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Showing 31,776 through 31,800 of 39,782 results

Au Secours du Foie: Aider à traiter et à guérir le diabète, la détresse gastro-intestinale

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Souhaitez-vous pouvoir aider à guérir votre foie et éliminer la détresse gastro-intestinale, les calculs biliaires, l’acné, l’obésité, les troubles immunitaires, la maladie, l’inconfort, l’inflammation, la douleur, la dépression et la douleur ? Depuis très longtemps, les techniques de guérison naturelle ont été utilisées pour traiter un certain nombre de maux ! L’utilisation de techniques de guérison naturelles aidera également à lutter contre les maladies chroniques, l’inflammation, renforcera votre système immunitaire, relèvera votre niveau d’énergie, vous aidera pour la concentration, le bonheur général et bien plus encore ! Vous verrez des secrets que les professionnels de la guérison naturelle utilisent pour se sentir en meilleure santé que jamais et guérir leurs maux d’un foie malsain ! Avec des décennies de stratégies testées, cet ebook vous montrera le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace d’utiliser la guérison naturelle de votre foie au profit de votre bien-être ! Vous apprendrez à vous améliorer en quelques semaines. Et vous améliorerez littéralement chaque aspect de votre vie. Vous voulez savoir comment faire face aux maladies et aux affections chroniques? Vous aussi, vous pouvez apprendre les secrets pour y parvenir, ce qui vous permettra d’être plus heureux et en meilleure santé. Ce guide vous enseigne des techniques éprouvées sans utiliser de suppléments ou de cours coûteux. Ce qui est inclus : — Guérir votre foie. — Des remèdes. — Combattre les maladies chroniques. — Avoir plus d’énergie. — Mieux dormir. — Surmonter les maux. — La nutrition. — Ce que vous devriez savoir. + BEAUCOUP PLUS ! Si vous voulez être en meilleure santé, guérir des maux ou améliorer votre concentration et votre bien-être, ce guide est pour vous

Auf natürliche Art Heilen: Den Körper heilen, Krankheiten bekämpfen, mehr Energie und weniger Schmerzen haben

by Melinda Babson

Möchten Sie in der Lage sein, Beschwerden, Entzündungen, Reflux, Depressionen und Schmerzen zu beseitigen? Seit langem werden natürliche Heilmethoden zur Behandlung einer Reihe von Beschwerden wie Depressionen, Arthritis, Sodbrennen, chronische Schmerzen und vielem mehr eingesetzt! Der Einsatz von Naturheilverfahren hilft auch bei chronischen Krankheiten, Entzündungen, dem Immunsystem, dem Energiepegel, der Konzentration, der allgemeinen Zufriedenheit und vielem mehr! Wir führen Sie in die Geheimnisse ein, mit deren Hilfe sich Naturheilkundler gesünder als je zuvor fühlen! Anhand jahrzehntelang erprobter Strategien zeigt Ihnen dieses eBook den schnellsten und effektivsten Weg, Naturheilkunde zugunsten Ihres Wohlbefindens einzusetzen! Sie werden lernen, wie Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden in nur wenigen Wochen steigern können. Nicht nur das, sondern Sie werden buchstäblich jeden einzelnen Aspekt Ihres Lebens verbessern. Wollen Sie wissen, wie der Einzelne mit chronischen Krankheiten und Gebrechen umgeht? Auch Sie können die Geheimnisse erfahren, um dies zu erreichen und dadurch glücklicher und gesünder zu werden. Dieser Leitfaden vermittelt bewährte Methoden ohne teure Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder Kurse. Inhalt: - Heilmittel. - Stress bekämpfen. - Mehr Energie haben. - Besser schlafen. - Beschwerden überwinden. - Ernährung. - Was Sie wissen sollten. + VIELES MEHR! Wollen Sie gesünder sein, Krankheiten heilen oder Konzentration und Wohlbefinden verbessern? Dann ist dieser Leitfaden genau das Richtige für Sie. --> Scrollen Sie zum Anfang der Seite und klicken Sie für den Sofortkauf auf „In den Warenkorb“ Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Autor und/oder Rechteinhaber machen keine Ansprüche geltend und geben keine Versprechungen oder Zusicherungen im Hinblick auf die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit des Inhalts dieses Buches und lehnen ausdrücklich

