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Showing 24,451 through 24,475 of 27,589 results

The African Marine Litter Outlook

by Thomas Maes Fiona Preston-Whyte

This open access book provides a cross-sectoral, multi-scale assessment of marine litter in Africa with a focus on plastics. From distribution, to impacts on environmental and human health, this book looks at what is known scientifically. It includes a policy analysis of the instruments that currently exist, and what is needed to help Africa tackle marine litter—including local and transboundary sources. Across 5 chapters, experts from Africa and beyond have put together a summary of the scientific knowledge currently known about marine litter in Africa. The context of the African continent and future projections form a backdrop on which the scientific knowledge is built. This scientific knowledge incorporates quantities, distributions, and pathways of litter into the marine environment, highlighting where the impacts of marine litter are most felt in Africa. These impacts have widespread effects, with ecological, social, economic, and human health repercussions. While containing detailed scientific information, this book provides a sound knowledge base for policymakers, NGOs and the broader public.

African Security in the Anthropocene (The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science #36)

by Hussein Solomon Jude Cocodia

Much has been written on security in Africa—its democratic deficit, poor civil-military relations, and myriad conflicts—but these are often treated in isolation from one another. This book takes a different approach, as it links all of these issues to the dynamics of the Anthropocene. Penned by African scholars on the continent and in the diaspora, it examines the different challenges not as separate entities but as outcomes of the Anthropocene Age. In this geological epoch, humans have become a global force—unfortunately, not necessarily for good. The interaction between humans and the climate, the effects of waste, the impact of pollution on marine and terrestrial ecosystems, the loss of biodiversity, and the change in the chemical composition of the soil, oceans and atmosphere are key identifiers of the age of the Anthropocene. This has fueled conflict and instability from the vast swathes of the Sahel to Somalia. Responding to these issues of insecurity without understanding their inter-connectedness and how this relates to the environment can only result in failure. From this perspective, the current structures in place are inadequate for the task of confronting insecurity at the state and continental levels, as represented by the African Union. What is needed is a radical reevaluation of Africa’s security architecture and approach to security. This necessitates pooling sovereignty on a continental and global level. It necessitates less state-centric responses that include civil society and the business community as equal partners of states in order to collectively confront insecurity in the age of the Anthropocene.• The authors are academics, policy makers and military veterans who have worked in building capacity on the African continent• The book is comprehensive in scope, strong on theory, pragmatic in policy and reflects experience from the field.• The authors approach makes the book easy, interesting and intriguing.

Africa’s Right to Development in a Climate-Constrained World (Contemporary African Political Economy)

by Kennedy Mbeva Reuben Makomere Joanes Atela Victoria Chengo Charles Tonui

This book examines how Africa can secure a ‘just transition’ to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies.

Afrikanische Sonderwirtschaftszonen: Lehren und Investitionen aus China

by Bryan Robinson

Dieses Buch bewertet afrikanische Sonderwirtschaftszonen aus einer Perspektive der Lehren und Erfahrungen, die China mit solchen Zonen gemacht hat, deren Auswirkungen auf die chinesische Politik und auf Investitionen.Unter Verwendung von Fallstudien über als erfolgreich wahrgenommene Sonderwirtschaftszonen in China, wird das chinesische Modell dieser Zonen als Bewertungs- und Benchmarking-Instrument vorgeschlagen, mit dem afrikanische Sonderwirtschaftszonen verglichen werden.Anhand mehrerer Fallstudien zu afrikanischen Sonderwirtschaftszonen wird im Buch die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Anwerbung chinesischer Investoren für diese Zonen untersucht. Die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen dieser Zonen werden bewertet. Die Bemühungen afrikanischer Staaten erfolgreiche Sonderwirtschaftszonen zu ermöglichen oder dies nicht zu tun, werden kritisch analysiert.Schließlich werden die Sonderwirtschaftszonen in Afrika mit dem chinesischen Modell verglichen, und es wird ein afrikanisches Modell für Sonderwirtschaftszonen vorgeschlagen. Es werden Empfehlungen an die Führung der afrikanischen Staaten sowie an chinesische Entscheidungsträger und Investoren gegeben, wie diese Zonen verbessert werden können, um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern und die Ziele der nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Zonen zu erreichen. Bryan Robinson ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Senior Lecturer an der Nelson Mandela University Business School, Port Elizabeth, Südafrika.Dieses Buch stellt die Übersetzung einer englischsprachigen Originalausgabedar. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt (maschinelle Übersetzung mit Eine anschließende manuelle Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem nach inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten, so dass sich das Buch stilistisch von einer herkömmlichen Übersetzung abweicht.

