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Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others

by Sara Ahmed

In this groundbreaking work, Sara Ahmed demonstrates how queer studies can put phenomenology to productive use. Focusing on the "orientation" aspect of "sexual orientation" and the "orient" in "orientalism," Ahmed examines what it means for bodies to be situated in space and time. Bodies take shape as they move through the world directing themselves toward or away from objects and others. Being "orientated" means feeling at home, knowing where one stands, or having certain objects within reach. Orientations affect what is proximate to the body or what can be reached. A queer phenomenology, Ahmed contends, reveals how social relations are arranged spatially, how queerness disrupts and reorders these relations by not following the accepted paths, and how a politics of disorientation puts other objects within reach, those that might, at first glance, seem awry. Ahmed proposes that a queer phenomenology might investigate not only how the concept of orientation is informed by phenomenology but also the orientation of phenomenology itself. Thus she reflects on the significance of the objects that appear--and those that do not--as signs of orientation in classic phenomenological texts such as Husserl's Ideas. In developing a queer model of orientations, she combines readings of phenomenological texts--by Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Fanon--with insights drawn from queer studies, feminist theory, critical race theory, Marxism, and psychoanalysis. Queer Phenomenology points queer theory in bold new directions.


by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Acero y sombra San Francisco, 2015. Un grupo de amigos que celebran un golpe de suerte en sus carreras musicales toman un camino equivocado en un callejón desierto para encontrar su camino bloqueado por dos criaturas de pesadilla. Sobreviviendo solo a través de la intervención arcana de un salvador críptico, se encuentran empujados de mala gana al centro de una guerra de exterminio entre dos razas místicas. El guantelete Rory amó a su mejor amigo Takeshi durante todo el tiempo que podía recordar, aunque nunca tuvo el coraje de hablar de ello. Cuando Rory es capturado, su alma cuelga de la balanza mientras los Caminantes Nocturnos se adentran en la magia antigua para corromper su espíritu. Takeshi intenta un rescate desesperado, pero no está preparado para enfrentar al enemigo que espera en las profundidades de la fortaleza de los vampiros. Al final, su propia condenación puede ser la clave para la salvación de Rory. Noche y Día Nick se sorprendió al ver a Rory en una fiesta de Navidad tantos años después de que el otro músico desapareciera de la vida pública. Renovando su amistad, permanece completamente inconsciente de que Rory no es en absoluto lo que parece ser. La ignorancia de Nick le cuesta mucho cuando los enemigos de Rory atacan. Para salvar a Nick, Rory y sus aliados deben encontrar una manera de triunfar sobre el primero y el más grande de los señores vampiros, antes de que el alma de Nick se retuerza para siempre por los tormentos del Príncipe de las Pesadillas.

Ascenção: O Projeto Interscissão: Livro Cinco (O Projeto Interscissão #5)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Ascensão por Arshad Ahsanuddin Livro 5/5 - ópera espacial gay / viagem no tempo com elementos românticos Ascensão A história é uma mentira. Uma batalha final decidirá se a Humanidade sobreviverá para contar a história. Bem-vindo ao fim dos dias. Jacob Atkins tinha dezoito anos quando perdeu seu melhor amigo, Mark. Desde então, ele tenta seguir em frente com sua vida, construindo uma carreira no Corpo de Ampulheta. Então, uma inesperada convergência de eventos ameaça expor a Ampulheta e destruir tudo o que eles tentaram realizar. Martin Atkins achou que estava perfeitamente feliz como um capitão relativamente normal nos fuzileiros navais da Confederação, até que uma mensagem concisa chegou em sua caixa de entrada de um homem que ele pensava ser o amor de sua vida. Agora, todos os segredos que sua família herdou estão em risco, não apenas da humanidade, mas de uma ameaça insidiosa que ele só vislumbrou até agora. Calvin Teague é a obsessão de Michelle Atkins desde o Incidente Janus. Mas o traidor fugitivo é muito mais do que parece e, finalmente, todas as peças de quebra-cabeça deformadas se encaixam no momento em que o mistério de seu papel é finalmente desvendado, deixando-a sem opção a não ser fazer uma guerra desesperada contra os mais implacáveis ​​e inimigo aterrorizante que a humanidade já enfrentou: Seus filhos.

