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10 Días de Purificación con Licuado Verde

by The Blokehead

Descripción del Libro Fresa Coco Almendra 8 – 10 fresas chicas congeladas 3 fresas frescas 1 taza de leche de coco 1 cucharada de mantequilla de almendra 1 cucharadita de miel Chocolate Aguacate 1 aguacate 2 plátanos congelados ½ taza de frambuesas frescas o congeladas 1 – 2 cucharadas de cocoa sin endulzar en polvo 2 tazas de leche de almendras o de coco Canela Coco Plátano ½ taza de leche de coco 4 yemas de huevo grandes 1 plátano mediano ¼ de taza de hielo ½ cucharadita de canela ¡Obtén el libro ahora para más recetas de Licuados Paleo!

10 Dias Limpeza Smoothie Verde 50 Novas Receitas Aniquiladoras do Colesterol

by The Blokehead

Smoothie Romã Bagas Ingredientes 1/2 Chávena água 1/2 Chávena de requeijão magro 1 Chávena de sumo de romã 1 Banana média 2 Chávenas de frutos silvestres congelados 2 Chávenas de gelo (se usar frutos silvestres frescos) Preparação 1. Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e enganche a tampa. 2. Para o liquidificador Blendtec: Prima o botão SMOOTHIE 3. Para o liquidificador Vitamix: Selecione VARIABLE velocidade #1. Ligue a máquina e aumente devagar a velocidade para VARIABLE velocidade #10 e então selecione para HIGH. Bata por 45 segundos ou até alcançar a consistência desejada. Pegue no livro para mais receitas agora!

10 Dias Limpeza Smoothie: Verde 50 Novas Receitas Reveladas Ajudam a Dormir! Durma como merece agora

by The Blokehead

Os smoothies são uma das misturas mais populares que aparecem em muitos menus. Na verdade, eles são tão populares que há uma oferta praticamente ilimitada de receitas para diferentes tipos de smoothies e as pessoas são capazes de os saborear independentemente onde se encontrem, quer seja num restaurante favorito ou numa feira de rua. Tornaram-se tão enraizados na cultura, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, que podem ser encontrados praticamente em qualquer lugar. Claro que, alguns smoothies são mais saudáveis do que outros, pois tudo depende do tipo específico de ingredientes que neles estão incluídos. Além disso, alguns smoothies são preparados pra saborear e outros, como os smoothies verdes, são feitos para com a intenção específica de ajudar as pessoas a experimentar uma saúde melhor e para preparar os seus corpos para determinadas atividades, como intensos esforços atléticos.

10 Giorni Detox con gli Smoothie Verdi

by The Blokehead

Gli smoothie sono tra le miscele più popolari tra i vari menù. Infatti, sono così famosi che non esistono sostanzialmente limiti alle ricette per i diversi tipi di smoothie e le persone possono goderseli a prescindere da dove si trovano, spaziando dal ristorante preferito alla fiera di strada. Si sono radicati così bene nella nostra cultura, specialmente negli Stati Uniti, che posso essere trovati ovunque. Naturalmente alcuni sono più salutari di altri, in base al tipo specifico di ingredienti utilizzati. Inoltre, alcuni sono realizzati per risaltarne il gusto e altri, come gli smoothie verdi, sono creati per il preciso scopo di indirizzare le persone verso una dieta più salutare e per preparare i loro corpi a determinate attività quali un’intensa attività fisica. Prendi una copia e gusta le ricette! Questa pubblicazione intende fornire un aiuto e del materiale informativo. Non è intesa per diagnosticare, trattare, curare o prevenire nessun problema di salute o condizione fisica, ne è intesa come sostituto di un medico. Nessun’azione dovrebbe essere presa basandosi solamente sul contenuto di questo libro. Consultare sempre prima un medico o un professionista qualificato su qualsiasi patologia riguardante la propria salute prima di provare i suggerimenti contenuti nel libro o trarre conclusioni da esso. L’autore e l’editore declinano specificatamente ogni responsabilità personale per la perdita o il rischio che ne consegue, direttamente o indirettamente, dall’uso o l’applicazione dei contenuti di questo libro. Tutti i nomi dei prodotti all’interno di questo libro sono un marchio registrato dei rispettivi possessori. Nessuno dei possessori sopra ha sponsorizzato, autorizzato, promosso o approvato questo libro. Leggere sempre tutte le informazioni fornire dal libretto d’istruzioni dei produttore quando si usano i loro prodotti. L’autore e l’editore non sono responsabili per i reclami effettuati dai�

