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by Elizabeth Horodowich Alexander Nagel

A connected world as imagined by early modern European artists, mapmakers, and writers, where Asia and the Americas were on a continuumAmerica and Asia mingled in the geographical and cultural imagination of Europe for well over a century after 1492. Through an array of texts, maps, objects, and images produced between 1492 and 1700, this compelling and revelatory study immerses the reader in a vision of a world where Mexico really was India, North America was an extension of China, and South America was marked by a variety of biblical and Asian sites. It asks, further: What does it mean that the Amerasian worldview predominated at a time when Europe itself was coming into cultural self-definition? Each of the chapters focuses on a particular artifact, map, image, or book that illuminates aspects of Amerasia from specific European cultural milieus. Amerasia shows how it was possible to inhabit a world where America and Asia were connected either imaginatively when viewed from afar, or in reality when traveling through the newly encountered lands. Readers will learn why early modern maps regularly label Mexico as India, why the “Amazonas” region was named after a race of Asian female warriors, and why artifacts and manuscripts that we now identify as Indian and Chinese are entangled in European collections with what we now label Americana.Elizabeth Horodowich and Alexander Nagel pose a dynamic model of the world and of Europe’s place in it that was eclipsed by the rise of Eurocentric colonialist narratives in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. To rediscover this history is an essential part of coming to terms with the emergent polyfocal global reality of our own time.

American Agriculture, Water Resources, and Climate Change (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Gary D. Libecap and and Ariel Dinar

A collection of the most advanced and authoritative agricultural-economic research in the face of increasing water scarcity. Agriculture has been critical in the development of the American economy. Except in parts of the western United States, water access has not been a critical constraint on agricultural productivity, but with climate change, this may no longer be the case. This volume highlights new research on the interconnections between American agriculture, water resources, and climate change. It examines climatic and geologic factors that affect the agricultural sector and highlights historical and contemporary farmer responses to varying conditions and water availability. It identifies the potential effects of climate change on water supplies, access, agricultural practices, and profitability, and analyzes technological, agronomic, management, and institutional adjustments. Adaptations such as new crops, production practices, irrigation technologies, water conveyance infrastructure, fertilizer application, and increased use of groundwater can generate both social benefits and social costs, which may be internalized with various institutional innovations. Drawing on both historical and present experiences, this volume provides valuable insights into the economics of water supply in American agriculture as climate change unfolds.

American Burial Ground: A New History of the Overland Trail (America in the Nineteenth Century)

by Sarah Keyes

In popular mythology, the Overland Trail is typically a triumphant tale, with plucky easterners crossing the Plains in caravans of covered wagons. But not everyone reached Oregon and California. Some 6,600 migrants perished along the way and were buried where they fell, often on Indigenous land. As historian Sarah Keyes illuminates, their graves ultimately became the seeds of U.S. expansion.By the 1850s, cholera epidemics, ordinary diseases, and violence had remade the Trail into an American burial ground that imbued migrant deaths with symbolic power. In subsequent decades, U.S. officials and citizens leveraged Trail graves to claim Native ground. Meanwhile, Indigenous peoples pointed to their own sacred burial grounds to dispute these same claims and maintain their land. These efforts built on anti-removal campaigns of the 1820s and 30s, which had established the link between death and territorial claims on which the significance of the Overland Trail came to rest.In placing death at the center of the history of the Overland Trail, American Burial Ground offers a sweeping and long overdue reinterpretation of this historic touchstone. In this telling, westward migration was a harrowing journey weighed down by the demands of caring for the sick and dying. From a tale of triumph comes one of struggle, defined as much by Indigenous peoples’ actions as it was by white expansion. And, finally, from a migration to the Pacific emerges instead a trail of graves. Graves that ultimately undergirded Native dispossession.

