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La Dieta Alcalina: Libro di Deliziose Ricette Alcaline Dietetiche

by Steve Stark Luca Buonocore

La Dieta Alcalina: Libro di Deliziose Ricette Alcaline Dietetiche: Lo Stile di Vita Alcalino Definitivo per Perdere Peso Vuoi Sentirti Meglio? Avere più Energie? Sentirti alla Grande? La Dieta Alcalina La Dieta Alcalina mira a bilanciare il livello di pH dei fluidi presenti nel vostro corpo. Essi hanno bisogno di mantenere un pH leggermente alcalino. Consumare cibi che hanno effetti alcalini possono portare a… Benessere Fisico Una Migliore Digestione Pelle più Chiara Incremento delle Energie Minor Rischio di Sviluppo di Malattie La Dieta Alcalina fornisce, alla vostra salute, numerosi ed efficaci benefici, tra cui la catechina, un antiossidante che combatte il cancro distruggendo i radicali liberi, bloccando le riserve di energia delle cellule cancerogene, facendo sì che i tumori si riducano. Questo tipo di dieta aiuta anche a combattere le disfunzioni cardiache, l’artrite, infiammazioni, diabete e malattie autoimmuni. È utile anche per sconfiggere i segni del tempo! Devi sapere che molte persone hanno già provato questa dieta e ne sono rimaste deliziate, poiché la loro vita è cambiata in meglio! In questo libro di dieta alcalina troverai deliziose ricette che faranno sì che la tua salute potrà solo beneficiarne enormemente!! Non aspettare un secondo di più nel dare al tuo corpo ciò di cui ha bisogno – ottieni la tua copia di Dieta Alcalina oggi stesso!

La Dieta Alcalina: La Dieta Alcalina per Principianti E Le 40 Migliori Ricette Alcaline

by Nancy Ross

VUOI CONOSCERE I BENEFICI DELLA DIETA ALCALINA E LE MIGLIORI 40 RICETTE? Questa è un'anteprima di quello che imparerai: Problemi di salute che nascono con l'acidità cosa mangiare con la dieta alcalina Colazioni che riducono l'acidità Ottime idee per pranzo Cena con la famiglia e molto molto altro!

La Dieta Chetogenica: Dieta Chetogenica per Principianti

by Eleonora Besana Nancy Ross

SCOPRI I FANTASTICI BENEFICI DELLA DIETA CHETOGENICA SULLA SALUTE! Ecco un’Anteprima Di Cosa Imparerai… · Gli Alimenti Consentiti dalla Dieta Chetogenica · Gli Alimenti Non Consentiti dalla Dieta Chetogenica · La Dieta Chetogenica e la Perdita di Peso · La Dieta Chetogenica e il Cancro · La Dieta Chetogenica e il Diabete · Consigli Facili per Seguire la Dieta Chetogenica · Gustose Ricette da Preparare durante la Dieta Chetogenica · E Molto, Molto Altro! Ecco Anche un’Anteprima di Alcune delle Ricette che Imparerai a Cucinare… · Parmigiana di Melanzane · Fajitas di Pollo · Pollo allìArancia · Costolette d’Agnello semplici · Spinaci e Pancetta in casseruola · Polpettone · Insalata alla Thailandese · E Molto, Molto Altro!

La Dieta Chetogenica: ricettario per principianti

by Dalila Porta Heather Jackson

Avvicinarsi alla Dieta Chetogenica: ricettario per principianti è la guida di cui avete bisogno se avete intenzione di avventurarvi nel mondo della chetogenica.

La dieta dels colors: Com activar el teu metabolisme i mantenir-te en el teu pes, sa i jove

