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Il milionario del piano di sopra (Dreamspun Desires #1)

by M. J. O'Shea Emanuela Cardarelli

Quando le luci si spengono e l'alta moda si accende... Sasha Sobieski ha un impiego perfetto nella famosa casa di moda americana Harrison Kingsley. O perlomeno, pensa di avere un impiego perfetto, finché non si ritrova a lavorare per Harrison Kingsley in persona. Lo stilista è esigente, difficile, freddo, e in assoluto l'uomo più sexy che Sasha abbia mai incontrato. Harrison Kingsley ha trascorso anni al vertice. Sa cosa vuole, quando lo vuole e come lo vuole avere. E cosa desidera di più al momento? Il suo nuovo assistente. Sasha è sfacciato, presuntuoso, e lo fa impazzire. Il problema è che Harrison non sa se lo fa impazzire di rabbia o... di desiderio.

Devil's Food at Dusk

by M. J. O'Shea Anna Martin

Joe Fitzgerald hates New Orleans, but he's stuck there until he convinces one stubborn local family to sell Lumière, the crumbling French Quarter restaurant they've owned for generations. The place is a wreck, and it's hemorrhaging money. Joe figures he's their best chance for survival. Remy Babineaux despises Pineapple Joe's and everything the chain stands for. He refuses to let Lumière become some tacky corporate tourist trap. Theme drinks and plastic beads in his restaurant? Yeah, right. Over his dead, rotting corpse. The last thing Remy wants is a meeting with the restaurant chain's representative, but his father agreed to at least listen to the proposal. There's nothing Remy can do about it. Remy figures an anonymous hookup is exactly what he needs to decompress. When he ends up across the table from his fling the next morning, real sparks fly. Joe refuses to give up his prime location; Remy refuses to give up his legacy. It's war, and they're both determined to win at any cost. Neither of them counted on falling in love.

Soufflés at Sunrise

by M. J. O'Shea Anna Martin

"Welcome to a new season of Burned, where we find fresh new cooking talent... and a few culinary disasters! Every season we do something a little different, and this time it's all about the sweet things in life. Get ready in week one as twenty pastry chef hopefuls and dessert connoisseurs compete for the thirteen coveted workspaces in our *Burned* kitchen. With stakes this big, we ask the one question on everyone's mind: Do these chefs have what it takes to rise to the top? Or will they get Burned?" Burned contestants Chase and Kai are attracted from the start and can't wait to spend more time getting to know each other... until they see the first episode treatment and realize the producers intend to portray them as bitter enemies. At first it's fun to pretend to bicker--enemies on film, lovers when the cameras stop rolling--but soon it's hard not to take the faux rivalry seriously. It's only when their choice is to band together and bake their way to the final or get burned that they find where their real loyalties lie.

Coup de foudre en haute couture (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #1)

by M. J. O'Shea Pauline Tardieu-Collinet

Quand les lumières s'éteignent et que surgit la haute couture... Sasha Sobieski a un job de rêve : il travaille dans la légendaire maison de couture américaine Harrison Kingsley. Malheureusement, le rêve vire au cauchemar lorsqu'il doit travailler pour le créateur en personne. Exigeant, froid et colérique, Harrison est également sans conteste l'homme le plus sexy que Sasha ait jamais vu. Au sommet depuis des années, Harrison Kingsley sait ce qu'il veut, quand il le veut, et comment il le veut. Et que veut-il ? Son nouvel assistant. Impertinent et déterminé, Sasha lui fait perdre la tête. Le problème, c'est qu'Harrison ignore si c'est de rage ou... de désir.

The Luckiest (Lucky Moon)

by M. J. O'Shea Piper Vaughn

2nd EditionLucky Moon: Book TwoRock star Nick Ventura has finally hit rock bottom. Jealous of his brother's new love, he overindulges in his usual vices and winds up crashing his car into a department store in a drunken haze. Publicly humiliated and on the verge of jail time, he enters into a court-ordered rehabilitation program. Nutritionist Luka Novak is flamboyant, effeminate, and the type of gay man bisexual Nick would normally sneer at. But his sunny nature hides a deep hurt caused by an unfaithful ex-boyfriend. As much as Luka knows he should be wary of Nick's reputation, he's drawn to Nick despite himself. Their tentative friendship turns into romance, but Luka soon comes to realize Nick's fear of losing his bad boy reputation means he'll probably never go public with their relationship. Nick never needed anyone until Luka came into his life. Now he has to reconcile his carefree past with the future he suddenly wants more than anything. And the first lesson he must learn is how to become the man both he and Luka need him to be, rather than stay the boy he always was. Alone.1st Edition published by Loose Id LLC, March 2012