American Colonial Spaces in the Philippines: Insular Empire (Routledge Research in Historical Geography)

by Scott Kirsch

American Colonial Spaces in the Philippines tells the story of U.S. colonialists who attempted, in the first decades of the twentieth century, to build an enduring American empire in the Philippines through the production of space. From concrete interventions in infrastructure, urban planning, and built environments to more abstract projects of mapping and territorialization, the book traces the efforts of U.S. Insular Government agents to make space for empire in the Philippines through forms of territory, map, landscape, and road, and how these spaces were understood as solutions to problems of colonial rule. Through the lens of space, the book offers an original history of a highly transformative, but largely misunderstood or forgotten, imperial moment, when the Philippine archipelago, made up of thousands of islands and an ethnically and religiously diverse population of more than seven million, became the unlikely primary setting for U.S. experimentation with formal colonial governance. Telling that story around key figures including Cameron Forbes, Daniel Burnham, Dean Worcester, and William Howard Taft, the book provides distinctive chapters dedicated to spaces of territory (sovereignty), maps (knowledge), landscape (aesthetics), and roads (circulation), suggesting new and integrative historical geographical approaches. This book will be of interest to students of Cultural, Historical, and Political Geography, American History, American Studies, Philippine Studies, Southeast Asia/Philippines; Asian Studies as well as general readers interested in these areas.

America’s Water Crises: The Impact of Drought and Climate Change

by David E. McNabb Carl R. Swenson

This book is focused exclusively on water problems in the 48 U.S. states. The authors provide an accessible overview of the work of many federal, state and academic researchers and water system administrators whose investigations have focused on the state of water and the water crisis now accelerating in the United States. David McNabb and Carl Swenson seek to bring to a wider audience some of the current research findings and data on the perilous state of the United States’ surface and groundwater resources during this time of climate change and the extreme drought taking place in many sections of the nation. Descriptions of the water resource systems are based on research and the subsequent findings published by water scientists in the United States Geological Survey, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Corps of Engineers and water related agencies of the Departments of Agriculture and of the Interior and state and local water management agencies.

Among Tigers: Fighting to Bring Back Asia's Big Cats

by K. Ullas Karanth

Today ten times more tigers live in captivity than survive in the wild. For over five decades, K. Ullas Karanth has been engaged in the struggle to bring wild tigers back from the brink in India, their last remaining wild stronghold. He tells the story of the tiger itself—its incredible biology, its critical role in shaping natural ecosystems of Asia, and the unique place it holds in our collective imagination.Among Tigers is the story of how we wound up with fewer than 5,000 wild tigers, and how, with focused efforts we can grow that population ten times or more in a few decades. In doing so, we would bring not only the world's largest and most beloved feline back from the brink, but also save countless other species that share the tigers habitats from the freezing forests of Siberia to the tropics of India. Karanth shares the adventurous real-life story of his quest to save a species and, along the way, the hopeful realization that tiger conservation is a battle that can be won.Ultimately, the book is a roadmap showing us how to not only to save the greatest of great cats, but to bring it roaring back at numbers never before seen in our lifetimes.

Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie: Eine praxisbezogene Einführung

by Jürgen Thomas Thomas Gemming

Das Buch wendet sich an alle, egal ob im Studium, in technischen Berufen, oder in der Wissenschaft, die die sich für die analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie interessieren und einen Überblick über diese Methode erhalten möchten. Insbesondere betrifft dies Personen, die an einem Transmissionselektronenmikroskop arbeiten wollen oder müssen, die aber noch keine spezielle elektronenmikroskopische Ausbildung durchlaufen haben. Das Buch basiert auf den Erfahrungen der Autoren bei der Unterrichtung von Studierenden, Promovierenden und in technischen Berufen Tätigen. Der Überblick über die analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie umfasst die Schwerpunkte Optische Abbildung, Elektronenwellen, magnetische Linsen, Abbildungsfehler, Aufbau eines Transmissionselektronenmikroskops, Präparation dünner Proben, Justage des Mikroskops, Elektronenbeugung, Kontrastentstehung, Höchstauflösungselektronenmikroskopie, Rastertransmissionselektronenmikroskopie sowie Analytik mittels energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie und Elektronenenergieverlust-Spektroskopie. Ein mathematischer Anhang erklärt grundlegende Formalismen zur Thematik.

Anammox Technology in Industrial Wastewater Treatment

by Maulin P. Shah

Ammonia in wastewater causes the eutrophication of water bodies and the subsequent depletion of dissolved oxygen. In addition, certain forms of nitrogen such as ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are highly toxic to aquatic life. Although there are several biological and physical–chemical techniques for the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen compounds, including air stripping and breakpoint chlorination, which have been widely applied, a microbiological or microbe-based approach is attractive because it is based on sustainable technologies. In this regard, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria have recently gained great interest, specifically in wastewater treatment plants for the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen especially, owing to its relatively low capital cost, eco-friendliness, and high efficiency when compared with conventional cleanup technologies. This book provides specific and advanced knowledge on the microbial ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and their diversity and functions in the treatment of toxic pollutants present in wastewater. The book thus serves as a valuable resource for engineers, scientists, and managers who require an excellent introductory and advanced knowledge of the field, professionals who are working or interested in the environmental microbiology or bioremediation field, and students learning about environmental biotechnology and microbiology.