Auras: The Anatomy of the Aura (A Start Here Guide for Beginners) (A Start Here Guide for Beginners)

by Eliza Swann

If you want to explore the energy and beauty of auras, simply start here!Auras: The Anatomy of the Aura is a modern illustrated guide to the ancient practice of aura reading. The latest title in The Start Here Guide Series, this is the perfect book to introduce readers to the power and beauty of auras. These layered veils of energy surround all physical things and reflect the state of their internal energy flow. Author and teacher Eliza Swann demystifies the world of auras and brings an ancient tradition into the modern era, teaching readers: - What an “aura” is from both mystical and scientific perspectives- Techniques for learning to perceive auras- The history of the concept of auras- An in-depth explanation of the layers of the human aura- An extensive glossary of terminology relating to the human aura- How to heal the human auraBlack and white illustrations throughout the book help readers visualize the techniques as they read. Packed with information yet always fun and accessible, Auras is the ultimate beginners guide!

Authentic Iron Palm: The Complete Training Manual

by Phillip Starr

A comprehensive guide to Iron Palm--an advanced training course for developing a strong striking hand and delivering powerful blows Iron Palm is a set of martial art conditioning skills--dating back to the Shaolin Temple of fifth-century China--whose purpose is to strengthen the hand while empowering the fighter to strike with force and precision. Training is focused and incremental, requiring the guidance of an experienced master. In Authentic Iron Palm, author, instructor, and five-time US National Chinese martial arts Champion Phillip Starr provides the definitive guide to Iron Palm. He meticulously outlines the three sequential steps of training: hardening limbs, developing technique, and engaging Qigong for coordinating breath and mind. The end result is a more powerful and precise strike that can impact the target's viscera (with no trace on the outer body). Lavishly illustrated with more than 200 images, this book is ideal for experienced practitioners of gong-fu, karate, and taekwondo.

Authenticity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychiatry (Studien zur Interdisziplinären Anthropologie)

by Godehard Brüntrup Michael Reder Liselotte Gierstl

Today, authenticity is considered an essential part of manifold interpersonal relationships, actions, and agreements. Authenticity’s association with sincerity, honesty, and reliability not only normatively charges the term in the context of social coexistence, but also makes it a demand which we impose on ourselves: The success of our lives is measured decisively by whether we live in harmony with our own convictions, wishes and needs. In philosophy, authenticity has also become the focus of interest, both in the context of the mechanisms of self-knowledge, as well as of personal development.The anthology aims to expand the cooperation across disciplines, in order to develop a comprehensive and profound understanding of authenticity, not by over-simplifying the highly complex subject, but by approaching the underlying concept from different scientific perspectives.

The Autistic Subject: On the Threshold of Language (The Palgrave Lacan Series)

by Leon S. Brenner

This book presents a theory of autistic subjectivity from a Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective. Dr. Brenner describes autism as a singular mode of being that is fundamentally linked to one’s identity and basic practices of existence, offering a rigorous alternative to treating autism as a mental or physical disorder. Drawing on Freud and Lacan’s psychoanalytic understanding of the subject, Brenner outlines the unique features of the autistic subjective structure and provides a comprehensive synthesis of contemporary work on the psychoanalysis of autism. The book examines research by theorists including Jean-Claude Maleval, Éric Laurent, Rosine and Robert Lefort that has been largely unavailable to Anglophone audiences until now. In this book autism is posited to be a singular subjective structure not reducible to neurosis or psychosis. In accordance with the Lacanian approach, autism is examined with detailed attention to the subject’s use of language, culminating in Brenner’s “autistic linguistic spectrum.” A compelling read for students and scholars of psychoanalysis and autism researchers and clinicians.

Awaken the Sexy Within: Transform your Body Fast with Your Guaranteed Blueprint to Success

by Robb Evans

Awaken the Sexy Within provides a 43-step blueprint to achieving an unstoppable mindset for success along with the sexy body transformation one desires and a sustainable, optimized level of health.Awaken the Sexy Within describes the journey of Robb Evans discovering his inner sexiness after being bullied for a large portion of his childhood and nearly taking his own life. It is designed as a workbook providing many tools to plan a successful transformation, including:Meal plans with recipesA wide range of accountability strategies 52 incredible body transformation workouts with pictures of each exercise and stretches Training calendars Strategies for maintaining results Inspirational success stories and $498 of free bonus gifts The goal of Awaken the Sexy Within is to transform both minds and bodies, including weight loss and muscle gain, to achieve an optimized and sustainable level of health. It provides a clear pathway to success through 43 powerful action steps. Each step uncovers the blockages that have prevented sustainable health and success in the past.

