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Dieta Paleo : Para Iniciantes O Plano De Refeição Paleo Para Perda De Peso Garantida

by Rockridge Cookbooks

O estilo de vida Paleo Oferece uma nova solução de estilo de vida saudável Fornece uma maneira saudável de perder peso que pode durar Baseado em alimentos integrais que os seres paleolíticos da era consumiram Tem o apoio de vários cientistas e estudos respeitáveis O estilo de vida Paleo Este livro tem muitas receitas rápidas que você pode experimentar no seu Instant Pot. Além disso, essas receitas são bastante saudáveis, pois são muito pobres em carboidratos e podem ajudar muito a perder peso. Com mais de receitas, você está certo de ter uma nova refeição para experimentar todos os dias para o próximo par de meses. Temos isso para você! Baixe este ótimo livro hoje!

Dieta Vegana: Recetas de postres veganos para comer

by Erica Stevenson

La dieta vegana es, en realidad, una mejor opciòn, ya que no solo es baja en grasas saturadas y colesterol, sino que también está llena de las proteínas y fibras necesarias para satisfacer las necesidades diarias de nutrientes. Con esta dieta, es mucho más fácil mantener los niveles de glucosa en sangre. Este libro es obligatorio para quienes padecen de diabetes (no necesariamente es para veganos), ya que es una opción extremadamente beneficiosa si lo que quieres es mantenerte saludable y feliz. No debemos resistirnos a una dieta a base de vegetales; la descripción de cómo hacer la transición si no eres vegano está en este libro. Claro que existe una impresión generalizada sobre la idea de que los planes dietarios vegetarianos son poco emocionantes y aburridos, lo que no puede estar más lejos d ela verdad. El hecho de que se necesite una variedad amplia y al nuestro alcance para lograr un desayuno vegetariano balanceado hace que las opciones de recetas sean súper interesantes e ilimitadas, especialmente en espacios creativos. Comienza tu día de la manera correcta con una dieta vegetariana saludable, teniendo en cuenta lo siguiente: desayuno líquido - es imprescindible ingerir líquidos en la mañana para poder hidratar el cuerpo y prepararse para el día. Si estás listo para entrar en acción t cambiar tu vida para mejor, ¡este libro te guiará en la dirección correcta!

Dieta Vegana: A porta de entrada para perda de peso e uma vida saudável.

by Dion Greenvang

A dieta vegana é considerada como uma das melhores dietas adotadas devido aos múltiplos benefícios para a saúde que favorece. A dieta encoraja o consumo de frutas frescas, vegetais, grãos, legumes, lentilhas, etc. E encoraja que se abandone os produtos de origem animal como ovos, carnes, leite, queijo, etc. E provável que seja a única dieta humana que permite você comer sem causar dano para outro ser vivo. Considerando os benefícios a saúde e também a abordagem humanitária, é justo que seja adorada por pessoas por todo mundo. Saúde e felicidade são coisas que a maioria procura, e comer a alimentação correta tem um papel importante. Nos anos recentes, a culinária vegana tem se tornado popular, e muitas pessoas tem escolhido o veganismo como uma alternativa viável para seus novos hábitos alimentares. Só requer que evitem consumir produtos de origem animal e se alimentar de frutas, vegetais, grãos, feijões, castanhas e sementes.

Dieta alcalina: Para Principiantes que desean disfrutar

by Mark Plane

Soluciones 100% efectivas y naturales para sentirte increíble y comenzar a perder peso. Sin sentirte privado de nada, de una vez por todas! Conoce una lista de miles de alimentos y sus efectos ácido-alcalinos. Se incluyen no solo alimentos individuales, como frutas y verduras, sino también una combinación popular e incluso comidas rápidas y comunes. En cada caso, no solo descubrirás si un alimento es acidificante o alcalinizante, sino que también aprenderás el grado en que ese alimento afecta al cuerpo. Las inserciones informativas lo guían en la elección de la comida adecuada para usted. Por eso, este libro trata sobre la dieta alcalina, que también se conoce como la dieta ácido-alcalina. Se basa en la idea de que los alimentos que consumes pueden afectar la alcalinidad o acidez (el equilibrio del pH) en el cuerpo. Como resultado, tu cuerpo puede ser ácido, neutro o alcalino, y los entusiastas de esta dieta dicen que puede alterar con precisión la acidez del cuerpo. Por lo tanto, comer alimentos ácidos hace que tu cuerpo se vuelva ácido y si comes alimentos alcalinos, hace que tu cuerpo sea alcalino. Lo neutro no tiene efecto.