The Anatomy of Inclusive Cities: Insight into Migrants in Selected Capital Cities of Southern Africa (Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City)

by Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha-Chipungu Lovemore Chipungu

Creating cities inclusive of immigrants in Southern Africa is both a balancing act and a protracted process that requires positive attitudes informed by accommodative institutional frameworks. This book revolves around two key contemporary issues that cities around the globe are trying to achieve – viz. the need to build inclusive cities and the need to accommodate immigrants. The search for building inclusive cities is an on-going challenge which most cities are grappling with. This challenge is complicated by the need to include immigrants who are always side-lined by policies of host countries. This book discusses the host–immigrant interface by providing a detailed insight of anchors of inclusive cities and a holistic picture of who immigrants are. These are then discussed contextually within the Southern African region, where insight into selected cities is provided to some depth using empirical evidence. The discussion on inclusive cities and immigrants is a universal narrative targeting practitioners and students in town and regional planning, urban studies, urban politics, migration and international relations. The Southern African region once more provides an opportunity to further interrogate and understand the dynamics of immigration in selected cities. This book will also be of interest to policy makers dealing with challenges of inclusivity in the light of immigrants.

The Ancient Worlds Atlas (DK Pictorial Atlases)

by DK

From the first cities of Sumer to the empire of the Incas, travel around the world and through 5,000 years of history in this illustrated guide to see where and how ancient peoples lived.From North America to New Zealand, this book takes you on a trip around the world and through history to visit ancient cities and empires, showing who lived where and explaining the unique features of each civilization.The Ancient Worlds Atlas is a pictorial guide to past civilizations, covering big history topics for curious kids aged 9-12 years. What was it like to live in the crowded city of Rome? Why did the Egyptians build pyramids? When did Samurai warriors first ride into battle? How did sailors first navigate the Pacific Ocean? Which Chinese emperor has a palace with 1,000 bedrooms? Find out the answers to these fascinating questions and much more in this lavishly illustrated guide to past civilizations. This fascinating children&’s book about ancient civilizations contains: - A visual guide to where our forebears lived, putting their lifestyles into context of where they lived and at what time.- An engaging, fact-packed, and educational book for children - especially those interested in history, ethnography, archaeology, and classics.- A timeline at the end of the book which traces the major events, battles, people, and inventions covered in the guide.- A stunning, retro illustration style combined with modern fonts that creates a fun and unique approach to this topic.Russell Barnett&’s hand-drawn illustrations literally put the past on map, showing where and why the world&’s great cities grew and how archaeological evidence has provided clues to the past. With stunning illustrations throughout, this large format book makes an appealing gift for young historians that will take pride of place on any bookshelf.

Andean Meltdown: A Climate Ethnography of Water, Power, and Culture in Peru

by Karsten Paerregaard

Andean Meltdown examines how climate change and its consequences for Peru's glaciers are affecting the country's water supply and impacting Andean society and culture in unprecedented ways. Drawing on forty years of extensive research, relationship building, and community engagement in Peru, Karsten Paerregaard provides an ethnographic exploration of Andean ritual practices and performances in the context of an altered climate. By documenting Andean peoples' responses to rapid glacier retreat and urgent water shortages, Paerregaard considers the myriad ways climate change intersects with environmental, social, and political change. A pathbreaking contribution to cultural anthropology and environmental humanities, Andean Meltdown challenges prevailing theoretical thinking about the culture-nature nexus and offers a new perspective on Andean peoples' understanding of their role as agents in the shifting relationship between humans and nonhumans.