Against the Seas: Saving Civilizations from Rising Waters

by Mary Soderstrom

An incredible read.… While unflinching in her analysis, Soderstrom nevertheless gifts us with a message of hope and resilience. — MAUDE BARLOW, activist and author of Still Hopeful: Lessons from a Lifetime of Activism. What can we learn about coping with rising sea levels from ancient times?The scenario we are facing is scary: within a few decades, sea levels around the world may well rise by a metre or more as glaciers and ice caps melt due to climate change. Large parts of our coastal cities will be flooded, the basic outline of our world will be changed, and torrential rains will present their own challenges. But this is not the first time that people have had to cope with threatening waters, because sea levels have been rising for thousands of years, ever since the end of the last Ice Age. Stories told by the Indigenous people in Australia and on the Pacific coast of North America, and those found in the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as Roman and Chinese histories all bear witness to just how traumatic these experiences were. The responses to these challenges varied: people adapted by building dikes, canals, and seawalls; by resorting to prayer or magic; and, very often, by moving out of the way of the rushing waters. Against the Seas explores these stories as well as the various measures being taken today to combat rising waters, focusing on five regions: Indonesia, Shanghai, the Sundarbans of Bangladesh, the Salish Sea, and the estuary of the St. Lawrence River. What happened in the past and what is being tried today may help us in the future and, if nothing else, give us hope that we will survive.

Agave Spirits: The Past, Present, And Future Of Mezcals

by Gary Paul Nabhan David Suro Piñera

“A manifesto…[and] a positive spin on the future of mezcal.” —Florence Fabricant, New York Times The agave plant was never destined to become tasteless, cheap tequila. All tequilas are mezcals; all mezcals are made from agaves; and every bottle of mezcal is the remarkable result of collaborations among agave entrepreneurs, botanists, distillers, beverage distributors, bartenders, and more. How these groups come together in this “spirits world” is the subject of this fascinating new book by the acclaimed ethnobotanist Gary Paul Nabhan and the pioneering restauranteur David Suro Piñera. Join them as they delight in the diversity of the distillate agave spirits, as they endeavor to track down the more distant kin in the family of agaves, and as, along the way, they reveal the stunning innovations that have been transforming the industry around tequilas and mezcals in recent decades. The result of the authors’ fieldwork and on-the-ground interviews with mezcaleros in eight Mexican states, Agave Spirits shows how traditional methods of mezcal production are inspiring a new generation of individuals, including women, both in and beyond the industry. And as they reach back into a rich, centuries-long history, Nabhan and Suro Piñera make clear that understanding the story behind a bottle of mezcal, more than any other drink, will not only reveal what lies ahead for the tradition—including its ability to adapt in the face of the climate crisis—but will also enrich the drinking experience for readers. Essential reading for mezcal connoisseurs and amateurs interested in unlocking the past of a delightful distillate, Agave Spirits tells the tale of the most flavorful and memorable spirits humankind has ever sipped and savored. Featuring twelve illustrations by René Alejandro Hernández Tapia and indices that list common and scientific names for agave species, as well as the names of plants, animals, and domesticated agaves used in the production of distillates.

Agents and Implications of Landscape Pattern: Working Models for Landscape Ecology

by Dean L Urban

This is an ecology textbook focused on key principles that underpin research and management at the landscape scale. It covers (1) agents of pattern (the physical template, biotic processes, and disturbance regimes); (2) scale and pattern (why scale matters, how to ‘scale’ with data, and inferences using landscape pattern metrics); and (3) implications of pattern (for metapopulations, communities and biodiversity, and ecosystem processes). The last two chapters address emerging issues: urban landscapes, and adapting to climate change. This book stems from two graduate-level courses in Landscape Ecology taught at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. The subject has evolved over time, from a concepts-based overview of what landscape ecology is, to a more applied practicum on how one does landscape ecology. As landscape ecology has matured as a discipline, its perspectives on spatial heterogeneity and scale have begun to permeate into a wide range of other fields including conservation biology, ecosystem management, and ecological restoration. Thus, this textbook will bring students from diverse backgrounds to a common level of understanding and will prepare them with the practical knowledge for a career in conservation and ecosystem management.

