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Showing 17,351 through 17,375 of 19,063 results

Dear John

by Holly Day

How to break up with your boyfriend when your only means of communication are letters?Logan Fleet is working undercover on a one-house island. A syndicate leader he and his team have been investigating was meant to arrive a week ago but hasn't shown. Instead, Logan spends his day watching Zion, a talented artist and the syndicate leader's boyfriend. Logan shouldn't care, but he feels drawn to Zion.One bad decision after the other has landed Zion Dash on an island with no cellphone reception, no internet, and no TV. His only means of communication with the world are letters, and his life is falling apart. He wants to curl up next to Logan, but he must get out of the relationship he's in first.As the days go by, Logan and Zion grow closer. When news about the syndicate leader being on his way reaches them, Logan tells Zion who he is and tries to get him off the island. But Zion isn't sure he believes Logan. How can he trust someone who's been lying about who he is the entire time they've been together?

Love, Isidor

by Nell Iris

Dear Henri, there was a man at the restaurant this evening who looked so much like you that I winked at him and laughed.One letter from his ex, Isidor, is all it takes to turn Henri’s world upside down. It’s been a decade since they broke up, a decade since they couldn’t make their long-distance relationship work despite their best efforts.Do you ever think back on the decisions we made and wonder if we could’ve tried harder?Isidor was the one that got away, the one who’s impossible to forget, and Henri still questions the decisions they made back then. Could they have fought harder for what they had?My darling Henri. I still dream of you after all this time.Is ten years apart too long, or will old feelings reignite when Henri and Isidor meet again?

Falling in Love in Hong Kong

by Casper Graham

While attending a seminar in Hong Kong, Kenneth is surprised that Edward Lee, his childhood friend, is also present. They’ve been separated for many years. When they agree to hang out and catch up, Kenneth never expects to be attracted to Edward. Fortunately, Edward is also interested in getting to know him as more than just friends.However, Edward still resides in San Francisco while Kenneth spends most of his time in Hong Kong. Some couples may be able to stay together while being in a long-distance relationship, but Kenneth doesn’t think it will work out well for him and Edward, considering their brand-new relationship. Moreover, since Edward will only be in Hong Kong for about two weeks, there isn’t enough time for him and Kenneth to develop a deep and meaningful relationship.Will the two men find a solution before Edward leaves Hong Kong?

False Justice

by Adam Carpenter

Jimmy McSwain has to meet a man named Alexander Cort, a real-estate agent with a story to tell about an old set of friends, dating back to his childhood in Hell’s Kitchen. The friends called themselves the Four Kitcheneers, bonding together over their own ambitions and memories. On graduation night, one of the four disappeared and the other three engaged in a cover-up. Or maybe not.The question of what happened to Silas Clayton lingers fourteen years later. As Jimmy begins his investigation of what happened that fateful night, he also tries to put the final nail in the casket of his previous case, one that ended with Captain Francis X. Frisano arresting him for killing Mr. Wu-Tin.These pieces comprise a puzzle Jimmy just can’t seem to solve. Until two bodies are found at the construction site across the avenue from where he grew up. Suddenly Hell’s Kitchen’s shadows are being exposed to a blinding sun of truth.

Wildest Dreams

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Detective Inspectors Frederick Dick and Riley Silcox have more important things to concern them than their names being a source of amusement. While Riley embraces his homosexuality, Frederick’s attraction to Riley brings him nothing but torment. Although Riley suspects Fred might be gay, if true, he’s certain the man isn’t happy about it, and Riley doesn’t intrude where he’s not wanted. Despite being on assignment, Riley has no reason not to pursue other relationships, especially with the attractive Scotsman, Calhoun. If only he knew how much Fred wants him, it could be a different story.They endeavour to uncover a new and exclusive drug with strange side effects and recuperative powers, but become victims when they find the supplier. Does Frederick only hallucinate running wild in the woods? Or, like Riley, will he choose to run naked, baring not only his body but also his soul, revealing the reason for his celibacy, and why having Riley around means that isn’t working out for him, at all.

