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Showing 53,576 through 53,600 of 53,816 results

Writing the Revolution: Wikipedia and the Survival of Facts in the Digital Age

by Heather Ford

A close reading of Wikipedia&’s article on the Egyptian Revolution reveals the complexity inherent in establishing the facts of events as they occur and are relayed to audiences near and far.Wikipedia bills itself as an encyclopedia built on neutrality, authority, and crowd-sourced consensus. Platforms like Google and digital assistants like Siri distribute Wikipedia&’s facts widely, further burnishing its veneer of impartiality. But as Heather Ford demonstrates in Writing the Revolution, the facts that appear on Wikipedia are often the result of protracted power struggles over how data are created and used, how history is written and by whom, and the very definition of facts in a digital age. In Writing the Revolution, Ford looks critically at how the Wikipedia article about the 2011 Egyptian Revolution evolved over the course of a decade, both shaping and being shaped by the Revolution as it happened. When data are published in real time, they are subject to an intense battle over their meaning across multiple fronts. Ford answers key questions about how Wikipedia&’s so-called consensus is arrived at; who has the power to write dominant histories and which knowledges are actively rejected; how these battles play out across the chains of circulation in which data travel; and whether history is now written by algorithms.

Writing Virtual Environments for Software Visualization

by Clinton Jeffery Jafar Al-Gharaibeh

Writing Virtual Environments for Software Visualization book describes the software for a networked, 3D multi-user virtual environment that allows users to create and share remotely visualizations of program behavior. Collaborative virtual environments such as World of Warcraft or Second Life are a popular way to share interactive internet experiences, but they are complex and difficult to create Software visualization is an area that may enable important advances in our ability to understand and reduce the costs of maintaining software. Applying the former technology to this problem area will be valuable to distributed and multi-institutional software development and educational users. The author covers the major features of collaborative virtual environments and how to program them in a very high level language. The book also examines the application of popular game-like software technologies.

WS-BPEL 2.0 Beginner's Guide

by Matjaz B. Juric Denis Weerasiri

If you are a software architect, a designer, a software developer, an SOA and BPM architect, a project manager, or a business process analyst who is responsible for the design and development of business processes, composite applications, and BPM/SOA solutions, then this book is for you. You should have a clear grasp of general SOA concepts including business processes and web services, but no prior knowledge of the BPEL language is required.

WS-BPEL 2.0 for SOA Composite Applications with IBM WebSphere 7

by Swami Chandrasekaran Matjaz B. Juric

This book is a comprehensive guide that shows developers how to design and develop business processes in BPEL efficiently. Throughout the book the authors discuss important concepts and offer real-world examples covering the IBM WebSphere SOA platform.This book is aimed at SOA architects and developers involved in the design, implementation, and integration of composite applications and end-to-end business processes. It provides comprehensive coverage of WS-BPEL 2.0 for implementing business processes and developing SCA composite applications, dealing with the issues of composition, orchestration, transactions, coordination, and security. It uses IBM WebSphere SOA platform version 7.0. To follow this book you need to have basic knowledge of XML, web services, and Java EE. You should also be familiar with basic concepts of Business Process Management (BPM).

WS-BPEL 2.0 for SOA Composite Applications with Oracle SOA Suite 11g

by Matjaz B. Juric

This book is a comprehensive guide that shows developers how to design and develop business processes in BPEL efficiently. Throughout the book, the authors discuss important concepts and show real-world examples covering Oracle SOA Suite 11g and related products. This book is aimed at SOA architects and developers involved in the design, implementation, and integration of composite applications and end-to-end business processes. The book provides comprehensive coverage of WS-BPEL 2.0 for implementing business processes and developing SCA composite application, dealing with the issues of composition, orchestration, transactions, coordination, and security. This book uses Oracle SOA Suite 11g and related Oracle products. To follow this book you need to have basic knowledge of XML, web services, and Java EE.