Moonlight Becomes You (Lucky Moon)

by M. J. O'Shea Piper Vaughn

2nd EditionLucky Moon: Book OneEleven years ago, Shane Ventura made the biggest mistake of his life when he caved in to pressure from his record label to kick his best friend, Jesse Seider, out of their band, Luck. To this day, Shane has never wanted anyone more, and all the sex and alcohol in the world can't fill the void Jesse left behind. Not even the prospect of teaming up with Britain's hottest band, Moonlight, for a massive world tour can get him out of his funk. Then he meets lead singer Kayden Berlin and falls into instant lust. Kayden may act like he's not interested, but Shane knows he feels the spark between them. Yet the harder Shane pushes, the more Kayden pulls away, until one explosive night leaves Shane with a broken heart. That seems to be his lot--lucky at everything but love. Shane still has one lesson left to learn, though: when it comes to love, you can't always leave things to chance.1st Edition published August 9, 2011 by Loose Id LLC

Moonstruck (Lucky Moon #3)

by M. J. O'Shea Piper Vaughn

2nd EditionLucky Moon: Book ThreeSurya Patel is the drummer for the massively popular band Moonlight. When his label suggests a collaboration with Luck, the band Moonlight toured with the year before, he should be all for it. Except he slept with Luck's manager during the tour and then bolted in the dead of night. He's regretted leaving ever since, but he knows being around Em will only lead to disaster. Unfortunately for Surya, the person the label sends to sweet-talk him into the collaboration is none other than Emmanuel himself. Emmanuel Cortez has spent months trying to forget the hottest night of his life--the night he slept with Surya. It's been a year, but not even the death of his beloved grandmother and the subsequent family drama could keep the memories away. Now his job is to convince Surya to collaborate with Luck, and he has to be professional. But a day spent together leads to another passionate night. This time Surya is the one to wake up alone. It only takes Em's departure for Surya to realize he's had a change of heart. The heat between him and Em burns too brightly to be let go. Surya isn't satisfied with just one night anymore. He wants forever.First Edition published by Loose Id LLC, 2012.

One Small Thing (One Thing #1)

by M. J. O'Shea Piper Vaughn

One Thing: Book One"Daddy" is not a title Rue Murray wanted, but he never thought he'd have sex with a woman either. Now he's the unwitting father of a newborn named Alice. Between bartending and cosmetology school, Rue doesn't have time for babies, but he can't give her up. What Rue needs is a babysitter, and he's running out of options. He's on the verge of quitting school to watch Alice himself when he remembers his reclusive new neighbor, Erik. Erik Van Nuys is a sci-fi novelist with anxiety issues to spare. He doesn't like people in general, and he likes babies even less. Still, with his royalties dwindling, he could use the extra cash. Reluctantly, he takes on the role of manny--and even more reluctantly, he finds himself falling for Alice and her flamboyant father. Rue and Erik are as different as two people can be, and Alice is the unlikeliest of babies, but Rue has never been happier than when Alice and Erik are by his side. At least, not until he receives an offer that puts all his dreams within reach and he's forced to choose: the future he's always wanted, or the family he thought he never did.

One True Thing (One Thing #2)

by M. J. O'Shea Piper Vaughn

One Thing: Book TwoDustin Davis spent years wishing for a prince but kissing frog after slimy frog. When he sees Archer Kyriakides for the first time, Dusty thinks his luck has finally changed. Archer could be it. The One. But their hot and cold romance leaves Dusty confused: why does it feel right one moment and wrong the next? It doesn't make sense--until the day Dusty meets Archer's identical twin, Asher, and realizes he's been seeing them both. Asher Kyriakides dreams of being a fashion photographer, but he's stuck with a job he hates and an irresponsible playboy brother whose habits drive him absolutely insane, especially when he finds out Archer is dating the cute little blond Asher can't seem to forget. Torn between loyalty and desire, Asher does nothing but try to warn Dusty away. But when Archer finally goes too far, Dusty turns to Asher for comfort, and Asher knows he can't refuse. It isn't long before they realize they're falling fast, but more than one thing stands in their way, not the least of which is Archer, who isn't quite ready to stop being a thorn in his brother's side.