by Montse Folch

Una dieta senzilla, clara, efectiva i basada en la dieta mediterrània que t'ajudarà a perdre pes al tems que incorpores nous hàbits alimentaris saludables i lluites contra l'envelliment. Salut, bellesa, comoditat, sentir-nos millor amb el nostre cos, rejovenits i més àgils. Aquests són els principals objectius que ens fixem quan comencem una dieta i, tot i que són raons suficients per menjar de forma saludable durant la resta de les nostres vides, la realitat és que en general arraconem i recuperem els vells costums. La majoria de nosaltres estem sotmesos a un ritme de vida que ens fa difícil parar l'atenció necessària al nostre organisme i mimar-lo per aconseguir el benestar físic i psicològic. Als obstacles quotidians (poc temps per comprar i cuinar, àpats fora de casa, de compromís, etc.), s'hi afegeixen dietes que, sovint, exigeixen un alt nivell de sacrifici i són tan restrictives que ens fan abandonar benràpid. Per això la dieta dels colors és senzilla i variada, perquè una de les màximes és fer sempre del menjar un acte plaent i no convertir-lo en quelcom penós, cosa que augmentaria considerablement les nostres possibilitats de fallida. El menú de la nostra dieta es divideix en quatre colors: vermell per a les proteïnes, vegetals i animals; verd per als vegetals; groc per al sucre i els hidrats de carboni i marró per als greixos. A banda, en el blau inclourem els líquids i condiments. Les dones seguiran la pauta 3+3+3 (tres aliments del grup vermell, tres del groc i tres del marró) i els homes la 4+4+4 (quatre aliments de cada grup). I ara la bona notícia: el grup verd és de consum lliure en quantitats i racions per als dos sexes. A què esperes per començar la dieta dels colors i sentir-te millor, perdre els quilos que et sobren i endarrerir l'envelliment?

La diète paléo pour débutants: Les 40 meilleures recettes

by The Blokehead

Un aperçu de la diète paléo comprenant 40 merveilleuses recettes! Apprenez-en plus sur le mode de vie qui influença plusieurs diètes, adhérez à celle-ci et reprenez votre santé en main...

La gestione dello stress resa (ridicolmente) facile

by Elena Holler Michael R. Clarke

Troppo stressato per leggere un libro sulla gestione dello stress? Vuoi imparare gli ultimi e innovativi trucchi e strategie per ridurre lo stress? Vuoi scoprire come, in pochi minuti al giorno, potrai ritrovare quella versione di te stesso che è rilassata, libera dallo stress e "pronta per qualsiasi evenienza", e che non vede l'ora di uscire allo scoperto? Allora sei nel posto giusto! In "La gestione dello stress resa (ridicolmente) facile" imparerai: *Come manipolare il tuo cervello per ottenere la massima strabilianza in termini di riduzione dello stress *Come trasformare il tuo corpo in una mirabolante macchina cancella-stress *Come ottenere un buon sonno ristoratore (anche se sei un insonne senza speranze) *Come guadagnarti da vivere (senza perdere il santissimo lume della ragione) *E molto altro ancora! Ogni capitolo comprende delle azioni passo per passo facili da seguire per aiutarti ad aumentare il tuo IQ di gestione dello stress, senza che tu debba andare all'università più vicina per seguire un qualche noioso seminario sull'argomento. Quindi, perché non partire alla ricerca del massimo livello di strabilianza in termini di gestione dello stress... oggi stesso!?

Lady Lushes: Gender, Alcoholism, and Medicine in Modern America

by Michelle L. McClellan

According to the popular press in the mid twentieth century, American women, in a misguided attempt to act like men in work and leisure, were drinking more. “Lady Lushes” were becoming a widespread social phenomenon. From the glamorous hard-drinking flapper of the 1920s to the disgraced and alcoholic wife and mother played by Lee Remick in the 1962 film “Days of Wine and Roses,” alcohol consumption by American women has been seen as both a prerogative and as a threat to health, happiness, and the social order. In Lady Lushes, medical historian Michelle L. McClellan traces the story of the female alcoholic from the late-nineteenth through the twentieth century. She draws on a range of sources to demonstrate the persistence of the belief that alcohol use is antithetical to an idealized feminine role, particularly one that glorifies motherhood. Lady Lushes offers a fresh perspective on the importance of gender role ideology in the formation of medical knowledge and authority.

Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

by Linnea Dunne

Step aside Hygge. Lagom is the new Scandi lifestyle trend taking the world by storm. This delightfully illustrated book gives you the lowdown on this transformative approach to life and examines how the lagom ethos has helped boost Sweden to the No.10 ranking in 2017's World Happiness Report. Lagom (pronounced 'lah-gom') has no equivalent in the English language but is loosely translated as 'not too little, not too much, just right'. It is widely believed that the word comes from the Viking term 'laget om', for when a mug of mead was passed around a circle and there was just enough for everyone to get a sip. But while the anecdote may hit the nail on the head, the true etymology of the word points to an old form of the word 'lag', which means 'law'.Far from restrictive, lagom is a liberating concept, praising the idea that anything more than 'just enough' is a waste of time. Crucially it also comes with a selflessness and core belief of responsibility and common good. By living lagom you can: Live a happier and more balanced life Reduce your environmental impact Improve your work-life balance Free your home from clutter Enjoy good food the Swedish way Grow your own and learn to forage Cherish the relationships with those you love

Lagom: The Swedish Art Of Balanced Living

by Linnea Dunne

Step aside Hygge. Lagom is the new Scandi lifestyle trend taking the world by storm. This delightfully illustrated book gives you the lowdown on this transformative approach to life and examines how the lagom ethos has helped boost Sweden to the No.10 ranking in 2017's World Happiness Report.Lagom (pronounced 'lah-gom') has no equivalent in the English language but is loosely translated as 'not too little, not too much, just right'. It is widely believed that the word comes from the Viking term 'laget om', for when a mug of mead was passed around a circle and there was just enough for everyone to get a sip. But while the anecdote may hit the nail on the head, the true etymology of the word points to an old form of the word 'lag', which means 'law'.Far from restrictive, lagom is a liberating concept, praising the idea that anything more than 'just enough' is a waste of time. Crucially it also comes with a selflessness and core belief of responsibility and common good. By living lagom you can live a happier and more balanced life, reduce your environmental impact, improve your work-life balance, free your home from clutter, enjoy good food the Swedish way, grow your own and learn to forage, and cherish the relationships with those you love.

Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

by Linnea Dunne

Discover the Swedish ethos of balanced living with Lagom.Lagom (pronounced 'lar-gom') has no equivalent in the English language but is loosely translated as 'not too little, not too much, just right'. It is widely believed that the word comes from the Viking term 'laget om', for when a mug of mead was passed around a circle and there was just enough for everyone to get a sip. But while the anecdote may hit the nail on the head, the true etymology of the word points to an old form of the word 'lag', which means 'law'.Far from restrictive, lagom is a liberating concept, praising the idea that anything more that 'just enough' is a waste of time. Crucially it also comes with a selflessness and core belief of responsibility and common good. By living lagom you can live a happier and more balanced life, reduce your environmental impact, improve your work-life balance, free your home from clutter, enjoy good food the Swedish way, grow your own and learn to forage, and cherish the relationships with those you love.Linnea Dunne was born and raised in Sweden, where she started her writing career as a columnist at the local newspaper aged 15. She left for Ireland a few years later and eventually moved to London, where she studied Creative Writing and Political Communications. She now lives in Dublin with her husband and two half-Swedish kids, trying to achieve that lagom balance against all odds. Linnea's work on subjects ranging from motherhood to women's rights and media narratives has been published by (among others) the Irish Times, the Guardian and the Irish Independent, and she also works as Editor of Scan Magazine. The irony of the fact that she escaped her home country, never made it back, and now spends the majority of her day writing about Scandinavian culture, innovation and trends is lost on no one.(P) 2017 Octopus Publishing Group


by Enrique Pons Sintes S. Candal

Ce livre se base sur notre expérience personnelle, vécue par ma famille pendant la dernière année, par rapport aux produits alimentaires que nous avons trouvés dans la plupart des supermarchés et centres commerciaux. Notre famille est petite et elle est composée de trois personnes (deux adultes de plus de quarante-cinq ans et un jeune de quinze ans). Il s'agit de la typique famille moyenne, avec des études et intéressée par la santé et le bien-être. Nous ne savons pas comment, par accident, un beau jour, soudain nous avons décidé de faire un changement dans nos vies. Non pas parce que nous nous sentions mal ou excessivement obèses. Le thème économique n'a pas eu non plus d'influence. Simplement nous avons décidé de prendre plus soin de nous-mêmes et manger mieux. En faisant mémoire, nous nous souvenions que pendant notre enfance, et même pendant la jeunesse, les aliments étaient beaucoup plus savoureux, même si certaines fois plus laids et abîmés. Nous nous souvenions de la saveur des tomates, des pommes et de nombreux produits. Actuellement, ce n'est plus comme cela. Notre fils n'a pas connu ces sensations et ces saveurs se sont perdues dans le temps. Un jour, après avoir fait les courses dans un grand magasin (chaque semaine, comme d'habitude, nous achetons le jeudi ou le vendredi), nous avons commencé à parler sincèrement sur le sujet, du prix des fruits et des légumes qui avaient augmentés spectaculairement. Nous avons commencé à discuter sur la qualité des aliments, de plus en plus, sur de nombreux produits. Nous avons commencé par les fruits, après par les légumes, le poisson, la viande, les surgelés, etc. Très mécontents avec l'augmentation des prix, ceci a eu lieu pendant le printemps deux mille quinze. Cette conversation ou plutôt, ce mécontentement avec les prix et la qualité, nous a fait réfléchir sur comment les aliments ont changé depuis notre enfance jusqu'à

