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The Politics of Physical Activity (Routledge Research in Physical Activity and Health)

by Joe Piggin

Defining ‘politics’ as contests over ideas, values and visions about what a physically active society could be, this book uses critical analysis to challenge accepted truths about physical activity and therefore opens up a pathway to more effective, and more socially just, physical activity policy. Critiquing global and national physical activity policies which are arguing for significant change to societies around the world, The Politics of Physical Activity presents empirical case studies to illustrate the political dimensions of advocating for physical activity promotion, including discussions of resourcing difficulties, conflicts of interest and opportunity costs. It explores physical activity as a multi-sectoral tool that is being applied to political ideas and policy goals as varied as education, sustainability and social cohesion, and asks what good physical activity really looks like. This is important and provocative reading for any student, researcher, practitioner or policy maker with an interest in physical activity, public health or public policy.

Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice (Routledge International Handbooks)

by Joe Piggin Louise Mansfield Mike Weed

Physical activity, inactivity and their relationship to health are serious concerns for governments around the world. This is the first book to critically examine the policy and practice of physical activity from a multi-disciplinary, social-scientific perspective. Moving beyond the usual biophysical and epidemiological approaches, it defines and explores the key themes that are shaping the global physical activity debate. Unrivalled in its scale and scope, it presents the latest data on physical activity from around the world, including case studies from Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia. Drawing on social, economic and behavioural sciences, it covers contexts from the global to the local and introduces the dominant ideas which inform the study of physical activity. Its 41 chapters examine the use of different forms of evidence in policymaking, the role of organisations in advocating physical activity, and the practical realities of public health interventions. The Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice is a landmark publication for all students, academics, policymakers and practitioners interested in the social-scientific study of sport, exercise, physical activity and public health.

All I Am: A Catholic Devotional for Discovering Who You Are in God

by Caroline Pignat

The teen years can be a confusing time of figuring out where you belong, who you are, what you can do, and who you can become, all while searching for a sense of safety as you engage with the world. In All I Am, these core needs of belonging, identity, ability, purpose, and security are explored through God&’s traits in the Bible, showing readers 13 and up that the great I AM not only meets our needs because of all the amazing things he is, but how we also embody those traits because we are his children.Inside the pages of All I Am are 90 devotions from a Catholic perspective that use conversational language to apply God&’s truth to your life through relatable examples and real-world applications, each helping you think, act, and be like Jesus and grow your faith and self-esteem.Content also includes:Scripture from the NRSV editionA two-color interior with an engaging design&“Digging Deeper&” and &“Rest and Remember&” features for deeper daily or weekly reflectionEncouraging quotes from saints, popes, and inspiring CatholicsOriginal and traditional Catholic prayers that help you easily connect with God every dayAll I Am is perfect for:Graduation gifts, Confirmation, and holiday presentsEncouraging teens in their faith journeyUse in spiritual development classes

Idealist's Survival Kit, The: 75 Simple Ways to Prevent Burnout

by Alessandra Pigni

75 brief self-care reflections to help aid workers, activists, and volunteers renew purpose and achieve fulfillment. Heal from over-exhaustion, prevent burnout, and regain your motivation with these short readings from a psychologist who has spent many years in the field working in conflict and disaster areas. Gathered from Alessandra Pigni's interaction with humanitarian professionals and backed up by cutting-edge research, these concrete tools offer new perspectives and inspiration to anyone whose work is focused on helping others.

Die rechtliche Zulässigkeit ärztlicher Mitwirkung an verbotenen Kinderwunschbehandlungen im Ausland (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)

