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To Tame an Omega

by Lisa Gray

In a non-shifting alpha/omega society, omegas have become so scarce, they’re sequestered at birth in isolated facilities.Rafael Vargas, cyber expert, is an omega hiding in plain sight. At least until activists recruit him to hack an omega facility and rescue the children. He gets away clean until a prime alpha unwittingly hires him to trace the hack. With his precious freedom at risk, Rafael battles his instinctive attraction to the alpha.Grant Tenereth, an alpha overseeing the omega facilities, is hell-bent on finding the kidnapped children. But from the moment he hires the fascinating but challenging Rafael, Grant finds himself questioning his rock-solid devotion to the rules. When he learns the man is an omega as well as a criminal hacker, he tries to do the right thing for the law, even if it isn’t the right thing for him. Or for the omega.Grant struggles, trapped between duty and desire. Rafael aches for love but fears losing his independence. Will they realize before it’s too late that what they have isn’t just instinct? It’s everything.

Date from Hell

by Gareth Vaughn

In his desperation to find a date in time for the annual Helloween bash, minor-rank demon Kev summons a coworker he once hooked up with. But when the smoke and sulfur clears, it isn’t demon Ira standing in the ring, but a very perplexed, very human mortal named Archer.Archer is cute, confused, and willing to consider going as Kev's date ... for a price. Turns out this isn't the first time Archer's met a demon, and he wants his soul back.

Blood on My Hands

by R. W. Clinger

Because he's a vampire, Jonathon Splinter needs to feed, hungry for blood. He seeks out young men along Lake Erie in the small town of Bitter. As Halloween approaches, Jonathon devises a plan for his next hunt with the help of his mortal lover and personal assistant, Toby Kinks.Life grows bitter for Jonathon, though. Someone discovered his true identity and witnessed one of his bloody hunts where he not only fed but also murdered the man. Now Jonathon is being blackmailed.With Toby’s help, Jonathon seeks out the blackmailer, and the two devise a plan in which Jonathon will hunt and feed on the man. But on the evening of the planned murder, Jonathon Splinter's bloody life will change forever.

Expedition 63 Box Set (Expedition 63)

by T. A. Creech

All three stories in T.A. Creech's best-selling M/M sci-fi romance series, Expedition 63, together in one box set! When contact is lost with Mission Control, Commander John Dennington isn't overly concerned. Such hiccups in communication are common. The first inkling of the larger problem occurs when he sees the very shape of the world change before his eyes.Contains the stories:Book 1: Dusk: John must ease his crew into a new mission and keep the Station together by any means necessary. The crew jeopardizes their chances by fighting his orders, but Jason Weiss, his mission specialist and the light of his life, makes John's situation more bearable. The smallest malfunction to Station or crew would spell the end for six astronauts trapped high above a ruined Earth. It's their mission to carry on. Random chance of the universe hasn't operated in their favor so far, but John is determined to see them all safely home.Book 2: Dark: As the stranded inhabitants of the Space Station mark the opening of their second year since the world ended, Saito Naotatsu is determined to shake off some part of the grief infecting their temporary home. Maybe find a little happiness, too, with his best friend and communications specialist, Turlach Quinn. The situation explodes when Turlach finds his attraction to Saito confusing and relentless. At every turn, it seems Saito is there to break his control. With the Station falling apart around their ears and the crew breathing down his neck, Turlach finally has enough. Problems keep piling up. The crew is weary and waiting. Earth is a dark shadow of what it once was. Will they ever get home? Is there even anything left to go home to?Book 3: Dawn: Yakecen Sinohui can see the end in sight for the stranded crew of the Station. Each breath is a countdown until they're able to return to Earth, until the poison clouds have cleared enough to leave. Though it's a bad idea, Yakecen is drawn into the orbit of their resident biologist, Eli, someone who has kept Yakecen's head in the game with his sunny presence. The universe, however, has one last middle finger to give the weary crew. Eli Palamo doesn't object to Yakecen's covert attention. He's pined for his friend from the first moment they met, and isolation has strengthened their bond as the hardships forced them lean on each other completely. Yakecen is all he's ever wanted. Nothing will be enough to tear them apart, if Eli has anything to say about it, not even Yakecen's own demons. Definitely not the end of their disastrous mission and their fight for survival.

