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Showing 25,826 through 25,850 of 53,816 results

Learning Three.js: The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL

by Jos Dirksen

"Learning Three.js is a hands-on guide which provides everything you need to start working with the powerful JavaScript library, and start creating awesome in-browser visualizations".Learning Three.js is written for anyone looking to get started with Three.js, or looking to improve their skills with the popular js library. The book assumes some knowledge of javascript, but you don't need any knowledge of Three.js itself to follow the book.

Getting Started with WebRTC

by Rob Manson

The book will follow a step-by-step tutorial approach to construct an application that allows video conferencing and calls between two browsers and a system for sharing files among a group.This book is ideal for developers new to the WebRTC standards who are interested in adding sensor-driven, real-time, peer-to-peer communication to their web applications. You will only need basic experience with HTML and JavaScript.

Mastering Node.js

by Sandro Pasquali

This book contains an extensive set of practical examples and an easy-to-follow approach to creating 3D objects.This book is great for anyone who already knows JavaScript and who wants to start creating 3D graphics that run in any browser. You don't need to know anything about advanced math or WebGL; all that is needed is a general knowledge of JavaScript and HTML. The required materials and examples can be freely downloaded and all tools used in this book are open source.

Learning NServiceBus

by David Boike

This is a practical tutorial containing hands-on examples for creating a messaging and SOA based service bus.This book is for .NET developers who are looking for ways to overcome problems related to buggy third party web service integrations, codebases that have grown into a big ball of mud, and batch jobs failure.

Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce

by Robbert Ravensbergen

Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce is a step-by-step tutorial with informal but informative tone.This book is written for users with an existing WordPress website who want to add e- commerce functionality to their current solution. This book is also suitable for web design agencies working with WordPress. As a pre-requisite, it is assumed that you already have some experience of PHP and using WordPress.

Instant Building Multi-Page Forms with Yii How-to

by Uday Sawant

Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks.A concise guide that delivers immediate results with practical recipes on customizing your forms.This book is great for developers who have a basic understanding of Yii framework and want to learn some of the advanced, inbuilt features of Yii. It assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of PHP development, how forms work, and AJAX operations.

Getting Started with nopCommerce

by Brandon Atkinson

A friendly, tutorial style book, which will help you learn your way through creating a live storefront with nopCommerce in a step-by-step manner.Getting Started with nopCommerce is for anyone who wants to sell products online using nopCommerce. If you are a non-technical person and are discouraged by the complexity of this powerful e-commerce application, then this book is for you.

Clojure for Domain-specific Languages

by Ryan D. Kelker

An example-oriented approach to develop custom domain-specific languages. If you've already developed a few Clojure applications and wish to expand your knowledge on Clojure or domain-specific languages in general, then this book is for you. If you're an absolute Clojure beginner, then you may only find the detailed examples of the core Clojure components of value. If you've developed DSLs in other languages, this Lisp and Java-based book might surprise you with the power of Clojure.

Programming Drupal 7 Entities

by Sammy Spets

The book follows a standard tutorial-based approach to create, retrieve, update, and delete Drupal 7 entities, their properties and fields.Programming Drupal 7 Entities is perfect for intermediate or advanced developers new to Drupal entity development who are looking to get a good grounding in how to code using the new paradigm. It's assumed that you will have some experience in PHP development already, and being vaguely familiar with Drupal, GIT, and Drush will also help.

Social Data Visualization with HTML5 and JavaScript

by Simon Timms

This book is a fast-paced guide full of step-by-step instructions that teach you how to visualize social data using HTML5 and JavaScript.This book is for developers who are excited about data and who want to share that excitement with others. Developers who are interested in the data which can be extracted from social networks will also find this book hugely beneficial.Readers should have a working knowledge of both JavaScript and HTML.

Dependency Injection with AngularJS

by Alex Knol

This book is a practical, hands-on approach to using dependency injection and implementing test-driven development using AngularJS. Dependency Injection with AngularJS is aimed at developers who are aware of AngularJS but need to get started with using it in real life applications. Also, developers who want to get into test-driven development with AngularJS can use this book as practical guide. Even if you know about dependency injection, it can serve as a good reference on how it is used within AngularJS. Readers are expected to have some experience with JavaScript.

