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Showing 101 through 125 of 19,653 results

Steve Goodman: Facing The Music

by Clay Eals

A very detailed biography of singer/songwriter Steve Goodman (City of New Orleans). This book chronicles his life, from his childhood through his 16-year battle with leukemia, and beyond his death. Includes a Preface by Studs Terkel and a Foreword by Arlo Guthrie.

The Fabulous Showman: The Life and Times of P. T. Barnum

by Irving Wallace

Biography of the greatest showman on earth!

Lore of the Lumber Camps

by E. C. Beck

A collection of songs/ballads and stories of the Michigan lumber camps of the 1800's.

The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones

by Anthony Bourdain

Essays from the long time chef and host of his travel show and author of Kitchen Confidential.

How To Clean Everything: The Authoritative Guide to Cleaning, Conditioning and Stain Removal for Every Type of Material and Surface (3rd Edition)

by Alma Chesnut Moore

From the book: HOW TO CLEAN EVERYTHING is a comprehensive guide to cleaning any material, removing any stain and caring for any object. This manual, now available from JOB SQUAD, will become so indispensable, you will wonder how you ever managed to clean a home without it! Among the hundreds of tips offered are: Remove chewing gum (if water does not spot the material) by rubbing the gummy portion with a piece of ice. Then you can scrape or rub the gum out of the fabric. Clean a diamond ring by boiling mild soapsuds with a few drips of ammonia added, immersing the ring, dipping it into a small bowl of alcohol, and letting it dry on tissue paper. Remove fresh coffee and tea stains (if it's safe for the fabric) by stretching the stained portion of cloth over an open bowl and securing it with a rubber band. From a height of 1 to 3 feet, pour boiling water over the cloth. From awnings to Venetian blinds, cashmere to silk, coral to vinyl, HOW TO CLEAN EVERYTHING provides the best methods for ensuring a long and beautiful life for your belongings.

Men, Women and Pianos: A Social History

by Arthur Loesser

A piano's-eye view of the social and philosophical history of Western Europe and the United States from the 17th century to the 1950s, with glances forward and back.

Facing the Music: An Irreverent Close-up of the Real Concert World

by Henri Temianka

An entertaining account of a virtuoso violinist's life on and off concert tours.

Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley

by Peter Guralnick

From the moment he first shook up the world in the mid 1950s, Elvis Presley has been one of the most vivid and enduring myths of American culture. Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley is the first biography to go past that myth and present an Elvis beyond the legend. Based on hundreds of interviews and nearly a decade of research, it tracks the evolution not just of the man but of the music and of the culture he left utterly transformed, creating a completely fresh portrait of Elvis and his world. This volume tracks the first twenty-four years of Elvis' life, covering his childhood, the stunning first recordings at Sun Records ("That's All Right," "Mystery Train"), and the early RCA hits ("Heartbreak Hotel," "Hound Dog," "Don't Be Cruel").These were the years of his improbable self-invention and unprecedented triumphs, when it seemed that everything that Elvis tried succeeded wildly. There was scarcely a cloud in sight through this period until, in 1958, he was drafted into the army and his mother died shortly thereafter. The book closes on that somber and poignant note. Last Train to Memphis takes us deep inside Elvis' life, exploring his lifelong passion for music of every sort (from blues and gospel to Bing Crosby and Mario Lanza), his compelling affection for his family, and his intimate relationships with girlfriends, mentors, band members professional associates, and friends. It shows us the

The Parasite

by Ramsey Campbell

Twenty years after a game of Ouija ends in a ten-year-old's disappearance, Rose Tierney discovers that she has developed psychic powers that enable her to see into the future and travel without her body, but that make her vulnerable to an evil force.

...If You Lived With the Circus

by Ann Mcgovern

If you can't live with the circus - read this book instead! Read every page in this book to find out things about the circus you never knew before.


by Sacheverell Sitwell

Biography of the famous composer, a man of extraordinary magnetism and a pianist of unsurpassed virtuosity. Bibliography and a catalog of Liszt's works included.

The Dog Of My Nightmares

by David Lieber

Stories and columns ranging from serious to hilarious written by a popular Texas columnist. Read about the woman of his dreams, the psycho dog of his nightmares, neighbors, thoughts of prejudice, and pride in the strength of our people.

The Kingdom Of Swing

by Irving Kolodin Benny Goodman

the book deals with the life of Benny Goodman up to the year 1939. Since he lived 37 years after this publishing, it is only partly the story of his life.