A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices in Northern Ontario

by Michael A. Robidoux Courtney W. Mason

Food insecurity takes a disproportionate toll on the health of Canada’s Indigenous people. "A Land Not Forgotten" examines the disruptions in local food practices as a result of colonization and the cultural, educational, and health consequences of those disruptions. This multidisciplinary work demonstrates how some Indigenous communities in northern Ontario are addressing challenges to food security through the restoration of land-based cultural practices. Improving Indigenous health, food security, and sovereignty means reinforcing practices that build resiliency in ecosystems and communities. As this book contends, this includes facilitating productive collaborations and establishing networks of Indigenous communities and allies to work together in promotion and protection of Indigenous food systems. This will influence diverse groups and encourage them to recognize the complexity of colonial histories and the destructive health impacts in Indigenous communities. In addition to its multidisciplinary lens, the authors employ a community based participatory approach that privileges Indigenous interests and perspectives. "A Land Not Forgotten" provides a comprehensive picture of the food security and health issues Indigenous peoples are encountering in Canada’s rural north.

Land & Sea: Secrets to simple, sustainable, sensational food

by Alexandra Dudley

A celebration of real food and wholesome ingredients, Land and Sea brings sustainable eating to the table in true flavour and style. With advice on using the whole ingredient (no matter what it is); how you can make the most of leftovers; and how to be creative with herbs and spices, these recipes show you how to inject every mealtime with flavour and goodness.Inspired by her Dutch and German roots, Alexandra's storybook style recipes include family breakfasts of sweet-spiced, apple puffed pancakes ­­- a traditional 'Dutch Baby' - warming lunches such as Hake, Prawn and Lemongrass Curry, and comforting dinners to share like Spatchcocked Persian-Spiced Peanut Butter Chicken. And with a whole chapter on how to make vegetable 'king', you'll also find lots of ideas to make the most from your bounty, such as Caramelised Carrot Tarte Tatin and Shepherdless Pie.Including beautiful photography and stunningly designed, these recipes will show you how to celebrate all that Land and Sea has to offer, to the full.

The Language and Iconography of Chinese Charms

by Alex Chengyu Fang François Thierry

This book offers an in-depth description and analysis of Chinese coin-like charms, which date back to the second century CE and which continued to be used until mid 20th century. This work is unique in that it provides an archaeological and analytical interpretation of the content of these metallic objects: inscriptive, pictorial or both. As the component chapters show, these coin-like objects represent a wealth of Chinese traditional folk beliefs, including but not limited to family values, social obligations and religious desires. The book presents a collection of contributed chapters, gathering a diverse range of perspectives and expertise from some of the world's leading scholars in the fields of archaeology, religious studies, art history, language and museology. The background of the cover image is a page from Guang jin shi yun fu 廣金石韻府, a rhyming dictionary first published in the ninth year of the Kangxi Reign (1652 CE). The metal charm dates back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE), depicting two deities traditionally believed to possess the majic power of suppressing evil spirits. The stich-bound book in the foreground is a collection of seal impressions from the beginning of the 20th century. Its wooden press board is inscribed da ji xiang 大吉祥 by Fang Zhi-bin 方質彬 in the year of bing yin (1926 CE).