Awaken Your Power Within: Let Go of Fear. Discover Your Infinite Potential. Become Your True Self.

by Gerry Hussey

Awaken Your Power Within is a powerful guide for all ages, one which takes us on a path of discovery to a deeper understanding of who we truly are and the limitless possibilities of which we are all capable.Gerry Hussey is Ireland's leading health and performance coach and founder of the incredible movement Soul Space. Here in his first book, Awaken Your Power Within, he brings us on an open, honest and mind-blowing human encounter that takes us inside the heart and mind of a young boy who dared to ask deeper questions about the mind and soul. With amazing insights, life lessons, and powerful meditations Awaken Your Power Within unlocks the truths about how we experience the world and shows us how we can break free from unconscious, self-limiting beliefs, habits, emotions and thinking patterns to reshape and reclaim our inner world, enabling us to live as our truest and most powerful self. From letting go of the fear of not being enough, to overcoming the dis-ease of distraction, to opening up to a deeper level of consciousness, Awaken Your Power Within is a powerful guide for all ages, one which takes us on a path of discovery to a deeper understanding of who we truly are and the limitless possibilities of which we are all capable. 'You are an infinite being with infinite potential. All you need to do is open yourself to a new consciousness, a true vision of who you really are and awaken to the power within' Gerry Hussey (P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Awaken Your Power Within: Let Go of Fear. Discover Your Infinite Potential. Become Your True Self.

by Gerry Hussey

THE PHENOMENAL NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER'You are an infinite being with infinite potential. All you need to do is open yourself to a new consciousness, a true vision of who you really are and awaken to the power within' Gerry HusseyGerry Hussey is Ireland's leading health and performance coach and founder of the incredible movement Soul Space. Here in his first book, Awaken Your Power Within, he brings us on an open, honest and mind-blowing human encounter that takes us inside the heart and mind of a young boy who dared to ask deeper questions about the mind and soul.With amazing insights, life lessons, and powerful meditations Awaken Your Power Within unlocks the truths about how we experience the world and shows us how we can break free from unconscious, self-limiting beliefs, habits, emotions and thinking patterns to reshape and reclaim our inner world, enabling us to live as our truest and most powerful self.From letting go of the fear of not being enough, to overcoming the dis-ease of distraction, to opening up to a deeper level of consciousness, Awaken Your Power Within is a powerful guide for all ages, one which takes us on a path of discovery to a deeper understanding of who we truly are and the limitless possibilities of which we are all capable.

Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine

by David Wilcock

New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock's latest captivating work of nonfiction, exploring new hidden truths about extraterrestrials, dreams, sacred science, channeling your Higher Self, and Ascension. What happens when a UFO researcher suddenly comes into telepathic contact with the very beings he has been so avidly studying, after years of increasingly provocative dreams? What happens when these telepathic "readings" begin predicting the future with astonishing precision—and speaking about an incredible upcoming event in which all life in our solar system will undergo a spontaneous transfiguration? David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, shocking insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, positive and negative extraterrestrials, lost civilizations, and the universe we share. In Awakening in the Dream, David once again combines his extensive research, the Law of One series, new insider revelations, and his own connection with the divine to bring humanity closer to full disclosure than ever before—as well as to help us activate our full potential on the eve of Ascension. A New York Times bestselling author, TV personality, filmmaker, lecturer, and consciousness expert, David is the perfect person to guide us through the hidden realities of our world. With its myriad information, anecdotes, "big picture" comparative analysis with over 500 references, and trustworthy messages channeled directly from the highest-level angelic sources, including a remarkable set of future prophecies built into the Great Pyramid itself, Awakening in the Dream promises to be his most astounding book yet.

Ayuno Intermitente: Guía definitiva para perder peso y desarrollar músculo y mantenerse delgado

by Charlie Anahata

La información proporcionada en este libro ofrece un plan para elegir e implementar con éxito una rutina de ayuno intermitente en su propia vida. A lo largo de este libro, aprenderá sobre las complejidades de la dieta y, por supuesto, cómo el ayuno intermitente proporciona la ruta más accesible. Además, aprenderá lo que es necesario para recuperar el control sobre su comida y su vida. Usted está a cargo y es hora de tomar el control. Al aprender e implementar las técnicas proporcionadas en este libro, es probable que practiques el ayuno intermitente, no como una dieta sino como un nuevo estilo de vida. Comprenderá que no necesita comer continuamente durante todo el día para obtener energía o incluso si no tiene hambre. Podrá comprender por qué el ayuno intermitente puede funcionar de acuerdo con su horario y no al revés. A decir verdad, comenzará a darse cuenta de lo que está mal con la dieta tradicional y cómo el ayuno intermitente puede mejorar todo el proceso.

