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Dieta Vegana: Plan De Comidas Veganas Para Vivir Mejor

by Eva Liberti

Son muchísimos los beneficios de practicar un estilo de vida vegano, y el tuyo podría ser desde tu deseo de vivir más limpio y saludable hasta tu decisión de cuidar el medio ambiente a través de tus elecciones, o porque representa una opción ética con la que estás de acuerdo en tu sistema de valores. Cualquiera sea la razón, con este libro no te aburrirás nunca, ni sufrirás privaciones; vas a disfrutar los alimentos y bebidas que te voy a presentar. ¿Qué estás esperando? Aprieta el botón de esta página, ¡y disfruta de tu libro de cocina! Para aquellos que se acercan al veganismo por primera vez, el Libro de cocina vegana para principiantes los inspirará para crear comidas sabrosas y abundantes que le encantarán hasta al carnívoro más escéptico. Los editores del Libro de cocina vegana te mostrarán una manera fácil de incorporar recetas veganas a tu dieta, con más de 150 comidas veganas fáciles y rápidas, desde el desayuno hasta el postre. Empieza el día con un bocado saludable de Muffins de calabaza y especias, o agasaja a toda la familia con las abundantes Enchiladas de vegetales y frijoles negros para la cena. El Libro de cocina vegana para principiantes te hará mejorar la salud y sentirás que, gracias a la dieta vegana, tendrás mucha más energía.

Jejum Intermitente: Dieta 5:2 Com Receitas De Baixa Caloria Para Um Estilo De Vida Saudável

by Gary Patidar

Se você está cansado de seguir uma dieta com restrição de calorias, o JI fornecerá a liberdade para comer até você ficar cheio e ainda perder peso. Com nove métodos de JI diferentes descritos em detalhes, você certamente encontrará uma rotina que é fácil de você seguir. "Todos nós sabemos como você deveria perder peso: comer alimentos com pouca gordura, se exercitar mais... e nunca pular refeições. Este tem sido o conselho padrão de dietas por décadas, e embora isso possa funcionar para algumas pessoas, os níveis de obesidade continuam aumentando. Então, há uma alternativa? Nós achamos que sim. O jejum intermitente. Baseado no trabalho de grandes cientistas ao redor do mundo, esta é uma nova alternativa empolgante à dieta padrão. Muitos livros foram produzidos com diferentes programas de dieta. Mas, você não deveria depender de um programa de dieta cegamente. Se você quiser seguir um programa de perda de peso ou de dieta, isso deve ser algo que vá além das enganações. O programa de dieta deve lidar com métodos práticos e confiáveis para perder peso. Ainda há esperanla para aqueles que procuram por um "programa de perda de peso confiável" - O JEJUM INTERMITENTE! É claro, é inegável que fazer jejum pode criar milagres.

Olla De Cocción Lenta (Libro De Recetas De Recetas Increíbles): (Libro de Recetas Increíbles)

by Jennifer Flatt

El libro contiene recetas para el desayuno que van desde cazuelas para el desayuno hasta avena de la noche que se puede preparar la noche anterior. Las recetas del plato principal se dividen de acuerdo con el ingrediente principal utilizado. Las ollas de cocción lenta son excelentes para usar en recetas de carne como pollo, carne de res y cerdo. También puede preparar mariscos en la olla de cocción lenta, y llevarle menos tiempo cocinarlos. Si hace demasiado calor para usar el horno en verano, puede cambiar a usar una olla de cocción lenta para hacer tartas y postres. La olla de cocción lenta es un dispositivo increíblemente versátil que permite una creatividad fácil en nuestra cocina. Además de los clásicos como el estofado de carne picante y el piccata de pollo, aprenderá a usar las especias y los ingredientes más frescos para preparar platos que nunca pensó que serían posibles. Su comida incluirá perejil, remolacha verde, judías verdes y más. Y en este marco, le ofrecemos este libro de cocina titulado “Sea sabio y veganícese con su dispositivo de cocción lenta; Coma sus verduras y no tenga miedo de las recetas de cocción lenta ”, que es la quinta entrega de una serie de seis libros de olla de cocción lenta. Si está listo para actuar y cambiar su vida para mejor, ¡este libro definitivamente lo guiará en la dirección correcta!

