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La Guía Básica del Senderismo: cómo planificar un viaje acertado de mochilero, acampada o senderismo

by John Johnson

¿Está pensando en empezar a hacer senderismo? ¿Le gustaría aprender a hacer senderismo como lo hacen los profesionales? Si ha respondido afirmativamente a estas preguntas, entonces este libro es para usted. Aprenda cómo empezar, así como todo lo que necesita saber sobre el deporte y cómo hacer senderismo como un profesional. Estas técnicas básicas le ayudarán a empezar y a practicar el senderismo de la mejor manera posible. ¡Presentamos los secretos de los profesionales para empezar y seguir con las caminatas más difíciles! Con décadas de estrategias probadas, este libro le mostrará la forma más rápida y efectiva para practicar el deporte. Lo que incluye: - Cómo empezar - Qué llevar - Qué equipo usar - Cómo hacer senderismo - Cómo prepararse ¡Y mucho más! Si quiere estar más fuerte y ser más eficiente en el senderismo, entonces esta guía es para usted. --> Desplácese a la parte superior de la página y haga clic en añadir al carrito para comprar hoy mismo Exención de responsabilidad: Este autor y/o propietario(s) de los derechos no hace ninguna reclamación, promesa o garantía en relación con la exactitud, integridad o adecuación del contenido de este libro, y expresamente renuncia a la responsabilidad por errores y omisiones en el contenido del mismo. Este producto es solo para un uso de referencia. Por favor, consulte a un profesional antes de actuar sobre cualquiera de los contenidos que se encuentran en este libro.

Ridurre il colesterolo con l'alimentazione (Come fare... #23)

by Owen Jones

Ridurre il colesterolo con l'alimentazione Perché questa pubblicazione sull’alimentazione giusta per combattere il colesterolo alto? Livelli eccessivi di colesterolo sono tra le cause principali di numerose patologie del mondo moderno, e questo manuale vuole essere un’indicazione sulla possibilità di correggere il problema con la dieta. Le informazioni in questo ebook sul colesterolo e su temi correlati sono organizzate in 17 brevi capitoli. Cibo per la mente, si potrebbe dire :-) Un semplice aiuto per comprendere e gestire il problema del colesterolo, evitando se possibile di ricorrere ai farmaci.

Dieta Vegana: Como Começar Um Estilo de Vida de Origem Vegetal Com Uma Dieta Vegana

by Leo Bowers

Você pode achar que comer menos carne, não comer carne, abandonar os laticínios ou colocar mais vegetais em suas refeições significa se limitar a uma dieta chata e sem graça, mas este não é o caso se você se voltar à comida mexicana. Eu pessoalmente adoro comer comida mexicana, não só por seus sabores ótimos, apetitosos e coloridos, mas também pelo fato de ser muito fácil de substituir por opções de origem vegetal! Meu amor pela cozinha mexicana me levou a procurar opções veganas enquanto ainda saciava o sabor mexicano. Neste livro você aprenderá como começar uma dieta vegana seguindo o plano de dieta vegana de 14 dias para iniciantes. Descubra como funciona o estilo de vida vegano e quais são seus benefícios. Aprenda como cozinhar refeições veganas deliciosas, nutritivas, ricas em proteínas, ricas em energia e com pouco colesterol para café da manhã, almoço, jantar e até para sobremesa. Este livro foi escrito para aqueles que querem melhorar sua saúde geral escolhendo comer frutas, vegetais, castanhas, sementes e legumes ao invés de carnes causadoras de câncer. Ele também é para aqueles que querem ajudar o ambiente e parar de fazer parte da indústria pecuária cruel.

Raggiungere il Peso Ideale: Grazie Alla Filosofia Dello Stoicismo (No #1)

by Claudio Pardo Molina

Il libro parla della perdita di peso e in particolare parla di una vecchia filosofia chiamata stoicismo. Lo scrittore spiega che se una persona desidera perdere peso, all'inizio deve trovare un equilibrio e non preoccuparsi di ciò che pensa la gente. Inoltre, suggerisce di trovare la volontà dentro di te.

