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Engineering Research Methodology: A Practical Insight For Researchers (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #153)

by Dipankar Deb Rajeeb Dey Valentina E. Balas

The book covers all the important aspects of research methodology, and addresses the specific requirements of engineering students, such as methods and tools, in detail. It also discusses effective research in engineering today, which requires the ability to undertake literature reviews utilizing different online databases, to attribute credit for any prior work mentioned, to respect intellectual property rights while simultaneously maintaining ethics in research, and much more. Further, the book also considers soft skills like research management and planning, dealing with criticism in research and presentation skills, which are all equally important and need to include in research methodology education. Lastly, it provides the technical knowhow needed to file patents in academia, an important area that is often ignored in research methodology books. The book is a particularly valuable resource for PhD students in India and South East Asia, as research methodology is a part of their coursework.

Getting More Out of Restorative Practice in Schools: Practical Approaches to Improve School Wellbeing and Strengthen Community Engagement

by Margaret Thorsborne Nancy Riestenberg Gillean McCluskey Fania Davis Sue Attrill Beverley Turner Carole Edgerton Lyndsay Broadfoot Samia Farooq Sharon Fitzpatrick Kerri Berkowitz Cindy Zwicky David Yusem Terence Bevington Katie Cebula Annie O’Shaughnessy Denise Quinlan Anna Gregory Nathan Wallis Sara Davis Michael Friedman Jim McGrath Julia Hennessy Nici Nixon

Restorative practice (RP) has been successfully implemented in schools for decades and is primarily associated with improving behaviour and relationships, by changing the culture of problem solving in the school. However, it has huge untapped potential to support initiatives in other areas, and this book provides examples of how RP can enhance the effectiveness of these other practices.Split into three sections, the book first looks at implementation, readiness and evaluation. It then covers integrating RP with, and linking RP into, other issues relevant to schools such as trauma, poverty, and mindfulness, and finally shows how to work well with parents and families. The book gives proven strategies for measuring success and evaluating effectiveness. Overall, it provides insight into a variety of issues RP can help schools with, and addresses them in practical ways to help schools implement restorative practice to its full potential.

Stressbewältigung: Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Gert Kaluza

Mit diesem Kursleiter-Manual werden Sie fit für die Durchführung des psychologischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogramms "Gelassen und sicher im Stress". Es wird seit über 20 Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt und von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen als geprüfte Präventionsmaßnahme gefördert. In Teil I finden Sie Hintergrundwissen aus der Stressforschung: kompakt, fundiert und verständlich. Teil II enthält Trainingsbausteine in 4 Trainings- und 5 Ergänzungsmodulen: (1) Entspannungstraining: entspannen und loslassen. (2) Mentaltraining: förderliche Denkweisen und Einstellungen entwickeln. (3) Problemlösetraining: Stresssituationen wahrnehmen, annehmen und verändern. (4) Genusstraining: erholen und genießen. (5) Ergänzungsmodule zu Stressbewältigung durch Sport und Bewegung, Pflege des sozialen Netzes, Zielklärung, gesunden Umgang mit der Zeit und der 4xA-Strategie für den Akutfall.Aus dem Inhalt: Didaktische Hinweise für eine kompetente Durchführung des Trainings – abwechslungsreiche Gestaltung durch viele Übungen – Teilnehmerunterlagen, die informieren und motivieren – alle Trainingsmaterialien im Buch stehen zum Ausdrucken für Teilnehmer online zur Verfügung.Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Gert Kaluza ist psychologischer Psychotherapeut und als Trainer, Coach und Autor im Bereich der individuellen und betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung tätig. Nach über 20jähriger Tätigkeit an Universitäten gründete er 2002 sein eigenes Fortbildungs- und Trainingsinstitut, das GKM-Institut für Gesundheitspsychologie.

Designing Instruction For Open Sharing

by Shalin Hai-Jew

This textbook considers and addresses the design of online learning objects, electronic textbooks, short courses, long courses, MOOC courses, and other types of contents for open sharing. It also considers the design of online mediated communities to enhance such learning. The “openness” may be open-access, and/or it may even be open-source. The learning may range from self-directed and automated to AI robot-led to instructor-led. The main concept of this work is that design learning for open sharing, requires different considerations than when designing for closed and proprietary contexts. Open sharing of learning contents requires a different sense of laws (intellectual property, learner privacy, pedagogical strategies, technologies, media, and others). It requires different considerations of learner diversity and inclusion. It requires geographical, cultural, and linguistic considerations that are not as present in more localized designs. The open sharing aspect also has effects on learner performance tracking (assessments) and learner feedback. This textbook targets students, both undergraduate and graduate in computer science, education and other related fields. Also, professionals in this field managing online systems would find this book helpful.

Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring The Contexts Of Higher And Community Education

by Ellen Boeren Nalita James

This book examines the experiences of adult learners in times of austerity. The power of adult education to transform lives is well known, and it is especially powerful for those who missed out on educational opportunities earlier in life. Those who have been successful learners in the past are more likely to continue their education and training, making extra support and funding ever-more important: however, in the current economic and political climate, support for adult learning is significantly decreasing. This book sheds light on the experiences of adult learners, despite the difficulties facing the sector: interweaving empirical discussions with theoretical debates, the editors and contributors demonstrate the challenges and struggles of adult learners in higher, further and community education. This enlightening edited collection will be of interest to all those involved in adult education as well as policy makers and funders.

Creativity in Music Education (Creativity In The Twenty First Century Ser.)

by Yukiko Tsubonou Ai-Girl Tan Mayumi Oie

This book creates a platform for music educators to share their experience and expertise in creative music teaching and learning with the international community. It presents research studies and practices that are original and representative of music education in the Japanese, Asian and international communities. It also collects substantial literature on music education research in Japan and other Asian societies, enabling English-speaking readers to access excellent research and practical experiences in non-English societies.

Polygamy, Women, and Higher Education: Life After Mormon Fundamentalism

by Laura Parson

This volume explores the life stories of women who were former members of Mormon fundamentalist polygamous societies, from their own perspectives, to seek insight into their readiness for higher education settings. In order to support all learners in higher education, it is important to understand the unique needs of women students who have non-traditional formal schooling experiences and/or have come from restrictive or patriarchal cultures. This book helps further the discourse by providing recommendations for inclusive programs that consider how to develop elements of self-concept, empowerment, and motivation necessary for higher education success—academically and beyond.

Genial Intelligens

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Elisabet Norris

Genial Intelligens er den ultimate avhandling om påskyndet lære metoder. Skrevet av romanforfattere, filmskapere og uavhengige undersøkere James Morcan & Lance Morcan med forord av ledende vitenskapsmann Dr. Takaaki Musha, knuser de med denne boka myten om at genier er født og ikke utviklet. Den avslører hvordan i fleste tilfeller at over-den-normale intelligens er oppnådd gjennom overlegne kognitive teknikker eller hjerneforbedrende teknologier. Berømte genier som blir studert inkluderer Apple grunnlegger Steve Jobs som en 19-åring begynte å øve fortidsdisiplin som aktiverer deler av hjernen som lå i dvale; Albert Einstein som fant opp den store relavitetsteori mens han brukte sjeldne metoder for å få tilgang til underbevisstheten; Kim Peek (den virkelige 'Rain Man') som kunne hurtiglese hvilken bok som helst på fem minutter med fullstendig forståelse for innholdet; Indiske matematiske storhjernen Srinivasa Ramanujan som, selvom utrent, kom opp med ekstraordinære formler som gjorde akademikere fullstendig sjokkskadde; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart som komponerte hele stykker mens han var i en endret forstand. Iblant oppfinnelsen som blir delt med leserne er hjernebølger som er vanlig for genier og de forskjellige måter å kalle fram disse forskjellige hjernbølgene; mental teknikker som verdens elite og A-liste kjendiser bruker i all stillhet for å hjelpe de å behandle informasjon mens de sover eller i virtuelle verdener; kjemiske substanser som studenter og akademikere rundt om i verden bruker for å kick-starte hjernen i høy gir; banebrytende teknologier som forretnings tycooner og professionelle idrettsfolk bruker for å oppnå cerebral fordel over konkurrentene. I de nyeste funn innenfor nevrovitenskapen, lister Genial Intelligens dusinvis av praktiske metoder for å øke IQen og hurtiglese alle felt.