Azimute: O Projeto Interscisão: Livro Dois

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Edward tem uma chance de salvar um homem que ele esqueceu que já amou. Tudo o que ele tem a fazer é destruir o mundo. Os eventos desastrosos da missão Zenith por trás deles, Marty e Edward levam vidas muito diferentes nos dois fins do tempo. Martin foi escolhido para liderar uma operação militar de elite projetada para reduzir e, finalmente, eliminar a ameaça de viajantes no tempo. Henry Bradford, porém, tem outras idéias e tenta seduzi-lo a assumir o papel de capitão da nave estelar Azimuth. Quase um quarto de século no futuro, Edward vive uma vida de riqueza e influência como filho adotivo do CEO da Starfire, Trevor Sutton. Mas o mistério do assassinato de seu pai biológico ainda pesa em sua mente, eclipsado apenas pela aparência desconcertante das marcas de cachorro de Martin em volta do pescoço. A distância que ele percorrerá em busca de respostas determinará o curso final da história da humanidade, já que ele é confrontado mais uma vez contra a agenda destrutiva do viajante do tempo que ele conhece apenas como Gifford.

Catedral dos céus

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Filho do crepusculo Veneza, na Itália, 2039Quando Michael Danvers testemunha um ataque de vampiro, sua capacidade latente de se transformar desperta. se revelando como um sentinela, inimigo número um dos sentinelas noturnos, ele tem que abandonar a sua família pela sua própria segurança. mas um lugar de batalhas sobrenaturais não é lugar para uma criança, nem mesmo um gênio como Michael. Traído pelo seu próprio povo, ele deixa a terra para trás, buscando conquistar seu lugar no espaço e nas estrelas. Temperado pelo luar Mudando-se para a Cidadela, Michael rapidamente faz um nome para si mesmo na Corporação espacial. Mas cada avanço significa menos para ele do que as amizades que ele adquire, dos colegas cadetes William e Ariel, mesmo quando Michael é promovido acima deles. Forjado na luz das estrelas Todos tinham planos para o futuro de Michael: seus pais, os Sentinelas, o Clã - até mesmo seu melhor amigo, Will. Mas Michael toma o controle de seu destino, e quando chamado para tomar uma decisão fatídica com incontáveis ​​vidas na balança, o único senso de honra que importa é o seu.

Insurrecição: O Projecto Interscissão: Livro Três (O Projecto Interscissão #3)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Um homem destruirá o passado para salvar o presente. O preço é muito alto. Mas já pode ser tarde demais para detê-lo. A vida se estabelece em uma rotina para os habitantes da Colônia de Quíron, o primeiro assentamento interestelar da humanidade, depois que a ameaça do viajante do tempo Gifford aparentemente foi eliminada. Mas a Ampulheta e seu líder, Almirante O'Dare, não se contentam em descansar, convencidos de que a viagem no tempo continua sendo uma ameaça palpável à civilização humana. Quando Annette Sutton descobre uma possível trama secreta para eliminar os principais membros do Projeto Interscissão décadas atrás, quando eles tinham acabado de se conhecer, a paz idílica dos colonos é abalada. Martin e seu povo podem evitar o desastre enquanto o almirante se move para destruir o potencial de viajar no tempo, de uma vez por todas? Ou há uma agenda mais profunda em jogo? À medida que a lealdade e o dever se tornarem peões na corrida para impedir o apagamento de tudo o que eles realizaram, Martin terá que decidir de uma vez por todas até que ponto ele irá salvar tudo e todos que ama.

La Cattedrale Del Cielo: Patto Arcano 1.5

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

Bambino Prodigio. Adolescente. Sentinella. Questa è la storia di Michael “Icaro” Danvers.

