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Showing 27,751 through 27,775 of 39,595 results

Mating in Captivity: How to keep desire and passion alive in long-term relationships

by Esther Perel

When you love someone, how does it feel? And when you desire someone, how is it different? In Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all - a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. In reality, it's hard to want what you already have. Our quest for secure love conflicts with our pursuit of passion. And often, the very thing that got us to into our relationships - lust - is the one thing that goes missing from them. Determined to reconcile the erotic and the domestic, Perel explains why democracy is a passion killer in the bedroom. Argues for playfulness, distance, and uncertainty. And shows what it takes to bring lust home. Smart, sexy and explosively original, Mating in Captivity is the monogamist's essential bedside read.

Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence

by Esther Perel

'Mating in Captivity ... articulates a poignant and unacknowledged modern crisis for the first time' Evening Standard When you love someone, how does it feel? And when you desire someone, how is it different? In Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all - a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. In reality, it's hard to want what you already have. Our quest for secure love conflicts with our pursuit of passion. And often, the very thing that got us to into our relationships - lust - is the one thing that goes missing from them. Determined to reconcile the erotic and the domestic, Perel explains why democracy is a passion killer in the bedroom. Argues for playfulness, distance, and uncertainty. And shows what it takes to bring lust home. Smart, sexy and explosively original, Mating in Captivity is the monogamist's essential bedside read.(P)2006 HarperCollins Publishers

Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy (Routledge Studies in American Philosophy)

by David Pereplyotchik Deborah R. Barnbaum

Wilfrid Sellars made profound and lasting contributions to nearly every area of philosophy. The aim of this collection is to highlight the continuing importance of Sellars’ work to contemporary debates. The contributors include several luminaries in Sellars scholarship, as well as members of the new generation whose work demonstrates the lasting power of Sellars’ ideas. Papers by O’Shea and Koons develop Sellars’ underexplored views concerning ethics, practical reasoning, and free will, with an emphasis on his longstanding engagement with Kant. Sachs, Hicks and Pereplyotchik relate Sellars’ views of mental phenomena to current topics in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Fink, deVries, Price, Macbeth, Christias, and Brandom grapple with traditional Sellarsian themes, including meaning, truth, existence, and objectivity. Brandhoff provides an original account of the evolution of Sellars’ philosophy of language and his project of "pure pragmatics". The volume concludes with an author-meets-critics section centered around Robert Brandom’s recent book, From Empiricism to Expressivism: Brandom Reads Sellars, with original commentaries and replies.

Tilly a Novel

by Frank E. Peretti

Kathy and Dan are just like any other couple . . . until a tiny gravestone with one name and one date brings to light a 9-year-old secret. A deeply moving story of forgiveness and one woman's struggle to reconcile herself with the haunting memory of abortion.

Ansiedad: Una guía para jóvenes y adolescentes con estrategias fáciles y efectivas para enfrentarte a tus miedos

by Iris Pérez Bonaventura

Una guía para jóvenes y adolescentes para acompañarlos en sus miedos y ansiedades. Este libro es una guía con estrategias fáciles y eficaces para manejar la ansiedad, los ataques de pánico y el estrés de los jóvenes. Un libro en el que encontrar espacio para reflexionar sobre nuestra salud y equilibrio mental, y al mismo tiempo una herramienta para gestionar la ansiedad, las reacciones de nuestro cuerpo frente a ésta y aprender a hacerle frente.