Che cos’è la chirurgia bariatrica: tutto quello che devi da sapere prima e dopo

by Michelle Border

Il libro sulla chirurgia bariatrica che spiega che cosa succede prima e dopo l'intervento. Stai valutando l'opzione di sottoporti a un intervento di chirurgia bariatrica, ma non sei ancora del tutto sicuro/a? Hai molte domande, ma non sai dove trovare le risposte? Con il nuovo libro "La chirurgia bariatrica prima e dopo: tutto quello che devi da sapere" avrai finalmente la risposta a tutte le tue domande senza dover pagare costose consulenze mediche. In questo libro scoprirai: - Che cosa succede durante un intervento di chirurgia bariatrica - Chi è il candidato ideale all'intervento di chirurgia bariatrica - I tipi di chirurgia bariatrica - Come prepararsi all'intervento - Che cosa aspettarsi dopo l'intervento E molto di più! "La chirurgia bariatrica prima e dopo" è l'unica guida che ti serve per districarti nella giungla della chirurgia bariatrica.

Einmachgläser und Konservierung: Rezepte, Anleitungen & Zubehör Handbuch für Anfänger Ganzjährig

by Betty Jarmouth

Ein Schritt für Schritt Handbuch zum Einkochen und Haltbarmachen von Lebensmitteln -Benötigtes Zubehör -Techniken und Vorbereitung -Wie man Lebensmittel erfolgreich einkocht --> Scrollen Sie zum Beginn der Seite und klicken Sie auf "zum Einkaufswagen hinzufügen", um das Buch zu erwerben Widerrufserklärung: Diese Autorun und/oder der/die Rechtsinhaber geben keine Ansprüche, Versprechen oder Garantien bezüglich der Exaktheit, Vollständigkeit oder Adäquaz der Inhalte dieses Buches und widerrufen jegliche Verantwortung bezüglich Fehlern oder Weglassung von Inhalten. Dieses Buch ist lediglich als Empfehlung anzusehen.

Baby and Toddler Meal Prep Plan: Batch Cook a Week's Nutritious Meals in Under 2 Hours

by Keda Black

Save energy, time, and money, and stress less about feeding your baby so you can live more! Let Baby and Toddler Meal Prep Plan show you step by step how to plan, shop, prep, cook, batch, and freeze a week's worth of healthy, nutritious meals for your child in less than two hours. The meal plans are organized by baby's age group, and all include recipes the whole family will want to eat! First Step Choose the menu for the week. Second Step Use the shopping lists to pick up the necessary ingredients. Third Step Cook and store the week's menu all at once and stash in the freezer. Fourth Step Assemble each day's meals as you need them. Also included are shopping tips, lists, and menu plans with quick prep tips and fast assembly ideas, storage instructions, and more than 80 no-waste recipes.

Food Truck Entrepreneur

by Elizabeth Folan Rosemary Hemsell

Food Truck Entrepreneur places students in the driver’s seat as they use their creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and computer applications skills to start and run their own food truck business. Guided by Anton D’Amico, owner of the successful Boston-based food truck The Lobstah Trap, students are challenged to turn a unique idea into their own mobile business. Using word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, and presentations applications, students work to produce a range of professional documents they’ll need to make their start-up thrive. From creating a mouth-watering menu to designing a mobile app, students will be totally engaged as they learn first-hand how computer applications can be used to run a successful business.

Die Bibel der Langlebigkeit: Wie man durch Ernährung, Bewegung und Lebensstil ein langes und gesundes Leben führt

