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The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived: Tom Watson Jr. and the Epic Story of How IBM Created the Digital Age

by Ralph Watson McElvenny Marc Wortman

The enduring story of Thomas Watson Jr.—a figure more important to the creation of the modern world than Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and Morgan Nearly fifty years into IBM&’s existence, Thomas Watson Jr. undertook the biggest gamble in business history when he &“bet the farm&” on the creation of the IBM System/360, the world&’s first fully integrated and compatible mainframe computer. As CEO, Watson drove a revolution no other company—then or now—would dare, laying the foundation for the digital age that has transformed every society, corporation, and government. The story of Watson being &“present at the creation&” of the digital age is intertwined with near-Shakespearean personal drama. While he put IBM and its employees at risk, Watson also carried out a family-shattering battle over the future of the company with his brother Dick. This titanic struggle between brothers led to Dick&’s death and almost killed Watson Jr. himself. Though he was eventually touted by Fortune magazine as &“the greatest capitalist who ever lived,&” Watson&’s directionless, playboy early years made him an unlikely candidate for corporate titan. How he pulled his life together and, despite personal demons, paved the way for what became a global industry is an epic tale full of drama, inspiration, and valuable lessons in leadership, risk-taking, and social responsibility.

repeater: 01110010 ...

by Andrew McEwan

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2013 GERALD LAMPAND MEMORIAL AWARDrepeater is a poetic investigation into the coding, function, language, and structure of computer programming. Using the ASCII 8-bit binary code as an acrostic, each lower-case letter of the alphabet is arranged alongside the lines of the title poem. As a result, this poem "programs" an investigation of layered and digitalized language that is coded into the heart of the code itself. Appendixes to this code form supplementary studies, and deviate into additional problems and concepts at the convergence of poetry and computer programming. Ultimately, repeater reveals what happens when the creative variability of poetry is "inputted" into the rigid binaric structure of computer language.

Designing the Internet of Things

by Adrian Mcewen Hakim Cassimally

Take your idea from concept to production with this unique guideWhether it's called physical computing, ubiquitous computing, or the Internet of Things, it's a hot topic in technology: how to channel your inner Steve Jobs and successfully combine hardware, embedded software, web services, electronics, and cool design to create cutting-edge devices that are fun, interactive, and practical. If you'd like to create the next must-have product, this unique book is the perfect place to start.Both a creative and practical primer, it explores the platforms you can use to develop hardware or software, discusses design concepts that will make your products eye-catching and appealing, and shows you ways to scale up from a single prototype to mass production.Helps software engineers, web designers, product designers, and electronics engineers start designing products using the Internet-of-Things approach Explains how to combine sensors, servos, robotics, Arduino chips, and more with various networks or the Internet, to create interactive, cutting-edge devices Provides an overview of the necessary steps to take your idea from concept through productionIf you'd like to design for the future, Designing the Internet of Things is a great place to start.

CSS: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Cascading Style Sheets can turn humdrum websites into highly-functional, professional-looking destinations, but many designers merely treat CSS as window-dressing to spruce up their site's appearance. You can tap into the real power of this tool with CSS: The Missing Manual. This second edition combines crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and dozens of step-by-step tutorials to show you how to design sites with CSS that work consistently across browsers. Witty and entertaining, this second edition gives you up-to-the-minute pro techniques. You'll learn how to: Create HTML that's simpler, uses less code, is search-engine friendly, and works well with CSS Style text by changing fonts, colors, font sizes, and adding borders Turn simple HTML links into complex and attractive navigation bars -- complete with rollover effects Create effective photo galleries and special effects, including drop shadows Get up to speed on CSS 3 properties that work in the latest browser versions Build complex layouts using CSS, including multi-column designs Style web pages for printing With CSS: The Missing Manual, Second Edition, you'll find all-new online tutorial pages, expanded CSS 3 coverage, and broad support for Firebox, Safari, and other major web browsers, including Internet Explorer 8. Learn how to use CSS effectively to build new websites, or refurbish old sites that are due for an upgrade.

