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La pirámide de la salud

by Kris Verburgh

Comer correctamente retrasa el envejecimiento, evita ciertas enfermedades y mejora otrasLos últimos descubrimientos científicos sobre longevidad y nutrición evidencian que la alimentación es vital para nuestro bienestar y tiene un peso enorme en el proceso de envejecimiento de nuestro cuerpo y nuestra mente.¿Sabías qué?¿La mayoría de dietas no son saludables?¿Muchas grasas son buenas para el corazón?¿Casi ningún antioxidante retrasa el envejecimiento?¿El té blanco reduce la aparición de arrugas y, al mismo tiempo, es muy beneficioso para los vasos sanguíneos?¿Que los estudios demuestran que las personas que comen nueces todos los días ven reducida la posibilidad de padecer un ataque al corazón en un 45 por ciento?El Dr. Verburg nos muestra una nueva pirámide alimenticia que tiene, además, una contrapirámide: un «reloj de arena» que nos permite identificar rápidamente los alimentos saludables y los que debemosevitar en nuestra dieta proponiéndonos alternativas.Con una correcta alimentación no solo podemos prevenir ciertas enfermedades, sino que también podemos mejorar sustancialmente otras y retrasar considerablemente nuestro proceso de envejecimiento.La pirámide de la salud es un bestseller internacional publicado con enorme éxito en Inglaterra, Italia, Alemania, Dinamarca, Países Bajos y Polonia.

Beverage Impacts on Health and Nutrition: Second Edition (Nutrition and Health)

by Norman J. Temple Ted Wilson

This comprehensive and authoritative second edition offers food scientists, nutritionists, public health specialists, and those involved in the research and development of new beverages an exhaustive survey of how common beverages impact our health and nutrition, as well as a basis for research designed to produce healthier beverages. ​ Every year brings an improvement in our understanding of how the many types and aspects of what we drink (beverages) impact our health and a desire to understand the current state of affairs for beverage technology. There is still no new single book that provides objective reviews on the wide range of global health issues associated with alcoholic ad non-alcoholic beverages. Beverage Impacts on Nutrition and Health, Second Edition is the single best source of reviews that describe beverage history; coffee, tea, alcohol, wine, cranberry and citrus juice, tea, coffee, dairy milk, soy milks and breast milk. Furthermore the book contains up-to-date reviews that describe beverage effects on satiety and energy balance, recommendations for persons with diabetes and metabolic syndrome, nutritional supplementation for the elderly, performance enhancement by athletes, energy drinks, and bottled water qualities. The final chapters summarize soft drink marketing issues, health effects of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, beverage ingredient functions, beverage labeling regulation and the importance of trends in beverage development. These updated chapters are objectively written to emphasize peer-reviewed references and minimize the anecdotal references often seen in the current literature describing beverages and their impact on our health and nutrition. All chapters are authored by recognized authorities from industry, the health-care system, and universities. This book contains 24 concise and user-friendly chapters intended to enable readers to grasp the message quickly and easily.

Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information (SpringerBriefs in Food, Health, and Nutrition)

by Angela Tarabella Barbara Burchi

This Brief provides a snapshot of the continuing debate in the food industry on how to bridge the gap between consumer knowledge of nutrition principles and the nutrition information system currently in place for labelling. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutrition and Nutritional Information examines the available literature on consumer understanding of nutritional information and comments on the current poor knowledge shown by consumers about nutrition principles. Another focus of this Brief is on the evolution of nutritional information in food labelling andcurrent regulations on nutritional claims and product facts. In reviewing attempts to improve the nutrition information system, this work points out that consumers must first understand the data provided in order to utilize the system to make healthy food choices. Therefore, any campaigns aimed at improving the information system must concentrate on consumer data understanding of nutrition principles and components as opposed to a sole focus on labelling upgrades.