Agricultural Commercialization, Gender Equality and the Right to Food: Insights from Ghana and Cambodia (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Joanna Bourke Martignoni Christophe Gironde Christophe Golay Elisabeth Prügl Dzodzi Tsikata

This volume explores agricultural commercialization from a gender equality and right to food perspective. Agricultural commercialization, involving not only the shift to selling crops and buying inputs but also the commodification of land and labour, has always been controversial. Strategies for commercialization have often reinforced and exacerbated inequalities, been blind to gender differences and given rise to violations of the human rights to food, land, work and social security. While there is a body of evidence to trace these developments globally, impacts vary considerably in local contexts. This book systematically considers these dynamics in two countries, Cambodia and Ghana. Profoundly different in terms of their history and location, they provide the basis for fruitful comparisons because they both transitioned to democracy in the early 1990s, made agricultural development a priority, and adopted orthodox policies of commercialization to develop the sector. Chapters illustrate how commercialization processes are gendered, highlighting distinctive gender, ethnic and class dynamics in rural Ghana and Cambodia and the different outcomes these generate. They also show the ways in which food cultures are changing and the often-problematic impact of these changes on the safety and quality of food. Specific policies and legal norms are examined, with chapters addressing the development and implementation of frameworks on the right to food and land administration. Overall, the volume brings into relief multiple dimensions shaping the outcomes of processes of commercialization, including gender orders, food cultures, policy translation, national and sub-national policies, corporate investments and programmes, and formal and informal legal norms. In doing so, it offers insight not only on our case countries, but also provides proposals to advance rights-based research on food security. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of food security, agricultural development and economics, gender, human rights and sustainable development.

Agricultural Digitization and Zhongyong Philosophy: Creating a Sustainable Circular Economy (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Yiyan Chen Hooi Hooi Lean Ye Li

This interdisciplinary book combines digital technology with Eastern philosophy to examine how the concept of Zhongyong in Confucianism can be used to coordinate digital technology with sustainable agriculture. Zhongyong comes from the connotation of moderate and sustainable in ancient Chinese culture. It is with this concept in mind that this book presents a novel collaboration between philosophy and computer technology to explain how Zhongyong can play an important part in realizing agricultural digitization within a circular economy in order to help solve the current food crisis. The book examines two popular, yet contradictory, digital technologies—blockchain and the green data center. It showcases how the use of traditional Chinese Zhongyong can promote the decentralization of blockchain and the centralization of the green data center and explains the advantages of using both technologies simultaneously. The book puts forward a digital circular agricultural framework that embeds both blockchain and the green data center through an actual case study. While this book specifically focuses on agriculture, it also provides readers with a new perspective for thinking further on how to break down the disciplinary barriers between the social sciences and natural sciences. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of agriculture, digital technologies, circular economy, sustainable development, and Eastern philosophy.

Agricultural Involution: The Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia

by Clifford Geertz

Agricultural Involution: The Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia is one of the most famous of the early works of Clifford Geertz. It principal thesis is that many centuries of intensifying wet-rice cultivation in Indonesia had produced greater social complexity without significant technological or political change, a process Geertz terms "involution".Written for a US-funded project on the local developments and following the modernization theory of Walt Whitman Rostow, Geertz examines in this book the agricultural system in Indonesia and its two dominant forms of agriculture, swidden and sawah. In addition to researching its agricultural systems, the book turns to an examination of their historical development. Of particular note is Geertz's discussion of what he famously describes as the process of "agricultural involution" in Java, where both the external economic demands of the Dutch rulers and the internal pressures due to population growth led to intensification rather than change.