El cuiner tenaç: Si t'ho proposes, te'n surts

by Jordi Cruz

Els ingredients que conformen l'èxit de Jordi Cruz, un dels cuiners més innovadors i populars de l'actualitat En un món tan competitiu com el de la cuina, Jordi Cruz destaca com a exemple d'èxit que transcendeix els fogons i es transforma en el d'una persona joveníssima que en molt pocs anys ha aconseguit varies estrelles Michelin i ha creat un estil únic com a cuiner i comunicador. Què s'amaga rere aquest èxit? Jordi Cruz ens explica a El cuiner tenaç com va descobrir la seva vocació quan tan sols era un nen de 7 anys, com va enfocar la seva formació i l'estratègia que l'ha ajudat a convertir-se en un dels cuiners més admirats. Ens introdueix, també, en la seva filosofia per a afrontar la innovació i la creativitat i els secrets per mantenir un equip motivat i fidel. Aquest llibre ens descobreix que rere l'èxit de Jordi Cruz hi ha una tenacitat incansable i un compromís amb el seu ofici, a més d'una ambició per,partint de la tradició, fer sempre alguna cosa nova.

El cocinero tenaz: Si te lo propones, lo consigues

by Jordi Cruz

Los ingredientes que componen el éxito de Jordi Cruz, uno de los cocineros más innovadores y populares del momento. En un mundo tan competitivo como el de la cocina, Jordi Cruz destaca como un perfil de éxito que trasciende a los fogones y se transforma en el de una persona tremendamente joven que en pocos años ha conseguido varias estrellas Michelin, creando un estilo único como cocinero y comunicador. ¿Qué se esconde detrás de este éxito? Jordi Cruz nos explica en El cocinero tenaz cómo descubrió su vocación por el oficio de cocinero cuando apenas tenía 7 años, cómo enfocó su formación, en la que destaca el aprender haciendo, y la estrategia que le ha llevado a convertirse en uno de los cocineros más admirados en España. Jordi también nos introduce en su filosofía para encarar la innovación y la creatividad y los secretos para mantener un equipo motivado y fiel. Este libro desvelará que detrás del éxito de Jordi Cruz se encuentra una tenacidad incansable y un compromiso con su oficio, unidos a una ambición por hacer siempre algo nuevo, a partir de la tradición. la cocina de jordi cruz; libro de cocina de jordi cruz; master chef; cocina innovadora y creativa; manual de cocina; los mejores libros de cocina; aprender a cocinar; biografia de jordi cruz; estrellas michelin;

Kansas Beer: A Heady History (American Palate)

by Bob Crutchfield

Prohibition came early to Kansas in 1881, driving more than 125 breweries out of business or underground. Refusing to even vote on the 1933 national repeal, the state remained dry until 1948, with liquor by the drink finally being approved in 1987. Lawrence's Chuck Magerl worked with the legislature to pen new laws allowing something (little known at the time) called a "microbrewery." Chuck started the state's first brewery in over a century, appropriately named Free State Brewing Company. John Dean of Topeka's Blind Tiger Brewery counts more awards than any other brewer in the state, including Champion Brewer at the World Beer Cup in 2014. Props & Hops Brewing, in tiny Sylvan Grove, is owned and operated by an enterprising pilot who also owns and operates a crop-dusting business on the weekdays. Author Bob Crutchfield explores the state's breweries and recounts the Sunflower State's hoppy history.

Lost Restaurants of Lincoln, Nebraska (American Palate)

by Jeff Korbelik

Lost Restaurants of Omaha (American Palate)

by Kim Reiner

Omaha is known for its beef, but the history of its most famous restaurants goes far beyond. The French Café was the place to go to celebrate. Piccolo Pete's, Mister C's and Bohemian Café helped shape neighborhoods in Little Italy, North Omaha and Little Bohemia. The tales of restaurateurs like the tragic Tolf Hanson; the ever-optimistic Ross Lorello; Anthony Oddo, once a resident at Boys Town; and Giuseppa Marcuzzo, a former bootlegger, also tell the story of the city. Restaurants played a prominent role as history unfolded in Omaha during prohibition, wartime rations, the fight for equal rights and westward expansion. Author Kim Reiner details the fascinating history behind Omaha's classic eateries.