Behind the Red Curtain

by Eve Morton

Cassandra Lightman grew up making trinkets and toys. She was on her way to inventing a "flying machine" when she was committed to a sanatorium for hysteria. That's where Dr. Timothy Brown found Sandra and saw her promising intelligence. After Sandra shows Dr. Brown how to cure hysteria in women, she begins to work under him in his medical practice. Since Sandra cannot practice medicine and has no support from her family, she must carry on her position in secret. She goes into Dr. Brown’s office through the back door, speaking to no one, and always covering her face.Sandra soon meets Bedelia Morten, one of her patients behind the red curtain. Bedelia Morten is an upper class wife with a banker husband and three children of her own. She suffers from insomnia and nightmares, which leads her to seek out Dr. Brown’s practice. Though Bedelia is initially skeptical of Sandra’s skill, she soon learns to appreciate Sandra’s talent and company.When their relationship becomes too close, Sandra is encouraged by Dr. Brown to invent a "stand-in" for herself. Sandra goes back to her experimental roots and visits her idol-inventor Marlin Manchester. Sandra works many long nights in hopes of creating the first steam-powered vibrator. When Sandra’s invention takes off, she is forced to reconsider her role both in and out of the examination room, her future, and who she wants by her side.

Born This Way

by Eve Morton

Jacob Matthews has gotten really sick of confessing his autobiography every time he meets someone new. Ever since coming out as a gay transgender man, Jacob feels as if no one really cares about who he is right now. Instead, they would much rather have access to his past and create another Lifetime movie out of it. The typical transgender narrative, Jacob notes, always ends in surgery or tragedy. It’s been two years since Jacob’s crossed the final marker to become who he is, and he’s running out of options of what to do next.The only way that Jacob can overcome his own backstory is by blending in. Every Tuesday Night, he heads out to the local gay club called Boy Division and watches gay men from the sidelines. But when Jacob hooks up with a stranger who understands him with just a simple look, Jacob soon realizes that blending into the walls no longer satisfies him.Jacob soon runs into his old friends at the LGBT community center, where he is forced to reconsider his life beyond rainbow colors and poppy disco beats. In group therapy, Jacob is confronted by the harsh realities of being transgender, hate crime violence, and the dwindling offers for his future. Just before Jacob leaves, his favorite doctor makes him a bet: if Jacob can find someone to connect to, then she will renew his testosterone prescription without question or qualm. She urges him to find some type of community, even if it’s not in the community center’s brightly painted walls.Jacob takes the bet, figuring he has nothing to lose but his happy ending that may -- or may not -- really exist. He becomes determined to find the mystery man from the club again, even if it means blowing his cover.

Cracks in the Pavement

by Eve Morton

When professors Stephanie and Lee decide to rent out the room above their garage to students, they were just doing it for the money. So when Joe, the short, caring, and charismatic lead singer of the post-hardcore band Armour for Life comes to live with them, both professors get more than they bargained for.Stephanie insists that her sudden desire in their new boarder is not a mid-life crisis and instead focuses all her energy in applying for tenure. Lee takes a sabbatical, writing his new critical theory book late into the night, while also listening to Joe's new music CD during the day. When a tentative friendship between Joe and Lee develops, Lee believes that he wants to help Joe escape their city the way Lee was never able to when he was younger.When Joe leaves to go on tour, both Stephanie and Lee realize how empty their house becomes without him. In order to get what they want from Joe, both professors must be the ones to take the first steps.

Divine Intervention

by Eve Morton

Liam, Bart, and Evan have been best friends since all of them met in college. Though Liam is straight, he makes an effort to take out his two friends to all the gay bars in their city. Liam acts as the matchmaker for many of his gay friends, but he has not made the connection between Evan and Bart. At least, not yet.Evan and Bart find themselves drawn towards one another through their shared love of punk music and video games, but unable to make a move. Evan, a former drunk who is still working on getting his life together, fears his own weakness in the face of alcohol and the pressures of his family. Bart, a runaway from his home state of Utah and his Mormon family, still struggles with what he is allowed to believe.After Liam breaks up with Sarah, his best friends Bart and Evan meet at his apartment for a night of conciliatory drinking. When they arrive to find Liam's place empty and messier than ever, the two of them are forced to wait until their friend shows up. Through a series of flashbacks and heartfelt conversations, Bart and Evan learn that they have waited long enough for one another. By the end of the night, Liam, Evan, and Bart all hope for their broken hearts to be mended, but it may take more effort than usual.