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Möchten Sie ein längeres und gesünderes Leben führen und gleichzeitig Krankheiten, Beschwerden, Entzündungen, Depressionen und Schmerzen beseitigen? Seit langer Zeit werden Naturheilverfahren eingesetzt, um eine Reihe von Beschwerden zu behandeln und den Menschen ein längeres Leben zu ermöglichen! Der Einsatz von Naturheilverfahren hilft auch bei chronischen Krankheiten, Entzündungen, Ihrem Immunsystem, Ihrem Energiepegel, Ihrer Konzentration, Ihrer Zufriedenheit allgemein und vielem mehr! Wir stellen Ihnen die Geheimnisse vor, mit denen Naturheilkundige länger leben und sich gesünder fühlen als je zuvor! Anhand jahrzehntelang erprobter Strategien zeigt Ihnen dieses eBook den schnellsten und effektivsten Weg, Naturheilkunde zum Wohle Ihres Wohlbefindens einzusetzen! Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden in nur wenigen Wochen steigern können. Und nicht nur das, Sie werden buchstäblich jeden einzelnen Aspekt Ihres Lebens verbessern. Möchten Sie wissen, wie der Einzelne chronische Krankheiten und Gebrechen bewältigt? Auch Sie können die Geheimnisse lernen, um dies zu erreichen, wodurch Sie glücklicher und gesünder sein können. Dieser Leitfaden vermittelt Ihnen bewährte Methoden ohne den Einsatz von teuren Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln oder Kursen. Die Themen: - Länger leben. - Sich gesünder fühlen. - Gesünder sein. - Heilmittel. - Chronische Krankheit besiegen. - Mehr Energie haben. - Besser schlafen. - Beschwerden besiegen. - Ernährung. - Was Sie wissen sollten. + NOCH VIEL MEHR! Wenn Sie länger leben, gesünder sein, Beschwerden heilen oder die Konzentration und das Wohlbefinden verbessern wollen, ist dieser Leitfaden genau das Richtige für Sie. --> Scrollen Sie zum Anfang der Seite, und klicken Sie auf In den Warenkorb, um sofort zu kaufen <-- Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Autor und/oder Rechteinhaber macht/machen keine Ansprüche geltend, macht keine Versprechu

La Bible de la Vie: vivre longtemps et sain à base des aliments, des exercices physiques et style de vie.

by Steve Smithson

A propos : Aimeriez-vous pouvoir vivre plus longtemps et en bonne santé tout en éliminant les maladies, l'inconfort, l'inflammation, la dépression et la douleur ? Pendant très longtemps, des techniques de guérison naturelles ont été utilisées pour traiter un certain nombre de maux et aider les gens à vivre plus longtemps ! L'utilisation de techniques de guérison naturelle permettra également à lutter contre les maladies chroniques, l'inflammation, votre système immunitaire, votre niveau d'énergie, votre concentration, votre bonheur général et bien plus encore ! Découvrez les secrets que les professionnels de la guérison naturelle utilisent pour vivre plus longtemps et être à jamais en bonne santé. Avec des décennies de stratégies expérimentées, cet ebook vous montrera le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace de se servir des moyens naturels au profit de votre bien-être ! Vous apprendrez comment améliorer votre bien-être en quelques semaines seulement. Non seulement cela, mais améliorerez littéralement chaque aspect de votre vie. Vous voulez savoir comment les individus gèrent les maladies chroniques ? Vous aussi, vous pouvez apprendre les secrets pour y parvenir, vous permettant d'être plus heureux et en meilleure santé. Ce guide vous enseigne des techniques éprouvées sans l'utilisation de compléments ou de cours coûteux. Dans ce manuel : - Vivre plus longtemps. - être en bonne santé. - Soyez en meilleure santé. - Remèdes. - Battre les maladies chroniques. - Avoir plus d'énergie. - Mieux dormir. - Surmonter les maux. - Nutrition. - Ce que vous devriez savoir. Et beaucoup plus ! Si vous voulez vivre plus longtemps, être en bonne santé, guérir des maux, ou améliorer votre concentration et votre bien-être, ce guide est pour vous. Avertissement : L’aut

Modern Cajun Cooking: 85 Farm-Fresh Recipes with Classic Flavors

by Leigh Ann Chatagnier

Bring the Big Easy home with these original recipes! You don&’t have to live down south to enjoy some of your favorite foods from Louisiana! This is a cookbook that draws inspiration from classic recipes down in the bayou and transforms them into modern-day dishes for all to enjoy. These recipes have a touch of nostalgia while using fresh, locally grown ingredients native to Louisiana—but which can be found anywhere. The dishes are interesting and easy enough for anyone to make at home. Whether you are a beginner in the kitchen or an old pro, you will love whipping up new takes on the Cajun tradition. Divided into fun, modern chapters such as Small Bites, Date Night, and Happy Hour, recipes include: Cheddar scallion tasso biscuit sandwichesSpiced pork burgers with remoulade mayonnaiseMuffuletta slidersPecan praline cinnamon rollsMango bourbon smashA fusion of deconstructed Cajun delicacies and traditional flavors, Modern Cajun Cuisine is a necessity for any season. Gather everyone around the table and celebrate food, life, and love with a fresh and unexpected home-cooked meal.