Libro de recetas de Dieta Dash: 25 recetas deliciosas para perder peso e hipertensión

by Karen Stewart

En estos últimos años, la obesidad, la diabetes y la presión arterial alta se han vuelto problemas que afectan a millones de personas todos los días y que pueden amenazar sus vidas. Tomar decisiones saludables puede parecer un proceso dificultoso, pero ahora puedes lograr un cuerpo, una menta y espíritu más sanos siguiendo los pasos que indica este libro. Si bien, a fin de cuentas, eres tú quien decide y maneja su salud, este libro puede ser utilizado como un punto de partida para buscar ideas e inspiración para mejorar tu salud de manera rápida y efectiva. En este libro encontrarás un guía fácil y rápida para seguir la dieta DASH. Además, conseguirás 25 deliciosas recetas apropiadas por DASH que no solo ayudarán a mejorar tu nivel de presión arterial, sino que también te ayudará a perder peso de una manera saludable. Encontrarás recetas para el desayuno, para los platos principales (ya sea almuerzo o cena), para usar como acompañantes que pueden server de aperitivo, y para postres. La dieta DASH tiene en cuenta el modo de vida moderna y te permite decidir libremente hasta cierto punto, en vez de simplemente restringirte cosas. Puedes comer cosas saludables, y la palabra “saludable” no necesita ser asociada con la palabra “aburrido”. Tienes muchas opciones para maravillosas comidas en esta dieta para que así puedas tomar el control nuevamente de tu vida, hacienda que ésta sea tan larga y saludable como sea posible. Tú tienes en tus manos cuán larga quieres que sea tu vida. Cuídala y utiliza la dieta DASH para ayudarte a hacerlo. ¡Si quieres comenzar y hacer un cambio permanente para tu estilo de comidas, este libro es indispensable!

Cocción Lenta: (Incluye Deliciosas Recetas Para La Olla De Cocción Lenta)

by Sam Downey

¡Este libro de recetas de cocción lenta es perfecto para cualquier persona! Desde el cocinero novato hasta el chef más experto, las recetas contenidas en este libro complacerán a todos. En este libro de recetas de cocción lenta, encontrará algunas de las mejores recetas de cocina lenta escritas en instrucciones detalladas paso a paso que son fáciles de seguir. Estas cenas de cocción lenta también incluyen el tamaño de la porción y el tiempo de preparación para que usted tenga una comprensión completa de cuántas porciones rinde cada receta y cuánto tiempo le tomará prepararla. También aprenderá acerca de los errores comunes que se producen al cocinar recetas de cocción lenta y qué puede hacer para evitarlos. Cada receta proporciona un desglose nutricional completo, así como un práctico gráfico de macronutrientes para los lectores que siguen un plan de dieta baja en carbohidratos y grasas. Vea sus macros de un vistazo y sepa al instante qué más poner sobre la mesa para redondear su comida. Dentro de esta colección también encontrará recetas para acompañamientos estándar de cocción lenta: magdalenas saladas, una galleta crujiente deliciosamente, puré de papas y más. ¡Si es nuevo en una dieta baja en carbohidratos, también encontrará trucos de alimentos saludables favoritos para reemplazar la pasta y el arroz! Si está listo para actuar y cambiar su vida para mejor, ¡este libro definitivamente lo guiará en la dirección correcta!

The Culinary Institute of America: Cookbook

by The Culinary Institute

Beverages and Snacks Appetizers and Salads Broths and Soups Pastas, Casseroles, and Light Fare Main Dishes Vegetables and Side Dishes Egg Dishes and Griddle Cakes Baked Goods and Desserts

Pierde peso y gana salud

by Pilar Rodrigáñez

Prepárate para perder kilos y ganar vitalidad. ¿Te apuntas? ¡No te arrepentirás! ¿Estás harto de dietas milagro que lo único que consiguen son resultados transitorios a costa de morir de hambre? O peor aún: que, si te descuidas un poco, recuperes los kilos perdidos o incluso ganes alguno más. ¿Sabías que perder peso puede ser un proceso del que puedes disfrutar? En este libro podrás comprobarlo, obtendrás resultados y en poco tiempo tendrás menús para cada época del año, recetas e ideas simples para que tus platos sean apetitosos. No pasarás hambre y, muy importante, entenderás por donde pasa el verdadero cambio de hábitos para perder peso. No solo mejorarás la composición corporal, sino que también te encontrarás mucho mejor, más vital y con la mente más clara. Querrás cambiar para siempre la forma en que te alimentas. Este es un programa sensato y fácil de seguir, basado en alimentos locales y de temporada y en el curso de la revista digital Soycomocomo que ha conseguido que miles de personas adelgacen y se sientan mucho mejor.