Intelligenza di un genio

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Augusto Celentano

Intelligenza di un genio: Tecniche segrete e tecnologie per aumentare il QI di James Morcan, Lance Morcan Il trattato definitivo sui metodi di apprendimento accelerato. Scritto da James Morcan e Lance Morcan, autori di romanzi, registi e ricercatori indipendenti, con la prefazione dell’illustre scienziato giapponese Takaaki Musha, "Intelligenza di un genio" sfata il mito che geni si nasce e non si diventa. Svela come, nella maggior parte dei casi, l’intelligenza superiore alla media sia acquisita attraverso tecniche cognitive superiori o tecnologie di stimolazione cerebrale. Tra i geni più noti di cui si parla c’è il fondatore della Apple Steve Jobs che, a 19 anni, cominciò a praticare un’antica disciplina in grado di attivare parti precedentemente dormienti del suo cervello; Albert Einstein che arrivò alla straordinaria teoria della relatività usando un raro metodo per accedere al subconscio; Kim Peek (il vero Rain Man) capace di leggere qualsiasi libro in cinque minuti e comprenderlo per intero; il genio della matematica indiano Srinivasa Ramanujan che, pur non avendo ricevuto nessuna istruzione, creò formule straordinarie sbalordendo il mondo accademico; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart che compose intere opere in uno stato di alterazione mentale. Tra le scoperte che vengono rivelate ai lettori ci sono anche le onde cerebrali comuni nei geni e i vari sistemi per indurre tali onde; tecniche mentali che l'élite mondiale e le celebrità usano in silenzio per elaborare informazioni durante il sonno o in mondi virtuali; sostanze chimiche che studenti e intellettuali in tutto il mondo adoperano per potenziare al massimo il cervello, e tecnologie all’avanguardia che importanti uomini d’affari e atleti professionisti impiegano per ottenere un vantaggio mentale sui concorrenti.

L'intelligence du génie

by Martin Florence James Morcan Lance Morcan

L’intelligence du génie est le dernier traité sur les méthodes d'apprentissage accéléré. Écrit par des romanciers, cinéastes et chercheurs indépendants Lance Morcan et James Morcan, avec une préface du Dr. Takaaki Musha, ce livre explore le mythe que les génies sont nés et non faits. Il révèle comment la plupart des cas d'intelligences au-dessus de l'ordinaire sont acquis par des techniques cognitives supérieures ou des technologies de renforcement du cerveau. Exposer les dernières découvertes en neurosciences, L’intelligence du génie, énumère des dizaines de méthodes pratiques pour augmenter le QI et d'apprendre rapidement tout sujet.

Inteligencia de Genio

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo y L. Arturo Sánchez Gtz

Inteligencia de Genio es el último tratado sobre métodos de aprendizaje acelerado. Escrito por los novelistas, cineastas e investigadores independientes James Morcan y Lance Morcan, con un prefacio del Dr. Takaaki Musha, este libro acaba con el mito de que los genios nacen y no se hacen. Revela cómo la mayoría de las características de las inteligencias superiores a lo ordinario son adquiridas por medio de técnicas o tecnologías de desarrollo mental. Exponiendo los últimos descubrimientos en la neurociencia, Inteligencia de Genio, enlista docenas de métodos prácticos para incrementar el IQ y aprender con velocidad cualquier materia.

Psychology: The Briefer Course

by William James

Condensed and reworked from James's monumental Principles of Psychology, this classic text examines habit; stream of consciousness; self and the sense of personal identity; discrimination and association; the sense of time; memory; perception; imagination; reasoning; emotions, instincts; the will and voluntary acts; and much more. This edition omits the outdated first nine chapters.

The Montessori Method

by Maria Montessori

This is, quite simply, one of the landmark books in the history of education. Written by influential Italian educator Maria Montessori (1870–1952), it describes a new system for educating young children based on materials and methods she originally developed to teach retarded students. The techniques proved highly effective with normal children as well. Her system, based on a radical conception of liberty for the pupil and a highly formal training of separate sensory, motor, and mental capacities, led to rapid and substantial mastery of reading, writing, and arithmetic. In The Montessori Method (1912), her first book, Dr. Montessori outlines her techniques in discussions of such topics as scientific pedagogy; discipline; diet; gymnastics; manual labor; education of the senses; methods for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic; and many other topics. The Dover edition is the least expensive edition available, making this seminal classic widely accessible to teachers, principals, parents — anyone interested in the education of young children.

Democracy and Education

by John Dewey

Psychology, epistemology, ethics, and politics are among the subjects on which John Dewey focused his authorial talents — but the crux of his works lies in his philosophy of education. Democracy and Education, originally published in 1916, is his landmark work in the field and an ongoing source of influence and inspiration.Dewey blends his philosophical pragmatism and his progressive pedagogical ideas to define the social role of education and its significance as preparation for citizenship in a progressive democratic society. He stresses democracy's associational and communal aspects, maintaining that conscious, directed education is necessary to establish these conditions and to cultivate democratic character in students. Growth, experience, and activity are the factors Dewey employs to characterize the connection between learning and the variety of social, communicative activity that fosters a thriving democratic community.As a conclusion, the author addresses the social barriers that inhibit democratic education. These divisions, he finds, derive from the practice of dichotomizing relationships between the mind and body, the mind and nature, and the individual and society. Dewey promotes a philosophy of education that negates these dualisms and focuses on freedom of the mind through directed social activity.