by Alexander Pikal

In dem vorliegenden Buch wird die Zulässigkeit einer ärztlichen Mitwirkung an verbotenen Kinderwunschbehandlungen im Ausland analysiert. Hierfür zeigt der Autor den akuten Forschungsbedarf auf, indem er den Hauptgrund für das reproduktive Reisen in das liberale Ausland identifiziert: die restriktive Rechtslage im Embryonenschutzgesetz. Im Vorfeld der rechtlichen Erörterung werden die für das Verständnis erforderlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen ausführlich dargestellt. Daneben erörtert der Autor anhand der aktuellen Rechtslage die Zulässigkeit ausgewählter Verfahren der Kinderwunschbehandlung nach deutschem Recht, etwa die des elektiven Embryo-Transfers. Schwerpunktmäßig wird die Frage geklärt, wie ein in Deutschland praktizierender Arzt im Zusammenhang mit einer nach deutschem Recht verbotenen Kinderwunschbehandlung im Ausland noch mitwirken darf, ohne sich dem Risiko einer Strafbarkeit auszusetzen. Auch die straf- und berufsrechtlichen Konsequenzen eines ärztlichen Fehlverhaltens werden näher beleuchtet.

The Moral Geographies of Children, Young People and Food

by Jo Pike Peter Kelly

This book takes Jamie Oliver's campaign for better school meals as a starting point for thinking about morally charged concerns relating to young people's nutrition, health and well-being, parenting, and public health 'crises' such as obesity. The authors show how these debates are always about the moral project of the self.

How to Wear Glitter: 30 Ways to Sparkle in Style

by Naomi Pike

Live life with a little more sparkle. This is your one-stop guide to glitter and how to wear it. Includes only the best biodegradable and ethical brands (please glitter responsibly!).Features 30 gorgeous step-by-step looks from all-sparkle lips to intricate eye make-up, glitter braids and beards, to full-on body art or a perfectly simple glitter lash line.Halloween, Christmas or festival season just isn't the same without a little sparkle and shimmer. Also includes glitter inspiration from the runway to Instagram, your basic eco-glitter beauty kit, fashion and accessories to complete the look, sparkling stockists and top tips from the experts, including make-up artists, drag queens, celebs, stylists and fashion designers.Grab your glitter, because you deserve to shine!

Cardápio de jantar para 14 semanas

by Valerie Pike

Gostaria de apresentar-lhes o segundo livro de receitas da minha série "52 Semanas de Planejamento de Jantares". Primavera, é para mim, a estação mais adorável, tão colorida, tão inspiradora de novas ideias, de renascimento, renovação, representa um novo começo. Esta estação acontece de março a maio. Então, venha, vamos celebrá-la com todas estas receitas deliciosas e fáceis de fazer. Incluí 14 semanas de receitas e a lista de compras necessária. Os corredores que agrupei nas listas de compras de ingredientes foram de acordo com a  “Ralph's grocery”, uma mercearia da minha cidade natal. Outras mercarias poderão ter os produtos agrupados de forma semelhante.

Idee Gustose per la Tua Settimana

by Valerie Pike

Idee Gustose + Liste della Spesa In Cucina con Valerie Pike per 9 settimane Ricette sane e buone per la famiglia, complete di liste per la spesa. Preparare piatti nutrienti non è mai stato così facile! Hai troppi impegni per cucinare? Non riesci neanche a riflettere? Con questo libro tutto ciò non sarà più un problema! Preparati a gustare tanti piatti buoni e sani! Le mie ricette sono numerose e varie. Alcune sono a base di verdure, altre comprendono spezie aromatiche che aiutano a ridurre dolori e infiammazioni, come curcuma; zenzero; aglio; cipolla; coriandolo e semi di senape macinati. Le spezie più forti, come il peperoncino; la senape; il pimento; lo zenzero; l’aglio; la cipolla; il pepe di Cayenna danno più sapore ai piatti e accelerano il metabolismo più o meno del 40%. Nel libro ci sono anche ricette semplici per togliersi qualche sfizio. La collana completa comprende ricette e liste della spesa per tutte le settimane dell’anno: risparmia tempo e soldi, e impara a usare il cibo per farti bene! Le ricette di Valerie sono caserecce.

