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It's Not Yule, It's Me

by Michael P. Thomas

Shannon hates Christmas. Mostly because Christmas hates him. It sure seems like it, anyway: every crummy thing that’s happened to him since high school has befallen him at the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Every humiliating break-up, every high-rise hotel fire -- heck, a few years back, one guy he had the hots for up and died.Which goes a long way toward explaining why he’s a whimpering mess when he meets Ben the barista one Christmas morning at his neighborhood coffee house. It doesn’t completely excuse his using Ben’s T-shirt as a handkerchief -- while Ben’s still in it -- but Ben’s nothing if not a good sport.Ben’s such a bright spot that after a while Shannon wonders if maybe his Christmas Curse hasn’t been lifted. And what better place to test this theory than at Ben’s family festivities? It’s not like Christmas isactuallycursed. Is it?

Kiss Me, Straight

by Michael P. Thomas

Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney -- these exciting cities are standard fare in the life of flight attendant Todd Eisenbraun, and he chases a romance with sexy-but-straight Josh through them all.Closer to home, a new neighbor in his San Francisco apartment building has a huge crush on Todd. His friends -- Katie, a flight attendant-turned-small appliance repairwoman, and Marzipan Q. Thespian, a man-dangling local philanthropist -- think Todd should at least give Chris a shot. Sure, he’s overweight, but he’s also handsome, a hilarious playwright, and a great cook ... what’s not to love?Todd and Chris become quick friends, but Todd’s idea of the perfect man is skinny and straight, and Chris is decidedly neither. Josh may have a fiancée and a teenaged son, but Todd just knows he’s “the One.”But if Josh is straight, the road to love is not; Todd is jostled by internalized homophobia, body image issues, exotic locales, the glamorous world of sewing machine repair, and a community theater musical salute to the life of Judy Garland before he arrives at the realization that he’s been looking way too hard for something he may have already found.

Long Haul (The Mile High Club #2)

by Michael P. Thomas

Flight attendant Tanner Bradac and his occasional make-out buddy Clark Arnold find themselves on a layover in San Francisco on the day the U.S. Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage. Tanner is as happy about the ruling as any of his Facebook friends rainbowing up their profile pictures, but it doesn’t affect him personally -- he doesn’t even have a boyfriend. Color him surprised, then, when he and Clark get caught up in the celebratory spirit of the day and return home as lawfully wedded husbands.The wedding may have been a last-minute light-hearted lark, but Tanner and Clark are willing to give marriage a go. Tanner loves Clark -- at least, he reallywantsto love Clark -- and he figures the rest should just fall into place. How hard can being married to a guy you barely know really be?

Love Has Reasons

by Michael P. Thomas

Santa Fe attorney Danny Hanrahan loves life in his adopted hometown. He’s got good friends, a great job, and a gorgeous home. The only thing he’s missing is someone with whom to share it all, but when his trusty assistant Monica sets him up with her sexy son Ashok, Danny quickly considers the “boyfriend” box checked, too.Ashok is fit, charming, and dynamite in the sack; falling in love with him is a piece of cake. Embracing Ashok’s alter ego, celebrated drag diva Raima Reason, proves to be more of a challenge. Danny divorced his wife for a reason, and it wasn't so he could go out and find someone who takes even longer than she did to put on makeup. When Raima's career looks set to take off, Danny has to decide if he's along for the ride, or if a boyfriend who's sometimes a girl is more than he can handle.

A Model Romance

by Michael P. Thomas

When Bridger Bradford chases the wrong guy to South Korea, he falls in love ... with his fantasies about Kai, a model whose handsome mug is splashed across every subway station and bus shelter in the country.Kai has a big career and big money, but what he really wants is a shot at big, blond Bridger, who can't believe his luck when the man of his dreams seemingly walks out of the stack of souvenir magazines and right up to him in his favorite San Francisco bar.

