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Moon and Stars - Ein Wiedersehen mit Cooper (Clouds And Rain Serie Ser. #4)

by Zahra Owens Melina Wilke

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain SerieNachdem Cooper Nelsons Affäre mit einem verheirateten Bezirksstaatsanwalt zu einem Skandal und dem Entzug seiner Lizenz geführt hat, hat er seinen Frieden als Ranchhelfer auf der Blue River Ranch gefunden. Acht Jahre später, bei einem seiner seltenen Besuche in der Stadt, trifft er zufällig auf Kelly Freed, einen Mann, den er fünfzehn Jahre zuvor verlassen hatte, als er gerade anfing, als Anwalt zu arbeiten. Unglücklicherweise kandidiert Kelly gerade für den Posten des Sheriffs und seine Frau ist todkrank, darum steht für ihn eine Wiederaufnahme ihrer Beziehung außer Frage. Aus seiner eigenen Vergangenheit weiß Cooper, dass das Verschweigen der Wahrheit alle Beteiligten nur ins Unglück stürzen wird, weshalb er nicht mehr das kleine, schmutzige Geheimnis eines anderen Mannes sein will. Währenddessen ist die Lage auf der benachbarten Blackwater Ranch verzweifelt. Gables Freundin Calley hat Brustkrebs, und als Gable und Flynn ihre Kinder aufnehmen, brauchen sie die Hilfe ihrer Freunde. Cooper und Kelly helfen dabei, Gable auch rechtlich als Vater seiner Kinder einzusetzen und Calleys Verhältnisse zu ordnen, sollte das Schlimmste eintreten. Für Cooper war es nie einfach gewesen, sich von Kelly fernzuhalten, doch jetzt, wo sie ein gemeinsames Ziel haben, ist es ungleich schwerer, Kelly auf Abstand zu halten.

Il nascondiglio

by Amy Lane Caterina Bolognesi

L'infanzia di Terrell Washington è stata una tripla schifezza: non c'è nessun vantaggio a essere nero, gay e povero in America. Terrell si è fatto strada fuori dal ghetto solo per colpire un soffitto di cristallo e trovarsi imprigionato nel ristorante di una popolare catena a fare il barista con una laurea in giornalismo. L'unica nota positiva è Colby Meyers, un suo collega che non ha paure o inibizioni e che non conosce limiti. Terrell e Colby passano l'estate al fiume e le loro pause sul retro del Papiano. Per quanto Terrell sia terrorizzato all'idea di uscire allo scoperto, gli è impossibile stare lontano dal magnetico sorriso di Colby e dalla sua risata contagiosa. Ma Colby ha finito l'università, adesso, e ha grandi progetti per il futuro... progetti che Terrell è certo che lasceranno il suo nero culo secco nella polvere di Sacramento, fino a un momento mozzafiato, rubato nel mezzo del caos del ristorante, che gli dice che potrebbe sbagliarsi. Quando quell'istante viene infranto da un mistero e da un atto di violenza, Terrell e Colby rimangono con due rompicapi da risolvere: chi ha ucciso quel furfante del loro capo e come potranno far confluire le loro vite, il loro nero e il loro bianco, in un unico scintillante futuro?

Versöhnung des Blutes (Partnership in Blood #4)

by Ariel Tachna Anna Doe

Fortsetzung zu Konflikt des BlutesBuch 4 in der Serie - BlutspartnerschaftDer Krieg nähert sich seiner entscheidenden Phase und beide Seiten sind bis an ihre Grenzen gefordert. Da gelingt den dunklen Magiern ein vernichtender Schlag, denn sie nehmen Orlando St. Clair gefangen. Am Boden zerstört vor Sorge um seinen entführten Partner, muss Alain befürchten, dass auch Orlandos Befreiung aus den Klauen der dunklen Magier den Vampir nicht mehr retten kann, weil sein Herz und sein Verstand unheilbaren Schaden genommen haben. Christophe Lombard, der älteste und mächtigste Vampir von Paris, weiß, dass die Allianz an der Schwelle zur Niederlage steht. Er gibt seine selbstgewählte Isolation auf und schließt sich dem Kampf an. Alains abtrünniger Freund Eric Simonet, der zu den dunklen Magiern übergelaufen war, wird vor die Wahl gestellt zwischen Rache und Erlösung. Und Jean, durch Orlandos Schicksal in Wut und Zorn versetzt, muss sich der schwierigsten Entscheidung seiner Existenz stellen, während um ihn herum der alles entscheidende Kampf tobt. Werden sie mit ihren Entscheidungen die Allianz endgültig zerschlagen oder schaffen sie es doch noch, ihre Welt vor dem Untergang zu bewahren?