Wska?niki w j?zyku C. Przewodnik

by Richard M. Reese

Je?li chcesz b?yskawicznie opanowa? programowanie w j?zyku C, si?gnij po t? ksi??k?! Gdy ju? poznasz podstawy, nauczysz si? tak?e korzysta? ze wska?ników. To prawdziwa zmora wszystkich programistów, bowiem b??dne wykorzystanie wska?nika mo?e w okamgnieniu zrujnowa? Twój program. Zobacz, jak tego unikn?? i zaprzyja?ni? si? ze wska?nikami.Inne ksi??ki opisuj? wska?niki w jednym lub dwu rozdzia?ach, natomiast my po?wi?cili?my im ca?? ksi??k?. Dzi?ki temu dog??bnie poznasz ten mechanizm, zrozumiesz go i przekonasz si?, ?e przy odrobinie uwagi nie jest on wcale taki straszny! W trakcie lektury wykorzystasz wska?niki na funkcj?, przygotujesz tablic? wska?ników oraz zobaczysz, jak wspó?dzia?aj? one z ?a?cuchami znaków. Twoj? uwag? z pewno?ci? zwróc? fragmenty omawiaj?ce zabezpieczenia oraz niew?a?ciwe wykorzystanie wska?ników. Ksi??ka ta jest jedyn? pozycj? na rynku w ca?o?ci po?wi?con? wska?nikom w j?zyku C. To lektura obowi?zkowa ka?dego programisty!Poznaj:koncepcj? wska?nikówzastosowanie tablic wska?nikówfunkcje dynamicznego alokowania pami?cizagro?enia wynikaj?ce ze stosowania wska?nikówOdkryj tajniki wska?ników w j?zyku C i wykorzystaj ich potencja?!

WSO2 Developer's Guide

by Fidel Prieto Estrada Ramon Garrido Lazaro

WSO2 Made Simple – dive deep into the core concepts of WSO2 to overcome the challenges faced while using the Enterprise Integrator About This Book • Design, create, and publish services in the WSO2 technology • Integrate the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator with other components and servers • Log and test deployed services Who This Book Is For If you are a Java solutions architect or developer and are keen to understand how to build enterprise applications with WSO2, this book is for you. No prior knowledge of WSO2 is expected. What You Will Learn • Configure WSO2 Enterprise Integrator server in a production environment • Create SOAP Proxies and REST APIs • Interact with WSO2 Message Broker • Write services using the new language: Ballerina • Schedule automatic tasks for the services you create • Manage log messages depending on the log level of the system • Integrate with social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Yammer • Test SOAP Services using the Tryit feature and SoapUI tool • Work with Quality of Services In Detail WSO2 Enterprise Integrator brings together the most powerful servers provided by the WSO2 company for your SOA infrastructure. As an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), WSO2 Enterprise Integrator provides greater flexibility and agility to meet growing enterprise demands, whereas, as a Data Services Server (DSS), it provides an easy-to-use platform for integrating data stores, creating composite views across different data sources, and hosting data services. Using real-world scenarios, this book helps you build a solid foundation in developing enterprise applications with powerful data integration capabilities using the WSO2 servers. The book gets you started by brushing up your knowledge about SOA architecture and how it can be implemented through WSO2. It will help build your expertise with the core concepts of ESB such as building proxies, sequences, endpoints, and how to work with these in WSO2. Going further, you will also get well-acquainted with DSS data service concepts such as configuring data services, tasks, events, testing, and much more. The book will also cover API management techniques. Along with ESB and DSS, you will also learn about business process servers, the rules server and other components that together provide the control and robustness your enterprise applications will need. With practical use cases, the book covers typical daily scenarios you will come across while using these servers to give you hands-on experience. Style and approach The book is a complete guide and helps you get the right start—from understanding SOA architectures to getting valuable experience with two important integration servers such as ESB and DSS. It will include some real-world practical scenarios to help you master the best practices followed right across the industry and overcome the challenges you're likely to face on a daily basis.

wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook

by Cody Precord

Written in cookbook style, this book offers learning and techniques through recipes. It contains step-by-step instructions for developers who want to build feature-rich desktop applications in wxPython. The book is designed in such a way that you can refer to things chapter by chapter, and read them in no particular order. This book is written for python programmers wanting to develop GUI applications. Basic knowledge of Python is required.

wxPython Application Development Cookbook

by Cody Precord

Over 80 step-by-step recipes to get you up to speed with building your own wxPython applications About This Book * This book empowers you to create rich cross-platform graphical user interfaces using Python * It helps you develop applications that can be deployed on Windows, OSX, and Linux * The recipes in the book involve real-world applications, giving you a first-hand experience of the practical scenarios Who This Book Is For For those who are familiar with programming in Python and want to start building applications with graphical user interfaces, this book will get you up and running quickly. A basic understanding of the Python programming language and object-oriented concepts are all that is needed. What You Will Learn * Create full featured user interfaces * Design and develop custom controls * Deploy and distribute wxPython applications to Windows, Macintosh OS X, Linux, and other UNIX-like environments * Handle and respond to application events * Manage and display data using grids * Interact with web services from your GUI * Use Paint events to draw custom displays * Support the display of user interfaces in multiple languages In Detail wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language built on top of the cross-platform wxWidgets GUI libraries. wxPython provides a powerful set of tools that allow you to quickly and efficiently building applications that can run on a variety of different platforms. Since wxWidgets provides a wrapper around each platform's native GUI toolkit, the applications built with wxPython will have a native look and feel wherever they are deployed. This book will provide you with the skills to build highly functional and native looking user interfaces for Python applications on multiple operating system environments. By working through the recipes, you will gain insights into and exposure to creating applications using wxPython. With a wide range of topics covered in the book, there are recipes to get the most basic of beginners started in GUI programming as well as tips to help experienced users get more out of their applications. The recipes will take you from the most basic application constructs all the way through to the deployment of complete applications. Style and approach This book is a collection of step-by-step recipes that introduce the various components and concepts of wxPython in a conversational and easy-to-follow way. Each recipe contains coded examples along with detailed explanations about the key points of each topic. Each topic is designed to introduce and show you how to use a single feature from the wxPython library.