Psychopathology of Everyday Life

by Sigmund Freud

According to Freud, our daily lives teem with unwitting expressions of the wishes and ideas we try to keep hidden. These suppressed notions elude our conscious control and take the form of slips of the tongue, jokes, and seemingly accidental gestures. In this classic of psychology, Freud explores the phenomenon of parapraxes: slips of the tongue commonly known as Freudian slips, acts of forgetfulness, misinterpretations, and "accidents." These simple and apparently trivial events, he explains, can possess deeper meanings with subconscious motivations — meanings that can be revealed by analysis and can ultimately offer a clearer perception of the self.Psychopathology of Everyday Life remains one of Freud’s most widely read books, full of anecdotal accounts (many of them quite amusing) and free from jargon and technical terminology. Freud draws from his personal experience to illustrate his points, citing many incidents of his own deliberate forgetting or "inexplicable" mistakes, and his conviction that these actions cannot be called truly accidental or uncaused is the primary lesson of this book. As the title suggests, this work has helped unravel the mysteries of the ordinary events of our daily lives, offering us a deeper understanding of ourselves and our motivations.

Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2015/2016

by Sabina Jeschke Ingrid Isenhardt Frank Hees Klaus Henning

Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2015/2016

Ways with Watercolor

by Ted Kautzky

In simple, direct language, accompanied by purposeful illustrations, teacher and master watercolorist Ted Kautzky shows beginners how to handle the medium. Widely regarded as the author's best work, the book discusses color pigments, paper, and other supplies; washes, strokes, and the use of accessories for special effects. Important chapters follow on the characteristics and techniques of handling limited and full palettes. Valuable instructions on composition and related subjects are interwoven throughout the text. In addition to many demonstrations, there is also challenging practice material.

Observeren en registreren van vitale functies: Werkcahier Kwalificatieniveau 3, Basiszorg deel 3 (Skillslab-serie)

by Johan van 't Wout Cees Van Stipdonk Geerard Siereveld

Observeren en registreren van vitale functies: Werkcahier Kwalificatieniveau 3, Basiszorg deel 3 (Skillslab-serie)

Voeding en uitscheiding.: Werkcahier Kwalificatieniveau 3 basiszorg deel 2 (Skillslab-serie)

by Johan van 't Wout C. Van Stipdonk Geerard Siereveld

Voeding en uitscheiding.: Werkcahier Kwalificatieniveau 3 basiszorg deel 2 (Skillslab-serie)

Oliver and Jumpy - the Cat Series, Stories 58-62, Book 20: Stories 58-62

by Werner Stejskal

Childrens stories: This is NOT your usual Oliver and Jumpy book, but for early readers with more reading and less pictures. Oliver is an elegant tuxedo cat, who is full of himself. As a matter of fact he says: “I love myself!”, quite often. Naughty, isn’t he? But his best friend Jumpy, a kangaroo lady, is aware that he has a soft heart and will always want to help others. The great thing is Jumpy’s pouch, which Oliver loves to ride in! He calls her his kangaroo taxi! These little bedtime stories with their lovely illustrations are great for small kids. A parent can read the text and tell the child in his own words. These animal stories have sufficient text to keep early readers happy and provide some educational value. Love you all! Meow! Story 58: Down the Well – A frog gets philosophical. Story 59: Finding the Story – Do you like to write a story? First you need to find one! Story 60: Story Writing – A funny way to write stories. Story 61: What a Laugh! - Laughing is healthy. Story 62: What's the Time? - A very unusual way to look at time.

Vigyan Evam Praudyogiki class 8 - S.C.E.R.T. Raipur - Chhattisgarh Board: विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी कक्षा 8 - एस.सी.ई.आर.टी. रायपुर - छत्तीसगढ़ बोर्ड

by Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad Raipur C. G.

विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी पाठ्यपुस्तक कक्षा 8वी का राज्य शैक्षिक अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्षण परिषद् छत्तीसगढ़ रायपुर ने हिंदी भाषा में प्रकाशित किया गया है, इस पाठ्यपुस्तक में सत्रह अध्याय दिये गए है। पाठ्यपुस्तक में आकाश दर्शन (आकाश में क्या-क्या है?), संश्लेषित रेशे और प्लास्टिक (संश्लेषित रेशे क्या है), वायुमण्डल, रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएँ - कब और कैसी-कैसी होती है, धातुएँ और अधातुएँ, कार्बन, शरीर की रचनात्मक एवं कार्यात्मक इकाई-कोशिका, सूक्ष्मजीव- एक अद्भुत संसार, प्रकाश का अपवर्तन आदी के बारे में बताया गया है। ध्वनि, विद्युत धारा के रासायनिक प्रभाव, ऊर्जा के स्रोत, खाद्य उत्पादन एवं प्रबंधन, कितना भोजन, कैसा भोजन और कुछ सामान्य रोग इनके बारे में पाठ्यपुस्तक में स्पष्टीकरण दिया गया है। इस पाठ्यपुस्तक में विज्ञान और गणित के क्षेत्र में विश्व को गौरवशाली योगदान प्रदान करने वाले कुछ महान भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों तथा गणितज्ञों के विषय में जानकारी भी दी गई है।

How to Be a Happy Academic: A Guide to Being Effective in Research, Writing and Teaching

by Alexander Clark Bailey Sousa

Want to be an effective, successful and happy academic? This book helps you hone your skills, showcase your strengths, and manage all the professional aspects of academic life. With their focus on life-long learning and positive reflection, Alex and Bailey encourage you to focus on your own behaviours and personal challenges and help you to find real world solutions to your problems or concerns. Weaving inspirational stories, the best of research and theory, along with pragmatic advice from successful academics, this book provides step-by-step guidance and simple tools to help you better meet the demands of modern academia, including: Optimising your effectiveness, priorities & strategy Workflow & managing workload Interpersonal relationships, and how to influence Developing your writing, presenting and teaching skills Getting your work/life balance right. Clear, practical and refreshingly positive this book inspires you to build the career you want in academia.

How to Be a Happy Academic: A Guide to Being Effective in Research, Writing and Teaching

by Alexander Clark Bailey Sousa

Want to be an effective, successful and happy academic? This book helps you hone your skills, showcase your strengths, and manage all the professional aspects of academic life. With their focus on life-long learning and positive reflection, Alex and Bailey encourage you to focus on your own behaviours and personal challenges and help you to find real world solutions to your problems or concerns. Weaving inspirational stories, the best of research and theory, along with pragmatic advice from successful academics, this book provides step-by-step guidance and simple tools to help you better meet the demands of modern academia, including: Optimising your effectiveness, priorities & strategy Workflow & managing workload Interpersonal relationships, and how to influence Developing your writing, presenting and teaching skills Getting your work/life balance right. Clear, practical and refreshingly positive this book inspires you to build the career you want in academia.

Making Woodcuts and Wood Engravings: Lessons by a Modern Master

by Hans Alexander Mueller

An indispensable guide to creating woodcut masterpieces, this volume offers instructions ranging from using the simplest strokes to making intricate multicolor print blocks. Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions are complemented by ninety-eight illustrations, most of them in color."I love the woodcut as a form of artistic expression because it requires the simplest materials and comparative muscular strength," observes author Hans Alexander Mueller. "I love to exploit the full use of my five senses when wood, paper, and color come within my grasp." An accomplished artist whose work has illustrated numerous great literary works, Mueller explains his philosophy and techniques for creating art from the simplest materials. Readers learn about the tools of the trade, how to make plank woodcut and end-grain engravings, and how to use the medium to express themselves artistically.

Apartment 1986

by Lisa Papademetriou

Bestselling middle grade author Lisa Papademetriou is back with a playful, poignant story that will resonate with anyone who’s ever had to learn that love means accepting people—even yourself—for who they really are.Callie never meant to let it go this far. Sure, she may have accidentally-on-purpose skipped a day at her fancy New York City prep school, but she never thought she’d skip the day after that! And the one after that . . . and . . . uh . . . the one after that.But when everything in your real life is going wrong (fighting parents! bullied little brother! girls at school who just. don’t. get. it!) skipping school starts to look like a valid mental-health strategy. And when Callie runs into Cassius, a mysterious and prickly “unschooled” kid doing research at museums all across the city, it seems only natural for her to join him. Because museums are educational, which means they’re as good as going to class. Right?Besides, school can wait. What can’t wait is the mystery of why her grandmother seems to wish she could travel back in time to 1986, or what she wants so much to relive there. As Cassius helps Callie see the world in a whole new light, she realizes that the people she loves are far from perfect—and that some family secrets shouldn’t be secret at all.

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