Coaching nutricional: Haz que tu dieta funcione

by Yolanda Fleta Jaime Giménez

Un libro que no solo nos enseña qué comer, sino también a adoptar una actitud positiva que nos permita mantener nuestra motivación El coaching ha entrado en la esfera de la nutrición El éxito de la mayoría de los tratamientos que implican modificar la conducta alimentaria depende, en gran medida, de nuestra capacidad de llevar estos cambios a la práctica. Conseguirlo no es tarea fácil y es posible que en muchas ocasiones no estemos preparados para ello. Nuestro principal enemigo: la falta de adherencia al plan nutricional. El coaching nutricional nos ofrece un nuevo enfoque que nos enseña a superar este desafío. Esta innovadora disciplina se centra en la persona y la convierte en la protagonista del proceso, fomentando la autogestión y enseñando a adoptar una actitud positiva. Asimismo, postula la importancia de la consciencia de uno mismo, la responsabilidad, la confianzay la motivación. Estas son las reglas del juego que nos ayudarán a definir nuestros objetivos, mejorar nuestros hábitos, superar nuestra propia resistencia al cambio, hacer una valoración de nuestros puntos fuertes y débiles, a controlar los excesos y, en definitiva, a replantear nuestro estilo de vida de una manera permanente.

Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet

by Salvatore Parisi Amélia Martins Delgado Maria Daniel Vaz Almeida

Have you ever wondered what makes the Mediterranean diet so healthy? Do you enjoy olives, tomatoes, Chouriço and Mozzarella, basil, rosemary and oregano, grapes, figs, and dates; and would you like to learn more about the substances they contain? Then this book is for you! The Mediterranean diet, designated as an 'Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity', has a reputation of being particularly beneficial to your health and for reducing the risk of diseases like cardiovascular disorders. Read this book to find out which chemical compounds contribute to these health benefits. Typical ingredients of the Mediterranean diet include olive oils, fresh and dried vegetables and fruits, cereals, moderate amounts of fish, dairy and meat, and various condiments and spices, typically accompanied by wine and infusions. The book will introduce you to the most typical ingredients, providing information about their use in Mediterranean cuisine and explaining more about the healthy substances they contain - from their chemistry to their occurrence in the foods and the resulting intake. Summarizing important facts and data from available scientific literature, this book even gives recommendations for guidelines to a healthy diet - guidelines that are becoming more and more important. In recent years, it has been observed that nutritional habits in the geographical area have started to deviate further and further away from the typical Mediterranean nutritional pattern, representing an alarming trend that this book also critically addresses, since the WHO has reported increases in obesity and malnutrition in the Mediterranean area. Illustrations of important chemical compound structures, as well as appetizing photos of select ingredients for Mediterranean dishes, accompany the text.

¡Delizia!: La historia épica de la comida italiana

by John Dickie

En jugosas porciones en forma de historias urbanas, Dickie nos muestra cómo fue configurándose la historia de la pasta, la pizza, el risotto, el salami, el pesto y demás platos que Italia ha enseñado al mundo a disfrutar. Todo el mundo adora la comida italiana -la pasta, el aceite, las salsas y el risotto-, pero ¿cómo ha llegado a convertirse en la cocina más popular del mundo? En las últimas décadas, la industria publicitaria ha contribuido a situar sus orígenes entre los viñedos y los olivos de la Toscana, pero esta encantadora historia poco tiene que ver con la realidad. La cocina italiana es una cocina urbana que nace en las hermosas ciudades de Italia, en los centros de civilización donde confluyen dinero, talento, ingredientes y poder: desde los bulliciosos mercados medievales de Milán hasta los salones renacentistas de Ferrara, de los puestos callejeros napolitanos del siglo XIX, a las ruidosas trattorias de la Roma de posguerra. A partir de un exhaustivo trabajo de investigación, John Dickie elabora una narración formidable en la que nos muestra mapas antiguos que revelan cuál es el verdadero origen de la pasta, detalla los menús pantagruélicos, de más de cien platos, que se servían en los banquetes nupciales del Renacimiento, comparte recetas medievales y muchas otras curiosidades que nos acercan a la cultura gastronómica más extendida del Mediterráneo y nos desvelan la historia de Italia a través de los sabores de sus ciudades. «Si somos lo que comemos, ¿quién no querría ser italiano?»The Times