Sandbridge Box Set (Sandbridge #4)

by Elizabeth L. Brooks Lynn Townsend

All three books in the popular Sandbridge M/M romance series by Elizabeth L. Brooks and Lynn Townsend are now available in one box set! Contains the stories:Nights in Sandbridge: Andy's made a habit of running away -- he ran away from his abusive father, and then several years later, he ran away from his manipulative boyfriend. He thinks he might have found a home in Sandbridge with Scooter, but when trouble rears its ugly head, will Andy run away yet again?Daybreak in Sandbridge: Scooter's life is definitely on the upswing: his business is successful and he's engaged to the most amazing man he's ever met. But when Andy is called home to attend his dying father, Scooter is forced to realize that he knew less than he thought about Andy's past. How can Scooter compete with the sizeable fortune Andy is set to inherit or the lovely and stylish girl Andy left behind?High Noon in Sandbridge: Life takes a sudden turn for Scooter and Andy when Scooter's sister meets an untimely end and they're suddenly guardians to a niece they've only met a handful of times. Billie is stubborn and hot-tempered and not remotely interested in making a life in the one place that her mother had sworn never to return. Will she ever learn to call Dockside and Sandbridge home?

Revving It Up Box Set (Revving It Up)

by W. S. Long

The best-selling gay romance trilogy by W.S. Long is now available in a box set! Contains the stories:Starting His Engine Athletic and handsome, Florida boy Caleb Youngblood has always wanted to race stock cars like his father and his brother. When Caleb falls in love with Sebastian Rush, a sports writer, he knows he must make a decision. Will he stay in the closet and follow his dream, or can he make a life with Sebastian and follow his heart?Too Tough to Tame Caleb and Sebastian are inching towards their wedding day. But as they plan for their special day together, Caleb is drawn back to stock car racing and Seb is being pulled into another direction by a former lover. Is their love strong enough to overcome these issues? Or is their life together too tough to tame?Crossroads With the prospect that he cannot return to racecar driving, Caleb worries about the future as Sebastian presses to have kids. Cujo has always wondered what would have happened if he wasn't afraid of being with another man. When Cujo meets Tristan, Caleb and Sebastian's roommate, can he overcome his fears to find love in a new way?

Finding The One Box Set

by Nell Iris

Four short contemporary gay romances by best-selling M/M author Nell Iris about finding -- and holding on to -- “The One.” Collected together in an exclusive box set for the first time are the stories: Unconditionally: After six years together, Luca and Gus are finally getting married. On their wedding day Luca’s mother sees her flamboyant son wearing a veil and explodes. Her hateful words trigger traumatic memories and instead of walking down the aisle, Luca runs away. When Gus realizes Luca is missing he follows him, intent on convincing him to come back. Will he succeed in time for the wedding ceremony?Find His Way Home: Elliot is miserable living in the big city. He longs for tranquility but is unwilling to move away from his partner Mick. After a dramatic event, he flees and goes back home to a cabin in the mountains. Slowly he regains his calm, but being away from Mick is hard. When a ghost from Elliot's past shows up, he’s faced with a hard decision: stay on the mountain alone or go back to the city, and Mick?Nobody Else’s: Beckett Cooper has been secretly infatuated with his BFF’s younger brother Levi for years. Levi Byrne has liked Beckett for as long as he can remember. When an opportunity presents itself for them to get to know each other better, they both grab it and make the best of it. Will the stars align in their favor and lead Beckett and Levi to a happily ever after?Unexpected Christmas: Thrown together by family drama, strangers Daniel and Axel end up spending Christmas Day getting to know each other. Axel is nothing like Daniel expected. Behind the scary-looking exterior, he hides the heart of a teddy bear and between Disney princesses and erotic poetry, Daniel no longer fears for his life ... but for his heart.