Luz Estelar

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

El Triangulo Anchorpoint City, 2082. Medio año después de la muerte de su amante Takeshi, Rory sigue devastado, desviando los intentos de Nick de sacarlo. Lorcan se encarga de convencer a Rory de que vuelva a la vida. Luego, un gesto inocente de afecto explota en un escándalo sensacional, obligándolos a tomar decisiones que de otro modo nunca habrían considerado. ¿Su amistad sobrevivirá a la presión de la política de Caminantes Nocturnos, o su relación será solo otra víctima de la guerra? Los Espaciales En memoria de su amor por Tobias, Rafael se convirtió en el mejor amigo y aliado de Antonio, apoyando el avance de su protegido en el Gremio Espacial a pesar de la profunda desaprobación de Nick. Capitán de la nave de salto Singularity, Antonio ha pasado toda su vida adulta navegando por el vacío entre las estrellas, evitando felizmente cualquier parte del destino decretado para él en la guerra entre el Viento Blanco y el Rojo. Mentor y estudiante se reencuentran cuando Antonio regresa a casa en el centenario de la muerte de su padre, con la intención de quedarse solo el tiempo suficiente para presentar sus respetos a un hombre que nunca tuvo la oportunidad de conocer y a la familia que dejó atrás. Pero en un mundo donde la inmortalidad es común, la muerte no siempre es lo que parece, y el destino no se deja de lado tan fácilmente. El Espía Razheel ha servido a la Corte de las Sombras con honor durante más de un siglo como el Heraldo de la Noche, sin tomar partido abiertamente en la división entre las alianzas de Caminantes Nocturnos y Caminantes Nocturnos. Ahora, después de treinta mil años de conflicto, algo nuevo camina por la Tierra, que puede ser la mejor arma hasta ahora en la batalla entre las razas. A medida que el destino de Antonio se vuelve claro, ella entra sin problemas en el papel de revolucionaria, y su insurrección cuidadosamente planificada pondrá a la raza Nightwalker en el camin


by Arshad Ahsanuddin

A morte vem para todos nós. Mas às vezes chega cedo, porque é enviado. Tudo parece estar indo bem no mundo de Christopher. Recém-casado e promovido, ele até martelou o relacionamento com seu irmão Marley. Então uma morte na família sacode os fundamentos de seu mundo. Quando chega a notícia de que foi assassinato, apenas o melhor investigador forense da Força de Defesa de Quíron ajudará os Viajantes a encontrar o culpado. E isso é Marley. Quando a investigação começa a levar a uma delas, no entanto, a pergunta muda: foi assassinato ou traição?

Zênite: O Projeto Intercessão: Livro Um (O Projeto Intercessão #1)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

E se você pudesse mudar a história? E se alguém já tivesse? Aterrado após uma tentativa de resgate em órbita terrestre, o comandante Martin Atkins, da Marinha da Confederação, é abordado pelo Interscission Project, um consórcio de empresas civis à beira de aperfeiçoar a tecnologia para viajar para outra estrela. Apesar de suas dúvidas, a chance de voltar ao lugar do piloto é grande demais, e ele convence seu melhor amigo e colega de equipe, Charles Davenport, a deixar as forças armadas temporariamente e se juntar a ele como parte da tripulação do Zenith, a humanidade. primeira nave estelar. Edward Harlen é um jovem engenheiro brilhante e um participante importante na construção do Zenith para tirar proveito da tecnologia não testada da unidade de espaço dobrável. Mas Edward tem sua própria agenda para ingressar no projeto e uma pontuação amargamente pessoal para acertar com seu chefe, Trevor Sutton, uma vingança da qual Trevor é totalmente ignorante. Mas quando a irmã de Edward, Stella, entra em cena e consegue garantir uma posição no projeto, toda a trama cuidadosa de Edward fica perturbada, e ela pode significar a queda não apenas de seus planos de vingança, mas de toda a missão Zenith. A centelha de atração entre Edward e Martin é uma complicação que Edward não pode pagar, mas da qual ele não pode deixar de ir. Pois Edward conhece o segredo no coração do Interscission Project, o potencial oculto da tecnologia que em mãos erradas pode se tornar a arma definitiva do assassino: a capacidade de reescrever a história, não apenas uma vez, mas muitas vezes. À medida que um inimigo invisível se move para destruí-los, e a contagem de corpos se multiplica, Martin e Edward devem escolher se permitirão que a possibilidade do amor desafie seus destinos, ou então pegarão em armas em uma guerra para controlar o máximo possível. poder antigo e terrível no universo.