The Last Word on Eating Disorders Prevention

by Leigh Cohn

For the first time in one volume, many of the world’s most esteemed eating disorders prevention experts share their opinions and recommendations about future directions for the field. Employing "The Last Word" format of writing concise editorials about a focused area of research, authors from four countries contribute thirteen chapters with diverse points of view. The approaches range from large scale, macro-environmental calls for change through public policy to the more intimate promotion of positive youth identity for buffering against eating disorders. Included are retrospective looks at the development of prevention programs with an eye toward best practices moving forward, calls for integrating eating disorders interventions with existing efforts in the obesity and health promotion fields, examples of successful change through public policy and social justice, and a cry for gender inclusiveness, which has missing in female dominated strategies. More personal-level recommendations look at the efficacy of mindfulness, yoga, intuitive eating and exercise, and the importance of forming healthy self-identity. Informed by decades of investigation, the authors—all of whom have conducted numerous studies, programs, and research projects—offer the insights they’ve learned and the lessons that they each believe will make a difference in reducing eating disorders. This book was originally published as a special issue of Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.

L'autisme, on en guérit.....!

by Marcus Pfeiffer Traducteur Noury Bakrim

Cet excellent ouvrage peut être considéré comme le livre de référence à consulter par les parents, les familles et les thérapeutes aux prises avec l'autisme. En plus d'un optimisme et d'un engagement passionnés, il nous livre un tour d'horizon dans les dédales théoriques, pratiques et thérapeutiques des causes, effets et espoirs permis. Comme pour joindre l'utile à l'agréable ou l'agréable à l'utile, il propose les soins de son établissement thérapeutique en Andalousie (Espagne) - la meilleure terre où un autiste puisse respirer le boheur et s'améliorer- et démontre l'efficacité de leurs approches basées sur le traitement intégrant des régimes alimentaires, du sport/activité, du cupping (acupuncture par coupelles) et du traitement des comportements problématiques ainsi que les concomitants associés. J'ai eu autant du plaisir à le traduire et je le recommande à tous les lecteurs concernés, j'en suis moi-même un étant le papa d'un enfant autiste, Daniel (11 ans). Bravo.

The Law of Success Deluxe Edition

by Napoleon Hill

The first and most complete book by the motivational master, The Law of Success is now available in a durable keepsake volume designed for display, rereading, and note taking.Here is Napoleon Hill's most complete and comprehensive study of the principles that will make you a success, suited to a lifetime of study. The Law of Success Deluxe Edition features:**The complete original text with illustrations**Vegan-leather casing**Acid-free paper**Red ribbon place marker**Marbled end papers**Gold-stamp lettering on the casing**Gold gilding on the paper edges**Four-color O card**Shrink wrap**Napoleon Hill timeline

Lazy Perfection: The Art of Looking Great Without Really Trying

by Jenny Patinkin

Could you use a little Lazy Perfection in Your Life?Every woman wants to look like the best version of herself-natural, radiant, and confident. But who has the time to master complicated makeup steps or the patience to sift through the glut of choices at the beauty counters? Celebrated makeup artist Jenny Patinkin cuts through the confusion and clutter with her "lazy perfection" approach to beauty, replacing complex techniques and hard-to-wear trends with a streamlined, sophisticated approach to makeup. Here you'll find guidance on finding a beauty routine that works for you-without a lot of involved steps or overpriced products. Guiding you through an initial makeup drawer purge, through setting beauty priorities, to crafting a finished look, Jenny gives you real-life tips for spending your limited time (and budget) to achieve the results you want. With Lazy Perfection you'll know that you're putting your best face forward-minus the fuss!

Le 65 ricette top per una dieta integrale

by Annalisa Passoni Nancy Ross

VUOI SAPERE QUALI SONO LE 65 RICETTE INTEGRALI MIGLIORI? Ecco un'anteprima dei tipi di ricette integrali che imparerai... Colazioni integrali Ottimi snack e antipasti per il giorno Ottimi pranzi anti-sgarro per l'ufficio Cene per tutta la famiglia Dolci E molto altro! Ecco un'anteprima delle vere e proprie ricette che imparerai... Ciotola di quinoa per la colazione Frittata di tacchino Insalata di riso integrale e gamberetti Zuppa messicana Braciole di maiale e patate dolci Pollo al curry e al miele Kebab di pollo Lasagne vegetariane Polpettone Pollo all'arancia Shepherd’s Pie E molto altro!

