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Showing 6,826 through 6,850 of 6,916 results

Challenging Sociality: An Anthropology Of Robots, Autism, And Attachment (Social And Cultural Studies Of Robots And Ai Ser.)

by Kathleen Richardson

This book explores the development of humanoid robots for helping children with autism develop social skills based on fieldwork in the UK and the USA. Robotic scientists propose that robots can therapeutically help children with autism because there is a “special” affinity between them and mechanical things. This idea is supported by autism experts that claim those with autism have a preference for things over other persons. Autism is also seen as a gendered condition, with men considered less social and therefore more likely to have the condition. The author explores how these experiments in cultivating social skills in children with autism using robots, while focused on a unique subsection, is the model for a new kind of human-thing relationship for wider society across the capitalist world where machines can take on the role of the “you” in the relational encounter. Moreover, underscoring this is a form of consciousness that arises out of specific forms of attachment styles.

Female Olympian and Paralympian Events: Analyses, Backgrounds, and Timelines

by Linda K. Fuller

Female Olympian and Paralympian Events is a groundbreaking book that examines women’s sports in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which have long been underappreciated and under-analyzed. The book begins with a brief background on women’s participation in the Olympic Games and their role relative to the International Olympic Committee, then introduces the underlying Gendered Critical Discourse Analysis theory used throughout the book’s analysis before delving into a literature review of female Olympians and Paralympians’ events. It includes a listing of noteworthy “firsts” in the field, followed by individual discussions of twenty-eight Summer and seven Winter events, analyzed according to their historical, rhetorical, and popular cultural representations. Women’s unique role(s) in the various events are discussed, particular athletes and Paralympic events are highlighted, and original tables are also included. At the end of each section, affiliated organizations and resources are included in this invaluable referential volume.

Diverse Voices of Disabled Sexualities in the Global South

by Marlene De Beer Paul Chappell

This volume aims to critically engage with constructs and experiences of disabled sexualities through Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. In doing so, it is hoped that the questions raised, relfections, analyses and arguments will provide readers with a catalyst through which to (re)think disabled sexualities from the perspective of the Global South. What makes this edited volume unique is besides chapters from emerging academics and disability activists who either live or work in the Global South, it also includes personal contributions from disabled people across the Global South. This volume takes a broad perspective on disabled sexualities addressing such areas as gender, race, culture, colonialism, body image, sexual pleasure, sexuality education, sexual access, sexual and reproductive health services, queer sexualities, and sexual rights and justice. The volume will be of interest to international and national organisations for people with disabilities, gender and sexuality researchers, health professionals, social workers, academics and students at all higher education and training institutions interested in disability, gender queer and sexuality studies.

Comedy and the Politics of Representation: Mocking the Weak (Palgrave Studies in Comedy)

by Helen Davies Sarah Ilott

This edited collection explores the representations of identity in comedy and interrogates the ways in which “humorous” constructions of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, class and disability raise serious issues about privilege, agency and oppression in popular culture. Should there be limits to free speech when humour is aimed at marginalised social groups? What are the limits of free speech when comedy pokes fun at those who hold social power? Can taboo joking be used towards politically progressive ends? Can stereotypes be mocked through their re-invocation? Comedy and the Politics of Representation: Mocking the Weak breaks new theoretical ground by demonstrating how the way people are represented mediates the triadic relationship set up in comedy between teller, audience and butt of the joke. By bringing together a selection of essays from international scholars, this study unpacks and examines the dynamic role that humour plays in making and remaking identity and power relations in culture and society.

Dissembling Disability in Early Modern English Drama (Literary Disability Studies)

by Lindsey Row-Heyveld

Why do able-bodied characters fake disability in 40 early modern English plays? This book uncovers a previously unexamined theatrical tradition and explores the way counterfeit disability captivated the Renaissance stage. Through detailed case studies of both lesser-known and canonical plays (by Shakespeare, Jonson, Marston, and others), Lindsey Row-Heyveld demonstrates why counterfeit disability proved so useful to early modern playwrights. Changing approaches to almsgiving in the English Reformation led to increasing concerns about feigned disability. The theater capitalized on those concerns, using the counterfeit-disability tradition to explore issues of charity, epistemology, and spectatorship. By illuminating this neglected tradition, this book fills an important gap in both disability history and literary studies, and explores how fears of counterfeit disability created a feedback loop of performance and suspicion. The result is the still-pervasive insistence that even genuinely disabled people must perform in order to, paradoxically, prove the authenticity of their impairments.

Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health (Literary Disability Studies)

by Elizabeth J. Donaldson

Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health brings together scholars working in disability studies, mad studies, feminist theory, Indigenous studies, postcolonial theory, Jewish literature, queer studies, American studies, trauma studies, and comics to create an intersectional community of scholarship in literary disability studies of mental health. The collection contains essays on canonical authors and lesser known and sometimes forgotten writers, including Sylvia Plath, Louisa May Alcott, Hannah Weiner, Mary Jane Ward, Michelle Cliff, Lee Maracle, Joanne Greenberg, Ann Bannon, Jerry Pinto, Persimmon Blackbridge, and others. The volume addresses the under-representation of madness and psychiatric disability in the field of disability studies, which traditionally focuses on physical disability, and explores the controversies and the common ground among disability studies, anti-psychiatric discourses, mad studies, graphic medicine, and health/medical humanities.

Sleep in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: An Evidence-Based Guide

by Jennifer A. Accardo

This practical guide presents approaches to working with children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disabilities who have sleep problems. Divided into four sections, the book begins with the impact of sleep problems in children with disabilities and the evaluation of sleep complaints. The next two sections cover the major categories of sleep disorders as they apply in children with disabilities, and specific neurodevelopmental disabilities with their characteristic sleep manifestations. The last section details options for treatment, which include behavioral and environmental strategies, occupational therapy, exercise, and medications. Chapters feature case studies that introduce and reinforce diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Those engaged in the care of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and sleep problems will find this text to be an invaluable guide when assessing and treating sleep disorders.

Kreativität und Form

by Simon M. Wiedemann Rainer E. Zimmermann

Ausgehend von der Idee des Glasperlenspiels, die Hermann Hesse in seinem gleichnamigen Roman entwirft, haben die Autoren in diesem Band die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines solchen Spiels im Umgang mit Wissen ausgelotet. Sie zeigen neue Methoden für das Wissensmanagement auf und verbinden dafür Erkenntnisse verschiedener Wissenschaftsgebiete wie Logik, System- und Erkenntnistheorie sowie Semiotik, Kognition und Kommunikation. Das begleitende Computerprogramm unterstützt Leser beim Experimentieren mit Wissen.

Behinderung, Soziologie und gesellschaftliche Erfahrung: Im Gespräch mit Günther Cloerkes

by Jörg Michael Kastl Kai Felkendorff

Günther Cloerkes ist einer der wichtigsten europäischen Vertreter einer interaktionistischen Soziologie der Behinderten. Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen Gespräche und Interviews, die Kai Felkendorff und Jörg Michael Kastl mit ihm in den Jahren 2009-2013 geführt haben. Sie werden ergänzt durch Aufsätze von Günther Cloerkes und Jörg Michael Kastl, die historische und systematische Aspekte einer sozial engagierten Soziologie der Behinderten und der Behinderung beleuchten.

Soziale, gesundheitliche und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in der Behindertenarbeit (essentials)

by Lotte Habermann-Horstmeier

Um Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung ein nachhaltiges, gesundes Leben zu ermöglichen, braucht es eine nachhaltig gesundheitsfördernde Lebenswelt, die in ein gesundes Ökosystem eingebettet ist, sowie eine sie tragende Gesellschaft, die das Wohl aller Menschen und die Unversehrtheit ihrer natürlichen Umwelt im Blick hat.

A Healing Family: A Candid Account of Life with a Handicapped Son

by Kenzaburo Oë Stephen Snyder

A Healing Family, Kenzaburo Oë's first book since winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, is an intimate portrait of the people closest to him. Above all, it is about his son Hikari. Hikari was born in 1963 with a growth on his brain so large it made him look as if he had two heads. His parents were told he might never be more than a "human vegetable" requiring constant care; but they took the decision to raise him. Today, despite autism, poor vision, and a tendency to seizures, their son is an established composer with two successful CDs to his credit. Oë has often written about the sorrows and satisfactions of being the parent of a handicapped child, most memorably in A Personal Matter; but nowhere has his writing been more personal, more buoyant, more revealing than in this non-fiction work. Without diminishing the suffering that Hikari and his family have been through, he celebrates the victories that can be won, especially his son's gift for music--his own "language." Friends make an appearance along the way--doctors, musicians, other writers--as do the themes that have preoccupied Oë all his life: the rights of the underprivileged; the moral authority of the survivors of the atomic bombing; the mystery of language. But his thoughts keep circling back to his family--to the healing power of the family, and the unwitting courage we can all find in ourselves.

