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Showing 4,626 through 4,650 of 4,712 results

Inon ez, inoiz ez

by Iban Zaldua Gonzalez

Ipuin liburu sendo eta mardul bat prestatu du Zalduak, bere azken urteetako lanaren emaitza. Estilo, gai eta luzera desberdineko 38 ipuin bildu ditu guztira, hiru parte nagusi eta eranskin batean. Zalduak ohi duen maisutasuna, zorroztasuna, fikziorako asmamen izugarria eta zirti-zarta banatutako ironia-dosiak topatuko ditu irakurleak bertan. Ipuinen artean badira fantastikoak eta erralistak, metaliteratura lantzen dutenak, eguneroko bizitzaren ifrentzua erakusten dutenak eta azkenaldiko gure panorama politikoa erretratatzen dutenak.

Ez zen diruagatik

by Ana Jaka García

?Sos bat bera ere ez niola pasako esan nion. Beti berdin. Faena kaskarra antzeko esaldiekin errematatzen du aldiro: emadazu zerbait, larri nabil, lana kobratu bezain pronto itzuliko dizut. Erromantikoa gizona! Pelikuletan bezala. Normalean, ondo aukeratzen zuen unea: larrua jo eta berehala, egin berri duzuna maitasuna dela sinesteko gogorik handiena daukazunean. Prakak jantzi izan balitu sikiera... Baina goiko aldetik janzten hasia zegoen, bere hankatxo meheak airean, zigarreta ahoan, ilea nahasita, begi-zulo handiekin eta asebeteta utzia nuela pentsatzeko urduriegi.?Emakume zakar eta zabar samarra da Olga, ez lanik, ez dirurik, gaztarotik urruntzen eta etorkizunik gabeko harreman erdipurdiko batean kateatua dagoena. Pisukidea du Dani, etxetik ihes egin eta zerbitzari gisa lan egiten duen gaztetxoa. Eta hiruki atipikoa osatzera dator Mikel, bizimodu normalagoa daraman adin ertaineko gizasemea, baina iraganetik dakarren zamatik askatu ezin duena. Pertsonaien harremanetan, haien psikologian eta sentimenduetan oinarrituriko eleberria dugu hau, baina ez inola ere sentimentala eta gozoa. Adiskidetasunaren balioa, leialtasunaren zentzua, bikotekide bati zer eskatzen ahal diogun, diruak eta diru ezak sortzen dizkiguten katramilak? horra orri hauetan topa daitekeen koktelaren zenbait osagai.

Alferrik ez balitz

by Karlos Linazasoro Izagirre

1000 aforismo ondu ditu Karlos Linazasorok liburu honetarako. Genero berezia da aforismoa: itxuraz sinple, baina ondo egiteko trebetasun aparta behar duena, tolosarrak erakusten duena bezalakoa. Gogoeta txundigarriak, poesia printzak, mikroipuinak, adar jotzeak, paradoxak eta bestelakoak aurkituko ditugu pasarte laburrotan, guztiak ere egileak ohi duen zorroztasunez eta ironiaz landuak.

San Ferminetan, Lesakan

by John Andueza Altuna

Donostiako Bilintx institutura itzuli da John Andueza Larunbatean Bukowskin nobela arrakastatsuaren ondoren; oraingoan, DBHko 4. mailako abenturak kontatzen dizkigu. Danel eta Ximon lagunak dira protagonistak, baita Ximonen andregaia Amaia, eta gelako tribu guztietako ikasleak ere: apatxeak, komantxeak, txerokiak, txeieneak, moikanoak eta baita payuk despistaturen bat ere. Ikasketa-amaierako bidaia egiteko asmoa dute, eta horretarako dirua lortzeko hainbat ekintza antolatuko dituzte. Baina ezusteko batek planak guztiz aldarazi beharko dizkiete.

Obras escogidas

by Ramon Llull

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. Penguin Clásicos conmemora, con esta edición de la Obra escogida, el septingentésimo aniversario de la muerte de Ramon Llull, el gran genio medieval de las letras catalanas. «Entre viña e hinojal,tomóme amor, Dios me hizo amary entre suspiro y llanto estar.» La obra de Ramon Llull es una de las más ricas y variadas de toda la literatura universal. Su producción comprende más de doscientos libros de muy distintos géneros y temáticas: poesía, novela, mística, ciencia, filosofía, lógica. Las leyendas que durante siglos vistieron y enmarañaron la figura de Llull, convirtiéndolo en un alquimista y un ocultista, no pudieron, sin embargo, ocultar quien es: ante todo y sobre todo, el primer gran escritor en catalán. Los escritos recogidos en este volumen, en mayúscula traducción del poeta Pere Gimferrer y precedidas por un prolijo estudio del padre Batllori, son solamente una muestra del genio y la sapiencia del no por nada llamado «el doctor iluminado». Así, Vida coetánea es un dictado autobiográfico y el Libro de maravillas la mejor de entre todas las novelas del escritor, mientras que el Árbol ejemplifical nos acerca al Llull más científico. Cierran el volumen dos largas poesías en edición bilingüe, Desconsuelo y el Canto de Ramon, auténticos itinerarios espirituales de este creador altísimo.


