating and configuring virtual machines and also covers monitoring virtual machine performance and resource allocation options. This book is for VMware administrators who want to build their knowledge of virtual machine administration and configuration. It's assumed that you have some experience with virtualization administration and vSphere.

Learning VMware vSphere

by Rebecca Fitzhugh Abhilash G B

Lay the foundations for data center virtualization using VMware vSphere 6 and strengthen your understanding of its power About This Book * Learn how server virtualization is achieved and how a virtual infrastructure is built using VMware's products and solutions. * Design to create a scalable and responsive virtualization platform for hosting the virtual machine workloads of a business. Manage compute, network and storage resources of a virtual infrastructure. * Relevant conceptual diagrams, flowcharts and screen-captures enable in-depth comprehension of the concepts. Also, the concise writing style makes this book a very easy read. Who This Book Is For This is a book for any experienced technologist who is new to the realm of Data Center virtualization wanting to find a way to get a head start in learning how to design, implement and manage a modern day datacenter virtualized using VMware's core infrastructure solutions. It could also act a comprehensive reference guide for Infrastructure Architects and System Administrators to aid them in their day to day activities. This book could easily find its place in reference materials used by professionals for VCP and VCAP certification exams. Keep in mind however that the book is not written to follow as a blueprint for either of the exams. What You Will Learn * Understand the architecture of the hypervisor and learn how to install deploy and configure ESXi hosts * Find out what forms a VMware Virtual Machine can take and also learn how to create and manage them * Familiarize yourself with the concepts of vSphere Storage and learn how to present and manage storage in a vSphere environment * Create and manage software switching constructs such as the vNetwork Standard Switch and vNetwork Distributed Switches * Monitor the performance of a vSphere environment using tools such as the vCenter Performance Graphs and 'esxtop' * Manage SSL certificates in a vSphere environment * Upgrade and patch a vSphere environment using vSphere Update Manager In Detail Computer virtualization is a method to enable the running of multiple application workloads on a machine to achieve efficient utilization and reduce the number of physical machines in a data center. This has now become the foundation of many modern day data centers. What began as a technology to virtualize x86 architecture has now grown beyond the limits of a server's hardware and into the realm of storage and network virtualization. VMware is currently the market leader in developing data center virtualization solutions. This book goes into the details of designing and implementing VMware solutions that form the foundation of a VMware infrastructure. The book begins by introducing you to the concepts of server virtualization followed by the architecture of VMware's hypervisor - ESXi and then by its installation and configuration. You then learn what is required to manage a vSphere environment and configure advanced management capabilities of vCenter. Next you are taken through topics on vSphere Networking, Storage, ESXi Clustering, Resource Management and Virtual Machine Management. You will then be introduced to SSL Certificate Management and its use in a vSphere environment. Finally, you will learn about the lifecycle management of a vSphere environment by effectively monitoring, patching and upgrading vSphere components using Update Manager. By the end of the book, you will know how to use VMware's vSphere suite of components to lay the foundation of a modern day virtual infrastructure. Style and approach This is an easy-to-follow guide that will give you everything you need to fully understand the concepts involved in data center virtualization. The screenshots, concept diagrams, and flowcharts included will help you understand the subjects discussed better.

Oracle Exadata Survival Guide

by David Fitzjarrell Mary Mikell Spence

Oracle Exadata Survival Guide is a hands-on guide for busy Oracle database administrators who are migrating their skill sets to Oracle's Exadata database appliance. The book covers the concepts behind Exadata, and the available configurations for features such as smart scans, storage indexes, Smart Flash Cache, hybrid columnar compression, and more. You'll learn about performance metrics and execution plans, and how to optimize SQL running in Oracle's powerful, new environment. The authors also cover migration from other servers. Oracle Exadata is fast becoming the standard for large installations such as those running data warehouse, business intelligence, and large-scale OLTP systems. Exadata is like no other platform, and is new ground even for experienced Oracle database administrators. The Oracle Exadata Survival Guide helps you navigate the ins and outs of this new platform, de-mystifying this amazing appliance and its exceptional performance. The book takes a highly practical approach, not diving too deeply into the details, but giving you just the right depth of information to quickly transfer your skills to Oracle's important new platform. Helps transfer your skills to the platform of the future Covers the important ground without going too deep Takes a practical and hands-on approach to everyday tasks