Azimuth — El Proyecto Interescisión: libro dos

by Arshad Ahsanuddin Carlos Bermejo Pérez

Edward tiene una oportunidad para salvar al hombre al quee olvidó que amaba. Todo lo que tiene que hacer para conseguirlo es destruir el mundo. Con los fatales acontecimientos de la misión Zenith a sus espaldas, Marty y Edward llevan vidas muy distintas en dos extremos del tiempo. Martin ha sido elegido para liderar una operación militar de élite diseñada para detener y, finalmente, eliminar, la amenaza de los viajeros en el tiempo, pero Henry Bradford tiene otra idea en mente: quiere tentarle para que acepte la capitanía de la rebautizada nave estelar Azimuth. Casi un cuarto de siglo en el futuro, Edward vive una vida de fortuna y poder como hijo adoptivo del consejero delegado de Starfire, Trevor Sutton. Sin embargo, el misterio que rodea a la muerte de su padre biológico todavía le ronda la cabeza, solo eclipsado por la desconcertante aparición de las placas identificativas de Martin alrededor de su cuello. El camino que siga en busca de respuestas decidirá el destino de la historia de la humanidad, al tiempo que se interpone en los planes destructivos del viajero en el tiempo al que conoce méramente como Gifford.

Insurrection (El Proyecto Interescisión #3)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin Carlos Bermejo Pérez

Un hombre destruirá el pasado para salvar el presente. El precio es demasiado alto. Pero puede ser demasiado tarde para detenerle. La vida es rutinaria para los habitantes de la colonia Chiron, la primera colonia interestelar humana, después de que se haya eliminado aparentemente la amenaza del viajero en el tiempo, Gifford. Pero el Reloj de arena y su líder, el almirante O'Dare, no están descansando en los laureles, convencidos de que el viaje en el tiempo sigue siendo una amenaza para la civilización humana. Cuando Annette Sutton descubre un posible plan secreto para eliminar a los miembros principales del Proyecto Interescisión décadas atrás, cuando se acababan de conocer, la idílica paz de los colonizadores se desmorona. ¿Podrán Martin y los suyos enfrentarse al desastre cuando el almirante intente destruir la amenaza temporal de una vez y por todas o existe un plan todavía más oscuro en juego? Las lealtades y el deber se convierten en piezas de un juego contrarreloj para impedir que todo lo que han conseguido desaparezca. Martin tendrá que decidir de una vez por todas hasta dónde llegará para salvar todo lo que ama.

Zenith - El Proyecto Interescisión: primer libro

by Arshad Ahsanuddin Carlos Bermejo Pérez

¿Y si pudieras cambiar la historia? ¿Y si alguien ya lo hubiera hecho? Obligado a quedarse en tierra después de que un intento de rescate en la órbita terrestre saliera mal, el comandante Martin Atkins de la Marina Confederada recibe una oferta del Proyecto Interescisión, un consorcio de corporaciones civiles que está a punto de perfeccionar la tecnología que permitirá viajar a otro sistema estelar. A pesar de sus reticencias, la oportunidad de volver a sentarse en el asiento del piloto de una nave es demasiado tentadora como para dejarla pasar y convence a su mejor amigo y compañero de tripulación, Charles Davenport, para que deje por un tiempo el ejército y se una a él a bordo de la Zenith, la primera nave estelar creada por la humanidad. Edward Harlen es un joven ingeniero brillante y una de las piezas clave en la construcción de la Zenith y la instalación del innovador reactor de plegado espacio-temporal. Sin embargo, Edward tiene sus propios motivos para unirse al proyecto. Tiene una deuda pendiente con su jefe, Trevor Sutton, una sed de venganza que su superior desconoce. Cuando la hermana de Edward, Stella, entra en escena y se asegura un puesto en el proyecto, todo el plan que había elaborado meticulosamente se desmorona. Stella podría arruinar no solo el ardid de Edward, sino toda la misión de la Zenith. Para complicarlo todo, la chispa de atracción que salta entre Edward y Martin es algo que no se puede permitir, pero que tampoco puede ignorar. Edward sabe el secreto que se esconde tras el Proyecto Interescisión; el potencial oculto de una tecnología que, en las manos equivocadas, podría convertirse en el arma definitiva: la habilidad de volver a escribir la historia, no solo una vez, sino todas las que se desee. Cuando un enemigo oculto se pone en marcha para destruirles y la lista de víctimas se multiplica, Martin y Edward tendrán que elegir entre dejar que el amor dicte sus destinos o alzarse en a