Wydajne aplikacje internetowe. Przewodnik

by Ilya Grigorik

"Buduj wydajne aplikacje internetowe!Aplikacje internetowe systematycznie wypieraj? swoje klasyczne odpowiedniki. Edytory tekstu, programy graficzne czy systemy CRM w wersji online nikogo ju? nie zaskakuj?. Coraz bardziej skomplikowane narz?dzia dost?pne za po?rednictwem przegl?darki internetowej wymagaj? od deweloperów znakomitej znajomo?ci protoko?ów HTTP, XHR, WebSocket i nie tylko. Dzi?ki tej wiedzy s? oni w stanie tworzy? wydajne aplikacje, które spe?ni? oczekiwania u?ytkowników.Ta ksi??ka to najlepsze ?ród?o informacji po?wi?cone protoko?om internetowym. Przygotowana przez in?yniera Google’a, odpowiedzialnego za wydajno??, zawiera szereg cennych informacji, które pozwol? Ci ulepszy? Twoje w?asne aplikacje. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak osi?gn?? optymaln? wydajno?? protoko?ów TCP, UDP i TLS oraz jak wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci sieci mobilnych 3G/4G. W kolejnych rozdzia?ach zaznajomisz si? z histori? protoko?u HTTP, poznasz jego mankamenty oraz sposoby rozwi?zywania problemów. Zorientujesz si? te? w nowo?ciach, jakie ma wprowadzi? HTTP w wersji 2.0. W ko?cu odkryjesz, co mog? Ci zaoferowa? WebSocket oraz WebRTC, a dodatkowo poznasz skuteczne techniki strumieniowania danych w sieci Internet. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? lektur? dla ka?dego programisty tworz?cego aplikacje internetowe!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: poznasz najlepsze techniki optymalizacji ruchu w sieci wykorzystasz potencja? sieci bezprzewodowych oraz mobilnych zaznajomisz si? z histori? protoko?u HTTP i jego mankamentami zobaczysz, jak nawi?za? po??czenie peer-to-peer za pomoc? WebRTC zbudujesz wydajn? aplikacj? internetow?Poznaj niuanse pozwalaj?ce na zbudowanie szybkiej aplikacji internetowej!"

Wydajne witryny internetowe. Przyspieszanie dzia?ania serwisów WWW

by Steve Souders

Poznaj metody przyspieszania dzia?ania witryn internetowychJak zredukowa? ilo?? ??da? HTTP?W jaki sposób skompresowa? przesy?ane dane?Jak zoptymalizowa? interfejsy w technologii Ajax?Tempo rozwoju internetu przeros?o naj?mielsze oczekiwania. Ka?dego dnia w sieci pojawiaj? si? nowe witryny WWW i aplikacje internetowe, przyci?gaj?ce rzesze u?ytkowników. Niestety, nadal najwi?kszym problemem internautów jest niska przepustowo?? ??czy, która cz?sto skutecznie zniech?ca do korzystania z bardziej rozbudowanych serwisów internetowych. Przed projektantami witryn WWW oraz twórcami interfejsów u?ytkownika dla aplikacji sieciowych stoi powa?ne wyzwanie - trzeba zoptymalizowa? i przyspieszy? funkcjonowanie tego, co u?ytkownik widzi w przegl?darce. W ci?gu ostatnich kilku lat pojawi?o si? sporo ciekawych rozwi?za?, znacznie u?atwiaj?cych ten proces, lecz stworzenie naprawd? wydajnego przegl?darkowego interfejsu u?ytkownika wymaga opanowania wielu zagadnie?.Ksi??ka "Wydajne witryny internetowe. Przyspieszanie dzia?ania serwisów WWW" to kompleksowy przegl?d i omówienie czynników sk?adaj?cych si? na optymalny interfejs u?ytkownika aplikacji internetowej. Czytaj?c j?, dowiesz si?, jak przyspieszy? dzia?anie witryn WWW poprzez ograniczanie ilo?ci przesy?anych danych, buforowanie ich i kompresowanie, optymalne rozmieszczenie elementów graficznych i zdefiniowanie stylów CSS. Nauczysz si? tak?e ogranicza? rozmiary skryptów, korzysta? z technologii Ajax i przyspiesza? dzia?anie elementów utworzonych za pomoc? programu Adobe Flash.Ograniczanie ilo?ci ??da? HTTPKorzystanie z nag?ówka ExpiresStosowanie kompresji GZIPOdpowiednie umieszczanie definicji stylów oraz kodów skryptów w dokumentach HTMLOptymalne korzystanie z CSSStosowanie zewn?trznych plików ze skryptamiRedukcja ilo?ci zapyta? DNSBuforowanie zapyta? Ajax Twórz wydajne i szybko dzia?aj?ce witryny internetowe.