Cómo envejecer con dignidad y aprovechamiento

by Ignacio Berciano Pérez

¿Cómo adaptarnos al paso de los años? ¿Cuáles son las herramientas más adecuadas para mejorar, e incluso disfrutar; con el inevitable proceso de envejecimiento?Desde estas páginas se hablará de radicales libres y de antioxidantes, del famoso resveratrol, que se encuentra más en los vinos tintos que en los blancos, de Picasso, de Leni Riefenstahl, de qué alimentos y deportes son los más convenientes y de muchos otros asuntos al respecto. Incluso de sexo.Hace unos años, escuchamos en la terraza de un bar, al comienzo de una primavera sevillana, la opinión de un hombre de edad madura que sostenía, experto, un catavinos. Explicaba a sus contertulios que la vida es como compartir una botella de manzanilla con unos amigos. Los primeros sorbos pueden parecer los mejores pero, si sabemos paladearlo, no tiene por qué no ser delicioso el final de la botella. Totalmente de acuerdo.Ignacio Berciano es médico en una zona rural desde la que se puede ver el Cantábrico, las nubes que viajan hacia el sur y las olas que acuden puntuales a romper contra Punta Galea. Excelente escritor, ha ganado numerosos premios literarios de teatro y narrativa breve y sigue en busca de la novela definitiva. Todavía escribe a bolígrafo las primeras versiones, en los ratos libres, en la playa, en la terraza de un bar o en el metro. En esta misma colección ha publicado Atrapando la felicidad con redes pequeñas y Aprendiendo a morir. Este libro cierra la trilogía.

Respect: Everything a Guy Needs to Know About Sex, Love and Consent

by Inti Chavez Perez

An all-encompassing guide to help guys navigate sex, relationships and consent in the post-#MeToo world.The world has changed, and the revelations of the #MeToo movement have raised serious questions about how men are raised to understand their own sexuality and the concept of consent. Respect is an all-encompassing guide that sheds light on these issues and more, laying out how men should approach and understand sex and relationships in the 21st century. So instead of simply parroting lines about how they ought to behave, young men can gain a deeper understanding of how they ought to behave. In direct, approachable language, Inti Chavez-Perez delves into the meaning of topics from consent and relationships, to body image, to gender identity and sexual orientation among others, and does so without judgement. Respect is a book for guys to learn from and then go back to, telling you everything you should know and everything you would want to know.

low carb: Como perder peso com uma dieta de alta proteína e baixo carboidrato

by Julia Perez

Introdução Eu gostaria de te agradecer e te parabenizar por baixar o livro. Nós temos ouvido ao crescermos que carboidratos são a principal fonte de energia do corpo e que o corpo depende dele ; com o tempo aumentamos nossa ingestão de carboidratos por causa da grande importância dada á eles. Contudo ,  os carboidratos são o grande problema , o maior problema é que nossa dieta é muito rica em carboidratos. Uma pessoa em média toma uma xícara de chá ou café com pão,  bolo de frutas  ou panqueca ou uma tigela de cereal com leite. Elas então comem arroz ou uma massa no almoço , e á tarde comem um lanche rico em carboidratos como biscoitos recheados  e á noite, eles comem arroz ou massa e uma sobremesa rica em carboidratos . Isso é claramente muito mais carboidratos quando o seu corpo precisa.  Assim , o corpo transforma os carboidratos em glicose , e usa a glicose como energia , convertendo o excesso em gordura e armazenando-a. A gordura armazenada será usada durante a fome ou períodos  que o seu corpo não precisa de glicose. Contudo , a fome não é algo com a qual os americanos precisam passar , então a gordura extra não é usada e  enquanto você continua comendo mais carboidratos ; seu corpo continua acumulando mais gordura. Antes que você se dê conta, está acima do peso ou obesa e atormentada com uma série de doenças como diabetes .  Se você quer perder peso , se sentir bem, e construir músculos , você  precisa fazer algo para resolver essa situação; você precisa controlar a sua ingestão de carboidratos . É aí que entra a dieta de baixo carboidrato. Esta dieta é baixa em carboidrato, rica em proteína  e gordura e é muito eficaz para perda de peso. Este livro vai te explicar a melhor dieta de baixo carboidrato e te ajudar a entender , o que é, como funciona, qual é seu benefício, e um plano de  14 refeições na semana para te ajudar a começar a

Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective

by Miguel A. Perez Helda Pinzon-Perez

A cross-cultural scientific examination of common complementary, alternative, and integrative health practices Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective provides a critical analysis of non-allopathic healing practices, including their uses, limitations, and scientific basis. The evidence-based discussion explores complementary, alternative, and integrative health (CAIH) across various cultural and ethnic groups both in the U.S. and internationally, to give you a greater understanding of the different modalities--including a literature-backed examination of proven methods and questionable practices within a cross-cultural framework. Each chapter highlights the scientific analysis of the practices relevant to each group, and guides you toward independent analysis of the risks and benefits of the practices discussed. Emphasizing the student as a future health professional, this book includes case studies, examples, questions, and discussion problems that underscore the role of health educators in educating consumers about CAIH practices. . This book provides a solid background in CAIH for the health professional, through rigorous scientific investigation and a multicultural perspective and. helps medical professionals understand the risks, benefits, and evidence behind these practices so they can provide the best in patient care. Readers will: Understand the concepts underlying complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine Compare the use of alternative healing among various cultural and ethnic groups Delve into the scientific bases of the most commonly-used modalities Explore CAIH within the context of the Affordable Care Act

Yo sí que como: Para adelgazar hay que comer

by Patricia Pérez

La coach nutricional de Alaska nos enseña a comer bien para estar sanos y adelgazar. Hoy en día tenemos a nuestra disposición todo tipo de dietas -la de proteínas, la de los ayunos, la de la fruta, la de no cenar, la de los batidos, la de todo a la plancha...- y todas tienen algo en común: en todas ellas se come poco. Comer es tan importante como respirar. Con la comida alimentamos nuestras células, que son las que forman nuestro organismo. Hay que comer para hacer deporte, para trabajar, para pensar... para adelgazar. La actriz y presentadora Patricia Pérez lleva varios años formándose en naturopatía, nutrición, dietoterapia energética, alimentos, enzimas y el papel fundamental que tienen en nuestro organismo, y ha elaborado un plan propio que ha terminado con sus problemas de salud y que defiende todo lo contrario: comer mucho y bien. En Yo sí que como nos desgrana punto por punto, de forma clara y amena, todo lo que ella ha descubierto en relación con la comida mientras derriba algunos mitos -que la patata o el aguacate engordan, que por las noche no se puede comer carbohidratos, que es bueno beber en las comidas para saciar el hambre, que el mejor postre es la fruta o que el zumo de naranja en ayunas es lo más recomendable- y nos explica la relación entre la alimentación y el estado de ánimo. Con Patricia aprenderás:- Que comer es fundamental para adelgazar.- Que es importante mimar nuestro cuerpo.- Que las cuatro asignaturas del cuerpo son: respirar, comer, hacer ejercicio y tener una actitud positiva.- Que en las enzimas está nuestra fuente de salud.- Que hacer bien la compra y cocinar correctamente los alimentos es importante.- Que cada comida tiene su importancia. Reseñas:«El libro de Patricia es un paso más en su faceta como nutricionista. En él nos explica cómo se alimentapara mantenerse así de guapa y lo más importante, conseguir sentirse feliz con ella misma, con los demás y con el entorno.»¡Qué me dices! «Patricia Pérez tiene claro que la nutrición es la piedra angular de la felicidad. En Yo sí que como nos enseña a cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios.»Pablo Portabales, La Voz de Galicia