Impatience Is a Virtue

by Eve Morton

After Marshall gets a medical residency across the state and hours away from his boyfriend Jack, the two decide on a long-distance relationship. This arrangement works, more or less. Marshall isn’t the best with texting and his time is often scattered, but so is Jack’s when he’s working double-shifts at Target. When they connect over Skype and text messages, it’s good.And when they don’t, Jack finds other ways to keep their relationship interesting and the excitement present. But when Black Friday forces both of them to work hectic schedules and deal with impatient crowds, Jack soon wonders if spending Thanksgiving apart was really a good idea.During the massive Black Friday event, Jack's coworkers amuse him with customer service horror stories, take selfies which go viral online, and rewrite traditional Christmas songs. It’s fun, but even their friendships seem strained under the holiday season. As Marshall's text messages become less and less frequent, Jack wonders if the two of them will be able to wait out the three weeks and six days until they can see one another over Christmas break.When everyone tells Jack patience is a virtue, he starts to realize the faulty argument at its core. Being quiet has never gotten him anything in his life. But maybe, if he can learn from these bossy customers just how to voice his own desires -- he could have Marshall home and all to himself.

Love and the Undead

by Eve Morton

Mike's brother Zach has always been a little weird. He spends most of his nights sneaking out to hunt for ghosts, and then reading fan fiction for his favorite TV show Paranormal whenever he has free time. But when Zach comes out as gay, and is subsequently bullied at school, Mike realizes his brother needs an ally more than anything. Though Mike knows he's also pretty strange, they form a pack with other outcasts at the school to make their time spent in high school a little better.Everything changes when Ray, a new student, shows up at the school. Mike breaks away from his brother and soon falls for Ray -- while at the same time unearthing a mystery about their small town. As teachers disappear and dead bodies pile up, Mike and Ray are left alone fighting evil, when all Mike wanted to do was fall in love.

Sacred Isle

by Eve Morton

After Tara Hayes's most recent best seller, she and her long-time girlfriend Wendy go on a road trip. They soon arrive along the Florida coastline at the Sacred Isle Diner where yet another case falls onto Tara's lap. She uses her training as a PI and the notoriety from her famous book to wedge her way into the investigation of a man who appears to have been killed by a mermaid.Though Tara knows the idea is ridiculous, the possible siren that haunts the Florida coastline is all she can think about. It's not long before Tara stumbles on Sabrina Taylor, the victim's sister and forgets about Wendy entirely.Sabrina is a blonde bombshell with an amazing voice and even more amazing touch. Tara is enchanted right away, but a shocking turn in the investigation makes her realize that Sabrina may be more than who she says she is.

The Spectator

by Eve Morton

Regina is used to getting what she wants. When she meets Shane, the brooding art school grad turned ad exec at her PR firm, the two fall in love and get married right away. But five years into their marriage, Shane's frustrations only seem to grow and Regina tries everything to mend the relationship -- new sex, vacation time, and long nights discussing their future.Finally, when Regina suggests a threesome, everything seems to click. Shane surprises her when he says he wants to explore his bisexual side by inviting a man into their bed.Together they frequent downtown Toronto and Regina's night classes to see if they can find the perfect man to join them.When they meet a blond, Adonis-like stranger, they think everything's set. So why is Shane suddenly getting cold feet?

O, Christmas T(h)ree

by Rodney Ross

Everything seems to be grouping into threes for Stanton and Clay’s catered Christmas Eve party.There’s the abandoned kitten triplets they find in their walk of their Palm Springs neighborhood; guests Mr. and Mrs. Wells Prince, with their last-minute request to bring their outspoken granddaughter Caroline; the arrival of arrogant Sebastian Koczmakos and his two intimidating assistants; and, at the front door, a tearful young couple and their little boy who discover they rented the house for the holidays from a fraudulent online site. A drunken, rambling call from Clay’s father reawakens hurtful memories of his two brothers and the abuse they endured. A flirtatious local veterinarian seems suddenly interested in sharing their bed.Christmas Eve will be anything but a silent night.