El dilema del omnívoro: En busca de la alimentación perfecta

by Michael Pollan

En este revolucionario libro, Michael Pollan, uno de los escritores más brillantes, originales y elocuentes de Estados Unidos, aborda la aparentemente sencilla pregunta de qué deberíamos comer, ofreciéndonos unas respuestas que tienen profundas implicaciones políticas, económicas, psicológicas e incluso morales para todos nosotros. ¿Qué cenaremos hoy? Nos hemos confrontado a esta pregunta desde que el hombre descubrió el fuego, pero para Michael Pollan la manera en que la abordamos hoy en día podría llegar a determinar nuestra supervivencia en cuanto a especie. El hecho de que seamos omnívoros y podamos ingerir todo tipo de alimentos hace que nuestro acto de decidir qué queremos comer se vuelva un dilema, sobre todo ante la abundancia de productos que nos ofrece el desconcertante y traicionero mercado alimenticio. Cuando escogemos nuestro tipo de alimentación, no solamente entra en juego la salud propia o la de nuestros hijos, sino la de todo el medioambiente. Escrito de manera excelente y profusamente argumentado, El dilema del omnívoro promete cambiar nuestra percepción sobre las políticas alimenticias y el placer de la comida.

An Anthropological Study of Hospitality: The Innkeeper and the Guest

by Amitai Touval

This volume explores recent developments in the practice of hospitality, as well as the curious, precarious relationship between guests and their hosts. Drawing from personal interactions with an aging innkeeper called Herr Klaus and modern Airbnb hostess Gretchen, Amitai Touval offers a touching and illuminating account of how the rise of Airbnb has forged new standards of generosity, hostility, and accountability. An Anthropological Study of Hospitality is a must-read for anyone who has wondered about the intricate social cues involved in such a seemingly simple exchange.

Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 1: The Rise of Breweries and Distilleries in the United States

by Carol Kline Susan L. Slocum Christina T. Cavaliere

This two-volume set examines the strong connection between craft beverages and tourism, presenting cutting-edge research in partnership with breweries, distilleries, and cideries. While wine, food, and culinary tourism have traditionally dominated destination markets, interest in craft beverages has gained momentum across the US and overseas with local markets quickly recognizing the growing craft beverage movement. Through the eyes of tourism scholars, brewers, and travelers, these two volumes explore the landscape of craft beer opportunities in non-traditional settings, and recognize the potential for future economic, socio-cultural, and environmental sustainability. Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 1: The Rise of Breweries and Distilleries in the United States is an inclusive and overarching examination of the US craft beverage phenomenon within a larger context of international beverage tourism. It outlines the current practice and research scope of craft beer, cider, and spirits as well as the sustainable development of destinations revolving around craft beverage. Through literature reviews, case studies, and general exploration, this volume advances marketing, hospitality, and leisure studies research for academics, industry experts, and emerging entrepreneurs.

The Have A Good Day Cafe

by Frances Park Ginger Park

After leaving Korea to live with her son's family in the United States, Mike's grandmother suggests a plan to help with their food cart business.

Biology of Microorganisms on Grapes, in Must and in Wine

by Helmut König Gottfried Unden Jürgen Fröhlich

The ancient beverage wine is the result of the fermentation of grape must. This n- urally and fairly stable product has been and is being used by many human societies as a common or enjoyable beverage, as an important means to improve the quality of drinking water in historical times, as therapeutical agent, and as a religious symbol. During the last centuries, wine has become an object of scientific interest. In this respect different periods may be observed. At first, simple observations were recorded, and subsequently, the chemical basis and the involvement of microorg- isms were elucidated. At a later stage, the scientific work led to the analysis of the many minor and trace compounds in wine, the detection and understanding of the biochemical reactions and processes, the diversity of microorganisms involved, and the range of their various activities. In recent years, the focus shifted to the genetic basis of the microorganisms and the molecular aspects of the cells, including metabolism, membrane transport, and regulation. These different stages of wine research were determined by the scientific methods that were known and available at the respective time. The recent "molecular" approach is based on the analysis of the genetic code and has led to significant results that were not even imaginable a few decades ago. This new wealth of information is being presented in the Biology of Microorganisms on Grapes, in Must, and in Wine.

H2Oh!: Infused Waters For Health And Hydration

by Mimi Kirk

Make drinking water a pure pleasure with tasty, healthy infusions of fruits and herbs Ice spiked with lavender and water chilled with a handful of blueberries and pomegranate seeds give hydration a whole new level of enjoyment. Keep it organic and sugar free with more than 50 simple yet distinctive recipes from Mimi Kirk, arguably the healthiest 80-year-old woman around. Perhaps her water really does come from the fountain of youth! Long before water infuser bottles appeared on the market, Kirk was adding berries and botanicals to her daily 64 ounces. Water might be the most important tool in the quest for vitality and long life: it aids in digestion and detoxification and helps us maintain energy and feel satiated. Hydration is the key to looking and feeling young—these simple recipes will inspire even the most resistant water drinkers to up the ante.