Planificador de cenas de 14 semanas. Temporada de Primavera

by Valerie Pike

Me gustaría presentarles el segundo libro de cocina de mi serie “Planificador de cenas 52 semanas”. La temporada de primavera, es para mí, la más adorable, tan colorida, tan inspiradora para nuevas ideas, para renacer, renovarse, solo un nuevo comienzo. Esta temporada va entre marzo y mayo. Así que vamos, celebremos con todas estas recetas deliciosas y fáciles de hacer. Incluí 14 semanas de recetas y sus listas de compras. Los pasillos en que he agrupado las listas de compras de ingredientes siguen a la tienda de comestibles de Ralph en mi ciudad natal. Otras tiendas de comestibles tendrán los artículos agrupados de manera similar. Compartiré con ustedes a lo largo de este libro, 169 recetas deliciosas y fáciles que han recopilado en mi experiencia sobre cocina saludable y todas vienen con su lista de compras. Así que manos a la obra a cocinar y disfrutar todas estas delicias con la familia.

Planificador de cenas de 14 semanas. Temporada de Verano

by Valerie Pike

Hola, como les ha ido con mis otros dos libros, les presento mi tercer libro de cocina de mi serie “Planificador de cenas para 52 semanas”. La temporada de verano, para mí se traduce en vacaciones, tiempo de calidad con la familia, compartir en la playa, lago o montaña, donde sea el lugar preferido de descanso y esparcimiento. Que mejor manera de disfrutarlo que preparar las deliciosas recetas que les introduzco en este libro. Esta temporada va entre junio y agosto. Así que vamos, celebremos con todas estas recetas deliciosas y fáciles de hacer. Incluí 14 semanas de recetas y sus listas de compras correspondientes. Los pasillos en que he agrupado las listas de compras de ingredientes siguen a la tienda de comestibles de Ralph en mi ciudad natal. Otras tiendas de comestibles tendrán los artículos agrupados de manera similar. Compartiré con ustedes a lo largo de este libro, 169 recetas deliciosas y fáciles que he recopilado en mi experiencia sobre cocina saludable y todas vienen con su lista de compras. Así que manos a la obra a cocinar y disfrutar todas estas delicias con la familia.

Planificador de cenas de 9 semanas. Temporada de Invierno

by Valerie Pike

Con la experiencia que he adquirido en la cocina como chef y consultora personal a lo largo de mi vida tuve la idea de preparar este libro de acuerdo a las estaciones de mi país Estados Unidos como saben tiene una gran extensión, y los climas pueden variar mucho según la estación y la ubicación. He organizado mis recetas de cocina según cada temporada. En este primer libro de cocina inicio con la temporada de invierno, al comienzo del año calendario e incluye nueve semanas. Compartiré con ustedes a lo largo de este libro, 145 recetas deliciosas y fáciles que he recopilado en mi experiencia sobre cocina saludable, y todas vienen con su lista de compras. Así que manos a la obra a cocinar y disfrutar con la familia todas estas delicias. ¡Bon appetit!

Planificador de semas de 52 semanas

by Valerie Pike

Planificador de comidas + Listas de compras La cocina de Valerie Pike en un año [Planificador de cenas de 52 semanas] Recetas familiares saludables con listas de la compra de un ama de casa preparada. La planificación de comidas se simplifica con comidas nutritivas. Su apretada agenda no le impedirá preparar comidas saludables con las sobras de los almuerzos. Elimine las conjeturas al planificar las comidas y coma de manera saludable con verduras, especias y verduras. En mis recetas se incluyen especias aromáticas como cúrcuma, jengibre, clavo, ajo, cebolla, cilantro, que reducen el dolor y la inflamación, así como muchas verduras de hoja verde oscuro. También he incluido especias picantes como chiles, mostaza, pimienta de Jamaica, jengibre, ajo, cebolla, pimienta de cayena y clavo de olor para condimentar alimentos saludables y acelerar su metabolismo en un 40 por ciento. ¡Mi planificador también tiene comida reconfortante para el gusto ocasional! ¡Un año de lista de ingredientes y recetas semana tras semana para planificar, ahorrar tiempo y dinero!

Return to Life Through Contrology

by Joseph H. Pilates William John Miller

2014 Reprint of 1945 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition. Not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. <p><p> "Return to Life Through Contrology" is essential Pilates reading. In this one small book, Joseph Pilates conveys the breadth and power of the Pilates method. Covering philosophy and technique, Pilates outlines the effective and enduring approach to whole body health that is one of the fastest growing fitness trends in the world. "Contrology" related to encouraging the use of the mind to control muscles, focusing attention on core postural muscles that help keep the body balanced and provide support for the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and of alignment of the spine, and strengthen the deep torso and abdominal muscles.