Wyra?enia regularne. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Wydanie II

by Tony Stubblebine

Poznaj wyra?enia regularne, aby wykorzysta? moc ich mo?liwo?ci w najpopularniejszych j?zykach programowania! Chcesz pozna? przepisy na wyra?enia regularne? Chcesz wykorzystywa? mo?liwo?ci Unicode w j?zyku Ruby, Java, Perl, PHP, Pyton, C oraz .NET? Chcesz wiedzie?, jak stosowa? wyra?enia regularne zaimplementowane w ró?nych j?zykach programowania? Wyra?enia regularne s? narz?dziem umo?liwiaj?cym analiz? i modyfikowanie tekstu przez dopasowywanie wzorców. S? one ?a?cuchem znaków zawieraj?cym kombinacj? normalnych znaków oraz specjalnych metaznaków i metasekwencji, a dopasowywanie wzorców polega na odszukaniu fragmentu ?a?cucha opisywanego przez wyra?enie regularne. Wyra?enia te znajduj? zastosowanie przy sprawdzaniu warto?ci zmiennych, zmianie formatu, przeprowadzaniu z?o?onych operacji wyszukiwania oraz weryfikowaniu poprawno?ci danych tekstowych. Ksi??ka "Wyra?enia regularne. Leksykon kieszonkowy" stanowi podr?czny niezb?dnik dla wszystkich pisz?cych programy przetwarzaj?ce teksty. Oprócz zagadnie? podstawowych, takich jak sk?adnia wyra?e? regularnych oraz operacje, w których s? wykorzystywane, leksykon zawiera inne niezwykle pomocne i bardziej zaawansowane informacje dotycz?ce na przyk?ad narz?dzi obs?ugi wyra?e? w j?zyku Ruby oraz na serwerze WWW Apache. Czytaj?c t? ksi??k?, nie tylko zdob?dziesz konkretn? wiedz?, ale równie? niezb?dne umiej?tno?ci praktyczne -- mi?dzy innymi dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? znajomo?? wyra?e? regularnych we wszystkich ?rodowiskach. Metaznaki, tryby oraz konstrukcje Reprezentacja i klasy znaków Komentarze i modyfikatory trybów Narz?dzia obs?ugi wyra?e? regularnych w j?zyku Ruby oraz na serwerze WWW Apache Operatory wyra?e? regularnych w j?zyku Perl 5.8 Obiekty i metody do obs?ugi wyra?e? regularnych w j?zyku JavaScript Funkcje obs?ugi wyra?e? regularnych w j?zyku PHP i edytorze vi Obiekty i funkcje wyra?e? regularnych w j?zyku Pyton Programy obs?ugiwane z wiersza polece? Wyra?enia regularne to nieocenione narz?dzia w pracy programisty -- nie mo?esz si? bez nich obej??!

Wyra?enia regularne. Wprowadzenie

by Michael Fitzgerald

Wyra?enia regularne to wzorce, które pozwalaj? opisa? ?a?cuchy znaków. Brzmi to gro?nie, wygl?da jeszcze gorzej, ale ka?dy programista pr?dzej czy pó?niej si? z nimi spotka i… doceni ich pot?g?! Ci??ko sobie wyobrazi? wyszukiwanie, zast?powanie oraz sprawdzanie poprawno?ci danych bez wykorzystania potencja?u wyra?e? regularnych. Czas po?wi?cony na ich opanowanie zwróci si? b?yskawicznie i z nawi?zk?!Ta wspania?a ksi??ka wprowadzi Ci? w ?wiat wyra?e? regularnych szybko i bezbole?nie. Ju? za chwil? wykorzystasz podstawowe elementy wyra?e?, a ka?dy kolejny rozdzia? dostarczy Ci coraz bardziej zaawansowanych narz?dzi. W trakcie lektury nauczysz si? korzysta? z granic, klas znaków, grup i odniesie?. Ponadto dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci Perla w zakresie transformacji tekstów. Ksi??ka ta jest wyj?tkowym podr?cznikiem, który musi znale?? si? na pó?ce ka?dego programisty!Sprawd? ju? teraz:potencja?, jaki kryj? wyra?enia regularnemetody szybkiego wyszukiwania i zast?powania ci?gów znakówsposoby korzystania z wyra?e? w ró?nych j?zykach programowaniamo?liwo?ci wyra?e? regularnych w zakresie kontroli poprawno?ci wprowadzonych danych Zaoszcz?d? czas dzi?ki wyra?eniom regularnym!