Techniques in Home Winemaking: The Comprehensive Guide To Making Château-style Wines

by Daniel Pambianchi

Home winemaking has gained tremendous popularity as a hobby in recent years. <P><P>The objectives of this book are to introduce winemaking techniques and products - updated to reflect what is currently available on the market - to novice home winemakers while providing serious and advanced amateur winemakers with proven and practical techniques to produce premium-quality wines that are virtually indistinguishable from their professional counterparts. <P><P>This book can first be read to learn about the science, principles and practices of home winemaking, and wine analysis. It can then serve as a reference textbook for analytical procedures, to determine quantities of ingredients to be added, to review specific advice on winemaking procedures, and to determine the root cause when encountering problems.

Cowboy (This Is What I Want To Be Ser.this Is What I Want To Be)

by Heather Miller

An introduction to the equipment, clothing, daily activities, and other aspects of the job of a cowboy.

COOKING LIGHT 400-Calorie Dishes: 84 Crave-Worthy Entrées

by The Editors of Cooking Light

Healthy eating just got easier with Cooking Light's 400-Calorie Main Dishes. If you’re trying to lose a few pounds or maintain your current weight, counting calories is one of the most common ways to be mindful about your day-to-day food choices. This special edition should help make it easier for you to stay on track with your healthy eating goals.

Back Around the Table: An In The Kitchen With David Cookbook From Qvc's Resident Foodie

by Ree Drummond David Venable

With his first cookbook, In the Kitchen with David: QVC's Resident Foodie Presents Comfort Foods That Take You Home, David Venable gave us the mouthwatering and memorable recipes that were passed down to him from his mother and grandmothers. Now, the beloved television host invites us back to the warmest room in the house to share inventive spins on traditional dishes that are sure crowd-pleasers. Venable has received great praise from the food world for his easy, comforting cooking style, and that laid-back feeling pervades his second cookbook. Packed with nearly 150 recipes, this volume is like having a collection of "mini" cookbooks in one convenient place. Mix and Mingle: Transform comfort foods into party fare with Mac 'n' Cheese Bites, French Onion Soup Dumplings, Chicken Cheesesteak Egg Rolls, and Beef and Bean Tostados. Brunch and Beyond: Make breakfast the most anticipated meal of the day with Blueberry-Lemon Ricotta Pancakes with Blueberry Syrup, Eggs Benedict Bread Pudding, Hash Brown Breakfast Pizza, and Spiced Bacon Skewers. Quick and Easy: Use that pressure cooker you've got stashed away in the cupboard to make Chili con Carne, Osso Buco, Asian Pulled Pork, and Chicken in a Pot. Light and Bright: Savor Skinny Fried Chicken, Seven-Layer Taco Salads, and Linguine Carbonara--dishes that not only taste good but are guilt-free. Smoke and Fire: Start up the grill for Smoked Brisket, Surf and Turf Kebabs, Grilled Scallops with Citrus Marinade, and Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus Bundles. Sweets and Treats: Finish off your meal with a crowning achievement such as Lemon Cheesecake Bars, Cherry Strudel, Peach Melba Icebox Pie, or Apple-Walnut Rustic Tart. Complete with tantalizing photographs, helpful sidebars, and amusing anecdotes, this all-purpose cookbook will have your family coming back to the table again and again for more great food and great times.Advance praise for Back Around the Table "Whenever David walks into a room, he lights it up. His zest for life spills into the passion he has for food. As I was reading this new book, I found myself filled with the same joy as David; you can feel his love for all good things jumping off the pages and in his recipes. Back Around the Table had me laughing in the kitchen and doing the happy dance."--Michael Symon, author of Michael Symon's 5 in 5 "I want to eat David's book from back to front! From classics like Mississippi Mud Pie to newfound inspirations like his French Onion Soup Dumplings, each recipe is so well thought out, with ease in mind, and all are happy-dance-worthy! There's happy comfort all over this book, really, and that's why I love David. I'm so happy to have another volume of the recipes I see him share on his show, as well as some from his home kitchen. What do you mean Back Around the Table? He never left!"--Sunny Anderson "Back Around the Table brings David's personal comfort food stories to life with approachable recipes that will leave you excited to bring your friends and family back around your table."--Emeril Lagasse "I already knew I loved David. I love spending time with him in the kitchen. I love his friendly, fail-proof approach to delicious home cooking. In Back Around the Table, David shares the coveted recipes for some of his favorite comfort foods, reinvented with his signature gusto for good eats--which I knew I would also love. But then I discovered his Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake--it puts every other chocolate cake to deep, chocolaty shame. And now I know he loves me, too."--Daphne OzFrom the Hardcover edition.