Yo sí que como 2: Convierte a la comida en tu mejor aliado

by Patricia Pérez

Después del éxito de Yo sí que como, Patricia Pérez regresa con Yo sí que como 2, una obra que reivindica la simplicidad y el orden a la hora de comer para estar sanos. Estamos rodeados de información para saber cómo tenemos que comer, pero aun así no terminamos de encontrarnos bien. Hay más cosas que influyen y que tenemos que cuidar si queremos tener una vida feliz y saludable. Patricia Pérez empezó a interesarse por la alimentación por obligación, al descubrir unas alergias que por poco terminan con su vida. A partir de ahí empezó a estudiar naturopatía, medicina tradicional china, nutrición y kinesiología para cuidar su cuerpo de una forma integral. Empezó cuidándose a sí misma, luego a su entorno más cercano y ha terminado con su propio centro de cuidado integral, donde ayuda a mucha gente a encontrarse bien a través de los alimentos y los tratamientos energéticos. Yo sí que como fue elinicio de un viaje hacia la buena alimentación y por primera vez hablaba de comer para adelgazar. Yo sí que como 2 va más allá, porque para Patricia no todo se basa en comer bien, también es importante la forma en la que se come, el momento y el estado en el que se encuentra cada uno. En este libro aprenderás:- Que nuestra salud depende de nosotros mismos.- Que el estado de la flora intestinal es imprescindible.- Que podemos controlar nuestro nivel de estrés.- Que la clave está en el orden.- Que las estaciones influyen a nivel interno, tanto como a nivel externo.- Que las emociones influyen en nuestra salud, tanto como los alimentos. En Yo sí que como 2 descubrirás que si te involucras en cuidarte, además de perder peso, ganarás salud y lo conseguirás de una forma muy fácil. Una obra necesaria porque solo de nosotros depende nuestra salud. La crítica ha dicho de Patricia...«El libro de Patricia es un paso más en su faceta como nutricionista. En él nos explica cómo se alimenta para mantenerse así de guapa y lo más importante, conseguir sentirse feliz con ella misma, con los demás y con el entorno.»¡Qué me dices! «Patricia Pérez tiene claro que la nutrición es la piedra angular de la felicidad. En Yo sí que como nos enseña a cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios.»Pablo Portabales, La Voz de Galicia

Yo sí que me cuido

by Patricia Pérez

Después del éxito de Yo sí que como y Yo sí que cocino, Patricia Pérez revoluciona otra vez el mundo del bienestar, la alimentación y la salud con un nuevo libro: Yo sí que me cuido, centrado en la cosmética natural y en los cuidados que pueden hacernos sentir más sanos y más bellos. La presentadora y actriz Patricia Pérez lleva años formándose en la nutrición, la naturopatía y otras disciplinas, primero por salud y después por vocación. Son muchos los famosos que acuden a su consulta en busca de consejos para mejorar sus hábitos alimenticios y sentirse bien por dentro y por fuera. En su nuevo libro Yo sí que me cuido, Patricia nos da las claves para gozar de un buen aspecto físico a través de prácticos consejos y sobre todo de trucos, recetas de cosmética cien por cien natural (champús, cremas hidratantes, mascarillas...), rituales de belleza, aceites esenciales, aromaterapia, etc. Y ademástrata trastornos específicos de la piel como rojeces, ojeras, bolsas, que también están relacionadas con nuestra forma de vida y nuestros hábitos diarios que lo condicionan todo.

Being and becoming: A guide to act in the theatre of existence

by Jose Luis Perez Velazquez Vera Nenadovic

Many people spend considerable time seeking a sense of purpose in life and, concomitant with that, a sense of personal identity. This book demystifies this search, revealing why this search is a fallacy. The purpose is to inform readers about results in neuroscience and biophysics that may guide us to some liberation needed in the current age of great complexity in life with a diverse burden of chores; a deliverance from some afflictions that prevent individuals from achieving the true purpose of our lives. Among these afflictions we find two primordial concerns: the belief and subsequent attachment to a self, and the conviction that life must have a deep purpose in which we are major players. While this is a scientific text, it can easily be read by a lay audience, written with minimal technical jargon and with references to scientific papers enough to satisfy the curious. We have tried to extract the essence of scientific observations such that we can glimpse at those aforementioned concerns about the self and life, observations which help us comprehend what we are and what we become, the being and becoming of our own selves and natural phenomena around us. Jose Luis Perez Velazquez received a PhD in Molecular Physiology & Biophysics. His research seeks principles of biological organisation. He worked at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and was Professor at the University of Toronto. Currently he is a Research Scholar at the Ronin Institute and lives in the natural paradise of Asturias, in Northern Spain. Vera Nenadovic is a nurse practitioner, neuroscientist and entrepreneur. She has 30 years of experience in healthcare from First Nations communities to intensive care units. Her research focuses on predicting brain injury outcomes. She is a clinician and researcher at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital. Her startup company BrainsView is commercializing software that analyzes brainwaves to monitor brain function and recovery after head injury. She is married and lives in Toronto, with her husband and Rottweiler.