by Cristina Rodríguez Trueba

¿No notas como late tu corazón? Entonces, ¿a qué esperas para vivir? ¡Pobre Marta! <P><P>Golpeada a traición su vida ha descarrilado parándose en una vía muerta. <P><P>No debería resignarse a ser espectadora, solo necesita un pequeño empujón para volver a la circulación. <P><P>Espero que le dé tiempo a abrocharse el cinturón porque se lanzará cuesta abajo y sin frenos.

Bilingual Is Better

by Roxana A. Soto Ana L. Flores

For years immigrants were told that the only way for their children to embrace American culture was to leave behind their heritage language and speak only English. But what if this advice was based solely on political motives and not the wellbeing of children? What if the truth was that all children in America, regardless of their cultural background, would actually benefit from learning two languages? The answer to this question has sparked a new Latino parenting revolution, which is changing the face of America. Roxana and Ana, founders of the wildly successful parenting blog SpanglishBaby, are part of a growing movement of Latino parents who are proudly reclaiming their language and cultural heritage for themselves and their children. Laugh and cry with them as they stumble through the ups and downs of raising bilingual, bicultural children in America and discover themselves in the process. This inspiring parenting memoir includes practical tips and resources to help parents from all backgrounds give their children the benefits of bilingualism. Bilingual Is Better debunks old stereotypes while shedding new light on hot topics like bilingual education, cultural heritage and what it really means to be Latino. A perfect blend of hilarious anecdotes and solid research, this book is a fun, engaging read which is sure to spark conversation and positive change. Roxana A. Soto and Ana L. Flores co-founded the popular parenting blog SpanglishBaby, which was recently named a Must Read Mom's Blog by Parenting magazine. Both authors are well known, award-winning bilingual journalists.

Learning a Language: How I managed it. How you can too.

by Ian Gibbs

<p>This book is written by someone who, much like yourself, isn't a fanatic. He didn't write a thesis on the subject, he doesn't have a degree or even an 'A' level in any foreign language. His only qualification before writing this book was a CSE grade 4 in Spanish which, ironically, he's quite proud about. Nevertheless, by using the tricks and techniques in these pages, Ian learnt to speak a new language in less than six months. <p>Uniquely, this is a book about language learning written for non-linguists by a non-linguist. He hopes you notice, appreciate and enjoy the difference.</p>


by Leonardo Faccio

En la historia del fútbol sólo cuatro jugadores tienen plaza en el primer escalón: Pelé, Di Stéfano, Cruyff y Maradona. Desde hace cuatro años, el argentino Leo Messi llama con insistencia a la puerta de ese restringido club y sus exhibiciones cada semana le confirman como el amo del balón. Una estrella de esta dimensión merece más que la habitual hagiografía o un panfleto morboso. En la mejor tradición del periodismo narrativo, el que nace con Gay Talese, Tom Wolfe o Norman Mailer, Leonardo Faccio ha dibujado un fascinante perfil en tres tiempos del futbolista más famoso del mundo, que con apenas 24 años ha roto todos los récords. Un chico tímido, pequeño y de apariencia frágil, que se ha convertido en la joya más valiosa del mayor espectáculo del mundo. Pasen y lean.

Compendio ilustrado y azaroso de todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre la lengua castellana

by Fundeu Fundeu

Fundéu, la Fundación del Español Urgente, es el servicio filológico de la Agencia EFE. Su acreditada trayectoria ha tenido un espectacular eco en Internet, con una extraordianaria página web y una cuenta muy seguida en Twitter. Este almanaque pretende ordenar de forma atractiva el conocimiento que emite Fundéu, y difundir el amor por el idioma en la línea de títulos como El dardo en la palabra de Lázaro Carreter.«La palabra, la lengua, es la casa del ser. En su morada habita el hombre.»Heidegger


by Leonardo Faccio

El perfil definitivo del incomparable Lionel Messi, una de las más brillantes estrellas del fútbol internacional En la historia del fútbol sólo cuatro jugadores tienen plaza en el primer escalón: Pelé, Di Stéfano, Cruyff y Maradona. Desde hace cuatro años, el argentino Lionel Messi llama con insistencia a la puerta de ese restringido club, y sus exhibiciones cada semana le confirman como el amo del balón. Estrella del equipo de Barcelona, ganador del Balón de Oro y nombrado jugador del año por la FIFA, un atleta de esta dimensión merece más que la habitual hagiografía. En la mejor tradición del periodismo narrativo, Leonardo Faccio ha dibujado un fascinante perfil en tres tiempos del futbolista más famoso del mundo, que con apenas 24 años ha roto todos los récords. Todos los detalles --desde su familia y sus amistades hasta su lucha contra el déficit de la hormona del crecimiento que casi le costó su carrera futbolística-- se reúnen aquí para formar la biografía más completa de la estrella argentina escrita hasta la fecha. Un chico tímido, pequeño y de apariencia frágil, que se ha convertido en la joya más valiosa del mayor espectáculo del mundo. Pasen y lean.