Pantaloons and Petticoats

by Ellie Thomas

Sequel to Town BronzeBarney Marshall, the son of a wealthy manufacturer, is tolerated by London high society for his great wealth. In the autumn of 1812, Barney relishes all the high living and low indulgences of a young man about town in the fleshpots of Covent Garden.In one of the many surrounding taverns, he encounters Rose. They spend a memorable night together despite Barney’s initial surprise that Rose is not all she seems.Rose leads a double life as Ross, a respectable clerk at Coutts Bank. When Barney comes across Ross in his work setting and recognises him, complications abound.Can these two find their way through the twist and turns on the path to true love?

Howl at the Moon Box Set

by Holly Day Ofelia Gränd

Maybe having a mate isn’t for everyone.Howl at the Moon is a set of four M/M romance novellas with growling werewolves. Somewhere out there, four individuals are going about their lives, unaware they’re the fated mates of wolf shifters. And when they find out, being over the moon doesn’t quite describe the feeling. Will everyone end up happily mated in the end? Read and find out!Contains the stories:The Blood Witch by Holly Day: Conri is king, but someone is trying to take him down. Nick is a blood witch, who is in Conri’s territory but refuses to see him, which puts him on the top of Conri’s list of suspects. When he goes to confront Nick, things don't turn out the way he'd planned. Nick is his destined mate, but he doesn’t want anything to do with Conri. Conri needs Nick, but can he convince him to fight by his side?Soul Eater by Ofelia Gränd: Detective Thaddeus Ezax is in over his head. He’s a wizard in the Paranormal Investigations Department. While most children can cast a location spell, Thaddeus can't, so when he gets a kidnapping case, he is forced to get creative. He finds a werewolf skull with a ghost trapped inside, accidentally releases the spirit, and somehow forms a connection with it. Can things get any crazier?One Would Be Enough by Holly Day: Teo has worked hard to achieve his dream of owning a house. When he refuses to sell it to a pack of werewolves, they kidnap him. He finds himself locked up in a basement with Jerico. Jerico shouldn’t care about the human, but when he learns he’s in danger from his former pack, he knows he has to find a way to get them out of there. But for how long will Jerico be able to keep Teo safe?The Cake Shop by Ofelia Gränd: York is attacked by a rivaling werewolf pack. Injured and exhausted, he takes refuge in a bear-owned bakery. Torbjorn doesn't do people, he doesn't do wolves, and he will definitely not mate one no matter what the pull in his heart says. York has finally found his mate, but Torbjorn refuses to let him stay. How will he make Torbjorn understand he means him no harm when he refuses to talk to him?

Right Time and Place for Love Box Set

by Casper Graham

Love can be unpredictable, but one thing is certain. Love happens when the place and time are right. Follow the love journey of the men in this MM box set by Casper Graham as they navigate their way through romantic and familial relationships, friendships, and everything else life throws their ways.Contains the stories:New Year, New Love: Vance must travel more than three hours to meet with a client, but his car dies on him while he’s still in Pontybridge. There’s also a snowstorm. Then he meets Brett, the attractive owner of the local bed and breakfast, and Talon, a handsome and successful lawyer. Unfortunately, Vance and Talon live in San Francisco while Brett resides in Pontybridge. Can they make their relationship work?Nowhere Else He Would Rather Be: Micah likes Arlo, who is out of his league. He also has a crush on Jenson, who’s a business competitor. Arlo likes Micah, but the man treats him as a good friend. With Jenson, it’s lust at first sight, but Arlo is also jealous of how close Micah and Jenson obviously are. Jenson knows he, Arlo, and Micah have a mutual attraction. They just have to get on the same page. That won’t be easy.He Got the Wrong Man: Ellis Collins thinks Drew Vinson is his blind date. It’s awkward and embarrassing when Braylon Larsen, his real date, shows up. After clearing things up, they’re able to enjoy themselves. They start hanging out, but Ellis can see that Drew and Braylon have a lot more in common with each other. He feels like the third wheel. Maybe he should bow out gracefully.