Parents' and Teachers' Guide to Music Education

by Roberta Markel

Practical advice on choosing, selecting and buying an instrument, finding a good teacher, learning the language of music, singing, practicing, and careers in music

A Manual of Counterpoint Based on Sixteenth-Century Practice

by David D. Boyden

Since counterpoint is the art of combining 2 or more melodies, this book discusses the contours of melodies in relation to other ones.

The Sound of Music (The Beloved Story of the Trapp Family)

by Howard Lindsay Russel Crouse

Maria, the wonderful, lively heroine of The Sound of Music, is a postulant at an Austrian abbey when the play begins. Happy, young, and well-liked, she is nevertheless in difficulty at the abbey. It seems that Maria can't control her desire to sing. The young postulant is sent to the home of Captain von Trapp, a widower, to act as governess for his seven children.

Lionel Richie: An Illustrated Biography

by David Nathan

As a member of The Commodores, Lionel Richie wrote and performed 'Three Times A Lady', 'Easy' and many other great hits. As a solo artist, he has surpassed even these achievements with songs like 'Hello'.

The Complete Canasta

by Ralph Michaels Charles H. Goren Josefina Artayeta De Viel

This book teaches the reader how to play Canasta with 2, 4 or 6 people, and how to have a Canasta tournament.

Jokelopedia: Athletic Antics Special Mini Edition

by Ilana Weitzman Eva Blank Alison Benjamin Rosanne Green

What's more fun than telling a good joke? Jokelopedia - "the mother of all joke books!" - will give kids one-liners that will make them the funniest kid at home, around the neighborhood and in class. Spending time laughing together is a great way to teach kids the value of Having Fun with family and friends. Let the laughs begin!

La zapatera prodigiosa

by Federico García Lorca

Una pareja despareja cobra vida en esta farsa plena de simbolismos y matices. Un pasaje creativo cita una historia recurrente en la literatura universal, aunque abordada con la particular óptica del teatro español. Las obras de Federico García Lorca alcanzan cada día mayor difusión y prestigio. Ello evidencia los valores sustantivos y perdurables de las mismas, independientemente de la atención multitudinaria que se vertió sobre la gloriosa figura de su autor a raíz de su muerte trágica. De esta suerte, y no obstante hallarse en constante reimpresión los tomos de sus Obras completas, sus títulos más significativos están accesibles en ediciones sueltas. La zapatera prodigiosa, contrariamente a Yerma, viene a ser un intermedio, un ""divertimento"", pero de la más fina calidad. Corresponde a la modalidad de lo que pudiéramos llamar ""teatro de cámara"", y en efecto, su origen fue éste, ya que se estrenó en el club ""Anfistora"" de Madrid, en 1930.

The Great Radio Heroes

by Jim Harmon

Reminiscences of the heyday of radio programming, with insights on many of the favorite programs. Contains actor bios and more.

Will Rogers: Wise and Witty Sayings of a Great American Humorist

by Will Rogers

A delightful collection of Rogers' newspaper columns. He had a sharp wit, but he used it kindly. In his daily column, which appeared on the morning front page of nearly 400 newspapers, he took cracks at capital and labor, bankers and farmers, but through it all there was the thread of forgiveness and national unity. The insulting, personal humor of today was quite foreign to Will Rogers. He lived in a time that is now long past, when more people lived in the country than the city. I think his point of view is best summed up in a remark he once made to an audience in New York, "They may call me a 'rube' and a 'hick,' but I'd a lot rather be the man who bought the Brooklyn Bridge than the man who sold it." That was Will Rogers.

What to Listen For in Music

by Aaron Copland

Called the definitive guide to musical enjoyment ("Forum"), this classic work is the only book of its kind written by an eminent American composer. With his provocative suggestions, Copland guides readers through a deeper appreciation of the most rewarding of all art forms. Revised reissue.

Dancing Princess (Ballerina Dreams #4)

by Ann Bryant

When two visitors show up at Poppy's ballet class looking for a single dancer to dance in a play, Poppy is determined to be the chosen one. She decides that she must be as flexible as one, and as thin as another of the students in her class. She begins doing nothing except practice, ignoring her school work, and the things that her friends want to do. She decides that if she stops eating, she can be thin enough to attract the attention of the visiting adults. Only when she faints from not eating does she reveal her secret obsessions. And only by making her angry does her mother force her to see that thinness does not make the perfect ballerina. How will accepting her humanity, her falibility and imperfection affect the decision of the adults looking for one specific dancer good enough to dance in their play?

Dancing with the Stars (Ballerina Dreams #5)

by Ann Bryant

Jasmine is thrilled when her ballet teacher says that she should audition to take classes at the Royal Ballet. She knows that her father will not be happy. When he denies her the opportunity, Jasmine is devastated. What will it take to change his mind?

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