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

by Michael P. Thomas

When Richard is invited to join Colin for Christmas in Cancun, he’s on the next flight out of Winnipeg faster than you can sayFeliz Navidad. He’ll take sun and sand over shoveling snow any day, but more importantly, he believes the invitation as an obvious sign Colin has at last chosen him over his rival Joaquin. Now they can get on with the business of being a couple.But life with Colin is full of surprises. Not only has he also invited Joaquin to Cancun, but he’s hatched aBachelorette-inspired plan to pit “Dickie” and “Quinoa” against each other in a fight for the Ultimate Prize -- which, naturally, is Colin himself.When his cockamamie scheme turns Richard and Joaquin into allies instead of enemies, Colin may have to recalibrate his approach. Unless bringing everyone together has been his plan all along ...

O Little Box of M4M

by Michael P. Thomas

Five stories. Eleven men. The countless joys of coming together at Christmas. Whether they’re spending treasured time with friends, showing up for forced family fun, or making good their escape from the shopping throngs, the men in these stories are all about to make the same discovery: love makes a terrific present.Contains the stories:The Gift of the Gay Guy: ‘Tis the night before Christmas when Derrick Halvorson catches Lee, a hot one night stand, emptying his wallet. When he resurfaces in the morning, Derrick resolves to stay mad, even as he turns up at his mom’s for Christmas with Lee in tow. When his cop brother recognizes Lee, Derrick fears the worst. Obviously Lee is a career criminal, but what if the next thing he steals is Derrick’s heart?Isle Be Home for Christmas: When Justin jets off to the tropics for the winter, a fling with a middle-aged American gym jock isn’t exactly on his itinerary. But when Cole comes to town on a cruise, it turns out there are worse ways to dance the night away. Good-bye doesn’t come easy, and when the ship’s still in port the next morning, Justin hurries down to the dock. Has he been naughty enough to deserve Cole for Christmas?It's Not Yule, It's Me: Shannon hates Christmas. Mostly because Christmas hates him. Which is why he’s a whimpering mess when he meets Ben one Christmas morning. But Ben’s such a bright spot that after a while Shannon wonders if maybe his Christmas Curse hasn’t been lifted. And what better place to test this theory than at Ben’s family festivities? It’s not like Christmas is actually cursed. Is it?Santa's Secret: In a flash of drunken inspiration, Samir pens his very first letter to Santa Claus. In it, he asks to find his cutie-pie crush, Kerry, under his tree on Christmas morning. It’s a wish that verges on coming true, even, until Kerry breaks their Christmas Eve date for the worst reason Samir has ever been called upon to pretend to believe. But Santa works in mysterious ways ...O Come, Let Us Adore Him: When Richard’s invited to join Colin for Christmas in Cancun, he bolts for the airport -- Colin has finally chosen him over Joaquin! But life with Colin is full of surprises. He’s invited Joaquin to Cancun, too, hoping to spice up his holiday by being fought over. When Richard and Joaquin hit it off, Colin must recalibrate his approach. Unless bringing everyone together was his plan all along.

Santa's Secret

by Michael P. Thomas

Samir is a lot closer to forty than he is to fourteen. For all the good it does him -- when he’s around cutie-pie Kerry, a waiter at his favorite happy hour hotspot, he feels more like a tween girl backstage with a boyband than any kind of upstanding professional.Especially when he’s drunkenly inspired to write a letter to Santa Claus, in which he asks to find Kerry under his tree on Christmas morning. A wish that verges on coming true, even, until Kerry breaks their Christmas Eve date for the worst reason Samir has ever been called upon to pretend to believe. But Santa works in mysterious ways ...

Say Cheese

by Michael P. Thomas

Grover “Shep” Shepherd is the only thing Felix Medrano loves more than being the current darling of Hollywood. He throws a star-studded surprise engagement party to declare their love to the world, and it’s a smash, save for one detail: Shep is a no-show. Felix knows Shep missed his flight home from New Orleans, but that was hours ago. What’s the hold up?Shep’s still at the airport is what, watching flight after flight wing westward without him. Each time he sends Felix a progress report via text message, Felix replies with a romantic photo from their past, and Shep spends much of his airport odyssey Remembering When. It’s easy to see how these two fell in love, but can Shep possibly make it home in time to celebrate with Felix and their friends?