Angewandte Geodatenanalyse und -Modellierung: Eine Einführung in die Geostatistik für Geowissenschaftler und Geoingenieure (erfolgreich studieren)

by Jörg Benndorf

Die Fähigkeit, räumlich verteilte Daten zu analysieren und die darunterliegenden Prozesse und Strukturen zu verstehen und zu modellieren, ist in vielen Anwendungen der Geowissenschaften und des Geoingenieurwesens maßgebende Grundlage für weiterführende Arbeiten in der Erkenntnisgewinnung oder Planung/Projektierung. Das Fachgebiet der Geostatistik stellt dazu einen umfangreichen Pool an Methoden zur Verfügung, der sich fortwährend erweitert. Das vorliegende Buch ermöglicht sowohl dem Studierenden als auch dem Praktiker einen intuitiven Einstieg in die Grundlagen, Methoden und Anwendungen der Geostatistik. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf einer kurzen und prägnanten Darstellung von Schlüsselkonzepten, der kritischen Diskussion von Annahmen und Limitationen sowie der Illustration von Anwendungen anhand ausgewählter praktischer Beispiele. Übungsaufgaben bieten die Möglichkeit zur Vertiefung des Verständnisses sowie zur Selbstüberprüfung. An entsprechenden Textstellen sind Hinweise zu weiterführender Literatur gegeben. Nach erfolgreichem Studium des Buches gelingt es dem Leser, sich selbstständig in fortgeschrittene Aspekte der angewandten Geostatistik einzuarbeiten.

Animal Biodiversity and Conservation in Brazil's Northern Atlantic Forest

by Gentil Alves Pereira Filho Frederico Gustavo Rodrigues França Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves Alexandre Vasconcellos

This book describes the fauna of the Pernambuco Endemism Center in Brazil's Northern Atlantic Forest, an understudied global biodiversity hotspot. Through fifteen curated chapters, it provides the latest information about the fauna of the northern portion of the Atlantic Forest, gathering important information about the faunal composition of the region for the first time. The chapters address animal biodiversity including terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) and invertebrates (ants, butterflies, dung beetles, hervestmen, spiders, and termites). All chapters provide species lists, taxonomic aspects and richness analysis. Conservation of specific animal groups is also discussed. Finally, the book discusses human impacts on the forest and its biodiversity, emphasizing the need for conservation of this highly impacted ecosystem.

Animal Talk: All the Incredible Ways that Animals Communicate (Wonders of Wildlife )

by Dr Michael Leach Meriel Lland

This animal book explores the many clever and creative ways animals communicate with each other, from head-turning howls to jaw-dropping dances.For many animals, communicating is as important to their life chances as finding food and water. Animal Talk is a brilliant introduction to ingenious communication strategies in the natural world.Whether it's releasing a cloud of ink to confuse, roaring to intimidate, dancing to attract a mate or howling to locate one another, the range of messaging methods in the natural world is quite astonishing (and sometimes quite disgusting!). Perfect for children aged 7–9, the animal book is filled with intriguing illustrations and spectacular photographs of the amazing, obscure, and unusual. You'll never look at nature the same way again!This captivating animal book for children offers: - A fascinating array of animal communications from a wide variety of different species for children aged 7-9.- Expertly written text and accompanying images to clearly explain each animal communication.- Several sections which break down different animal themes, such as sounds, scents, and signals to make the content easy to understand.- Incredible facts about how animals communicate – including how elephants communicate over huge distances by listening through the soles of their feet, how whales communicate through song, and more.Meet birds and spiders who dance to attract a mate, vultures that are sick on their own food to put off other animals, lions who roar at rival prides to test out their strength, and many more. Animal Talk is a must-have for the animal-obsessed, as well as making an interesting resource for school and libraries. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why not complete the collection?If you liked Animal Talk and finding out about the creative ways that animals communicate with each other, why not check out the other intriguing animal title in the series? How Not To Get Eaten is a book about the many clever ways animals protect themselves from predators in the wild!

Animal Welfare in World Religion: Teaching and Practice

by Joyce D'Silva

This unique and readable book examines the relationship between religion and animal welfare, taking a detailed dive into the teachings and practices of the major world religions. While there are many books expounding the beliefs of the major religions and many about the rights and welfare of animals, there are few linking the two. With each chapter focusing on one of the five major religions – Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism – the book explores the beliefs and practices which drive our relationship with and treatment of animals. The book draws on the scriptures of the major faiths and includes the voices of leading historical religious figures and contemporary faith leaders. In doing so, it compares the teachings of old with contemporary practices and showcases the impact of the major religions on both the protection and exploitation of animals, from running animal sanctuaries, to participating in or condoning cruel sports and factory farming. Importantly, the book also includes a chapter looking beyond the major world religions, where it examines a wider range of beliefs and practices, including Indigenous peoples from the USA and Australia, Jainism, Sikhism and Rastafarianism, to provide fascinating insights into another range of beliefs and views on the human-animal relationship. Overall, this book challenges and encourages religious leaders and followers to re-examine their teachings and to prioritise the well-being of animals. This book is essential reading for those interested in the role of religion in animal welfare, human-animal studies, and animal welfare and ethics more broadly.