Playing at a Distance: Borderlands of Video Game Aesthetic

by Sonia Fizek

An essential exploration of video game aesthetic that decenters the human player and challenges what it means to play.Do we play video games or do video games play us? Is nonhuman play a mere paradox or the future of gaming? And what do video games have to do with quantum theory? In Playing at a Distance, Sonia Fizek engages with these and many more daunting questions, forging new ways to think and talk about games and play that decenter the human player and explore a variety of play formats and practices that require surprisingly little human action. Idling in clicker games, wandering in walking simulators, automating gameplay with bots, or simply watching games rather than playing them—Fizek shows how these seemingly marginal cases are central to understanding how we play in the digital age. Introducing the concept of distance, Fizek reorients our view of computer-mediated play. To &“play at a distance,&” she says, is to delegate the immediate action to the machine and to become participants in an algorithmic spectacle. Distance as a media aesthetic framework enables the reader to come to terms with the ambiguity and aesthetic diversity of play. Drawing on concepts from philosophy, media theory, and posthumanism, as well as cultural and film studies, Playing at a Distance invites a wider understanding of what digital games and gaming are in all their diverse experiences and forms. In challenging the common perception of video games as inherently interactive, the book contributes to our understanding of the computer&’s influence on practices of play—and prods us to think more broadly about what it means to play.

The Digitalization of Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises: Human Capital, Inclusivity and Platform Capitalism (Engaging Indonesia)

by Trina Fizzanty Ikbal Maulana

This book examines the digitalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia and its challenges in the context of an emerging economy and the Covid-19 crisis. During the Covid-19 pandemic, business digitalization became a must for a business to avoid collapse and people saw that digital transformation is a panacea for SMEs to help them survive and revive from the crises. Governments and other stakeholders in many countries including Indonesia have launched policies and programs to support SMEs. Transforming SMEs' conventional businesses into digitalized versions, however, is a complex issue influenced by various factors. These factors encompass both internal changes within the organization and external dynamics in the ecosystem in which they operate. This book, therefore, is a new approach towards understanding the digitalization of SMEs in Indonesia and includes contributions from scholars with different, multi-disciplinary perspectives and demonstrates that digital transformation of SMEs is not all about technology adoption but also involves other aspects such as social, economic, and public governance factors. It discusses opportunities and challenges of digital transformation of SMEs in Indonesia, such as digital talent, financial inclusion, platform capitalism, automation, government’s role, governance, open competition, and inclusive digital economy. The book is of interest to researchers and students of social economics, SMEs and entrepreneurship, human capital research, and economy and governance.​

Instant Nginx Starter

by Martin Fjordvald

Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks.This book is written in practical Starter style with lots of helpful examples which will guide you gently into the world of nginx.This book is targeted at those people who are new to nginx and want to learn the intricacies of nginx web server.The book assumes that the readers have basic knowledge of Linux and backends such as PHP, Apache, Ruby, and Python.

Nginx HTTP Server: Harness the power of Nginx to make the most of your infrastructure and serve pages faster than ever before

by Martin Bjerretoft Fjordvald Clement Nedelcu

Make the most of your infrastructure and serve pages faster than ever with Nginx. Key Features Discover possible interactions between Nginx and Apache to get the best of both worlds Learn to exploit the features offered by Nginx for your web applications Get your hands on the most updated version of Nginx (1.13.2) to support all your web administration requirements Book Description Nginx is a lightweight HTTP server designed for high-traffic websites, with network scalability as the primary objective. With the advent of high-speed internet access, short loading times and fast transfer rates have become a necessity. This book is a detailed guide to setting up Nginx in ways that correspond to actual production situations: as a standalone server, as a reverse proxy, interacting with applications via FastCGI, and more. In addition, this complete direct reference will be indispensable at all stages of the configuration and maintenance processes. This book mainly targets the most recent version of Nginx (1.13.2) and focuses on all the new additions and improvements, such as support for HTTP/2, improved dynamic modules, security enhancements, and support for multiple SSL certificates. This book is the perfect companion for both Nginx beginners and experienced administrators. For beginners, it will take you through the complete process of setting up this lightweight HTTP server on your system and configuring its various modules so that it does exactly what you need quickly and securely. For more experienced administrators, this book provides different approaches that can help you make the most of your current infrastructure. Nginx can be employed in many situations, whether you are looking to construct an entirely new web-serving architecture or simply want to integrate an efficient tool to optimize your site loading speeds. What you will learn Download and install Nginx on your system Prepare a basic configuration and test your initial setup Discover the core functionality of the HTTP module Make the most of first- and third-party Nginx modules Set up Nginx to work with PHP, Python, and other applications Learn how to set up Nginx to work with Apache Fully replace Apache with Nginx Optimize your architecture with threads or load balancing Identify errors in configuration and learn basic troubleshooting techniques Consult the exhaustive directive and module index for reference Who this book is for This book is a perfect match to web administrators who are interested in solutions to optimize their infrastructure. Whether you are looking into replacing your existing web server software or integrating a new tool to cooperate with applications that are already up and running, this book is your ideal resource.

Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data

by Peter Flach

As one of the most comprehensive machine learning texts around, this book does justice to the field's incredible richness, but without losing sight of the unifying principles. Peter Flach's clear, example-based approach begins by discussing how a spam filter works, which gives an immediate introduction to machine learning in action, with a minimum of technical fuss. Flach provides case studies of increasing complexity and variety with well-chosen examples and illustrations throughout. He covers a wide range of logical, geometric and statistical models and state-of-the-art topics such as matrix factorisation and ROC analysis. Particular attention is paid to the central role played by features. The use of established terminology is balanced with the introduction of new and useful concepts, and summaries of relevant background material are provided with pointers for revision if necessary. These features ensure Machine Learning will set a new standard as an introductory textbook.

Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems: From Risk Modelling To Threat Counteraction (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Francesco Flammini

This book addresses the latest approaches to holistic Cyber-Physical System (CPS) resilience in real-world industrial applications. Ensuring the resilience of CPSs requires cross-discipline analysis and involves many challenges and open issues, including how to address evolving cyber-security threats. The book describes emerging paradigms and techniques from two main viewpoints: CPSs’ exposure to new threats, and CPSs’ potential to counteract them. Further, the chapters address topics ranging from risk modeling to threat management and mitigation. The book offers a clearly structured, highly accessible resource for a diverse readership, including graduate students, researchers and industry practitioners who are interested in evaluating and ensuring the resilience of CPSs in both the development and assessment stages. Foreword by Prof. Shiyan Hu, Chair of Cyber-Physical Systems at Linnaeus University, Sweden.

Canvas Pocket Reference: Scripted Graphics for HTML5

by David Flanagan

The Canvas element is a revolutionary feature of HTML5 that enables powerful graphics for rich Internet applications, and this pocket reference provides the essentials you need to put this element to work. If you have working knowledge of JavaScript, this book will help you create detailed, interactive, and animated graphics -- from charts to animations to video games -- whether you're a web designer or a programmer interested in graphics. Canvas Pocket Reference provides both a tutorial that covers all of the element's features with plenty of examples and a definitive reference to each of the Canvas-related classes, methods, and properties. You'll learn how to: Draw lines, polygons, and curves Apply colors, gradients, patterns, and transparency Use transformations to smoothly rotate and resize drawings Work with text in a graphic environment Apply shadows to create a sense of depth Incorporate bitmapped images into vector graphics Perform image processing operations in JavaScript

Java Examples in a Nutshell

by David Flanagan

The author of the best-selling Java in a Nutshell has created an entire book of real-world Java programming examples that you can learn from. If you learn best "by example," this is the book for you. This third edition covers Java 1.4 and contains 193 complete, practical examples: over 21,900 lines of densely commented, professionally written Java code, covering 20 distinct client-side and server-side APIs. It includes new chapters on the Java Sound API and the New I/O API. The chapters on XML and servlets have been rewritten to cover the latest versions of the specifications and to demonstrate best practices for Java 1.4. New and updated examples throughout the book demonstrate many other new Java features and APIs. Java Examples in a Nutshell is a companion volume to Java in a Nutshell, Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell, and Java Enterprise in a Nutshell. It picks up where those quick references leave off, providing a wealth of examples for both novices and experts. This book doesn't hold your hand; it simply delivers well-commented working examples with succinct explanations to help you learn and explore Java and its APIs. Java Examples in a Nutshell contains examples that demonstrate: Core APIs, including I/O, New I/O, threads, networking, security, serialization, and reflection Desktop APIs, highlighting Swing GUIs, Java 2D graphics, preferences, printing, drag-and-drop, JavaBeans, applets, and sound Enterprise APIs, including JDBC (database access), JAXP (XML parsing and transformation), Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0 (JavaServer Pages), and RMI The book begins with introductory examples demonstrating structured and object-oriented programming techniques for new Java programmers. A special index at the end of the book makes it easy to look up examples that use a particular Java class or accomplish a desired task. In between, each chapter includes exercises that challenge readers and suggest further avenues for exploration.

Java In a Nutshell, 4th Edition

by David Flanagan

Java just keeps growing, adding features, functionality, complexity, and tempting developers to growl with frustration. The new 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard edition increases the size of the platform by 50%, to 2757 classes in 135 packages. How are you going to figure out what this means for your applications? As always, Java in a Nutshell has the answers. The new 4th edition still contains an accelerated introduction to the Java programming language and its key APIs so you can start writing code right away. And with more than 250 new pages, author David Flanagan quickly brings you up to speed on new features that come with version 1.4: High-performance NIO API Support for pattern matching with regular expressions A logging API A user preferences API New Collections classes An XML-based persistence mechanism for Java Beans Support for XML parsing using both the DOM and SAX APIs User authentication with the JAAS API Support for secure network connections using the SSL protocol Support for cryptography The book contains O'Reilly's classic quick-reference for all the classes in the essential Java packages, so you can dive in and find what you need to make the new 1.4 version work for you. For as long as Java developers have existed, Java in a Nutshell has been ready, willing and able to take you right to the heart of the program, turning those frustrated grrrrss into purrrss of satisfaction. No wonder readers of Java Developer's Journal voted this the "Best Java Book" the past two years in a row!

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