Perdonare Thayne (Compagni predestinati #2)

by J. R. Loveless Caterina Bolognesi

Un libro della serie Compagni predestinatiNicholas Cartwright ha fatto tutto ciò che era in suo potere per dimenticare la notte di sei mesi prima a Senaka, quando il suo compagno predestinato l'ha rifiutato, lasciandolo distrutto e disilluso. Si è buttato nel lavoro, consumandosi fino all'esaurimento, e trova ormai intollerabile il tocco di chiunque altro. Improvvisamente il suo compagno ha bisogno del suo aiuto e gli chiede forse più di quanto Nick riesca a dare. Thayne Whitedove è sempre stato un nomade. Passa i giorni sulla strada e le notti tra le braccia di qualche facile conquista, fino a quando un fatidico sbaglio non lo costringe a tornare a casa per trovare conforto. Purtroppo, l'unico modo per rimediare al suo errore di giudizio è accettare la sola cosa che non ha mai voluto: il suo compagno. Thayne deve decidere se fuggire oppure restare e lottare per ottenere il perdono di Nick.

Mia Kerick's Greatest Hits (Dreamspinner Press Bundles #19)

by Mia Kerick

Enjoy these best-selling romantic novels from Mia Kerick! Beggars and Choosers: Brett wants to lend Cory hand. But when their relationship evolves into something Brett isn't ready to need, he reacts... and the consequences may destroy their fledgling future. With scars like theirs, forgiveness is never easy. A Package Deal: Savannah has an agenda: She is looking for a love match for her roommate, Tristan. When she meets Robby, she puts her plan in action. Out of Hiding: Philippe's relationship with Dario leads him to a surprising discovery of his submissive sexual tendencies and a greater sense of self-awareness. But tragedy threatens to destroy the connections Philippe has made and forces him to retreat into the shadows of his past. Random Acts: From a random act of kindness, romance begins to grow, filling all the dark corners of Bradley's empty life--until a random act of violence threatens to take it all away. Bradley must step up and be the man Caleb believes him to be. Caleb rescued him from a life without hope. Can Bradley rescue him in return?See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Bitter Moon Saga (Bitter Moon Saga #1)

by Amy Lane

The Bitter Moon Saga is the epic tale of Torrant Shadow--Triane's Son--and his goddess gift; his lovers, family, and friends; and their struggle against the forces of evil. In Book 1, Torrant and Yarri no longer live in their tolerant home, and Torrant must use his goddess gift for protection if they are to survive. In Book 2, The evil from Torrant's homeland becomes too much to be ignored while he's in school, and he must choose: will he be a healer or a hero? In Book 3, Torrant and Aylan ride to Dueance to infiltrate the Regent's council and change policy toward the Goddess's chosen from the inside. And in Book 4, Torrant must use his healer/poet and predator sides to save his people. If he fails, Rath will eliminate joy from the heart of the lands of the three moons, and all that Torrant and his family cherish will be lost. But success could exact a devastating cost, one Triane's Son was never prepared to pay.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Cutting Cords (Cutting Cords Series #1)

by Mickie B. Ashling

Sloan Driscoll, who is smart, sassy, and a brilliant graphic artist—but also a pothead with severe body image problems—builds a relationship with roommate and former major league pitcher Cole Fujiwara that literally saves his life. But Trent Hamilton, model and established Dominant, offers Sloan another life choice at a time when that relationship is falling apart. Find out who Sloan ultimately chooses in this bundle of the Cutting Cords series by Mickie B. Ashling!

Tales From Foster High (Tales from Foster High #1)

by John Goode

Tales from Foster High: Book OneKyle Stilleno is the invisible student, toiling through high school in the middle of Nowhere, Texas. Brad Greymark is the baseball star of Foster High. When they bond over their mutual damage during a night of history tutoring, Kyle thinks maybe his life has changed for good. But the promise of fairy-tale love is a lie when you're gay and falling for the most popular boy in school. A coming of age story in the same vein of John Hughes, Tales from Foster High shows an unflinching vision of the ups and downs of teenage love and what it is like to grow up gay.

Back Off! That’s My Jock (The JOCK Series #3)

by Wade Kelly

The JOCK Series: Book ThreeDefining his sexuality didn't make sense until his best friend spelled it out. Doug Archer did some pretty idiotic things in the first eight weeks of his junior year of college. First, he kissed his gay best friend, and second, he kissed a guy he'd mistaken for a girl. Not stellar moments for Doug. If he isn't careful, he'll lose his spot on the soccer team to the new freshman, or worse, he might misconstrue his new friend Rob's overly affectionate tendencies for flirting. But if Doug isn't bothered by another guy's attention, and he normally dates girls, does that mean he's gay or bisexual? Sam Garber suppressed his same-sex attraction his entire life. His father told him it was immoral, and Sam did everything he could to bury his feelings. However, after meeting Doug at a party and kissing him, Sam can't think of anything else. He decides dating girls is the best way to keep his secret hidden. With playoffs in sight, this is no time to think about guys in any other context than soccer. Only neither boy anticipates the difficulty in suppressing his attraction for another jock!