An Anthology of Our Extraordinary Earth (DK Children's Anthologies)

by Cally Oldershaw

Explore the beauty and majesty of planet Earth in this compendium, with more than 100 incredible stories and images.The world is so much more complex than young minds can fathom, from molten-hot rock and smoldering volcanoes to icy glaciers and bubbling springs. This book about the Earth for kids aged 7+ unlocks all the mysteries of our living, breathing planet.An Anthology of Our Extraordinary Earth looks at our constantly changing planet, with striking images and scientific ideas that are easy for children to understand. Starting at the center of the Earth, the book examines each layer in forensic detail: from Earth&’s metallic core, drilling through Earth&’s tough crust until emerging out onto the planet&’s surface, with its lush green rainforests, sparkling oceans, and snow-capped mountains, before sailing up into Earth&’s airy atmosphere.This detailed planet Earth book for kids offers: - More than 100 stories about planet Earth, from snowflakes to cave pearls, each one accompanied by a photograph and delightful illustration.- Creative photography that presents planet Earth in surprising and remarkable ways, capturing nature in action or showing intriguing features up close.- Beautiful gold foil, gilded edges, and a ribbon for keeping your place.- In-depth feature pages that examine each layer of Earth.This striking book won&’t fail to excite budding geologists, geographers, environmentalists, and all-round planet Earth enthusiasts everywhere. With foil on the cover, gilded edges, and a ribbon for keeping your place, this Earth book makes an attractive gift for any child who is fascinated by our planet. With engaging information and absorbing images, this anthology is great for children to explore by themselves or for bedtime stories.More in the SeriesAn Anthology of Our Extraordinary Earth is part of DK&’s beautiful and informative Anthology series. Complete the series and nurture your child's curiosity as they explore the natural world with The Wonders of Nature, let them walk with the dinosaurs who ruled the Earth before them in Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life, or dive into the deep with An Anthology of Aquatic Life.

Anthropogenic Environmental Hazards: Compensation and Mitigation

by Pankaj Pathak Rajiv Ranjan Srivastava Sadia Ilyas

This book delves into the anthropogenic activities responsible for environmental hazards, their compensation, and potential mitigation strategies. It sheds light on the major contributors to the climate change issues aggravated by non-sustainable practices for the overexploitation of natural resources. Critical topics such as high emissions in primary mining, the recovery of energy-critical metals by urban mining, solid waste management, and forest conservation are explored, offering insights into the urgent challenges we face.Amidst the rapid demand for resources and the expansion of human habitats, the book emphasizes the need for new approaches to natural resource management and introspection of our actions. Experts in the field discuss existing anthropogenic environmental hazards in detail, alongside environmental compensation, and effective mitigation approaches.The book begins with a chapter dedicated to risk assessment in primary mining activities for precious metals, proposing potential routes for mitigation. Chapter 2 focuses on assessing and mitigating the environmental footprints of energy-critical metals used in permanent magnets. In Chapter 3, a case study examines sustainable resource utilization through end-of-life room air conditioner recycling. Additional chapters provide critical insights into:The environmental impacts of e-waste and government policies for responsible managementHazards associated with industrial effluents and corresponding mitigation strategiesThe role of roadside plants in phytoremediation of heavy metal pollutionSustainable utilization of anthropogenic coal fly ash through mechanical and chemical activationEnvironmental damages resulting from the mismanagement of municipal solid wasteEnvironmental problems and remediation strategies for anthropogenic biomass wasteChallenges in sustainable municipal solid waste management and suggestions for environmental risk mitigation The book concludes with a chapter discussing collaborative governance and non-monetary compensation mechanisms for sustainable forest management. Given its breadth, this book serves as an indispensable resource for researchers, policymakers, and environmental professionals seeking sustainable approaches to tackle pressing environmental challenges.