Wyrażenia regularne. Receptury (in Polish)

by Steven Levithan Jan Goyvaerts

Wyraenie regularne (ang. regexp) to inaczej wzorzec, ktry okrela zbir dopasowanych acuchw znakw. Brzmi to prosto. Jednak przy pierwszym spotkaniu z wyraeniami wcale tak...

Wysoko wydajne MySQL. Optymalizacja, archiwizacja, replikacja. Wydanie II

by Jeremy D. Zawodny Peter Zaitsev Arjen Lentz Baron Schwartz Vadim Tkachenko Derek J. Balling

Poznaj zaawansowane techniki i nieznane mo?liwo?ci MySQL! Jak za pomoc? MySQL budowa? szybkie i niezawodne systemy?Jak przeprowadza? testy wydajno?ci?Jak optymalizowa? zaawansowane funkcje zapyta??MySQL jest ci?gle udoskonalanym i rozbudowywanym oprogramowaniem. Stale zwi?ksza si? tak?e liczba jego u?ytkowników, w?ród których nie brak wielkich korporacji. Wynika to z niezawodno?ci i ogromnej, wci?? rosn?cej wydajno?ci tego systemu zarz?dzania. MySQL sprawdza si? tak?e w bardzo wymagaj?cych ?rodowiskach, na przyk?ad aplikacjach sieciowych, ze wzgl?du na du?? elastyczno?? i mo?liwo?ci, takie jak zdolno?? wczytywania silników magazynu danych jako rozszerze? w trakcie dzia?ania bazy.Ksi??ka "Wysoko wydajne MySQL. Optymalizacja, archiwizacja, replikacja. Wydanie II" szczegó?owo prezentuje zaawansowane techniki, dzi?ki którym mo?na w pe?ni wykorzysta? ca?y potencja?, drzemi?cy w MySQL. Omówiono w niej praktyczne, bezpieczne i pozwalaj?ce na osi?gni?cie du?ej wydajno?ci sposoby skalowania aplikacji. Z tego przewodnika dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób projektowa? schematy, indeksy i zapytania. Poznasz tak?e zaawansowane funkcje MySQL, pozwalaj?ce na uzyskanie maksymalnej wydajno?ci. Nauczysz si? tak dostraja? serwer MySQL, system operacyjny oraz osprz?t komputerowy, aby wykorzystywa? pe?ni? ich mo?liwo?ci. Architektura MySQLTesty wydajno?ci i profilowanieOptymalizacja schematu i indeksowanieOptymalizacja wydajno?ci zapyta?Przechowywanie koduUmieszczanie komentarzy w kodzie sk?adowymKonfiguracja serweraDostrajanie i optymalizacja wyszukiwania pe?notekstowegoSkalowalno?? i wysoka dost?pno??Wydajno?? aplikacjiKopia zapasowa i odzyskiwanieInterfejs SQL dla polece? spreparowanychBezpiecze?stwo Twórz doskonale dostrojone aplikacje MySQL