Towards Healthy and Sustainable Diets: Perspectives And Policy To Promote The Health Of People And The Planet (Springerbriefs In Public Health)

by Sirpa Sarlio

This clear-sighted volume synthesizes wide-ranging knowledge of human food consumption, food production systems, and sustainability to offer methods of improving the impact of food choices on people and the environment. The comprehensive coverage addresses myriad challenges and paradoxes (e.g., health-conscious food choices that put greater stress on the planet, hunger amidst plenty) associated with the production of sustainable, nutritious food. Direct and complex links between local and global issues are highlighted in innovative approaches to transforming food production from the farm to the table and from the policy desk to the real world. Chapters identify, examine, and offer realistic recommendations for achieving critical goals, among them: Supporting healthy people and communities within planetary boundaries Reduction and prevention of food waste Combining health and sustainability on the plate "Serving sustainable and healthy food to consumers and decision makers": from commitment to action. Investing in healthier and more sustainable production. Ensuring a healthy sustainable diet is a goal of all public policies. Towards Healthy and Sustainable Diets is geared toward professionals and policymakers dealing with food, nutrition, and environmental topics seeking new perspectives on longstanding issues in these interrelated areas. It also makes a suitable reference for students studying and conducting research in these areas.

On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals (Fifth Edition Update)

by Sarah R. Labensky Alan M. Hause Priscilla A. Martel

This Fifth Edition of comprehensive yet accessible update on cooking, with a coverage of culinary skills and cooking procedures, prepares students, by building a strong foundation based on sound fundamental techniques, for successful careers in the culinary arts. <i>On Cooking</i> focuses on teaching the hows and whys of cooking. <i>On Cooking</i> starts with general procedures, highlighting fundamental principles and skills, and then presents specific applications and sample recipes. Core cooking principles are explained as the background for learning proper cooking techniques.

Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process (14th Edition)

by L. Kathleen Mahan Janice L. Raymond

This textbook on dietetics and nutrition covers nutrition basics, nutrition in the life cycle, nutrition care, nutrition for health and fitness, and medical nutrition therapy. It has been written by nearly 50 nationally recognized writers in nutrition care. This new edition includes the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, more visuals, and highlighted Clinical Case Studies, Clinical Insights, and Clinical Applications boxes that help translate scientific knowledge into practical patient care.

Foundations of Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts: Level 1 (2nd Edition)

by National Restaurant Association

Industry-driven curriculum that launches students into their restaurant and food service career! Curriculum of the ProStart program offered by the National Restaurant Association. The National Restaurant Association and Pearson have partnered to bring educators the most comprehensive curriculum developed by industry and academic experts.

Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health

by Jie Kang

The second edition of Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to sport and exercise nutrition, integrating key nutritional facts, concepts and dietary guidelines with a thorough discussion of the fundamental biological science underpinning physiological and metabolic processes. Informed by the latest research in this fast-moving discipline, the book includes brand-new sections on, amongst others: • Cellular structure for metabolism • Alcohol and metabolism • Uncoupling protein and thermogenesis • Dietary guidelines from around the world • Nutrient timing • Protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy • Protein supplementation • Ergogenic effects of selected stimulants • Nutritional considerations for special populations • Dehydration and exercise performance Each chapter includes updated pedagogical features, including definitions of key terms, chapter summaries, case studies, review questions and suggested readings. A revised and expanded companion website offers additional teaching and learning features, such as PowerPoint slides, multiple-choice question banks and web links. No book goes further in explaining how nutrients function within our biological system, helping students to develop a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms and offering the best grounding in applying knowledge to practice in both improving athletic performance and preventing disease. As such, Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health is essential reading for all students of sport and exercise science, kinesiology, physical therapy, strength and conditioning, nutrition or health sciences.