The Art of Chicago Improv: Short Cuts to Long-Form Improvisation

by Rob Kozlowski

In this book the author traces the history and growth of acting in Chicago.

Topics in Kwa Syntax

by Enoch O. Aboh James Essegbey

This volume demonstrates that Kwa languages offer a very rich empirical domain for linguistic theorizing, as experts who are mostly native speakers present empirical data and show its theoretical relevance to comparative linguistics and comparative syntax.

Locality Domains in the Spanish Determiner Phrase

by M. Emma Ticio

Examining its subject from a generative perspective, this highly detailed text deals with the syntax of nominal expressions. It focuses on empirical data taken from the Spanish language, though the author goes further to draw conclusions of wider theoretical interest from material culled from other languages too. The book considers crucial phenomena in the nominal domain, such as extraction out of nominal phrases and ellipsis in these phrases, as well as their modification. In doing so it provides the reader with a unified explanation of a number of phenomena that have not previously been analyzed under a single basic account. In particular, Ticio explores how economy notions interact with a number of functional categories, with the length and type of movements allowed, and with the existence of three internal domains within nominal expressions. She uses these observations to inform her analysis of the structure of arguments and adjuncts in nominal expressions, and of the potential these elements have for extraction. To test the empirical adequacy of her analysis, she employs phenomena such as the properties of attributive adjectives, partial cliticization and nominal elision in Spanish nominal phrases.

Inner Aspect

by Lisa Demena Travis

This monograph probes the structure of the verb phrase through a cross-linguistic investigation of the syntax and morphology of relevant constructions. Evidence is provided for two event-related non-lexical projections called "inner aspect" and "event".

Understanding Morphological Rules

by Stela Manova

This volume analyzes morphological and morphonological phenomena from a number of distinct Slavic languages. It does so in an innovative manner, yet also positions the analysis in the context of current morphological debates. It is thus a valuable contribution both to comparative Slavic morphology and general morphological theory. Moreover, the book is the first attempt at a theory of conversion and subtraction relevant to languages with rich inflectional morphology. It contributes to our structural understanding of the nature of word. As the first illustration of subtraction with examples from southern Slavic languages, it is an excellent source of specialist data. The book's theoretical framework is easily accessible and applicable to other languages, which makes it attractive to researchers on Slavic languages and general linguists alike. The volume will also appeal to general morphologists, typologists, and advanced students in linguistics.

Redefining Indefinites

by Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin Claire Beyssade

This volume explores the interpretation of indefinites and the constraints on their distribution by paying particular attention to key issues in the interface between syntax and semantics: the relation between the semantic properties of indefinite determiners and the denotation of indefinite DPs, their scope, and their behaviour in generic and conditional sentences. Examples come from French, other Romance languages and English. Central to the proposed analyses is a distinction between two types of entities, individualized entities and amounts. Weak indefinites are analyzed as existential generalized quantifiers over amounts and strong indefinites as either Skolem terms or generalized quantifiers over individualized entities. The up-to-date review of the literature and the new falsifiable proposals contained in this book will be of particular interest to linguistics students and scholars interested in the cross-linguistic semantics of indefinites.

Cantonese Particles and Affixal Quantification (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #87)

by Peppina Po-lun Lee

Cantonese, the lingua franca of Hong Kong and its neighboring province, has an unusually rich repertoire of verbal particles. This volume significantly augments the academic literature on their semantics, focusing on three affixal quantifiers, -saai, -hoi and -maai. The author shows how these verbal suffixes display a unique interplay of syntax and semantics: used in a sentence with no focus, they quantify items flexibly, according to an accessibility hierarchy; with focus, focus comes into effect after syntactic selection. This fresh and compelling perspective in the study of particles and quantification is the first in-depth analysis of Cantonese verbal suffixes. It compares the language's affixal quantification to the alternative determiner and adverbial quantifiers. The book's syntax-semantics mapping geography deploys both descriptive and theoretical approaches, making it an essential resource for researchers studying the nexus of syntax and semantics, as well as Cantonese itself.