The Just Bento Cookbook 2: Make-Ahead, Easy, Healthy Lunches To Go (Just Bento Cookbook #2)

by Makiko Itoh

The author of the best-selling Just Bento Cookbook is back with hundreds of delicious new Japanese-lunchbox-style recipes — including many low-carb, vegetarian, and vegan options -- that can be made quickly and without a lot of fuss.The passion for bento boxes shows no signs of letting up. Leading the way in popularizing these compact and portable boxed meals has been Makiko Itoh, blogger extraordinaire and author of the perennial bestseller, The Just Bento Cookbook. Itoh was instrumental in spreading the word that bentos are perfect for busy adults-on-the-go — they don’t have to be cute and they don’t have to take a lot of planning or prep time in order to be tasty, nutritious, and economical.In THE JUST BENTO COOKBOOK 2: Make-Ahead Lunches and More, Itoh offers hundreds of new recipes for bento-friendly dishes. The premise of this second cookbook is that anyone can make delicious, healthy bentos quickly and easily. Itoh focuses on three types of bentos with specific and appealing benefits: bentos that can be made ahead of time, “express” bentos that can be put together fast, using components right off the shelf or out of the refrigerator, and bentos for special dietary needs. Full-color photos accompany the directions and showcase the finished dishes.THE JUST BENTO COOKBOOK 2 opens with Itoh’s basic bento rules, revised to reflect comments she’s heard from her many fans after the first book came out. “Build Up Your Stash” explains why having some items ready to pack up and go is the key to stress-free bento-making. Here are tips on making foods that store well, organizing storage space, the best containers to use for different foods, what store-bought items to have on hand, etc.The first section, “Make-Ahead Bentos,” features recipes for a wide variety of dishes that can be prepared the night before or first thing in the morning. Here are different kinds of meatballs and burgers, including both Western versions and Japanese variations; mouth-watering chicken, pork, beef, egg and fish dishes; a section on “Tofu and Vegan” treats such as Ginger Tofu Teriyaki and Green Lentils and Brown Rice; and recipes for Rice Sandwiches such as Egg-wrapped Rice Sandwich with Bacon Rice Filling. A special section of Low Carb recipes based on shirataki noodles and konnyaku (konjac) offers fun and creative ways to use this no-cal, no-carb, no-sugar, gluten-free “miracle” noodle in dishes like Rice and Shirataki Pilaf with Shrimp, Shirataki Chicken “Ramen” in a Lunch Jar, and Shirataki with Sesame.“Express Bentos” presents very quick-to-assemble boxes comprised of foods that don’t require detailed recipes and don’t rely on pre-homemade items. From Mediterranean Pasta and Yakisoba bentos to a Deconstructed Taco Salad and Stir-fry Bento, the ideas here will prove to be lifesavers for busy people who need to get out of the house in a hurry but still want their flavorful, filling, and healthy lunch.Other new and exciting additions to this second volume include an entire section of recipes for Vegetable Side Dishes (Roast Asparagus with Balsamic Vinegar, Spicy Broccoli, and Potato and Corn Salad), and one for Japanese Vegetable Side Dishes (Buttery Kabocha Squash, Crunchy Stir-fried Soy Beans, Hijiki Seaweed with Garlic). Recipes for different versions of dashi will help readers keep a supply of this staple ingredient at the ready. And advice on tools and equipment, types of bento boxes and accessories, as well as a glossary and resource section, will ensure that preparing bentos is as enjoyable as eating them.

Peak: The New Science Of Athletic Performance That Is Revolutionizing Sports

by Marc Bubbs

There is a new revolution happening in sports as more and more athletes are basing their success on this game-changing combination: health, nutrition, training, recovery, and mindset. Unfortunately, the evidence-based techniques that the expert PhDs, academic institutions, and professional performance staffs follow can be in stark contrast to what many athletes actually practice. When combined with the noise of social media, old-school traditions, and bro-science, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. <p><p> Peak is a groundbreaking book exploring the fundamentals of high performance (not the fads), the importance of consistency (not extreme effort), and the value of patience (not rapid transformation). Dr. Marc Bubbs makes deep science easy to understand, and with information from leading experts who are influencing the top performers in sports on how to achieve world-class success, he lays out the record-breaking feats of athleticism and strategies that are rooted in this personalized approach. <p> Dr. Bubbs expertly brings together the worlds of health, nutrition, and exercise and synthesizes the salient science into actionable guidance. Regardless if you’re trying to improve your physique, propel your endurance, or improve your team’s record, looking at performance through this lens is absolutely critical for lasting success.

