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Medical Imaging: Artificial Intelligence, Image Recognition, and Machine Learning Techniques (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #651)

by K. C. Santosh Sameer Antani D. S. Guru Nilanjan Dey

The book discusses varied topics pertaining to advanced or up-to-date techniques in medical imaging using artificial intelligence (AI), image recognition (IR) and machine learning (ML) algorithms/techniques. Further, coverage includes analysis of chest radiographs (chest x-rays) via stacked generalization models, TB type detection using slice separation approach, brain tumor image segmentation via deep learning, mammogram mass separation, epileptic seizures, breast ultrasound images, knee joint x-ray images, bone fracture detection and labeling, and diabetic retinopathy. It also reviews 3D imaging in biomedical applications and pathological medical imaging.

Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Proceeding of 2020 International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (MICAD 2020) (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #633)

by Han Liu Ruidan Su

This book covers virtually all aspects of image formation in medical imaging, including systems based on ionizing radiation (x-rays, gamma rays) and non-ionizing techniques (ultrasound, optical, thermal, magnetic resonance, and magnetic particle imaging) alike. In addition, it discusses the development and application of computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) systems in medical imaging. Given its coverage, the book provides both a forum and valuable resource for researchers involved in image formation, experimental methods, image performance, segmentation, pattern recognition, feature extraction, classifier design, machine learning / deep learning, radiomics, CAD workstation design, human–computer interaction, databases, and performance evaluation.

Medical Ultrasound, and Preterm, Perinatal and Paediatric Image Analysis: First International Workshop, ASMUS 2020, and 5th International Workshop, PIPPI 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 4-8, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12437)

by Yipeng Hu Roxane Licandro J. Alison Noble Jana Hutter Stephen Aylward Andrew Melbourne Esra Abaci Turk Jordina Torrents Barrena

This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International Workshop on Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound, ASMUS 2020, and the 5th International Workshop on Perinatal, Preterm and Paediatric Image Analysis, PIPPI 2020, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2020, the 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. The conference was planned to take place in Lima, Peru, but changed to an online event due to the Coronavirus pandemic. For ASMUS 2020, 19 contributions were accepted from 26 submissions; the 14 contributions from the PIPPI workshop were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: diagnosis and measurement; segmentation, captioning and enhancement; localisation and guidance; robotics and skill assessment, and PIPPI 2020.

Medienhandeln zwischen Kompetenz, Performanz und Literacy

by Christine W. Trültzsch-Wijnen

Das Buch diskutiert die soziale und individuelle Bedingtheit von Medienkompetenz. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie sich das Medienhandeln von Individuen im Hinblick auf deren Medienkompetenz, im Sinne eines sicheren und selbstbestimmten Handelns im Umgang mit Medien, erklären und beurteilen lässt. Dies setzt eine Betrachtung des Medienhandelns vor dem Hintergrund der Beziehungen zwischen der Kompetenz zu Handeln, als Summe von Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Wissen sowie der kognitiven Beherrschung von Regeln des Verhaltens (moralische Regeln, rechtliche Regeln sowie Regeln der Klugheit), und der Performanz, als tatsächliches Handeln eines Individuums, voraus. Dabei wird auf theoretischer Ebene der Frage nach der sozialen Determinierung eines selbstbestimmten Handelns im Umgang mit Medien einschließlich dafür erforderlicher Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten sowie des damit verbundenen Wissens nachgegangen. Außerdem wird das Verhältnis des deutschsprachigen Medienkompetenzdiskurses zum internationalen Diskurs über media literacy erläutert. Es werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede herausgearbeitet und Potentiale für eine gegenseitige Befruchtung beider Perspektiven aufgezeigt. Darüber hinaus wird die empirische Relevanz und Anwendbarkeit dieser theoretischen Überlegungen anhand zweier Studien illustriert.