WECK Home Preserving: Made-from-Scratch Recipes for Water-Bath Canning, Fermenting, Pickling, and More

by Stephanie Thurow

Preserve the harvest with WECK jars and enjoy all your favorite jams, spreads, dressings, kimchi, sauerkrauts, and more for the whole year! Food preservationist Stephanie Thurow has once again teamed up with the canning jar experts at WECK to show readers how to preserve the harvest with their beautifully designed, reusable glass jars. In WECK® Home Preserving, Stephanie has created a step-by-step guide to preserving even more with WECK jars and has developed seventy-five delicious, small-batch recipes for water-bath canning, fermenting, and pickling with them. Some recipes don&’t even require any processing at all! Recipes in this helpful guide include:Flavored saltsCoffee liqueurPeppercorn ranch dressingCrunchy garlic-dill picklesElderberry syrupFall-spiced peach jamDijon mustardPizza saucePickled eggsAnd so much more!With this go-to resource, you will become a confident food preservationist, understand how to safely and successfully preserve in the comfort of your own home, and learn the skills of kitchen crafts that can be passed down for generations.

The All-American Rotisserie Chicken Dinner: Quick & Easy Recipes to Dress Up Your Store-Bought Bird

by Hope Comerford

Grab a rotisserie chicken and make delicious soups, casseroles, salads, and more! Plus find quick and easy recipes for tasty side dishes to round out your meal. America loves rotisserie chickens. It's no wonder—they're quick, cheap, and totally delicious! And with this cookbook, you'll discover they're more versatile than you ever imagined. Whether you need an easy family dinner, lunch you can pack for work, or a quick dish to bring to a gathering, rotisserie chickens have got your back. Grab a bird and few other ingredients and make: Buffalo Chicken DipQuick and Easy Chicken EnchiladasChicken and Green Bean CasseroleTamale PieChicken Fried RiceBarbecue Chicken PizzaChicken and Quinoa Veggie BowlChimichangasOr dozens of other delicious dishes! Or maybe you want to serve the chicken as is, but you need ideas for sides. We've got that covered! Find recipes for Baked Sweet Potato Wedges, Herbed Rice Pilaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Fresh Mexican Corn Salad, and more. Family-friendly, simple, inexpensive meals have never tasted so good.

The Everything Slow Cooker Cookbook: Easy-to-Make Meals that Almost Cook Themselves! (Everything)

by Pamela Rice Hahn

Make delicious meals easier than ever with these mouthwatering recipes for your slow cooker! Take the work out of preparing appetizers, entrées, and desserts—and improvise your own delicious slow cooker recipes! Inside this all-in-one guide, you’ll find scrumptious and easy meal options, including: -Thai-Spiced Chicken Soup -Maple Syrup-Infused Slow- Cooked Oatmeal -Spiced Apple Cider Turkey -Yankee Pot Roast -Halibut in White Wine Sauce -Barbecue Western Ribs -Cherries Jubilee -Peanut Butter Fondue From soups and appetizers to dinners and desserts, The Everything® Slow Cooker Cookbook, 2nd Edition makes preparing delectable foods easier than ever!

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes

by Shauna Niequist

As a follow up to her two bestselling books, Bittersweet and Cold Tangerines, author and blogger Shauna Niequist returns with the perfect read for those who love food and value the community and connection of family and friends around the table. Bread & Wine is a collection of essays about family relationships, friendships, and the meals that bring us together. This mix of Anne Lamott and Barefoot Contessa is a funny, honest, and vulnerable spiritual memoir. Bread & Wine is a celebration of food shared, reminding readers of the joy found in a life around the table. It’s about the ways God teaches and nourishes people as they nourish the people around them. It’s about hunger, both physical and otherwise, and the connections between the two. With wonderful recipes included, from Bacon-Wrapped Dates to Mango Chicken Curry to Blueberry Crisp, readers will be able to recreate the comforting and satisfying meals that come to life in Bread & Wine.