No One's Perfect

by Hirotada Ototake Gerry Harcourt

Memoir of a young Japanese man born with no arms or legs.

Los dos hemisferios de Lucca

by Bárbara Anderson

El viaje a India de un niño mexicano para reparar su cerebro con un tratamiento futurista. Bárbara Anderson narra con brutal franqueza el día a día de tener un hijo con discapacidad: los retos dentro y fuera de casa, las complicaciones de salud y de vida; los cambios de prioridades; el Everest de cada día al tener un hijo con -hasta ahora- un diagnóstico irreversible como es la parálisis cerebral infantil. La autora detalla cómo emprende un viaje a India con toda su familia para que Lucca sea uno de los primeros niños en someterse a un tratamiento de 28 días, dos ocasiones durante 2017 y otra en 2019, y los asombrosos resultados que vieron en él: una neurogénesis que arranca con el Cytotron, aparato creado por el científico indio Rajah Kumar. Como buen viaje de todo héroe, la historia no termina ahí: Bárbara, a quien no le gusta aceptar un no por respuesta, se embarca en una lucha para lograr impulsar el uso del Cytotron en México. Un vistazo a las posibilidades que se abren desde ahora para pacientes con parálisis cerebral y otras condiciones neurológicas además de otro tipo de enfermedades como el cáncer desde México, el punto más lejano en el mundo a Bangalore. "Un libro estremecedor, hermoso, y últimamente esperanzador. Los dos hemisferios de Lucca es la prueba de que la perseverancia y el empeño siempre tienen su recompensa, y de que el Cytotron marcará un cambio de paradigma para millones de personas a nivel mundial que sufren problemas de salud hasta ahora intratables. Una joya de historia." -Michael Rowe, director de cine.


by Bárbara Anderson

Si en México más del 16% de la población, cerca de 21 millones o 1 de cada 6 mexicanos cuentan con algún tipo de condición discapacitante, ¿por qué parece que son muchos menos los casos que conocemos? Porque las personas con discapacidad (pcd) en nuestro país son una fuerza invisible. Si no es cada cuatro años que se celebran los paralímpicos, si no se acerca el Día Internacional de las pcd, cuando las marcas realizan acciones; si no es que el gobierno da beneficios fiscales para impulsar la inserción laboral de este grupo, el resto del tiempo las personas con discapacidad viven entre las sombras. Este libro busca arrojar un poco de luz a apenas veinticuatro de esos millones que no vemos. Con discapacidades de nacimiento o adquiridas y de diversos tipos, y origen de varias partes del país, medallistas olímpicos, empresarios, filántropos, ejecutivos, políticos, servidores públicos, artistas, activistas, conferencistas, académicos, abogados, un médico y hasta un standupero cuentan por primera vez sus historias con resiliencia, valentía y un propósito: ser referentes para otras pcd y motivar a la población general a ser agentes de cambio, a contribuir en multiplicar esa luz y velar por la inclusión en todos los aspectos de la vida. Un libro desgarrado, inspirador y sui géneris en el que la periodista y activista Bárbara Anderson presta su pluma para dar voz a quienes no cuentan, al tiempo que el reconocido fotógrafo Enrique Covarrubias ilumina sus rostros por primera vez con una mirada entre iguales. Invisibles es una lectura que cambia radicalmente la manera en la que vemos la discapacidad, mueve conciencias e invita a la acción.

¿Por qué Fer no quiere crecer?

by Francisca Mendez

Fer es un pez en el agua, Fer es un Niño con alas. A Fer le obsesionan la bola 8 y el gato Everest, las historias, los juegos y la ópera. El único enigma por resolver es, ¿por qué Fer no quiere crecer En un mosaico de memorias, Francisca Méndez intenta descifrar la mente de Fer, su hijo con autismo. Tomando prestada la voz de su otra hija, Francisquita, cuenta las desventuras convertidas en memorables anécdotas, los retos que presenta el día a día de una familia en esta condición y las batallas libradas que se traducen en lecciones de amor. En un acto de franca valentía, la autora enseña su lado más vulnerable con el único propósito de hacernos a todos un poco más sensibles y empáticos, volviendo su historia personal un faro para las personas que viven el autismo de primera mano y para las que nos hace falta verlo más de cerca.