Cooking as a Chemical Reaction: Culinary Science with Experiments, Second Edition

by Z. Sibel Ozilgen

With this book, students are able to perform experiments and then make observations that they will frequently see in the kitchen and other food preparation and processing areas and learn the science behind these phenomena. The second edition of Cooking as a Chemical Reaction: Culinary Science with Experiments features new chapters on food hygiene and safety, kitchen terminology, and taste pairing, as well as an expanded chapter on the role of food additives in culinary transformations. The text uses experiments and experiences from the kitchen, and other food preparation areas, rather than theory, as the basic means of explaining the scientific facts and principles behind food preparation and food processing. It engages students in their own learning process. This textbook is designed so that students can first perform certain experiments and record their observations in tables provided in the book. The book then explains the science behind their observations. Features: Experiments and recipes form the basic means of teaching culinary chemistry Features new chapters on food hygiene and safety, kitchen terminology, and taste pairing Employs real kitchen practices to explain the subjects Covers traditional food chemistry including water in culinary transformations, protein, carbohydrates, fats, sensorial properties Many concepts throughout the book are marked with a symbol that indicates the concept is one that they will come across frequently not just in this text, but in the kitchen and other food preparation and processing areas. A second symbol precedes the scientific explanation of the observation made during the experiments in the chapter. At the end of each chapter, students are presented with important points to remember, more ideas to try, and study questions to reinforce concepts that were presented in the chapter. The book is designed for each chapter to be read and studied in chronological order, as the concepts of each chapter will reoccur in subsequent chapters. Written at the undergraduate level, this book is designed for students in culinary arts, nutrition, dietetics, food science and technology, and gastronomy programs. It is intended for students with limited scientific background who are studying different aspects of food preparation and processing.

Lifestyle Medicine, Third Edition (Lifestyle Medicine Ser.)

by James M. Rippe

The field of lifestyle medicine, which is the study of how daily habits and actions impact on both short- and long-term health and quality of life, continues to expand globally. The scientific and medical literature that supports the success of these lifestyle habits and actions is now overwhelming. Thousands of studies provide evidence that regular physical activity, maintenance of a health body weight, following sound nutritional practices, stress reduction, and other good practices all profoundly impact both health and quality of life. Following its predecessors, Lifestyle Medicine, Third Edition, is edited by lifestyle medicine pioneer, cardiologist Dr. James Rippe. This edition has been thoroughly updated and represents the expert opinions of 20 section editors as well as more than 150 expert chapter authors whose knowledge span all aspects of this emerging discipline. Topics cover lifestyle medicine practices including regular physical activity, proper nutrition, and weight management. These principles are applied to the prevention and or treatment of a wide variety of chronic conditions ranging from heart disease and diabetes to cancer, mental health, addiction, and injury prevention. This book serves as evidence base for individuals who wish to practice lifestyle medicine or incorporate some of its principles into either general medicine or subspecialty practice. It provides valuable information to healthcare workers in the fields of nutrition, exercise physiology, psychology, behavioral medicine, health promotion, and public policy where lifestyle medicine principles play an ever-increasing role.

The Urban Vegan: 250 Simple, Sumptuous Recipes from Street Cart Favorites to Haute Cuisine

by Dynise Balcavage

<p>Transforming vegan cooking from "oat cuisine" to "haute cuisine" <p>Sampling ruby-red organic berries at a farmers' market. Comparing thirty varieties of rice noodles in a Vietnamese food store. Ordering “good & greasy” vegetarian rotis from a street cart. This is the life of the urban vegan, and author Dynise Balcavage brings this cuisine to life in The Urban Vegan. Designed to help vegans―and all readers―find inspiration for a healthy, varied, and delicious diet in each city market, restaurant, and corner store that they visit, this book presents 250 delicious, and even decadent, original vegan recipes inspired by the colorful culinary landscapes of urban areas. <p>Accompanying the recipes are shortcuts, entertaining ideas, and menu themes that will please even omnivores; an overview of the vegan pantry; and helpful icons that alert readers to low-fat, kid-friendly, fast, omnivore-friendly, and frugal recipes at a glance.</p>