Le Migliori Ricette di Spremute per Perdere Peso, Oltre 30 Mix Salutari di Vegetali e Frutta

by Valeria Ciccotti Dale L. Roberts

Le Migliori Ricette di Spremute per Perdere Peso: Oltre 30 Mix Salutari di Vegetali e Frutta Oltre 30 semplici e gustose ricette per la perdita di peso, per imparare come spremere frutta e verdura per perdere peso! Le migliori ricette di spremute per perdere peso è una collezione di ricette per spremute fresche dedicata a coloro che vogliono perdere peso in modo sano ed efficace. Il compagno perfetto per chi è a dieta e vuole perdere qualche centrimetro e un po' di chili, mantenendo il proprio corpo nutrito, energico e in salute. Le Migliori Ricette di Spremute per Perdere Peso contiene: - come preparare la verdura e la frutta - quale frutto è ideale per ottenere la bevanda migliore - come ridurre il gusto amaro con piccoli accorgimenti - una panoramica sul perché le spremute sono efficaci nella perdita di peso - come ottenere il meglio da ogni bicchiere di spremuta per perdere peso - quando dovresti spremere i prodotti per avere il risultato migliore - oltre 30 diverse ricette per spremute di frutta e verdura - suggerimenti per modificare i sapori in base ai gusti - consigli su come risparmiare denaro mentre si fanno spremute - ricette che si adattano ad ogni regime alimentare: vegano, vegetariano e non. - ...e molto altro! Inclusi in questo libro si trovano dei glossari degli ingredienti, che spiegano i benefici e come utilizzare ogni ricetta al meglio. Questi glossari forniscono una spiegazione approfondita del perché ogni frutto e ogni verdura è ideale per perdere peso e mantenere uno stile di vita sano. Green Smoothies for Weight Loss è il compagno ideale per questa guida. Entrambi i libri funzionano bene insieme e ti porteranno a ottenere il meglio in qualunque genere di dieta.

Le Nostre Ricette Disintossicanti & Dimagranti Per Slow Cooker

by Geoff Wells Stefania Pezzato Vicky Wells

Amiamo i piatti per slow cooker perché sono semplici, convenienti e gustosi. Ancora migliori sono i piatti per slow cooker che vi aiutano a perdere peso e mettervi in forma. Se seguite una dieta vegana o vegetariana vi accorgerete che state mangiando molti cibi ricchi di sostante nutrienti, pur assumendo poche calorie. Questo non significa che TUTTI i cibi vegani e vegetariani abbiano un basso apporto di calorie. Dovrete comunque controllare il vostro consumo di grassi e di cibi molto calorici, ma scoprirete anche che vi sentirete “pieni” più a lungo perché il vostro corpo starà ricevendo più sostanze nutritive del necessario. Alcune delle ricette sono indicate come disintossicanti. Tutte le ricette sono vegetariane o vegane e la maggior parte di esse vi aiuterà anche a perdere peso. Alcune delle ricette di dessert sono ad alto contenuto calorico, quindi usatele con parsimonia. Vorrete aggiungete subito questo libro di ricette salutari alla vostra collezione. Ecco la lista delle deliziose, nutrienti ricette che troverete in questo libro: Ricette per la Colazione Porrigde con Mele e Cannella * Budino di Pane per Colazione * Quinoa alla Cannella * Porridge di Frutta & Noci per Colazione * Cereali Misti Caldi * Porridge di Mirtilli Rossi Notturno * Torta di Pere e tè Chai ** Risotto Speziato * Ricette per Pranzo/Cena Stufato di Raccolto Autunnale * Spinaci e Fagioli Bianchi * Fagioli cotti Vegetariani/Vegani di Base Stufato di Fagioli Neri * Zuppa Disintossicante di Broccoli e Cavolfiore * Zuppa di Zucca Gialla e Pastinaca * Zuppa di Cavolo e Mela * Contorno di Cavolo e Mela * Fagioli Cotti alla Canadese * Curry di Ceci con Spinaci e Cavolo riccio * Stufato di Radici Vegetali a Pezzi * Stufato di Curry al Cocco * Fagioli e Verdure al Curry * Fagioli Pinto Facili