Petit secret de nerd (Coconut Cove #2)

by M.J. O'Shea

Une histoire de Coconut CoveLes retrouvailles entre connaissances de lycée conduiront-elles à une romance – ou aux regrets ? Natif de Key West, Blair Fletcher passe de faire tapisserie à célébrité du jour au lendemain. Un jour il travaille comme serveur et le suivant, il est propulsé dans un monde différent – comme acteur dans la nouvelle série gay pour ados Coconut Cove. Jouer Ryder, la reine des abeilles, lui amène rapidement amis – et ennemis –, mais c’est le menuisier du plateau qui possède son cœur depuis qu’ils sont enfants. Blair a toujours supposé que son idole Sander Christiansen était complètement inaccessible... et hétéro. Maintenant que Sander est revenu dans leur ville natale, il semble que les suppositions de Blair puissent être fausses. Tandis que les choses s’animent sur le plateau et dans la chambre, Blair doit réaliser qu’il n’est plus le gamin timide qui n’est jamais parti de chez lui et peut-être qu’il est enfin temps pour lui d’avoir la vie, et l’amour, qu’il a toujours voulu.

Piccolo segreto nerd (Coconut Cove #2)

by M.J. O'Shea

Un incontro tra vecchi compagni di liceo porterà all’amore… o al rimpianto? Blair Fletcher, un ragazzo qualunque di Key West, diventa all’improvviso una star. Il giorno prima sta servendo ai tavoli e quello successivo si ritrova in un mondo completamente diverso: è un attore nel nuovo teen drama gay Coconut Cove. Recitare la parte dell’ape regina Ryder gli fa guadagnare in fretta amici e nemici, ma è il carpentiere del set a possedere il suo cuore fin da quando erano ragazzini. Blair ha sempre pensato che il dio dorato Sander Christiansen fosse del tutto irraggiungibile… ed etero. Ora che Sander è tornato nella loro città natale, sembra che le conclusioni di Blair fossero sbagliate. Man mano che le cose sul set e in camera da letto si scaldano, Blair si rende conto di non essere più il ragazzino timido che non si è mai allontanato da casa e che forse per lui è arrivato il momento di avere la vita e l’amore che ha sempre desiderato.

Un témoin gênant (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #27)

by M.J. O'Shea

Pour elle, c'est SA journée… pour lui, c'est son pire cauchemar. Leurs retrouvailles passionnées n’étaient pas prévues au programme ! Malgré sa nationalité américaine, August O’Leary est l’organisateur de mariage le plus recherché de Londres. Bien sûr, Libby et Edward s’adressent à lui pour organiser un mariage inoubliable. Edward étant un businessman très occupé, c’est à Libby et son meilleur ami, Christopher Burke, de s’occuper des détails… Christopher, le grand amour d’August, et l’homme qui lui a brisé le cœur huit ans plus tôt. Comment August peut-il réussir l’événement de l’année alors que Christopher le distrait et que des sentiments passés s’invitent à la fête ? Christopher a laissé l’argent et son statut social diriger sa vie, mais c’est terminé. Parce qu’il était incapable de résister aux attentes des autres, il a perdu son avenir avec August, un avenir qui devait inclure un mariage. Il doit désormais affronter la souffrance et la colère d’August, et lui prouver qu’il peut le rendre heureux, à tout jamais.

Anger Is a Gift: A Novel

by Mark Oshiro

Moss Jeffries is many things—considerate student, devoted son, loyal friend and affectionate boyfriend, enthusiastic nerd. But sometimes Moss still wishes he could be someone else—someone without panic attacks, someone whose father was still alive, someone who hadn’t become a rallying point for a community because of one horrible night. And most of all, he wishes he didn’t feel so stuck. <p><p> Moss can’t even escape at school—he and his friends are subject to the lack of funds and crumbling infrastructure at West Oakland High, as well as constant intimidation by the resource officer stationed in their halls. That was even before the new regulations—it seems sometimes that the students are treated more like criminals. Something will have to change—but who will listen to a group of teens? <p> When tensions hit a fever pitch and tragedy strikes again, Moss must face a difficult choice: give in to fear and hate or realize that anger can actually be a gift.