Seven-Card Stud (Dreamspun Desires #22)

by Ava Drake

A Wild Cards NovelTemptation, peril, and dirty poker. Love is a high-stakes game. When Collin Callahan, British secret agent, goes up against math genius turned surfer bum Oliver Elliot, the battle is epic--and so is the attraction. They're pitted against each other in an exclusive, ultra-secret--and ultra-illegal--poker match in Gibraltar, but when players start dying and they could be next, they find a common goal: catch the killer before it's too late. Evenly matched at poker and romance, they each wrestle personal demons that threaten to consume them as the stakes climb. It's an all-or-nothing gamble with both life and love on the line as they fight to be the last seven-card studs standing.

Three Little Words

by Allison Cassatta

2nd EditionIs it better to keep some secrets locked away? Matt thought his life was perfect, but he learns there's no such thing when the man he planned to marry breaks his heart and leaves him holding the pieces. Needing to escape and lick his wounds, Matt heads to New England to spend time on his brother's lobster boat. A one-night stand proves to him that empty sex does nothing to mend old hurt, and neither does running away. So when Matt's best friend, Luke, a firefighter, is seriously injured, Matt steps up, even if it means facing bigotry and ignorance. Luke has been hiding his feelings from Matt all their lives, and revealing them after so many years won't make life easier for either of them. But nothing worth having ever comes easily....First Edition published by Amber Quill Press, 2013.

Rain and Whiskey (Stormy Weather #1)

by Ba Tortuga

2nd EditionStormy Weather: Book OneGalen Frost buys a house and a bait shop in a small Florida town to get away from his life as a semipro football player. When he meets good-time bartender Shane Barton, the heat between them is instant and intense--like the burn of good whiskey. Galen and Shane don't have much in common beyond their healthy libidos and their love of a good time, but the intoxicating heat brings them together like rain on the ocean, whipping up a frenzy of weather... good and bad. When trouble blows ashore, they will have to ride out the storm that breaks between them as Galen's past rears its ugly head.First Edition eBook published by Torquere Press, 2005.First Edition paperback published by Torquere Press, 2006.

Cross My Heart

by Catt Ford

Do you believe in love at first sight? Roland Reynolds—or Lana Renault, as she’s now known—knows that life is no fairy tale. Fortunately she has her trusted friends, nicknamed “the dwarfs,” to keep her company. She lives her life to the fullest while keeping what’s beneath her skirt to herself. American painter Daniel Hunter is no stranger to adversity either, and it’s left him with not only strength but secrets. Unlike Lana, he remains aloof, content to observe life and beauty from the sidelines… until the first time their eyes meet on a crowded Paris street. Cupid’s arrow finds its mark in Daniel, but while Lana longs for romance, she knows there’s no prince in her happy ever after. If their story is to have a fairy-tale ending, Daniel will have to convince Lana to let down her walls—and, in the process, reveal what he fears sharing the most.

Relative Best (Foothills Pride Stories #5)

by Pat Henshaw

A Foothills Pride StorySometimes love sneaks up when you're least looking for it.... Zeke Bandy, owner of Bandy's Finest Hotel in Old Town Stone Acres, California, is too busy for love. Not only does he oversee the operations of the historic hotel and uphold his family's tradition of offering refuge to strays and runaways, Zeke also sings and plays down-home music two nights a week at the Stonewall Saloon and for occasional celebrations. Then Zeke meets Victor Longbow, the man of his dreams. Vic isn't looking for love either. In fact, because of his upbringing in a strict, white foster family, Vic's not sure he believes in love. He's in Stone Acres to open a branch office of a national brokerage firm. He's also hoping to find a vintage photo of what might be his Native American ancestor. After their paths cross, they become friends, then more. Connected by their experiences as orphans raised by flawed fathers, Zeke and Vic realize that some men must find love, hone it, and create families for themselves.