Fed Up: The High Costs of Cheap Food

by Dale Finley Slongwhite

One farmworker tells of the soil that would “bite” him, but that was the chemicals burning his skin. Others developed lupus, asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, or suffered myriad symptoms with no clear diagnosis. Some miscarried or had children with genetic defects, while others developed cancer.In Fed Up, Dale Slongwhite collects the nearly inconceivable and chilling oral histories of African American farmworkers whose lives, and the lives of their families, were forever altered by one of the most horrific pesticide exposure incidents in United States’ history.For decades, the farms around Lake Apopka, Florida’s third largest lake, were sprayed with chemicals ranging from the now-banned DDT to toxaphene. Among the most productive farmland in America, the fields were doused with organochlorine pesticides, also known as persistent organic pollutants; the once-clear waters of the lake turned pea green; birds, alligators, and fish died at alarming rates; and still the farmworkers planted, harvested, packed, and shipped produce all over the country, enduring scorching sun, snakes, rats, injuries, substandard housing, low wages, and the endocrine disruptors that crop dusters dropped as they toiled.Eventually, state and federal dollars were allocated to buy out and close farms to attempt land restoration, water clean up, and wildlife rehabilitation. But the farmworkers became statistics, nameless casualties history almost forgot. Here are their stories, told in their own words.

The Habana Café Cookbook

by Josefa Gonzalez-Hastings

Culinary wizard and cafe owner Josefa Gonzalez-Hastings offers this extravagance of Cuban cooking as a celebration of her heritage. Many of the recipes were passed down to her from her mother and aunts; others are "nuevo Latino cuisine"--a fusion of traditional Cuban foods with modern dishes. Cuban food and preparation always has been varied, she says, flavored by the ancestry of the island, with contributions from Spanish conquistadors, African slaves, Asian laborers, and Indian natives.Of course, she also includes Habana Cafe's standard sides of rice, black beans, and glazed golden-brown plantains. Customer favorites are all represented here in easy-to-follow recipes and colorful photographs--from appetizers and soups, seafood and vegetarian entrees, to classics (Cuban sandwiches and flan) and beverages (mojitos, sangria, cafe con leche, Cuba libre). Gonzalez-Hastings also provides a glossary explaining typical ethnic Cuban ingredients such as bijol, a condiment used to give rice a yellow color; naranja agria, the tart Seville orange often used to marinate meat and make mojo sauce; and malanga, a mild, nutty root that flavors soups and other sauces."In my Cuban family," she writes, "two things were always certain-- food and good times." Gonzalez-Hastings shares family stories and photographs of life in pre-Castro Cuba, re-creating the days when Havana was a dining mecca, Ernest Hemingway frequented La Floridita restaurant, and the island gave birth to the daiquiri.

Sustainable Urban Agriculture in Cuba: Sustainable Urban Agriculture In Cuba (Contemporary Cuba)

by Sinan Koont

"Pushed by necessity but enabled by its existing social and educational policies, Cuba in the 1990s launched the most extensive program of urban sustainable agriculture in the world. This study is to date the only book-length investigation in either English or Spanish of this important national experiment in transforming the environmental, economic, and social nature of today's dominant system of producing food."--Al Campbell, University of Utah As large-scale industrial agriculture comes under increasing scrutiny because of its petroleum- and petrochemical-based input costs and environmentally objectionable consequences, increasing attention has been focused on sustainable, local, and agro-ecological techniques in food production. Cuba was forced by historical circumstances to be one of the pioneers in the massive application of these techniques. After the demise of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Cuba was left without access to external support needed to carry on with industrial agriculture. The economic crisis led the country to reconsider their former models of resource management. Cuba retooled its agricultural programs to focus on urban agriculture--sustainable, ecologically sound farming close to densely populated areas. Food now takes far less time to get to the people, who are now better nourished because they have easier access to whole foods. Moreover, urban farming has become a source of national pride--Cuba has one of the best urban agriculture programs in the world, with a thousand-fold increase in urban agricultural output since 1994. Sinan Koont has spent the last several years researching urban agriculture in Cuba, including field work at many sustainable farms on the island. He tells the story of why and how Cuba was able to turn to urban food production on a large scale with minimal use of chemicals, petroleum, and machinery, and of the successes it achieved--along with the continuing difficulties it still faces in reducing its need for food imports.