Agriculture as an Alternative Investment: The Status Quo and Future Perspectives (Contributions to Finance and Accounting)

by Stefano Gatti Carlo Chiarella Vitaliano Fiorillo

Under the pressure of climate and social changes, agriculture is called to play a fundamental role in the world food challenge of the next few decades. A severe reduction of arable land and water scarcity combined with a growing food demand, changes in the dietary preferences in many countries and, more recently, a growing threat to food security and logistics from supply chains interruptions and global trade fragmentation, all require the implementation of processes, techniques, and innovations able to increase productivity and make a better use of scarce resources.Against this backdrop, a growing number of investors and asset managers have started looking at agriculture as an interesting investment theme to exploit the long-term strategic opportunities emerging from technological innovation and social changes. The industry is undergoing a process of transformation driven, on the one hand, by the emergence of new data and technologies that promise enhancing process efficiency and improve yields and, on the other hand, by an increased attention on the GHG emissions of agricultural processes and the impact of farmland on climate change, water and land scarcity. All these factors call for a radical rethinking of many agriculture business models. This book provides a detailed overview and analysis of those new technologies with the greatest potential to disrupt agriculture products and processes by improving productivity and the management of food loss and waste, making a more efficient and sustainable use of resources and enhancing food security. Then, it discusses the implications for investors and asset managers, starting with an assessment of the status quo of agriculture investing and providing a thorough description of the agriculture asset class with an emphasis on its distinctive characteristics and the innovations in the technological processes used in agriculture and farming with the greatest potential to obtain long-term sustainable returns.

Agriculture, Recreation, Water Quality and Nature Protection in the Hula Valley, Israel: 70 years of a Mega-ecological Project (Springer Geography)

by Moshe Gophen

The anxious search for agricultural income resources, and assurance of the national water supply in the northern newly created state of Israel initiated the national project of the Hula Drainage. The implementation of this project was accompanied as of today by research and monitoring of the ecological trait aimed at crop harvest improvement in the Hula valley and prevention of water quality deterioration in Lake Kinneret. Forty years later a reclamation project to improve the peat soil property and renovate the hydrological system was carried out. This book documents the scientific research carried out during this mega-ecological project. Several issues of the ecological renovation and its impact on the Hula valley management and water quality in lake Kinneret are presented in this book. The advantage and contribution of a newly created shallow lake Agmon-Hula to nutrient dynamics, and hydrological control, accompanied by avian presence, (among others, Cranes, Storks, Pelicans, Flamingoes) and plants renewal which enhanced, tourism; potential impact of nitrogen and sulfate migration from the Hula valley on the Kinneret water quality; the role of climate change on the ecology of the Hula Valley and the Kinneret nutrient availabilities and phytoplankton community; the subterranean migration of water and nutrients and water loss. Further proposals for future development are under consideration. This book presents a comprehensive practical management implementation of a long-term ecological project. Results of scientific and monitoring research which followed the project implementation benefit the international and national communities.

Agroecology: Leading the Transformation to a Just and Sustainable Food System (Advances in Agroecology)

by Stephen R. Gliessman V. Ernesto Méndez Victor M. Izzo Eric W. Engles

Agroecology is at the forefront of transforming our food systems. This bestselling textbook provides the essential foundation for understanding this transformation in all its components: agricultural, ecological, economic, social, cultural, and political. It presents a case for food system change, explains the principles and practices underlying the ecological approach to food production, and lays out a vision for a food system based on equity and greater compatibility with the planet’s life support systems. New to the fourth edition: A chapter on Alternatives to Industrial Agriculture, covering the similarities and distinctions among different approaches to sustainable agriculture A chapter on Ecological Pest, Weed, and Disease Management A chapter on Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture A chapter on Agriculture and the Climate Crisis A revised analysis and critique of the food system’s embeddedness in the extractive capitalist world economy that reflects ideas in the emerging field of political agroecology. Streamlined treatment of agroecology’s foundations in ecological science, making the text more compatible with typical course curricula. A Companion Website incorporates the entire contents of the updated practical manual Field and Laboratory Investigations in Agroecology, split into student and lecturer resources. These 24 sample investigations facilitate hands-on learning that involves close observation, creative interpretation, and constant questioning of findings. Groundbreaking in its first edition and established as the definitive text in its second and third, the fourth edition of Agroecology captures recent developments in the field and forcefully applies the idea that agroecology is a science, a movement, and a practice. Written by a team of experts, this book will encourage students and practitioners to consider the critical importance of transitioning to a new paradigm for food and agriculture.