An Otherworldly Love Box Set

by Casper Graham

A romantic relationship between humans is difficult enough, and it’s so much harder when one’s potential partner is an otherworldly being, but maybe it’s true what people say. Love conquers all. Follow the love journey of these men as they navigate their way through romantic and familial relationships, friendships, and everything else life throws their ways.Contains the stories:The Impossible: Galen Lykaios is a cupid and Dion Angelos owns a funeral home. They have a chance encounter during one of Galen’s assignment, and there’s a spark between them. However, trying to form a relationship while having to deal with an ancient demon who seems hell-bent on killing them is no easy feat.The Crossroads Diner: Eric is a successful restaurateur, but he has a strained relationship with his family ever since he comes out of the closet, and he has yet to find the right romantic partner. Benjamin owns a mysterious diner with strange customers. He has secrets he doesn’t share with Eric even though their relationship has progressed from friendship to a romantic one. Maybe their relationship is doomed to fail.The Necromancer and the Men Who Love Him: Calian is a necromancer. When he meets Gage Hawkins and Flynn Hamilton, he expects one passion-filled evening, but it turns into something deeper and more romantic. A necromancer’s trial is difficult and dangerous, though. If Calian makes it through and becomes a grim reaper, he can’t stay in the mortal realm. Maybe their romance is destined to die an early death.

Coffee and Tea

by K. L. Noone

A Character Bleed / Leather and Tea crossover!These days, Colby Kent-Mirelli is wonderfully happy. He loves being married to Jason, sharing a movie-star life and a happy ending on and off screen. But an invitation to a charity gala brings Colby and Jason back to London ... and face to face with a piece of Colby’s past.Simon Ashley should apologize to Colby Kent. As teenagers, they weren’t friends, and Simon could be cruel. He’s trying hard to be a better person now: happier, kinder, believing in love, which he’s found with his husband Ben, a real-life former secret agent and massive Colby Kent fan. And this charity gala invitation might be Simon’s chance to finally make things right ... if Colby will listen.Simon wants to apologize. Ben wants to support him ... and meet Colby. Colby just wants the evening to go smoothly. And Jason will always protect his husband.But this glittering night might have a few surprises in store for them all ...

Of Love and Family Box Set

by J. D. Walker

The search for love is hard enough without the meddling of well-meaning family members. Low self-esteem, childhood trauma, PTSD and jealousy can derail a relationship faster than a bathroom quickie, and then there’s the not-so-helpful mother or baby brother who just wants everyone to be happy, already.What can a single dad do when his daughter is best friends with the niece of his nemesis across the hall? Or the son, who returns home for a family get together that includes his ex-boyfriend and a daughter he didn’t know existed? Is a clubber more than he appears? Sometimes, family can make all the difference.This box set contains eight of J.D. Walker’s best-selling MM romances, including:Crank Me Up: Marius tolerates Xavier only because his daughter is best friends with Xavier's niece. But when Uncle Cranky insults his intelligence, Marius snaps back. Xavier surprises him by offering an apology and an invitation to dinner. Marius decides to give Xavier another chance, and they end up with a lot more than they bargained for.Crank Me Down: Xavier McDay and Marius Rabineaux have been together for a year, and Marius wants to take things to the next level -- marriage. Sherie and Tonya, Marius' daughter and Xavier’s niece, are definitely rooting for the men, too. When Marius proposes, Xavier happily accepts. Now all they have to do is find a house for four, plan the wedding, and survive the honeymoon.Because of Sam: Martin Wesley leads a stressful life, but when he suddenly becomes the caregiver for his only niece, Samantha Wesley, something has to give. Daycare worker, Ryan Gentles, is a lifesaver, and as he learns how to be a parent, Martin finds his heart being pulled in two directions. Now, he has to choose between his job or a love and family he never thought possible.Truck Me How I Like It: Derrick Choi needs release in the worst way, especially after the kind of day he’s had. When he decides to unwind at a favorite club, he encounters the manager from one of his delivery stops and sees him in a whole new light. Paul Fontana is older and just plain hot. When these two men get up close and personal, they find out there could be more than a one-night stand in their future. Maybe.Truck Me Back to Normal: Joey just wants to find his new normal now that he’s back on his feet, thanks to his brother. But Bear, his new boss, is distracting, and Joey doesn’t know what to do with the attraction he hasn’t felt in so long. So, he ignores it. That, however, doesn’t stop Bear from trying to convince Joey to take a chance on them, no matter what.Of Paws and Pet Rocks: Barry Dunning is a lonely pet groomer and painter of rocks. He’s been burned badly by an ex-boyfriend who left him with tons of debt. Then Sheldon Svenson, the owner of the animal shelter where Barry volunteers on weekends, asks him out on a date. It ends badly, but Sheldon pursues Barry and convinces him to give them another chance. Maybe this time, they’ll get it right.Grateful for You: Jared Gillespie left home five years ago because his boyfriend, Walt Schneider cheated on him. With a woman. What he doesn't realize is that Walt, the man he still loves was trying to tell him something, which Jared figures out after his mother convinces him to come home for Thanksgiving. Harsh truths are revealed and second chances become possible. Something to be grateful for.Loving Me, Loving You: Hanson Yoo is tired of his job, and doing things to please his mother. A harrowing encounter at night in an alley leads him to Lindsey Grier, a man he’s sure would never look at him twice. But he is looking, and Hanson doesn’t know what to do about it. A serious misstep and a life-changing moment lead him to take charge of his future and do something for himself, this time.