Gaining Vision Upon Losing My Sight

by Rhea Althea T. Guntalilib

This is a story that unveils the colorful life behind the dark hues of blindness. It is journeying and transitioning from being perfectly sighted to becoming totally blind at the prime of one’s youth. This narrates how a dreadful auto-immune disease, Lupus, robbed away the author’s eyesight, but in the end became victorious against this illness by walking a healthier path. This book also talks about how blind people sees the world through computers and technology through digital accessibility. This is a story of hope, of health and healing, and a story of inclusion in this world of computers and smart phones. Wrap it all up, it’s a story of God’s wonderful masterpiece.

The Dark Continent (LitRPG Series)

by Alexey Osadchuk

Eric Bergman used to be treated like an outcast, cripple and freak. Some pitied him, others squirmed in his presence, while others still mocked him to his face. He himself even thought he was born cursed by the gods. But bit by bit, all that changed. That which was once considered a flaw or defect transformed into an advantage. And Eric slowly learned to use it to his benefit. Eric and his friends escape Master Chi’s Hive, journey over the orcish steppe and through the Stone Forest, which tempers them and makes them a lot stronger. During his travels, Eric discovers that his elder brother never went to the Wastes, and that his parents were lied to about what happened to him. Eric promises himself to uncover the truth about his long lost brother. Beyond that, the more he encounters the grim heritage of the Order of Monster Hunters, the more he realizes just how perilous a game the Foxman has drawn him into. Moving through the borderlands toward his home city no more than a few days ahead of the orcish Horde, Eric still has yet to guess that his adventure is just getting started.

The Primary School Child: Development and Education

by Namita Ranganathan

This book discusses the theories of education and the philosophical orientation of the main thinkers the physical, emotional, social, cognitive and moral development of children, their needs and interests.

Disability and Social Exclusion in Rural India

by Insa Klasing

India is home to a population of 50 million disabled people, the worlds largest outside China. Although 80 per cent of disabled people in India live in rural areas, the government and NGOs direct their activity almost exclusively towards urban centres, and little research has been conducted in rural communities where the incidence of disability is greatest. This book sheds new light on the marginalisation of disabled people in rural India. It exposes the barriers that exclude disabled people from participation in education, livelihoods, social life and medical care. Comprehensive chapters describe each aspect of exclusion in turn, explaining the barriers to participation and evaluating the governments policy and programmatic response. Each chapter ends with recommendations for government policy and an agenda for NGO intervention. This study finds that social exclusion defines the experience of being disabled in rural India at least as much as disability itself.

The Other Senses

by Preeti Monga

An inspiring true story of a visually impaired woman and her road to success.A trauma counsellor, corporate trainer, writer, aerobics trainer, public speaker, and director of Silver Linings Human Resource Solution Private Limited - all rolled into one, Preeti Monga's achievements are inspirational.


by BPI India Pvt Ltd

It is a Story about the events in the life of a young girl under the care of her grandfather

Gavanam Ingae Athigam Thaevai!

by Lakshmi Mohan

In this book on Children with Special Needs, the author explains different disabilities such as Cerebral Palsy, Seizures, DD/MR/ Autism, Down & Asperger syndromes and the disability identification, handling of the child and special education. Also suggests change of parent’s attitude and Society’s Views from considering the children as burden. The book speaks on Yoga, Occupational Therapy, and Special Olympics and contains addresses of Special Schools in Tamilnadu.

Disability perspective in rehabilitation

by Rajesh Kr Verma Pragya Verma

This book will give the brief history about mental retardation, hearing impairment, visual impairment, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, deaf blind and cerebral palsy and how the developments has been taken place in India and abroad. This book also contains different National and International Acts/Policies benefits for the persons with disabilities globally.

Diagnosis and treatment of blind and visually impaired

by Dolly Singh

This publication provides readers with an understanding of visual impairment and blindness, particularly the cortical visual impairment. An overview of eye diseases, low vision, vision loss, and blindness is given. Uses of assistive technology, remote infrared audible signage and GPS for visually impaired are described.

Emotional Intelligence of visually impaired

by Amruta Panda

This book has been an attempt to find out the relation which exist in terms of emotional intelligence, level of aspiration and educational achievement of different categories of visually impaired adolescent girls studying in various settings.

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