Ayuno Intermitente: Adelgace y Manténgase en Forma sin Adoptar Ninguna Dieta

by Chad Stephens

En este libro, aprenderá toda la filosofía del ayuno intermitente, los beneficios que brinda para su salud y cómo usarlo para maximizar la pérdida de peso y obtener los mejores resultados para quemar grasas. Aprenderá mucho sobre el entrenamiento y qué entrenamiento es mejor para perder peso y mantenerse en forma. Esto no es todo lo que aprenderá, durante aproximadamente todo el contenido del libro, aprenderá qué opciones de alimentos son las mejores para perder peso y perder adiposidad. Al final del libro, encontrará un programa de entrenamiento que puede seguir para obtener los mejores resultados para adelgazar y mantenerse en forma. Este libro me ha cambiado como persona y le garantizo que también lo cambiará a usted. Esto lo cambia todo. El ayuno intermitente es uno de los mejores planes de alimentación que puede seguir y observe que decimos "plan de alimentación" en lugar de "plan de dieta". En lugar de centrarse en planes de dieta con una alimentación que restrinja los alimentos que desea, el ayuno intermitente simplemente le pedirá que limite su período de alimentación. En lugar de comer desde el momento en que se levanta hasta el momento en que se duerme, usted se enfocará en comer en ciertos períodos de tiempo durante el día o la semana. ¿Qué está esperando? ¡No espere más! ¡Desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic ahora en el botón Comprar, para comenzar el viaje a la vida de sus sueños!

Ayuno Intermitente: Guía para principiantes de ayuno intermitente para impulsar su salud y vitalidad

by Joshua Gibson

Este libro explicará el concepto, los beneficios y el "cómo" del ayuno intermitente de una manera que es más que fácil de entender para cualquiera que esté leyendo y le dará pasos prácticos para que pueda implementar esta herramienta fenomenal de salud, estado físico y pérdida de peso. El objetivo de este libro es que comparta esta parte de mi estrategia de pérdida de peso que me llevó a pasar de 21 piedras (295 libras) como resultado de años de abuso a mi propio físico, estado físico y salud, a un estado actual y delgado peso de 15 piedras (210 libras) en solo 8 meses cortos mientras sigo construyendo músculo (que pesa más que la grasa). En un intento por perder peso, probamos casi cualquier dieta que podamos tener. Sin embargo, lo triste es que la mayoría de estas dietas son solo dietas de moda que no ofrecen resultados duraderos. Es importante señalar que si desea perder peso, debe hacer un cambio en el estilo de vida y no solo adoptar una dieta durante unos días, perder algunas libras y recuperar todo ese peso después de un tiempo. Es por eso que las dietas que son demasiado restrictivas son difíciles de adoptar a largo plazo y aquí es donde entra en juego la dieta DAS

Ayuno intermitente: Un método exitoso que le ayudará a unir ayuno y fuerza.

by Maurice Saunders

Si lo que quiere es aprender más sobre el ayuno intermitente, ¡este es su libro! Esta obra le proporcionará un conocimiento básico sobre el ayuno intermitente y todo lo que algunos estudios han revelado sobre sus beneficios. ¿Quiere controlar su tensión arterial? ¿Es pre-diabético y le preocupa su nivel de azúcar en sangre? ¿Siente que está comiendo demasiado y no consigue perder los kilos que le sobran? ¡El ayuno intermitente podría ser la solución! Dándole una oportunidad al ayuno, será capaz de transformar su cuerpo y quemar el exceso de grasa ¡lo se traduce en la bajada de peso que tanto desea! La obesidad se ha convertido en un problema mundial, y la gente está probando diferentes métodos para perder peso. Esta es la razón por la cual las dietas se han puesto de moda. Nos hemos dado cuenta de que reducir el consumo de calorías ayuda en la pérdida de peso. Pero mucha gente ignora que este tipo de dietas pueden debilitar nuestro cuerpo. Si se rinde, probablemente gane más peso del que había perdido. Entonces ¿Por qué seguimos tales dietas? Este es un resumen de lo que aprenderá en este libro: Cómo llevar a cabo la dieta 2/5 Recetas y una introducción al ayuno intermitente Beneficios del ayuno intermitente ¡Y mucho más! El ayuno intermitente no es una dieta sino un estilo de vida, que alterna periodos de ayuno y no-ayuno. Este libro es una guía para aquellos que quieran seguir el ayuno intermitente. Cambiar nuestro estilo de vida es dificil. Este libro le ofrece algunos consejos que le ayudaran en su transición. Aquí encontrará recetas deliciosas con instrucciones fácil de seguir.