Air Quality Networks: Data Analysis, Calibration & Data Fusion (Environmental Informatics and Modeling)

by Saverio De Vito Kostas Karatzas Alena Bartonova Grazia Fattoruso

This volume offers expert contributions proposing new and recently set scientific standards for smart air quality (AQ) networks data processing, along with results obtained during field deployments of pervasive and mobile systems. The book is divided into 5 main sections; 1) future air quality networks, 2) general data processing techniques, 3) field deployments performances, 4) special applications, and 5) cooperative and regulatory efforts. The authors offer different sources of data for the production of trustworthy insights, including spatio-temporal predictive AQ maps meant to boost citizen awareness, and informed participation in remediation and prevention policies. Readers will learn about the best and most up-to-date practices for measuring and assessing air quality, while also learning about current regulatory statuses regarding air quality technology design and implementation. The book will be of interest to air quality regulatory agencies, citizen science groups, city authorities, and researchers and students working with air quality sensors and geostatistics.

Airplane Performance on Grass Airfields

by Jaroslaw A. Pytka

Airplane Performance on Grass Airfields presents an experiment-based approach to analysis and flight testing of airfield performance on grass runways. It discusses improvements for operations efficiency and safety of these airfields. The book analyzes the interaction between the landing gear wheels and the surface of a grass runways during both takeoff and landing. Considering the ground performance of an aircraft on a grass runway, the book covers test methods and devices for measuring performance and introduces an information system for the surface condition of grass airfields: GARFIELD. The system is based on a tire-grass interaction model and uses digital soil maps, as well as current meteorological data obtained from a weather server. The book is intended for researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of aviation and aircraft safety and performance.

¡Alerta!: Engineering on Shaky Ground

by Elizabeth Reddy

A lively account of a controversial technology developed to mitigate earthquake risk and change how we live with threatening environments.The Sistema de Alerta Sísmica Mexicano is the world&’s oldest public earthquake early warning system. Given the unpredictability of earthquakes, the technology was designed to give the people of Mexico City more than a minute to prepare before the next big quake hits. How does this kind of environmental monitoring technology get built in the first place? How does its life-saving promise align with reality? And who shapes modern risk mitigation? In ¡Alerta!, Elizabeth Reddy surveys this innovation to shed light on what it means to imagine a world where sirens could sound out an ¡alerta sísmica! at any moment—and what it would be like to live in such a world.Proponents of earthquake early warnings have long held that the technology can save lives and limit economic losses. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and archival data, Reddy conducts a thorough, qualitative analysis of these claims and considers the requirements and uses of the alert system. She embeds her study in a rich narrative of the engineers who designed the system in conjunction with contingent political and environmental conditions. The result demonstrates how addressing earthquake dangers is no small task: it means trying to change relationships between the environment, society, and technology. Doing so, she critiques universalist and techno-centric approaches to hazard risk mitigation and celebrates the potential of contextually appropriate and broadly supported efforts.¡Alerta! takes readers on a vivid journey into the world of Mexican earthquake risk mitigation, with critical insights for anthropologists and science and technology studies scholars, as well as specialists in the geosciences, engineering, and emergency management.

Algal Biofuel: Sustainable Solution

by Richa Kothari Vinayak V. Pathak V. V. Tyagi

Algal Biofuel: Sustainable Solution primarily focuses on the different aspects of bioenergy production using algal biomass as microalgae are considered the optimum feedstock for bioenergy production. The major aim is to thoroughly review the available bioenergy options, challenges in bioenergy production, availability of bioenergy feedstock, and biomass to bioenergy conversion process. This book also highlights the feasibility of lignocellulosic biomass, crop residues, and non-edible oil seeds for generation of different bioenergy products. It will be helpful for researchers and other stakeholders working in the area of bioenergy production for development of innovative concepts in emerging areas of bioenergy. Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan).