Holiday Cookies: Showstopping Recipes to Sweeten the Season

by Elisabet Der Nederlanden

From Icebox Pinwheel Cookies to Red-and-White Meringue Kisses to Apple Cider Caramels, find new inspiration for the best of seasonal baking with Holiday Cookies. This instant holiday classic is packed with 50 recipes, each gorgeously photographed and meticulously tested, along with dozens of decorating and packaging ideas. Filled with reimagined favorites like Giant Molasses Spice Cookies and Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies; confections like Peppermint Bark, Smoked Almond and Cacao Nib Brittle, and Dark Chocolate–Hazelnut Fudge; and detailed instructions for gorgeous gingerbread houses, cookie place cards, and edible ornaments, this is a cookie book like no other. Because the recipes are easy to scale up or down, Holiday Cookies is perfect for cookie exchanges, gift-giving, and just enjoying throughout the season. From a veteran baker and recipe developer, each cookie in this collection is guaranteed to be a stand-out, and destined to become your new Christmas classic.

The Keto Reset Diet Cookbook: 150 Low-Carb, High-Fat Ketogenic Recipes to Boost Weight Loss

by Mark Sisson

On the heels of Mark Sisson's best-selling book The Keto Reset Diet comes an all-new cookbook, with 150 keto-aligned recipes to help you slim down, get healthy, and go keto the right way.You will transition away from carbohydrate dependency and weight loss frustrations into the world of metabolic flexibility, where you can reprogram your metabolism to use fat for fuel. You'll ditch processed grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils in favor of nutrient-dense, high-fat foods. With the delicious, diverse meals in this cookbook, your journey will be enjoyable, convenient, and free from the risk of backsliding and burnout that comes with a rushed approach to keto. THE KETO RESET DIET COOKBOOK will help you replace your old favorites with keto-approved substitutes for pancakes, crepes, oatmeal, and even includes decadent desserts like Dairy-Free Avocado Mousse and Chai Panna Cotta. Hearty entrées like Braised Short Ribs with Mashed Cauliflower and Cheesy Eggplant-Spinach Casserole will keep you from ever feeling deprived or hungry. With these recipes, and many more, you'll experience a new world of culinary possibilities and lasting health.

Peter Callahan's Party Food: Mini Hors d'oeuvres, Family-Style Settings, Plated Dishes, Buffet Spreads, Bar Carts

by Kate Spade Peter Callahan

At once practical and imaginative, a guide to serving food in style—at any kind of celebration Venerated caterer Peter Callahan compiles his 30 plus years of entertaining experience for serving visually stunning and palate-electrifying food in new ways. You’re invited into his world of whimsy and wit as he shares brand-new signature hors d'oeuvres and expands his repertoire for the first time to offer ideas for tablescapes, buffets, seated dinners, and bars. Peter brilliantly breaks down his high-end serving style with simplifications and shortcuts, enabling you to throw the coolest of parties—regardless of your skill level, the size of the crowd, the venue, or the theme. Along with stories about and amazing re-creations of actual events, the 100 original party tricks and recipes in this book will help you set the scene for a beautiful, conversation-filled gathering—every time.

Danielle Walker's Against All Grain Celebrations: A Year of Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Paleo Recipes for Every Occasion