September's Always Gorgeous

by Michael P. Thomas

When Drew Schilling wakes up with a world-class hangover, he isn’t especially proud of himself. He’s almost forty-five years old -- really, by now he should know better. Hecertainlyknows better than to bring home a hook-up like Esau Wallenberg. His friendly face, his super-hero physique ... charming qualities that appeal to Drew, naturally, but in a guy old enough to rent a car. This kid’s barely eighteen. Once they’re out of bed, Drew just wants to send Esau home and forget the whole mortifying incident.But Esau thinks he’s in love. He’s even talking marriage, but what the heck do we know when we’re eighteen? The kid’s got his whole life ahead of him. And Drew still has some life left ahead of him, too, thank you very much.He just needs to figure out a way to undo a huge mistake so he doesn’t have to live it without Esau.

Sin to Get Saved

by Michael P. Thomas

Hubert knows he brings shame on himself and on the Lord by being a queer -- his grandad and the pastor of his evangelical church tell him as much all the time. So when he dies in a freak accident, he's as delighted as he is surprised to waltz right through the Pearly Gates, no questions asked. He even gets a beautiful angel named Bartholomew as his very own guide to the Afterlife.But when the angel makes brazen overtures, Hubert realizes his soul may have taken a wrong turn. Hubert beseeches Bartholomew to keep his hands to himself and help him find his rightful place in the Heaven he's always heard about. As they set out to explore his options, Bartholomew hopes Hubert will learn a thing or two along the way about the deeply personal definitions of Paradise.

Snowed In: Suhaib and Elijah (Snowed In)

by Michael P. Thomas

Suhaib isn't a big believer in barriers. Whether he's skinny-dipping on the clock at his hotel job or spilling uncensored details of his life story just to make conversation, he is who he is and he doesn't care who knows it.Elijah plays his hand a little closer to the vest, and Suhaib can't get his head around Elijah's reckless plan to drive through the worst blizzard to hit Oklahoma since statehood just to meet his sister's new baby.When the storm that brought them together picks up and keeps them together, key elements of Elijah's life story are forced to the fore, and Suhaib learns a good man is more than the sum of his parts ... and there are more roads to uncle-hood than he ever considered.

The Sugar Shack

by Michael P. Thomas

Hansel is an aspiring photographer with a greater passion for the half-naked models he works with than for his art. Gretel is a Drag Superstar -- or will be, she’s convinced, the moment she’s discovered by ... anybody. One night, out in the tony gay-borhood The Woods, they stumble upon The Sugar Shack, a second-story nightclub they’re both delighted to discover, Gretel for the nightly drag shows of which she’d thrill to be a part, Hansel for the vast free buffet.They meet the club's owner, local drag legend Sugar Rush, who offers Gretel a spot on stage vacated by a last-minute no-show. When she wows the crowd, Sugar offers Gretel a trial spot on the Sugar Shack’s lineup, and invites Hansel to drop in anytime, and to bring his appetite with him.Gretel is a smash, and jumps at the eventual offer of a permanent gig. Hansel’s a hit, too, at Sugar’s private table upstairs in The Cage, where he lets Sugar flirt with him while he eats everything he can reach. He enjoys the attention almost as much as the free food, but he’s about as gay as they get, and can’t see himself falling for a dude who looks and smells like a chick, even if sheisgorgeous. She’s also an inveterate chubby chaser, Gretel points out to him one day, and her apparent mission to fatten Hansel up seems to be proceeding apace.Spending time with Sugar, Hansel's horizons expand along with his hips, but will he ever see her as more than just his “Sugar Daddy?”