Implementing Samba 4

by Marcelo Leal

This book is an implementation tutorial covering step-by-step procedures, examples, and sample code, and has a practical approach to set up a Samba 4 Server as an Active Directory Domain Controller and also set up different Samba 4 server roles. This book is ideal for system administrators who are new to the Samba 4 software, and who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use Samba 4 to implement Active Directory Services. It's assumed that you will have some experience with general system administration, Active Directory, and GNU/Linux systems. Readers are expected to have some test machines (virtual machines), which will be used to execute the examples within this book.

Testing with JUnit

by Frank Appel

Master high quality software development driven by unit tests About This Book * Design and implement robust system components by means of the de facto unit testing standard in Java * Reduce defect rate and maintenance effort, plus simultaneously increase code quality and development pace * Follow a step-by-step tutorial imparting the essential techniques based on real-world scenarios and code walkthroughs Who This Book Is For No matter what your specific background as a Java developer, whether you're simply interested in building up a safety net to reduce regressions of your desktop application or in improving your server-side reliability based on robust and reusable components, unit testing is the way to go. This book provides you with a comprehensive but concise entrance advancing your knowledge step-wise to a professional level. What You Will Learn * Organize your test infrastructure and resources reasonably * Understand and write well structured tests * Decompose your requirements into small and independently testable units * Increase your testing efficiency with on-the-fly generated stand-in components and deal with the particularities of exceptional flow * Employ runners to adjust to specific test demands * Use rules to increase testing safety and reduce boilerplate * Use third party supplements to improve the expressiveness of your verification statements In Detail JUnit has matured to become the most important tool when it comes to automated developer tests in Java. Supported by all IDEs and build systems, it empowers programmers to deliver software features reliably and efficiently. However, writing good unit tests is a skill that needs to be learned; otherwise it's all too easy to end up in gridlocked development due to messed up production and testing code. Acquiring the best practices for unit testing will help you to prevent such problems and lead your projects to success with respect to quality and costs. This book explains JUnit concepts and best practices applied to the test first approach, a foundation for high quality Java components delivered in time and budget. From the beginning you'll be guided continuously through a practically relevant example and pick up background knowledge and development techniques step by step. Starting with the basics of tests organization you'll soon comprehend the necessity of well structured tests and delve into the relationship of requirement decomposition and the many-faceted world of test double usage. In conjunction with third-party tools you'll be trained in writing your tests efficiently, adapt your test case environment to particular demands and increase the expressiveness of your verification statements. Finally, you'll experience continuous integration as the perfect complement to support short feedback cycles and quality related reports for your whole team. The tutorial gives a profound entry point in the essentials of unit testing with JUnit and prepares you for test-related daily work challenges. Style and approach This is an intelligible tutorial based on an ongoing and non-trivial development example. Profound introductions of concepts and techniques are provided stepwise as the programming challenges evolve. This allows you to reproduce and practice the individual skills thoroughly.

ElasticSearch Cookbook

by Alberto Paro

Written in an engaging, easy-to-follow style, the recipes will help you to extend the capabilities of ElasticSearch to manage your data effectively.If you are a developer who implements ElasticSearch in your web applications, manage data, or have decided to start using ElasticSearch, this book is ideal for you. This book assumes that you've got working knowledge of JSON and Java

Processing 2: Creative Coding Hotshot

by Nikolaus Gradwohl

Using a project-based approach, you will be able to learn the coolest aspects of working with Processing. Each project contains step-by-step explanations, diagrams, screenshots, and downloadable material to make learning Processing even easier.This book targets Processing developers ,visual artists, creative professionals, and students who want to move to the next level of learning Processing for gaining inspiration, work, or just for fun. The book assumes a basic understanding of programming. However, this book is also recommended to non-artistic readers, looking to expand their graphics and develop their creativity.