Dieta Alcalina: Dieta alcalina deliciosa y saludable y cuerpo y perder peso (30 recetas geniales)

by Emma Silva

El mundo de hoy no es el más saludable, especialmente si observas el hemisferio occidental. Todos los días, las personas se enferman debido a una mala nutrición y una de las cosas más importantes que debe comprender en relación con esto es el hecho de que la enfermedad no es algo sobre lo que no tenga voz. Puede controlar su cuerpo y puede controlar su mente para restaurar su buena salud. Y la nutrición jugará un papel esencial en esto. Si encontró este libro buscando un libro de dieta alcalina, estará encantado de obtener el programa Alcalino completo dentro de esta guía. No solo descubrirá cómo perder peso, sino que también obtendrá una dieta alcalina saludable y recetas de alimentos. Estas son recetas sencillas y fáciles de cocinar para comidas de gran sabor. La dieta alcalina no es tan difícil de implementar en tu vida una vez que aprendes las cosas básicas detrás de ella. Por supuesto, al principio se sentirá más como una lección de química, pero a medida que continúe leyendo sobre este tema, descubrirá cosas interesantes sobre la forma en que funciona su cuerpo. Aún más que eso, descubrirás que ciertas enfermedades que se consideraron incurables también son más manejables con la dieta alcalina. ¡Las recetas que se presentan en este libro de cocina son muy fáciles de hacer y para la gente que viaja! Los batidos hacen que comer sano sea mucho más fácil. El mejor consejo que puede obtener para comer batidos saludables y alcalinos es concentrarse en los alimentos verdes y también en otros alimentos coloreados que contienen nutrientes vitales. Si está listo para actuar y cambiar su vida para mejor, ¡este libro definitivamente lo guiará en la dirección correcta!

Fogão Lento (Receitas De Fogão Lento): Receitas fáceis de panela elétrica com 5 ingredientes ou menos

by Alissa Green

Estar ocupado não lhe dá o direito de comer fora à noite. Enquanto comer fora é conveniente, você não tem certeza de que a comida que você está comendo contém ingredientes saudáveis. A coisa é, você pode comer refeições deliciosas e saudáveis, apesar de sua agenda lotada, se você tiver uma panela elétrica. Em poucos minutos de preparação, coloque os ingredientes na slow cooker e, algumas horas depois, você terá uma refeição caseira que toda família irá amar. Após um dia longo e difícil, você só precisará abrir sua panela elétrica, servir e comer! Simples assim. Mas isso não é tudo: você também pode aproveitar os inúmeros benefícios de usar uma panela elétrica, como: •Cozinhar com uma panela elétrica requer menos tempo, esforço e recursos; •Faz com que os alimentos fiquem mais saborosos e macios; e •É útil durante o ano inteiro •Faz com que sua casa cheire bem •Pode ser usada em todas as refeições do dia, incluindo café da manhã e sobremesas. Com este livro, você pode desfrutar de suas comidas favoritas apesar de sua agenda cheia. Volte para o topo e clique no botão COMPRE AGORA no canto direito do topo da página para um download imediato!

The Serotonin Power Diet: Use Your Brain's Natural Chemistry to Cut Cravings, Curb Emotional Overeating, a nd Lose Weight

by Nina T. Frusztajer Judith J. Wurtman

Putting more than 30 years of groundbreaking research to work, renowned scientist Judith Wurtman, PhD, and her colleague, Nina T. Frusztajer, MD, present a clinically proven 12-week program that uses the power of carbohydrates to help you to: - Activate the appetite-suppressant function of serotonin to stop weight gain - Regain control over emotional overeating and cravings - Lose up to 2 pounds of real weight-not water-per week- Maintain a healthy lifestyle The Serotonin Power Diet is the only weight loss plan that will help you lose weight while being treated with the antidepressants and related medications that provoke overeating. Easy and economical, with more than 75 delicious recipes, The Serotonin Power Diet is the natural solution to weight loss and maintenance for everyone who has ever thought their cravings could never be satisfied.