You Again?

by Michael P. Thomas

Henry Kavalauskas spends most of his time at YVR, Vancouver’s international airport. He works there, he hangs out there -- he knows the world is bigger than his fast-food job and his parents' living room, and he wishes he could find a guy to take him out into it. Someone to shepherd him through its teeming cities and sleep beside him in its fine hotels.Someone like Zack Hoffman, to be quite specific, although Henry's first encounter with the short, sexy business traveler seems destined to be his last, seeing as how it takes place in an airport men's room.But Zack's long-haul flight is canceled, and when their paths cross again quite by chance -- and Zack produces the key to a hotel room -- Henry seizes the moment. The room's gorgeous, Naked Zack is gorgeous, and being with him is a dream come true for Henry. Until reality barges in, chases Henry half-naked back into the airport, and raises some questions about Zack. Is he who he says he is? And, more importantly, will Henry ever see him again?

You Had Me at Hero

by Michael P. Thomas

When seventeen-year-old Mark Potts fell from a balcony, he lost both the use of his legs and any faith in heroes. Now twenty-nine, he’s long-since come to terms with his injury. His job provides more opportunities for eye-rolling than for riding to anybody’s rescue, but with two kids to bring up, he barely has time for his husband, much less for heroics. Besides, Starr Bradford is a policeman -- how many heroes does one family need?Mark and Starr love each other madly, but stress management is a load-bearing pillar of their happiness. When Mark’s coping skills fail him at exactly the wrong moment, he’s left hanging by a thread of words he should’ve kept in his mouth. He has the power to repair their relationship, but when Starr’s workday suddenly goes south, will he get to wield it? Keeping it together long enough to find out is a job worthy of any superhero!

Same-Sex Parents: This is My Family (A First Look At #27)

by Pat Thomas

This reassuring picture book introduces children to same-sex parenting. It shows that all parents love, care and support their children in the same way. Young children learn to respect people's differences and treat all types of families fairly and without discrimination.The superb A First Look At series consists of a number of reassuring picturebooks that give advice and promote interaction between children, parents, and teachers on a wide variety of personal, social and emotional issues. Notes for parents and teachers at the back of the book provide valuable advice for how to share this book with your child or class. Suitable for Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7), occasional prompts throughout the text give a chance to discuss the issue being raised. Written by trained psychotherapist, journalist and parent, and illustrated by an experienced children's book artist, this is a part of an acclaimed and successful, long-running series of picture-book non-fiction books for Early Years. Books in the series give advice and promote interaction between children, parents and teachers on a wide variety of personal, social and emotional issues. They are excellent tools for teachers to use during classroom discussions.

Both Sides Now

by Peyton Thomas

A witty and warm-hearted novel about a trans teen finding his place in the world perfect for fans of Red, White and Royal BlueThere&’s only one thing standing between Finch Kelly and a full-blown case of high school senioritis: the National Speech & Debate Tournament. Taking home the gold would not only be the pinnacle of Finch&’s debating career, but the perfect way to launch himself into his next chapter: college in Washington, DC, and a history-making career as the first trans congressman. What could possibly go wrong? Well, for starters, Finch could develop a teeny tiny crush on his very attractive, very taken, and very gay debate partner, Jonah. Never mind that Finch has never considered whether he&’s interested in more than just girls. And that dream of college in DC? Finch hasn&’t exactly been accepted anywhere yet, let alone received the full-ride scholarship he'll need to make this dream a reality. Worst of all, though, is this year's topic for Nationals: transgender rights. If he wants to cinch the gold, and get into college, Finch might have to argue against his own humanity. People say there are two sides to every argument. But, as Finch is about to discover, some things—like who you are and who you love—are not up for debate.

Both Sides Now

by Peyton Thomas

A witty and warm-hearted novel about a trans teen finding his place in the world perfect for fans of Red, White and Royal Blue There&’s only one thing standing between Finch Kelly and a full-blown case of high school senioritis: the National Speech & Debate Tournament. Taking home the gold would not only be the pinnacle of Finch&’s debating career, but the perfect way to launch himself into his next chapter: college in Washington, DC, and a history-making career as the first trans congressman. What could possibly go wrong? Well, for starters, Finch could develop a teeny tiny crush on his very attractive, very taken, and very gay debate partner, Jonah. Never mind that Finch has never considered whether he&’s interested in more than just girls. And that dream of college in DC? Finch hasn&’t exactly been accepted anywhere yet, let alone received the full-ride scholarship he&’ll need to make this dream a reality. Worst of all, though, is this year&’s topic for Nationals: transgender rights. If he wants to cinch the gold, and get into college, Finch might have to argue against his own humanity. People say there are two sides to every argument. But, as Finch is about to discover, some things—like who you are and who you love—are not up for debate.