Bonds of Denial: Bonds Of Denial: Book Five Of Wicked Play Bonds Of Courage: Book Six Of Wicked Play Shattered Bonds: Book Seven Of Wicked Play (Wicked Play Ser. #5)

by Lynda Aicher

Book five of Wicked PlayIt's been twenty years since Rockford Fielding's father punished him for kissing another boy. Now a grown man with a military career behind him, Rock continues to deny his true desires, even while working security at The Den, the most decadent sex club in town. But after a year of watching gorgeous Carter Montgomery come and go on the arms of other men, Rock can no longer resist the cravings he's denied for so long.Carter has just four months left on his contract with an escort agency, and he doesn't know whether to feel relieved or afraid. Being an escort is all he knows. Adding to his confusion is the way his latest client, the sexy but stoic Rock, makes him feel things he hasn't wanted in years.One charmingly awkward date turns into two and soon the men are meeting off the clock. But with Rock in the closet and Carter unsure how to pursue a real relationship, how can they build a future both in and out of the bedroom?89,000 words

The Deeper He Hurts: A Kick Novel (Kick #2)

by Lynda Aicher

In this wild and sensual Kick novel from the RITA Award-nominated author of The Harder He Falls, a sizzling affair tempts the tech guru of a popular outdoor-adventure-sports company to come out of the closet and embrace his desires. Asher Ruggiero, a partner at Adrenaline Kick Adventures, is living a lie. As a control freak whose big Italian family thinks he's straight, Asher likes his encounters concise, dirty, and discreet--until his company's new rafting guide walks into work, dripping with brooding, intense sexuality. Sawyer Stevens is a mystery man with secrets and rough edges, and he makes Asher want to get to know him inside and out. Ever since the tragic death of his parents, Sawyer has dedicated himself to the rush of adrenaline that comes from pleasure and pain. Moving from one guy to another, hiding when life gets too complicated--that's all he can handle. So why does Asher make him long for something lasting and honest, when the gorgeous geek can't even be true to himself? Sawyer wants to give Asher his heart, but he just doesn't know how. After all, a life without integrity is a life without passion--and that's the one thing Sawyer craves. The Deeper He Hurts is intended for mature audiences. This ebook includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

The Farther He Runs: A Kick Novel

by Lynda Aicher

In an explosive novel of long-awaited release from the award-winning author of The Deeper He Hurts, two emotionally exposed Marines learn to lean on each other--and discover the courage to act on their innermost needs. After years away from home, Tanner Dorsey is back and sorting through feelings that have him in a stranglehold. The hardened Marine will do anything for a fallen comrade, so when an accident leaves Finn Kelley fighting for his life, Tanner's eager to be there for him. In fact, Tanner's ready and willing to do anything Finn asks--especially if it means finally acting on the sexual tension that's always kept him craving more. Finn senses it too--when he brushes against Tanner's stubbled jaw, when he inhales the scent of the T-shirt that clings to Tanner's body like a second skin. Now that he's more vulnerable than ever, Finn knows the time is right to take control, even if it means risking the heart and soul of their friendship. The bond they share goes beyond desire; it's a bond of brotherhood, forged under conditions few could imagine. But once they cross that line, there will be no more secrets. No more boundaries. And no turning back. The Farther He Runs is intended for mature audiences and includes an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

The Harder He Falls (Kick #1)

by Lynda Aicher

RITA Award finalist Lynda Aicher fires up a thrilling series featuring rugged men who play hard for a living. When it comes to one another's hearts, they never back down--because behind closed doors, the games they play are very different. Expert whitewater-rafting guide Grady Kelley lives for that rush of adrenaline: at work, as the newest employee of a Portland-based outdoor-adventure sports company, and off the river, where liaisons with anonymous men keep him satisfied. Grady prefers no drama and no strings attached, but when tragedy strikes, fate leads him to Micah Swaine. He's hot, masculine, distracting--and offers the kind of deeper connection Grady has sworn off, no matter how badly he craves it. Working at a leather bar, Micah meets a lot of guys, but Grady's different--and he seems to feel the same way. The trouble is, anything beyond casual sex is too risky for Micah. He's got secrets he doesn't know how to share, secrets that would make any relationship a battlefield. No man, even one as compassionate as Grady, would stick around for that kind of trouble. And yet, as physical desire melts the walls they've put up, Micah and Grady discover that trusting each other is the most exhilarating adventure of all. The Harder He Falls is intended for mature audiences. This ebook includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