Stranger in Black

by Devon Rhodes

2nd EditionBefore Christian can end his relationship with a closeted cheater, he needs to see the evidence firsthand. He disguises himself and attends a masquerade ball escorted by a friend, in search of the Stranger in Black. When he finds him, he gets something entirely different--and much more erotic--than he expected. Wearing a black-and-gold mask, Jarrod is on the hunt for Chris, the "other woman" his best friend's fiancé is having an affair with. But a sexy vision in a white gown captures his attention and takes his breath away, which is strange, since he's gay. One by one, the pieces fall away, exposing their dual deception. After the masks--and the pants--are off, Christian and Jarrod must work together to support a friend... and maybe become something more than strangers.First Edition published by Amber Quill Press, LLC, 2011.

Like Heaven on Earth (Dance, Love, Live #3)

by Jaime Samms

Dance, Love, Live: Book ThreeCobalt Winslow lost two loves when his ex-boyfriend, Calvin Denvers, infected him with HIV, taking his health and his place as principal danseur in their New York ballet company when Cobalt became too weak. Now dealing with the aftermath as best he can, Cobalt teaches dance in Toronto with the support of his oldest friends, Conrad and Peridot. The one bright spot in his life is Malory Preston, his brother's driver and a man who is always there when Cobalt needs him. Kind and attentive, Preston embodies everything Calvin lacks, but Cobalt can't let go of his unhealthy, long-distance relationship with his ex. Calvin brings a messy and violent end to their affair, but offers a chance for Cobalt to return to New York--as Calvin's understudy--just when he's on the verge of a real and lasting relationship with Preston. Now Cobalt faces a choice between two loves: dancing and Preston. Preston must show Cobalt that he has the power and support to make the life he wants and deserves, no matter what he decides.

The Swap

by Devon Rhodes

2nd EditionWhen layoffs hit Jim LaRue's company, his first concern isn't for his own job, it's for his friend and coworker, Tommy Graves. Tommy's going through a bitter divorce, and he's closing on a new home. Losing his job would mean losing the house--and the fresh start he desperately needs. Jim can't let that happen to the man he's secretly in love with, so he proposes a swap: his job for Tommy's. Now out of work, Jim reluctantly agrees to help Tommy remodel. He needs the income, but he can't stand being a charity case--especially not when things between them start heading in a direction he hardly dared hope for. The strain drives a wedge between them, and a confrontation might spell the end of their relationship.First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2010.

Dog Days (Wolf Winter #1)

by Ta Moore

The world ends not with a bang, but with a downpour. Tornadoes spin through the heart of London, New York cooks in a heat wave that melts tarmac, and Russia freezes under an ever-thickening layer of permafrost. People rally at first--organizing aid drops and evacuating populations--but the weather is only getting worse. In Durham, mild-mannered academic Danny Fennick has battened down to sit out the storm. He grew up in the Scottish Highlands, so he's seen harsh winters before. Besides, he has an advantage. He's a werewolf. Or, to be precise, a weredog. Less impressive, but still useful. Except the other werewolves don't believe this is any ordinary winter, and they're coming down over the Wall to mark their new territory. Including Danny's ex, Jack--the Crown Prince Pup of the Numitor's pack--and the prince's brother, who wants to kill him. A wolf winter isn't white. It's red as blood.

The Soldati Prince (Soldati Hearts #1)

by Charlie Cochet

2nd EditionOne moment Riley Murrough is living a normal life working in a coffee shop, and the next he's running for his life from demons, learns he bears the mark of a shape-shifter king from a magical realm, and--worst of all--he's destined to become the mated prince to the arrogant tiger shifter he would rather strangle. Khalon, the shifter king, is equally distraught at the idea of being bound to a human prince, and along with his Soldati warriors, he sets out to return Riley to his own world where he belongs. On their journey they might discover why the priestess brought them together--if they can escape the demons and make it to her alive.First Edition published as The Soldati Prince in Charmed & Dangerous by JCP Books LLC, 2015.

Accidental Fall

by Shae Connor

2nd EditionWhen it comes to relationships, college roommates Greg and Keith are polar opposites. A recovering addict, Greg avoids sex because it's too closely tied in his mind with the alcohol and drugs he gave up. In contrast, Keith protects his heart by limiting sex to one-night stands and weekend flings. As the two get to know each other better, they feel drawn together, and slowly they take tentative steps toward something real. Their attraction soon flares hot, but Greg's fears overwhelm him, sending him running. It's up to Keith to help Greg learn to trust in himself--and in the way they feel about each other.First Edition published as Accidental Love by Amber Quill Press, LLC/Amber Allure, 2012.