The Whole30 Day by Day: Your Daily Guide to Whole30 Success

by Melissa Hartwig

Tips, hacks, advice, and inspiration to help you achieve Whole30 success every day of the program The Whole30 Day by Day is the essential companion to the New York Times bestseller The Whole30; a daily handbook to keep you motivated, inspired, accountable, and engaged during your Whole30 journey. It’s like having Whole30’s own Melissa Hartwig coaching you through the Whole30 one day at a time, sharing a day-by-day timeline, personal motivation, community inspiration, habit hacks, and meal tips. Plus, each day offers guidance for self-reflection, food journaling, and tracking your non-scale victories to keep your momentum going and help you plan for the days to come.The Whole30 Day by Day also serves as a quick-reference guide for the program: keeping the rules handy, sharing helpful resources, and walking you through the important reintroduction phase, one day at a time. You’ll carry it everywhere during the program, using it to stay accountable and motivated during the 30 days, and letting the observations and reflections guide your food freedom plan long after your Whole30 is over.

The Whole30 Fast & Easy Cookbook: 150 Simply Delicious Everyday Recipes for Your Whole30

by Melissa Hartwig

Featuring 150 all new, Whole30-compliant recipes—all fast and easy to prepare Millions of people have transformed their lives with Whole30, yet co-creator Melissa Hartwig wants to make it even easier to achieve Whole30 success—with delicious, compliant, fast, and easy recipes. This follow-up to the best-selling The Whole30 Cookbook is packed recipes designed to get you out of the kitchen fast, so you can enjoy all the benefits of your Whole30-inspired lifestyle.The Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook features: Recipes perfect for weeknight cooking, lunches in a hurry, and hearty breakfasts that still get you out the door on timeNearly effortless skillet meals, stir-fries, sheet-pan suppers, and slow-cook and no-cook meals, most of which can be made in 30 minutes or lessCreative, delicious meals using widely-available ingredients found in any supermarketMelissa's favorite kitchen hacks, designed to save time and money while maximizing flavor Whether you’re doing your first Whole30 or your fifth, or just looking for some healthy, fast, and easy recipes to try, this collection is a must-have for any kitchen.

Peaches and Creme Killer (inncredibly Sweet #6)

by Summer Prescott

Vacations can be murder... And then everything goes up in smoke. Cupcake baker and Inn owner, Melissa Gladstone-Beckett makes a new friend when a pie-maker from the Keys comes to stay at The Beach House, in the sleepy town of Calgon, Florida. The pie-maker's vacation, and part of Missy's business is turned upside down, however, when something...or someone...sets off the fire alarm at the Inn, causing significant damage and displacing the staff and guests. Missy's dashing husband, Detective Chas Beckett, has his hands full, dealing with a body that was found under seriously bizarre circumstances, and when the identity of the killer is suspected, Chas' position at the Calgon Police Department may be at stake. Missy puts her powers of deduction and nose for clues to the test in this fast-paced tale! This fun Cozy Mystery can be read as a standalone, but if you're interested in finding out more about Missy, her husband, Detective Chas Beckett, and the rest of the gang, you'll want to read the Frosted Love Cozy Mysteries, which precede this series, along with all the other INNcredibly Sweet books which follow this one. The saga continues with the Cupcakes in Paradise series. Enjoy them all!