Lynda Aicher Wicked Play Series Books 1-4: Book Four of Wicked Play (Wicked Play)

by Lynda Aicher

Welcome to the Den, an exclusive BDSM club where your every wish--and desire--can come true... BONDS OF TRUST After ending her passionless marriage, Cali Reynolds is eager to live out her forbidden fantasies. Her first step is attending new members' night at The Den, the most exclusive sex club in town. Perhaps here she can find a man who understands her desire to be dominated... When Jake McCallister discovers Cali has come to his club, he's intrigued--and takes it upon himself to initiate her into the pleasures she's been missing. Her first encounter with Jake is everything Cali has always craved, and more; she's not prepared for the feelings he inspires in her. And Jake is just as surprised by his overwhelming attraction to Cali. As their play intensifies, so does their bond. Now, Jake doesn't want anyone but Cali--but is he ready to officially claim her? And will she submit to being his forever? BONDS OF NEED When Kendra Morgan attends a party at an exclusive sex club, she's not driven by mere curiosity. Hoping to prove she's put the past behind her, Kendra must instead face up to needs she's denied for too long. Despite her lingering fears, she can't resist the temptation to play... Deklan Winters has had his eye on his attractive neighbor for months, but only senses Kendra is no stranger to the BDSM scene when she walks into his club. What surprises him most is his overwhelming desire to give her what she craves--and to show her a side to the Dom/sub relationship she's never known. With Deklan's guidance, Kendra begins to accept her forbidden needs and recognize the fine line between pleasure and pain. But when her former Master returns to reclaim her, it will take all her courage--and all of Deklan's love--to defy her past. BONDS OF DESIRE A ménage romance Lawyer Allison English never planned to return to The Den--despite her naughty fantasies about being bound by owner Seth Matthews. But when club guest Tyler Wysong is injured in a scene, Seth turns to Allie for help. Aroused by both men, Allie should turn the case down. But she can't... Tyler has no interest in being with another Dom. Yet he can't deny his attraction to Master Seth. When Seth offers him a place to stay, Tyler agrees--if Allie will stay too. But what good is a chaperone who adds to his temptation? Living with two subs brings out Seth's protective instincts, though Allie insists she's not into the lifestyle and Tyler swears he's done with it. But the chemistry between the trio prompts them to agree to submit to him for one week, and he'll show them both the true pleasure that a Dom can provide. The intimacy could break them all, or bind them together forever. BONDS OF HOPE Quinn Andrews has a lot to learn about the world of BDSM. Once America's sweetheart, she has an opportunity to revive her career by playing a sexual submissive in a highly anticipated new series. Quinn is ready to throw herself into the role, and The Den is the ideal place for a crash course. Marcus Reese is reluctant to take on Quinn's erotic education, despite his intense attraction to the stunning starlet. While she fulfills his every command perfectly, she's also a consummate actress--and Marcus is determined to uncover the real woman hidden behind the mask. Submitting to a Dom comes easily to Quinn. But it's not just the most amazing sex she's ever had--Marcus challenges her to define her own needs and make her own decisions. And when her training is over, Quinn will have to choose between continuing to play a part in her own life, or living by her own rules.