Algal Biotechnology (CABI Biotechnology Series)

by Yahui Bo Gao Chen Lei Chen Zhenfan Chen Zixi Chen Pengfei Cheng Feng Ge Jiameng Guo Sanjay Gupta Xiahui Hao Qingfang He Fan Hu Hanhua Hu Krishna Kumar Jaiswal Hu Jin Vinod Kumar Anping Lei Anna I. Kurbatova Chao Li Yanhua Li Hanzhi Lin Lu-Ning Liu Qiong Liu Yandu Lu Anastasios Melis Yufang Pan Vishal Rajput Roger Ruan Shengzhou Shan Kaitlin Simmons Xiaotong Song Xinyu Song Adamu Yunusa Ugya Mikhail S. Vlaskin Chun Wang Jiangxin Wang Jin Wang Xiaojun Yan Wenxiu Yin Weiwen Zhang Xiangxiang Zhang Xu Zhang Yu-Zhong Zhang Long-Sheng Zhao Quanyu Zhao Chengxu Zhou Yali Zhu Zhu Zhen Tian Jing Cao Xupeng

Algae are sunlight-driven cell factories, and can efficiently absorb CO2 and convert light energy to chemical energy such as lipid, starch and other carbohydrates and release O2. Algal feedstock is a promising resource for bioproduct production, given its high photosynthetic efficiency for producing biomass compared to conventional crops. Microalgae can be used for flue-gas and wastewater bioremediation. This book highlights recent breakthroughs in the multidisciplinary areas of algal biotechnology and the chapters feature recent developments from cyanobacteria to eukaryotic algae, from theoretical biology to applied biology. It also includes the latest advancements in algal-based synthetic biology, including metabolic engineering, artificial biological system construction and green chemicals production. With contributions by leading authorities in algal biotechnology research, it is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers in the field, and those involved in the study of photosynthesis and green-cell factories.

Algorithms and the Assault on Critical Thought: Digitalized Dilemmas of Automated Governance and Communitarian Practice (Routledge Series on Digital Spaces)

by Nancy Ettlinger

This book examines the digitalization of longstanding problems of technological advance that produce inequalities and automated governance, which relieves subjects of agency and critical thought, and prompts a need to weaponize thoughtfulness against technocratic designs. The book situates digital-era problems relative to those of previous sociotechnical milieux and argues that technical advance perennially embeds corrosive effects on social relations and relations of production, recognizing variation across contexts and relative to entrenched societal hierarchies of race and other axes of difference and their intersections. Societal tolerance, despite abundant evidence for harmful effects of digital technologies, requires attention. The book explains blindness to social injustice by technocratic thinking delivered through education as well as truths embraced in the data sciences coupled with governance in universities and the private sector that protect these truths from critique. Institutional inertia suggests benefits of communitarianism, which strives for change emanating from civil society. Scaling postcapitalist communitarian values through communitybased peer production presents opportunities. However, enduring problems require critical reflection, continual revision of strategies, and active participation among diverse community citizens. This book is written with critical geographic sensibilities for an interdisciplinary audience of scholars and graduate and undergraduate students in the social sciences, humanities, and data sciences.

Algorithms for Satellite Orbital Dynamics (Springer Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology)

by Lin Liu

This book highlights the fundamental physics of orbit theory, dynamical models, methods of orbit determination, design, measurement, adjustment, and complete calculations for the position, tracking, and prediction of satellites and deep spacecraft. It emphasizes specific methods, related mathematical calculations, and worked examples and exercises. Therefore, technicians and engineers in the aerospace industry can directly apply them to their practical work. Dedicated to undergraduate students and graduate students, researchers, and professionals in astronomy, physics, space science, and related aerospace industries, the book is an integrated work based on the accumulated knowledge in satellite orbit dynamics and the author’s more than five decades of personal research and teaching experience in astronomy and aerospace dynamics.

All of Creation: Understanding God’s Planet and How We Can Help

by Betsy Painter

From conservation to protecting endangered species to sustainable living, All of Creation offers young readers accessible and fascinating information on the challenges our planet faces and practical ways we can care for the magnificent world around us.Drawing on science and Scripture, this hope-filled and kid-friendly guide to planet Earth addresses our most pressing questions about caring for and respecting God's world, such as:What are the biggest challenges our planet faces, and what impact do they have on our lives?What guidance does the Bible offer to help us navigate environmental issues such as pollution, food shortages, and deforestation?What simple choices can we make to help restore and protect God's creation? Gorgeously detailed illustrations throughout highlight the beauty of the natural world, while practical tips and activities at the end of each chapter show how we can become better stewards of the Earth and support efforts that make a positive difference in the world.All of Creation is ideal for:Readers ages 8-12 who are interested in conservation and the environmentYoung people who want to get involved but don&’t know where to startGift-giving occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and other holidays