The Home Cook: Recipes to Know by Heart

by Alex Guarnaschelli

The all-in-one cooking bible for a new generation with 300 recipes for everything from simple vinaigrettes and roast chicken to birthday cake and cocktails. For Alex Guarnaschelli—whose mother edited the seminal 1997 edition of The Joy of Cooking, which defined the food of the late twentieth century—a life in food and cookbooks was almost predestined. Now an accomplished chef and author in her own right (and mom to a young daughter), Alex pens a cookbook for the way we eat today. For generations raised on vibrant, international flavors and supermarkets stocked with miso paste, harissa, and other bold condiments and ingredients, here are 300 recipes to replace their parents’ Chicken Marbella, including Glazed Five-Spice Ribs, Roasted Eggplant Dip with Garlic Butter Naan, Roasted Beef Brisket with Pastrami Rub, Fennel and Orange Salad with Walnut Pesto, Quinoa Allspice Oatmeal Cookies, and Dark Chocolate Rum Pie.

MUNCHIES: Late-Night Meals from the World's Best Chefs

by Editors of MUNCHIES Helen Hollyman Jj Goode

This cookbook, based on the game-changing web series Chef's Night Out, features stories of the world's best chefs' debauched nights on the town, and recipes for the food they cook to soak up the booze afterwards.MUNCHIES brings the hugely popular show Chef's Night Out (on VICE Media's food website, MUNCHIES) to the page with snapshots of food culture in cities around the world, plus tall tales and fuzzy recollections from 70 of the world's top chefs, including Anthony Bourdain, Dominique Crenn, David Chang, Danny Bowien, Wylie Dufresne, Inaki Aizpitarte, and Enrique Olvera, among others. Then there are the 65 recipes: dishes these chefs cook when they're done feeding customers, and ready to feed their friends instead. With chapters like "Drinks" (i.e., how to get your night started), "Things with Tortillas," "Hardcore" (which includes pizzas, nachos, poutines, and more), and "Morning After" (classy and trashy dishes for the bleary-eyed next day), MUNCHIES features more than 65 recipes to satisfy any late-night craving and plenty of drinks to keep the party going.Chefs include: Shion Aikawa Jen Agg Iñaki Aizpitarte Erik Anderson Sam Anderson Wes Avila Joaquin Baca Kyle Bailey Jonathan Benno Noah Bernamoff Jamie Bissonnette April Bloomfield Robert Bohr And Ryan Hardy Danny Bowien Anthony Bourdain Stuart Brioza And Nicole Krasinski Gabriela Cámara David Chang Han Chiang Michael Chernow And Dan Holtzman Leah Cohen Dominique Crenn Armando De La Torre Maya Erickson Konstantin Filippou Vanya Filopovic The Franks Paul Giannone Josh Gil Abigail Gullo Tien Ho Esben Holmboe Bang Brandon Jew Jessica Koslow Agatha Kulaga And Erin Patinkin Joshua Kulp And Christine Cikowski Taiji Kushima And Shogo Kamishima Arjun Mahendro And Nakul Mahendro Anne Maurseth Andrew Mcconnell Kavita Meelu Danny Minch Carlo Mirarchi Nicolai Nørregaard Masaru Ogasawara Enrique Olvera Matt Orlando Mitch Orr Rajat Parr Kevin Pemoulie Frank Pinello Rosio Sánchez Brad Spence Alon Shaya Phet Schwader Michael Schwartz Callie Speer Jeremiah Stone And Fabian Von Hauske Dale Talde Lee Tiernan Christina Tosi Isaac Toups Anna Trattles And Alice Quillet Alisa Reynolds Grant Van Gameren Michael White Andrew Zimmern

Hot for Food Vegan Comfort Classics: Recipes to Feed Your Face

by Lauren Toyota

<p>A fun and irreverent take on vegan comfort food that's saucy, sweet, sassy, and most definitely deep-fried, from YouTube sensation Lauren Toyota of Hot for Food. <p>In this bold collection of more than 100 recipes, the world of comfort food and vegan cooking collide as Lauren Toyota shares her favorite recipes and creative ways to make Philly cheesesteak, fried chicken, and mac 'n' cheese, all with simple vegan ingredients. Never one to hold back, Lauren piles plates high with cheese sauce, ranch, bacon, and barbecue sauce, all while sharing personal stories and tips in her engaging and hilarious voice. The result is indulgent, craveworthy food - like Southern Fried Cauliflower, The Best Vegan Ramen, and Raspberry Funfetti Pop Tarts - made for sharing with friends at weeknight dinners, weekend brunches, and beyond.</p>

Glow Pops: Super-Easy Superfood Recipes to Help You Look and Feel Your Best

by Liz Moody

The easiest way to make healthy—and delicious—frozen pops at home If you like smoothies, you’ll love Glow Pops. Blogger Liz Moody takes your favorite treat to the next level with 35 nutrient-filled recipes that will make you glow from the inside out. They’re fast, flexible, and packed with superfoods to boost your brain power, clear your skin, rev your metabolism, and much more. Whether you like the classics—think Chocolate Fudge, Cookie Dough, and Neopolitan—or prefer more adventurous combinations like Turmeric Golden Milk, Avocado Chile Lime, and Strawberry Cardamom Rose Lassi, Glow Pops has a pop for every palate. It’s as easy as a whiz in the blender and a pour into molds. The hardest part is waiting for the pops to freeze!