Fit for Purpose: Your Guide to Better Health, Wellbeing and Living a Meaningful Life

by Richard Pile

As a society we have never had so much advantage and yet been so disadvantaged by this very same society which we have built for ourselves, by ignoring our basic needs when it comes to sleep, nutrition, movement, relaxation, relationships and purpose in life. We face a rising tide of physical health problems, such as obesity and diabetes, and mental health issues such as loneliness and depression. Our medical model is a broken, disease-based one which is not fit to meet our needs, particularly when it comes to preventing health and wellbeing problems. Just as secular society is often guilty of dualism when it comes to wellbeing, focusing on the physical but ignoring the spiritual, the faith community may make the same mistake in reverse, focusing on the spiritual whilst ignoring the physical. We need to combine all these different aspects to enjoy true wellbeing and a satisfying life.The book explores what it means to be fit for purpose in life: physically, mentally and spiritually. It describes the problems we face, both individually and as communities, and succinctly summarizes the evidence for the key factors that determine our wellbeing. It lays down a challenge to avoid treating physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing as separate. Using knowledge and experience of the worlds of medicine, behavioral change and Christian faith, Dr. Pile presents real life case studies and provides practical recommendations for making changes whether for ourselves, our faith community or wider society.

Coreografía del caos

by María Luz Pilheu

En Coreografía del caos María Luz Pilheu, psicóloga y astróloga, nos cuenta que nunca nos cruzamos con nadie por casualidad. Algunas personas llegan a nuestra vida a destrabar nuestro lado B y otras a conectarnos con nuestra alegría y con el deseo, para así poder conocernos un poco más a nosotros mismos. Si existe algo que anhela mi corazón es que cada día estemos más disponibles a ver con ojos que incluyan las diferencias, que abracen las distancias adentro-afuera y que allí encontremos causa para expandir nuestro ser más auténtico y real. Este es un libro en el que se comparten experiencias que marcan momentos claves y reveladores de los temas humanos, de nuestros temas. Cada una de estas experiencias es una invitación a observar la trama como una constelación energética viva que se manifiesta. Esta constelación visibiliza procesos del alma a partir de encuentros y desencuentros que permiten el despliegue del ser, el despliegue de códigos energéticos en nosotros, en los espacios, en nuestras prácticas. Nunca mejor aplicada la frase: Nada es casual. Astrología, danza consciente, constelaciones, amor, deseo, ilusiones, desilusiones, encuentros y desencuentros, exploraciones, revelaciones, descubrimientos, y tanto más. Coreografía del caos es un libro para viajar a las dimensiones más humanas que nos habitan siguiendo el pulso orgánico y vital como guía hacia la autenticidad en nuestro paso por este plano. Las páginas están abiertas para iniciar juntos el viaje.

Living with Florida’s Atlantic Beaches: Coastal Hazards from Amelia Island to Key West

by Orrin H. Pilkey Jr. David M. Bush Norma J. Longo John D. Congleton Kenyon C. Lindeman Deborah F. Pilkey William J. Neal Luciana S. Esteves

From Amelia Island just south of Georgia to Key West's southern tip, beaches are one of Florida's greatest assets. Yet these beaches are in danger: rapid structural development on a highly erodible coast make them vulnerable to some of nature's greatest storms. The same development that has been driven by the attraction of beautiful beaches and coastal amenities now threatens those very resources. In turn, coastal structures are at risk from sea-level rise, shoreline retreat, winter storms, and hurricanes. Most of the methods for reducing losses associated with storms protect property only in the short term--at a growing cost in dollars and loss of natural habitat in the long term.Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches is a guide to mitigating or reducing losses of property, human life, and natural resources by living with, rather than just at, the shore. This illustrated volume provides an introduction to coastal processes and geology as well as a brief history of coastal hazards and short-sighted human responses. This is the first volume in the Living with the Shore series to discuss the significant long-term impact of dredge-and-fill beach construction on living marine resources. Guidance is provided for long-term risk reduction in the form of tips on storm-resistant construction and site evaluation; maps for evaluating relative vulnerability to hazards are also included. A brief review of coastal regulations will help property owners understand and navigate the various permit requirements for developing coastal property. Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches is an invaluable source of information for everyone from the curious beach visitor to the community planner, from the prudent property investor to the decision-making public official.