Nutrición energética y salud

by Dr Jorge Pérez-Calvo

Un recetario y un gran número de consejos prácticos para el uso adecuado de los distintos alimentos completan este manual práctico de nutrición. Esta obra, fruto de veintitrés años de experiencia en terapias basadas en la dieta, sienta las bases para una alimentación con sentido: explica los efectos de los alimentos en el cuerpo, el psiquismo y el sistema energético corporal; la aplicación de sus propiedades energéticas a las características personales para conseguir mejores resultados; la energética de la digestión y cómo mejorarla; cómo asegurar la ingesta adecuada de los nutrientes básicos, y la aplicación terapéutica de la dieta a distintos trastornos, como el insomnio, la ansiedad, la obesidad o la hepatitis.

Comer, sentir... ¡vivir!: Cómo mejorar tu bienestar físico, mental y emocional a través de la alimentación

by Jorge Pérez-Calvo

¿Es posible que con una alimentación adecuada podamos subsanar problemas como la ansiedad, el insomnio o la depresión? ¿Existe relación entre nuestra salud física y cómo nos sentimos y enfrentamos al mundo? ¿Puede una emoción reprimida o mal gestionada acabar convertida en una enfermedad? ¿Qué relación guarda la dieta con nuestras emociones? El doctor Jorge Pérez-Calvo, referencia mundial en nutrición energética, lleva más de treinta años tratando con éxito todo tipo de problemas físicos, psíquicos y emocionales sirviéndose exclusivamente de la dieta, la suplementación y unos buenos hábitos vitales. Sus investigaciones y experiencia clínica le han permitido combinar sus conocimientos en medicina natural y tradicional con los últimos avances en ciencia médica para desarrollar un método extremadamente eficaz, seguro y riguroso que permite a sus pacientes mejorar radicalmente su vida reduciendo, e incluso haciendo desparecer, los miedos, la ira, la angustia, la irritabilidad, la tristeza o las tendencias depresivas. Un libro revolucionario para entender la profunda relación que hay entre el estado físico, el psíquico y el emocional, aprender cómo restablecer el equilibrio en nuestro cuerpo y mente y convertir el sufrimiento en energía vital positiva a través de la alimentación.

Chi Kung in Recovery

by Gregory Pergament

Chi Kung, the art of cultivating life force energy, is here distilled into a key selection of exercises designed to boost health, enhance vitality, and increase mind-body-spirit consciousness. For anyone interested in exercise with a deeper spiritual significance, this step-by-step guide takes readers through essential breathing, meditation, and mindfulness techniques that yield exponentially more powerful benefits than traditional exercise.

The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Keto: Combine the Powers of Intermittent Fasting with a Ketogenic Diet to Lose Weight and Feel Great

by Jennifer Perillo

Everything you need to know to harness the power of intermittent fasting on a ketogenic diet to lose weight, improve digestion, and feel great for life -- with 40 recipes and two distinct 30-day meal plans. Intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets are quickly becoming two of the hottest nutritional trends. And for good reason: when it comes to losing weight, reducing inflammation, controlling blood sugar, and improving gut health, these diets have proven more successful -- and more efficient -- than any other approach. The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Keto will help you combine the power both to achieve a slimmer waistline and optimal health and vitality for life. Inside, you'll find a breakdown of the science behind the benefits of ketosis and intermittent fasting and two 30-day meal plans -- one for people who prefer to fast for a portion of every day, and one for people who prefer to fast a couple times a week -- that will introduce you to the keto diet and keep you on track. Plus 40 mouthwatering recipes for every meal of the day, including: Magic Keto PizzaAlmond Crusted Salmon Italian Stuffed PeppersCheddar Chive Baked Avocado EggsBerry Cheesecake BarsBulletproof Coconut ChaiAnd much, much more! With tips and tricks for keto-friendly grocery shopping, easy-to-follow meal plans and recipes, and lifestyle advice to help you get the most out of your diet, The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Keto will arm you with everything you need to increase your energy and shed those extra pounds for good.