The Maltese Terror

by Deirdre O'Dare

Landscape architect Nick LeGrande has never experienced a more disastrous trip! When he ends up stranded in a Colorado blizzard, he’s glad to have the company of his little canine buddy, Cedric, whom circumstances forced him to bring along. Then a sexy Good Samaritan rescues them and Nick is introduced to a world he hardly knew existed. He is quickly enthralled. Caleb Storm is a loner, a rancher whose Native American blood sets him a bit apart from most of his fellows. When a spring blizzard dumps Nick LeGrande and his tiny dog into Caleb’s life, he and his old stock dog Cheyenne hardly know what to make of their visitors.Caleb finds Nick very attractive but doubts such a successful and urbane man could have any interest in him. However, their dogs hit it off from the start and seem to conspire to get their masters together. Can a pair of canine cupids work the necessary magic?

Rescued by Love (Canine Cupid Ser.)

by Deirdre O’Dare

With his life torn apart by tragedy, Garrett finds a true lifesaver in the Golden Retriever pup, Mandy, that he rescues from a local shelter. Inspired by the heroic search and rescue teams he sees on television, he and Mandy become a trained SAR team. Their first big challenge comes when a series of violent storms with vicious tornadoes rip through the high plains.Dan has come home from Iraq shattered by the horrors he witnessed. Like his father and grandfather before him, he takes off on an old motorcycle to try to find peace and outrun his nightmares. Instead he finds a storm that almost takes his life.Lucky for him, a special SAR team comes to his rescue. In Mandy and Garrett he just might find the unconditional love he needs to become whole again.

A New Leash on Life

by Deirdre O’Dare

Beaten by the IT recession, Justin has come back to his hometown where he’s inherited a small house from his mother. Surely Barry, his old crush and sometime nemesis, is long gone. Jobs are scarce, so impulsively Justin seeks to buy into a pet grooming business. But when he has to visit the local bank for a loan, who sits behind the big desk but Barry?Justin’s appearance jolts Barry out of his miserable rut of a life. What if they were to pick up where a brief boyhood attraction abruptly ended? Then his mother’s sudden stroke throws his whole life into a tumbled ruin.Juggling business and pleasure can be a complex, risky endeavor. Will Justin resist Barry’s charms and flee again, or will fate give them a new leash on life?

The Beast Within

by Edward Kendrick

A cannibalistic serial killer targeting gay men is on the loose.Devin, who has become increasingly erratic in the last two months, just split up with Gary, his lover of three years. Vanni, a habitué of the gay clubs, makes extra spending money on his knees in the club johns. Is one of these men the killer? Or will one of them instead become the killer’s next target?Detective Hollis Robbins is in charge of the case. He intends to stop the killer, if he can.When the killer strikes again the four men’s lives intertwine as the search for the murderer intensifies. Will the attraction that two of them begin to feel for each other survive the hunt? Do they have the strength to continue on after tragedy strikes and teaches them that love can be bittersweet?

The Haunting of Killian McKay

by Leigh M. Lorien

In an effort to reinvigorate the paranormal investigation genre -- and his career -- Killian McKay makes the decision to livestream a ghost hunt in the house where he had his first supernatural encounter as a kid. To make sure things get interesting, he hires a witch to stir up the spirits in the house.When the witch, Lady Ivana, turns out to be a handsome, muscular, genderfluid man named Ivan, Killian quickly realizes he underestimated just how interesting things can get.Ivan is the real deal, a witch with herbs and spells and magic, and he knows more about ghosts than Killian ever hoped to learn. Killian wants to know everything Ivan knows, and he wants to know everything about Ivan ... but first, they have to survive the night.

Night Flyer

by Temple Madison

Gabe Wesley recalls only three good memories while growing up: the superhero comics cluttering his room, drawings hanging on his wall for inspiration, and the view from his windowsill during electrical storms. These memories fuel his dreams about flying through the sky and saving the world from evil.When Gabe grows up, he’s the hotshot pilot of a sleek plane called Night Flyer. One night while surrounded by a group of gay bashers, he’s touched by the finger of God. From that experience, he slowly evolves into the one thing he’s been dreaming of all his life -- a superhero.Then Deuce Gannon comes into his life. He’s as different from Gabe as night is from day. When these two men meet, their lives are turned upside down.