Wyznania mówcy. Spraw, by ludzie Ci? s?uchali

by Scott Berkun

Sztuka bycia gwiazd? wyst?pie? publicznych Jak hipnotyzowa? s?uchaczy i porywa? t?umyJak by? rozlu?nionym, zabawnym i kompetentnym mówc?Jak stosowa? podr?czne sztuczki zawodowcówScott Berkun prezentuje przyst?pny i praktyczny poradnik, pozwalaj?cy roz?o?y? sztuk? przemawiania na czynniki pierwsze i dog??bnie j? zrozumie?. Szerokie do?wiadczenie autora u?atwia zrozumienie l?ku przed wyst?powaniem publicznym, gdy? wi?kszo?? tego, czego si? obawiamy, istnieje wy??cznie w naszym umy?leMichael Lopp, autor ksi??ki Managing HumansCyceron powiedzia?, ?e nale?y sprawi?, aby s?uchacze byli uwa?ni, otwarci oraz ufni. Jak to osi?gn??? Po pierwsze nale?y unika? pretensjonalnych nawi?za? do martwych ludzi. Po drugie nale?y przeczyta? przydatny i zabawny poradnik przemawiania, napisany przez Scotta BerkunaJay Heinrichs, autor ksi??ki Thank You for ArguingSpó?​niasz si? na w?asn? prelekcj?, laptop zaczyna podejrzanie dymi?, na sali jest dziesi?? osób, spo?ród których po?owa przysypia, a reszta ?mieje si? szyderczo, stres parali?uje Ci struny g?osowe, a na dodatek gdzie? w okolicy podst?pnie czai si? szef, czekaj?c na Twoj? wpadk?. A jednak mimo to przeprowadzasz znakomit? i profesjonaln? prezentacj?, a zebrani skanduj? Twoje imi?, prosz?c o wi?cej. Przesada? Mo?e tylko odrobin?.Autor tego hipnotycznego poradnika doskonale zna si? na rzeczy — w trakcie swojej kariery wyg?osi? setki wyk?adów i prze?y? wi?kszo?? nieprzyjemnych, tragicznych czy kr?puj?cych sytuacji, które na ogó? przera?aj? przysz?ych i niedosz?ych mówców. Praktyczne lekcje i zaskakuj?ce wyznania pozwol? Ci popatrze? z zupe?nie innej perspektywy na sztuk? przemówie? publicznych, perswazji, skutecznej komunikacji, uczenia si? oraz nauczania. Chcesz si? uczy?? Ucz si? od mistrza.Dowiedz si?, jak nie zanudzi? s?uchaczy na ?mier?.Odkryj, co robi?, kiedy sprawy id? nie po Twojej my?li.Sprawd?, jak nauczy? innych czegokolwiek.Poznaj sztuk? odpowiadania na niewygodne pytania.Naucz si? pokonywa? l?k i parali?uj?cy strach.Oce?, czego mo?esz nauczy? si?, ?ledz?c wyst?py komików."Przeczyta?am pierwsz? stron?, wy??czy?am telefon i komputer, bo wiedzia?am, ?e nie ma si? co rozprasza?, ta ksi??ka to naprawd? CO?!" --">tak o ksi??ce Scotta Berkuna pisze polska bestsellerowa autorka>>

X-Machines for Agent-Based Modeling: FLAME Perspectives (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)

by Mariam Kiran

From the Foreword: "This book exemplifies one of the most successful approaches to modeling and simulating [the] new generation of complex systems. FLAME was designed to make the building of large scale complex systems models straightforward and the simulation code that it generates is highly efficient and can be run on any modern technology. FLAME was the first such platform that ran efficiently on high performance parallel computers and a version for GPU technology is also available. At its heart, and the reason why it is so efficient and robust, is the use of a powerful computational model ‘Communicating X-machines’ which is general enough to cope with most types of modelling problems. As well as being increasingly important in academic research, FLAME is now being applied in industry in many different application areas. This book describes the basics of FLAME and is illustrated with numerous examples."—Professor Mike Holcombe, University of Sheffield, UK Agent-based models have shown applications in various fields such as biology, economics, and social science. Over the years, multiple agent-based modeling frameworks have been produced, allowing experts with non-computing background to easily write and simulate their models. However, most of these models are limited by the capability of the framework, the time it takes for a simulation to finish, or how to handle the massive amounts of data produced. FLAME (Flexible Large-scale Agent-based Modeling Environment) was produced and developed through the years to address these issues. This book contains a comprehensive summary of the field, covers the basics of FLAME, and shows how concepts of X-machines, can be stretched across multiple fields to produce agent models. It has been written with several audiences in mind. First, it is organized as a collection of models, with detailed descriptions of how models can be designed, especially for beginners. A number of theoretical aspects of software engineering and how they relate to agent-based models are discussed for students interested in software engineering and parallel computing. Finally, it is intended as a guide to developers from biology, economics, and social science, who want to explore how to write agent-based models for their research area. By working through the model examples provided, anyone should be able to design and build agent-based models and deploy them. With FLAME, they can easily increase the agent number and run models on parallel computers, in order to save on simulation complexity and waiting time for results. Because the field is so large and active, the book does not aim to cover all aspects of agent-based modeling and its research challenges. The models are presented to show researchers how they can build complex agent functions for their models. The book demonstrates the advantage of using agent-based models in simulation experiments, providing a case to move away from differential equations and build more reliable, close to real, models. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

X Power Tools

by Chris Tyler

This book puts you in charge of the most flexible and adaptable graphical interface in the computer industry. The X Window System underlies graphical desktops on Linux and Unix systems, and supports advanced features of modern graphics cards. More people use the X Window System than ever before, but there are few books about X in print. X Power Tools fills that hole with the most practical and up-to-date information available. Written in O'Reilly's popular Power Tools format, X Power Tools offers dozens of standalone articles, thoroughly cross-referenced, on useful tools and techniques for using X. This unique inside look at X gives Unix/Linux system administrators, owners of self-administered systems, and power users a lot of useful ways to harness the power of this system effectively. This book:Offers a thorough grounding in X configuration and how the system works Provides the complete ins and outs of changing a desktop's behavior, such as fonts, keyboard settings, and remote security Includes articles on how to take advantage of X's "network transparency" -- its ability to display graphical applications on a remote machine Explores intriguing areas such as using multiple monitors, building kiosks, and accessibility Features discussions on X Window innovations and the future of the system X Power Tools covers configuration and use of X, focusing on Linux but also including notes on other operating systems such as Solaris and FreeBSD. Each article in the book gives you insight into X; the entire book gives you a real grasp on this system and what you can do with it.