The Friends Box Set

by T. J. Blackley

Two stories of unexpected love in the aristocracy: One marriage of convenience, turned horribly inconvenient, and one pair of childhood friends doomed to pine without end. Will this foursome of friends be able to untangle their tangled webs, and find a pair of happy endings?Contains the stories:The Arrangement: Duke Vincent, determined not to marry for love, weds Matsui Eiji, a beautiful widower, in a strictly-business marriage of convenience. But will they be able to keep their hands, and their hearts, to themselves?The Wedding: Roger Millbourne has to face his feelings for his dearest friend, the marquess Edward Chesburn, when their mutual friend Vincent Pennsbury begs him to tell Edward he loves him. Vincent insists Edward loves Roger back, but Roger can’t be sure. Will he be brave enough to speak up, and will Edward be brave enough to accept Roger’s love?

Fairies, Knights, and Fools Box Set

by Charles Payseur

An immersive video game tester finds his latest assignment is all too real. A pair of fairy tale conmen meet their match. A trickster god discovers the joke might be on him where love is concerned. A giant with a human infestation in his cloud castle can’t keep his eyes off the exterminator. These ten stories span genres while consistently lingering on high adventure and sizzling romance.Contains the stories:Riding Red: Big and Red are conmen and lovers a bit down on their luck when they learn of an easy mark, a rich old woman who lives alone in the woods. Things get complicated, though, when they find Jack, a trickster himself, already on the scene. And when it turns out the little old woman is running a con of her own, all bets are off and the fur, and clothing, will fly as everyone scrambles to survive.Beta Tester: Noah is a tester of immersive video games, and one of the best, though his personality makes him rather difficult to work with. In fact, his only friend (and serious crush) is his manager, Malik, and when Noah suspects that Mal has been working with someone else, he crosses a line that could ruin even that. Can Noah level up his game and show Malik how he feels, or will it be game over for them?Questing: Given immortality thanks to a sip from the Holy Grail, Lancelot and Palomides are rivals in the Game, a series of world-spanning quests worth points to the knights to complete them. But when they join forces to track down a lost legend, Lancelot finds his attention isn’t on the quest so much as it’s on Palomides. Can he keep his mind in the Game, or is there another way he’ll end up scoring?Taste of the Forest, Dark and Sweet: Bastian's kitchen, normally his sanctuary, has become anything but since Colin began working with him. There's just something distracting about the line chef that Bastian is drawn to. But when a series of disasters draw Bastian into a magical world he never knew existed -- a world Colin is part of -- will attraction and amazing food be enough to overcome the barriers keeping the two men apart?A Friendly Ghostbusting: When Cas, known to the internet as paranormal vlogger Caspar the Friendly Ghostbuster, arrives at a shuttered psychiatric prison slated for demolition, he finds that he’s not the only one investigating. Can he contain his own stubborn attraction around his friend-turned-rival, Yasahiro, and be the first to get footage of supernatural activity? Or will the ghost hunters become the ghost hunted?Luc Orphelin and the Hodag of Rhinelander: For the great (and dapper) detective Luc Orphelin, getting sent out to the Northwoods of Wisconsin seems a punishment, but needs must your specialty is supernatural mysteries like monster sightings at a remote logging camp. Can he find the truth and deal with a devilishly attractive monster hunter at the same time, or will he end up the next victim of the fiendish hodag of Rhinelander?Fieldwork: Agent Ignacio Ritter is happy serving the CXO from the safety of his desk. Ever since his parents died in the field, danger is the last thing he wants to be a part of. At least, until the charming and dangerous tiger-shifter Agent Reed Daily chooses Ignacio to help close the book on the gang responsible for his parents’ deaths. Faced with his greatest fears, will he prove himself man or ...Trickster69: April Fool's Day is like Christmas for Loki, god of mischief, and this year he's planned something grand: humiliating the noble Thor by provoking his wrath among a town of unwitting mortals. Even Norse gods can surprise each other, though, and when Thor lets slip that he might have feelings for a certain devious trickster, Loki's plans take a sudden, and sexy, turn.The Assistant's Contraption: Rascan, world-renowned inventor (or so he likes to think), is worried. His normally diligent and obedient assistant, Friday, has bee