Instant AngularJS Starter

by Dan Menard

Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. This book is written in an easytoread style, with a strong emphasis on realworld, practical examples. Stepbystep explanations are provided for performing important tasks.This book is for web developers familiar with JavascriptIt doesn't cover the history of AngularJS, and it's not a pitch to convince you that AngularJS is the best framework on the entire web. It's a guide to help you learn everything you need to know about AngularJS in as few pages and with as many examples as possible.

Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook, Second Edition

by Monika Agarwal Abhinav Singh

This book follows a Cookbook style with recipes explaining the steps for penetration testing with WLAN, VOIP, and even cloud computing. There is plenty of code and commands used to make your learning curve easy and quick.This book targets both professional penetration testers as well as new users of Metasploit, who wish to gain expertise over the framework and learn an additional skill of penetration testing, not limited to a particular OS. The book requires basic knowledge of scanning, exploitation, and the Ruby language.

Java Persistence with MyBatis 3

by K. Siva Reddy

This book will have a practical approach, thus making it easy for the readers to understand and learn with step-by-step instructions.This book is for Java developers who would like to learn all about the MyBatis framework and are looking for a practical guide to get started. The prerequisites required for this book are basic Java and SQL skills. No prior knowledge of MyBatis is expected.

Open Source Identity Management Patterns and Practices Using OpenAM 10.x

by Waylon Kenning

This is a Packt Mini in a tutorial format that provides multiple examples on Identity Management using OpenAM 10.x.Open Source Identity Management Patterns and Practices Using OpenAM 10.x is great for developers and architects who are new to Identity Management, and who want a brief overview of what's possible and how to quickly implement a prototype. It's assumed that you've had experience with web applications and some knowledge of Apache and Tomcat.

Getting Started with Spiceworks

by Nitish Kumar Darren Schoen

This book will have a getting started approach, thus making it easy for the readers to understand and learn Spiceworks.This book is for any IT pro who wants to make their day easier. With this book, you can go from installing Spiceworks to having a good working knowledge of it in a single afternoon, no Spiceworks experience required! This book assumes no prior experience with Spiceworks. Knowledge of Linux System administration is expected.

Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries

by Bruno Cardoso Lopes Rafael Auler

This book is intended for enthusiasts, computer science students, and compiler engineers interested in learning about the LLVM framework. You need a background in C++ and, although not mandatory, should know at least some compiler theory. Whether you are a newcomer or a compiler expert, this book provides a practical introduction to LLVM and avoids complex scenarios. If you are interested enough and excited about this technology, then this book is definitely for you.

Getting Started with HTML5 WebSocket Programming

by Vangos Pterneas

Getting Started with HTML5 Websocket Programming takes a tutorial-based approach.This book is for anyone who wants to build high-performance, true, real-time web applications. Being familiar with frontend web development (HTML / XHTML, JavaScript) would be ideal.

RavenDB High Performance

by Brian Ritchie

RavenDB High Performance is comprehensive yet concise tutorial that developers can use to.This book is for developers & software architects who are designing systems in order to achieve high performance right from the start. A basic understanding of RavenDB is recommended, but not required. While the book focuses on advanced topics, it does not assume that the reader has a great deal of prior knowledge of working with RavenDB.

OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook - Second Edition

by David Wolff

OpenGL Shading Language 4 Cookbook is a hands-on guide that gets straight to the point - actually creating graphics, instead of just theoretical learning. Each recipe is specifically tailored to satisfy your appetite for producing real-time 3-D graphics using the latest GLSL specification.This book is for OpenGL programmers looking to use the modern features of GLSL 4 to create real-time, three-dimensional graphics. Familiarity with OpenGL programming, along with the typical 3D coordinate systems, projections, and transformations is assumed. It can also be useful for experienced GLSL programmers who are looking to implement the techniques that are presented here.

Learning Devise for Rails

by Nia Mutiara Hafiz Giovanni Sakti

A hands-on, step-by-step guide to using Devise for authentication in Rails.If you are a web developer who is getting started with Rails and you are looking for authentication solutions, then this is the book for you. If you are a current Rails developer who is looking to extend your authentication implementation with capabilities such as authorization and remote authentication, this book will also be great for you.

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