Alternative Planning History and Theory

by Dorina Pojani

This book includes twelve carefully commissioned chapters each of which presents an alternative planning history and theory written from the perspective of groups that have been historically marginalized or neglected. In teaching planning history and theory, many planning programs tend to follow the planning cannon - a normative perspective that mostly accounts for the experience of white, Anglo, Christian, middle class, middle aged, heterosexual, able-bodied, men. This book takes a unique approach. It provides alternative planning history and theory timelines for each of the following groups: women, the poor, LGBTQ+ communities, people with disabilities, older adults, children, religious minorities, people of color, migrants, Indigenous people, and colonized peoples (in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Anglophone Africa). To allow for easy cross-comparison, chapters follow a similar chronological structure, which extends from the late 19th century into the present. The authors provide insights into the core planning issues in each time period, and review the different stances and critiques. The book is a must-read for planning students and instructors. Each chapter includes the following pedagogical features: (1) a boxed case study which presents a recent example of positive change to showcase theory in practice; (2) a table which lays out an alternative planning history and theory timeline for the group covered in the chapter; and (3) suggestions for further study comprising non-academic sources such as books, websites, and films.

Alternative Water Sources for Producing Potable Water: Advances in Research & Technology (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry #124)

by Tamim Younos Juneseok Lee Tammy E. Parece

During the third decade of the 21st century, communities across the world are being challenged with water scarcity both in rural and urban areas. Another significant problem is the energy demand for producing potable water. Our recent book “Resilient Water Management Strategies in Urban Settings: Innovations in Decentralized Water Infrastructure Systems” (Springer; 2022) introduced various facets of decentralized water infrastructure and the significant need for a shift toward using locally available alternative water sources. The proposed volume will expand on the concept and use of alternative water sources; rainwater, stormwater, wastewater/greywater, saline waters, and atmospheric water. Use of alternative water sources for potable purposes is a critical emerging research and technology area. In our knowledge such a book does not exist at this time. This volume will be a significant resource for researchers and graduate level teaching, and serve as a roadmap for water resource engineers and planners tackling water scarcity and diverse water resources portfolios.

Amazing Oceans: The Surprising World of Our Incredible Seas (DK Amazing Earth)

by Annie Roth

Go on an underwater adventure in this detailed look at our oceans&’ most fascinating places, plants and animals.This fascinating book will take children beyond the seaweed, sharks, and shells that you have seen many times before, and show you the secret world that lies in and around our amazing oceans. This ocean book for children aged 7-9 delves into facts about our marine environments that most people don&’t know. Dive into the deepest sea trench ever discovered, marvel at immortal anemones, and learn how devastating water tornadoes form. Kids can ponder at a whole range of topics, from unique ocean habitats, newly-discovered creatures, marine mysteries, and the exciting world of ocean exploration.This educational ocean book for kids offers: Enticing information on the most incredible ocean features, explaining how they work, why they are unusual, and what is amazing about them.Detailed diagrams, maps and charts that bring the beauty, science or geography of each topic to life.Spectacular photography, including incredible satellite images and mind-boggling microscope photos, to maximize the impact of each topic.Have you ever wondered how big the oceans actually are? Or how animals communicate in the water? Or how plants are able to grow in the sea? This book answers those questions, and many, many more. Amazing Oceans is the ideal book for inquisitive kids aged 7 and above, and especially those with a passion for wildlife, science, or geography. With in-depth information, vivid photographs and illustrations, children can get to know the most incredible environments on Earth.

Amazonian Mammals: Current Knowledge and Conservation Priorities

by Wilson R. Spironello Adrian A. Barnett Jessica W. Lynch Paulo E. D. Bobrowiec Sarah A. Boyle

The mammal fauna of the Brazilian Amazon is one of the most diverse on Earth with over 450 known species. Bringing together more than 70 of the world’s top experts on Amazonian mammals, this book unites, for the first time, up-to-date data on the current state of knowledge on the ecology of all groups of non-rodent mammals in the Brazilian Amazon, analyses the effectiveness of current conservation programmes and identifies research and conservation priorities for the future.

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