Food52 Any Night Grilling: 60 Ways to Fire Up Dinner (and More) (Food52 Works)

by Amanda Hesser Paula Disbrowe

This innovative collection of recipes will have you grilling deeply flavorful dishes for lunch, dinner, or any time.In Food52’s Any Night Grilling, author (and Texan) Paula Disbrowe coaches you through the fundamentals of cooking over fire so the simple pleasure of a freshly grilled meal can be enjoyed any night of the week—no long marinades or low-and-slow cook times here. Going way beyond your standard burgers and brats, Disbrowe offers up streamlined, surprising recipes for Crackly Rosemary Flatbread, Grilled Corn Nachos, and Porchetta-Style Pork Kebabs, alongside backyard classics like Sweet & Smoky Drumsticks, Gulf Coast Shrimp Tacos, and Green Chile Cheeseburgers. You’ll also be charring fruits and vegetables in coals for caramelized sweetness, bringing day-old bread back to life, and using lingering heat to cook ahead for future meals. Filled with clever tips, lush photography, and what will surely become your favorite go-to recipes, Any Night Grilling is the only book you and your grill need.

The Domestic Geek's Meals Made Easy: A Fresh, Fuss-Free Approach to Healthy Cooking

by Sara Lynn Cauchon

The debut cookbook from YouTube cooking superstar Sara Lynn Cauchon of The Domestic GeekWith more than 1.4 million followers, and over 100 million video views, The Domestic Geek is one of YouTube's most popular cooking shows. Fans adore host Sara Lynn Cauchon's fresh, fun, no-fuss style of cooking and her easy recipes are big on flavor and have a healthful twist. Readers won't find any fancy, hard-to-pronounce ingredients here, nor will they have to make a trip to the health food store to prepare delicious dishes like Greek Chicken Soup, Veggie Fried Quinoa, or Easy Peasy Risotto. Sara Lynn teaches fans how to master basic cooking techniques while offering loads of variations like her sheet pan supper series that includes recipes for Ranch Roasted Chicken and Veggies, Chili Lime Shrimp Fajitas and Halibut with Green Beans, Tomatoes and Olives. For cooks who want to mix it up in the kitchen, Sara Lynn offers vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free alternatives, as well as simple swaps to make recipes more family-friendly.

Contested Territory: Dien Bien Phu and the Making of Northwest Vietnam (Yale Agrarian Studies Series)

by Christian C. Lentz

The definitive account of one of the most important battles of the twentieth century, and the Black River borderlands’ transformation into Northwest Vietnam This new work of historical and political geography ventures beyond the conventional framing of the Battle of Điện Biên Phủ, the 1954 conflict that toppled the French empire in Indochina. Tracking a longer period of anticolonial revolution and nation-state formation from 1945 to 1960, Christian Lentz argues that a Vietnamese elite constructed territory as a strategic form of rule. Engaging newly available archival sources, Lentz offers a novel conception of territory as a contingent outcome of spatial contests.

Vegetables First: 120 Vibrant Vegetable-Forward Recipes

by Ricardo Larrivee

120 fresh, flavourful recipes that put vegetables first!Welcome to a celebration of the tastes, textures, colours, and possibilities that vegetables have to offer. These easy-to-follow, triple-tested recipes put vegetables front and centre, and let meat and fish play a supporting role. Discover delicious, bright dishes popping with colour (tomato and ricotta tartlets), full of comfort (squash and roasted vegetable lasagne), and ready to celebrate (Beauty and the Beet cocktail). With each recipe, Ricardo reinvents what vegetables can mean for the modern family, and always stays true to his philospophy: eat together, keep it simple, and make it tasty.