Each of Us a Desert

by Mark Oshiro

From award-winning author Mark Oshiro comes a powerful coming-of-age fantasy novel about finding home and falling in love amidst the dangers of a desert where stories come to lifeXochitl is destined to wander the desert alone, speaking her troubled village's stories into its arid winds. Her only companions are the blessed stars above and enigmatic lines of poetry magically strewn across dusty dunes. Her one desire: to share her heart with a kindred spirit. One night, Xo's wish is granted—in the form of Emilia, the cold and beautiful daughter of the town's murderous conqueror. But when the two set out on a magical journey across the desert, they find their hearts could be a match... if only they can survive the nightmare-like terrors that arise when the sun goes down. Fresh off of Anger Is a Gift's smashing success, Oshiro branches out into a fantastical direction with their new YA novel, Each of Us a Desert.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Into the Light

by Mark Oshiro

When you're like me, you have to lie.It’s been one year since Manny was cast out of his family and driven into the wilderness of the American Southwest. Since then, Manny lives by self-taught rules that keep him moving—and keep him alive. Now, he’s taking a chance on a traveling situation with the Varela family, whose attractive but surly son, Carlos, seems to promise a new future.I can't let anyone down.Eli abides by the rules of his family, living in a secluded community that raised him to believe his obedience will be rewarded. But an unsettling question slowly eats away at Eli’s once unwavering faith in Reconciliation: Why can’t he remember his past?What am I supposed to do?But the reported discovery of an unidentified body found in the hills of Idyllwild, California, will draw both of these young men into facing their biggest fears and confronting their own identity—and who they are allowed to be.Find the truth.For fans of Courtney Summers and Tiffany D. Jackson, Into the Light is a ripped-from-the-headlines story with Oshiro's signature mix of raw emotions and visceral prose—but with a startling twist you’ll have to read to believe.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Cirque du Slay

by Rob Osler

In this rollicking mystery, perfect for fans of Steven Rowley and Elle Cosimano, the circus becomes the stage for a high-profile murder investigation. With quirky LGBTQ+ amateur sleuths, Cirque du Slay will delight readers looking for a madcap mystery with high-flying excitement!Pint-sized Seattle middle school teacher and gay dating blogger Hayden McCall and his best friend Hollister are invited to a fundraiser for Bakers Without Borders. The celebrity performer, Kennedy Osaka, is the artistic director of Mysterium, an upscale circus arts show combining magic, acrobatics, and a Michelin-star dinner. But Kennedy is a no-show—until she&’s found dead in her hotel suite.When frenemy Sarah Lee is discovered in the room with the body, Hayden and Hollister are on the case to find the real culprit before Sarah Lee is charged with the crime.The suspects for the murder are as unique as Mysterium itself: a Russian trapeze artist, a cowgirl comedian sharp-shooter, an over-cologned operations director, a feisty, green-haired costume manager, and Adrenalin!, a sexy troop of Romanian male acrobats...If Hayden and Hollister are to clear Sarah Lee of suspicion, they&’ll have to outsmart a killer for whom trickery is art.

Devil's Chew Toy: A Novel

by Rob Osler

Perfect for fans of Carl Hiaasen and Armistead Maupin, this light, LGBT mystery follows an unlucky in love—and life—teacher who unwittingly ends up the prime suspect in a disappearance.Seattle teacher and part-time blogger Hayden McCall wakes sporting one hell of a shiner, with the police knocking at his door. It seems that his new crush, dancer Camilo Rodriguez, has gone missing and they suspect foul play. What happened the night before? And where is Camilo? Determined to find answers, pint-sized, good-hearted Hayden seeks out two of Camilo&’s friends—Hollister and Burley—both lesbians and both fiercely devoted to their friend. From them, Hayden learns that Camilo is a &“Dreamer&” whose parents had been deported years earlier, and whose sister, Daniela, is presumed to have returned to Venezuela with them. Convinced that the cops won&’t take a brown boy&’s disappearance seriously, the girls join Hayden&’s hunt for Camilo. The first clues turn up at Barkingham Palace, a pet store where Camilo had taken a part-time job. The store&’s owner, Della Rupert, claims ignorance, but Hayden knows something is up. And then there&’s Camilo&’s ex-boyfriend, Ryan, who&’s suddenly grown inexplicably wealthy. When Hayden and Hollister follow Ryan to a secure airport warehouse, they make a shocking connection between him and Della—and uncover the twisted scheme that&’s made both of them rich. The trail of clues leads them to the grounds of a magnificent estate on an island in Puget Sound, where they&’ll finally learn the truth about Camilo&’s disappearance—and the fate of his family.