Medieninnovationen AR und VR: Erfolgsfaktoren für die Entwicklung von Experiences

by Elle Langer

Augmented und Virtual Reality sind Medieninnovationen mit spezifischen Merkmalen. Sie erzeugen beim Nutzer eine Immersion, da der Nutzer in das Medium und seine 360° Umgebung hineintaucht. Um erfolgreich Inhalte und Anwendungen für AR und VR zu entwickeln, müssen psychologische Wirkungsweisen, die Besonderheiten der 360° Umgebung, die Geschichte und die Art der Mediennutzug mit den Bedürfnissen und Erlebnissen des Nutzers abgestimmt werden. Contentproduzenten stellt das vor neuartige Herausforderungen bei der Contententwicklung, der Methodenwahl, der Teamarbeit und dem gesamten Herstellungsprozess von AR und VR Experiences.Das Buch führt den Leser in die Merkmale der immersiven Medien ein und bietet ihm wissenschaftliche Belege und praxisrelevante Tipps, die ihm helfen, hochwertige und nutzerzentrierte Inhalte für die Immersiven Medien zu produzieren. Die wissenschaftlich hergeleiteten Erfolgsfaktoren in Form von Checklisten sind ein Leitfaden und eine ideale Grundlage, um den Herstellungsprozess zu standardisieren und die eigenen Projekte weiterzuentwickeln.

Mediensoziologie: Eine systematische Einführung

by Hanno Scholtz

Was haben Veränderungen in Gesellschaften und ihren Medien miteinander zu tun? Wo tragen Medien zu gesellschaftlichen Problemen bei und wo können sie diese lösen helfen? Wie wird darüber in der Wissenschaft diskutiert, und wie hängen diese Diskussionen zusammen? Ausgehend von Individuen mit ihren Wahrnehmungen und Handlungsentscheidungen, den von ihnen begründeten Institutionen, und einer knappen Definition von Medien bietet dieser Einführungsband in die Mediensoziologie eine systematische Darstellung, die einen Überblick ermöglicht und Probleme und im Fach geführte Diskussionen einordnen lässt.

Medieval Manuscripts in the Digital Age (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities)

by Benjamin Albritton

Medieval Manuscripts in the Digital Age explores one major manuscript repository’s digital presence and poses timely questions about studying books from a temporal and spatial distance via the online environment. Through contributions from a large group of distinguished international scholars, the volume assesses the impact of being able to access and interpret these early manuscripts in new ways. The focus on Parker on the Web, a world-class digital repository of diverse medieval manuscripts, comes as that site made its contents Open Access. Exploring the uses of digital representations of medieval texts and their contexts, contributors consider manuscripts from multiple perspectives including production, materiality, and reception. In addition, the volume explicates new interdisciplinary frameworks of analysis for the study of the relationship between texts and their physical contexts, while centring on an appreciation of the opportunities and challenges effected by the digital representation of a tangible object. Approaches extend from the codicological, palaeographical, linguistic, and cultural to considerations of reader reception, image production, and the implications of new technologies for future discoveries. Medieval Manuscripts in the Digital Age advances the debate in manuscript studies about the role of digital and computational sources and tools. As such, the book will appeal to scholars and students working in the disciplines of Digital Humanities, Medieval Studies, Literary Studies, Library and Information Science, and Book History.

MegaBite (EDGE: I HERO: Megahero #5)

by Steve Skidmore Steve Barlow

Take on the role of a shape-shifting MEGAHERO in this fully interactive, wacky, choose-your-own-destiny adventure story.You and your mega-computer sidekick, PAL, must save the world from MegaBite - an ultra-skilled and not-very-nice computer hacker. The evil genius has built a web of scams online - can you possibly morph into the right shapes to unravel his coordinated cyber attacks?? Written by the award-winning duo Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore (AKA the 2STEVES) and illustrated by the hilarious Pipi Sposito. Reading age from 6 to 8 years old. Interest range from 7 to 10 years old - suitable for reluctant readers and less confident older readers. Printed using a font approved by the British Dyslexia Association.Read and laugh along with the whole series!October 2020I HERO: MegaHero: Sushi Man - 9781445169477I HERO: MegaHero: Professor Weird - 9781445170039November 2020I HERO: MegaHero: DinoSaw - 9781445170084I HERO: MegaHero: Miss Take - 9781445170091December 2020I HERO: MegaHero: MegaBite - 9781445170121I HERO: MegaHero: Queen of Hearts - 9781445170152

MEMS: Field Models and Optimal Design (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #573)

by Paolo Di Barba Slawomir Wiak

This book highlights numerical models as powerful tools for the optimal design of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Most MEMS experts have a background in electronics, where circuit models or behavioral models (i.e. lumped-parameter models) of devices are preferred to field models. This is certainly convenient in terms of preliminary design, e.g. in the prototyping stage. However, design optimization should also take into account fine-sizing effects on device behavior and therefore be based on distributed-parameter models, such as finite-element models. The book shows how the combination of automated optimal design and field-based models can produce powerful design toolboxes for MEMS. It especially focuses on illustrating theoretical concepts with practical examples, fostering comprehension through a problem-solving approach. By comparing the results obtained using different methods, readers will learn to identify their respective strengths and weaknesses. In addition, special emphasis is given to evolutionary computing and nature-inspired optimization strategies, the effectiveness of which has already been amply demonstrated. Given its scope, the book provides PhD students, researchers and professionals in the area of computer-aided analysis with a comprehensive, yet concise and practice-oriented guide to MEMS design and optimization. To benefit most from the book, readers should have a basic grasp of electromagnetism, vector analysis and numerical methods.

Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation 3: Storage, Visualization and In Memory Strategies

by Paul Louis George Frédéric Alauzet Adrien Loseille Loïc Maréchal

Triangulations, and more precisely meshes, are at the heart of many problems relating to a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in particular numerical simulations of all kinds of physical phenomena. In Volume 1, the theoretical foundations relating to triangulations, finite element shape functions and their interpretations as geometric patches were explored. This has made it possible to build tools that make the geometric modeling of any object possible. These elements are used in Volume 2 to treat meshing problems in their different implementations. Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation 3 offers technical additions to the methods seen in the first two volumes and a significant portion of this book is dedicated to mesh visualization problems and solutions, especially those with a high degree of complexity.

Metabase Up and Running: Introduce Business Intelligence And Analytics To Your Company And Make Better Business Decisions

by Tim Abraham

This book is for business analysts, data analysts, data scientists, and other professionals who want to become well-versed with business intelligence and analytics using Metabase. This book will also appeal to anyone who wants to understand their data and extract meaningful insights from scratch using practical examples. A basic understanding of data handling and processing will be beneficial before you get started with this book.

Metabiology: Non-standard Models, General Semantics and Natural Evolution (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #50)

by Arturo Carsetti

In the context of life sciences, we are constantly confronted with information that possesses precise semantic values and appears essentially immersed in a specific evolutionary trend. In such a framework, Nature appears, in Monod’s words, as a tinkerer characterized by the presence of precise principles of self-organization. However, while Monod was obliged to incorporate his brilliant intuitions into the framework of first-order cybernetics and a theory of information with an exclusively syntactic character such as that defined by Shannon, research advances in recent decades have led not only to the definition of a second-order cybernetics but also to an exploration of the boundaries of semantic information. As H. Atlan states, on a biological level "the function self-organizes together with its meaning". Hence the need to refer to a conceptual theory of complexity and to a theory of self-organization characterized in an intentional sense. There is also a need to introduce, at the genetic level, a distinction between coder and ruler as well as the opportunity to define a real software space for natural evolution. The recourse to non-standard model theory, the opening to a new general semantics, and the innovative definition of the relationship between coder and ruler can be considered, today, among the most powerful theoretical tools at our disposal in order to correctly define the contours of that new conceptual revolution increasingly referred to as metabiology. This book focuses on identifying and investigating the role played by these particular theoretical tools in the development of this new scientific paradigm. Nature "speaks" by means of mathematical forms: we can observe these forms, but they are, at the same time, inside us as they populate our organs of cognition. In this context, the volume highlights how metabiology appears primarily to refer to the growth itself of our instruments of participatory knowledge of the world.

Metaheuristic Computation with MATLAB®

by Erik Cuevas Alma Rodriguez

Metaheuristic algorithms are considered as generic optimization tools that can solve very complex problems characterized by having very large search spaces. Metaheuristic methods reduce the effective size of the search space through the use of effective search strategies. Book Features: Provides a unified view of the most popular metaheuristic methods currently in use Includes the necessary concepts to enable readers to implement and modify already known metaheuristic methods to solve problems Covers design aspects and implementation in MATLAB® Contains numerous examples of problems and solutions that demonstrate the power of these methods of optimization The material has been written from a teaching perspective and, for this reason, this book is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of artificial intelligence, metaheuristic methods, and/or evolutionary computation. The objective is to bridge the gap between metaheuristic techniques and complex optimization problems that profit from the convenient properties of metaheuristic approaches. Therefore, engineer practitioners who are not familiar with metaheuristic computation will appreciate that the techniques discussed are beyond simple theoretical tools, since they have been adapted to solve significant problems that commonly arise in such areas.

Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms in Civil Engineering: New Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence #900)

by Ali Kaveh Armin Dadras Eslamlou

This book discusses the application of metaheuristic algorithms in a number of important optimization problems in civil engineering. Advances in civil engineering technologies require greater accuracy, efficiency and speed in terms of the analysis and design of the corresponding systems. As such, it is not surprising that novel methods have been developed for the optimal design of real-world systems and models with complex configurations and large numbers of elements. This book is intended for scientists, engineers and students wishing to explore the potential of newly developed metaheuristics in practical problems. It presents concepts that are not only applicable to civil engineering problems, but can also used for optimizing problems related to mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineering. It is an essential resource for civil, mechanical and electrical engineers who use optimization methods for design, as well as for students and researchers interested in structural optimization.

Metaheuristics for Robotics

by Hamouche Oulhadj Boubaker Daachi Riad Menasri

This book is dedicated to the application of metaheuristic optimization in trajectory generation and control issues in robotics. In this area, as in other fields of application, the algorithmic tools addressed do not require a comprehensive list of eligible solutions to effectively solve an optimization problem. This book investigates how, by reformulating the problems to be solved, it is possible to obtain results by means of metaheuristics. Through concrete examples and case studies – particularly related to robotics – this book outlines the essentials of what is needed to reformulate control laws into concrete optimization data. The resolution approaches implemented – as well as the results obtained – are described in detail, in order to give, as much as possible, an idea of metaheuristics and their performance within the context of their application to robotics.

Metasploit 5.0 for Beginners: Perform penetration testing to secure your IT environment against threats and vulnerabilities, 2nd Edition

by Sagar Rahalkar

A comprehensive guide to Metasploit for beginners that will help you get started with the latest Metasploit 5.0 Framework for exploiting real-world vulnerabilities Key Features Perform pentesting in highly secured environments with Metasploit 5.0 Become well-versed with the latest features and improvements in the Metasploit Framework 5.0 Analyze, find, exploit, and gain access to different systems by bypassing various defenses Book Description Securing an IT environment can be challenging, however, effective penetration testing and threat identification can make all the difference. This book will help you learn how to use the Metasploit Framework optimally for comprehensive penetration testing. Complete with hands-on tutorials and case studies, this updated second edition will teach you the basics of the Metasploit Framework along with its functionalities. You'll learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. Next, you'll get hands-on with the essential tools. As you progress, you'll learn how to find weaknesses in the target system and hunt for vulnerabilities using Metasploit and its supporting tools and components. Later, you'll get to grips with web app security scanning, bypassing anti-virus, and post-compromise methods for clearing traces on the target system. The concluding chapters will take you through real-world case studies and scenarios that will help you apply the knowledge you've gained to ethically hack into target systems. You'll also discover the latest security techniques that can be directly applied to scan, test, ethically hack, and secure networks and systems with Metasploit. By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to use the Metasploit 5.0 Framework to exploit real-world vulnerabilities. What you will learn Set up the environment for Metasploit Understand how to gather sensitive information and exploit vulnerabilities Get up to speed with client-side attacks and web application scanning using Metasploit Leverage the latest features of Metasploit 5.0 to evade anti-virus Delve into cyber attack management using Armitage Understand exploit development and explore real-world case studies Who this book is for If you are a penetration tester, ethical hacker, or security consultant who wants to quickly get started with using the Metasploit Framework to carry out elementary penetration testing in highly secured environments, then this Metasploit book is for you. You will also find this book useful if you're interested in computer security, particularly in the areas of vulnerability assessment and pentesting, and want to develop practical skills when using the Metasploit Framework.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 10th International Conference (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1241)

by Pierpaolo Vittorini Tania Di Mascio Laura Tarantino Marco Temperini Rosella Gennari Fernando De la Prieta

This book intends to bring together researchers and developers from industry, the education field, and the academic world to report on the latest scientific research, technical advances, and methodologies. The 10th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning is hosted by the University of L’Aquila and is going to be held in L’Aquila (Italy). Initially planned on the 17th to the 19th of June 2020, it was postponed to the 7th to the 9th of October 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The 10th edition of this conference and its related workshops expand the topics of the evidence-based TEL workshops series in order to provide an open forum for discussing intelligent systems for TEL, their roots in novel learning theories, empirical methodologies for their design or evaluation, stand-alone solutions, or web-based ones. This bridge has been realized also thanks to the sponsor of this edition of MIS4TEL: the Armundia Group, the support from national associations (AEPIA, APPIA, CINI, and EurAI), and organizers (UNIVAQ, UNIROMA1, UNIBZ, UCV, UFSC, USAL, AIR institute, UNC, and UNIBA)