by Danielle Walker

From the two-time New York Times best-selling author of Against All Grain and Meals Made Simple, comes 125 recipes for grain-free, dairy-free, gluten-free comfort food dishes for holidays and special occasions. When people adopt a new diet for health or personal reasons, they worry most about the parties, holidays, and events with strong food traditions, fearing their fond memories will be lost along with the newly eliminated food groups. After suffering for years with a debilitating autoimmune disease and missing many of these special occasions herself, Danielle Walker has revived the joy that cooking for holidays can bring in Danielle Walker's Against All Grain Celebrations, a collection of recipes and menus for twelve special occasions throughout the year. Featuring a variety of birthday cakes, finger foods to serve at a baby or bridal shower, and re-creations of backyard barbecue standards like peach cobbler and corn bread, Danielle includes all of the classics. There's a full Thanksgiving spread--complete with turkey and stuffing, creamy green bean casserole, and pies--and menus for Christmas dinner; a New Year's Eve cocktail party and Easter brunch are covered, along with suggestions for beverages and cocktails and the all-important desserts. Recipes can be mixed and matched among the various occasions, and many of the dishes are simple enough for everyday cooking. Stunning full-color photographs of every dish make browsing the pages as delightful as cooking the recipes, and beautiful party images provide approachable and creative entertaining ideas. Making recipes using unfamiliar ingredients can cause anxiety, and while trying a new menu on a regular weeknight leaves some room for error, the meal simply cannot fail when you have a table full of guests celebrating a special occasion. Danielle has transformed her most cherished family traditions into trustworthy recipes you can feel confident serving, whether you're hosting a special guest with food allergies, or cooking for a crowd of regular grain-eaters.

Emma Catwalks and Cupcakes! (Cupcake Diaries #31)

by Coco Simon

Emma loses a modeling assignment—to Katie!—in the latest addition to the Cupcake Diaries series.When Emma goes on an audition for a new modeling job, Katie tags along to keep her company. But as it turns out, everyone wants Katie to model instead of Emma! At first Emma is happy for her friend. Soon though, she realizes sharing the spotlight isn’t much fun, even if it is with your BFF! Will the Cupcake girls continue to bicker amongst themselves or will they finally realize there’s just one person you need to please—yourself?

Sunday Sundaes: Sunday Sundaes; Cracks In The Cone; The Purr-fect Scoop; Ice Cream Sandwiched (Sprinkle Sundays #1)

by Coco Simon

Enjoy a sprinkle of happy with this fun, sweet new series from the author of Cupcake Diaries!Meet the Sunday Sundae Sisters! Allie, Sierra, and Tamiko have been best friends since kindergarten. Now Allie’s parents are divorced and Allie has moved one town away. She can still see her friends but she no longer goes to the same middle school. So that means new teachers, new classrooms, and new students to deal with—all without her BFFs for support. But when Allie’s mom decides to fulfill her lifelong dream and open up an ice cream shop, Allie has an idea. Maybe she and her friends can work in the shop every Sunday! It’s a way for them to stay in touch every week and have fun—that is, of course, until they actually start working. The girls soon discover that working in an ice cream shop is more than just scooping cones and adding toppings. It’s serious work and Allie feels the pressure of having to “be the boss” around her friends. Can the girls work together every week and still remain BFFs? They can—especially when they settle their differences over an ice cream cone. Written by Coco Simon, author of the popular Cupcake Diaries series, this yummy new middle grade series for girls will have the same sweet wholesome fun both girls and parents crave. It’s sure to be another delicious hit!

Cracks in the Cone: Sunday Sundaes; Cracks In The Cone; The Purr-fect Scoop; Ice Cream Sandwiched (Sprinkle Sundays #2)

by Coco Simon

Allie must find a balance between being a boss and being a friend in this second delicious book in the Sprinkle Sundays series from the author of the Cupcake Diaries series!Now that the girls all work at the ice cream shop on Sundays, Allie sees her friends’ jobs through a different lens. If they mess up the cash register by a few dollars Tamiko simply shrugs, but Allie knows that by the end of the week all those little misses can add up. She doesn’t want to be their boss, but somehow she needs to figure out a way to make sure she’s part of a team that can see things from her perspective, too. She just has to do it before the cracks in the cone melt their friendship.

The Chocolate Shark Shenanigans (Chocoholic Mystery #17)

by JoAnna Carl

In the newest mystery from nationally bestselling author Joanna Carl, a dive into house flipping becomes a deadly flop....When a house near Lee and Joe's home goes up for sale, the couple teams up with Lee's aunt and uncle, Nettie and Hogan, to buy it, remodel it, and resell it for a sweet profit. But after the owners of the house, the Baileys, accept their offer, a local developer, Richard "Spud" Dirk, suddenly swoops in with a higher one, and it seems their dreams might be snatched away. Lee, never as passionate about the plan as her husband and uncle, is anxious to get back to focusing on managing TenHuis Chocolade. But when a long-hidden gun is found behind a pipe in the Baileys' basement, she begins to suspect a mystery is afoot. And when Spud turns up dead in the Baileys' carport a few days later, it becomes clear there's something rotten at the foundation....To solve the murder, Lee will have to strip away layers of secrets--that is, if someone doesn't level her first....

Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign

by Catherine Urban

Let the stars be your guide and find perfect recipes for every occasion—no matter what your zodiac sign.Gone are the days of leafing through cookbooks or recipe collections. Now you can find the perfect recipes for every meal and occasion by letting the stars guide you. Whether you are trying to impress your Virgo mother-in-law or simply trying to add some variety to your lunch options this week, let the stars help you find the perfect dish. Your Astrological Cookbook offers advice on how to use astrology to better plan your meals for the week so you no longer have to consult star charts and recipe lists. Get inspired by these food recommendations catered to every astrological sign&’s key qualities and personality traits to ensure that you cook the perfect meal for everyone. This cookbook offers simple guidelines to adding astrology-based dishes to your menu. Whether you&’re whipping up an indulgent pasta for your Taurus friend or adding a little spiciness to your signature dish to make your bold Aries attitude stand out, Your Astrological Cookbook has your ideal meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Juicing: How to Use 7-Day and 30-Day Juice Cleanses to Build Strength and Lose Weight

by Michelle Savage

100 quick and easy plant-based detox recipes to restart, reset, and reclaim your life!Fasting is a great way to cleanse the body—waste is cleared from the digestive tract and chemicals stored in fat and other tissues are released. The right detox program can improve your clarity and focus; increase your sense of strength, energy, and happiness; minimize your food cravings; and you may even lose weight.In this book, certified health coach Michelle Savage helps readers restart, reset, and reclaim their lives by offering two types of juice cleanses: a seven-day cleanse, perfect for those who want to jump in with two feet, and a thirty-day cleanse, great for those who are a bit hesitant to commit or whose lifestyles cannot support the shorter approach.First, learn all about the benefits of juicing, detoxing, fasting, and cleansing and how to do it the right way—with the help of a journal worksheet and a cleanse schedule and meal plan. Then, start juicing! The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Juicing includes one hundred recipes for both juices, light snacks, and meals for whichever cleanse you choose, such as:Superfood TeaMatcha MadnessCitrus Sunshine Sexy SmoothieImmunity Juice ElixirCelery Mint CleanserWheatgrass ShotJolly Green GiantTurmeric LatteOat and Flax MylkMacrobiotic Healing SoupOrange Poppy Seed Drizzle SaladHomemade SauerkrautRaw Protein BrowniesAnd More!

One-Pan Meals: Sheet Pan and Skillet Dinners for the Whole Family

by Tareq Taylor

Prepare 66 delicious and healthy meals for the busy household with just one pan in the oven.One-Pan Meals is really cooking at its simplest. Prepare entire family meals in a single pot, sheet pan, skillet, or casserole in the oven that will save you time on prep work, cooking, and cleaning—perfect for a hectic Monday or a busy weekend. Featuring Swedish celebrity chef Tareq Taylor&’s simple and tasty approach to cooking, One-Pan Meals uses a lot more greens and other simple ingredients for healthy meals, spices from across the globe for bold flavors, and just one pan to make them all. Make pizzas with different fillings, delicious cookies baked in a pan, pull-apart breads and stuffed sandwiches, and homemade muesli while the oven is still hot. One-Pan Meals provides 66 wholesome, lip-smacking recipes for vegetarian dishes, seafood, meat and poultry, pizzas and breads, and sweets: Mushroom and zucchini frittataCorn on the cob with sriracha mayo and cheeseFoil packet cod filetChicken chiliMeatloaf with bacon and root vegetablesPizza margarita with mozzarella and basilHot sandwiches three waysCinnamon bunsAnd More!