The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Keto: Combine the Powers of Intermittent Fasting with a Ketogenic Diet to Lose Weight and Feel Great

by Jennifer Perillo

THE REVOLUTIONARY NEW DIET FOR FAST WEIGHT-LOSS, BETTER DIGESTION AND MORE ENERGYEverything you need to know to harness the power of intermittent fasting on a ketogenic diet to lose weight, improve digestion, and feel great for life -- with 40 recipes and two distinct 30-day meal plans. Intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets are quickly becoming two of the hottest nutritional trends. And for good reason: when it comes to losing weight, reducing inflammation, controlling blood sugar, and improving gut health, these diets have proven more successful -- and more efficient -- than any other approach. The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Keto will help you combine the power both to achieve a slimmer waistline and optimal health and vitality for life. Inside, you'll find a breakdown of the science behind the benefits of ketosis and intermittent fasting and two 30-day meal plans -- one for people who prefer to fast for a portion of every day, and one for people who prefer to fast a couple times a week -- that will introduce you to the keto diet and keep you on track. Plus 40 mouthwatering recipes for every meal of the day, including: · Magic Keto Pizza· Pecan Crusted Salmon· Italian Stuffed Peppers· Egg Drop Soup· Herb & Cheddar Baked Avocado Eggs· Berry Cheesecake Bars· Creamy Coconut Chai· And much, much more! With tips and tricks for keto-friendly grocery shopping, easy-to-follow meal plans and recipes, and lifestyle advice to help you get the most out of your diet, The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Keto will arm you with everything you need to increase your energy and shed those extra pounds for good.

I've Heard the Vultures Singing

by Lucia Perillo

Acclaimed poet and MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Lucia Perillo, a former park ranger who loved to hike the Cascade Mountains alone and prided herself on daring solo skis down the wild slopes of Mount Rainier, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when she was in her thirties. I've Heard the Vultures Singing is a clear-eyed and brazenly outspoken examination of her life as a person with disabilities. In unwavering and witty prose, and without a trace of self-pity, she contemplates the bitter ironies of being unable to walk, what it's like to experience eros as a sick person, how to lower one's expectations for a wilderness experience, and how to deal with the vagaries of a disease that has no predictable trajectory. Masterfully written, the essays resonate with lovers of literature and nature, and with anyone who has dealt with disadvantages of the body or the hard-luck limitations of ordinary life.

I've Heard the Vultures Singing

by Lucia Perillo

Acclaimed poet and MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Lucia Perillo, a former park ranger who loved to hike the Cascade Mountains alone and prided herself on daring solo skis down the wild slopes of Mount Rainier, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when she was in her thirties. I've Heard the Vultures Singing is a clear-eyed and brazenly outspoken examination of her life as a person with disabilities. In unwavering and witty prose, and without a trace of self-pity, she contemplates the bitter ironies of being unable to walk, what it's like to experience eros as a sick person, how to lower one's expectations for a wilderness experience, and how to deal with the vagaries of a disease that has no predictable trajectory. Masterfully written, the essays resonate with lovers of literature and nature, and with anyone who has dealt with disadvantages of the body or the hard-luck limitations of ordinary life.