Lynda Aicher Wicked Play Series Books 5-7: Book Seven of Wicked Play

by Lynda Aicher

Return to BDSM hotspot the Den with books 5--7 in Lynda Aicher's Wicked Play erotic romance series BONDS OF DENIALA male/male erotic romance It's been twenty years since Rockford Fielding's father punished him for kissing another boy. Now a grown man with a military career behind him, Rock continues to deny his true desires, even while working security at The Den, the most decadent sex club in town. But after a year of watching gorgeous Carter Montgomery come and go on the arms of other men, Rock can no longer resist the cravings he's denied for so long. Carter has just four months left on his contract with an escort agency, and he doesn't know whether to feel relieved or afraid. Adding to his confusion is the way his latest client, the sexy but stoic Rock, makes him feel things he hasn't wanted in years. One charmingly awkward date turns into two and soon the men are meeting off the clock. But with Rock in the closet and Carter unsure how to pursue a real relationship, how can they build a future both in and out of the bedroom? BONDS OF COURAGE Pro hockey player Holden Hauke has kept his sexual needs buried for years. After a near miss over a picture of him bound to a spanking bench resulted in a mid-season trade, he's kept his image clean. But with the season over, he's ready to surrender control. And he's found just the woman to help him--if only he can convince her to give him a chance. Bending men to her will is nothing new for Vanessa Delcour, aka Mistress V--she's a full-time rep for pro athletes, a part-time owner of exclusive sex club The Den, and an experienced Domme. But when Holden Hauke comes looking for a discreet partner, Vanessa's concerned about his motives. Taking him on crosses barriers between work and play that she's had in place for years. From their first intense encounter in Mistress V's playroom, Hauke knows he's found the woman he's always needed. Submissive or not, he's willing to push her every limit to prove how good they can be together. SHATTERED BONDS Will the doors of The Den close forever? When the lives and friendships of The Den owners are thrown into chaos, Noah Bakker steps in to deal with the fallout. He hasn't had a sub or participated in a Scene since tragedy changed his life four years ago. But as an investor in the exclusive BDSM club, he can't walk away from the lifestyle completely. As he works to keep the club running, he finds himself drawn to Liv Delcour, the seemingly naïve sister of one of the other owners. Liv didn't know about the naughty things her friends were up to behind closed doors, but when their secrets become headline news, she's more curious than shocked. As she works with Noah to keep the media at bay, she finds that his dominant strength is more than a little arousing. Soon they're exploring their mutual desires in the most wicked ways. Liv isn't sure if she can completely submit to Noah the way she thinks he wants her to--and Noah isn't sure he can withstand the pain of falling in love...

Lynda Aicher Wicked Play Series Books 5-7: Book Seven of Wicked Play

by Lynda Aicher

Return to BDSM hotspot the Den with books 5--7 in Lynda Aicher's Wicked Play erotic romance series BONDS OF DENIALA male/male erotic romance It's been twenty years since Rockford Fielding's father punished him for kissing another boy. Now a grown man with a military career behind him, Rock continues to deny his true desires, even while working security at The Den, the most decadent sex club in town. But after a year of watching gorgeous Carter Montgomery come and go on the arms of other men, Rock can no longer resist the cravings he's denied for so long. Carter has just four months left on his contract with an escort agency, and he doesn't know whether to feel relieved or afraid. Adding to his confusion is the way his latest client, the sexy but stoic Rock, makes him feel things he hasn't wanted in years. One charmingly awkward date turns into two and soon the men are meeting off the clock. But with Rock in the closet and Carter unsure how to pursue a real relationship, how can they build a future both in and out of the bedroom? BONDS OF COURAGE Pro hockey player Holden Hauke has kept his sexual needs buried for years. After a near miss over a picture of him bound to a spanking bench resulted in a mid-season trade, he's kept his image clean. But with the season over, he's ready to surrender control. And he's found just the woman to help him--if only he can convince her to give him a chance. Bending men to her will is nothing new for Vanessa Delcour, aka Mistress V--she's a full-time rep for pro athletes, a part-time owner of exclusive sex club The Den, and an experienced Domme. But when Holden Hauke comes looking for a discreet partner, Vanessa's concerned about his motives. Taking him on crosses barriers between work and play that she's had in place for years. From their first intense encounter in Mistress V's playroom, Hauke knows he's found the woman he's always needed. Submissive or not, he's willing to push her every limit to prove how good they can be together. SHATTERED BONDS Will the doors of The Den close forever? When the lives and friendships of The Den owners are thrown into chaos, Noah Bakker steps in to deal with the fallout. He hasn't had a sub or participated in a Scene since tragedy changed his life four years ago. But as an investor in the exclusive BDSM club, he can't walk away from the lifestyle completely. As he works to keep the club running, he finds himself drawn to Liv Delcour, the seemingly naïve sister of one of the other owners. Liv didn't know about the naughty things her friends were up to behind closed doors, but when their secrets become headline news, she's more curious than shocked. As she works with Noah to keep the media at bay, she finds that his dominant strength is more than a little arousing. Soon they're exploring their mutual desires in the most wicked ways. Liv isn't sure if she can completely submit to Noah the way she thinks he wants her to--and Noah isn't sure he can withstand the pain of falling in love...