For the Love of Muscles

by J. D. Walker

Jaxson Hartfield has very specific desires, and they involve muscular men. Problem is, he hasn’t been able to make any of his relationships last. Thus he’s forty-one and single, but not for lack of trying. So Jaxson buries himself in work and late nights and admires Carter Daniels, the very buff eye-candy at his gym, without any hope for more.Carter Daniels is a weightlifter whose biceps and triceps distract Jaxson to the point of tripping over his own feet. And it doesn’t get any better from there. Just a whiff of the man’s sweat turns Jaxson’s brain to mush, making conversation practically impossible. Carter knows Jaxson is attracted to him. But getting the man to stop acting like a scared rabbit around him might take a lot of effort. Still, he may be just the muscleman for the job.

Unwanted Attention

by Feral Sephrian

Halloween is a time for tricks and treats, but Kellan has received far more tricks this month than treats. Someone seems to want to make his life as horrible as possible, whether they’re breaking into his car, trying to interfere with his appointments, or leaving ominous notes for his boyfriend Matt. What starts off as a nuisance quickly becomes a nightmare.The obvious culprit would be Matt’s ex-girlfriend Chelsie, who has a history of emotional manipulation and drama-seeking. The one problem is that most of Kellan’s misfortune happens while she’s out of town. Either she’s pulling a elaborate psychotic prank, or Kellan has somehow picked up a stalker, and a dangerous one at that.there’s no telling what his assailant will do next. Can he keep his life together as this mysterious person does their best to tear it apart?

The Blond Satan

by Temple Madison

Greg Spain is not only a successful ad exec and senior partner at one of New York’s finest advertising agencies, but he’s also the most beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating man you’ll ever meet. To look at him – with his loose tie, his shirt constantly creeping out of his pants – you might think he’s a slob, but you couldn’t be more wrong. He’s what they call an independent spirit, who walks the world alone until he finds himself strolling through a park one night to get to a taxi stand on the other side ... and meets the devil.With a bolt of lightning in the shape of a pitchfork, Greg finds he’s made a deal with the devil. Now he’s cursed with a split ego, both man and animal in one form. Before he knows it, he’s caught up in full moons, dark streets, bloody trails, and prey beneath him.To make matters worse, he meets a man would might be his soul mate, and even though his impulsive, reckless side causes his passion to burn bright, both know their love can’t be kept on a leash. Every time they get together, their love is accompanied by a dangerous passion that includes bites, blood, and scars, and Greg is haunted by one question.Is it possible for him to be tamed enough for a serious relationship, or will he forever be The Blond Satan?

The Haunted Caretaker

by Gordon Phillips

While traveling in a storm, Glen Harper takes a wrong turn and crashes his car. Unhurt but cold and wet, he decides to get help. Using a distant light as a guide, Glen discovers an uninhabited cottage, where he lights a much needed fire. Glen quickly warms up but soon becomes aware of a presence in the room.Hank Waterford is the caretaker of the estate where Glen found refuge from the storm. They meet when Glen, thinking he’s alone in the cottage, jumps into Hank’s bed.Both men are strongly attracted to each other, but they have to overcome a hurdle Glen never anticipated: the spirit of Henry, the estate owner’s son, who committed suicide after his unrequited love for Hank became too much to bear.Together Glen and Hank must deal with Henry, who haunts the manor house as well as Hank’s cottage. Can they find a solution that will allow Henry’s spirit to finally come to rest? Will he accept Glen and Hank’s relationship, or will he become a malevolent presence in their lives?

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme

by Stephanie Park

Fionn is content enough in his life as one of the Queen's Own, adventurers who go forth to save the kingdom from evil. Johnathan is content enough being e a farmer, working the land on the small farm where his family has lived for generations.When these two meet, they feel an almost instant attraction. Yet Johnathan knows that an elite warrior like Fionn couldn't possibly want to settle down on the farm and make a life with him.Can Fionn perform the seemingly impossible task of convincing Johnathan his fears are wrong?