The Ultimate Gluten Free, Dairy Free Collection: Over 200 delicious, free from recipes for every occasion

by Grace Cheetham

The definitive collection of gluten-free, dairy-free recipes from one of the most trusted names in free-from cookery.Whether you're following a gluten-free or dairy-free diet, then this is the only book you will ever need to eat well and feel great!With over 200 recipes for everything from breakfasts and light lunches to weeknight dinners and show-stopping mains, plus delicious desserts and a whole section on gluten free baking, this book is the perfect guide to free from cookery.Start your day with Buckwheat and Blueberry Pancakes or Muesli with Summer Fruit Compote, and discover dinnertime recipes that the whole family will enjoy, such as like Chicken Sesame Nuggets, Courgette and Sage Spaghetti Carbonara, or the best gluten free, dairy free lasagne. For special occasions, there are dinner-party dishes such as Beef Wellington, and to finish, why not try a classic Sticky Toffee Pudding?From celebration cakes to cookies, sourdough loaves to salads, these are tried-and-tested recipes from one of the most respected names in gluten free cookery. Grace Cheetham has spent the last 10 years educating readers on the best way to cook without allergens. This collection is the ultimate celebration of her best-loved recipes.

The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days

by Jj Virgin

Are you eating all the right things but still can't lose the weight? Your favorite "diet" foods may be to blame. In this runaway bestseller, nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin reveals the real secret behind weight gain: food intolerance. On The Virgin Diet, you'll eat plenty of anti-inflammatory, healing foods, will never feel hungry or deprived, and in just one week, you can:· drop up to 7 pounds · lose belly bloat · gain energy · clear up inflammation · look and feel years youngerWith three powerful cycles, you'll achieve fast and lasting fat loss:Transform your body in just 21 days by eliminating 7 foods.Customize the diet for your unique body chemistry by testing the foods to see what works for you and what doesn't.Sustain your success for life, without ever having to "diet" again"The Virgin Diet eliminates the 'healthy' foods that are actually holding your health hostage so you can lose weight quickly and permanently."--Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author nd look and feel years younger. And that's just the beginning!Including delicious, guilt-free recipes as well as testimonials from people who have had successful results, The Virgin Diet will help you to look and feel your best.

Growing Up Empty: The Hunger Epidemic in America, First Edition

by Loretta Schwartz-Nobel

Growing Up Empty is a study of a hidden epidemic that still remains largely unacknowledged at the highest political levels. A call to action that will re-energize the national debate on the federal government's priorities, Growing Up Empty is advocacy journalism at its best.

Keto Fat Bombs, Sweets & Treats: Over 100 Recipes and Ideas for Low-Carb Breads, Cakes, Cookies and More

by Urvashi Pitre

From the bestselling author of The Keto Instant Pot CookbookDelicious desserts, baked goods, and other low-carb, high-fat treats for people following the incredibly popular ketogenic diet The ketogenic diet has taken America by storm, and bestselling author Urvashi Pitre can attest to its effectiveness firsthand. Following this high-fat, low-carb way of eating helped her lose (and keep off) 80 pounds. Best known for the high-quality and impeccably tested recipes on her blog,, Urvashi here turns her expertise to the snacks and treats that people miss most when they're eating the keto way—quick breads, muffins, pancakes, cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream, and more. Urvashi offers recipes for many classic, high-carb favorites that have been reworked to be “fat bombs,” which help keep your macros in balance, as well as prevent you from craving all the things you usually can’t eat when you're trying to lose weight. Many of the more than 100 recipes require no more than 10 to 15 minutes of prep time, and they taste as delicious and indulgent as they sound—how about Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops, Mocha Cheesecake, or Almond Butter Bombs? She also includes recipes for tasty smoothies, savory dressings, and sauces to round out the collection.

Joy Bauer's Food Cures: Treat Common Health Concerns, Look Younger & Live Longer

by Carol Svec Joy Bauer

Comprehensively updated with cutting-edge research and expertise from one of the country's foremost nutritionists, Joy Bauer's Food Cures shows you how common health concerns--from beauty issues to life-threatening diseases--can be managed, treated, and sometimes even cured by the foods you eat. Inside you will find easy-to-follow 4-step food prescriptions, customizable and convenient meal plans, and delicious recipes for your favorite meals and snacks. With Joy's wisdom and practical, medically sound advice, you will learn how to use food as nature's ultimate medicine.