Congratulations, The Best Is Over!: Essays

by R. Eric Thomas

The beloved bestselling author of Here for It returns with an all-new collection of heartening, deeply relatable, and laugh-out-loud essays about what happens after happily ever after.&“Funny, insightful, and hopeful . . . a profound meditation on what it means to come home, and on finding your way again after the chaos of life takes you off your path.&”—John Paul Brammer, author of ¡Hola Papi!After going viral &“reading&” the chaotic political news, having one-too-many awkward social encounters, and coming to terms with his intersecting identities, R. Eric Thomas finally knew who he was and where he was going. He was living his best life. But then everything changed. In this collection of insightful and hilarious essays, Thomas moves back to his perpetually misunderstood hometown of Baltimore (a place he never wanted to return, even to be buried) and behaving completely out of character. They say you can&’t go home again, but what if you and home have changed beyond recognition? From attending his twenty-year high school reunion and discovering another person&’s face on his name badge, to splattering an urgent care room with blood à la The Shining, to being terrorized by a plague of gay frogs who&’ve overtaken his backyard, Thomas provides the nitty, and sometimes the gritty, details of wrestling with the life he thought he&’d left behind while trying to establish a new one. With wit, heart, and hope for the future, Congratulations, The Best Is Over! is the not-so-gentle reminder we all need that even when life doesn&’t go according to plan, we can still find our way back home.

Here for It: Or, How to Save Your Soul in America; Essays

by R. Eric Thomas

R. Eric Thomas didn’t know he was different until the world told him so. Everywhere he went—whether it was his rich, mostly white, suburban high school, his conservative black church, or his Ivy League college in a big city—he found himself on the outside looking in. <p><p> In essays by turns hysterical and heartfelt, Thomas reexamines what it means to be an “other” through the lens of his own life experience. He explores the two worlds of his childhood: the barren urban landscape where his parents’ house was an anomalous bright spot, and the Eden-like school they sent him to in white suburbia. He writes about struggling to reconcile his Christian identity with his sexuality, the exhaustion of code-switching in college, accidentally getting famous on the internet (for the wrong reason), and the surreal experience of covering the 2016 election for Elle online, and the seismic changes that came thereafter. Ultimately, Thomas seeks the answer to these ever more relevant questions: Is the future worth it? Why do we bother when everything seems to be getting worse? As the world continues to shift in unpredictable ways, Thomas finds the answers to these questions by reenvisioning what “normal” means and in the powerful alchemy that occurs when you at last place yourself at the center of your own story. <p> Here for It will resonate deeply and joyfully with everyone who has ever felt pushed to the margins, struggled with self-acceptance, or wished to shine more brightly in a dark world. Stay here for it—the future may surprise you.

Kings of B'more

by R. Eric Thomas

"Infused with all the joy of the best teen movies, Kings of B'more is sure to be a big hit." —BuzzFeed Two Black queer best friends face their last day together with an epic journey through Baltimore in this magnetic YA debut by bestselling author of Here for It, R. Eric Thomas.With junior year starting in the fall, Harrison feels like he&’s on the precipice of, well, everything. Standardized testing, college, and the terrifying unknowns and looming pressures of adulthood after that—it&’s like the future wants to eat him alive. Which is why Harrison is grateful that he and his best friend, Linus, will face these things together. But at the end of a shift at their summer job, Linus invites Harrison to their special spot overlooking the city to deliver devastating news: He&’s moving out of state at the end of the week. To keep from completely losing it—and partially inspired by a cheesy movie-night pick by his dad—Harrison plans a send-off à la Ferris Bueller&’s Day Off that's worthy of his favorite person. If they won&’t be having all the life-expanding experiences they thought they would, Harrison will squeeze them all into their last day together. They end up on a mini road trip, their first Pride, and a rooftop dance party, all while keeping their respective parents, who track them on a family location app, off their trail. Harrison and Linus make a pact to do all the things—big and small—they&’ve been too scared to do. But nothing feels scarier than saying goodbye to someone you love. &“Profoundly charming.&”—Ryan Douglass, New York Times bestselling author of The Taking of Jake Livingston"Luminous."—Adib Khorram, award-winning author of Darius the Great Is Not Okay"Unapologetically beautiful and fiercely hilarious."—Julian Winters, award-winning author of Running With Lions