Biofunktionalität der Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Gerald Rimbach Tilman Grune Dirk Haller

Funktionelle Lebensmittel wirken nachweisbar stärker positiv auf die menschliche Gesundheit als normale. Das erste Lehrbuch zum Thema behandelt systematisch die Organfunktionen des Körpers und zeigt die Methoden, mit denen eine präventive Wirkung nachgewiesen werden kann. "Steckbriefe" aller relevanten Klassen von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen und deren Wirksamkeit bieten einen guten Überblick. Ergänzt wird das mit Abbildungen und Themenboxen anschaulich gestaltete Nachschlagewerk für Studenten und Lebensmittelexperten durch zahlreiche Fallbeispiele.

Advances in Nutrition and Cancer (Cancer Treatment and Research #159)

by Vincenzo Zappia Salvatore Panico Gian Luigi Russo Alfredo Budillon Fulvio Della Ragione

This book comprises proceedings from the Third International Conference on Advances in Nutrition and Cancer, held in Naples in May 2012. This highly multidisciplinary meeting analyzed "nutrition and cancer" from different perspectives and on the basis of distinct and up-to-date experimental approaches. Knowledge on the relation between lifestyle, diet, and cancer is explored in a number of contributions, and the role of dietary intervention in cancer patients is discussed. Issues of vital interest to the research community, such as epidemiological and experimental oncology (genetics, epigenetics, and the mechanisms of action of natural compounds in the diet), receive detailed consideration. A further key topic is the emerging molecular technologies (the "omics") that can cast light on the interplay between nutrition and human malignancies. Chapters take the form of reviews that include sections presenting expert opinions.

An Investigation of Women's and Men's Perceptions and Meanings Associated with Food Risks

by Andrea Bieberstein

Concern about food risks is widespread. Consumers, however, are found to differ in terms of how they evaluate these risks. One of the most prominent findings in this regard is the differences between women and men. Many studies report that men are less worried about environmental and technological risks than women, which is also the case for food risks. At the same time it is criticized that these differences are often exaggerated, similarities overlooked, and systematic investigations are lacking. Andrea Bieberstein gives a comprehensive overview of theoretical approaches to risk perception and empirical work that has been conducted in the field of risk perception research. Furthermore, she provides a systematic investigation of how food risks are constructed for women and men by uncovering the meanings in terms of associations, feelings, and values that they attach to various food risks. This allows a deeper understanding of the gender differences in risk perception in terms of their relevance and meaning.

Case Management in der Adipositaschirurgie: Manual für die perioperative Patientenbetreuung

by Hanna Dörr-Heiß Eva Wolf

Erfolgreiche Adipositaschirurgie beginnt bereits vor dem operativen Eingriff und setzt sich nach der Operation als lebenslange Nachsorge fort. Vom ersten Kontakt im Adipositaszentrum an begleiten die Case Manager die Patienten, sie motivieren sie zur Einhaltung der Ernährungspläne, beraten sie in zahlreichen Alltagsaspekten und unterstützen sie bei den erforderlichen Anträgen und Formularen. Die Autorinnen haben ein praxisorientiertes Beratungs- und Betreuungsmanual verfasst, das auf den Erfahrungen aus zwei etablierten Adipositaszentren basiert: Hintergrundwissen und praktische Empfehlungen zu allen Gesichtspunkten der Patientenbegleitung Alltagstipps für die Zeit nach dem Eingriff Umgang mit typischen Folgeerscheinungen und Risiken 46 Musterformulare erleichtern dem Therapeuten die Betreuung der Patienten im Behandlungsablauf: Patientengerechte Informationen zu den Operationsmethoden und Patientenanleitungen zu den wichtigsten Beratungsschwerpunkten Tageskostpläne, Supplementations- und Nachsorgeschemata Erfassungsbögen und Formulare für den klinikinternen Ablauf Profunde Sachkenntnisse und die gebotene Empathie lassen die Arbeit der Case Manager zu einem zentralen Teil der Adipositasbehandlung werden.

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