Anti-Consumption: Exploring the Opposition to Consumer Culture (Routledge Studies in Critical Marketing)

by Hélène Cherrier Michael S W Lee

In this edited volume, the leading scholars in the field engage with consumers, marketers, corporations and policymakers as well as space dynamics and network formation to provide an in-depth examination of anti-consumption: a voluntary behavioural inclination to minimise rather than grow, to decelerate and simplify and to reduce the unnecessary exploitation of resources fuelled by consumer culture. This book does not place anti-consumption on the high moral ground but rather demonstrates its complexity to spur innovative and critical thinking on how people, organisations, businesses and governments can treat consumption more as a necessity for survival than as a tool for self-expression, pleasure and economic growth. The first part of this book looks at anti-consumption from a diversity of perspectives. It analyses voluntary simplicity, a self-motivated engagement in consumption reduction, and boycotting, a politically-motivated reaction against unacceptable corporate practices, as distinct manifestations of anti-consumption that nonetheless remain rooted in the logic of the market. Paving the way to critical perspectives on the interface between anti-consumption, people and the environment, the second part of the book projects anti-consumption to issues of waste production and provides possible answers to global challenges of resources depletion, social inequalities and global warming. In this section, anti-consumption is critically assessed as an actor of change, both in terms of social change and paradigm change. To move the field forward, the third part of this book presents several theoretical frameworks that help set a roadmap for future research. Anti-Consumption will be of direct interest to scholars and researchers within the fields of marketing, consumer research, business studies, environmental studies and sustainability. It will also be of value to those researching the economics and/or sociology of markets.

AP Human Geography Flashcards, Fifth Edition: Up-to-Date Review (Barron's AP)

by Meredith Marsh Ph.D. Peter S. Alagona

Be prepared for exam day with Barron&’s. Trusted content from AP experts!Barron&’s AP Human Geography Flashcards includes 500 + up-to-date content review cards. Written by Experienced Educators Learn from Barron&’s--all content is written and reviewed by AP expertsBuild your understanding with review tailored to the most recent exam Be Confident on Exam DayStrengthen your knowledge with in-depth review covering all units on the AP Human Geography exam Find specific concepts quickly and easily with cards organized by topic Check out Barron&’s AP Human Geography Premium for even more review, full-length practice tests, and access to Barron&’s Online Learning Hub for a timed test option and automated scoring.

The Apatani Way of Life: Shaping a Culture Through Bamboo, Cane and Land Use

by Ritu Varuni

This book celebrates the heritage of the distinctive Apatani community of the north-eastern Himalayan state of Arunachal Pradesh in India. It explores the fascinating indigenous knowledge of field and forest and a uniquely sustainable and enduring way of life that continues to evolve in the modern context. The book tells the story of how a material culture was shaped around bamboo and cane resources and nurtured by a strong community spirit and spirituality that transcended the human world and maintained an unbroken ethos of conservation through time. It highlights the eco-sensitive lifestyle of this unique community and presents an in-depth analysis of the Apatani tradition of the exemplary use of natural resources. Through this engrossing detailed study, the author observes how bamboo houses are built in three days, fish cultivated in a rice field and a single river used for millennia to feed an entire community. She highlights the triumph of the human spirit in engineering a cultural landscape out of a swamp, and how peaceful co-existence with nature can withstand the trials of time. Part autobiographical and powerfully personal, this book is a primer on sustainable living as practice. It will be of interest to researchers and students of tribal and Himalayan vernacular architecture, traditional bamboo-cane craft, urban ecology and geography, cultural studies, and sustainability. It will also attract general readership while being academically useful for anthropologists, sociologists, botanists, ecologists and environmentalists.

The Application of Lake Sediments for Climate Studies (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

by Praveen K. Mishra

The book discusses a comprehensive overview of various limnological approaches for climate studies, and sheds light on a multi-dimensional approach (i.e., field, laboratory, and data analysis; modern investigations; proxy development/calibration; proxy interpretation; and validation of climate models with proxy data) for climate reconstruction. The study highlighted the utilization of lake sediment as an archive for paleoclimate research. With the help of several case studies from around the globe (Israel, India, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Tibet, China and Europe), this brief provides a unique way to understand the implication of the methodological framework for climate studies. The book emphasizes the importance of field-based modern investigations to establish baseline characteristics of lake basins according to changes in environmental conditions. It also unveils the role of paleoclimate studies in climate model validation to forecast future climate variability. The book is a valuable resource for early career researchers interested in climate studies especially those using lake sediments as climate archive.