Einkorn: Recipes for Nature's Original Wheat

by Carla Bartolucci Clay Mclachlan

Discover the ancient grain with tremendous flavor that is a true gift for many who suffer from gluten sensitivity. The only wheat in existence that has never been hybridized or modified, einkorn grew thousands of years ago in the Fertile Crescent. Carla Bartolucci came across it when searching for an alternative grain for her daughter Giulia, who was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity in 2008. Einkorn has remained unaltered for thousands of years, which allows many, including Giulia--who suffered from mood swings, asthma, and digestive problems--to eat wheat without symptoms. Amazed by her daughter's health transformation, Carla became a champion of this little-known, nutrient-packed grain. Einkorn shares 100 delicious recipes for working with the grain and its flour in a wide variety of flavorful dishes, such as Yogurt Blueberry Muffins, Spinach Lasagna Bolognese, Neapolitan Pizza Margherita, and Soft & Chewy Ginger Cookies--as well as sourdough and yeasted breads like Classic French Boule and buttery Sweet Potato Rolls. This book also explores einkorn's history, unique genetics, and superior nutrient content, while sharing Carla's tips for using it to its full baking and cooking potential. With eighty-five beautiful color photographs, Einkorn will introduce home cooks to a delicious ancient grain that can transform the way they eat for the better by adding more nutrition and flavor to the foods they love.

Waiting at Joe's

by Deeny Kaplan Lorber

They’ve served the rich, the famous, and the infamous, ranging from Madonna and Al Capone to Amelia Earhart and Bill Clinton. They’ve escorted patrons to their cars during the cocaine wars and sent trays of food from the kitchen to high profile patrons via Secret Service agents. They work at the second-highest grossing restaurant in the United States--one of the most coveted jobs in the business. They are the waiters of Joe’s Stone Crab, a one-of-a-kind South Florida landmark.Joe’s Stone Crab opened in Miami Beach in 1913 as a modest restaurant situated behind the apartment of owners Joe and Jennie Weiss. Miami Beach, not yet a city, could be accessed only by ferry. Stone crabs weren’t even on the menu. A lot has changed in the past century: Joe’s Stone Crab boasts locations in Chicago and Las Vegas, and people travel across the globe to dine on its signature stone crabs, a delicacy often mimicked but never matched by countless other restaurants.Throughout its history, Joe’s has never accepted reservations. The anticipation and camaraderie in waiting two to three hours for a table has become as much a part of the dining experience as the exquisite food. Along the way, Joe’s has gained a reputation for excellent service provided by its extremely dedicated, talented, and loyal wait staff.A chance to serve at Joe’s is one of the most sought-after jobs in the restaurant business. Staff members are paid extremely fair wages, compensated with retirement packages, and receive generous time off. It’s not unusual to encounter a waiter who has been at Joe’s for fifteen or twenty years. Some have stayed on for upward of thirty, forty, and even fifty. Bonds between coworkers are strong, and some are so proud of their home-away-from-home that some waiters even request to be buried in the front courtyard at Joe’s for all of eternity.By giving voice to these unsung individuals, Deeny Kaplan Lorber reveals the inner workings of Joe’s in this collection of fascinating, intimate vignettes. Go behind the scenes of a thriving business that treats both staff and customers like family. For one hundred years, Miami natives and tourists alike have waited and dined alongside celebrities including Frank Sinatra, Muhammad Ali, Dan Marino, and Jennifer Lopez. There’s no other place in the world quite like Joe’s Stone Crab; this is the story of the waiters, not the wait.

The Great Florida Craft Beer Guide

by Mark DeNote

Once considered a wasteland by beer connoisseurs, Florida recently awakened to the craft beer phenomenon. Finally, “good beer” can be found throughout the state, and enthusiasts are flocking to tasting rooms to meet friends for a pint or fill their growlers. The Great Florida Craft Beer Guide is all you need to find local, distinctive beer wherever you are in the Sunshine State.Longtime craft beer columnist Mark DeNote takes you on a tour from Destin to Key West, from award-winning breweries to hidden tasting rooms, from hefeweizens and pale ales to saisons and stouts. Through exclusive interviews with brewers and owners, he shares the stories of their foundings, their brewing philosophies and methods, and insider tips about each brewery’s staple and seasonal beers. DeNote not only provides unparalleled access to the breweries but also offers an enlightening history of Florida brewing that includes forgotten establishments like Jacksonville Brewing Company, Orlando’s Atlantic, and Miami’s Flamingo.Whether you’re a local or a tourist, a newbie or a beer snob, The Great Florida Craft Beer Guide is essential reading. Turn the page and pour a cold one!