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1007)

by Rosella Gennari Pierpaolo Vittorini Fernando De la Prieta Tania Di Mascio Marco Temperini Ricardo Azambuja Silveira Demetrio Arturo Ovalle Carranza

This book, which gathers the outcomes of the 9th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning and its related workshops, expands on the topics of the evidence-based TEL workshop series in order to provide an open forum for discussing intelligent systems for TEL, their roots in novel learning theories, empirical methodologies for their design and evaluation, stand-alone solutions, and web-based ones. The Conference was hosted by the University of Salamanca and was held in Ávila (Spain) from the 26th to the 28th of June 2019. Its goal was to bring together researchers and developers from industry, education, and the academic world to report on the latest scientific research, technical advances, and methodologies. We wish to thank the sponsors: IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Spain Section Chapter and the IEEE Spain Section (Technical Co-Sponsor), IBM, Indra, Viewnext, Global Exchange, AEPIA, APPIA and AIR institute.

Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference, Workshops (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1008)

by Elvira Popescu Loreto Lancia Ana Belén Gil Luigia Simona Sica Anna Mavroudi

This book is based on the 9th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, which was hosted by the University of Salamanca and held in Ávila (Spain) from 26th to 28th June 2019. Expanding on the topics of the evidence-based TEL workshops series, it provides an open forum for discussing intelligent technologies for learning. In particular, it discusses recommendation mechanisms that enable us to tailor learning to different contexts and people, e.g., by considering their personality; and learning analytics that help augment learning opportunities, e.g., by supporting the adaptation of the learning material. In addition to technologies, it covers methods from different fields, such as educational psychology or medicine, and from diverse communities co-working with people, such as making communities and participatory design communities to help create novel TEL opportunities. Further it describes the use of methods and technologies to investigate and enhance learning for “fragile users”, like children, the elderly and those with special needs. We thank the sponsors: IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society Spain Section Chapter and the IEEE Spain Section (Technical Co-Sponsor), IBM, Indra, Viewnext, Global exchange, AEPIA, APPIA and AIR institute.

Methodology of Complex Activity: Foundations of Understanding and Modelling (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #300)

by Mikhail V. Belov Dmitry A. Novikov

This book develops and describes a general methodology that can be applied to any complex human activity (activity with a non-trivial, multi-level internal structure).The structural components of complex activities are considered, and their logical, cause-and-effect, and process structures are functionally described. Considerable attention is paid to organization and management, uncertainties, and the lifecycles of activities, as well as the actors, subject matter, resources, knowledge, and methods involved. Several typical examples are used throughout the text to illustrate the implementation of common approaches involving the functioning of work groups, organizational units, projects, and organizations in general: a retail bank, an aircraft manufacturer, a fire department, and a nuclear power plant. In addition, the book employs a system of connected technical models, in order to ensure that the results are of practical applicability for both experts on the ground and scholars engaged in research on the general principles of how activities (practical, scientific, etc.) are organized or on the management of socio-technical systems.

Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms

by Angele Christin

The starkly different ways that American and French online news companies respond to audience analytics and what this means for the future of newsWhen the news moved online, journalists suddenly learned what their audiences actually liked, through algorithmic technologies that scrutinize web traffic and activity. Has this advent of audience metrics changed journalists’ work practices and professional identities? In Metrics at Work, Angèle Christin documents the ways that journalists grapple with audience data in the form of clicks, and analyzes how new forms of clickbait journalism travel across national borders.Drawing on four years of fieldwork in web newsrooms in the United States and France, including more than one hundred interviews with journalists, Christin reveals many similarities among the media groups examined—their editorial goals, technological tools, and even office furniture. Yet she uncovers crucial and paradoxical differences in how American and French journalists understand audience analytics and how these affect the news produced in each country. American journalists routinely disregard traffic numbers and primarily rely on the opinion of their peers to define journalistic quality. Meanwhile, French journalists fixate on internet traffic and view these numbers as a sign of their resonance in the public sphere. Christin offers cultural and historical explanations for these disparities, arguing that distinct journalistic traditions structure how journalists make sense of digital measurements in the two countries.Contrary to the popular belief that analytics and algorithms are globally homogenizing forces, Metrics at Work shows that computational technologies can have surprisingly divergent ramifications for work and organizations worldwide.