The Unofficial Cookbook for Ninja Foodi Beginners: A Healthy Guide to Using the Pressure Cooker That Crisps

by James O. Fraioli Tiffany Fraioli

Introducing the Ninja Foodi—a Pressure Cooker and Air-Fryer in One Easy-to-Use Appliance! With more people choosing to cook at home than eat out these days, and with the spike in pressure- and one-pot cookers, Americans are going one step further. They&’re taking their low-cooked meals, such as tenderized beef or chicken, and finishing it in their ovens to achieve a crispier texture. Acting upon this, kitchen gadget company SharkNinja decided to take the popular pressure-cooking element and merge it with air-frying technology to simplify the entire process, creating the Ninja Foodi (essentially, the Easy-Bake Oven for adults). Turn the informative pages, and The Unofficial Cookbook for Ninja Foodi Beginners breaks down the science and food technology that makes this celebrated cooking appliance so useful. Home cooks will be educated on the various components and features of the unit. Care, cleaning, and safety are also discussed, along with common cooking methods used in the book. Tips, tricks, and stocking the pantry round out the introductory pages, followed by a bountiful collection of healthy, mouthwatering, and simple recipes that celebrate the foods one can prepare with the incredible Ninja Foodi. Recipes include: Cinnamon French ToastTater Tot Breakfast HashCauliflower SteakFamily-Style Pot RoastSpiced Chicken with ChimichurriChicken and DumplingsLobster CouscousSweet and Zesty Chicken WingsBackyard Barbecue RibsSouthern Fried PicklesBaked ApplesChocolate Chip Cookie SquaresZucchini Breadand more!

The Side Dish Bible: 1001 Perfect Recipes for Every Vegetable, Rice, Grain, and Bean Dish You Will Ever Need

by America'S Test Kitchen

A roadmap to help home cooks round out and enhance any meal, for any occasion with 1001 recipes for every type of side dish imaginable.Every cook struggles over making side dishes, from choosing what goes best with the main course to getting stuck in a rut making the same tired green beans and rice. But this destined-to-be-dog-ear'd compendium of side dishes changes all that; more thorough than any other cookbook, our first complete compilation of side dishes offers 1,001 perfect recipes for tonight and every night, whether you only have a few minutes or need your next dinner-party go-to.Chapters are organized by type of side dish to help you find just what you're looking for. For weeknight inspiration, Basics You Can Count On offers quick-and-easy recipes like Skillet-Roasted Brussels Sprouts you can make in just 10 minutes. Having company? Choose elegant sides from Dinner Party Winners, like a stunning Pommes Anna or Pearl Couscous with Caramelized Fennel and Spinach. Tasked with bringing a side to a potluck? Potluck Favorites offers recipes that everyone will ask for, like Chopped Caprese Salad. Reimagining your holiday table? The Holiday chapter mixes reliable standbys like Creamy Mashed Potatoes and Classic Bread Stuffing, with fresh, seasonal dishes, like Farro Salad with Butternut Squash and Radicchio and Garlic-Scented Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Milk and Cilantro. A Bread Basket chapter is included as are creative sauces and toppings for taking things up a notch.

Colores comestibles (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Big Book Unit 3 #4)

by Jennifer Bass

NIMAC-sourced textbook

A sembrar sopa de verduras (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Big Book Unit 3 #8)

by Lois Ehlert

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Air Fryer Revolution: 100 Crispy, Healthy, Fast & Fresh Recipes

by Urvashi Pitre

Best-selling author Urvashi Pitre is back with Air Fryer Revolution, the follow-up to her hit cookbook, Every Day Easy Air Fryer. In this all-new collection of 100 delicious recipes, Urvashi shows you how the revolutionary air fryer makes home cooking easier than ever. Air fryers are taking the country by storm, thanks to the device's fan-forced heat, so there is no need for pre-heating, and food cooks with a minimal amount of oil. The recipes can all be made in 60 minutes or less, many in as little as 30 minutes, so you cut back on energy bills and avoid heating up the whole kitchen. The air fryer saves space too, making it perfect for tiny city kitchens, dorm rooms, and RVs. With Urvashi's impeccably tested recipes, you start with fresh ingredients and let the cooker d the hard work, and you'll never get bored with Smoky Ham and Cheese Party Biscuits, French Garlic Chicken, Russet and Sweet Potato Gratin, Queso Fundido, Korean Beef Tacos, Bang Bang Shrimp, and more.

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