¡No más migrañas! (Colección Vital): Un plan de 8 semanas para recuperar el control de tu salud, sanar tu cuerpo y de

by Stephanie Weaver

No vivas un día más con dolores de cabeza cegadores o vértigo. ¡Tu asesor de bienestar personal está aquí! Un plan de 8 semanas para recuperar el control de tu salud, sanar tu cuerpo y despedirte del dolor de cabeza. Las personas que no tienen migrañas o ataques de Ménière no lo comprenden: nunca han experimentado episodios de malestar que escapan de su control y no viven con la frustración de ver sus vidas entorpecidas por el dolor de cabeza o el vértigo. Si estás cansado de asumirte como un «paciente», o si te preocupa tomar demasiados medicamentos para tratar de aliviar el malestar, este libro es para ti. Stephanie Weaver, especialista certificada en nutrición y salud pública, nos ayuda a comprender la naturaleza de los precursores o estímulos del malestar relacionados con la alimentación y el estilo de vida al tiempo que nos invita a descubrir las listas de compras incluidas en su libro, los cuadros de seguimiento de síntomas y el plan de recetas extensamente probadas que podemos incorporar a lo largo de 28 días. ¡No más migrañas! transformará nuestra sensación integral de bienestar e iluminará una senda hacia esa vida plena, sin dolor o incertidumbre ante la enfermedad, que todos merecemos. La crítica ha dicho... «Una guía fundamental para los pacientes con migraña y sus familias.» Mark Hyman, autor de La solución del azúcar en la sangre. «La sabiduría alimenticia de Weaver es auténtica y deliciosa. Este libro está lleno de información maravillosa para hacer que tu cuerpo trabaje a tu favor, y no en tu contra.» Amie Valopone, autora del bestseller Eating Clean.

Screen Doors and Sweet Tea: Recipes and Tales from a Southern Cook

by Martha Hall Foose

Gifted chef and storyteller Martha Hall Foose invites you into her kitchen to share recipes that bring alive the landscape, people, and traditions that make Southern cuisine an American favorite. Born and raised in Mississippi, Foose cooks Southern food with a contemporary flair: Sweet Potato Soup is enhanced with coconut milk and curry powder; Blackberry Limeade gets a lift from a secret ingredient-cardamom; and her much-ballyhooed Sweet Tea Pie combines two great Southern staples-sweet tea and pie, of course-to make one phenomenal signature dessert. The more than 150 original recipes are not only full of flavor, but also rich with local color and characters. As the executive chef of the Viking Cooking School, teaching thousands of home cooks each year, Foose crafts recipes that are the perfect combination of delicious, creative, and accessible. Filled with humorous and touching tales as well as useful information on ingredients, techniques, storage, shortcuts, variations, and substitutions, Screen Doors and Sweet Tea is a must-have for the American home cook-and a must-read for anyone who craves a return to what cooking is all about: comfort, company, and good eating.From the Hardcover edition.

Martha Stewart's Cupcakes: 175 Inspired Ideas for Everyone's Favorite Treat

by Martha Stewart Living Magazine

The perfect cupcake for every occasion.Swirled and sprinkled, dipped and glazed, or otherwise fancifully decorated, cupcakes are the treats that make everyone smile. They are the star attraction for special days, such as birthdays, showers, and holidays, as well as perfect everyday goodies. In Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, the editors of Martha Stewart Living share 175 ideas for simple to spectacular creations-with cakes, frostings, fillings, toppings, and embellishments that can be mixed and matched to produce just the right cupcake for any occasion. Alongside traditional favorites like yellow buttermilk cupcakes swirled with fluffy vanilla frosting and devil's food cupcakes crowned with rich, dark chocolate buttercream, there are also sweet surprises such as peanut butter and jelly cupcakes, dainty delights like tiny almond-cherry tea cakes, and festive showstoppers topped with marizpan ladybugs or candy clowns. The book features cupcakes for everyone, every season, and every event: Celebrations (monogram heart cupcakes perfect for an elegant wedding); Birthdays (starfish-on-the-beach cupcakes sure to be a hit at children's parties); Holidays (gumdrop candy ghouls and goblins ideal for Halloween revelers); and Any Day (red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for a picnic, or caramel-filled mini chocolate cakes for grown-up gatherings). In singular Martha Stewart style, the pages are both stunning in design-with a photograph of each finished treat-and brimming with helpful how-to information, from step-by-step photographs for decorating techniques to ideas for packaging and presenting your cupcakes. Whether for any day or special days, the treats in Martha Stewart's Cupcakes will delight one and all.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Culinary Essentials (Culinary Essentials Ser.)