CSS: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Web site design has grown up. Unlike the old days, when designers cobbled togetherchunky HTML, bandwidth-hogging graphics, and a prayer to make their sites look good,Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) now lets your inner designer come out and play. But CSSisn't just a tool to pretty up your site; it's a reliable method for handling allkinds of presentation--from fonts and colors to page layout. CSS: The MissingManual clearly explains this powerful design language and how you can use it tobuild sparklingly new Web sites or refurbish old sites that are ready for an upgrade.Like their counterparts in print page-layout programs, style sheets allowdesigners to apply typographic styles, graphic enhancements, and precise layoutinstructions to elements on a Web page. Unfortunately, due to CSS's complexity andthe many challenges of building pages that work in all Web browsers, most Web authorstreat CSS as a kind of window-dressing to spruce up the appearance of their sites.Integrating CSS with a site's underlying HTML is hard work, and often frustratinglycomplicated. As a result many of the most powerful features of CSS are left untapped.With this book, beginners and Web-building veterans alike can learn how to navigatethe ins-and-outs of CSS and take complete control over their Web pages'appearance.Author David McFarland (the bestselling author of O'Reilly's Dreamweaver: TheMissing Manual) combines crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, a dashof humor, and dozens of step-by-step tutorials to show you ways to design sites withCSS that work consistently across browsers. You'll learn how to:Create HTML that's simpler, uses less code, is search-engine friendly, andworks well with CSSStyle text by changing fonts, colors, font sizes, and adding bordersTurn simple HTML links into complex and attractive navigation bars-completewith CSS-only rollover effects that add interactivity to your Web pagesStyle images to create effective photo galleries and special effects likeCSS-based drop shadowsMake HTML forms look great without a lot of messy HTMLOvercome the most hair-pulling browser bugs so your Web pages work consistentlyfrom browser to browserCreate complex layouts using CSS, including multi-column designs that don'trequire using old techniques like HTML tablesStyle Web pages for printingUnlike competing books, this Missing Manual doesn't assume that everyone in theworld only surfs the Web with Microsoft's Internet Explorer; our book providessupport for all major Web browsers and is one of the first books to thoroughlydocument the newly expanded CSS support in IE7, currently in beta release.Want to learn how to turn humdrum Web sites into destinations that will captureviewers and keep them longer? Pick up CSS: The Missing Manual and learn thereal magic of this tool.

CSS: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual Ser.)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

CSS lets you create professional-looking websites, but learning its finer points can be tricky—even for seasoned web developers. This fully updated edition provides the most modern and effective tips, tricks, and tutorial-based instruction on CSS available today. Learn how to use new tools such as Flexbox and Sass to build web pages that look great and run fast on any desktop or mobile device. Ideal for casual and experienced designers alike.The important stuff you need to know:Start with the basics. Write CSS-friendly HTML, including the HTML5 tags recognized by today’s browsers.Design for mobile devices. Create web pages that look great when visitors use them on the go.Make your pages work for you. Add animations that capture the imagination, and forms that get the job done.Take control of page layouts. Use professional design techniques such as floats and positioning.Make your layouts more flexible. Design websites with Flexbox that adjust to different devices and screen sizes.Work more efficiently. Write less CSS code and work with smaller files, using Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass).