Application of Machine Learning in Slope Stability Assessment

by Zhang Wengang Liu Hanlong Wang Lin Zhu Xing Zhang Yanmei

This book focuses on the application of machine learning in slope stability assessment. The contents include: overview of machine learning approaches, the mainstream smart in-situ monitoring techniques, the applications of the main machine learning algorithms, including the supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi- supervised learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, ensemble learning, etc., in slope engineering and landslide prevention, introduction of the smart in-situ monitoring and slope stability assessment based on two well-documented case histories, the prediction of slope stability using ensemble learning techniques, the application of Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network and Prophet Algorithm in Slope Displacement Prediction, displacement prediction of Jiuxianping landslide using gated recurrent unit (GRU) networks, seismic stability analysis of slopes subjected to water level changes using gradient boosting algorithms, efficient reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils using XGBoost, efficient time-variant reliability analysis of Bazimen landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area using XGBoost and LightGBM algorithms, as well as the future work recommendation.The authors also provided their own thoughts learnt from these applications as well as work ongoing and future recommendations.

Application of Machine Learning Models in Agricultural and Meteorological Sciences

by Mohammad Ehteram Akram Seifi Fatemeh Barzegari Banadkooki

This book is a comprehensive guide for agricultural and meteorological predictions. It presents advanced models for predicting target variables. The different details and conceptions in the modelling process are explained in this book. The models of the current book help better agriculture and irrigation management. The models of the current book are valuable for meteorological organizations. Meteorological and agricultural variables can be accurately estimated with this book's advanced models. Modelers, researchers, farmers, students, and scholars can use the new optimization algorithms and evolutionary machine learning to better plan and manage agriculture fields. Water companies and universities can use this book to develop agricultural and meteorological sciences. The details of the modeling process are explained in this book for modelers. Also this book introduces new and advanced models for predicting hydrological variables. Predicting hydrological variables help water resource planning and management. These models can monitor droughts to avoid water shortage. And this contents can be related to SDG6, clean water and sanitation. The book explains how modelers use evolutionary algorithms to develop machine learning models. The book presents the uncertainty concept in the modeling process. New methods are presented for comparing machine learning models in this book. Models presented in this book can be applied in different fields. Effective strategies are presented for agricultural and water management. The models presented in the book can be applied worldwide and used in any region of the world. The models of the current books are new and advanced. Also, the new optimization algorithms of the current book can be used for solving different and complex problems. This book can be used as a comprehensive handbook in the agricultural and meteorological sciences. This book explains the different levels of the modeling process for scholars.

Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences (Special Publications of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics #5)

by Alik Ismail-Zadeh Fabio Castelli Dylan Jones Sabrina Sanchez

Many contemporary problems within the Earth sciences are complex, and require an interdisciplinary approach. This book provides a comprehensive reference on data assimilation and inverse problems, as well as their applications across a broad range of geophysical disciplines. With contributions from world leading researchers, it covers basic knowledge about geophysical inversions and data assimilation and discusses a range of important research issues and applications in atmospheric and cryospheric sciences, hydrology, geochronology, geodesy, geodynamics, geomagnetism, gravity, near-Earth electron radiation, seismology, and volcanology. Highlighting the importance of research in data assimilation for understanding dynamical processes of the Earth and its space environment and for predictability, it summarizes relevant new advances in data assimilation and inverse problems related to different geophysical fields. Covering both theory and practical applications, it is an ideal reference for researchers and graduate students within the geosciences who are interested in inverse problems, data assimilation, predictability, and numerical methods.

Applications of Percolation Theory (Applied Mathematical Sciences #213)

by Muhammad Sahimi

The first edition of this book was published in 1994. Since then considerable progress has been made in both theoretical developments of percolation theory, and in its applications. The 2nd edition of this book is a response to such developments. Not only have all of the chapters of the 1st edition been completely rewritten, reorganized, and updated all the way to 2022, but also 8 new chapters have been added that describe extensive new applications, including biological materials, networks and graphs, directed percolation, earthquakes, geochemical processes, and large-scale real world problems, from spread of technology to ad-hoc mobile networks.

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