Mirage Men: A Journey In Disinformation, Paranoia And Ufos

by Mark Pilkington

Seeking the truth about UFOs in America, Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg uncover a 60 year-old story stranger than any conspiracy thriller. Through the fascinating account of their quest Mark Pilkington reveals the long history of UFOria and its parallels in little known tales from the murky worlds of espionage, psychological warfare and advanced military technology. Along the way he discovers that the truth about flying saucers is stranger and more complex than either the ufologists or debunkers would have us believe. As he crossed the US meeting intelligence agents, disinformation specialists and UFO hunters Pilkington was confronted with a dizzying array of ever more outrageous claims and counter claims. As a result he began to suspect that, instead of covering up stories of crashed flying saucers, alien contacts and secret underground bases, the US intelligence agencies had actually been promoting them all along. Meanwhile he has to deal with his own uncertainties, the suspicions of the UFO community and a partner who is starting to believe that conspiracy theorists might be right after all.With a fresh, funny and objective approach, Pilkington is the ideal guide to steer us through these strange territories, where nothing is quite as it seems and reality is just a matter of managing perceptions.

Mirage Men: A Journey into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs.

by Mark Pilkington

Seeking the truth about UFOs in America, Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg uncover a 60 year-old story stranger than any conspiracy thriller. Through the fascinating account of their quest Mark Pilkington reveals the long history of UFOria and its parallels in little known tales from the murky worlds of espionage, psychological warfare and advanced military technology. Along the way he discovers that the truth about flying saucers is stranger and more complex than either the ufologists or debunkers would have us believe. As he crossed the US meeting intelligence agents, disinformation specialists and UFO hunters Pilkington was confronted with a dizzying array of ever more outrageous claims and counter claims. As a result he began to suspect that, instead of covering up stories of crashed flying saucers, alien contacts and secret underground bases, the US intelligence agencies had actually been promoting them all along. Meanwhile he has to deal with his own uncertainties, the suspicions of the UFO community and a partner who is starting to believe that conspiracy theorists might be right after all.With a fresh, funny and objective approach, Pilkington is the ideal guide to steer us through these strange territories, where nothing is quite as it seems and reality is just a matter of managing perceptions.

Mirage Men: A Journey into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs. (Tom Thorne Novels #251)

by Mark Pilkington

Seeking the truth about UFOs in America, Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg uncover a 60 year-old story stranger than any conspiracy thriller. Through the fascinating account of their quest Mark Pilkington reveals the long history of UFOria and its parallels in little known tales from the murky worlds of espionage, psychological warfare and advanced military technology. Along the way he discovers that the truth about flying saucers is stranger and more complex than either the ufologists or debunkers would have us believe. As he crossed the US meeting intelligence agents, disinformation specialists and UFO hunters Pilkington was confronted with a dizzying array of ever more outrageous claims and counter claims. As a result he began to suspect that, instead of covering up stories of crashed flying saucers, alien contacts and secret underground bases, the US intelligence agencies had actually been promoting them all along. Meanwhile he has to deal with his own uncertainties, the suspicions of the UFO community and a partner who is starting to believe that conspiracy theorists might be right after all.With a fresh, funny and objective approach, Pilkington is the ideal guide to steer us through these strange territories, where nothing is quite as it seems and reality is just a matter of managing perceptions.