Pandemic (Surviving the Apocalypse #2)

by Tinnean

Laurie Parkinson, who’s lived in Laurel Hills all his life, is a gay sheet metal worker who’d rather be a gay hairdresser. Wheat Dupuis, who’s also gay, is the scion of one of Laurel Hill’s wealthiest families. He’d rather grow grapes than become CFO of Dupuis International.Laurie wakes one morning to discover his family gone and his town decimated by a bacteria that has lain dormant for millennia, incased in ice. With the melting of the ice caps, the bacteria is released, and mankind faces a pandemic that could surpass the Black Plague.Wheat and his family are on their way to safety when the unthinkable happens and he’s left behind. Laurie knows of a bunker in the woods outside Laurel Hill, where he intends to take refuge. On the way there, Laurie finds and rescues Wheat.Can two such dissimilar men work together through a pandemic to find their families ... and possibly find love, as well?


by Casper Graham

James Chan is infatuated with Joshua Wallace. However, he’s eight years older than Joshua, and his catering business has a standing contract with the company the other man works for. Joshua also doesn’t seem to reciprocate his feelings. The future of their professional relationship will be uncertain if he’s rejected.Fortunately, he isn’t. They start slow and everything is fine initially, but cultural differences between them become obvious when James invites Joshua to his father’s seventieth birthday party, which is an important milestone in the Chinese culture.Initially Joshua is excited about the gifts he’s preparing for James’s father, but things become awkward when he learns about the negative light in which his gifts may be perceived. Can they smooth things out? Or will their differences be too much in the end?

Of Rats and Cats

by Addison Albright

All he wanted to do was retrieve his newspaper, but Raymond is panic-stricken when a rat dashes through his open apartment door. No worries, though. Pandy is on the job! Except Kevin doesn’t want Raymond’s cat to eat his beloved pet ... mouse.Can Kevin rescue Corky before Pandy gets to her? Will Raymond’s upturned box of ... um ... personal toys and videos drive Kevin away, or will the pile of filigree undies Corky has burrowed into turn Kevin on?

Mary, Queen of Scotch

by Rob Rosen

Four five-star Yelp reviews do you little good when you’re nailed inside a giant barrel of whiskey, which is where our intrepid private detective Barry finds himself while on the case to help his campy drag friends, all of whom have numerous secrets to hide. If he can decide between the man he once loved and the bartender he’s falling for, successfully stay undercover as his alter-ego, Mary, Queen of Scotch, and keep one step ahead of the bad guys, plus a raucously funny meddling mom, he just might live to see that much-desired fifth review.

Awakening the Alpha

by Carolina Valdez

Can men who each bridge two worlds make a life together?Blaze Canis is doing what he loves best. As a shooting range instructor just outside Yellowstone National Park, the former Navy SEAL sniper is still handling firearms. When Shoshoni native Logan Rider walks into his class one morning, the attraction each man feels for the other is sudden, almost mystical. Since Blaze’s teammates never knew he was gay, let alone a werewolf, he’s confident in hiding his wolf nature from Logan, too.But will keeping his secret work, or will it blow up in Blaze’s face as his relationship with the American native deepens?

Beautiful Man

by R. W. Clinger

Burne Manda knows a lot goes into photographing a hunk-filled calendar titled Beautiful Man to raise money for a non-profit AIDS organization in Pittsburgh. He’s in charge of the project, overseeing his assistant Timmy, his makeup artist Georgina, and the new intern Late. Burne is also responsible for shooting twelve models for the calendar: promiscuous twins, a bad boy with bullying issues, a stranger named Tinder, and others.Of all the men in Burne’s life, there’s only one he has a crush on -- local weatherman Kevin Mercer. Kevin’s a dreamboat and knows how to charm Burne, who’s clueless about starting a relationship with the guy.Burne may know how to photograph beautiful men, but he doesn’t know how to fall in love with a guy. Is it too late for Burne to change the pathway of his heart? Or is someone like Kevin going to forecast love for Burne, and modify his life forever?

Diagnosis Gay

by David O. Sullivan

Japanese doctor Arthur rents out a spare room in his apartment to Xander, a sexy and younger construction worker who wears women’s panties even though he claims to be straight. Despite his instance that he isn’t gay, Xander still tosses random smiles and winks Arthur’s way.After a long day of work, Xander comes home late and tired. Both men admit to being horny, and Arthur jokes about slipping into the shower with Xander. A smile, wink, and an unlocked bathroom door provide the perfect invitation. But is Xander really ready? Or will he let social mores kill what could be a wonderful experience for them both?

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