Food Town, USA: Seven Unlikely Cities That are Changing the Way We Eat

by Mark Winne

Look at any list of America's top foodie cities and you probably won't find Boise, Idaho or Sitka, Alaska. Yet they are the new face of the food movement. Healthy, sustainable fare is changing communities across this country, revitalizing towns that have been ravaged by disappearing industries and decades of inequity.What sparked this revolution? To find out, Mark Winne traveled to seven cities not usually considered revolutionary. He broke bread with brew masters and city council members, farmers and philanthropists, toured start-up incubators and homeless shelters. What he discovered was remarkable, even inspiring.In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, once a company steel town, investment in the arts has created a robust new market for local restaurateurs. In Alexandria, Louisiana, "one-stop shopping” food banks help clients apply for health insurance along with SNAP benefits. In Jacksonville, Florida, aeroponics are bringing fresh produce to a food desert.Over the course of his travels, Winne experienced the power of individuals to transform food and the power of food to transform communities. The cities of Food Town, USA remind us that innovation is ripening all across the country, especially in the most unlikely places.

The Great Life Diet: A Practical Guide to Health, Happiness, and Fulfillment

by Michio Kushi Denny Waxman

With the majority of Americans now attempting to eat healthier and an estimated million of them each year in the past decade adopting vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diets, The Great Life Diet and macrobiotics are ready to enter the cultural mainstream.

Low Calorie and Special Dietary Foods

by B.K. Dwivedi

This book is based on the papers presented at the Symposium on Low Calorie and Special Dietary Foods at the annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologies in Anaheim California on June 8, 1976.

The English Medieval Feast (Routledge Library Editions: The Medieval World #35)

by William Edward Mead

Originally published in 1931, The English Medieval Feast examines the act of feasting and food during the medieval period. The book provides a scholarly look at the human detail involved in the variety of medieval manners and customs which make up the medieval feast. The book introduces the scene of the feast and its service, providing explanations of the food, drink and preparation that comprised the act of the medieval feast. The book also describes in full, certain and notable feasts of the period. The book also includes some historical examination of medieval dietetics which will be of interest to the modern reader.

DIRTY, LAZY, KETO: Get Started Losing Weight While Breaking the Rules (Dirty, Lazy, Keto Ser.)

by Stephanie Laska

USA TODAY BestsellerDIRTY, LAZY KETO is part girlfriend’s guide, part inspirational story detailing the secret to losing weight and keeping it off without the strict restrictions of a traditional keto diet.You don’t have to be perfect at keto to be successful! Stephanie Laska lost 140 pounds, roughly half of her body weight, by following her own version of the keto diet. She figured out the secret to losing weight was to break the rules. Who wants to count every single crumb that enters their mouth? Um, no one! Stephanie found long-term success with an outlaw version of the keto diet she calls both "dirty" and "lazy".Are you interested in the Ketogenic diet? Have you tried it and found it difficult and intimidating?Good news! This guide is here to help inspire keto beginners and offer a fresh approach to those keto-shamed for wanting a Diet Coke.We all know losing weight isn’t just about the food – it’s so much more complicated. Stephanie shares her heartfelt secrets to weight loss success in DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started Losing Weight While Breaking the Rules.· Meal ideas, recipes, and food pyramids – but with hand-holding and girlfriend counseling sessions for when things get rough· Answers the embarrassing keto questions you’ve been too afraid to ask· Tricks to overcome roadblocks like happy hour and cake-pushers· The down and dirty on how and why this works Let Stephanie help you find true success, the dirty, lazy way!FULLY EXPANDED EDITION OF THE BESTSELLING MINI GUIDE

Too Many Toppings! (Sprinkle Sundays #6)

by Coco Simon

Sierra learns to balance all of her responsibilities in this sixth delicious book in the Sprinkle Sundays series from the author of the Cupcake Diaries series!Sierra thinks she has everything under control—she loves staying busy. But between working in the ice cream shop, after-school sports, and now being asked to be the lead singer in a band—has Sierra taken on more than she can handle? What’s a girl who wants to have it all to do?

Alexis's Half-Baked Idea (Cupcake Diaries #32)

by Coco Simon

Alexis gets a taste of sibling rivalry in the latest addition to the Cupcake Diaries series.After Alexis receives a stack of “practical” birthday gifts, she decides it’s time to change her image. She wants to be more like her carefree, popular older sister, Dylan. So, she tries out for cheerleading, without really thinking about what that entails. Not only that, Dylan was a star on her cheerleading squad, so all Alexis hears is “Dylan, Dylan, Dylan!” It’s time for Alexis to stop comparing herself to her sister and find her own special talent.

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