Strange Attractor Journal Five

by Mark Pilkington Jamie Sutcliffe

The return of the Strange Attractor Journal, offering a characteristically eclectic collection of high weirdness from the margins of culture.After seven years of silence, the acclaimed Strange Attractor Journal returns with a characteristically eclectic collection of high weirdness from the margins of culture. Covering previously uncharted regions of history, anthropology, art, literature, architecture, science, and magic since 2004, each Journal has presented new and unprecedented research into areas that scholarship has all too often ignored.Featuring essays from academics, artists, enthusiasts, and sorcerers, Journal Five explores matters including the folklore of foghorns; the occult origins of the dissident surrealist secret society the Acéphale; the pleasures of heathen falconry; the dark cosmological mysteries of Bremen's Haus Atlantis; a provisional taxonomy of animals with human faces; a twentieth-century crucifixion on Hampstead Heath, and an unpublished horror script by David MacGillivray and Ken Hollings.Journal Five sees Strange Attractor continuing in its mission to celebrate unpopular culture.Join us.ContributorsNadia Choucha, William Fowler, Jeremy Harte, Ken Hollings, Christopher Josiffe, Phil Legard, David MacGillivray, Karen Russo, Robert J. Wallis, Dan Wilson, E. H. Wormwood

The Golden Thread: A Quiet Revolution in Holistic Cancer Care

by Pat Pilkington Felicity Biggart Caroline Myss

Pat Pilkington was co-founder of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, the first charity to offer a truly holistic approach to cancer care. In this memoir, completed when she knew she was approaching death, Pat tells her story; starting with her childhood, through the early days of the Centre to its growth into Penny Brohn Cancer Care, the globally influential institution it is today. Above all, she shares her own spiritual journey, her deep exploration of faith, love, and what lies at the core of each human life and each human death. She speaks to life, not just to cancer, and shows how the restoration of the human spirit is an essential part of holistic healing. The Golden Thread of the title is the transcendent nature of love that runs though everything, awakening the potential to uplift, inspire, overcome and create anew, even in the face of severe adversity.

30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans

by Karl Pillemer

More than one thousand extraordinary Americans share their stories and the wisdom they have gained on living, loving, and finding happiness. After a chance encounter with an extraordinary ninety-year-old woman, renowned gerontologist Karl Pillemer began to wonder what older people know about life that the rest of us don't. His quest led him to interview more than one thousand Americans over the age of sixty-five to seek their counsel on all the big issues-- children, marriage, money, career, aging. Their moving stories and uncompromisingly honest answers often surprised him. And he found that he consistently heard advice that pointed to these thirty lessons for living. Here he weaves their personal recollections of difficulties overcome and lives well lived into a timeless book filled with the hard-won advice these older Americans wish someone had given them when they were young. Like This I Believe, StoryCorps's Listening Is an Act of Love, and Tuesdays with Morrie, 30 Lessons for Living is a book to keep and to give. Offering clear advice toward a more fulfilling life, it is as useful as it is inspiring.

The Big Book of Easy Baking with Refrigerated Dough (Betty Crocker Big Books)

by Pillsbury Editors

200 creative and delicious recipes, from main dishes to sweet treats, all made super easy with ready-to-use dough. Includes gluten-free options! There&’s a simple secret any home baker can tap to enjoy the aroma of fabulous fresh baking in the kitchen without spending a lot of time and effort. With Pillsbury refrigerated dough, the hard part of baking is already done for you, making it possible to whip up rave-worthy appetizers, entrees, snacks, and desserts with minimal fuss. The creative recipes in this bountiful collection use ready-made pizza dough, biscuits, pie crusts, and cookie dough that convert magically to irresistible treats like Rustic Chicken Pot Pie, Gouda and Pear Pizza, Crunchy Monkey Bars, and even Jelly Doughnuts. Both new and experienced bakers will delight in the versatility of these 200 recipes, and those who want to bake gluten-free will find recipes using the new gluten-free doughs. Includes 100 photos

Body Mind Movement: An evidence-based approach to mindful movement

by Jennifer Pilotti

Body Mind Movement: An Evidence-Based Approach to Mindful Movement explores the foundational concepts behind the science of learning, motor control, and body awareness. The book features case studies, exercises to illustrate the concepts, and opportunities for critical thinking, allowing movement professionals not only to understand the science behind why techniques and modalities work, but also to explore ways of implementing these approaches with their patients.The work is written for the curious movement professional who wants to enhance their ability to work with students of all ages and abilities.To learn more about Jenn's in-person workshops and retreats, please visit

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