Metrics of Sensory Motor Coordination and Integration in Robots and Animals: How to Measure the Success of Bioinspired Solutions with Respect to their Natural Models, and Against More ‘Artificial’ Solutions? (Cognitive Systems Monographs #36)

by Fabio Bonsignorio Elena Messina Angel P. del Pobil John Hallam

This book focuses on a critical issue in the study of physical agents, whether natural or artificial: the quantitative modelling of sensory–motor coordination.Adopting a novel approach, it defines a common scientific framework for both the intelligent systems designed by engineers and those that have evolved naturally. As such it contributes to the widespread adoption of a rigorous quantitative and refutable approach in the scientific study of ‘embodied’ intelligence and cognition. More than 70 years after Norbert Wiener’s famous book Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948), robotics, AI and life sciences seem to be converging towards a common model of what we can call the ‘science of embodied intelligent/cognitive agents’. This book is interesting for an interdisciplinary community of researchers, technologists and entrepreneurs working at the frontiers of robotics and AI, neuroscience and general life and brain sciences.

Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks: The Dark Side of Social Media (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics)

by Nilda M. Garcia

Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks examines the effects of technology on three criminal organizations: the Sinaloa cartel, the Zetas, and the Caballeros Templarios. Using social network analysis, and analyzing the use of web platforms Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Nilda M. Garcia provides fresh insights on the organizational network, the central nodes, and the channels through which information flows in these three criminal organizations. In doing so, she demonstrates that some drug cartels in Mexico have adopted the usage of social media into their strategies, often pursuing different tactics in the search for new ways to dominate. She finds that the strategic adaptation of social media platforms has different effects on criminal organization’s survivability. When used effectively, coupled with the adoption of decentralized structures, these platforms do increase a criminal organization’s survival capacity. Nonetheless, if used haphazardly, it can have the opposite effect. Drawing on the fields of criminology, social network analysis, international relations, and organizational theory and featuring a wealth of information about the drug cartels themselves, Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks will be a great source for all those interested in the presence, behavior, purposes, and strategies of drug cartels in their forays into social media platforms in Mexico and beyond.

Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 3rd ICMETE 2019 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #106)

by Rohit Sharma Valentina Emilia Balas Devendra Kumar Sharma Le Hoang Son Korhan Cengiz

This book presents selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, held at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad, India, on 30-31 August 2019. It covers a wide variety of topics in micro-electronics and telecommunication engineering, including micro-electronic engineering, computational remote sensing, computer science and intelligent systems, signal and image processing, and information and communication technology.

Micro Frontends in Action

by Michael Geers

Micro Frontends in Action teaches you to apply the microservices approach to the frontend.Summary Browser-based software can quickly become complex and difficult to maintain, especially when it&’s implemented as a large single-page application. By adopting the micro frontends approach and designing your web apps as systems of features, you can deliver faster feature development, easier upgrades, and pick and choose the technology you use in your stack. Micro Frontends in Action is your guide to simplifying unwieldy frontends by composing them from small, well-defined units. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Micro frontends deliver the same flexibility and maintainability to browser-based applications that microservices provide for backend systems. You design your project as a set of standalone components that include their own interfaces, logic, and storage. Then you develop these mini-applications independently and compose them in the browser. About the Book Micro Frontends in Action teaches you to apply the microservices approach to the frontend. You&’ll start with the core micro frontend design ideas. Then, you&’ll build an e-commerce application, working through practical issues like server-side and client-side composition, routing, and maintaining a consistent look and feel. Finally, you&’ll explore team workflow patterns that maximize the benefit of developing application components independently. What&’s Inside - Create a unified frontend from independent applications - Combine JavaScript code from multiple frameworks - Browser and server-side composition and routing - Implement effective dev teams and project workflow About the Reader For web developers, software architects, and team leaders. About the Author Michael Geers is a software developer specializing in building user interfaces. Table of Contents PART 1 - GETTING STARTED WITH MICRO FRONTENDS 1 What are micro frontends? 2 My first micro frontends project PART 2 - ROUTING, COMPOSITION, AND COMMUNICATION 3 Composition with Ajax and server-side routing 4 Server-side composition 5 Client-side composition 6 Communication patterns 7 Client-side routing and the application shell 8 Composition and universal rendering 9 Which architecture fits my project? PART 3 - HOW TO BE FAST, CONSISTENT, AND EFFECTIVE 10 Asset loading 11 Performance is key 12 User interface and design system 13 Teams and boundaries 14 Migration, local development, and testing

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