Ayuno intermitente: Plan de comidas de 1 mes (Recetas bajas en carbohidratos para desintoxicar)

by Marvin Finn

El ayuno intermitente puede ayudarlo a perder peso más rápido que pasar interminables horas en el gimnasio. ¿Estás buscando maneras de perder peso? ¿Quieres aumentar tus niveles de energía? ¿Quieres saber cómo el ayuno intermitente puede ayudarte con tus objetivos de estilo de vida? Si está buscando una guía simple y fácil de seguir para el ayuno intermitente para perder peso y aumentar sus niveles de energía, entonces está en el lugar correcto. Este libro lo ayudará a comprender qué es el ayuno intermitente y cómo puede perder peso y aumentar sus niveles de energía. La dieta funciona porque es un cambio de estilo de vida. No solo aprenderás a comer. También aprenderá sobre otras cosas como el ejercicio, los macronutrientes y los alimentos integrales. Verá lo que cada alimento le hace a su cuerpo y podrá identificar qué y qué evitar comer. Este libro le mostrará cómo perder peso, cómo controlar su hábito de comer bocadillos y cómo hacer que su vida sea más saludable.

Ayurveda: An ancient system of holistic health to bring balance and wellness to your life (A Little Book of Self Care)

by Sonja Shah-Williams

Make Ayurveda an indispensable part of your everyday self-care routine with this step-by-step guide to holistic balance and wellness. Introducing Ayurveda, a natural approach to self-healing, alternative medicine, and wellness brought to you by experts Sonja Shah-Williams and Sahara Rose. Featuring tailored remedies including Ayurveda recipes, skincare, yoga, and mindful meditation techniques, this marvelous medicine book is a one-stop guide to all things nature and nurture. This little self-care book will take you on a breathtaking journey of holistic healing, featuring: - What Ayurveda is and the benefits of the practice- A step-by-step illustrated guide to Ayurvedic practices - What ingredients and equipment you will need to get started- How to easily incorporate this Ayurveda practices into everyday lifeNew to Ayurveda? No worries, we&’ve got you covered!Ayurveda encompasses a view of the world based on ancient beliefs that everything is connected and that balance is the key to wellbeing. With a core focus on the prevention of disease by adopting anti-inflammatory diets, mindful meditation, and massages, this encyclopedia of ancient wisdom will elevate your health and wellbeing, leaving you feeling energized, grounded and mindful. Ayurveda combines spiritual practices and self-care strategies, by featuring tons of tips and tricks on wellness practices designed to uplift the mind, body, and spirit, complemented by healing treatments designed to address, relieve, and help cure a range of common conditions. Fancy a new you this New Year? This curated collection of clean-eating dietary recommendations, herbal remedies, and spiritual practices will show you how to practice Ayurveda at home, and become a better and more balanced version of yourself. Make 2022 the year of wellness and healing yourself!At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So once you&’ve completed Ayurveda, why not explore more books in DK&’s Little Book of Self-Care series? Discover how to make aromatherapy an indispensable part of your everyday self-care routine in Aromatherapy, or immerse yourself in the power of breathing to focus your mind in Breathwork.

Ayurveda for Depression: An Integrative Approach to Restoring Balance and Reclaiming Your Health

by Dr. L. Eduardo Cardona-Sanclemente

An integrative approach to support your health and well-beingWhile Western medicine often relies on a one-size-size-fits-all approach to treating depression, Ayurveda offers an individualized, holistic model that draws upon five thousand years of scientific knowledge and practice to address depression systemically--restoring balance and nourishing mind, body, and spirit. The Ayurvedic anti-depression protocols outlined in this book can work alone or in concert with conventional therapies to help you develop a tailored plan that meets your unique needs. You'll learn how to identify your inborn and mental constitutions (prakruti and manas prakruti) to better understand the root causes of your condition. This book will empower you to create daily and seasonal routines using dietary adjustments, mind-body training, and herbal remedies to reawaken your body and cultivate the wisdom needed to heal from depression.