No es Shakespeare

by María Del Osorio Amy Lane

El profesor James Richards se encuentra atrapado por la rutina y ha empezado a notar el peso de la edad. Se siente perseguido por su fracaso sentimental y la humillación que ha sufrido, a pesar de haberse mudado al norte de California, donde lo único bueno que encuentra es su Boston Terrier, Marlowe. Es en esos momentos cuando una de sus alumnas más difíciles, pero también brillante, decide presentarle a su mejor amigo. Rafael Ochoa se encuentra cronológica, cultural y filosóficamente a mundos de distancia de James, pero también es guapo, amable y todo un desafío para su corazón. Juntos, forjarán un puente entre la susceptibilidad de la costa Este de James y la informalidad de la costa Oeste de Rafael. Sin embargo, ¿podrá su encuentro sobrevivir a la pérdida de fe de James en los finales felices?

Brokeback Mountain

by Diana Ossana Larry Mcmurtry Annie Proulx

Annie Proulx has written some of the most original and brilliant short stories in contemporary literature, and for many readers and reviewers, Brokeback Mountain is her masterpiece. Brokeback Mountain was originally published in The New Yorker. It won the National Magazine Award and an O. Henry Prize. Included in this volume is Annie Proulx's haunting story about the difficult, dangerous love affair between a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy. Also included is the celebrated screenplay for the major motion picture "Brokeback Mountain," written by Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana. All three writers have contributed essays on the process of adapting this critically acclaimed story for film.

The Deep Dark: A Graphic Novel

by Molly Knox Ostertag

From Molly Knox Ostertag, writer-illustrator of the New York Times and ABA Indie bestselling The Witch Boy trilogy and The Girl from the Sea, comes a darkly beautiful story of identity, family, love, loss, and magic.Everyone has secrets. Mags’s has teeth.Magdalena Herrera is about to graduate high school, but she already feels like an adult with serious responsibilities: caring for her ailing grandmother; working a part-time job; clandestine makeouts with a girl who has a boyfriend. And then there’s her secret, which pulls her into the basement each night, drains her of energy, and leaves her bleeding. A secret that could hurt and even kill if it ever got out -- like it did once before.So Mags keeps her head down, isolated in her small desert community. That is, until her childhood friend Nessa comes back to town, bringing vivid memories of the past, an intoxicating glimpse of the future, and a secret of her own. Mags won’t get attached, of course. She’s always been strong enough to survive without anyone’s help.But when the darkness starts to close in on them both, Mags will have to drag her secret into the daylight, and choose between risking everything... or having nothing left to lose.

The Girl from the Sea: A Graphic Novel

by Molly Knox Ostertag

From the author of The Witch Boy trilogy comes a graphic novel about family, romance, and first love.Fifteen-year-old Morgan has a secret: She can't wait to escape the perfect little island where she lives. She's desperate to finish high school and escape her sad divorced mom, her volatile little brother, and worst of all, her great group of friends...who don't understand Morgan at all. Because really, Morgan's biggest secret is that she has a lot of secrets, including the one about wanting to kiss another girl.Then one night, Morgan is saved from drowning by a mysterious girl named Keltie. The two become friends and suddenly life on the island doesn't seem so stifling anymore.But Keltie has some secrets of her own. And as the girls start to fall in love, everything they're each trying to hide will find its way to the surface...whether Morgan is ready or not.

After the Parade: A Novel

by Lori Ostlund

Sensitive, big-hearted, and achingly self-conscious, forty-year-old Aaron Englund long ago escaped the confines of his Midwestern hometown, but he still feels like an outcast. After twenty years under the Pygmalion-like direction of his older partner Walter, Aaron at last decides it is time to stop letting life happen to him and to take control of his own fate. But soon after establishing himself in San Francisco--where he alternates between a shoddy garage apartment and the absurdly ramshackle ESL school where he teaches--Aaron sees that real freedom will not come until he has made peace with his memories of Morton, Minnesota: a cramped town whose four hundred souls form a constellation of Aaron's childhood heartbreaks and hopes. After Aaron's father died in the town parade, it was the larger-than-life misfits of his childhood--sardonic, wheel-chair bound dwarf named Clarence, a generous, obese baker named Bernice, a kindly aunt preoccupied with dreams of The Rapture--who helped Aaron find his place in a provincial world hostile to difference. But Aaron's sense of rejection runs deep: when Aaron was seventeen, Dolores--Aaron's loving, selfish, and enigmatic mother--vanished one night with the town pastor. Aaron hasn't heard from Dolores in more than twenty years, but when a shambolic PI named Bill offers a key to closure, Aaron must confront his own role in his troubled past and rethink his place in a world of unpredictable, life-changing forces. Lori Ostlund's debut novel is an openhearted contemplation of how we grow up and move on, how we can turn our deepest wounds into our greatest strengths. Written with homespun charm and unceasing vitality, After the Parade is a glorious new anthem for the outsider.