Don’t Twunk With My Heart (Loving You #2)

by Renae Kaye

Loving You: Book TwoKee Smith isn't sure who he is anymore. He knows who he used to be--the ignored gay son who chose a blue-collar job just because no one expected it, the submissive bottom who enjoyed large, masculine jocks who put him in his place, the sleek, fashionable twink who partied all night. But after his ex-boyfriend hit Kee and called him names, Kee retired from the social scene. Back after a year's hiatus, Kee still doesn't know where he fits. His friends say he's a twunk--a twink who put on muscle and turned into a hunk--but Kee is searching for somewhere to belong. Instead of going back to his usual type, Kee hooks up with twink Tate Stevens--a fashion-industry professional who works the image hard. It proves to be the best decision he's ever made, and not just because he's starting to regain his sexual confidence. With Tate, Kee can open up about his fears and confusion without ridicule. Tate has his own fears about putting on weight and getting old. It will take work to make a relationship of opposites succeed, but they begin to realize the compromises will be worth it if they can be together.

Empty Net (Scoring Chances #4)

by Avon Gale

A Scoring Chances NovelSpartanburg Spitfires' goalie and captain, Isaac Drake, ended last season with an unexpected trip to the playoffs. He's found a home and a family with his coach and mentor, Misha Samarin, and he's looking forward to making a serious run for the Kelly Cup. But things take an interesting turn when Isaac's archnemesis, Laurent St. Savoy, is traded to the Spitfires. After Laurent's despicable behavior in the playoffs last year, Isaac wants nothing to do with him--no matter how gorgeous he is. But that changes when Isaac discovers the reason for Laurent's attitude. Laurent St. Savoy grew up the only son of a legendary NHL goalie in a household rife with abuse. He was constantly treated like a disappointment, on and off the ice. When a desperate attempt to escape his father's tyranny sends him to the Spitfires, the last thing Laurent wants is to make friends. But there's something about Isaac Drake that he can't resist. Laurent has an opportunity to explore his sexuality for the first time, but he's cracking under end-of-the-season pressures. When facing the playoffs and a rivalry turned personal vendetta, Isaac's not sure he's enough to hold on to Laurent--or their relationship.

Turning the Page

by Andrew Grey

Malcolm Webber is still grieving the loss of his partner of twenty years to cancer. He's buried his mind and feelings in his legal work and isn't looking for another relationship. He isn't expecting to feel such a strong attraction when he meets Hans Erickson--especially since the man is quite a bit younger than him. Hans is an adventure writer with an exciting lifestyle to match. When he needs a tax attorney to straighten out an error with the IRS, he ends up on the other side of the handsome Malcolm's desk. The heat between them is undeniable, but business has to come first. When it's concluded, Hans leaps on the chance to make his move. Malcolm isn't sure he's ready for the next chapter in his life. Hans is so young and active that Malcolm worries he won't be able to hold his interest for long. Just when he's convinced himself to take the risk and turn the page, problems at the law office threaten to end their love story before it can really begin.

Treasure Trail (States Of Love #1)

by Nicole Dennis

Owner of Matey's Tavern, a popular brewpub-tavern in St. Augustine, Florida, Derick Keyes loves his adopted hometown and job. He also harbors a crush on a pirate captain. Tour guide for the popular Pirate Pub Walking Tour, Christopher Easton portrays a pirate captain as he takes visitors on a guided tour of St. Augustine, stopping at certain taverns for a pint of grog and tales of the golden age of piracy. With a little liquid courage, Chris breaks the cycle when he talks to Derick. Things change between them. Derick wants a chance for more with Chris. During the Annual Pirate Festival, Derick creates a treasure hunt for Chris after "cursing" him. To break the curse, Chris must find four clues before the final battle on Sunday night. Only then can the curse be broken.States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.

Shane Thorpe Knew Jesus and Rode Bulls (States Of Love)

by George Seaton

Eighteen-year-old Joe Vasquez leaves Denver for Texas with Harley Bray, the cow kid who never fit in at their high school. In spite of discovering there's another side to Harley's nature--occasional "withdrawals" from roadside convenience stores, a nefarious skill he teaches Joe--Joe shares Harley's dream of riding bulls and a life together on the Texas plains outside of Abilene. A life that will hopefully see the fulfillment of another of Joe's dreams--to become a veterinarian. When a rank bull kills Harley in a rodeo in Longview, Texas, Joe accepts an offer from another bull rider, Shane Thorpe, to partner up and ride the circuit together. The problem is that the blond-haired, blue-eyed Shane found Jesus a long time ago, and he's torn between his faith and his attraction to Joe. As they make their way across Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona to their final stop on the circuit at the National Western Rodeo in Denver, Joe bides his time for what he hopes will be a relationship with Shane as fulfilling as the one he'd had with Harley. His hopes for the future, however, are challenged along the way when he discovers that his "withdrawals" have captured the attention of a dedicated Texas Ranger.States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.

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