Lost Connection

by Lucien Grey

Lori had no intention of falling in love, having never had the capacity to feel anything. But the more time he spends at the Restoration Facility, under the care of Dr. Rowen, he begins to change, unable to understand how or why. But he knows one thing for certain -- he doesn’t want to be apart from the kind doctor.After escaping an abusive marriage which left him feeling weak and worthless, Dr. Rowen Pace convinced himself he was content to live alone, surrounded by machines and closed off from almost everyone in his life. However, when one particular droid in his care starts showing signs of humanity, Rowen is forced to face his past trauma in order to help this unique being navigate what it means to be human, surprised by how far he is willing to go to save this droid ... and himself.

Mixed Up

by Shawn Bailey

In order to save face for his family, chef Kairi Nakano agrees to stand in for his identical twin who has flown the coop on her wedding day. Kairi had no idea his twin was getting married and has just arrived home from America. But within hours of being home, his older brother talks Kairi into standing in for Kana until he can find her. Kairi, not one to make waves, agrees. The next thing he knows, he’s being kissed by some guy after being declared man and wife.Denji Kikuchi knew better than to trust anyone associated with the notorious yakuza. But when his family and the Nakano family agree to call a truce if Denji marries Asaki Nakano’s younger sister, Denji agrees after seeing how beautiful Kana is. He gets the surprise of his life on his wedding night when he realizes the beauty sharing his bed is not Kana, but Kana’s identical twin brother, Kairi.Mad at first, Denji understands Kairi didn’t mean to deceive him, but was just doing a favor for Asaki after Kana ran off with her boyfriend. Now Denji can do one of two things. Ask for an annulment since same sex marriages aren’t legal in Japan, or hold Kairi to the contract until Kana returns.

Mortal Escape

by Amanda Murr

Lily is a conscientious college student with a gift for songwriting and a passion for music. Life on Ember Island is pretty conventional until the morning Lily wakes up to a transformed world. As she begins to discover her roommates and entire campus have been impacted by some sort of fiendish disease, Lily finds herself all alone and heads for the city in an attempt to understand what is going on. In the scramble for survival, Lily meets the charming yet unpredictable Halen, and comes to understand they are now living in a dystopian society.Although the quick-tempered Halen has a distrust for almost everyone she encounters, she seems to make an exception for Lily. They have an instant attraction to each other, which Halen is more forward about and finds enjoyment in making Lily nervous by this sudden attention.With only each other to depend on, they face dangerous obstacles to escape the island. As they fight for their lives, Lily finds herself fighting her feelings for Halen just as much while Halen develops a strong urge to protect Lily. Will the two be able to trust their connection and find refuge on the mainland and within each other?

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