The Bigness of the World: Stories

by Lori Ostlund

Winner of the Flannery O'Connor Prize, the Edmund White Award, and the California Book Award, Lori Ostlund's "heartbreaking and wonderful" (Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Russo) debut collection of stories about men and women confronting the unmapped and unexpected.In Lori Ostlund's award-winning debut collection, people seeking escape from situations at home venture out into a world that they find is just as complicated and troubled as the one they left behind. In prose highlighted by both satire and poignant observation, The Bigness of the World contains characters that represent a different sort of everyman--men and women who poke fun at ideological rigidity while holding fast to good grammar and manners, people seeking connections in a world that seems increasingly foreign. In "Upon Completion of Baldness," a young woman shaves her head for a part in a movie in Hong Kong that will help her escape life with her lover in Albuquerque. In "All Boy," a young logophile encounters the limits of language when he finds he prefers the comfort of a dark closet over the struggle to make friends at school. In "Dr. Deneau's Punishment," a math teacher leaving New York for Minnesota as a means of punishing himself engages in an unsettling method of discipline. In "Bed Death," a couple travels Malaysia to teach only to find their relationship crumbling as they are accepted in their new environment. And in "Idyllic Little Bali," a group of Americans gather around a pool in Java to discuss their brushes with fame and end up witnessing a man's fatal flight from his wife. "Ostlund constantly delights the reader with the subtlety of her insights as well as the carefulness of her prose" (San Francisco Chronicle), revealing that wherever you are in the world, where you came from is never far away. "Each piece is sublime" (Publishers Weekly, starred review).

Away We Go

by Emil Ostrovski

“A lyrical, raucous narrative interspersed with flyers, posters, and letters…the oscillation between [Noah’s] heartfelt interior thoughts and sometimes careless actions and words is both moving and infuriating-in other words, vividly human. An intelligent, thought-provoking exploration of living in spite of futility.” — Booklist (starred review)“Intellectual boys’ boarding school story meets near-future dystopia in this end-times tale. …Noah and his friends form loving, believably complex relationships…witty.” — Kirkus Reviews“Noah is a nihilistic existentialist to the world, but inside he’s searching for something to reassure him that he is truly alive. His search for meaning is universal and will resonate with readers beginning to question their future.” — School Library Journal“The complex organization of this novel requires careful attention…Even so, brainy readers who want to see just how grim Holden Caulfield would get if he knew he was dying soon will find this to be a pretty accurate approximation.” — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

Vagabonds!: A Novel

by Eloghosa Osunde

In the bustling streets and cloistered homes of Lagos, a cast of vivid characters—some haunted, some defiant—navigate danger, demons, and love in a quest to lead true lives. <p><p> As in Nigeria, vagabonds are those whose existence is literally outlawed: the queer, the poor, the displaced, the footloose and rogue spirits. They are those who inhabit transient spaces, who make their paths and move invisibly, who embrace apparitions, old vengeances and alternative realities. Eloghosa Osunde's brave, fiercely inventive novel traces a wild array of characters for whom life itself is a form of resistance: a driver for a debauched politician with the power to command life and death; a legendary fashion designer who gives birth to a grown daughter; a lesbian couple whose tender relationship sheds unexpected light on their experience with underground sex work; a wife and mother who attends a secret spiritual gathering that shifts her world. <p><p> As their lives intertwine—in bustling markets and underground clubs, churches and hotel rooms—vagabonds are seized and challenged by spirits who command the city's dark energy. Whether running from danger, meeting with secret lovers, finding their identities, or vanquishing their shadowselves, Osunde's characters confront and support one another, before converging for the once-in-a-lifetime gathering that gives the book its unexpectedly joyous conclusion. <p><p> Blending unvarnished realism with myth and fantasy, Vagabonds! is a vital work of imagination that takes us deep inside the hearts, minds, and bodies of a people in duress—and in triumph.

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