Le pouvoir de guérison du Reiki - Un livre de découverte pour les débutants

by Lewis Haas Camille Baheux

Découvrez comment changer votre vie grâce au Reiki, un art guérisseur puissant. Aimeriez-vous vous sentir revitaliser aussi bien physiquement qu’émotionnellement ? Ressentez-vous le besoin de vous débarrasser de vos angoisses ou de votre dépression ? Pouvez-vous vous imaginer mentalement et émotionnellement plus fort ? Que se passerait-il si vous pouviez soulager vos douleurs physiques et émotionnelles ? Souhaitez-vous oublier les traumatismes du passé pour enfin guérir ? Pourquoi ne pas enfin prendre conscience de votre vraie valeur, trouver votre voie, libéré de la colère, de la peur et du doute ? Rêvez-vous d’aider à la création d’une santé vibrante pour vous-même et les autres ? La solution est simple et naturelle – le Reiki. Lire « Le pouvoir de guérison du Reiki : un livre de découverte pour les débutants », vous saurez ce qu’est le Reiki et comment accéder à son pouvoir. Cet art guérisseur est un don incroyable pour créer une vie saine riche de bonheur et d’abondance. « Le pouvoir de guérison du Reiki » comprend : Les nombreux bénéfices et les possibilités sans fin résultant du transfert d’énergie Comment le Reiki peut affecter positivement celui qui donne et celui qui reçoit Comment cet art vous aide à réaliser votre potentiel Comment fonctionne le Reiki pour vous-même et vos proches Comment identifier vos faiblesses et trouver l’équilibre Comment améliorer vos soins de santé habituels Les symboles du Reiki et les techniques qui permettent de lâcher prise sur les situations passées, guérir les traumatismes, pardonner les autres, éliminer les blocages émotionnels, créer de nouvelles habitudes et générer l’abondance Les étapes nécessaires pour devenir un praticien Comment réussir une carrière de professionnel du Reiki Les réponses aux questions courantes et aux idées reçu

The Leafly Guide to Cannabis: A Handbook for the Modern Consumer

by The Leafly Team

A savvy connoisseur's guide from the editors of the world's most popular cannabis platform. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-indent: 36.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} Cannabis is at the very beginning of a craft and educational renaissance. It is emerging from the legislative shadows and a second awakening is occurring: people are proactively seeking information about how to properly consume and enjoy it. And cannabis is a wildly diverse product, even more so than alcohol. Consumers can experience not only different flavor profiles, but also different cerebral and body effects; they can consume using different methods, from vaporization to combustion to topical application; and they can pick and choose between an ever-growing number of different strains and products. THE LEAFLY GUIDE TO CANNABIS provides all the best tips to navigating this growing market in a definitive guide that will enhance every user's enjoyment and high.

Leaner, Fitter, Stronger: Get the Body You Want with Our Amazing Meals and Smart Workouts

by Tom Exton James Exton Max Bridger Lloyd Bridger

Ditch the fads, ditch the fat and get lean for life - let Max, Lloyd, James and Tom show you how.This book is not a quick fix – it's a new way of life. Leaner, Fitter, Stronger is about how to make a fit and healthy lifestyle work hard for you; how to have a career, see your friends, go out, have a family, drink, eat burgers and get in the best shape of your life (and stay that way!). With Max, Lloyd, James and Tom as your guides you’ll never feel tied down by a regime, like you can’t accept a drinks invitation or like you have to force down that poached chicken fillet that you’d rather swap for fries. Featuring: - Over 60 easy-to-do recipes from PB & J French Toast and cookie dough protein bars to hearty salads, stir fries and roast chicken with a twist - Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and on-the-go, the sweet stuff and 4-ingredient heroes- Workouts for every body: Tabata circuits, home workouts, buddy training, gym how-to's and stretches Plus advice to keep you motivated, life hacks for fitting fitness into your life (and not the other way around!) and a host of myth-busting. These guys know their stuff; let them be your go-to-experts to getting leaner, fitter and stronger for good.About the authors: The Exton Twins and Bridger Brothers founded LDNM in 2013. LDNM is an internationally known and widely respected brand, having brought world-proven diet and training guides, fitness qualifications and education, apparel, a range of high quality supplements and a #1 app to their hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide, changing lives and physiques on every continent. Leaner, Fitter, Stronger is their first book.

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