Ayurveda in The New Millennium: Emerging Roles and Future Challenges

by D. Suresh Kumar

Ayurveda or "the sacred knowledge of longevity" has been practiced in India and many Asian countries since time immemorial. Interest in Ayurveda started growing all over the world in the late 1970s, following the Alma Ata Declaration adopted by the W.H.O. in 1978. Ayurveda in the New Millennium: Emerging Roles and Future Challenges attempts to survey the progress made in this field and to formulate a course of action to take Ayurveda through the new millennium. It also identifies the many stumbling blocks that need to be removed if Ayurveda is to cater to the needs of a wider audience. Features: Newer insights into the history of Ayurveda Regulatory aspects of the manufacture of ayurvedic medicines Industrial production of traditional ayurvedic medicines Quality control The scientific rationale of single herb therapy Biological effects of ayurvedic formulations Optimization of ancient wisdom and newer knowledge Conservation of threatened herbs Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals from Ayurveda Critical view of Ayurveda in the West Direction for the Ayurveda renaissance Ayurveda in the New Millennium: Emerging Roles and Future Challenges describes the strength of Ayurveda and how to usher in the Ayurveda renaissance. This book will be of interest to proponents of Ayurveda and all branches of traditional and alternative medicine. Experts from the fields of medicine, pharmacology, new drug discovery and food technology will also find it useful.

The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility: A Natural Approach to Getting Pregnant

by Heather Grzych

A PRACTICAL, INTENTIONAL GUIDE TO CREATING ENHANCED CONDITIONS FOR CONCEPTION Creating new life is a natural part of being a woman, but it doesn&’t always come as easily as we expect. With high-stress modern lives, many women&’s bodies are not prepared to nurture the growth of a child, and they may find it challenging to become pregnant. Heather Grzych discovered firsthand that the practice of Ayurveda, and its deep teachings on the Four Fertility Factors, could help her and other women create the optimal conditions for conception. She shares that understanding — which led to the birth of her son — in this comprehensive book. Ayurveda, the ancient &“science of life,&” teaches rejuvenating mind-body-spirit practices and herbal remedies that will help you and your partner align with nature for a healthy conception. You can safely explore this holistic approach as you plan for your pregnancy. With Heather&’s guidance, you will discover and learn to enhance the factors that contribute to fertility and overall well-being, including the spiritual, emotional, and environmental dimensions of conception.

Baby and Toddler Meal Prep Plan: Batch Cook a Week's Nutritious Meals in Under 2 Hours

by Keda Black

Save energy, time, and money, and stress less about feeding your baby so you can live more! Let Baby and Toddler Meal Prep Plan show you step by step how to plan, shop, prep, cook, batch, and freeze a week's worth of healthy, nutritious meals for your child in less than two hours. The meal plans are organized by baby's age group, and all include recipes the whole family will want to eat! First Step Choose the menu for the week. Second Step Use the shopping lists to pick up the necessary ingredients. Third Step Cook and store the week's menu all at once and stash in the freezer. Fourth Step Assemble each day's meals as you need them. Also included are shopping tips, lists, and menu plans with quick prep tips and fast assembly ideas, storage instructions, and more than 80 no-waste recipes.

The Baby Feeding Book: Your essential guide to breastfeeding, bottle-feeding and starting solids with confidence

by Vanessa Christie

'I love The Baby Feeding Book's no-nonsense, realistic, empowering and compassionate approach. It's a must-have book for all new parents' Rebecca Schiller, author of The No Guilt Pregnancy PlanFrom breastfeeding and bottle-feeding to giving solids, this is the only book you will need to feed your baby with confidence and without judgement, in the first year. The Baby Feeding Book is a unique, fascinating and holistic guide into the world of feeding babies and becoming a parent. Packed full of expert information, practical tips and true stories from parents, this book smashes through the myriad of myths and conflicting advice to detail everything any new parent wants to know, in order to help them make their own informed decisions and feed happily and successfully, according to their own goals. Vanessa Christie, international board-certified lactation consultant and mother of three, covers everything from the differences between breast and formula milk, building a confident mindset, being mindful of marketing strategies, boosting emotional wellbeing and understanding why babies behave the way they do. She also navigates the practical sides of feeding, such as how do you find the best breastfeeding position for you? When do you need to sterilise? How do you prevent mastitis? Should you top-up so baby sleeps longer? How do you store breastmilk? How do you choose a bottle? When should you give your baby nuts? And so much more...Sure to be a staple for every new parent, The Baby Feeding Book will be the indispensable and gentle guiding hand you need, whatever your pregnancy, birth and life throw at you.