CSS. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Wszystko o projektowaniu stron internetowych przy u?yciu CSS Jak przygotowa? atrakcyjn? stron? internetow?? Jak szybko zmieni? styl witryny? Jak zapewni? poprawn? obs?ug? stylów CSS we wszystkich przegl?darkach? Obecnie w internecie coraz wi?ksze znaczenie ma forma. Witryny musz? swoim wygl?dem sprawia?, ?e chce si? na nich pozosta? -- w przeciwnym wypadku u?ytkownicy wybior? jedn? spo?ród niezliczonych konkurencyjnych stron. Doskona?ym narz?dziem do nadawania atrakcyjnego i spójnego stylu witrynom s? arkusze CSS, które pozwalaj? dowolnie definiowa? wszystkie elementy stron internetowych i b?yskawicznie zmienia? ich wygl?d. S? przy tym ?atwe do nauczenia si? oraz stosowania i pozwalaj? na uzyskiwanie ciekawych efektów wizualnych. "CSS. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" to wszechstronny przegl?d mo?liwo?ci i zastosowa? tej technologii. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce dowiesz si?, jak przygotowa? poprawny arkusz stylów i do??czy? go do strony, oraz poznasz sposoby formatowania elementów kodu HTML. Nauczysz si? projektowa? profesjonalne i wygodne w u?yciu strony WWW oraz menu do nawigacji po witrynach. Przeczytasz tak?e o tym, jak przygotowywa? strony do wydruku, zapewnia? poprawne wy?wietlanie stylów we wszystkich przegl?darkach i dba? o wiele innych szczegó?ów, które zapewni? Twoim witrynom wiernych u?ytkowników. Pisanie kodu HTML pod k?tem stylów CSS Budowa stylów i arkuszy CSS Dziedziczenie i kaskadowo?? stylów Do??czanie stylów CSS do stron WWW Formatowanie elementów stron WWW Tworzenie atrakcyjnych menu Zarz?dzanie uk?adem stron za pomoc? stylów CSS Przygotowywanie stron do wydruku Obs?uga stylów CSS w ró?nych przegl?darkach Wykorzystaj pe?ni? mo?liwo?ci CSS i spraw, ?e u?ytkownicy zakochaj? si? w Twoich witrynach od pierwszego wejrzenia.

CSS3. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik. Wydanie III

by David Sawyer McFarland

Kaskadowe arkusze stylów (ang. Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) odmieni?y ?wiat stron internetowych. Pozwoli?y oddzieli? tre?? strony od jej wygl?du. Od tej chwili ?ycie projektantów sta?o si? zdecydowanie prostsze. Praca nad zmian? wygl?du strony przesta?y przyprawia? o zawrót g?owy, a szybkie przygotowanie kilku wersji na konkretne urz?dzenia sta?o si? realne. Ostatnia wersja CSS3 wprowadza kolejne nowo?ci, które zapewni? optymalne wykorzystanie potencja?u stron WWW.Ta ksi??ka nale?y do cenionej serii „Nieoficjalny podr?cznik”. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak przygotowa? poprawny arkusz stylów i do??czy? go do strony. Poznasz najlepsze techniki formatowania konkretnych elementów kodu HTML. Ponadto przekonasz si?, ?e mo?na szybko i wygodnie zaprojektowa? profesjonaln? stron? WWW. Znajdziesz tu równie? opis nowo?ci HTML-a w wersji 5 oraz nauczysz si? korzysta? z innych czcionek ni? Arial czy Verdana. Dzi?ki CSS3 wiele operacji, które do tej pory sprawia?y k?opoty lub wymaga?y korzystania z elementów graficznych, uda Ci si? wykona? za pomoc? zaledwie paru linijek kodu. Zaokr?glone rogi, obracanie elementów, gradienty to tylko niektóre z nich. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? lektur? dla ka?dego projektanta i webmastera chc?cego by? na bie??co z nowinkami ze ?wiata stron WWW.Poznaj sekrety CSS3!Formatowanie stronWykorzystanie niestandardowych czcionekObracanie elementówAnimacje​ Najlepszy przewodnik po CSS3 dla webmasterów!

Dreamweaver 8: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Available for both the Mac and Windows, Macromedia's Dreamweaver 8 is a professional web design and development program used by millions of Internet professionals to build high-quality static and dynamic database-driven web sites. It offers drag-and-drop simplicity, streamlined HTML coding tools, and powerful database integration features. But Dreamweaver 8 is missing one vital component: a printed manual. Enter Dreamweaver 8: The Missing Manual, the completely revised fourth edition of this bestselling book by experienced web site trainer, Macromedia Certified instructor, and Dreamweaver Advisory Council member David McFarland. This book enables both first-time and experienced web designers to create visually stunning and highly interactive web sites. With crystal-clear writing and much welcome humor, this new edition offers features such as: Live examples: With McFarland's step-by-step annotated tutorials, you'll learn how to construct a state-of-the-art commercial web site, complete with working forms, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and dynamic databases. Tricks of the trade: The book is bursting with undocumented workarounds and shortcuts for easing the process of building, maintaining, and updating professional web sites. Design guidance: You'll learn to create virtually every modern web feature, including forms, animations, cascading menus, and more--and you'll find out which browsers you need to provide special coding or do extra testing with. No matter what your level of expertise is, you'll also learn how to manage your entire web site-whether you've just launched or if it's been around for awhile and takes up thousands of pages. Beginners with no web design experience will appreciate the step-by-step guide to designing, organizing, building, and deploying a web site; long-time Dreamweaver users will appreciate the advanced, real-world techniques for controlling the appearance of their web pages with CSS. With more than 500 illustrations, a handcrafted index, and the clarity of thought that has made bestsellers of every Missing Manual to date, this is the ultimate atlas for the complex and powerful Dreamweaver 8.

Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Welcome to Dreamweaver CS3. This new version of the popular web design software offers a rich environment for building professional sites, with drag-and-drop simplicity, clean HTML code, and dynamic database-driven web site creation tools. Moreover, it's now integrated more tightly with Adobe's other products: Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, and their siblings. But with such sophisticated features, the software isn't simple.So say hello to Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual, the fifth edition of this bestselling book by experienced web site trainer and author David McFarland. This book helps both first-time and experienced web designers bring stunning, interactive web sites to life. With jargon-free language and clear descriptions, this new edition addresses both beginners who need step-by-step guidance as well as long-time Dreamweaver users who need a handy reference to address the inner-workings of the program.Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual teaches designers how to construct and manage web sites by examining web-page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities through "live examples". With a complete A-Z guide to designing, organizing, building and deploying a web site for those with no web design experience, this book:Takes you through the basics to advanced techniques to control the appearance of your web pages with CSSShows you how to design dynamic database-driven web sites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter signup formsTeaches you how to master your web site, and manage thousands of pages effortlesslyWitty and objective, Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual is a must for anyone who uses this highly popular program, from beginners to professionals. Altogether, it's the ultimate atlas for Dreamweaver CS3.

Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual, 1st Edition

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Welcome to Dreamweaver CS3. This new version of the popular web design software offers a rich environment for building professional sites, with drag-and-drop simplicity, clean HTML code, and dynamic database-driven web site creation tools. Moreover, it's now integrated more tightly with Adobe's other products: Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, and their siblings. But with such sophisticated features, the software isn't simple. So say hello to Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual, the fifth edition of this bestselling book by experienced web site trainer and author David McFarland. This book helps both first-time and experienced web designers bring stunning, interactive web sites to life. With jargon-free language and clear descriptions, this new edition addresses both beginners who need step-by-step guidance as well as long-time Dreamweaver users who need a handy reference to address the inner-workings of the program. Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual teaches designers how to construct and manage web sites by examining web-page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities through "live examples". With a complete A-Z guide to designing, organizing, building and deploying a web site for those with no web design experience, this book takes you through the basics to advanced techniques to control the appearance of your web pages with CSS. It shows you how to design dynamic database-driven web sites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter sign-up forms. It teaches you how to master your web site, and manage thousands of pages effortlessly. Witty and objective, Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual is a must for anyone who uses this highly popular program, from beginners to professionals. Altogether, it's the ultimate atlas for Dreamweaver CS3.

Dreamweaver CS4: The Missing Manual (The\missing Manual Ser.)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

When it comes to building professional websites, Dreamweaver CS4 is capable of doing more than any other web design program -- including previous versions of Dreamweaver. But the software's sophisticated features aren't simple. Dreamweaver CS4: The Missing Manual will help you master this program quickly, so you can bring stunning, interactive websites to life.Under the expert guidance of bestselling author and teacher David McFarland, you'll learn how to build professional-looking websites quickly and painlessly. McFarland has loaded the book with over 150 pages of hands-on tutorials to help you create database-enabled PHP pages, use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for cutting-edge design, add XML-based news feeds, include dynamic effects with JavaScript and AJAX, and more. This witty and objective book offers jargon-free language and clear descriptions that will help you:Learn how to control the appearance of your web pages with CSS, from the basics to advanced techniquesDesign dynamic database-driven websites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter signup formsAdd interactivity to your website with ready-to-use JavaScript programs from Adobe's Spry FrameworkEffortlessly control the many helper files that power your website and manage thousands of pagesExamine web-page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities with the book's "live examples"Perfect for beginners who need step-by-step guidance, and for longtime Dreamweaver designers who need a handy reference to the new version, this thoroughly updated edition of our bestselling Missing Manual is your complete guide to designing, organizing, building, and deploying websites. It's the ultimate atlas for Dreamweaver CS4.

Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual Ser.)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Adobe's website-development program lets you revamp an existing site, or design, build, and manage a new one without writing a single line of code. But learning Dreamweaver is tricky. This step-by-step guide helps you master this versatile program with jargon-free language, hands-on tutorials, and savvy advice from a Dreamweaver pro.Get complete guidance. Go from building your first web page to creating interactive, database-driven sitesBuild skills as you learn. Apply your knowledge using 12 tutorials and downloadable practice filesCreate a thoroughly modern website. Build fast-loading pages based on powerful, easy-to-use CSS toolsAdd instant interactivity. Use pre-packaged JavaScript programs to add forms, drop-down menus, and moreTap into databases. Connect your site to a database and build pages that display the informationDiscover hidden tips and tricks. Learn undocumented workarounds and shortcutsHave it your way. Customize the way Dreamweaver looks and works to suit your needs

Dreamweaver CS5.5: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Dreamweaver is the tool most widely used for designing and managing professional-looking websites, but it's a complex program. That's where Dreamweaver CS5.5: The Missing Manual comes in. With its jargon-free explanations, 13 hands-on tutorials, and savvy advice from Dreamweaver expert Dave McFarland, you'll master this versatile program with ease. Get A to Z guidance. Go from building your first web page to creating interactive, database-driven sites. Build skills as you learn. Apply your knowledge through tutorials and downloadable practice files. Create a state-of-the-art website. Use powerful, easy-to-use tools such as CSS3 and Spry effects to build visually rich, fast-loading pages. Add instant interactivity. Choose from pre-packaged JavaScript programs to add drop-down menus, tabbed panels, forms, and other features. Tap into databases. Connect your site to a database and build pages that dynamically sort and display stored information. Go mobile. Build and preview websites for smartphones and tablets. Discover hidden tips and tricks. Get undocumented workarounds and shortcuts.

Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Dreamweaver CS6 is the most capable website design and management program yet, but there's no printed guide to its amazing features. That's where Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manual comes in. You'll learn to use every facet of this versatile program, through jargon-free explanations and 13 hands-on tutorials. The important stuff you need to know: Get A to Z guidance. Go from building simple web pages to creating rich, interactive websites. Learn state-of-the-art design. Create dynamic, visually appealing sites using JavaScript and CSS, and see how HTML5 and CSS3 fit in. Add instant interactivity. Use Dreamweaver's unique Spry technology to easily add complex layout options, like drop-down menus. Use timesaving features. Take advantage of Dreamweaver's libraries, templates, and hundreds of extensions. Go mobile. Design sites for smartphones, tablets, and desktop PCs, using the same HTML. Simplify site management. Check for broken links, streamline site-wide changes, and reorganize your site in a snap.

Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

As the Web's popularity continues to skyrocket, so does that of Macromedia Dreamweaver, one of the most elegant and powerful Web-page creation programs available. Dreamweaver offers a rich, well-designed, WISYWYG environment for building cross-platform, cross-browser Web sites; but unlike most visual editors, it doesn't clutter up the underlying HTML programming by inserting unnecessary HTML tags that make large Web sites difficult to manage. Dreamweaver is a favorite of multimedia designers, thanks to its smooth integration with other Macromedia applications, like Flash and Shockwave. Dreamweaver MX (for Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, and Windows) marks the historic union of Dreamweaver and Dreamweaver UltraDev, a package of Web-database language modules once sold separately. The new, unified program offers even more power--and Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual offers even more easily understood, witty lessons for harnessing it. As in his highly regarded Dreamweaver 4: The Missing Manual , author McFarland livens the book with unique,live examples,that let the reader see and test--on the Internet, itself--real Web pages that follow the development progress of the book's chapters. There's even a step-by-step tutorial for creating an interactive Web database using Microsoft's ASP programming language, new to Dreamweaver MX. In collaboration with Missing Manual series editor David Pogue, McFarland brings Dreamweaver MX to life with clarity, authority, and good humor. Armed with this book, the first-time or experienced Web designer will have little difficulty using DreamWeaver to create stunning, interactive Web sites.

Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Macromedia's Dreamweaver MX 2004 offers a rich environment for building professional web sites, with drag-and-drop simplicity, clean HTML code, and dynamic database-driven web site creation tools. It comes with everything except perhaps the most important feature of all: a printed manual. Enter Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing Manual, the book that enables both first-time and experienced web designers to bring stunning, interactive web sites to life. What sets this new edition apart is the crystal-clear writing, welcome humor, and exclusive features like these:Live examples. With a step-by-step annotated tutorial, readers follow the construction of a state-of-the-art commercial web site, complete with Flash buttons, Cascading Style Sheets, and dynamic databases. Tricks of the trade. The book is bursting with undocumented workarounds and shortcuts. Design guidance. Readers can create any modern web feature, including forms, animations, pop-up windows, and more. This book lets you know which browsers, situations, and audiences are appropriate for each. With over 500 illustrations, a handcrafted index, and the clarity of thought that has made bestsellers of every Missing Manual to date, this edition is the ultimate atlas for Dreamweaver MX 2004.

JavaScript: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

JavaScript is an essential language for creating modern, interactive websites, but its complex rules challenge even the most experienced web designers. With JavaScript: The Missing Manual, you'll quickly learn how to use JavaScript in sophisticated ways -- without pain or frustration -- even if you have little or no programming experience. JavaScript expert David McFarland first teaches you the basics by having you build a simple program. Then you'll learn how to work with jQuery, a popular library of pre-built JavaScript components that's free and easy to use. With jQuery, you can quickly build modern, interactive web pages -- without having to script everything from scratch! Learn how to add scripts to a web page, store and manipulate information, communicate with the browser window, respond to events like mouse clicks and form submissions, and identify and modify HTML Get real-world examples of JavaScript in action Learn to build pop-up navigation bars, enhance HTML tables, create an interactive photo gallery, and make web forms more usable Create interesting user interfaces with tabbed panels, accordion panels, and pop-up dialog boxes Learn to avoid the ten most common errors new programmers make, and how to find and fix bugs Use JavaScript with Ajax to communicate with a server so that your web pages can receive information without having to reload

JavaScript i jQuery. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by David Sawyer McFarland

Buduj zaawansowane i interaktywne strony WWW!JavaScript ma za sob? d?ug? histori?, w której bywa?y okresy lepsze i gorsze. Czasem j?zyk ten by? wr?cz masowo blokowany w przegl?darkach. Jednak te czasy min??y. W tej chwili nie obejdzie si? bez niego ?adna powa?na aplikacja internetowa lub cho? troch? bardziej zaawansowana strona WWW. U?ytkownicy serwisów internetowych wymuszaj? na projektantach coraz nowsze i lepsze rozwi?zania. Dlatego na rynku wci?? pojawiaj? si? dodatkowe narz?dzia dla j?zyka JavaScript, które u?atwiaj? wykorzystanie jego potencja?u. Najpopularniejszym dodatkiem tego typu jest biblioteka jQuery. Genialna w swojej prostocie, z ogromnymi mo?liwo?ciami, zdoby?a uznanie wszystkich programistów JavaScriptu. Nie potrafi? sobie oni wyobrazi? programowania bez jej wykorzystania. W tej ksi??ce znajdziesz najlepsze techniki, jakie oferuje JavaScript. Nauczysz si? nawigowa? po drzewie DOM, modyfikowa? zachowanie elementów oraz obs?ugiwa? zdarzenia. Poznasz równie? narz?dzia, które u?atwi? Ci prac? oraz debugowanie kodu. Jest to obowi?zkowa pozycja dla ka?dego projektanta stron internetowych. Musisz j? mie?!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce:poznasz podstawy j?zyka JavaScriptzobaczysz, jak jQuery potrafi u?atwi? prac? z JavaScriptemopanujesz mechanizm zdarze? w jQueryzbudujesz lepsz? i ciekawsz? witryn?!Twórz atrakcyjne strony WWW. Wzboga? kod HTML o animacje, interaktywno?? i dynamiczne efekty wizualne!