Betrayed (Cursed and Betrayed)

by Rhianne Aile

Will Northland's brother, Tristan, went to America to break a centuries-old curse and found love in the most unexpected of places: within the heart of a werewolf. When Will goes to visit, he meets not only Tristan's mate, Benjamin, but their friend Raul, who receives a plea for help from his old werepack: his twin brother, Richard, has gone missing and is possibly under the influence of a witch. Raul leaves to find his brother, and Will goes with him, offering to use his magic to both locate Richard and protect them all from the threat of dark magic. But when they find him, a totally unexpected passion explodes between Richard and Will, stunning them both. Suddenly, discovering who betrayed Raul and Richard isn't the only challenge. It's now a struggle to solve the mystery so Will can claim Richard's heart just as the wolf has claimed Will as his mate.Don't miss Cursed, the story of Will Northland's twin brother, Tristan, and his struggle to free Benjamin Sterling from a centuries-old curse.

Cursed (Cursed And Betrayed Ser.)

by Rhianne Aile

Upon their grandmother's death, Tristan Northland and his twin, Will, inherit her Book of Shadows and discover that one of their ancestors, a spurned witch, is responsible for dark magic that has affected the Sterling family for generations: Your firstborn son shall know the lure of the night and the lust of the moon... he will become a creature of nightmares... until the true love that should have been, finally is. Determined to right the ancient wrong, Tristan sets off across the ocean to reverse the centuries-old curse. Benjamin Sterling might not be happy alone—not quite human, nor accepted by true werewolves—but his life is predictable, at least until Tristan Northland shows up in his office, unannounced and with nowhere to stay. Because of the curse he carries, Benjamin has plenty of reason to distrust witches and Northlands as well as the werewolf tribe that has always treated him as an outcast. But with Tristan at his side, Benjamin finds himself and his future transformed by two unexpected emotions: blooming hope and enduring love.

To Love A Cowboy

by Rhianne Aile

Seven years ago, Roan Bucklin left the family ranch for college, leaving foreman Patrick Lassiter with a mix of sweltering emotions: relief, regret, and nearly overwhelming desire. Afraid that Roan would regret giving himself to an older man, Patrick let him go without a word about his true feelings. But Roan took Patrick's heart with him. Roan had harbored a crush on Patrick from the time he'd turned fourteen. He thought he'd gotten over it, grown up, moved on, but now he's back and home to stay. After one look, he knows he has something to prove to Patrick - that he wants to be claimed by the cowboy who has always possessed his heart.

Dreamspinner Press Year Three Greatest Hits (Dreamspinner Press Greatest Hits #2)

by Rhianne Aile Madeleine Urban Andrew Grey Jenna Hilary Sinclair Catt Ford Brooke Mckinley

Enjoy a selection of the greatest hits of gay romance published by Dreamspinner Press combined into one exclusive volume: by Catt Ford: A Strong Hand, in which two men explore sensual boundaries to find unexpected romance; by Andrew Grey: Love Means... No Shame, the story of a man's struggle to break free of the culture that raised him so he might find true love; by Brooke McKinley: Shades of Gray, a thrilling ride featuring a by-the-book FBI agent and the not-what-he-seems career lowlife he has to work with; by Jenna Hilary Sinclair: Admit One, the drama of a teacher's fear he will be outed and how he finally allows another man into his heart; and by Rhianne Aile and Madeleine Urban: The One That Got Away, a fan favorite featuring best friends who find their way to love despite one being gay while the other is decidedly not.

For the Love of April French: An LGBTQ Romance

by Penny Aimes

An Entertainment Weekly Best Romance of Summer 2021!&“This book gave me every last one of the Intense Romance Feelings I crave.&” —New York Times bestselling author Talia HibbertApril French doesn't do relationships and she never asks for more.A long-standing regular at kink club Frankie's, she's kind of seen it all. As a trans woman, she&’s used to being the scenic rest stop for others on their way to a happily-ever-after. She knows how desire works, and she keeps hers carefully boxed up to take out on weekends only.After all, you can't be let down if you never ask.Then Dennis Martin walks into Frankie's, fresh from Seattle and looking a little lost. April just meant to be friendly, but one flirtatious drink turns into one hot night.When Dennis asks for her number, she gives it to him.When he asks for her trust, well…that's a little harder.And when the desire she thought she had such a firm grip on comes alive with Dennis, April finds herself wanting passion, purpose and commitment.But when their relationship moves from complicated to impossible, April will have to decide how much she's willing to want.Carina Adores is home to highly romantic contemporary love stories where LGBTQ+ characters find their happily-ever-afters. Discover a new Carina Adores book every month!

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