X-Ray Computed Tomography in Biomedical Engineering

by Robert Cierniak

Computed Tomography gives a detailed overview of various aspects of computed tomography. It discusses X-ray CT tomography from a historical point of view, the design and physical operating principles of computed tomography apparatus, the algorithms of image reconstruction and the quality assessment criteria of tomography scanners. Algorithms of image reconstruction from projections, a crucial problem in medical imaging, are considered in depth. The author gives descriptions of the reconstruction methods related to tomography scanners with a parallel X-ray beam, trough solutions with fan-shaped beam and successive modifications of spiral scanners. Computed Tomography contains a dedicated chapter for those readers who are interested in computer simulations based on studies of reconstruction algorithms. The information included in this chapter will enable readers to create a simulation environment in which virtual tomography projections can be obtained in all basic projection systems. This monograph is a valuable study on computed tomography that will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in the fields of biomedical engineering, medical electronics, computer science and medicine.

X-ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture

by Sacha Jon Mooney Iain M. Young Richard J. Heck Stephan Peth

The advent of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) as a tool for the soil sciences almost 40 years ago has revolutionised the field. Soil is the fragile, thin layer of material that exists above earth’s geological substrates upon which so much of life on earth depends. However a major limitation to our understanding of how soils behave and function is due to its complex, opaque structure that hinders our ability to assess its porous architecture without disturbance. X-ray imagery has facilitated the ability to truly observe soil as it exists in three dimensions and across contrasting spatial and temporal scales in the field in an undisturbed fashion. This book gives a comprehensive overview of the “state of the art” in a variety of application areas where this type of imaging is used, including soil water physics and hydrology, agronomic management of soils, and soil-plant-microbe interactions. It provides the necessary details for entry level readers in the crucial areas of sample preparation, scanner optimisation and image processing and analysis. Drawing on experts across the globe, from both academia and industry, the book covers the necessary “dos and don’ts”, but also offers insights into the future of both technology and science. The wider application of the book is provided by dedicated chapters on how the data from such imagery can be incorporated into models and how the technology can be interfaced with other relevant technical applications. The book ends with a future outlook from the four editors, each of whom has over 20 years of experience in the application of X-ray CT to soil science.

X-Risk: How Humanity Discovered Its Own Extinction

by Thomas Moynihan

How humanity came to contemplate its possible extinction.From forecasts of disastrous climate change to prophecies of evil AI superintelligences and the impending perils of genome editing, our species is increasingly concerned with the prospects of its own extinction. With humanity's future on this planet seeming more insecure by the day, in the twenty-first century, existential risk has become the object of a growing field of serious scientific inquiry. But, as Thomas Moynihan shows in X-Risk, this preoccupation is not exclusive to the post-atomic age of global warming and synthetic biology. Our growing concern with human extinction itself has a history. Tracing this untold story, Moynihan revisits the pioneers who first contemplated the possibility of human extinction and stages the historical drama of this momentous discovery. He shows how, far from being a secular reprise of religious prophecies of apocalypse, existential risk is a thoroughly modern idea, made possible by the burgeoning sciences and philosophical tumult of the Enlightenment era. In recollecting how we first came to care for our extinction, Moynihan reveals how today's attempts to measure and mitigate existential threats are the continuation of a project initiated over two centuries ago, which concerns the very vocation of the human as a rational, responsible, and future-oriented being.

x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux (Tech Today)

by Jeff Duntemann

The long-awaited x64 edition of the bestselling introduction to Intel assembly language In the newly revised fourth edition of x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux, author Jeff Duntemann delivers an extensively rewritten introduction to assembly language with a strong focus on 64-bit long-mode Linux assembler. The book offers a lighthearted, robust, and accessible approach to a challenging technical discipline, giving you a step-by-step path to learning assembly code that’s engaging and easy to read. x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step makes quick work of programmable computing basics, the concepts of binary and hexadecimal number systems, the Intel x86/x64 computer architecture, and the process of Linux software development to dive deep into the x64 instruction set, memory addressing, procedures, macros, and interface to the C-language code libraries on which Linux is built. You’ll also find: A set of free and open-source development and debugging tools you can download and put to use immediately Numerous examples woven throughout the book to illustrate the practical implementation of the ideas discussed within Practical tips on software design, coding, testing, and debuggingA one-stop resource for aspiring and practicing Intel assembly programmers, the latest edition of this celebrated text provides readers with an authoritative tutorial approach to x64 technology that’s ideal for self-paced instruction.