by Johnson and Wales University Staff McGraw-Hill Staff

Culinary Essentials offers all the ingredients for a successful foodservice training program!

The Ultimate Book of Modern Juicing: More than 200 Fresh Recipes to Cleanse, Cure, and Keep You Healthy

by Mimi Kirk

The most current and comprehensive juicing guide available Step aside, Juicing Bible and Big Book of Juices: Mimi Kirk is back with the most current and fresh guide to juicing yet. With more than 200 recipes, handy advice on how to get the most from your juicing, and an eye toward taste, health, and cost, The Ultimate Book of Modern Juicing is the only book on the topic you'll ever need. Kirk has been juicing vegetables and fruits for more than 40 years, yet she doesn't look a day over 50. (And yes, those two things are connected.) She recently became more interested in how to use juicing to feel and look even better. Her discoveries--genuinely up-to-the-minute--are shared here, along with vibrant photographs of her creations. The Ultimate Book of Modern Juicing is a must-have for everyone interested in or committed to the juicing lifestyle.

Fast Metabolism Food Rx: 7 Powerful Prescriptions to Feed Your Body Back to Health

by Haylie Pomroy

WANT TO FEEL GREAT, DISEASE-PROOF YOUR BODY, AND LIVE AT YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT? THEN, EAT YOUR MEDICINE Haylie Pomroy, celebrated nutritionist, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fast Metabolism Diet, shares a food prescription for the 7 most common ways your metabolism misfires and leads to exhaustion, excess weight, and illness. With her targeted eating plans you can feed your body back to a vibrant, energetic, and thriving state. When multiple health challenges threatened the author's life, it set her on an investigative journey that was life-changing--and lifesaving. In this book, she shares her personal story for the first time, as well as the powerful food programs she created based on the methods and philosophies that saved her life and helped her thrive. For decades now, these same food therapies have provided profound clinical results in her clinics where she's treated thousands of others.Our bodies are always talking, communicating their needs. We just need to learn how to listen. Sometimes they whisper to us--our energy is off, we just don't feel right, we have indigestion or IBS, or our body shape is morphing in ways we don't recognize or like. Sometimes our bodies speak up and change our biochemistry in order to get our attention, by pushing our cholesterol a little higher, making us irritable, reactive, or 'foggy.' At other times our bodies are screaming for help, we have become pre- or full-blown diabetic and our immune systems are confused and attacking us. Every one of these health signals hides a specific problem, and for which food, not drugs, is the answer. So, if you're suffering from GI issues, fatigue, out of whack hormones, mood and cognition difficulties, elevated cholesterol, blood sugar control problems, or an autoimmune problem, Food Rx has the solution for you.From the Hardcover edition.

The Men's Health Big Book of Food & Nutrition: Your completely delicious guide to eating well, looking great, and staying lean for life! (Men's Health)

by Editors of Men's Health

In the aisles of the grocery store, the menus of chain restaurants, even in one's own refrigerator, confusion about how to eat right reigns: Is low-carb good or is carbo-loading the better way to go? Fat-free or sugar-free? And when did those dreaded eggs become a health food? Americans are hungrier than ever for clear-cut answers to their most perplexing food questions, but a private nutritionist or a membership in a diet club are expensive luxuries. What you really need is an authoritative, encyclopedic source at your fingertips. The Men's Health Big Book of Nutrition is the ultimate guide to shopping, dining, and cooking for bigger flavor-and a leaner body. It answers the ongoing demand for definitive information about the food we eat and taps into a readership hungry for final-word answers. Filled with easy-to-swallow eating strategies--and backed by groundbreaking studies and interviews with the world's most authoritative nutrition researchers--The Men's Health Big Book of Food & Nutrition will help you discover just how easy it is to unlock the power of food and stay healthy for life.

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