The Muscle & Fitness Cookbook

by Shawn Perine the Editors of Muscle & Fitness

The greatest collection of muscle-building, fat-shredding, super-nutrition meals ever created are all here in this e-short from Shawn Perine, editor in chief of Muscle & Fitness. As an author, editor, competitive body builder, and leading figure in the world of fitness and nutrition, Shawn Perine has been at the cutting edge of nutritional science for more than 20 years. Now, he's muscled his way into the archives to uncover the simplest, tastiest, most effective fitness recipes ever created. Make these easy recipes staples of your diet, and see how quickly you can: * Open your testosterone tap and unleash your muscle-building hormones. Your body is never stable. You're either gaining or losing muscle every day, 24 hours a day. Discover the nutrients that keep your hormones at their peak so you're building muscle, even while you sleep! * Find the perfect balance of protein, carbs, and micronutrients for maximize growth. Training breaks down muscle tissue. To rebuild, you need to rush nutrients into your body quickly with perfectly calibrated muscle meals that keep you gaining all the time. * Resculpt your body with the 100-calorie secret. Discover the shocking new research that unveils the real determining factor between men who stay lean and those who grow soft. You won't believe how easy it is to keep fit! * Enjoy thick, juicy steaks, delicious burgers, creamy pasta dishes and more! No chalky "diet" foods here. This is real, satisfying and indulgent food for guys who love to eat well and look good doing it. * Discover the secret of perfect meal timing, and make your food do the heavy lifting! Learn how eating the right food at the right time will make every workout twice as effective. * Whip up a muscle-building dessert! We're not kidding! Muscle-feeding and indulgent snacks like Banana Chocolate-Chip Ice Pops, Dark Chocolate Bark, and even Protein Popcorn will keep you fueling your gains while others wonder, How does he do it? * Never feel hungry, confused, or deprived! Love your food, love your body, love your life--and always know (and look forward to) what you're eating next! These meals are so delicious, you'll want to cook them for your date! With The Muscle & Fitness Cookbook, you'll turn your body into a muscle-building machine, and your kitchen into the world's greatest gym.

Healthy and Simple Asian Recipes

by Periplus Editors

Asian cooking is not only healthy but flavorful. This handy book contains over 50 nutritious and delicious recipes-like Fresh Japanese Tofu Salad with Miso Dressing, Chinese Chicken Salad and Mapo Tofu.

Healthy and Simple Asian Recipes

by Periplus Editors

Asian cooking is not only healthy but flavorful. This handy book contains over 50 nutritious and delicious recipes-like Fresh Japanese Tofu Salad with Miso Dressing, Chinese Chicken Salad and Mapo Tofu.

Healthy and Simple Asian Recipes

by Periplus Editors

With its clear defined photos and easy to read recipes, Healthy and Simple Asian Recipes contains everything you need to know to create over 50 delicious, easy, and authentic vegetarian dishes. This cookbook contains recipes for a variety of dishes that are both healthy and appetizing. Healthy and Simple Asian Recipes features recipes for appetizers, salads, soups, noodles, rice, poultry, meat, fish, vegetables, and tofu. Recipes include:Thai green papaya saladChinese hot & sour soupVietnamese chicken noodle soupBeef in sweet soy brothGrilled Tutaki tunaMapo tofuVegetable biryani riceChinese pickled vegetablesAlso included are unit conversion tables, dual measurements, and an overview of the basic necessities for cooking authentic, simple, and appetizing Asian food. Each recipe includes cook time, prep time, and serving sizes. Enjoy!

Kinks to Curls: The Natural Way of Creating Your Desired Curly Look

by Alexis Perkins Tyshawna Witherspoon

Have you ever washed and conditioned your hair and thought to yourself, “Wow, this texture looks so pretty! I wish my hair would stay like this.” Then your hair quickly dries into a coarse and kinky poof that you’re now trying to work through and style in some manner. Are you tired of doing twist-outs night after night? Are you tired of feeling like your hair is “not good”? Well, "Kinks to Curls" is the book for you. You’ll be able to make your curl pattern pop and hold over several days. Yes, ladies, no more twist-outs, and no more fighting through the kinks. "Kinks to Curls" will give you the step-by-step details on how to turn your kinks into curls, as well as how to maintain your style with a few quick and easy bedtime and morning steps. Once you discover its convenience and cost-effectiveness, you’ll be able to confidently wear your natural hair and also inspire others to do the same. To get more tips and tricks or to send additional questions for your specific hair situation, please visit Alexis & Tyshawna at

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