The Battle of Iron Gulch (The Town of Superstition #3)

by R. G. Thomas

Sequel to The Well of TearsThe Town of Superstition: Book ThreeThaddeus Cane has finally reached the foot of Wraith Mountain. He hopes to find his mother--changed into a dragon by the witch Isadora many years ago--and bring her back to Superstition to live with him and his father. With Teofil, his garden gnome boyfriend, and Teofil's mother, sister, and their new elf friend, Thaddeus discovers that getting to his mother will not be as easy as they'd hoped. They are forced to shelter in the small town of Iron Gulch where Thaddeus's father takes a job to secure the equipment they need to climb the mountain. The longer they stay in Iron Gulch, the more Thaddeus comes to believe things in the town are not as pleasant as they appear. When a new and vicious enemy reveals itself, Thaddeus and his group are thrust into a fight not only for their lives, but for the lives of the Iron Gulch residents. As the battle rages, they discover Thaddeus's mother and struggle to free her and end Isadora's tyranny once and for all.

The Midnight Gardener (The Town of Superstition #1)

by R. G. Thomas

The Town of Superstition: Book OneAt fifteen, Thaddeus Cane has moved thirty-two times with his father. Each time he's displaced without explanation, Thaddeus loses any friends he's made. The name of their latest town is Superstition, but it seems normal enough, with one exception. Thaddeus's bedroom window gives him a view into the beautiful gardens next door. Every night after dark, an attractive guy around Thaddeus's age appears to tend the plants. When Thaddeus visits his neighbor, he discovers not only how deep his interest in the other man runs, but also that Teofil, the midnight gardener, isn't human. He's a garden gnome, a revelation that will lead to more secrets coming to light and an adventure unlike anything Thaddeus ever imagined.

A Tangle of Secrets (The Town of Superstition #4)

by R. G. Thomas

Sequel to The Battle of Iron GulchThe Town of Superstition: Book FourThaddeus and his family and friends have returned from Iron Gulch and Thaddeus’s summer of magical awakening to a very different life. For one, he has both his parents for the first time, though his mother is still haunted by terrors and powers she can’t yet control. Teofil, Thaddeus’s gnome boyfriend, is consumed with finding Thaddeus’s evil uncle Lucian and answers about what happened to his brother, and he spends his days sequestered in Leopold’s library, pouring over the old wizard’s journals. When Thaddeus starts school and makes friends Teofil doesn’t like, there’s tension between them for the first time ever. Thaddeus’s problems don’t end there. It’s harder and harder for him to conceal his magic, especially when facing the school bully. He’s lost, confused, and lashing out, and for once, he finds no solace in those closest to him. His enemies are hiding in plain sight, biding their time, until the Bearagon reappears and instigates a fight not everyone will walk away from.

The Well of Tears (The Town of Superstition #2)

by R. G. Thomas

Sequel to The Midnight GardenerThe Town of Superstition: Book TwoThaddeus Cane's life changed when he learned he is the son of a witch and a wizard, and now he's undertaken a mission to find his mother, who was cursed not long after Thaddeus was born. He enlists the aid of his father, Nathan; his boyfriend and neighbor, Teofil Rhododendron, a garden gnome; and Teofil's mother, brother, and sister. As they journey through a world that seems normal on the surface, they meet many magical creatures, some kind and helpful, others evil and dangerous. When Nathan suffers a life-threatening injury, Thaddeus might be forced to abandon the quest to find his mother in order to save his father.

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