The Four-Pack Revolution: How You Can Aim Lower, Cheat on Your Diet, and Still Lose Weight and Keep It Off

by Ryan Parsons Chael Sonnen

Not everyone can achieve a six-pack like a fitness magazine cover model, but anyone can achieve a four-pack. By adjusting your expectations to attainable and healthy goals, you can achieve long-term and lasting fitness. Written by famed MMA fighter Chael Sonnen and MMA sports performance expert Ryan Parsons, The Four-Pack Revolution uses the latest science and motivational exercises to guide you on a journey toward a healthier and—just as importantly—more sustainable weight-loss program. Instead of a simplistic or one-concept gimmicky diet, The Four-Pack Revolution presents a total-life approach for attainable goals by:· Debunking the myths and revealing the science of weight loss· Arguing that “system resets” or breaking your diet can actually have health benefits· Presenting how to manage key hormones through diet· Designing intense, 10-minute workouts that are more effective than more time-consuming cardio workouts· Illustrating the healthy ratio of carbs, fat, protein and how to practice portion control· Sharing tips for maintaining a plan even while eating out· Providing a shopping list for a four-week meal planWith The Four-Pack Revolution, you can achieve a four-pack—while still enjoying life.

Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine

by Kristin Hunt

A pea soda. An apple balloon. A cotton candy picnic. A magical mole. These are just a handful of examples of mimetic cuisine, a diverse set of culinary practices in which chefs and artists treat food as a means of representation. As theatricalised fine dining and the use of food in theatrical situations both grow in popularity, Alimentary Performances traces the origins and implications of food as a mimetic medium, used to imitate, represent, and assume a role in both theatrical and broader performance situations. Kristin Hunt's rich and wide-ranging account of food's growing representational stakes asks: What culinary approaches to mimesis can tell us about enduring philosophical debates around knowledge and authenticity How the dramaturgy of food within theatres connects with the developing role of theatrical cuisine in restaurant settings Ways in which these turns toward culinary mimeticism engender new histories, advance new epistemologies, and enable new modes of multisensory spectatorship and participation. This is an essential study for anyone interested in the intersections between food, theatre, and performance, from fine dining to fan culture and celebrity chefs to the drama of the cookbook.

Vitamins In Human Biology and Medicine (CRC Press Revivals)

by Michael H Briggs

It is the purpose of this book to try to offer a modern perspective on the importance of vitamins in human biology and medicine. There have been recent revivals of attempts to use vitamins as therapeutic agents by administering doses many times the recommended allowance. This use or 'megavitamin therapy' is reviewed by Dr. Reynold Spector, with particular emphasis on vitamin entry to the central nervous system. Of related interest is the chapter by Dr. John Blass discussing central nervous system manifestations of thiamin deficiency, and also the contribution by Ms. Fiona Cumming and clinical toxicity of vitamin supplementation.

Recent Vitamin Research (CRC Press Revivals)

by Briggs H Michael

The book opens with a survey by Dr. Motron Cowan of biotin-responsive metabolic disorders of children. A group of Japanese researchers then present their latest data on the complex interactions between vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in bone calcification. Dr. Maxine Briggs reviews the prolific published information relating vitramin C to infectious diseases and presents the results of an 8 year study into the prophylactic value of high-dose ascorbic acid (AA) and the common cold. Professor Kristoffersen and Dr. Rolschau review the effects of vitamin supplements during pregnancy and intrauterine growth. Possible protective effects of vitamin A and other retinoids against cancer are discussed by Dr. Jill Blunck, while Dr. Sue Tonkin describes her results on the interaction between oral contraceptives and riboflavin. Finally, the possible prevention of neural tube defects by vitamin supplements by Professor Laurence. It is hoped that this collection of papers on the frontiers of vitamin research will be of wide interest to medical and scientific workers interested in the exciting and controversial used and functions of vitamins.

A Pinch of Murder (Frosted Love Cozy Mysteries #2)

by Summer Prescott

Cupcake baker, Missy Gladstone, decided to leave her cozy little hometown in LaChance, Louisiana, for the bright lights of Vegas, to compete in a national cupcake bake-off with a Grand Prize of $50,000.00. The prize money would go a long way toward Missy’s dreams of expansion, and a trip to Vegas would provide the busy gal with a much-needed vacation, making the trip seem like a win/win. Dismayed to encounter a former hometown rival in attendance, Missy soon learns that there were ulterior motives attached to her invitation to the event. A sticky proposal pits the two of them against one another again, and Missy stands to lose more than the competition if she doesn’t make some very tough choices. Alone, far from home, and suspected of murder, Missy reaches out to the only ally who might be able to help her - the dashing Detective Chas Beckett.

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