Baby Name Numerology: Give Your Baby the Best Start with the Magic of Numbers

by Sonia Ducie

Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life, but choosing the perfect name is difficult. With this book you can discover how the power of numbers will positively influence your child's entire life.Numerology is the language of the most essential components of the universe: numbers. The deep influence of numbers can instil a person's life with positivity and meaning from birth.Choosing a baby's name is a unique and special experience, but it can feel like an enormous weight of responsibility for parents. This book helps to make the process of baby naming easy and enjoyable, drawing upon numerology to reveal the truth about the names that will influence a baby for life. Numerology will provide the concise information that allows parents to find the perfect name for their baby.Sonia Ducie provides concise numerological information to help parents find the perfect name for their baby. She gives detailed practical guidance on using the ancient science and psychology of numbers to access the hidden energy of any name at a very deep level and expose its true essence. The vibrational energy of our names influences us throughout our lives: hence the importance of choosing wisely. Names bring us gifts, challenges and also hold potential for us to explore. This book offers an exciting and time-honoured system that enables parents to narrow down the choice of options and find a name that feels just right for their child.

Baby Shark: Wash Your Hands! (Baby Shark)

by Pinkfong

Sing along with Baby Shark! This storybook is a fun way to help little ones remember an important part of staying safe, especially as they return to daycare and classrooms.Sing along with Baby Shark and friends as they wash their fins! Then after their fins are squeaky clean, Baby Shark also shows us how to cover our sneezes and keep ourselves and everyone around us happy and healthy. This official title, fully endorsed by Pinkfong and Nickelodeon, is based on characters from the YouTube global phenomenon with over 4.4 billion views.This storybook is an excellent tool for kids ages 3 to 6 and their caregivers, as it teaches the important steps of washing your hands. A good choice for parents and teachers looking for reassuring, fun ways to guide and reassure children. Like such books as Lucy's Mask, Baby Shark: Wash Your Hands! is a book to share as a fun story while also gently providing important guidance.

Backpacking Hacks: Camping Tips for Outdoor Adventures (Outdoor Adventure Guides)

by Raymond Bean

Don't just survive, thrive in the great outdoors! This handy guidebook provides unique tips and tricks to transform any camping trip into a glamping vacay, including defense against weather extremes, hygiene hacks, and unplugged entertainment options. With bold photos and infographics, step-by-step projects, and expert instructions, OUTDOOR ADVENTURE GUIDES will have first-time campers and enthusiasts alike opting outside.

Baixo Carboidrato: A Maneira Natural De Perder Mais Peso Mais Rapidamente E De Se Sentir Melhor

by Toby Brewer

Só de pensar nessas criações, você já fica com água na boca e poucos de nós têm força de vontade para resistir. Mas muitas vezes nos sentimos culpados por se entregar a doces. Afinal, a maioria das sobremesas são recheadas de açúcar, carboidratos refinados e gorduras não saudáveis, e levam mais calorias do que a própria refeição! Se você deseja comer de forma saudável ou perder peso, as receitas caseiras nutritivas e saciáveis e deste livro minimizarão o ganho de peso e maximizarão a sua boa saúde. Descubra muitas receitas saudáveis, deliciosas e com pouco carboidrato para almoço, café da manhã, jantar e sobremesa. Assim como o nome sugere, este livro se concentra no consumo de quantidades muito baixas de amidos e açúcares, como pão, arroz, macarrão, batata, frutas e sobremesas, e incentiva a ingestão de grandes quantidades de proteínas e gorduras naturais, como carne, peixe, ovos, legumes, creme e manteiga. Este livro ensinará como restringir alimentos açucarados e amidos como o macarrão ou o pão e substituí-los por alimentos deliciosos e naturais, como proteínas, gorduras naturais e vegetais. Este livro explica como você pode comer o quanto quiser, enquanto diminui o açúcar no sangue e o colesterol e perde peso! O que você está esperando? Role para cima e pegue sua cópia agora.

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