JavaScript i jQuery. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik. Wydanie III

by David Sawyer McFarland

Duet nie do pokonania!JavaScript to j?zyk, którego pocz?tki si?gaj? lat dziewi??dziesi?tych XX wieku. Po pocz?tkowych problemach, gdy by? masowo blokowany przez u?ytkowników, obecnie prze?ywa swój najlepszy okres. Trudno wyobrazi? sobie bez niego nowoczesn? aplikacj? internetow?. Niew?tpliwie du?y wp?yw na wzrost popularno?ci JavaScriptu mia?a biblioteka jQuery, która usprawni?a korzystanie z tego j?zyka.Ta ksi??ka to wyj?tkowy podr?cznik prezentuj?cy mo?liwo?ci niesamowitego duetu JavaScript – jQuery. Si?gnij po ni?, a zagwarantujesz sobie godziny pasjonuj?cej lektury i odkrywania sk?adni j?zyka, typowych konstrukcji oraz najlepszych technik tworzenia programów. Ponadto dowiesz si?, jak sprawnie manipulowa? obiektami w drzewie DOM, reagowa? na zdarzenia oraz wymienia? informacje z serwerem za pomoc? ??da? AJAX. Na sam koniec zdob?dziesz bezcenn? wiedz? na temat diagnozowania problemów ze skryptami, korzystania z dokumentacji jQuery oraz przechowywania danych w magazynie lokalnym u?ytkownika. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? lektur? dla ka?dego webdevelopera!Spraw, by Twoje strony ?y?y. Korzystaj z jQuery, ?eby tworzy? interaktywne elementy reaguj?ce na poczynania u?ytkowników. Poznaj jQuery UI. Rozbuduj tworzone interfejsy u?ytkownika stosuj?c grupy kart, okna dialogowe, wid?ety do wyboru daty i tak dalej. Wy?wietlaj ?adne i u?yteczne formularze. Pobieraj informacje od u?ytkowników, pomagaj klientom w zakupach i zapewniaj cz?onkom spo?eczno?ci mo?liwo?? dzielenia si? przemy?leniami. Wyjd? poza ramy przegl?darki korzystaj?c z technologii Ajax. Komunikuj si? z serwerem WWW, by aktualizowa? strony bez ich od?wie?ania. Zastosuj swoje nowe umiej?tno?ci w praktyce. Krok po kroku twórz nowe aplikacje, korzystaj?c przy tym z jQuery i wid?etów jQuery UI. Poznawaj zaawansowane zagadnienia. Korzystaj z narz?dzia ThemeRoller by dostosowywa? wygl?d wid?etów; unikaj popularnych b??dów, które programi?ci cz?sto pope?niaj?.​Wykorzystaj w pe?ni mo?liwo?ci wspó?czesnych przegl?darek internetowych!David Sawyer McFarland – od ponad 20 lat zajmuje si? tworzeniem stron WWW i zarz?dzaniem tymi stronami. Jest prezesem firmy Sawyer McFarland Media. Wcze?niej pracowa? jako webmaster na Uniwersytecie Stanu Kalifornia oraz w Berkeley Multimedia Research Center. Jest autorem ksi??ek po?wi?conych Adobe Dreamweaverowi oraz CSS.

JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

JavaScript lets you supercharge your HTML with animation, interactivity, and visual effects--but many web designers find the language hard to learn. This jargon-free guide covers JavaScript basics and shows you how to save time and effort with the jQuery library of prewritten JavaScript code. You'll soon be building web pages that feel and act like desktop programs, without having to do much programming. The important stuff you need to know: Make your pages interactive. Create JavaScript events that react to visitor actions. Use animations and effects. Build drop-down navigation menus, pop-ups, automated slideshows, and more. Improve your user interface. Learn how the pros make websites fun and easy to use. Collect data with web forms. Create easy-to-use forms that ensure more accurate visitor responses. Add a dash of Ajax. Enable your web pages to communicate with a web server without a page reload. Practice with living examples. Get step-by-step tutorials for web projects you can build yourself.

JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

JavaScript lets you supercharge your HTML with animation, interactivity, and visual effects—but many web designers find the language hard to learn. This easy-to-read guide not only covers JavaScript basics, but also shows you how to save time and effort with the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries of prewritten JavaScript code. You’ll build web pages that feel and act like desktop programs—with little or no programming.The important stuff you need to know:Pull back the curtain on JavaScript. Learn how to build a basic program with this language.Get up to speed on jQuery. Quickly assemble JavaScript programs that work well on multiple web browsers.Transform your user interface. Learn jQuery UI, the JavaScript library for interface features like design themes and controls.Make your pages interactive. Create JavaScript events that react to visitor actions.Use animations and effects. Build drop-down navigation menus, pop-ups, automated slideshows, and more.Collect data with web forms. Create easy-to-use forms that ensure more accurate visitor responses.Practice with living examples. Get step-by-step tutorials for web projects you can build yourself.

JavaScript. Nieoficjalny Podrecznik: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual Ser.)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Wykorzystaj mo?liwo?ci JavaScript! Jak rozpocz?? przygod? z JavaScript? Jak dynamicznie modyfikowa? strony

The Complex Mind

by David Mcfarland Keith Stenning Maggie Mcgonigle-Chalmers

Combining the study of animal minds, artificial minds, and human evolution, this book examine the advances made by comparative psychologists in explaining the intelligent behaviour of primates,the design of artificial autonomous systems and the cognitive products of language evolution.

El Capitan: A Take Control Crash Course

by Scholle Mcfarland

Ascend El Capitan with Mac expert Scholle McFarland!In this crash course about OS X 10.11 El Capitan, former Macworld editor Scholle McFarland helps you discover and master changes in the Finder as well as in Apple's Notes, Safari, and Messages apps. The book's browsable layout makes it easy for you to find the information that you care about the most as you learn how to set up notifications sensibly, do more (or less) with your Dock, invoke Mission Control and set up a Split View, take phone calls on your Mac, locate all manner of things with Spotlight search, work fluidly between Apple devices with Handoff and AirDrop, dictate to your Mac -- and even tell it what to do -- plus lots more.Scholle closes with two under-the-hood topics, setting up a user account (for a child, guest, or troubleshooting) and essential troubleshooting techniques.Whether you want to browse for a few tips or go deep, you'll learn about...Four techniques for invoking Mission Control, with its new Spaces BarThe new Split View, which puts two apps side-by-side in an elegant wayHow pinned tabs in Safari work differently -- and in some cases better -- than bookmarksThe keyboard shortcut for auto-filling your personal information into a Safari formFinding the new checkbox for auto-hiding the menu barHow you can delete a file without emptying the entire Trash (finally!)What to do if you can't stand OS X's translucent menu bars and windowsHow to keep your Spotlight searches privateThe necessary settings for Handoff to work between devicesSetting up the Mac's Notification Center so it's usefulUsing the Attachment Browser in El Capitan's new Notes appDeciding whether to use plain or enhanced dictationMaking your Mac announce incoming alert notifications with a custom voiceSetting up smart folders that bring tagged files into view easilyEssential tips for decreasing Finder window overload with tabsMany picky details about AirDrop file transfer -- and ideas for alternativesSetting up an account for a child with parental controls and age-based limitsWhat to do if your Mac won't turn on, if you get the spinning beachball of death, or if you need to repair your disk -- and how to easily find out if your Mac still has AppleCareAs part of our Crash Course series, this book will provide the first-rate content you expect from us in short chunks so you can dip in and read quickly. Because so many Take Control readers give tech support to others, each concise chapter has sharing buttons and practical tweet-tips, making it easy to share a few pages with Facebook friends, Twitter followers, and others who really need the information. Crash Courses have a modern, magazine-like layout in PDF while retaining a reflowable design in the EPUB and Mobipocket versions.

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