Research on Old French: The State of the Art

by Deborah L Arteaga

The present volume presents scholarly study into Old French as it is practiced today, in all of its forms, within a variety of theoretical frameworks, from Optimality Theory to Minimalism to Discourse Analysis. Many of the chapters are corpus-based, reflecting a new trend in the field, as more electronic corpora become available. The chapters contribute to our understanding of both the synchronic state and diachronic evolution, not only of Old French, but of language in general. Its breadth is extensive in that contributors pursue research on a wide variety of topics in Old French focusing on the various subsystems of language. All examples are carefully glossed and the relevant characteristics of Old French are clearly explained, which makes it uniquely accessible to non-specialists and linguists at all levels of training.

Compounding in Modern Greek (Studies in Morphology #2)

by Angela Ralli

One of the core challenges in linguistics is elucidating compounds--their formation as well as the reasons their structure varies between languages. This book on Modern Greek rises to the challenge with a meticulous treatment of its diverse, intricate compounds, a study as grounded in theory as it is rich in data. Enhancing our knowledge of compounding and word-formation in general, its exceptional scope is a worthy model for linguists, particularly morphologists, and offers insights for students of syntax, phonology, dialectology and typology, among others. The author examines first-tier themes such as the order and relations of constituents, headedness, exocentricity, and theta-role saturation. She shows how Modern Greek compounding relates to derivation and inflection, and charts the boundaries between compounds and phrases. Exploring dialectically variant compounds, and identifying historical changes, the analysis extends to similarly formed compounds in wholly unrelated languages.

Semantics of Genitive Objects in Russian

by Olga Kagan

The genitive/accusative opposition in Slavic languages is a decades-old linguistic conundrum. Shedding new light on this perplexing object-case alternation in Russian, this volume analyzes two variants of genitive objects that alternate with accusative complements--the genitive of negation and the intensional genitive. The author contends that these variants are manifestations of the same phenomenon, and thus require an integrated analysis. Further, that the choice of case is sensitive to factors that fuse semantics and pragmatics, and that the genitive case is assigned to objects denoting properties at the same time as they lack commitment to existence. Kagan's subtle analysis accounts for the complex relations between case-marking and other properties, such as definiteness, specificity, number and aspect. It also reveals a correlation between the genitive case and the subjunctive mood, and relates her overarching subject matter to other instances of differential object-marking.

Reading Development and Difficulties in Monolingual and Bilingual Chinese Children

by Xi Chen Qiuying Wang Yang Cathy Luo

This volume explores Chinese reading development, focusing on children in Chinese societies and bilingual Chinese-speaking children in Western societies. The book is structured around four themes: psycholinguistic study of reading, reading disability, bilingual and biliteracy development, and Chinese children's literature. It discusses issues that are pertinent to improving language and literacy development, and complex cognitive, linguistic, and socio-cultural factors that underlie language and literacy development. In addition, the book identifies instructional practices that can enhance literacy development and academic achievement. This volume offers an integrative framework of Chinese reading, and deepens our understanding of the intricate processes that underlie Chinese children's literacy development. It promotes research in reading Chinese and celebrates the distinguished and longstanding career of Richard C. Anderson.

Handbook of Arabic Literacy

by Elinor Saiegh-Haddad R. Malatesha Joshi

This book provides a synopsis of recently published empirical research into the acquisition of reading and writing in Arabic. Its particular focus is on the interplay between the linguistic and orthographic structure of Arabic and the development of reading and writing/spelling. In addition, the book addresses the socio-cultural, political and educational milieu in which Arabic literacy is embedded. It enables readers to appreciate both the implications of empirical research to literacy enhancement and the challenges and limitations to the applicability of such insights in the Arabic language and literacy context. The book will advance the understanding of the full context of literacy acquisition in Arabic with the very many factors (religious, historical, linguistic etc. ) that interact and will hence contribute to weakening the anglocentricity that dominates discussions of this topic.

El desbarrancadero

by Fernando Vallejo

Fernando, un escritor colombiano que vive en México, vuelve a su patria de nacimiento para acompañar en sus últimos días a su hermano Darío, enfermo de sida. Darío se ha instalado en la casa familiar. Entre la abundancia de recuerdos sobresalen los dedicados a su padre que, junto a su hermano Darío, es el único miembro de la familia a quien Fernando quiere.

Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore

by Kaycheng Soh

This collection of articles begins with an overview of the Reviews from past decades, then goes on to describe the current practices, and foretells the possible future developments. This is followed by a discussion of the use of ICT and surveys on several professional aspects of teaching, including teachers' training needs and perception of student difficulties, assessment literacy, familiarity and use of language teaching strategies, as well as perceived social status and job satisfaction. The book ends with an extensive discussion of bilingualism and code-switching as well as the teaching of Chinese culture in Singapore schools. The comprehensive coverage provides a milestone in Chinese Language teaching in the multi-lingual context of Singapore.

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