X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals

by Joseph Cavanagh

The predominant language used in embedded microprocessors, assembly language lets you write programs that are typically faster and more compact than programs written in a high-level language and provide greater control over the program applications. Focusing on the languages used in X86 microprocessors, X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals expl

x86 Software Reverse-Engineering, Cracking, and Counter-Measures (Tech Today)

by Stephanie Domas Christopher Domas

A crystal-clear and practical blueprint to software disassembly x86 Software Reverse-Engineering, Cracking, and Counter-Measures is centered around the world of disassembling software. It will start with the basics of the x86 assembly language, and progress to how that knowledge empowers you to reverse-engineer and circumvent software protections. No knowledge of assembly, reverse engineering, or software cracking is required. The book begins with a bootcamp on x86, learning how to read, write, and build in the assembly that powers a massive amount of the world’s computers. Then the book will shift to reverse engineering applications using a handful of industry favorites such as IDA, Ghidra, Olly, and more. Next, we move to cracking with techniques such as patching and key generation, all harnessing the power of assembly and reverse engineering. Lastly, we’ll examine cracking from a defensive perspective. Providing learners with techniques to be a better defender of their own software, or knowledge to crack these techniques more effectively. Assembly: computer Architecture, x86, system calls, building and linking, ASCII, condition codes, GDB, control flow, stack, calling conventions Reverse Engineering: reconnaissance, strings, RE strategy, stripping, linking, optimizations, compilers, industry tools Cracking: patching, key checkers, key generators, resource hacking, dependency walking Defense: anti-debugging, anti-tamper, packing, cryptors/decryptors, whitelist, blacklist, RASP, code signing, obfuscationA practical and hands-on resource for security professionals to hobbyists, this book is for anyone who wants to learn to take apart, understand, and modify black-box software. x86 Software Reverse-Engineering, Cracking, and Counter-Measures is a vital resource for security researchers, reverse engineers and defenders who analyze, research, crack or defend software applications.

Xamarin: Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development

by George Taskos Can Bilgin Jonathan Peppers

Master the skills required to develop cross-platform applications from drawing board to app store(s) using Xamarin About This Book * Learn to deliver high-performance native apps that leverage platform specific acceleration, complied for native performance * Learn development techniques that will allow you to use and create custom layouts for cross-platform UI * Gain the knowledge needed to become more efficient in testing, deploying, and monitoring your applications * Implement application life cycle management concepts to manage cross-platform projects Who This Book Is For Mobile application developers wanting to develop skills required to steer cross-platform applications using Xamarin. What You Will Learn * Share C# code across platforms and call native Objective-C or Java libraries from C# * Submit your app to the Apple App Store and Google Play * Use the out-of-the-box services to support third-party libraries * Find out how to get feedback while your application is used by your users * Create shared data access using a local SQLite database and a REST service * Test and monitor your applications * Gain memory management skills to avoid memory leaks and premature code cycles while decreasing the memory print of your applications * Integrate network resources with cross-platform applications * Design and implement eye-catching and reusable UI components without compromising on nativity in mobile applications In Detail Developing a mobile application for just one platform is becoming a thing of the past. Companies expect their apps to be supported on iOS, Android and Windows Phone, while leveraging the best native features on all three platforms. Xamarin's tools help ease this problem by giving developers a single toolset to target all three platforms. The main goal of this course is to equip you with knowledge to successfully analyze, develop, and manage Xamarin cross-platform projects using the most efficient, robust, and scalable implementation patterns. Module 1 is a step-by-step guide to building real-world applications for iOS and Android. The module walks you through building a chat application, complete with a backend web service and native features such as GPS location, camera, and push notifications. Additionally, you'll learn how to use external libraries with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms. Module 2 provide you recipes on how to create an architecture that will be maintainable, extendable, use Xamarin.Forms plugins to boost productivity. We start with a simple creation of a Xamarin.Forms solution, customize the style and behavior of views for each platform. Further on, we demonstrate the power of architecting a cross-platform solution. Next, you will utilize and access hardware features that vary from platform to platform with cross-platform techniques. You will master the steps of getting the app ready and publishing it in the app store. The last module starts with general topics such as memory management, asynchronous programming, local storage, networking, and platform-specific features. You will learn about key tools to leverage the pattern and advanced implementation strategies. Finally, we show you the toolset for application lifecycle management to help you prepare the development pipeline to manage and see cross-platform projects through to public or private release. After the completion of this course, you will learn a path that will get you up and running with developing cross-platform mobile applications and help you become the go-to person when it comes to Xamarin. Style and approach This course will serve as comprehensive guide for developing cross-platform applications with Xamarin with a unique approach that will engage you like never before as you create real-world cross-platform apps on your own.

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